Special positions of the Sun: abode, exile, exaltation and fall. Exaltation and fall of the planets

Exaltation Another strong, favorable position for planets. Sun exalted in a sign Aries, Moon- in Corpuscle, Mercury- in Virgo(this is the classic version, some modern astrologers believe that exaltation Mercury occurs in Aquarius). Venus- in Pisces, Mars- in Capricorn, Jupiter- in Cancer, Saturn- in scales, Concerning the exaltation of higher planets the most common opinion is the following: Uranus- in scorpio, Neptune- in Cancer, Pluto- during Leo. Planet in exaltation is not at home, but visiting another planets. Sometimes, as, for example, in the case of Mars in Capricorn, the properties of the guest and the owner of the sign can even be opposite. However, the energy planets It is in this sign that it sounds very bright and distinct. An analogy can be made: if planet in the monastery she is at home, then in exaltation she is, as it were, at work. At work, it's not as comfortable as at home, but planet here it is very important and can prove itself very well in business, produce a tangible result. Planet in exaltation - also a gift of fate, it symbolizes a certain specific talent of a person, his bright, noticeable characteristic, which manifests itself from childhood and can serve as a support for him. Such planet important to consider when vocational guidance, and if a person has a lot of exalted people in the horoscope planets, then it is very important for him that his activities have tangible, real results. Psychologically planet in exaltation gives a sense of pride in one's achievements, and if this quality is expressed excessively, then such planet, according to Lilly, "represents a haughty, arrogant person who pretends to be more than she should be." Like the abode exaltation has its opposite The fall in the fall planet turns out to be in the opposite sign of exaltation, that is: Sun finds himself in a fall scales, Moon- in scorpio, Mercury- in Pisces, Venus- in Virgo, Mars- in Cancer, Jupiter- in Capricorn, Saturn- in Aries, Uranus- in Corpuscle, Neptune- in Capricorn, Pluto- in Aquarius. If in exaltation planet It has best conditions in order to prove herself, then in the fall, on the contrary, everything interferes with her, or something is severely lacking. For example, instead of using effective tools, you have to do everything with your bare hands. As a result, what planet in exaltation would do naturally, automatically, from planets in a fall requires considerable effort, concentration and ingenuity. For example, Mars in Cancer usually acts illogically, under the influence of emotions and goes to the goal in very winding and confusing paths. Planet in the fall, like planet in exaltation, in a horoscope, it is also most often a sign of some kind of talent, but problematic talent, which in childhood and adolescence brings more difficulties and failures, and only with age, provided that a person works on himself, begins to bear fruit. planet in the fall, it is also advisable to take into account in professional orientation, but, most likely, it will indicate an activity in which a person can become effective only in the second half of life. Psychologically a large number of planets in a fall, it can manifest itself as low self-esteem, which is sometimes hidden by overly emphasized self-confidence.

Exaltation and fall of the planets 2 more positions of the planet in signs that can have a favorable and unfavorable effect.

Determining the position of the planets in the Zodiac The first task in constructing a horoscope is to find out at what point of the ecliptic each of the planets was at the moment of interest to us.

Planet Search Theories NASA has chosen two concepts at once for the Terrestrial Planet Finder project, aimed at further studying and developing the technology of searching for terrestrial planets in space.

The influence of the planets on the signs of the Zodiac The planets are the agents of the horoscope; in the map, they symbolize sources of energy, harmonious, disharmonious or mixed. The actions of the planets are very ambiguous; in accordance with the principle of duality of the inner and outer world of a person, each planet manifests itself both in the outer and in the inner life.

Today we will continue the astrological theme. In one of the previous broadcasts, we talked about the significance of the Sun in a person's horoscope and you were given the task to determine whether the energy of the Sun is strong or weak in your life.
Today we will talk about the power of the Sun in the signs of the zodiac more specifically. So, as we know, the Sun moves in a circle in the firmament, passing through each sign of the zodiac for about one month. Each sign of the zodiac paints solar energy in its own "color", changes it, strengthens or weakens it. Of all 12 signs, four special positions are distinguished, which are called the abode, exile, exaltation and fall. Let's consider each in more detail.

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The Sun in the Abode

The abode of the Sun is the sign of Leo. This is the position where it feels at home. In Leo, the Sun is most comfortable to show its energy, nothing prevents it from shining and warming, constantly and without interruption. All his qualities and strength are expressed as freely, fully and naturally as possible. If at the time of your birth the Sun was in its home - in Leo, then you feel its influence more strongly than other people, it will manifest itself more in your character.

The lion is a born king. His natural need is to be the center of attention, to receive honors and expressions of gratitude. All this is perceived naturally, because the Sun does not seem strange that all the planets revolve around it. The sun gives Leo brightness, activity, impulsiveness, impressiveness, charm, brilliance.
The owners of the Sun in Leo create a foothold, and even without them there are many who want to turn the world upside down. Lions are not leaders in the true sense of the word, because no one is called or led anywhere. They are rather kings, to whom the love of subjects is directed. They make decisions easily. More precisely, no decision-making process takes place. Leo simply communicates his opinion, which he always had, and it is understood that it is not subject to discussion, and even more doubts.

A very important condition for the harmony of the Sun in Leo is the possibility of creative self-expression. Being born creators, they simply must find an occupation that captivates them, allows them to express themselves, create something original that bears the imprint of their individuality. If a person with the Sun in the sign of Leo lives a routine, boring life, and even the environment does not want to see him as a king, an unused excess of energy can undermine even such a powerful source of solar energy.

Sun in exaltation

Exaltation is the second most powerful position after the abode, but the sign of exaltation does not have complete consonance with the Sun. A planet in exaltation is likened to an honored guest in a sign - he is given all the best, he is treated a little exaggeratedly. But the guest cannot walk where he wants and touch the things of the host.

The exaltation sign of the Sun is Aries. Here the activity of the Sun, its impulsiveness, activity, strength are manifested very powerfully. In Aries, there is a surge in the qualities of the Sun, but in a narrow range - the other side of the Sun is weakening here: stability. For all its impulsiveness and activity, Aries is unstable, and the Sun is the balance, the center of everything. Lack of Aries - instability energy potential. The rise is followed by a decline, depression, a complete unwillingness to do anything. During such periods of weakness, Aries become very vulnerable - both to illness and to emotional attacks from other people.

The Sun in Aries gives a person the need to have some purpose in life. Without a goal to which to direct their energy, Aries, as it were, loses himself. He can try his hand at one or the other, but until he finds or invents a new core of existence, he is unlikely to be able to feel truly satisfied with life. Aries likes situations when a decision is required - to “cut with a sword” quickly, decisively, although not always deliberately. But during a period of energy decline, Aries becomes very similar to its opposite, Libra, and hesitates endlessly before making a choice.

The exaltation of the Sun is the force that shows the path of evolution. Aries needs to find a stable position in life, learn to rely on something independent of external circumstances.

The sun is falling

The fall is a very difficult place to realize, very vulnerable, karmic, a place of restlessness and anxiety, what we want, what we aspire to, but what we are afraid of. The Sun is in its fall in the sign of Libra. Libra lacks the Sun. It is very difficult for them to be leaders. They lack energy, they always come home and complain, they have problems, lack and loss of strength. The sun in the fall clearly manifests its complex, there is a weakness of the spirit, disbelief and dissatisfaction with oneself. Therefore, Libra needs to be supported, so that someone appreciates how balanced Libra is, how valuable they are, how significant they are. They lack inner light, they seek the reflected light in other people. For this reason, Libras are lovers of society, they always need a circle of potential listeners, spectators, partners.

If the solar energy does not find a way out, it makes Libra conflict, rushing from one extreme to another. If Libra will bring the Sun out of the fall - out of the subconscious, then they will become one of the most creative signs of the Zodiac. In this case, the brightest complex will be defeated, and this will be the most honorable evolution. Then such people will not get tired. This will be the most accurate and harmonious Libra. They will have the most powerful energy.

Sun in exile

The sign opposite the monastery is called the sign of exile, or imprisonment. For the Sun, the sign of exile is Aquarius. Here his energy is the most unfree and weakest of all manifests its basic qualities. The Sun in Aquarius loses its decisiveness, artistry. Aquarius likes to make decisions in a group, he is well manifested in cooperation, in interaction. Such a person can give away his shirt; inner nobility emanates from him, because deep inside his soul is illuminated by the Sun.

Aquarians seem to lack their own Sun, and in order to get a sense of self-sufficiency, they need other people - like-minded people. They often turn out to be closer to relatives for him. The owners of the Sun in Aquarius are often an ideological center, gathering around them friends who are kindred in mindset. Together they are engaged in some specific business, and Aquarius, with its constancy, helps the group not to turn off the intended path.

The sun gives Aquarius a source of steady, constant energy, but in this case this energy has a very special property. It is small when it belongs to the person himself, but the amount of this energy increases in geometric progression when it is distributed to a group of people. As a result, in life, Aquarians often turn out to be political leaders, or are intensively engaged in some kind of business that is inaccessible to the "uninitiated" and allows them to realize their belonging to the circle of the elite.

Isolation from society is very undesirable for Aquarius. In fact, it is even dangerous, as it drastically limits the amount of available energy and can lead to a significant deterioration in health. But too much contact can be harmful. Faced with misunderstanding once or twice, Aquarius can isolate himself, so it is important for Aquarius, like no one else, to take care of real friends.

If Aquarius brings his Sun out of the subconscious, then it will be stronger than in Leo, because it will not shine superficially, but from the very depths of the soul.

So, we have analyzed the four most significant positions of the Sun, where it manifests its borderline qualities. In the other signs of the zodiac, the Sun behaves more or less neutrally, compared to these four. In our programs, we will definitely touch on all the signs of the zodiac and the energy of the Sun in them. So don't be discouraged if you didn't hear about yourself today.

The nature of the planet, its strength is determined by the position in the sign, in which it acquires a certain color. Every planet in different signs its type of expression. First of all, you need to consider the elements. Firstly, because it is easier to work with four objects than with twelve, and secondly, the elements give a clear structure. What coloring gives us, for example, the fiery element? What are the main characteristics of the action of the planet in the signs of the fire element? Activity. But just saying “active” is not enough. Speaking about activity, it is necessary to take into account its type. The male type of activity is external, and the female type is internal. AT fire signs external activity, expressiveness is manifested.Each sign of the Zodiac in its own way affects the manifestations of the planet, but the principle of the planet does not change. Thus, Saturn remains Saturn, and symbolizes limitation and structure even when in Cancer.

Before moving on to the characteristics of the planets in signs and elements, you need to remember the principle of interaction between planets and signs. The manifestation of the properties of the planets depends on their position in the Zodiac. The signs in which the planets show their qualities most fully are the signs of the dominion or abodes of the planets. The zodiac sign is more complicated than a planet, it is multidimensional, it has many layers, several principles are manifested in it. However, we can take into account different degrees consonance of planets and signs. And the strongest consonance ispossession, or, as it is also called,domination, control. It means that the sign in question is most consonant with the planet.

1. Management or ownership

When a planet enters its sign possessions, all its qualities and strength are expressed as freely, fully and naturally as possible. During the passage through the sign of its possession, the planet becomes as active as possible and most strongly influences events. If the planet is in natal chart in the sign of his possession, a person will feel its influence more strongly, it will manifest itself more in his character and will have a noticeable effect on his life.

In the traditional scheme of ownership for the seven planets of the septener, each planet, except for the Sun and the Moon, corresponds to two signs:

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo

Venus - Taurus and Libra

Mars - Aries and Scorpio

Jupiter - Sagittarius and Pisces

Saturn - Capricorn and Aquarius

The sun owns the sign of Leo, the Moon - the sign of Cancer.

The discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto required a change in the control scheme to take into account their action. Each planet has its own sign of ownership. Aquarius was assigned to Uranus, Pisces to Neptune, and Scorpio took over Pluto.

For the septener planets that were the masters of these signs before the discovery higher planets, astrologers introduced the concept junior tenure. The signs ruled by the planets are also divided into day and night abodes of the planets.


day abode

Night abode


a lion



























2. Exile or imprisonment of planets

Signs opposite to control are called signs. exile planets, or imprisonment, or, as they say, a sign damage ("detriment" - French - loss, damage). In this sign, the planet is most unfree and shows its basic qualities least of all.

Venus in Aries impulsive, active in the manifestation of her feelings, she does not have softness, delicacy, balance and suppleness, as in Libra. She loses her tenderness and becomes too assertive.

Also Venus in Scorpio: losing its tenderness, softness, it turns from warm to hot, which is good for Mars, but bad for Venus. Tenderness develops into a hot passion, and Venus loses her natural feminine qualities.

Mercury in Pisces loses its concreteness, sociability, does not see the details. Based on intuition, it becomes more subjective when choosing.

Mercury in Sagittarius becomes too general, inattentive to trifles, numbers, dates.

At Mars in Libra there is no pressure and fighting qualities, independence and determination, there is no need for competition. It is difficult for him to take the initiative, to lead.

Jupiter in Gemini many goals, it loses the single, is exchanged for trifles, it does not have a global coverage, large-scale. It is difficult for Gemini to separate the essential from the non-essential, they can simply drown in a huge stream of information.

Saturn in Cancer loses form, flexibility, discipline, responsibility, unless, of course, this concerns the issues of his family.

Uranus in Exile in Leo. Leo is an individualist, he is a king, and the source of his energy is internal. Uranus, on the other hand, is democratic, its function is to bind the minds of people and conduct an external, cosmic creative impulse.

Neptune in exile in Virgo. Virgo, with its specificity, the desire to clearly distinguish between forms and qualities, practicality and purposefulness, is opposite to Neptune - a contemplative planet, smoothing out differences, striving to remain itself.

Pluto in exile in Taurus. Taurus creates material forms and supports them with its energy, while Pluto transforms and destroys them. The individualism of Taurus also hinders the manifestation of the true collectivism of Pluto, although often Taurus uses this force for their own purposes.

3. Exaltation

The signs in which the action of the planets is strongest on the outer level are called signs of exaltation of the planets or signs of exaltation. Exaltation is the second most powerful concept after possession,it also connects the qualities of the planet and the sign,but the sign of exaltation does not have complete consonance with the planet. Exaltation is the strengthening of one manifestation of the planet, but the weakening of the other, and the planet reaches the fullness of the manifestation only in the sign of its possession. According to John Frawley's accurate metaphor:

“A planet in exaltation is likened to an honored guest. In a certain position, the guest of honor is in a better position than the owner of the house: the guest of honor is given the best - he does not receive the leftovers of yesterday's lunch for lunch. But the power of this position is limited: the guest cannot wander into the master's bedroom and start rummaging through his closet. The image of the guest of honor evokes a feeling of some exaggeration, exaggeration: we treat him better than he really deserves. This sense of exaggeration is essential to a correct understanding of exaltation."

Each planet has only one sign of exaltation, and not two, like possession.

Sign of the exaltation of the Sun is Aries. Here the activity of the Sun, its impulsiveness, activity, strength are manifested very powerfully. In the spring, when the Sun is in Aries, its life-giving power sharply increases.But in Aries, another characteristic of the Sun weakens: Aries does not have that internal stability,which the Sun has in Leo. For all its impulsiveness and activity, Aries is unstable, and the Sun is the balance, the center of everything.

Moon exaltation sign - Taurus. In it, the fertility of the Moon is maximally manifested, her care for loved ones, the ability to bear children, to create. Taurus is the gardener, the life-giving force of the Earth. However, with external softness, Taurus lacks internal plasticity, suppleness, and with all the lunar sensitivity, it lacks the variability and reactivity of the Moon, this side is expressed here weaker.

In Virgo, his analytical abilities are most pronounced, and his ability to interact, interconnect, ease, is less. But in this sign the discriminating power of Mercury is very great.

Venus exalted in Pisces. Here she is maximally sensitive, reactive, emotional, loving, romantic. But Pisces deprives Venus of her inner stability. After all, with all its external reactivity, softness, it is incredibly stable, as it has a very strong inner core. But Pisces does not have such a core, therefore the ability to choose, to make accurate judgments, is weakened in Pisces, and emotionality and attraction are strengthened.

Mars exalted in Capricorn. Here he has the maximum scope for practical implementation, for the peak of business activity. However, his ambition, willingness to take risks, impulsiveness, innovation are weakened, in Capricorn stable forms of manifestation are preferable.

Saturn is exalted in Libra. Saturn has a sense of justice, a sense of form, a desire for balance in Libra, expressed very well, however, there is no Saturn isolation, rigidity, logic.

If there are almost no disputes about the signs of exaltation of the visible planets, then there are quite a lot of disagreements about the higher, disagreements. Almost all astrologers agree that Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. Uranus in Scorpio manifests constructiveness, the ability to transform, polarization, the desire for independence, freedom. Independence is a very characteristic quality for Scorpio. Uranus - Shiva, destroying forms and releasing the spirit, and where, except for Aquarius, can this be done? Best of all - in Scorpio.

But the biggest controversy is over the exaltation of Neptune and Pluto. Many astrologers are of the opinion that Neptune is exalted in Leo, and Pluto is exalted in Aquarius, but there is also a point of view that Neptune is exalted in Cancer.

4. Fall

The signs opposite to exaltation, these are the signs in which the action of the planets is strongest on the inner level and weakest on the outer - signs fall.

Mercury in Pisces is not analytical enough, loses its concreteness, the ability to clearly distinguish, detail, becomes blurry, dreamy, indefinite, although it sees the essence quite well.

Venus in Virgo very mobile, but her love is shallow. He hesitates for a long time, quickly gets acquainted, but at a deep level carefully approaches a person before falling in love with him seriously. She is timid in feelings, too rational, which once again confirms the strong influence of Mercury.

Mars in Cancer swings for a long time, acts slowly, he lacks volitional pressure, he is inactive.

Jupiter in Capricorn restrained, not self-confident enough, does not like to set himself too distant goals precisely because of uncertainty, often lowering his “ceiling”. His goals are too close, he plunges into activity, is fond of form and pays little attention to distant prospects.

Saturn in Aries inclined to impose his will on others rather than to discipline himself. Often inaccurate in time. It replaces action with pressure, loses the sense of form and balance.

Uranus in its fall in Taurus. Craving for material forms, rare life force Taurus deprives Uranus of its aspiration to Heaven. The strongest manifestation of Uranus in Taurus is ingenuity, especially in creating new tools and equipment.

Special talk about the Lunar Nodes.

Traditionally, the descending node is exalted in Sagittarius and the ascending node is exalted in Gemini. Descending is in Gemini, ascending is in Sagittarius. Such a connection reflects the desire for a new, lively perception, characteristic of Gemini, as well as the ability of Sagittarius to generalize information.

Nodes have no signs of possession, exile, kinship and enmity. The nodes cannot play the role of a ruler, therefore their interaction in this case differs from the interaction of a sign - a planet: we are talking only about the features of the action of the nodes in these two signs, while the planet - sign connection also affects other planets in this sign, as if through a sign uniting the planets with each other.

5. Determination of the strength of the planet

The leading character traits of a person are his “planetary face”. In order to understand which character traits of a person are leading, to determine the most significant situations for him and the most important areas of life, you need to determine which planet in the chart is stronger, and in the absence of the most powerful planet, their combination (two or three planets). Here we are talking about essential dignity, i.e. Planets are in signs, not houses.The essential power of the planet in the sign speaks of its correspondence to its natural essence (English essence). The accidental dignity of a planet is determined by its position in the house of the horoscope, its aspects, speed, and indicates the ability to solve one's problems in the conditions of the house of the horoscope.

The leading influence or power acquires:

1. a planet that is in its own sign;

2. in the sign of its exaltation;

3. planet, in the sign of possession of which is the Sun;

4. the planet in the sign of possession of which is the stellium;

5. a planet that is in the same sign as the Sun.
6. planet ruling Asc.
7. planet in conjunction with Asc, or in the 1st house.
8. planet in conjunction with the MC or in the X house.

Depending on the movement of the transit planets, one or another sphere of life situationally becomes more important for a person than others, while certain spheres of the human psyche are activated at a certain period. But the unchanging leading vital stimuli and innate character traits are determined by the position of the planets, their strength and weakness.

6. Weakness of the planets

There are essential (from lat. essentialis - "essential") and accidental (from lat. accidentia - "accident") weaknesses of the planets. The essential weakness of the planet speaks of its weak ability to match its natural essence (English essence).

The accidental weakness of the planet is determined by its position in an unfavorable house, in a weak position in the horoscope, its aspects and speed, and reduces the ability of the planet to effectively implement its tasks.The concept of planetary weakness already existed in ancient astrology. Different astrologers have created different conditional scales for the relative assessment of the weakness of the planets.

The main essential weaknesses of the planets include:

1) exile;
2) fall;
3) position in the trine (II) of the opposite element (Enmity);
4) position in the decanate, term or sexture of a planet of opposite nature;
5) peregrine.

Nicholas Devor points out that the relative essential weakness of a planet was rated on the following scale: a planet in exile, 5 points; planet in fall - 4 points; a planet in a trine of the opposite element - 3 points; a planet in the term of a planet of opposite nature - 2 points, a planet in the decan or sexture of a planet of opposite nature - 1 point.

Planet surrounded by Saturn and Mars

Conjunction with the fixed star Algol

Conjunction with Saturn or Mars (exact)

burnt planet

retrograde planet

4 The planets in "possession" and "exile" require the greatest attention in the analysis of birth charts, in the second - in "exaltation" and "fall". However, if "possession" and "exaltation" in the study of astrology and literature is given great attention, then the planets of the lower step - in "exile" and "fall" - are clearly underestimated. In many situations, planetary properties that are in "exile" appear (to an outside observer) more prominently than those that are in possession.

Examples of the manifestation of the planet in the signs of possession and exile

Consider the manifestations of Mars. In Aries, its strong, energy-accumulated Martian properties rarely manifest themselves in the form of aggression, open confrontation, rivalry. Aries himself is not inclined to pay significant attention to these properties, just as a very healthy person simply does not think about his health - this is his natural state. Libra behave differently.

1. Libra, where the Martian properties are "in exile", can avoid those situations where open confrontation is possible, where instant, precise actions are needed. Psychologically it's protective escape mechanism. So, a Libra teenager can avoid active games, competitive situations, will not court a girl if someone else is courting her.

2. The second option is an attempt to protect one's weakness with some pronounced dignity, a planetary property, which most often occupies the upper step - "possession", for Libra it is Venus. Then Libra can quite boldly go into Martian situations, but they will behave in them not according to the Martian, but according to the Venusian type. For example, instead of taking the initiative, Libra tries to compromise, share responsibility, with others, etc., while losing momentum, and sometimes even the very ability to adequately resolve the situation.

3. Or an example overcompensation by the qualities of "in exile". In Libra, this may be an exaggerated attention to Martian problems, Martian behavior is exaggerated, hence the increased aggressiveness in a rather calm situation where a compromise is possible. Libra can try to prove to themselves and others their own strength, activity, assertiveness, in which they lack confidence. The psychological type of Libra, who has chosen the strategy of hypercompensation in the area of ​​Mars, is sometimes perceived by others as a pronounced Aries. A person who is confident in himself, in his abilities, with a developed (strong) Mars, in most cases will be calm. While a person with a weak Mars can “explode”, “boil”, make a scandal. Planets in fall and exile are often more visible outwardly.

For an objective assessment of the presence (dominance) of one or another planetary property, one should apply the criterion of the adequacy or inadequacy of the reaction relative to the external stimulus, the external situation that caused this reaction. Evaluation only by reaction can lead to significant errors.

8. Using the area of ​​problems as a "growth point"

A person devotes all his strength to solving problems related to his planetary quality “in exile”. This is the only correct strategy for actually resolving the problem. These are examples when a frail and sickly boy, as an adult, becomes a world champion in barbell, etc.

So, each zodiacal psychotype has energy-filled, adequately manifested qualities, which are manifested by planetary properties that occupy the upper level - “possession”. Each psychotype also has an "Achilles heel", an area that corresponds to the planetary property that occupies the lower step - "exile".

The strategy for resolving this issue can be different:

1 - the situation of "withdrawal", the complete rejection of the relevant sphere of life;

2 - an attempt to replace their weak sides strong, to protect the "Achilles" heel with a shield of a strongly pronounced property;

3 - hypercompensation, expressed by an exaggerated manifestation of planetary properties that are in exile;

4 - the use of the area of ​​problems as a "growth point".

All this is also true for the planetary properties of "exaltation" and "fall", taking into account the fact that they are expressed to a lesser extent than the planetary properties "in possession" and "exile". The problems associated with a planetary property that is "in the fall" are not as acute as those associated with "exile".

Cited Literature and Books

MJ Referee, (( "2012-07-05T17:56:00+00:00" | date "longDate"))

The article provides short review astrological concept of "exaltation" and "fall" of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac. Examples of theoretical and esoteric explanation of the symbolism of the ancient astrological idea are given.

What is the "exaltation" and "fall" of the planets?

Exaltation is the sign of the Zodiac in which the properties of the planet are most manifested.

Fall, also sometimes called phallus, occurs in the opposite sign of exaltation of the zodiac.

For example, it is believed that in a person's horoscope, a planet in exaltation shows that the characteristics inherent in this planet are strong and well developed in a person. Thus, during the movement of the planet in the sign of exaltation or fall, the effect of the increase or extinction of its influence on the subject is observed.

In physiology, exaltation (from late lat. exaltation- "rise") is called the state hyperexcitability that occurs in nerves or muscles following a refractory period. Refractoriness (from the French. refractaire- "immune") is the absence or decrease in excitability. Physiological rhythms, changes in increased and decreased excitability, are symbolically correlated with rhythms solar system- astrological exaltations and falls of the planets, the Sun and the Moon.

In esoteric astrology, as transmitted by Alice Bailey, exaltation and fall (as well as ruling and exile) are considered symbols of the influences of energy pouring into the formal nature of a person (personality), meeting or not meeting resistance, awakening a response or not.

In itself, the state of exaltation, as a characteristic of personality, is associated in astrology with the planet Uranus. One reason for this is that Uranus is the first planet beyond Saturn, the planet of limitations. Therefore, going beyond the usual limits will be a Uranian manifestation.

The history of the system

The oldest known concept of exaltation comes from Babylon. Astrologer S. Fagan suggested that the first concept appeared in 786 BC, in the year of the construction of the temple to the god of wisdom and writing Nabu. It is possible that in that year the planets rose simultaneously with the Sun in the signs and degrees of their exaltations.

The whole history of the emergence of astrology is built to a greater extent on conjectures and assumptions and does not yet have a clear answer. Does the concept of exaltations have an accidental origin? What if the construction of the temple had taken place a year earlier? or later? Wouldn't all concepts of exaltation then become like fitting to a predetermined result?

Among the great pundits, a very common point of view (which was held, for example, by Johannes Kepler) about divine origin of astrology. If we take it as a starting point, then the history of the appearance of the system of exaltations can be described as follows: first, the acquisition of an idea, then the construction of concepts. Is it possible that in 786 BC. the idea was bestowed by the god Naboo?

Table of "exaltations" and "falls" of the planets, the Sun and the Moon

Zodiac sign planet in exaltation planet in fall
Aries Sun Saturn
Taurus Moon Uranus
Crayfish Jupiter Mars
a lion
Virgo Mercury Venus
Scales Saturn Sun
Scorpion Uranus Moon
Capricorn Mars Jupiter
Fish Venus Mercury

The following "exalting pairs" are formed:

  • Sun-Saturn
  • Moon-Uranus
  • mars jupiter
  • Venus-Mercury

In a sign in which one of the paired planets is exalted, the other "falls", and vice versa. The exalted pairs of planets are different from the pairs of mutual rulers of the signs of the Zodiac with a characteristic change of "partners".

About the signs of the Zodiac, in which Pluto and Neptune are exalted, there is still no unanimity among astrologers. About Uranus, the third of the higher (trans-Saturnian) planets, there is a consensus that he is exalted in Scorpio. It is also widely believed that Neptune is exalted in Cancer, in the same place as Jupiter.

However, there is no complete agreement about Neptune. For example, D. Llewelyn believed that Neptune is exalted in Leo. And S. Vronsky described a peculiar system of control-exaltation of the planets, taking into account their retrograde, and in this system Pluto exalts in Leo, and Neptune in Aquarius. Some astrologers write simply about the exaltation signs of Neptune and Pluto: not yet determined.

According to the most common point of view in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, not a single planet exalts or falls. From the point of view of esoteric astrology, that is, the astrology of the soul, this has its own symbolic meaning: such signs of the Zodiac are considered as signs of balance, it is necessary to achieve harmony in them and avoid all extremes.

  • Sun - 19° Aries
  • Moon - 3° Taurus
  • Mercury - 15° Virgo
  • Venus - 27° Pisces
  • Mars - 28° Capricorn
  • Jupiter - 15° Cancer
  • Saturn - 21° Libra
  • North Node - 3° Gemini
  • South lunar node - 3° Sagittarius

Exaltation Concept Explanation Examples

In some cases, illustrative explanations for exaltation are available. For example, Saturn is the planet of justice, so it is exalted in Libra, the sign of balance. However, not everything is so obvious, and questions arise, for example, why is the planet of action Mars not exalted in Sagittarius, the sign of determination? After all, they even have graphic icons similar. Or why is Mercury both ruling the sign of Virgo and exalted in it? Why doesn’t he additionally exalt in the airy element of Gemini, which is favorable for the mind, which he also rules? What is the general principle that makes it possible to see a complete and, perhaps, a highly remarkable picture of astrological relationships?

One of the classics of modern astrology, Alan Leo, says the following about exaltation:

“There are many explanations for the cause of these exaltations. The best explanation is based on the esoteric idea that the planets are consistent with the principles. The Sun, ruler of the heart, life and vitality, is exalted in Aries in terms of illumination: Aries, ruler of the head, is illuminated by the presence of the Sun in this sign. The Moon ruling the etheric counterpart and the wandering and changing influence will be exalted in Taurus due to the fixed and earthly nature of this sign."

It turns out a very non-obvious and interesting correspondence of planets and signs. The changeable Moon corresponds to the fixed Taurus, therefore it exalts in an environment suitable for itself. It's interesting that graphic image the horns of Taurus contain the symbol of the exaltation of the nascent Moon.

The interpretation of the exaltation of the Sun in Aries symbolically reflects esoteric ideas about how a person gains Enlightenment, about how the mind is illuminated by the Light of Divine Wisdom. The Sun, signifying the life of the Spirit, reaches its fullest expression in Aries.

D. Rudhyar, in his article on the exaltation of planets, considered the connection between exaltation and control from the point of view of the annual cycle starting from the winter solstice, correlating the exaltation of the planets with a personal, subjective factor, and control with a collective one. Having thus built a "cycle of potentiality and subjectivity" ("cycle of potentiality and subjectivity"), Rudhyar came to the conclusion that the place of exaltation of Mercury is Aquarius, Uranus - Gemini, Neptune - Leo, Pluto - Scorpio. However, this approach has not been widely adopted.

Some hermeneutic principles

To interpret and explain the concept of exaltations, principles such as considering the lower and higher aspects of the planet, as well as considering the fall and exaltation as a single process are used.

Consideration of the higher and lower aspects of the planet

This approach involves consideration from two points of view. Thus, the fall of a planet can be considered as a manifestation of its lower aspects, or negative characteristics (as opposed to exaltation, when the planet shows positive characteristics), but for a spiritually aspiring person, the fall of the planet can become from fall(disappearance) of everything vile and vicious, liberation from the negative characteristics associated with this planet. Thus, the “fall” of the planet in the birth chart of a person becomes a happy opportunity for the Uranian transformation of weakness into strength, the lower aspect into the highest.

For example, the fall of Jupiter in Capricorn:

“Jupiter in its lowest aspect provides the fulfillment of desires and satisfies needs, while in its highest aspect it is a responsive expression of love, magnetically attracting to itself what is desired – this time, the good of the whole. Thus in Capricorn Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in its densest material aspect; when love and selflessness triumph, this lower aspect disappears. This symbolism refers to the "fall" of the lower aspect, and then to the fall, or disappearance, of everything vile and vicious. When desire is unrestrained, love is fallen and blind; when desire disappears, love triumphs"

Fall and exaltation as a single process

Planets that are in exaltation, exile, fall, considered interconnectedly, can symbolize the phases of the spiritual Path along which a person moves through the signs of the Zodiac. In this case, the fall and exaltation are a single process: the hidden work of a planet that has gone into a "fall", that is, deep into the sign of the Zodiac, gives a result in the opposite sign, when the exalting planet shows its maximum qualities.

In esoteric astrology, the example of Venus is considered, which "falls" in the sign of Virgo and exalts in Pisces.

In Virgo, Venus, pure love-wisdom, symbol of the soul, "falls before birth" and "descends to earth", symbolizing the gift of mind and divinity, and signifying the descent of the Christ principle for birth in matter. The spirit descends into the womb of the Virgin Mother, which symbolically corresponds to the fall of Venus in the sign of Virgo, when the planet, as it were, disappears from sight and disappears into darkness.

In astrology, one of the symbols of Venus, as the ruler of the autumn equinox sign, Libra, is considered seed. The symbol of the seed has a special significance in the gospel. In the parables about the sower, about the grain (Mt. 13:3-32, Mk. 4:2-32, Lk. 8:4-15), the Kingdom of God is likened to the image of a seed: “To what shall we liken the Kingdom of God? Or with what parable shall we represent him?”(Mark 4:30).

In the sign of Virgo, the seed of the Divine Wisdom of Venus "falls" into the earth (Virgo is an earth sign) to germinate in the opposite sign - Pisces, where Venus is exalted. The Age of Pisces is the precursor to the Age of Aquarius. Pisces is a sign of Christianity, a sign of the Savior. Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, embodies the second Divine Aspect, God the Son. While in Virgo, Jupiter "reduces" his influence (he is in "exile"), which esoterically means that the germ of Christ, who is to come, descends into the depths and remains temporarily hidden.

Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac. This is related to the gospel record: “In the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee, called Nazareth, to the Virgin”(Luke 1:26-27) and proclaimed: “And behold, you will conceive in the womb, and you will bear a Son, and you will call His name: Jesus”(Luke 1:31). The sixth month, the sixth sign of the Zodiac, Virgo, is the time of the conception of Jesus, His symbolic birth in the cave of the human heart, in order to become the Savior in Pisces.

Exploring symbols

Astrological symbols are inherent in ambiguity, which allows us to find and interpret the properties of the Zodiac in all manifestations of our life. Numerous relationships between the planets and signs of the Zodiac are intertwined with threads into a fabric, forming a pattern of life.

There is an opinion that the non-linear perception of the Zodiac, when all the signs are perceived not as sequential or separate, but present at the same time and interconnected, helps to see a holistic picture in which all elements are organically connected.

As stated in esoteric astrology, the concept of government and exaltation can be correctly understood if its careful study is carried out widely, that is, not only from the point of view of the horoscope of the personality, but, with the right correlation of the planets with the Seven Rays, in a wider perspective - the life of the soul. .

Mars is in the sign of its exaltation in Capricorn. Here he is very strong in a qualitative sense. People with this Mars have great reserves of patience and endurance. Their perseverance, perseverance and great ambition guarantee them a secure old age and an early achievement of a high social position. These people will never act "on the spur of the moment." Before getting down to business, an action plan and a strategy will be developed. To the goal, these people go slowly, but confidently and steadily. No obstacles and obstacles can stop them. People with Mars "in Capricorn have a great sense of duty, they are hardworking, diligent and not afraid of responsibility. These qualities help them earn the favor of their superiors and climb the corporate ladder.

» » Mars in other zodiac signs
(click on symbol to jump)

As a rule, they have organizational talent and administrative abilities, besides, they have developed intuition. Courage and courage for them is not an empty phrase, they will not retreat in the face of danger, although this quality can lead them to an accident. They receive a lot of help from friends and like-minded people, make a career thanks to the patronage and recommendation of high-ranking people. Usually they are recognized professionals in their field, are able to rise to well-deserved awards and honors, achieve a high financial position not only due to their own qualities, but also due to successful trips and travels, business ties with foreign countries or thanks to a successful marriage. A marriage partner can bring a lot of profit, but a marriage can be both for love and for convenience, and a fictitious marriage is also possible.

An unfavorable aspectarium of Mars with other planets and elements of the horoscope can give excessive pride, vindictiveness, vindictiveness, overestimation of oneself and one's abilities, predicts a struggle for power and strong competitors, opponents, enemies. It also warns of the danger of injury, the possibility of a serious illness or surgical intervention. Premature death from drowning should be feared, often indicating the possibility of premature death close relative brother, sister, colleague.

A negative aspect to Saturn, which in this case is the dispositor of Mars, indicates a bad relationship with one of the parents, a divorce between them or separation from them due to the premature death of one of them.

Characteristics of Mars in Capricorn

c - in exaltation.

Activity + Concentration = Diligence in work.

Benefits of Mars in Capricorn: great reserves of patience, indefatigable capacity for work, a sense of reality, endurance, ambition, sober thinking, methodology, penetrating power, independence in actions, diplomacy, mind.

Negative qualities of Mars in Capricorn: overestimation of oneself, stubbornness, stupidity, selfishness, servility to the “tops” and arrogance with the “bottoms”, cunning, cruelty, the opinion “the end justifies the means”.

Possible health problems: knee injury, inflammation knee joints, rheumatism, skin diseases.

Mars in Capricorn in the natal chart

You are proud, pragmatic, organized and magnetic. You are a good organizer and rationalist. You wish success and are ready to work hard to achieve it. Since you are very practical, you are rarely impulsive, this can bring good luck on a professional level. Your keywords are self-control and self-discipline. This attitude often indicates that others are surprised at you, but not necessarily fond of you. It can also indicate separation from one of the parents, most often the father. With a burdened Mars, there may be a danger of fractures. In sex you are strong and constant. Learn to show a sense of humor, compassion and warmth.

Mars in exaltation is in Capricorn in limited conditions for choosing directions and the nature of activity, and therefore endows people of this psychotype with a concentrated ability to overcome all obstacles in their path. Mars informs Capricorn of the qualities of a fighter: power, strength, passion. Capricorn, having the strong qualities of Mars, nevertheless does not impulsively rush into spontaneous hand-to-hand combat, but usually resorts to a proven system of combat techniques, he is a fighter with an ideological enemy.

Due to the strong position of concentrated Mars, Capricorn strives for leadership in teams, is proactive in social situations, and is capable of making quick decisions despite the inhibition of the elements of the Earth. He confirms by action, by realization in the quality sign of Saturn, - Mars leads Capricorn to the top of Saturn through action, through conflict.

Conservative Capricorn is constantly striving to follow the only true path he has chosen - Mars here does not allow throwing, trials and searches. The planet of action endows Capricorns with the ability to organize the disciplined activities of the team (a social planet in the monastery), an acute internal need (exaltation status) for moral (mental level of the Zodiac) superiority over rivals.

Capricorns are characterized by the ability to restrain the manifestation of slowly growing anger, but, having reached the limit, they experience strong fits of rage, needing to realize the accumulated aggression. They are vindictive and tend to adhere to the rule: "an eye for an eye."

Mars in decanates of Capricorn

An abundance of ideas and plans, their implementation, real, concrete deeds.

Love for the profession, the gift of a leader, leader, leader.

High intellectual abilities, but also selfishness and greed.

Historical figures with Mars in Capricorn

Henry IV, Girolamo Savonarola, Louis Pasteur, Henri Poincare, Alexander Suvorov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Leo Tolstoy, Albert Einstein, Dwight Eisenhower, Aza Tahoe-Godi, A. A. Filipchenko, V. N. Volkov, Ronald Reagan.

Transit of Mars through Capricorn

A specific goal is what all the energy of Mars is directed to at this time. And nothing can distract him; to achieve it, he can work to exhaustion, endure hardships and inconveniences. Unlike Aries Mars, which puts all its strength into the first blow, Mars in Capricorn considers any step it takes. This is a great strategist. He soberly assesses his capabilities, calculates the options in order to hit the chosen point for sure. With some kind of inner instinct, he guesses the weak points in the defense or the wall standing in the way of the goal.

These days people are driven by ambition, professional ambitions, they become more purposeful. Career and career issues professional level begin to interest them more than ever. In order for people to work more productively at this time, they need to be given clear tasks, i.e. indicate what specific result is expected from them; motivate them to complete the task, i.e. indicate how and with what they will be marked in case of success, or note the great importance of the task assigned and leave them to continue to act independently. If everything is done correctly, then there is nothing to worry about, they will choose the strategy and tactics themselves and will make every effort to complete the task in the best possible way. It should be borne in mind that at this time people are more inclined to command themselves than to carry out commands, and become more demanding and tough. It is difficult to pity the authorities at this time, since it requires specific deeds, and not lengthy explanations.

The business that begins during this period requires a lot of preliminary work, a clear plan, strategy, and must have a specific focus. Multidisciplinary businesses are for Mars in Gemini. Mars in Capricorn does not like to be sprayed. For those who want quick returns and immediate profits, this is also not the right position. Mars in Capricorn can “harness for a long time”, but his business will be practically unsinkable, because, having spent time on calculations and trial buildup, even letting his competitors go ahead, he will take into account their and his mistakes and enter the battlefield fully armed, bending under him already slightly dented competitors.

it good time for exploits for the good of the fatherland, to seize or gain power, to assert oneself on a conquered pedestal.

Negative aspects indicate selfishness, selfish prudence, cruelty, unscrupulousness on the way to the goal. Overestimation of one's capabilities, illegal use of force, excess of one's authority. There may be protests against the existing order, an attempt to overthrow the government, clashes with law enforcement agencies, cases of disobedience to orders, scandals associated with the name of famous people.


  1. Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky - «CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes»
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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