Material on the topic: TRIZ - the theory of inventive problem solving. Theory of inventive problem solving


G. Altshuller

Theory of inventive problem solving




Invention is the oldest human occupation. With the invention of the first tools of labor, the history of man begins. Over the many thousands of years that have passed since then, everything has changed, only the technology of creating new inventions has remained unchanged - the PROBLEM AND ERROR METHOD: "What if you do this? Oh, it doesn’t work? Well, then you can try to do it like this ... "THIS TECHNOLOGY OF CREATIVITY IS EXTREMELY INEFFECTIVE IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN STEEL.

In the USSR, about 150,000 research projects are carried out annually. Approximately two thirds of them are interrupted at the stage of experiment or testing of a new sample. Huge amounts of money are wasted. Of the 50,000 developments that reach the stage of implementation, only a thousand finds more or less widespread adoption ("Socialist Industry" from 26.06.82). Thus, out of 150,000 developments, only 1,000 turn out to be vital; less than 7%!

Imagine an airport in which only one of 150 planes taking off every day rises, and the rest crash during takeoff and takeoff. Or imagine a construction company, in which 100 out of 150 houses collapse during the construction process, and in 49 houses only individual apartments are suitable, and only one (!) House can be completely inhabited. This is the most efficient trial and error method of all technologies. The use of this method in modern industrial society inevitably leads to the ruin of society, to a decline in the rate of its progress, to stagnation of the economy and production.

"You cannot successfully move forward by trial and error, it is costly for society. The art of political leadership requires the ability to identify and effectively resolve contradictions ..."

Of course, the talk is about politics, but politics is based on economics, and economics is on creative problem solving.

They got used to the method of trial and error, the words "creativity" and "enumeration of options" have become synonymous. Persistence in enumerating options is considered a valor. Here are the lines from an ordinary essay about inventors: "We went to the solution of the problem almost by touch, went over many theories, at the end of each of which was: needs practical verification. We have conducted thousands of experiments just to make sure: we went wrong. We tested dozens of designs. devices, soldered hundreds of meters of wire and consumed an unaccountable amount of film "(E. Margolin. How apples fall. Publishing house" Liesma ", Riga, 1976, p.8).

For inventive problems not solved in time, one has to pay not only with lost profits, but also with people's lives. LOSS OF TIME, STRENGTH AND LIVES DUE TO IMPERFECTION OF THE SAMPLING METHOD AND MISTAKES ARE SEVERE LOSSES FROM PLAGUE, EARTHQUAKES AND FLOOD.

Sometimes they try to modernize the trial and error method or use it more intensively. This is, for example, the Japanese practice. Its essence: all employees at all times have to go through all sorts of solutions. On a walk, at home, always while eating! Tosaburo Nakata taught himself to go through the options in the toilet (so as not to waste time) and two years later invented a ballpoint pen, becoming a national hero ...

The main disadvantage of the trial and error method is, firstly, the slow generation of new ideas, and secondly, the lack of protection from psychological inertia (i.e., the promotion of trivial, ordinary, unoriginal ideas). Since the 20s of our century in different countries methods of activating the enumeration of options began to appear. One of the most common methods of this kind is brainstorming. The problem is solved in two stages. At the first stage (generation of ideas), any criticism is prohibited, and "wild", obviously unrealizable, even fantastic proposals are encouraged (in order to eliminate psychological inertia if possible). At the second stage, experts critically assess the results of the assault, trying to select rational ideas.

Another method is morphological analysis. Its essence is to build tables that should cover all conceivable options. For example, you want to propose new packaging for products. If we write on one axis, say, twenty types of material (metal, wood, cardboard, etc.), and on the other, twenty types of shapes (solid rigid packaging, solid flexible packaging, rack packaging, mesh, etc.) , you get a table containing 400 combinations, each of which corresponds to one option. It is possible to introduce other axes as well, increasing the number of obtained variants without limit. And then in the limitless sea of \u200b\u200bthese options - mostly "empty" - you need to find a few reasonable ideas.

There are other methods of activating the enumeration of options, for example, synectics, the method of focal objects, the method of test questions, etc. All these methods have common, fundamentally insurmountable, disadvantages:

a) there is no mechanism for compiling a list of all possible

options (which means there is no guarantee of reaching the most benefits

economical solutions),

b) there are no specific criteria for selecting the best

options: proposals are evaluated by experts, and

they are, of course, what their common sense tells them

meaning (i.e. psychological inertia): no generation

rivial ideas are nullified by trivial selection.

The reason for the ineffectiveness of such methods is that they do not change the essence of the old technology of enumerating options, the enumeration itself. We need a fundamentally new creative tool, not a "cosmetic" repair of the old one.

Activation methods are good for solving simple problems and ineffective for complex problems - and there are most of such problems in modern inventive practice. It is from the decision difficult tasks the rate of progress depends.

Since their inception, these methods of activation have not undergone significant changes, which means that the wrong path leading to a dead end has been chosen. We need a different - more effective - technology for solving inventive problems.


In 1946, work began in the USSR on the creation of a scientific technology for creativity. New technology received the name TRIZ theory of inventive problem solving. The first publication on TRIZ dates back to 1956 (7). Further development reflected in books (8-12, 14-16) and in materials regularly published by the journal "Technics and Science" In 1979-1983. (thirteen).

The domestic theory of inventive problem solving is fundamentally different from the trial and error method and all its modifications, the main idea of \u200b\u200bTRIZ is that technical systems arise and develop not "haphazardly", but according to certain laws: these laws can be learned and used for the conscious - without many "empty "trials - solutions to inventive problems. TRIZ transforms the production of new technical ideas into an exact science. The solution of inventive problems - instead of blind searches - is based on a system of logical operations.

The theoretical basis of TRIZ is the laws of development technical systems... First of all, these are the laws of materialist dialectics. Some analogs of biological laws are also used, a number of laws have been identified by studying historical trends in the development of technology, are widely used general laws systems development.

The laws are checked, specified, detailed, and sometimes revealed by analyzing large arrays of patent information on strong decisions (tens and hundreds of thousands of selected patents and copyright certificates). The entire TRIZ toolkit, including the funds of physical, chemical, geometric effects, was also identified and developed on the basis of studying large arrays of patent information; in general, each innovation in TRIZ is thoroughly checked and corrected on patent and historical-technical materials. In this sense, TRIZ can be considered a generalization strengths creative experience of many generations of inventors: strong solutions are selected and investigated, weak and erroneous solutions are critically examined.

The main law of the development of technical systems is the desire to increase the degree of ideality: an ideal technical system when there is no system, and its function is performed. Trying the usual (already known) ways to improve the ideality of the technical system, we improve one indicator (for example, reduce the weight vehicle) due to the deterioration of other indicators (for example, strength decreases). The designer is looking for a compromise solution that is optimal in each case. The inventor must break the compromise: improve one metric without degrading others. Therefore, in the most common case, the process of solving inventive problems can be considered as identifying, analyzing and resolving a technical contradiction.

The main working mechanism for improving TS and synthesizing new TS in TRIZ is the algorithm for solving inventive problems (ARIZ) and the system of inventive standards.

ARIZ problems are solved without many "empty" trials, systematically, step by step according to clear rules, they correct the initial formulation of the problem, build a model of the problem, determine the available material-field resources (WFR), compose the ideal final result (IFR), identify and analyze physical contradictions, applied to the task by the operators of unusual, bold, daring transformations, use special techniques to extinguish psychological inertia and force the imagination.

Similar contradictions are resolved with the same type of techniques, the most powerful techniques are complex (combinations of several techniques, often - combinations of techniques with physical-chemical-geomeeffects). The strongest complex techniques form a system of standards - the TRIZ apparatus for solving typical inventive problems. It should be emphasized that standard tasks are standard only from the perspective of TRIZ; an inventor unfamiliar with TRIZ perceives such tasks as atypical and complex. The standards can be used to solve problems that are complex even from the perspective of TRIZ; such tasks are solved by a combination of several standards.

An orderly and constantly updated information fund is of great importance in TRIZ: indicators of the use of physical, chemical and geometric effects, a bank of standard techniques for eliminating technical and physical contradictions. This fund is the operational basis for all TRIZ instruments.

A special section of TRIZ is the course for the development of creative imagination (RTV). In this course, the ability to use TRIZ operators is mainly practiced on non-technical examples. The RTV course shatters the usual notions about "projects, breaks down tough stereotypes."

Knowledge of the laws of development of the TS allows solving not only the existing inventive problems, but also predicting the emergence of new problems. The results of such forecasting are much more accurate than those obtained with the help of subjective methods, for example, expert assessments. TRIZ strives for the systematic evolution of TS. Thus, modern TRIZ turns into TRTS - the theory of the development of technical systems.

TRIZ arose in technology because there was a powerful patent fund, which served as the foundation of the theory. But apart from the technical ones, there are other systems: scientific, artistic, social, etc. The development of all systems is subject to similar laws, therefore, many ideas and mechanisms of TRIZ can be used in the construction of theories for solving non-technical creative problems. Such work is under way (23). In particular, with the help of the mechanisms used in TRIZ, the wind energy of plants was discovered (24) and the paradoxes associated with the Russell effect were clarified (25).

The apparatus of the theory of solving inventive problems is constantly tested, corrected and improved in the course of practical application. Every year in hundreds of TRIZ schools and courses, students solve many educational and non-educational (new production) problems. The analysis of written works allows one to objectively determine the causes of errors: whether they were committed through the fault of the teacher, through the fault of the listener, or a failure of one or another TRIZ instrument. The accumulated information is carefully studied, this allows us to quickly develop the TRIZ teaching methodology and the theory itself.



Until the 70s, TRIZ training was carried out mainly at experimental seminars, since 1970 training has been concentrated in permanent training centers: national universities of scientific and technical creativity (Leningrad, Dnepropetrovsk, Petrozavodsk), public institutes and schools of inventive creativity (Chisinau, Minsk, Novosibirsk , Angarsk, Vladivostok), studies are also organized by NTTM centers, various ministries, departments, enterprises. Classes are conducted in patent science institutes, in a number of sectoral advanced training institutes (IPC). In 1980, the IPK of the Ministry of Electricity and Technology for the first time began training TRIZ specialists for permanent work in the departments of functional cost analysis (FSA).

The effectiveness of TRIZ training can be judged by the example of the Dnepropetrovsk People's University of Scientific and Technical Creativity: from 1972 to 1982, the university made 9 graduations, listeners received - by 1982 - 350 copyright certificates for inventions, the savings from the introduction of new technical solutions amount to tens of millions of rubles (see V. Nekrylov, V. Kalenik. 9 issues, 500 listeners. - Journal "Technics and Science", 1982, N 1, p. 24.

Another example: "During the period of study (two years), 30 graduates, using the knowledge gained at school in solving their practical problems, submitted 103 applications for alleged inventions, received 65 positive solutions and 38 copyright certificates. According to preliminary data, some of the implemented inventions and 99 rationalization proposals gave an economic effect of almost half a million rubles, but the most important achievement is the formation of a specialist with an active creative position, who understands wider and deeper the tasks facing him, such a specialist who is now urgently needed to fulfill the plans outlined in the resolution "On measures to accelerate scientific and technological progress in the national economy "(Kaluga newspaper" Znamya "for 26.10.83 - About the TRIZ school in the scientific town of Obninsk).

From the article "Invent, you are talented" V.Mitrofanov, S.Litvin, A.Sushansky in the newspaper "Vecherny Leningrad" for 11.10.80: "Here are some specific examples. Leading designer of VPTIENERGOMASH Yu.G. Ermakov submitted about 40 applications and received only 5 copyright certificates, after training, he submitted 42 applications within two years and received 24 certificates for inventions; Deputy Head of the Department of the Higher Marine Engineering School named after Admiral S.O. Makarov A.V. Smykov before acquaintance with the technique of technical creativity filed 2 applications and received 2 positive responses, after graduating from our university filed 11 applications and received 11 copyright certificates, two of which are patented abroad and two more are implemented with great economic effect. "

From a letter from Odessa TRIZ teacher, Ph.D. SD Tetelbaum (May 1982): "During 9 issues of the EIP, 190 people were trained in TRIZ, of whom the training process was completed by filing real applications for inventions on problems solved with the help of TRIZ, more than 170 people."

From a letter by V.M. Zhabin, head of the school of scientific and technical creativity at the Krasnogorsk optical and mechanical plant (January, 1986):

"Information on the effectiveness of TRIZ:

Efroimson V.G. introduced in the "Quartz-8X" movie camera, which entered retail sale in 1985:

A.S. 475591 - economic effect - 63.000 rubles.

A.S. 476536 - economic effect - 45,000 rubles.

A.S. 890351 - economic effect - 67.500 rubles.

Total: 175.500 RUB

The inventions of V.A. Polinovsky, which he made with co-authors, are introduced:

A.S. 733302 - economic effect - 71,000 rubles.

A.S. 733303 - economic effect - 54,000 rubles.

A.S. 733320 - economic effect - 11.000 rub.

A.s.1013892 - economic effect - 50,000 rubles.

Total: 182.250 RUB

The invention of V.A.Meitin was introduced:

A.S. 693110 - economic effect - 70,000 rubles.

Total for the school: 431.750 rubles. "

From the certificate of the Siberian branch "Orgstroyproekt" (Angarsk, 01.20.83): "On the impact of the training seminar on TRIZ on the creative activity of employees. During 1982, employees of the enterprise filed 80 applications for alleged inventions, the dynamics is as follows: from January to October - on average 5 applications per month After the training seminar on TRIZ (from 4 to 22 October, lecturer GS Altshuller), the number of applications submitted was 15 applications per month, the number of inventions increased 1.9 times. "

From the article "TRIZ and Science Fiction" by V.K. Grebnev, a turner-instructor on the "unity of the Turbomotor Plant", chairman of the plant council of innovators, deputy chairman of the regional council of innovators (in the collection "Origins of innovation: essays on the psychology of search", issue of the second, Sverdlovsk, Middle-Ural. Book publishing, 1986): "I confess ... the solution of rationalization problems in recent years has taken me much less time than before, firstly, because TRIZ, which I did not know before , gives rather reliable methods for solving technical problems, and, which is especially important, individual methods, in contrast to collective methods of brainstorming, synectics and others, secondly, a considerable number of well-developed combinations accumulates in memory, which allow you to quickly solve new problems with old ones for me in ways. "

From the letter of the inventor V.E. Lukyanenko (Moscow) to the editors of the journal "Technics and Science" (dated 05.21.82): "I work as an engineer, before I got acquainted with ARIZ and TRIZ I had one copyright certificate, now, after studying TRIZ, I received 10 copyright certificates; all of them are implemented, among them there are inventions (author's certificate 569782) with a total economic effect of more than 97 thousand rubles. "

From an article by the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Lviv Regional Committee of LKSMU Y. Marilovtsev (newspaper "Komsomolskoe Znamya", Lviv, 11.11.79): "... The best young inventor of Ukraine in 1978 and the city of Lvov in 1979, Oleg Kopyl, is convinced that that their better results in invention he owes his knowledge of the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) ".

From the letter of the inventor (Leningrad, February 1986): "I am Englin Robert Kalmanovich, senior researcher at NPO Ritm, candidate of technical sciences, studied TRIZ at the Leningrad People's University of Scientific and Technical Creativity in 1978-79. Before entering the university I had 46 copyright certificates, which I received in 16 previous years. After graduating from the university and studying TRIZ, over the next 6 years, I became the author of 88 inventions. All of my 136 inventions are official ones and were created on the subject of my research projects. "

Colonel V. Kolbenkov's article "Inventor Lieutenant Fedorov" (magazine "Rear of the armed forces" No. 10-1987, pp. 72-73) tells about a young military engineer who has more than twenty copyright certificates. Some of them are registered not only in our country, but also abroad, in the most technically developed countries. The author of the article, analyzing the circumstances of the formation of the inventor, writes: "The first is that his father is a shipbuilder who works as a design engineer and has more than fifty inventions on his account. He often told his son how insoluble problems arose before him - unsolvable using traditional methods, how he set himself tasks, conducted a search and, finally, found an original solution; in fact, he taught his son the algorithm for solving inventive problems - a discipline that has now been introduced in some universities. "

In December 1968, for the first time, classes were organized for future TRIZ teachers. These classes cost about 6,000 rubles. In April 1969, one of the listeners, MI Sharapov, spoke in the newspaper "Magnitogorsk Metal" about an invention made according to TRIZ. Later, the savings were calculated - 42,000 rubles. per year only at the Magnitogorsk Combine. This covered the cost of training in all TRIZ schools over the next five years. Meanwhile, by 1977, the same Sharapov already had over 30 copyright certificates (see the journal "Technics and Science" N 4-1980, p. 27). Another student of the 1968 courses, Yu. V. Chinnov, in 10 years the number of copyright certificates exceeded 100. MI Sharapov and Yu. V. Chinnov are now honored inventors.

We did not collect statistics on all inventions created using TRIZ. Books, teaching aids are systematically published, articles are published that tell about the latest developments in TRIZ. Today TRIZ elements are used by many inventors and innovators, it is almost impossible to determine the overall return, but if we summarize the information for only a few main schools, we get approximately the following picture. For 1972-81 Approximately 7,000 students passed through these TRIZ schools, almost 11,000 applications were submitted, over 4,000 copyright certificates were received (more than half of the applications are still pending), the savings from implementation are millions of rubles, the total training costs do not exceed one hundred thousand.

2.3. TRIZ and FSA

In accordance with the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (Pravda, 1982, No. 153), intensive work is underway to introduce functional cost analysis (FSA). At a number of enterprises, TRIZ is adopted as the main tool for solving problems identified during the FSA (19, 20). This significantly speeds up the process of dissemination and implementation of TRIZ: FSA subdivisions in design bureaus, research institutes and factories become TRIZ schools and constant "consumers" of the theory.

From the article deputy. Minister of the Electrotechnical Industry Y. Nikitin (Kommunist magazine, 1982, N 11, p. 71): "In the Leningrad production plant about" Electrosila "unification, during the FSA they use the theory of inventive problem solving created in our country ... As a result analysis of the low-voltage equipment product - the contactor of the KP-2000 series - about fifty proposals were formulated. Their implementation will give an annual savings of 250 thousand rubles and will save up to 450 kilograms of silver. "

The Leningrad Center for Science and Technology has issued an information sheet (N 217-86, UDC 608.1: 658.511: 005) "Method of carrying out functional-cost analysis using the theory of inventive problem solving" (introduced in July 1985). The material was received by the CSTI on February 14, 1986. Compiled by the teachers and developers of TRIZ and FSA V.M. Gerasimov and S.S. Litvin. In the information sheet, in particular, it is noted: "The introduction of the FSA method with the use of TRIZ in the LEPE" Electrosila "in the production of electric boilers made it possible to obtain an annual economic effect of 80 thousand rubles for 2.5 million pieces."

Deputy prev. State Planning Committee of Latvia V.A.Leitan and specialist in FSA and TRIZ I.Bukhman in their brochure "Application of FSA and the theory of inventive problem solving in the industry of the Latvian SSR" (LatNIINTI, Riga, 1985) write: "Experience of using FSA and TRIZ in the industry of the Latvian SSR allows us to state the following: certain progress has been achieved in the efficiency of using FSA and TRIZ. In 1984, the economic effect amounted to 1.5 million rubles ... "

At the end of November 1987, an international seminar was held in Moscow: "Functional and cost analysis and improving the technical and economic level of products". Professor of the Department of Ship Structures A.L. Vasiliev published a report on this seminar in the newspaper of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute "For personnel to shipyards" (dated January 12, 1988). The report, in particular, says the following: “... FSA provides a harmonious combination between technology and economic understanding of its functioning, and TRIZ helps to find new, non-trivial solutions. I think that such an approach will significantly enhance the power of human intelligence and provide a breakthrough in strategic direction to improve the efficiency of shipbuilding ".

3.1. TRIZ and TRTL

Each tool has the opposite effect on the person using that tool. TRIZ is a tool for subtle, daring, highly organized mental operations. The solution to one problem does not change the style of thinking yet, but in the course of classes dozens, hundreds of problems are solved, thinking gradually rebuilds: it becomes more flexible and manageable.

Here is a portrait of an inventor who has mastered TRIZ: "A close acquaintance with Prosyanik and his work breaks the usual idea of \u200b\u200bthe typical features of an inventor (how many such" eccentrics "have we seen in cinema, literature, met in life!) - persistence, self-confidence, lack of communication, impracticality in ordinary everyday affairs ... The petitioner is completely different. A typical inventor of a new formation, a highly qualified specialist in the theory of invention, in a directed search - he gets the necessary confidence from the knowledge of the laws of development of technology. And instead of the very traditional "inventive qualities" TRIZ fosters a different dialectical thinking, the ability to see in any technical (and not only technical) systems the contradictions that hinder development, the ability to eliminate these contradictions, to resolve on the basis of systems thinking, the ability to perceive any subject, any problem comprehensively, in all the variety of their connections "(Socialist Industry, 18 December 1984).

TRIZ provides an exit to a solution close to an ideal one, but the creative process is not limited to just finding a solution. It is necessary to bring the found idea to the level of a workable and technological design, to "iron" it, to achieve the widest possible implementation. And then - to tackle a new problem. It is known from practice that the average implementation period for an average invention is 7-10 years. This is a significant period of time in a person's life. The struggle for implementation is often associated with great personal losses, with colossal expenditures of effort and time, misunderstanding of others, and the need to "push through" an idea. The innovator sometimes has to endure both material hardships and alienation from his native collective. It is much safer to live without creativity, to be “like everyone else”, not to “fantasize” ... How to make a person get out of the swamp of everyday life, despise clearly visible difficulties and engage in a battle with sluggishness and conservatism?

General appeals and slogans are powerless here. It is necessary to carefully, step by step, prepare a person for the upcoming creative battles, for possible temporary defeats and inevitable difficulties. A person who knows about the dangers on the way will be able to lay the right, most reasonable route.

To form an active creative position, at least six qualities are needed:

1) The presence of a worthy goal - new (or unattained), significant, socially useful.

2) Ability to program the achievement of a goal.

3) Great efficiency in the implementation of the plans.

4) Ability to solve creative problems in the chosen field, possession of the technique of overcoming contradictions on the way to the goal.

5) Willingness to "take a hit": to defend their ideas, to endure non-recognition, misunderstanding.

6) Effectiveness: on the way to the final goal, intermediate results should be regularly developed.

The upbringing of a complex of creative qualities is the main goal of the life strategy of a creative personality (HSTL). The method for constructing a HSTL is common for all TRIZ studies: analysis of large information arrays (in order to identify common patterns). Over a thousand biographies of creative personalities have been studied.

It was possible to trace the formation and development of a creative personality throughout his life. Historical and biographical examples have convincingly proved that a creative way of life is available to everyone; this does not require special innate abilities or superfavorable conditions. It is within the power of any person to choose a worthy goal and begin a systematic struggle to achieve it.

Considering in detail the path to the goal, the ZSTL gives a person a summarized life experience generations of creators: warns of typical dangers, recommends specific methods to overcome them, predicts the most powerful moves.

Systematic research on HSTL is gradually forming a new area of \u200b\u200bknowledge - the theory of creative personality development (TRTL).

TRIZ uses the laws of materialistic dialectics to organize creative activity. TRIZ mechanisms make it possible to instrumentalize these global laws of development as applied to particular problems of inventive creativity. Therefore, the theory of solution is invented in our country in line with the so-called theory of solving inventive problems (TRIZ). The methodological analysis of these developments should contribute to the implementation of the instrumental function of natural science and its convergence with mass invention ... TRIZ formalizes the most crucial stage of scientific and technical developments, at which the dialectical interaction of fundamental and applied research takes place. If earlier the isolation of practically useful fragments of natural-scientific knowledge was carried out spontaneously in each specific case, then TRIZ programs a number of mental and information-symbolic operations that guarantee the introduction of science into design practice. "

In the journal "Questions of Philosophy", N 5, 1986. published materials of the "round table" organized by the editorial board of the journal on the problem "engineering activity and science". Among the statements given in the journal article, one can note the words of F.P. Tarasenko, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head. Department of Theoretical Cybernetics, Tomsk State University (p. 83): "A brilliant example of" computerless cybernetization "of engineering creativity is the well-known ARIZ - Altshuller's invention algorithm, which is a system of heuristics from inventive practice."

In the newspaper "Voskhod" (Arsenyev, Primorsky Territory) dated January 9, 1988. the article "Teach creativity" was published - about the speedy introduction of TRIZ into the city education and production system. The comment of the secretary of the city committee of the CPSU VG Bespalov is interesting: "We intend to engage in the propaganda and implementation of TRIZ training. For this purpose, special classes have been held in the schools of the party and economic activists and the reserve at the city committee of the CPSU ... Moreover, a comprehensive program" Algorithm "to create in Arsenyev a system of continuous management education and computer training for 1988-90 and until 2000, in which TRIZ is given a worthy place ... Engineers of leading enterprises and teachers of city schools will be sent to the advanced TRIZ centers in the country in the near future for internships . Already now, textbooks and materials on TRIZ are being multiplied ... "



Here are a few opinions.

From the article "How to teach creativity?" A. Dyunin, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Professor (in the newspaper of the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers "Kadra-Transport" dated July 12, 1986): its solution, the search for ways to remove them and a strong solution. These ideas are fruitful not only in purely inventive, but also in the wide research practice of engineers ... The need to teach students the methodology of scientific and technical creativity is becoming urgent. "

From a letter by V.I. Tikhomirov, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Doctor of Economics. sciences, professor (Moscow, October 1985): "... TRIZ entered the curriculum of technical colleges and was approved by the NT by the Council of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education. We, in particular, present it to the MAI at all technical faculties and promote it."

In 1985, the publishing house "Mechanical Engineering" edited by V. I. Tikhomirov published a textbook for students of aviation specialties - "Organization, planning and management of aviation research and production organizations." The manual contains (p. 47-55) the section "Methods of organizing creative search", written by prof. V. I. Tikhomirov. A few lines are devoted to the mention of non-TRIZ methods; virtually the entire section is devoted to TRIZ.

From a letter to the newspaper "Izvestia" VN Shmigalsky, Dr. sciences, prof, head. Department of the Simferopol branch of the Dnepropetrovsk Civil Engineering Institute (Simferopol, April 1985): "ARIZ directs a creative worker to solve a problem along the shortest path, drastically reducing the number of options to be enumerated and, aiming at IQR, allows finding solutions to problems at a very high level. Regular use ARIZ develops dialectical thinking, helps to overcome psychological barriers when creating new technology and developing more advanced technology, enriches a person with an understanding of the patterns of development of technical systems.The main ideas of TRIZ can be transferred to other types of creativity (art, science), since they also develop, overcoming contradictions ".

From the review of letters in the journal "Technology and Science" N 10, 1982, p. 15: "At the Kurgan Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Orthopedics and Traumatology, the research work" Identifying promising directions for the development and development of new technical means of osteosynthesis "was completed. The work was supervised by the Lenin Prize laureate, Hero of Socialist Labor, Prof. GA Ilizarov. As the main methodological The tool used the TRIZ apparatus. This made it possible to clearly identify the promising direction of development of technical problems, some of which are protected by copyright certificates for inventions. In our opinion, TRIZ is the most promising basis for predicting the development of technical systems ... "

From the note "TRIZ in Ufa Aviation" by Yu. Gusev, Dr. Sciences, Head of the Department of Industrial Electronics, and I. Alekseev, Ph.D. (in the journal "Technics and Science" N 4, 1983, p. 14): "Having mastered the basics of TRIZ, the students, as we were convinced, began to more meaningfully assess the patterns of development of technology, acquired the initial skills of scientifically grounded problem solving based on identifying and resolving technical contradictions ... When a group of students who attended the 20-hour course "Fundamentals of TRIZ" was in the design and technological practice, everyone made at least one rationalization proposal. Now we have no doubts about the expediency and undoubted benefits of teaching students the basics of TRIZ ".

From an interview with A.P. Dostanko, Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, laureate of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education and the State Prize of the BSSR, Honored Inventor of the USSR, Vice-Rector of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute (article "Who else but the author?" In the newspaper "Sovetskaya Belorussia" dated October 24, 1987): "Creativity, no matter how it seems paradoxical, you can teach. Since 1976, a school for young inventors has been operating at our institute, in which the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) is studied. For the second year in Minsk, under the auspices of the city committee of the Komsomol, there has been a youth inventive school in which our graduates teach. Experience shows that with sufficient patience every young specialist, student and even schoolchild can learn to invent. Now more than 200 students of our institute are inventors. "

In the journal "Questions of invention" N 11, 1987, p. 28-29 A.P. Dostanko cited curious figures: "Ten years of experience at the school of a young inventor at the institute shows that only 10% of students consider themselves capable of creating something new. However, after mastering the course in the theory of solving inventive problems, each student of the school is prepared for difficult problems. ".

In the publishing house "Economics" in 1985. The second edition of the two-volume "Handbook for the Director of the Production Association" Unity, Enterprise "was published under the editorship of Doctor of Economics DA Yegiazaryan and Doctor of Economics AD Sheremet. The first volume contains section 13 on invention. Subsection 13.4.3 - "technology of invention" - is devoted to TRIZ (p. 530-533) The authors of this section are Doctor of Technical Sciences A.V. Proskuryakov and Doctor of Economics N.K. Moiseeva, briefly mentioning foreign methods (brainstorming, etc.) and noting that these methods are not always effective in solving problems, they write: “In the USSR, another methodological direction has been developed and is being used.” Further, the basic principles of TRIZ are stated. The practical effectiveness of the theory is noted. The concluding paragraph: “TRIZ creates the basis for the transition to truly collective creativity, contributes to an increase in the level of organization of creative activity and can be considered as one of the effective methods inventions "(p. 531).

The article "Without taking into account the lessons of the past" by V. Manikhin ("Book Review", March 27, 1987) tells about the preparations for the Moscow International Book Fair MIBF-87. In particular, it is said about the books "by the Baku author G. Altshuller on invention, whose works are of interest to publishers from socialist countries." Indeed, books and articles on TRIZ were repeatedly published in the German Democratic Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Vietnam, and Hungary. For example, in the GDR only recently there have been translations of two books: "Creativity as an Exact Science" and "Wings for Icarus". In the organ of the Central Committee of the SED, the magazine "Edinstvo" N 2, 1985 - reviews of these books. In 1986 the second edition of the book "Creativity as an Exact Science" was published in the GDR.

The publishers from the capitalist countries also paid attention to TRIZ: the USA, England, France, Japan, Switzerland, Finland iniga "Creativity as an Exact Science" was published by the international publishing house "GORDON AND BRICH" in English in a series on cybernetics (1984). The All-Union Agency for the Protection of Copyright (VAAP) is negotiating with book publishers from Germany to transfer to german three books on TRIZ.

Abroad, they not only translate literature on TRIZ, but also conduct training. So, for example, in Bulgaria in 1984 2,000 people passed the TRIZ courses. And in 1985 - already 6000. In the GDR TRIZ is used in FSA groups. Since 1986, systematic TRIZ training has begun at various companies in Finland. Since 1987, TRIZ courses began in Vietnam. Here is an excerpt from a letter from one of the Vietnamese TRIZ specialists Duong Xuan Bao (Hanoi, August 1987): "For three months (April, May, June), Chan and I were engaged in teaching ARIZ and TRIZ on the same course, which was opened." Office of Inventions of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ". This was the first TRIZ course in Hanoi."

The reader of this reference may get the wrong idea about the calm, unhindered development of TRIZ. It may seem that implementation is in full swing. In fact, the situation is quite alarming. Here is a typical example: in the USSR, systematic education began in the mid-60s, in Bulgaria - from the early 80s. With almost twenty years of experience, we still do not have a permanently operating state center for TRIZ training and research. In Bulgaria, such a center has existed for several years!

Another example. In the magazine of the German Democratic Republic "Military Equipment" No. 6 - 1984 (the magazine is published every two months), it was "announced that a series of articles on TRIZ was published in 1985. The article ended as follows:" .Altshuller will promote innovative and inventive activities in the armed forces. "Throughout 1985, there was a series of publications on TRIZ. And in the Soviet Union there is still no journal with a permanent heading on TRIZ ...

Of course, this is the magazine of the allied army. But interest in TRIZ, as already noted, is manifested not only in socialist countries. Here is what Kalevi Rantenen, a specialist in TRIZ from Finland (Turku, April 1987), writes: “We started a new course at PARTEK. In the fall, we are starting a big course at the KEMIRA chemical company. advanced training of engineers and in the state center for technical research ... I would also like to inform you that I received a letter from Denmark from a teacher of the Danish technical higher educational institution. new products and wants to establish contacts with colleagues involved in TRIZ in the USSR. "According to additional information, several more Finnish companies have joined the training process for their TRIZ specialists: FAZER, NOKIA, ELECTROLUX.

Of course, Finland and Denmark are small and non-aggressive countries, but here is an economic journal in English (28th page of the journal, January-February 1987): a short note retelling a long article about TRIZ in a special journal "Technology". The note says that 70 engineers and groups of people of different specialties ... use this method to solve non-trivial problems of systems development. At military and aviation enterprises, "using the method of Prof. Altshuller, they accurately determine the deficiencies common to existing engines. Applying the algorithms created by Prof. Altshuller, they then analyze these shortcomings and apply the appropriate laws of system development to correct them."

Since 1985, state (and not public, as before) training in methods of technical creativity has begun in our country. In the program developed by the USSR State Committee for Inventions and the VOIR Central Assembly, TRIZ is allocated only a few academic hours. Instead of a deep study of the theory of inventive problem solving, students are fluently introduced to the fragments of one of the old modifications of ARIZ, taught by people who have not undergone high-quality TRIZ training, do not even have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current state of the theory, and, naturally, do not use new developments.

Meanwhile, a well-organized teaching of TRIZ could give the country a lot, including currency. Here are the lines from a letter from KODAK consultant Kenneth Lamport, who read the book Creativity as an Exact Science (New York, December 1987): "... Is there any printed material on this topic translated into English? How can I I would also like to know if there is TRIZ training in English available to a US resident in the Soviet Union or elsewhere, if so, it would be very useful to get information about the courses: timing, place, cost, mandatory formalities etc..."

Of course, a salutary thought arises: to classify TRIZ. But TRIZ is science. It is possible to classify individual developments for some time, it is impossible to classify the entire TRIZ, just as it is impossible to classify physics, chemistry, genetics, cybernetics .. On the contrary, the normal development of science requires international contacts, international scientific exchange. Scientific conferences and seminars on the problems of the methodology of technical creativity are regularly held abroad - not a single TRIZ specialist has ever participated in these events.

New thinking is about living and working in an open, shared world. And for this it is necessary to learn to work without hacking, learn to withstand any competition and always be ahead.

In the article "Mechanisms of restructuring inventive business" VG Lebedev, Dr. Econ. Sciences, prof. Academy of Social Sciences at the Central Committee of the CPSU, and G.K. Levanov ("Questions of invention" N 12-1987 g, p. 3) noted: "The era of the search for rational technical solutions by trial and error has exhausted itself, we need methods and techniques to optimize the choice of final In our country, a lot has already been done for this, and at a level ahead of foreign countries.It is worth at least recalling the contribution to the development of the theory of invention of such authors as G.S. Altshuller ... However, neither the algorithm for solving inventive problems ( ARIZ), nor the theory of inventive problem solving developed by G.S. Altshuller ... have not yet received noticeable, let alone mass, use, despite all their advantages and benefits. "

Another excerpt - from the book "Breakthrough into the Future" by V. A. Sidorov (published by "Molodaya Gvardiya", Moscow, pp. 209-210): "The TRIZ created in our country - the theory of solving inventive problems - is generally recognized as unique, the most effective of existing in the world. Like many new things, the methodology of invention was born in battles with conservative views. Of course, the discussion that the inclination to invent is a natural gift, a "divine spark", the lot of the few. theories have not gone away in many places. "

Year after year, overcoming skeptics' mistrust, new TRIZ schools were organized, teachers were trained, learning experience was accumulated, visual and teaching aids were compiled. This colossal work now makes it possible to deploy a massive and practically effective TRIZ training system in a short time. The question is: either use the enormous potential of the TRIZ training system, or ignore TRIZ and work with an extremely ineffective trial and error method.

Books and articles on TRIZ are instantly and regularly translated abroad. 5-7 years will pass and TRIZ will become widespread in many friendly and not very friendly countries. You must not waste time! Do not lose the vanguard position that it occupies so far Soviet Union in this region.

New technology of creativity is the most important of technologies, the national wealth of the country.



TRIZ is a new branch of knowledge that is rapidly developing into a separate science. TRIZ has its own field of study (laws of development of technical systems, laws of development of a creative personality), its own method (analysis of large arrays of patent, historical-technical and historical-biographical information), its own language (su-field analysis: technical "reactions" can be written as chemical reactions) its own information fund (principles, methods and techniques for resolving contradictions, pointers for the application of effects).

In theory, TRIZ should be taught from childhood. An experiment has begun in Pionerskaya Pravda since 1976: the methodology of teaching children is being worked out. It is framed as a page "Inventing? It's that easy! It's so hard!" More than 50 pages were published. The first ones gave few responses - 300-500 letters. Now about 10,000 letters are received on each page. Gradually, we learn to work with children: we set out "pieces" of theory, select interesting problems, etc. Based on the materials of "Pionerskaya Pravda" a book was written: G. Altov "And then the inventor appeared."

Similar work is being carried out now on the pages of Chisinau newspapers " Young Leninist"and" Youth of Moldova "by the teachers and developers of TRIZ B. Zlotin and A. Zusman. Based on the materials of these issues and face-to-face studies with schoolchildren, they prepared the book" A month under the stars of fantasy ".

Similar materials are published in the Leningrad newspaper "Leninskie Iskra" by the teacher and developer of TRIZ I. Vikentiev. Together with his co-author, he compiled a manual for "children's" TRIZ teachers.

Classes with children are also being successfully conducted in other cities: Riga, Norilsk, Odessa, etc.

Since 1988, work has begun on TRIZ with high school and vocational school students on the pages of the "Parus" magazine.

TRIZ classes are also held in a number of universities.

And yet the main contingent of our students is engineers from 30 to 50 years old. A range of educational programs has been developed and tested for them:

1) Up to 40 teaching hours. Such short course is for informational purposes only. The aim of the course is to show the range of issues that modern TRIZ deals with and to attract listeners to further systematic serious study. Classes are usually held part-time for 4-8 hours a week. Weekly off-site seminars are also practiced. Seminar organizers need to copy up to 100 pages of handouts teaching materials (hereinafter - based on each listener). It is advisable to provide each listener with one TRIZ book.

2) 60-90 academic hours. Six months with classes once a week or a two-week seminar with a break from work. The goal is to master the main working tools of TRIZ. Introduction to TRTL. Handouts - up to 200 pages, in addition - 1-2 books on TRIZ.

3) 120-150 teaching hours. A year with classes once a week or a month-long seminar with a break from work. Recently, such programs have been carried out in two stages: A two-week seminar is organized, the teachers leave the students a task for a period of self-preparation, and a few months later they conduct a second cycle seminar with the same audience. Classes end with graduation work - the solution of the production problem. The goal is to firmly master the basic working tools of TRIZ and solve at least one practical problem with their help (with the subsequent filing of an application). Skills development creative thinking, initial training to teaching in TRIZ, the practice of using TRTL elements. For the lessons, it is necessary to reproduce handouts of up to 400 pages, plus two or three books on TRIZ.

4) 220-280 teaching hours. Two years of classes once a week or two months off-the-job seminars. The goal is to deeply master modern TRIZ and solve several production problems (with mandatory registration of applications), acquire the skills of systemic creative thinking, train teachers and developers of TRIZ and TRTL, minimal teaching and research practice in TRIZ and TRTL. About 500 typed pages of handouts plus three or four books on TRIZ.

What is the return on TRIZ training?

If we take out of the parentheses the increase in interest in life, the flourishing of creative activity, the "rejuvenation" of a person and calculate only the economic efficiency, then we get something like the following. Experience shows that it is possible to guarantee - when training a group of 30 people on a program of 150 hours - at least:

Immediately upon completion of training - 20 technical solutions for

the level of the proposed invention

A year after training - 15 applications for inventions.

Two years later - 30 applications, 5 ed. wit,

one embedded invention.

Three years later - 40 applications, 12 ed. wit,

3 implemented inventions.

Let us emphasize again: the efficiency is calculated according to the guaranteed minimum.

A developed unified public system of training and development of TRIZ and TRTL has been created in the country: courses, seminars, public universities, public institutions, factory, city and regional schools. The transition of this social structure to the state is planned, and on the basis of full cost accounting, self-sufficiency. Schools are already operating on these principles in a number of cities in the country: in Angarsk, Vladivostok, Chisinau, etc.

No matter what program the classes are held, it is necessary - first of all - to ensure the quality level of the seminar. Today, teaching the methodology of technical creativity is becoming financially profitable. This attracts a lot of people who are random for TRIZ in teaching. By speculating on the increased interest in technical creativity, these people only create a distorted view of the subject in the audience, falsifying their studies. It is clear that TRIZ is not responsible for learning outcomes if random people turn out to be teachers.

1) 370119 Baku, ave. Oil refiners, 108, bld. 4, apt. 57

Altshuller Genrikh Saulovich

2) 226057 Riga, st. Lokomotives, 46, apt. 113

Bukhman Isak Beintsevich

Vertkin Igor Mikhailovich

4) 107497 Moscow, Novosibirskaya, 1, bldg. 2, apt. four

Hasanov Alexander Iskanderovich

5) 277060 Chisinau-60, a. I. 3468

Zlotin Boris Lvovich

6) 665825 Angarsk, quarter 94, building 3-a / 3-b, apt. 72

Ivanov Gennady Ivanovich

7) 454000 Chelyabinsk, Lenin Ave., 60, CHOUNB, Department

technical literature, Kozhevnikova Lyubov Anatolyevna

8) 630027 Novosibirsk-27, a. I. 308

Ladoshkin Viktor Seliverstovich

9) 198147 Leningrad, M. Detskoselsky prospect, 38, apt. 81

Litvin Semyon Solomonovich

10) 194021 Leningrad, Shvernik Ave., 30, apt. 43

Volyuslav Mitrofanov

11) 428015 Cheboksary-15, a. I. 16

Mikhailov Valery Alekseevich

12) 620055 Sverdlovsk, st. S. Morozova, 175, apt. 46

Pevzner Lev Khatevich

13) 195269 Leningrad K-269, Svetlanovsky prospect, 101, apt. 308

Petrov Vladimir Mikhailovich

Salamatov Yuri Petrovich

15) 185000 Petrozavodsk, st. Engels, 13, apt. 36

Selyutsky Alexander Borisovich

16) 320108 Dnepropetrovsk, a. I. 1050

Stupniker Yuri Iosifovich

17) 220020 Minsk, st. Raduzhnaya, 6, apt. 218

Khomenko Nikolay Nikolaevich

18) 630129 Novosibirsk, st. Rassvetnaya, 10, apt. 122

Tsapko Sergey Mikhailovich

19) 220119 Minsk, st. Tikotsky, 24, apt. 79

Tsurikov Valery Mikhailovich

All questions related to seminars must be resolved in advance. A request for conducting classes must be made no later than six months before the expected date. The organizers have to do a lot of preparatory work. Experienced teachers, as a rule, have a seminar program scheduled for six months or a year in advance.


Dialectical materialism - the basis of TRIZ

1. Materialistic dialectics. In 5 volumes. Under the general editorship of F.V. Konstantinov and V.G. Makharov. Ed. "Thought", vol. 1 (1981), vol. 3 (1983)

2. V. I. Lenin. On the invention and implementation of scientific and technical achievements in production. Politizdat, 1973.

3. Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Philosophical Department of the USSR. Methodology and methods of technical creativity. Abstracts of reports and messages for the scientific-practical conference June 30 - July 2, 1984. Ed. SB AS USSR. Novosibirsk, 1984

4.P.S. Dyshlev, L.V. Yatsenko. Ways of convergence of scientific and technical creativity. - In the collection "Basic Research and technical progress", Siberian Branch of the Nauka Publishing House, Novosibirsk, 1985, pp. 93-98.

On the history of TRIZ development

5. Magazine "Parus" N 1 - 1988, p. 16-21 (V. Tsurikov. The road to the universe of ideas. A. Rosin. How to invent ... yourself).

6. D. Bilenkin. The Way "Through the Impossible", Tambov Book Publishing House, 1964.

7.G.S.Altshuller, R.B.Shapiro. On the psychology of inventive creativity. "Questions of Psychology" N 6 - 1956, p. 37-49.

8.G.S.Altshuller. How to learn to invent. Tambov Book Publishing House, 1961

9.G.S.Altshuller. Fundamentals of Invention. Central Black Earth Book Publishing, 1964

10.G.S.Altshuller. Algorithm of inventions. Ed. "Moscow Worker". 1st edition - 1969, 2nd edition - 1973

Fundamentals of modern TRIZ

11.G.S.Altshuller. Creativity as an exact science. Ed. "Soviet radio", Moscow, 1979

12.G.S.Altshuller, A.B.Selyutsky. Wings for Icarus. Ed. "Karelia", Petrozavodsk, 1980

13. From 1979 to 1983, materials on TRIZ were regularly published in the journal "Technics and Science":

a) Presentation and discussion of the basics of TRIZ: NN 3-6 and 9-10 for 1979

year, NN 10 and 12 for 1980.

b) Development of fantasy in teaching TRIZ: NN 5-7 for 1980.

c) Examples of using TRIZ in solving specific problems:

No. 10 of 1979, No. 4 and 9 of 1980; NN 2 and 10 for 1980

d) "TRIZ Workshop": starting from No. 1 for 1980

e) Fragments of the index of the use of physical effects: NN 1-9 per

1981; NN 3-5 for 1982

f) Application of chemical effects: No. 6 of 1982

g) Application of geomeffects: No. 7 of 1982

14.G.S.Altshuller. Find an idea. Sib. dep. ed. "Science", Novosibirsk, 1986.

15. Collection "Daring formulas of creativity", ed. "Karelia", Petrozavodsk, 1987

16. Collection "Thread in the labyrinth". Ed. "Karelia", Petrozavodsk, 1988

17.GI Ivanov. ..And start inventing! East Siberian book publishing, Irkutsk, 1987

18.N.T.Petrovich, V.M. Tsurikov. The path to the invention. Ed. "Young Guard", Moscow, 1986


19.G.S.Altshuller, B.L. Zlotin, V.I. Filatov. The profession is the search for something new. Ed. "Kartya Moldoveneaske", Chisinau, 1985

20. V.M. Gerasimov, S.S. Litvin. Taking into account the laws of technology development when carrying out a functional-cost analysis of technological processes. - In the collection "The Practice of Conducting Functional Cost Analysis in the Electrical Industry". Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1987, p. 193-210.

TRIZ Application to Solving Legal and Scientific Problems

21. R.B.Shapiro, G.S.Altshuller. On some issues of Soviet inventive law. "Soviet state and law", No. 2, 1958, p. 35-44.

22. G. Altov, V. Zhuravleva. A journey to the epicenter of controversy. "Zvezda", No. 2 - 1964, p. 130-138.

23. I.M.Kondrakov. Algorithm of discoveries? - "Technology and Science", N 11 - 1979

24. G. G. Golovchenko. About wind power plants. "Physiology of plants", 1974, v. 21, issue 4. c.861-863.

25. V.V.Mitrofanov, V.I.Sokolov. On the nature of the Russell effect. "Physics of a Solid State", 1974, vol. 16, N 8, p. 24-35.

Development of creative abilities of students

26. G. Altov. And then the inventor appeared. Ed. "Children's literature". M, 1984. Second edition - 1987.

27.B. Zlotin, A. Zusman. A month under the stars of fantasy. Ed. "Lumina", Chisinau, 1988

Development of creative imagination

28. G. Altov. Fiction and the reader. Collection "Problems of Sociology of Printing". Issue 2. 1970, Sib. the Department. ed. "Science" Novosibirsk.

29.B.Shevchenko. Development of creative imagination. Methodical guidance. Frunze Polytechnic Institute. 1987 year

30. P. Amnuel. The starships of the imagination. Ed. "Knowledge", M, 1988


In 1987 G. Altshuller and L. Kozhevnikova founded a collection of materials on TRIZ in the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library (CHOUNB). The foundation was created for several reasons. First, the massive application of TRIZ begins. There are about three hundred TRIZ schools (courses, seminars, institutes, TRIZ study groups, etc.) in the country. The number of new schools and teachers is growing rapidly. Of course, in their local libraries, teachers will be able to work out several books on the theory of inventive problem solving, but modern knowledge are not limited to this. There are a number of materials that have not been published in large editions: teaching aids, study programs, problem books, summary card indexes of technical solutions, card indexes of biographies, research on the laws of development of technical systems and their mechanisms, photographs from classes, educational and information posters, etc. A qualified teacher needs to know and use these materials, collected in CHOUNB, they become publicly available.

The second important reason is the collection of all previously developed (and created now) TRIZ materials. Over the long years of work, a large array of printed and handwritten works has accumulated, scattered across schools and personal funds of teachers and researchers. To record and classify the material, they had to be collected in one center. This makes it possible to move forward more efficiently both in teaching TRIZ and in developing theory.

And third: a unified, registered fund is necessary to preserve the national priority and guarantee the copyright of TRIZ researchers.

For more information about the fund and the rules for working with its materials, contact L. Kozhevnikova (see the address in section 5.2).

TRIZ is intended for solving specific technical problems, but another function of TRIZ is no less important: providing such a technology of thinking, which in old terms we call talent. Today, when the experience of many TRIZ schools has been accumulated, we can confidently say: every engineer is capable and must "scientifically" (according to TRIZ) solve problems that are considered to be creative.

Is it realistic to teach everyone to run at a speed of 50 km / h? Yes, if "running" is replaced by driving. Can everyone be taught to work faster than the most talented excavator? Yes, if you replace the shovel with an excavator. TRIZ gives the engineer an excavator - this is the meaning of TRIZ, a new tool for creative activity.

It is unreasonable and wasteful to solve creative problems by the method of "overshadowing" at a time when scientific technology has been created, as it is unreasonable and wasteful to carry loads on oneself when there are trains, cars, airplanes.

Today, only people who are not familiar with modern TRIZ object to TRIZ. These objections are most often built according to the formula: "I have not read anything about your TRIZ, but I think that ..." and further "thoughts" follow, the essence of which boils down to the fact that one should use common sense, ingenuity, folk sayings, proverbs, anecdotes ... As for TRIZ, one should not study it, the "thinkers" believe. First, they say, because TRIZ is too complex. Following this logic, there is no need to study physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, etc. (you don't even need to learn to speak: according to foreigners, the Russian language is very difficult to learn). If humanity obeyed such advice, it would still be sitting in the trees, sticking to the branches with its tails.

The second argument looks like this: "And who will do the rough, non-creative work? Why does the world need so many people engaged in creative work? There are enough of those who are talented from birth."

How much history repeats itself! Once upon a time, they objected to teaching literacy in the same way: it was believed that being literate is the lot of the elite, today in our country everyone is taught to read and write: did this lead to a catastrophe, to an overproduction of literate people? TRIZ is the alphabet of talented thinking, each person must be creatively literate.

"You assert," say the skeptics, "that everyone can be taught to invent? But this cannot be! What about innate abilities? And geniuses: after all, they are from the birth of a genius, aren't they?"

This position is due to simple reasons:

a) Since ancient times, everything has changed, except for the technology for solving creative problems. They got used to the trial and error method so much that creativity itself began to be identified with solving problems by enumerating options.

b) TRIZ denies the monopoly on creativity, allegedly provided by innate abilities. And for such monopolies and privileges (tribal, property, racial, etc.) they hold on tightly, defending them by all means, including force.

In the storms of great revolutions, prejudices about the superiority of noble people, about the special abilities of rich people collapsed, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe exclusivity of people endowed with creative abilities persisted and, perhaps, even became stronger. They no longer say: he is better because he is richer. Now they say differently: he is better because he has creative abilities. Only this is not a cause of inequality, but a consequence. The myth that justifies inequality by reference to ability is extremely strong, but it will inevitably collapse.

People have the same right to happiness, and this right includes, first of all, the possibility of creativity, development - for creativity - of the corresponding abilities.

baku April 1988

  • 1.3. WHAT IS TRIZ?
  • 2.3. TRIZ and FSA
  • 3.1. TRIZ and TRTL
  • In the managerial environment, unfortunately, it is generally accepted in most cases that the innovative potential of our economy is in the past and has little chance of reanimation. One of the reasons is the low level of invention in Russian reality. Meanwhile, some 60-50 years ago, a unique theory and technology of TRIZ was developed in the USSR, which is now becoming increasingly widespread in developed countries, in large transnational companies. I propose to think together about how to approach the development of the theory of inventive problem solving.

    The author of the theory Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller

    In 1978, I got acquainted with the work of Heinrich Altov (Heinrich Altshuller wore such a pseudonym for writers) when I read the story "The Donkey and the Axiom" (1966 onwards) in the next collection of Soviet science fiction. I was struck by the author's daring and farsightedness in the best intellectual traditions of the "thaw of the 60s". Since that time, I began to get carried away with the works of this writer, completely unaware of what scientific magnitude the person behind the pseudonym is Heinrich Altshuller, and what is his real contribution to the breakthrough solutions of modern innovation. The hero of the story "The Donkey and the Axiom" - a self-taught scientist nicknamed Antenna, as a brilliant scout of distant scientific frontiers, today seems to me the prototype of Heinrich Saulovich himself.

    In this article, I do not intend to reveal any truth about TRIZ - the theory of inventive problem solving, in principle I have no right to do so. Firstly, I am not an inventor, but an economist, although at one time I tried to honestly solve TRIZ problems. Secondly, real theory is a young science, knowledge about it should be presented by authors or their followers who have reached recognized heights in invention and other areas where TRIZ methods are applicable. Nevertheless, when dealing with project management, including in the innovation sphere, each project manager is obliged to represent the main elements of TRIZ. Thanks to them, it is possible to achieve the necessary inventive result not at the expense of genius and special art, but according to some well-built, clearly defined technology. Therefore, PM should have at least a minimal idea of \u200b\u200bthis technology.

    Photo by G.S. Altshuller. Source:

    The fundamentals of TRIZ were developed by G. Altshuller back in 1946-1948 as a result of the revealed patterns in the analysis of a huge number of patents for inventions. It is convenient to consider the TRIZ system by analogy with the theory of management research. In both cases, the result is sometimes impudent (in the authorship of the course "Management Studies" by SG Goncharova (MIRBIS)). Like the principles of TRIZ, the elements of the control system are based on the problematic type of thinking. In both cases, the key moment for the implementation of the solution algorithm is the search for the root contradiction. It is interesting that both inventive activity in the classical version and the method of management research often use the same techniques and methods for structuring the problem:

    Heinrich Altshuller reasonably calls all these methods "brute force", "trial and error", etc. At the same time, the scientist already in the middle of the 20th century clearly understood that today the enumeration of solutions is an unacceptable luxury. His position was that, in principle, an inventive problem should not and cannot be solved in the zone of weak, compromise solutions, it is impermissible to use deliberately dead-end search branches, blind wandering is unprofitable and reckless. On the contrary, it is necessary to exacerbate the revealed contradiction to the extreme, boldly moving towards the image of an insoluble situation. Only in this case strong decisions arise, the author of the theory believed.

    The structure of TRIZ is essential and multifaceted. Genrikh Saulovich, I believe, was not afraid to call things by their simple names, boldly formulate axioms and laws, and they eventually developed into theory. This was facilitated by the fact that G. Altshuller was an excellent systems engineer and teacher. I can draw this conclusion at least from his works in science fiction, they are saturated with a deep philosophical view and real imagery.

    The theory operates not only with regularities, it uses the gradation of inventions by level, formulated the standards of the methodology, which are divided into classes. In its methodology, the theory uses a specially created algorithm saturated with multiple techniques, the number of which is large and yet limited to a few hundred. All these elements make up TRIZ tools.

    Fundamental ideas of the theory

    As we noted above, this theory is full of many tools. I do not see the point at all in repeating the concepts and definitions of this rather complex system. At the end of the article, I will give sources to which the reader can easily refer to and draw on the information he needs. But there are root ideas in this approach that really define the essential aspect of the methodology that fills it with life and pragmatics.

    By the basic law of the theory, Heinrich Altshuller deduced the postulate that technical systems develop in the direction of increasing the degree of ideality. Then what is the ideal state of the subject matter of the invention? It assumes that the object itself does not exist, but its function is nevertheless fulfilled. In addition to the basic law, a number of positions were formulated, not all of which can really be considered laws, but they really are the deep laws of the development of technical systems (TS). The author of the theory divides the "laws" into classes based on statics, kinematics, and dynamics. Among them, ideas stand out that exclude the need for blind enumeration of solutions:

    • completeness of parts of the system;
    • "Energy conductivity" of the vehicle;
    • harmonization of the rhythm of parts of the vehicle;
    • irregularities in the development of parts of the vehicle;
    • transition to the supersystem;
    • transition from the macrolevel to the microlevel, etc.

    Nevertheless, it is necessary to do without a few concepts in talking about the theory of G.S. Altshuller will not work. The first such concept is associated with the ideal end result (IFR), which the inventor must imagine and formulate in the search for the root contradiction. After all, the essence of the inventive problem is to eliminate the identified technical contradictions. This requires an image of the IFR that allows the creator to enter the area of \u200b\u200bstrong decisions. It is the IFR that allows you to create an inventive situation that leads to the choice of the level of the problem - maximum or minimum. Below is an example with an ordinary brick.

    Two quotes from the book by G.S. Altshuller.

    TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving)

    “Conflict resolution is the key to creative thinking.
    The tool for working with children is a pedagogical search.
    If the child does not ask a question, then the teacher asks him himself: "What would happen if ..."
    Occupation is not a form, but a search for truth "

    TRIZ is the theory of inventive problem solving. The founder is Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller. The main idea of \u200b\u200bhis technology is that technical systems do not arise and develop "randomly", but according to certain laws: these laws can be learned and used for conscious - without a lot of empty trials - solving inventive problems. TRIZ transforms the production of new technical ideas into an exact science, since the solution of inventive problems is based on a system of logical operations.
    The technology of G.S. Altshuller has been successfully used for many years in work with children at stations young technicians, where its second part appeared - creative pedagogy, and then a new section of TRIZ - the theory of the development of a creative personality.
    At present, the techniques and methods of technical TRIZ are successfully used in kindergartens to develop inventive ingenuity, creative imagination, and dialectical thinking in preschoolers.
    The purpose of TRIZ is not just to develop the imagination of children, but to teach them to think in a systematic way, with an understanding of the ongoing processes. To give educators a tool for concrete practical education in children of the qualities of a creative personality, capable of understanding the unity and contradiction of the world around them, and solving their little problems.
    The starting point of the TRIZ concept in relation to the preschooler is the principle of conformity to nature in education. When teaching a child, the teacher must proceed from his nature. And also the position of L. S. Vygotsky that the preschooler accepts the curriculum to the extent that it becomes his own.
    The TRIZ program for preschoolers is a program of collective games and activities with detailed methodological recommendations for educators. All activities and games involve the child's independent choice of topic, material and type of activity. They teach children to identify the contradictory properties of objects, phenomena and resolve these contradictions. Conflict resolution is the key to creative thinking.
    The main means of working with children is pedagogical search. The teacher should not give children ready-made knowledge, reveal the truth to them, he should teach how to find it. Learning to solve creative inventive problems is carried out in several stages.
    At the first stage, classes are given not as a form, but as a search for truth and essence. The child is brought to the problem of the multifunctional use of the object.
    The next stage is the "mystery of the double" or the identification of contradictions in an object, a phenomenon, when something is good in it, but something is bad, something is harmful, something interferes, and something is needed.
    The next stage is the resolution of contradictions. To resolve contradictions, there is a whole system of game and fairy-tale tasks. For example, the problem: "How can you transfer water in a sieve?" The educator forms a contradiction, the water must be in the sieve in order to transfer it, and there should not be water, since if you decide not to transfer it, it will flow out. The contradiction is resolved by changing the state of aggregation of matter - water. The water will be in the sieve in a changed form (ice) and it will not be, since ice is not water. The solution to the problem is to transfer water in the form of ice to the solution.
    At the stage of invention, the main task is to teach children to search and find their own solution. The invention of children is expressed in creative imagination, in consideration, in inventing something new. For this, children are offered a number of special tasks. For example, think of a new study chair that you would like to sit in. Come up with a new toy, etc.
    The next stage of work under the TRIZ program is solving fairy-tale problems and inventing new fairy tales with the help of special methods... All this work includes different types children's activities - play activities, speech, drawing, modeling, application, construction, etc.
    At the last stage, relying on the knowledge gained, intuition, using original solutions to problems, the baby learns to find a way out of any difficult situation. Here the teacher only observes, the child relies on his own strength, his mental and creative potential. Situations can be different, from any area of \u200b\u200bhuman activity. Children are also put in experimental situations where it is necessary to make quick decisions.
    The TRIZ program provides educators and children with methods and tools of creativity that a person masters, regardless of his age. Having mastered a single instrument, children and adults can more easily find a common language, understand each other.

    Basic provisions of TRIZ
    The main functions of TRIZ
    1. Solving creative and inventive problems of any complexity and focus without enumerating options.
    2. Forecasting the development of technical systems (TS) and obtaining promising solutions (including fundamentally new ones).
    3. Development of the qualities of a creative personality.

    The principles of constructing TRIZ lessons.
    - A minimum of information communication, a maximum of reasoning.
    - The optimal form of organizing the discussion of problem situations is brainstorming.
    - A systematic approach (everything in the world is interconnected, and any phenomenon should be considered in development).
    - Inclusion in the process of cognition of all mental operations and means of perception available to the child (analyzers, cause-and-effect conclusions and conclusions made independently; subject-schematic visibility).
    - Mandatory activation of creative imagination.
    Thus, TRIZ, on the one hand, is an entertaining game, and on the other, the development of a child's mental activity through creativity. What gives creativity to a child?
    - Gives you the opportunity to prove yourself.
    - The desire to receive new information about the environment.
    - Develops the need for cognitive activity.
    - Gives the opportunity to create, create.
    - Promotes the development of analytical skills.
    - To form the ability to develop and prove your point of view. This will be helped by the techniques and methods of TRIZ.
    When conducting classes, the following forms of work with children can be used: conversation, plot-role and didactic games, listening to music, staging and modeling situations, performing practical work. An important role is played by diagrams, tables, conventions and other ways of presenting information. Fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, works of children's writers are used as illustrative material. A large place is occupied by poems, selected in such a way that morality, as well as the conclusion in them, do not "stick out" to the fore, but "hide" inside a situation, often mixed. The teacher's skill is to let the children see this moral for themselves and draw the appropriate conclusion.
    As a result, the following positive aspects of TRIZ stand out:
    - Children's circle of ideas is enriched, vocabulary, creativity develops.
    - TRIZ helps to form dialectics and logic, helps to overcome shyness, isolation, timidity; a small person learns to defend his point of view, and when he gets into difficult situations, he learns to find original solutions on his own.
    - TRIZ contributes to the development of visual-figurative, causal, heuristic thinking; memory, imagination, affects other mental processes.
    The main stages of the TRIZ methodology
    1. Finding the essence
    The children are faced with a problem (question) that needs to be solved. And everyone is looking for different solutions, what is the truth.
    2. "The secret of the double" - identifying contradictions: good or bad
    For example: the sun is good and bad. Good - heats, bad - can burn
    3. Resolution of contradictions (with the help of games and fairy tales).
    For example: an umbrella needs a large one to hide under it from the rain, but it also needs a small one to carry in a bag. The solution to this contradiction is the folding umbrella.
    1. Brainstorming method
    2.Directory method
    3 focal object method
    4. System analysis method
    5. Method of morphological analysis
    6. The goldfish method
    9. Modeling by little people
    10. Trial and error
    11. Thinking by analogy
    19.Typical methods of daydreaming

    Reflection tasks:
    How to transfer water in a sieve (change the state of aggregation - freeze water);
    How fast to grow (change over time)
    How to save a kolobok from a fox?
    TRIZ recommends conducting conversations with children on the following topics:
    1) historical: how was the wheel, plane, fork, pencil, etc. invented?
    2) on walks: who is the mother of the wind, who are his friends, what is the wind whispering about, what is the wind arguing with the sun about?
    3) Reception of empathy: what does this bush feel? Does the tree feel pain?

    Signs of creativity:
    Mobility of thinking
    Quick orientation
    Non-standard approach to problem solving
    Transfer of the characteristics of some phenomena, objects, situations to other conditions

    Imagine you are faced with the problem of how to improve something, or how to make something work. How do you come up with something new? For this, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving was invented. In this topic, I'll try to tell on my fingers what it is about

    For warm-up

    Life situation: in good weather the windows in the apartment should be open, but if it rains outside, it will be necessary to close them. We have no desire to monitor this and close them ourselves. What solution comes to mind?
    An interesting fact: we always think of things that we have already seen, or just some ready-made solutions.

    Correct problem setting

    One of the first problems that everyone faced was not understanding the condition. For a given problem, you need to build alternative questions that also solve the problem.

    For example: find an inexpensive express method for detecting air leaks in a car tire (this is a problem as given by the PKD).

    Alternative questions (this is a problem as understood (PEP)):

    • How to find a tire leak
    • How to predict the possible location of a tire leak
    • How to find a self-repairing tire leak
    The first option is clearer than the original one, as it is more specific. The more specifically the problem is highlighted, the easier it is to solve it.

    Enumeration activation method

    There are many ways to activate a variable approach to solving inventive problems (in case you need to come up with a concretely new, rather than a new way of using an existing one). Here are the main ones:
    1. Morphological method
      We create a table where the axes are the parameters and characteristics that are important to us. On each axis, we describe the possible achievements of this characteristic. Thus, choosing one method from each axis, you can choose the most correct and optimal solution for the entire technical system.
    2. Rethinking the task
      The same problem can be solved in different ways depending on the goal. For example: it is necessary that the ram does not break when it collides with the door.
      You can change the material of the ram; try to make the ram become stronger from hitting the door (like rams and their horns in a collision).
    3. Analogy method
      Direct analogy: any similar situation or problem solved in another field of activity, science or nature.
      Personal analogy: an attempt to look at the task, identifying oneself with an object, an attempt to enter its image, to find personal analogies in a person's experience.


    Consider a regular cup. If you pour boiling water into it, then it will become hot by itself, and it will not be easy to hold it in your hands. But we want to use it!
    Let us formulate the problem (contradiction. After all, it is the contradiction that forces us to solve the problem): We need something hot to be poured into the cup, and not scalded by picking it up.

    What are we working with?

    One way to keep the liquid poured at a temperature without allowing the cup to heat up is to make it out of a thicker material. This will not lead to significant changes in production other than additional material costs. A similar solution would be to change the material from which the cup is made.

    What if there are other options? You can arrange for the cup to have a cool place. This thought led to the creation of a handle for the cups.

    The cup remained a cup and gained almost no weight. The additional cost is minimal as the handle is made of the same material.

    Why not do it differently?

    Of course, these are not the only ways to solve the problem. Except for one BUT. Than easier solution, the easier it is to apply.

    A technical object is ideal if it does not exist, and the function is executed
    In other words, a solution is best if it requires nothing more than what we have in the condition.

    Solutions for other areas

    Sometimes some tasks that were a big problem for a long time in one area have already been addressed in another.

    A small example

    Being in conditions of complete darkness, you need to navigate in space. If we cannot see, then who can? (we immediately form a contradiction about ourselves: a person cannot see in the dark, but he needs to be able to navigate in it).

    Here you can remember animals that feel good in the dark. Cats and bats most of all claim this role. The first option requires at least a weak light source (direct or reflected). And in the case of the bat, light is not needed at all, they move with the help of reflected sound.

    On the example of bats, sonars were made, but the basis of night vision goggles was the ability of cats to navigate in low light.

    Another interesting example

    And another example from the animal kingdom: how to get rid of lacing in clothes? One of good decisions - to tie clothes with an additional rag of this very clothes, which formed the basis of most of the dressing gowns.

    The second fairly common solution is to use fasteners instead of fasteners, a variant of which is Velcro (the fruits of the burdock served as their prototype at one time).


    Brief diagram of TRIZ application in general view can be represented as:

    1. Define the task and formulate it (the problem is as given and the problem is as understood)
    2. Find a contradiction and what prevents the solution of the problem (what is the problem of the situation)
    3. Allocate the resources we have
    4. Apply existing solutions (in space, time screen, solution from other areas, and so on)
    5. Analyze the solution and see if it can be improved

    I hope that despite the brevity, I was able to explain in general terms what TRIZ is (or at least prompted me to learn more about it).