Basal temperature chart in the absence of ovulation. Normal basal temperature chart. Basal temperature chart during ovulation

How to measure and graph correctly basal temperature Not many women know this, but all representatives of the fairer sex should have this skill. After all, measuring basal temperature is necessary not only for any pathology, but will help you understand your body and shed light on many questions.

What does the term “basal temperature” mean?

Basal temperature is the lowest body temperature that was recorded after a long state of rest, that is, sleep. Basal temperature is measured in the rectum, vagina or mouth. Unlike true temperature, basal temperature is always slightly higher (just a couple of tenths of degrees). Gynecologists believe that the most indicative is the basal temperature measured in the rectum, which is why its other name is rectal temperature.

The need to measure basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature and charting it is one of the tests functional diagnostics. And although this method has been used for a long time, it has not lost its relevance to this day, since measuring basal temperature not only helps in diagnosis gynecological diseases, but the method itself is simple and cheap.

In what cases is basal temperature measurement indicated:

  • desire to get pregnant, and this requires setting the day of ovulation;
  • defence from unwanted pregnancy, that is, the definition of so-called safe days;
  • as an additional diagnostic method for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disruptions in hormonal regulation (, recurrent miscarriage, ovarian dysfunction);
  • infertility (it doesn’t matter which partner is “guilty”);
  • setting the duration of phases menstrual cycle and ovulation;
  • delay of menstruation and establishing its cause (possibly pregnancy);
  • threatened or incipient miscarriage (assessment of the effectiveness of treatment and positive/negative dynamics);
  • calculate the time of the next menstruation;
  • desire to become pregnant with a child of a certain gender.

In order for the compiled basal temperature chart to be as informative as possible, its measurement must be carried out over (at least) three menstrual cycles and without a break (the temperature was recorded one month, but not the next - incorrectly). Firstly, this need is due to the fact that during the course of a year, even a healthy woman can experience one or two anovulatory cycles, and, secondly, it is possible to identify the influence of certain circumstances in one cycle, which, accordingly, makes the graph non-indicative ( and for comparison there are several other menstrual cycles).

But the main thing that every woman should know is that measuring basal temperature while taking hormonal contraceptive pills is an absolutely waste of time, since the artificial hormones contained in the pills suppress both ovulation and the production of their own hormones.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

In order for the compiled graph to display the correct results, and therefore be able to help in diagnosing pathology, you need to know how to measure basal temperature correctly. The main condition for measuring temperature is responsibility and discipline. The list includes a few simple rules:

  • temperature measurement is carried out immediately after waking up (preliminary “trips” to the toilet, drinking water, etc. are excluded);
  • The duration of sleep should be at least 3 hours, and preferably 6;
  • once the thermometer is installed, you should not move or reduce movements to a minimum for the duration of the measurement (physical activity increases the temperature);
  • temperature measurement must be carried out at a certain time (plus or minus an hour);
  • A mercury thermometer is preferable for measuring basal temperature;
  • the thermometer should be “at hand” (on the bedside table or table);
  • when measuring temperature in the mouth or vagina, the measurement time is at least 5 minutes, and when measuring in the rectum, at least 3 minutes;
  • Temperature measurements are also carried out on menstruation days;
  • Shake the mercury thermometer in the evening;
  • record temperature data immediately after measurement;
  • carry out the measurement using one method (if it was carried out in the rectum, continue to measure the temperature rectally;
  • There must be only one thermometer; replacing it is not allowed.

What thermometer is used to measure basal temperature?

There are 2 types of thermometers. The first – “old” version – is mercury, and the second – modern – electronic. Many believe that it is better to measure basal temperature with a modern electronic thermometer, and they would be wrong. An electronic thermometer shows temperature with errors and is good only for a one-time temperature determination, but basal temperature must be measured for at least three months and errors can blur the existing picture. Therefore, to measure basal temperature, you must use a regular mercury thermometer.

When determining the temperature in the rectum with an electronic thermometer, you should follow the rules for using the device. When the temperature measurement process is completed, the thermometer beeps, indicating the need to remove it. The final value should not be recorded immediately after extraction, but after 0.5 - 1 minute, because the temperature on the scale will continue to rise for some time.

How to chart your basal temperature

For convenience, both drawing up and reading a graph of basal temperature, it should be placed on a double notebook sheet in a cage. The days of the menstrual cycle and the date are marked horizontally, and the basal temperature readings vertically. From the point of 37 degrees horizontally, draw a red line parallel to the line of the days of the cycle. This is a control line that will make it easier to read the graph and highlight the phases of the menstrual cycle and ovulation.

“Selections” should be entered in a separate column (below, under the horizontal line). Quality and quantity vaginal discharge associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, on the eve and day of ovulation they are liquid, abundant and look like egg white, and in the second phase the discharge is thicker and has a milky color.

Even lower, the “miscellaneous” column is highlighted. This column includes any force majeure circumstances: air travel, alcohol consumption, business trip, sex at night or in the morning, nap, colds and so on.

The points that are plotted on the graph daily and indicating temperature values ​​are connected to each other. This creates a broken line.

In a healthy woman, the menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases: follicular and luteal, which is clearly visible on the graph, since the curve will be broken, at first the temperature stays below 37 degrees, then it jumps sharply and becomes above 37. In the follicular phase, estrogens are active, under by which the main follicle matures, so the graph will display a curve below 37 degrees. The follicular phase lasts about 12 – 14 days. On the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops by 0.2 - 0.4 degrees (preovulatory relapse), and with its onset the temperature soars and becomes 0.2 - 0.4 degrees above the 37-degree line. Then the luteal phase begins, which lasts for 14 days, and the graphic line will be above 37 degrees. This increase in temperature in the second phase is explained by the action of progesterone, which affects the thermoregulation center. Before menstruation, progesterone levels drop, which means the schedule will decrease. If the temperature remains the same (above 37), and menstruation does not begin, this indicates a possible pregnancy.

Measuring basal temperature during pregnancy

A basal temperature chart may be the first sign of pregnancy before your period is missed. As mentioned above, basal temperature data fluctuates and depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, which is determined by sex hormones. If in the follicular (first) phase the temperature should normally be below 37 degrees, then in the luteal or second phase the temperature will rise above 37 and remain at this level for about 14 days (plus or minus 2 days). On the eve of ovulation, its retraction occurs, and immediately after the release of the egg from the ovary, it increases by 0.4 - 0.5 degrees and begins to decrease only before the start of the next menstruation. If the temperature does not decrease on the eve of the expected menstruation and still remains above 37 degrees, then pregnancy can be assumed. The absence of menstruation on time plus an increased basal temperature requires a pregnancy test, which in 99% of cases will be positive.

The method of determining a probable pregnancy by basal temperature only works for ovulatory cycles that were previously confirmed either by a basal temperature chart, or by ovulation tests, or by ultrasound. But if there is no ovulation, then no matter how long the temperature is raised, this does not indicate that conception has occurred, even if there is no regular menstruation. For example, with hyperprolactinemia, when the pituitary gland produces an increased amount of prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, both signs may be present: a basal temperature above 37 degrees and the absence of menstruation.

From the above it becomes clear that basal temperature during early pregnancy remains high until the expected menstruation and does not decrease the rest of the time (against the background of delayed menstruation and subject to confirmed ovulation in previous cycles).

Implantation retraction

Speaking about the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy, one cannot remain silent about such a phenomenon as implantation retraction. Implantation is the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine lining. That is, until this moment, even with the fusion of the egg and sperm, it is premature to talk about pregnancy. Only when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall and establishes a connection with the mother’s body can we assume that conception has occurred and the pregnancy continues to develop.

Against the background of implantation retraction, a small (0.1 - 0.3 degrees) drop in temperature occurs in the second phase of the cycle (the woman does not yet know about the pregnancy and is expecting her period). If the moment of ovulation is clearly visible on the temperature graph, since the difference between ovulation and the beginning of the luteal phase of the cycle is 0.5 degrees, then implantation retraction is characterized by slight fluctuations, so it is quite difficult to notice it. This phenomenon is observed approximately 7–9 days after the release of the egg from the ovary. This sign does not serve as a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. Additional criteria this phenomenon implantation bleeding appears (1 - 2 drops of pink or reddish color on underwear), which is also not observed in all women.

Ectopic pregnancy

Many women believe that basal temperature during ectopic pregnancy doesn't rise. In reality this statement is false. It doesn’t matter where the fertilized egg is implanted, in the uterus, in the tube or somewhere else, progesterone and hCG will be produced in any case.

Therefore, the basal temperature during an ectopic pregnancy will be above 37 degrees. From which it follows that it is impossible to determine the location of the embryo from the basal temperature graph.

Normal basal temperature readings

It is not recommended for all women to measure basal temperature, and even more so, it is not measured throughout the entire period of pregnancy, but only up to 12 weeks. As a rule, the doctor recommends keeping a temperature chart for women at high risk for miscarriage (difficult working conditions, complications of past pregnancies, such as miscarriages, premature birth, etc.).

Basal temperature during pregnancy is normally in the range of 37.1 - 37.3 degrees, but higher values ​​(up to 38) are not considered pathological. Any deviation from the norm requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Decrease in basal temperature

An unfavorable sign is a decrease in basal temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy. This indicates a threat of termination or a frozen pregnancy. Moreover, a drop in basal temperature is possible even before the appearance of clinical manifestations (bloody issues, aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and/or lower back). A drop in basal temperature is said to occur when it reaches 37 degrees or below. The same sign - low temperature It is also observed during ectopic pregnancy, on the eve of or at the time of rupture of the fallopian tube or tubal abortion.

Increase in basal temperature

If the basal temperature is above 38 degrees for several days, this also indicates trouble in the body. Inflammatory processes of the genital organs, colds and other diseases are not excluded.

But elevated temperature can also be caused by other factors:

  • violation of measurement rules;
  • taking medications;
  • motor activity before and at the time of measurement, and others.

Basal temperature (BT) is the lowest body temperature per day that is achieved during sleep. It is measured rectally, at rest, immediately after waking up.

Keeping a chart and measuring basal temperature after ovulation helps in planning and diagnosing pregnancy.

What is basal temperature

Measuring BT helps determine the state of hormonal levels, as well as the fertile phase of the cycle.

Its performance is influenced by many factors:

  • poor sleep (lack of sleep, frequent awakenings, etc.);
  • psycho-emotional tension, stress;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (for example, diarrhea);
  • drinking alcohol;
  • physical exercise;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • cold;
  • taking certain medications;
  • climate change.

These factors must be taken into account when drawing up the schedule.

BBT is important for assessing the menstrual cycle. Knowing the norms and comparing them with your own indicators, you can determine violations and even the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.

  1. In the first (follicular) phase of the cycle, the BT level ranges from 36.1 to 36.7 degrees;
  2. A day before ovulation, there is a drop in temperature of 0.5 degrees;
  3. During and after ovulation, the indicator reaches 37-37.4 degrees;
  4. The basal temperature after the day of ovulation and the remaining time before menstruation remains at 37 degrees;
  5. It drops to 36.7-36.8 a couple of days before the start of menstruation.

Deviations from the above figures are also possible. This indicates the normal course of the cycle. The main thing is that there is no difference between the phases of more than 0.4 degrees.

Know! Even in healthy women, the temperature can remain at the same level throughout the cycle. This indicates an anovulatory cycle, that is, a cycle without ovulation and developmental phase corpus luteum.

In this case, menstruation comes on time. This is a rare phenomenon that is more typical during puberty or menopause.

Basal temperature charts

To build a reliable graph, you need to know how to measure basal temperature:

  • It is necessary to measure the temperature immediately after sleep; you should not get up. Usually measured after a night's sleep, it should be at least 4-5 hours;
  • Measured rectally. There are also vaginal and oral methods, but they are not standard;
  • Use the same thermometer for measurements. Prepare it in the evening (knock it down and put it closer). Extra movements before measurement are not necessary;
  • Hold the thermometer by the top so as not to throw off the readings.

The graph must be kept daily, marking the result obtained with a dot, and then connecting all the dots with a line. Usually, a schedule is drawn up not for one cycle, but for several. The graph of one cycle is not very informative.

A graphic image will help track changes in hormonal levels during the cycle. To construct, you can use a ready-made graph, of which there are many on the Internet. Or you can draw it yourself.

The horizontal X axis shows the days of the cycle, and the vertical Y axis shows the temperature. The result is marked on the graph with a dot, and then the dots are connected to each other.

How to determine ovulation

In the first part of the cycle, the dominant hormone is estrogen.

  1. It stimulates the restoration of the functional layer of the endometrium, its thickening, and increases the secretion of mucus in the cervix;
  2. The increased content of estrogen in the blood stimulates the contraction of smooth muscles, microvilli of the fallopian tubes, facilitating the advancement of sperm to merge with the egg;
  3. The normal value for this phase is 36.1-36.7 degrees.

During the ovulatory period, luteinizing hormone is released.

  • This hormone is responsible for the appearance of an egg (for ovulation);
  • When this hormone is released into the blood, estrogen and BT decrease (by 0.5 degrees). This lasts for 24 to 48 hours;
  • A longer drop in temperature may indicate problems with the ovaries;
  • This is the most favorable time to conceive.

How else can you determine ovulation:

  1. for pain in the ovary;
  2. by changes in cervical fluid.

After ovulation, the basal temperature increases to 37 degrees. Its increase is influenced by progesterone. It is he who predominates in the second part of the cycle, preparing the uterus for implantation of the zygote.

Basal temperature after ovulation

If fertilization has occurred, the basal temperature after ovulation remains at 37-37.4 degrees. In some cases, the indicator allows you to determine conception before the delay.

There is such a thing as “implantation retraction.” This is a decrease in BT on days 5-12 after fertilization. After this, the indicator returns to normal and does not fall anymore.

Important! If conception has occurred and the temperature has dropped, there is a high risk of miscarriage.

Sometimes the temperature drops after ovulation. It may say:

  • About the deficiency of the corpus luteum;

The problem in this case is low progesterone levels. It is this hormone that is responsible for raising the temperature and preparing the endometrium of the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg.

Progesterone also prevents the onset of menstruation.

  • About the death of the egg;

If fusion with the sperm does not occur, the egg dies. Its viability is only 12-24 hours (less often up to 48).

Due to the absence of a zygote (fertilized egg), the hormone level drops and the BT indicator decreases.

Important! If BBT remains at the same level after ovulation, this may indicate hormonal problems. Progesterone deficiency may be a symptom of improper ovarian function.

There are many factors that cause progesterone deficiency and luteal phase dysfunction. They may be associated with pathologies of the reproductive system, disorders of its functions, etc. Only a doctor can determine this, based on additional diagnostics and test results.

Symptoms indicating low progesterone:

  1. problems with conception;
  2. short menstrual cycle;
  3. early termination of pregnancy.

How to determine conception using a basal temperature chart

In order to determine pregnancy using a chart, it is necessary to maintain it continuously for several cycles.

If the basal temperature rises after ovulation, there is no usual decrease in the indicator, pregnancy can be assumed. Usually the indicator stays at around 37-37.4 degrees.

Important! Temperatures over 37 degrees in the first phase and 37.5 in the second phase may indicate inflammatory process occurring in the body. For diagnosis and treatment, you must consult a doctor.

It is possible to measure BT to determine conception, but this is not the most reliable way, since it can be influenced by many third-party factors.

This method will be more useful for determining ovulation and favorable days for conception.

How to prepare for pregnancy and conceive healthy baby, see the online course

Measuring basal temperature has become truly folk remedy pregnancy planning.

Why measure basal temperature

Basal or rectal temperature (BT)– This is the body temperature at rest after at least 3-6 hours of sleep, the temperature is measured in the mouth, rectum or vagina. The temperature measured at this moment is practically not affected by environmental factors. Experience shows that many women perceive the doctor’s demands to measure basal temperature as a formality and basal temperature does not solve anything, but this is far from the case.

The method of measuring basal body temperature was developed in 1953 by the English professor Marshall and refers to research techniques that are based on the biological effect of sex hormones, namely on the hyperthermic (increase in temperature) action of progesterone on the thermoregulation center. Measuring basal body temperature is one of the main tests for the functional diagnosis of ovarian function. Based on the results of measuring BT, a graph is constructed; an analysis of basal temperature graphs is given below.

Measuring basal temperature and charting is recommended in gynecology in the following cases:

If you have been trying to get pregnant for a year without success
If you suspect yourself or your partner is infertile
If your gynecologist suspects you have hormonal disorders

In addition to the above cases, when charting basal body temperature is recommended by a gynecologist, you can measure basal body temperature if:

Do you want to increase your chances of pregnancy?
You are experimenting with methods of planning the gender of your child
You want to observe your body and understand the processes taking place in it (this can help you communicate with specialists)

Experience shows that many women perceive the doctor’s demands to measure basal temperature as a formality and it does not solve anything.

In fact, by measuring your basal body temperature, you and your doctor can find out:

Does the egg mature and when does this happen (accordingly, highlight “dangerous” days for the purpose of protection or, conversely, the possibility of getting pregnant);
Did ovulation occur after the egg matured?
Determine the quality of your work endocrine system
Suspect gynecological problems, such as endometritis
When to expect your next menstruation
Whether pregnancy occurred due to delay or unusual menstruation;
Assess how correctly the ovaries secrete hormones according to the phases of the menstrual cycle;

A graph of basal temperature, drawn up according to all measurement rules, can show not only the presence of ovulation in a cycle or its absence, but also indicate diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems. You must measure your basal temperature for at least 3 cycles so that the information accumulated during this time allows you to make accurate predictions about the expected date of ovulation and the most favorable time of conception, as well as conclusions about hormonal disorders. Only a gynecologist can give an accurate assessment of your basal temperature chart. Drawing up a basal temperature chart can help a gynecologist determine deviations in the cycle and suggest the absence of ovulation, but at the same time, a gynecologist’s diagnosis based solely on the basal temperature chart without additional tests and examinations most often indicates medical unprofessionalism.

It is necessary to measure the basal temperature, and not the body temperature at the armpit. General increase temperature as a result of illness, overheating, physical activity, eating, stress, naturally affects basal temperature indicators and makes them unreliable.

Thermometer for measuring basal temperature.

You will need a regular medical thermometer: mercury or electronic. Using a mercury thermometer, measure your basal temperature for five minutes. electronic thermometer it must be removed after the signal about the end of the measurement. After it squeaks, the temperature will continue to rise for some time, since the thermometer records the moment when the temperature rises above very slowly (and don’t listen to the nonsense about the thermometer not being in good contact with the muscles of the anus). The thermometer must be prepared in advance, in the evening, by placing it next to the bed. Do not place mercury thermometers under your pillow!

Rules for measuring basal temperature.

    You should measure your basal temperature every day if possible, including on your period.

    Measurements can be taken in the mouth, vagina or rectum. The main thing is that the measurement location does not change throughout the entire cycle. Measuring armpit temperature does not provide accurate results. With the oral method of measuring basal temperature, you place the thermometer under your tongue and measure for 5 minutes with your mouth closed.
    When using the vaginal or rectal method of measurement, insert the narrow part of the thermometer into the anus or vagina, the measurement duration is 3 minutes. Measuring temperature in the rectum is the most common.

    Measure your basal temperature in the morning, immediately after waking up and before getting out of bed.

    It is necessary to measure basal temperature at the same time (a difference of half an hour to an hour (maximum one and a half hours) is acceptable). If you decide to sleep longer on the weekend, make a note about it in your schedule. Keep in mind that every extra hour of sleep raises your basal temperature by about 0.1 degrees.

    Continuous sleep before measuring basal temperature in the morning should last at least three hours. Therefore, if you take your temperature at 8 am, but got up at 7 am to go, for example, to the toilet, it is better to measure your BT before that, otherwise, at your usual 8 o’clock it will no longer be informative.

    You can use either a digital or a mercury thermometer to measure. It is important not to change the thermometer during one cycle.
    If you use a mercury thermometer, shake it off before going to sleep. The effort you use to shake off the thermometer immediately before measuring your basal temperature can affect your temperature.

    Basal temperature is measured while lying still. Do not make unnecessary movements, do not turn, activity should be minimal. Do not under any circumstances get up to take a thermometer! Therefore, it is better to prepare it in the evening and place it near the bed so that you can reach the thermometer with your hand. Some experts advise taking the measurement without even opening your eyes, since daylight can increase the release of certain hormones.

    Readings from the thermometer are taken immediately after it is removed.

    It is best to immediately record your basal temperature after measurement. Otherwise you will forget or get confused. The basal temperature is approximately the same every day, differing by tenths of degrees. Relying on your memory, you can get confused in the readings. If the thermometer readings are between two numbers, record the lower reading.

    The schedule must indicate the reasons that could lead to an increase in basal temperature (acute respiratory infections, inflammatory diseases, etc.).

    Business trips, travel and flights, sexual intercourse the night before or in the morning can significantly affect your basal temperature.

    For diseases accompanied elevated temperature body, your basal temperature will be uninformative and you can stop taking measurements for the duration of your illness.

    Basal temperature can be affected by various medications, such as sleeping pills, sedatives and hormonal drugs.
    Measuring basal temperature and simultaneous use of oral (hormonal) contraceptives does not make any sense. Basal temperature depends on the concentration of hormones in the tablets.

    After reception large quantity alcohol, the basal temperature will be uninformative.

    When working at night, basal temperature is measured during the day after at least 3-4 hours of sleep.

The basal body temperature (BT) recording table should contain the following lines:

Day of the month
Cycle day
Notes: Heavy or moderate discharge, abnormalities that can affect BT: general illness, including fever, diarrhea, intercourse in the evening (and even more so in the morning), drinking alcohol the day before, measuring BT at unusual times, going to bed late (for example, she went to bed at 3 o’clock and measured it at 6), taking sleeping pills, stress, etc.

All factors that in one way or another could affect the change in basal temperature are entered in the “Notes” column.

This form of recording is very helpful for both the woman and her doctor to understand possible reasons infertility, cycle disorders, etc.

Rationale for the basal body temperature method

Basal body temperature changes during the cycle under the influence of hormones.

During the maturation of the egg against the background of a high level of estrogen (the first phase of the menstrual cycle, hypothermic, “low”), the basal temperature is low; on the eve of ovulation it drops to its minimum, and then rises again, reaching a maximum. At this hour, ovulation occurs. After ovulation, a phase of high temperature begins (the second phase of the menstrual cycle, hyperthermic, “high”), which is caused by low levels of estrogen and high level progesterone. Pregnancy under the influence of progesterone also occurs entirely in a high temperature phase. The difference between the “low” (hypothermic) and “high” (hyperthermic) phases is 0.4-0.8 °C. Only with an accurate measurement of basal body temperature can one record the level of “low” temperature in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the transition from “low” to “high” on the day of ovulation, and the level of temperature in the second phase of the cycle.

Usually during menstruation the temperature remains at 37°C. During the period of follicle maturation (the first phase of the cycle), the temperature does not exceed 37°C. Just before ovulation it decreases (the result of the action of estrogen), and after it the basal temperature rises to 37.1 ° C and higher (the influence of progesterone). Until the next menstruation, the basal temperature remains elevated and decreases slightly by the first day of menstruation. If the basal temperature in the first phase, relative to the second, is high, then this may indicate a low amount of estrogen in the body and requires correction with medications containing female sex hormones. On the contrary, if in the second phase, relative to the first, a low basal temperature is observed, then this is an indicator low level progesterone, and here drugs are also prescribed to correct hormonal levels. This should be done only after passing the appropriate hormone tests and a doctor’s prescription.

A persistent two-phase cycle indicates ovulation, which has taken place, and the presence of a functionally active corpus luteum (the correct rhythm of the ovaries).
The absence of a rise in temperature in the second phase of the cycle (monotonic curve) or significant temperature swings, both in the first and second half of the cycle with the absence of a stable rise, indicates inoculation (lack of release of the egg from the ovaries).
Delayed rise and its short duration (hypothermic phase for 2-7, up to 10 days) is observed with a shortening of the luteal phase, insufficient rise (0.2-0.3 ° C) - with insufficient functioning of the corpus luteum.
The thermogenic effect of progesterone leads to an increase in body temperature by at least 0.33 ° C (the effect lasts until the end of the luteal, that is, the second, phase of the menstrual cycle). Progesterone levels peak 8-9 days after ovulation, which roughly corresponds to the time the fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall.

By charting your basal temperature, you can not only determine when you ovulate, but also find out what processes are occurring in your body.

Interpretation of basal temperature charts. Examples

If the basal temperature chart is constructed correctly, taking into account the measurement rules, it can reveal not only the presence or absence of ovulation, but also some diseases.

Covering line

The line is drawn over 6 temperature values ​​in the first phase of the cycle preceding ovulation.

This does not take into account the first 5 days of the cycle, as well as days on which the temperature could be affected by various negative factors (see rules for measuring temperature). This line does not allow any conclusions to be drawn from the graph and is for illustrative purposes only.

Ovulation line

In order to judge the onset of ovulation, the rules established by the World Health Organization (WHO) are used:

Three temperature values ​​in a row must be above the level of the line drawn over the previous 6 temperature values.
The difference between the center line and the three temperature values ​​must be at least 0.1 degrees on two days out of three and at least 0.2 degrees on one of those days.

If your temperature curve meets these requirements, then an ovulation line will appear on your basal temperature chart 1-2 days after ovulation.

Sometimes it is not possible to determine ovulation using the WHO method due to the fact that there are high temperatures in the first phase of the cycle. In this case, you can apply the “finger rule” to the basal temperature chart. This rule excludes temperature values ​​that differ from the previous or subsequent temperature by more than 0.2 degrees. Such temperature values ​​should not be taken into account when calculating ovulation if, in general, The basal temperature chart is normal.

The most optimal time For conception, the day of ovulation and 2 days before it are considered.

Menstrual cycle length

The total length of the cycle should normally not be shorter than 21 days and should not exceed 35 days. If your cycles are shorter or longer, then you may have ovarian dysfunction, which is often the cause of infertility and requires treatment by a gynecologist.

Second phase length

The basal temperature chart is divided into the first and second phases. The division takes place where the ovulation line (vertical) is marked. Accordingly, the first phase of the cycle is the segment of the graph before ovulation, and the second phase of the cycle is after ovulation.

The length of the second phase of the cycle is normally from 12 to 16 days, most often 14 days. In contrast, the length of the first phase can vary greatly and these variations are the individual norm. At the same time, in a healthy woman in different cycles there should be no significant differences in the length of the first phase and the second phase. The total length of the cycle normally changes only due to the length of the first phase.

One of the problems identified on the graphs and confirmed by subsequent hormonal studies- this is a failure of the second phase. If you measure your basal temperature over several cycles, following all the measurement rules, and your second phase is shorter than 10 days, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist. Also, if you regularly have sexual intercourse during ovulation, pregnancy does not occur and the length of the second phase is at the lower limit (10 or 11 days), then this may indicate insufficiency of the second phase.

Temperature difference

Normally, the difference in average temperatures of the first and second phases should be more than 0.4 degrees. If it is lower, this may indicate hormonal problems. Get a blood test for progesterone and estrogen and consult a gynecologist.

An increase in basal temperature occurs when serum progesterone levels exceed 2.5-4.0 ng/ml (7.6-12.7 nmol/l). However, monophasic basal temperature has been identified in a number of patients with normal level progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. In addition, monophasic basal temperature is observed in approximately 20% of ovulatory cycles. A simple statement of biphasic basal temperature does not prove the normal function of the corpus luteum. Basal temperature also cannot be used to determine the time of ovulation, since even during luteinization of an unovulated follicle, a two-phase basal temperature is observed. Nevertheless, the duration of the luteal phase in accordance with basal temperature data and the low rate of rise in basal temperature after ovulation are accepted by many authors as criteria for diagnosing luteinization syndrome of a non-ovulating follicle.

Classic gynecological manuals describe five main types of temperature curves.

Such graphs indicate an increase in temperature in the second phase of the cycle by at least 0.4 C; a noticeable “preovulatory” and “premenstrual” drop in temperature. The duration of the temperature increase after ovulation is 12-14 days. This curve is typical for a normal two-phase menstrual cycle.

The example graph shows a pre-ovulatory drop on the 12th day of the cycle (the temperature drops significantly two days before ovulation), as well as a premenstrual drop starting from the 26th day of the cycle.

There is a slight rise in temperature in the second phase. The temperature difference in the first and second phases is no more than 0.2-0.3 C. Such a curve may indicate estrogen-progesterone deficiency. See examples of graphs below.

If such graphs are repeated from cycle to cycle, then this may indicate hormonal imbalances that cause infertility.

Basal temperature begins to rise only shortly before menstruation, and there is no “premenstrual” drop in temperature. The second phase of the cycle can last less than 10 days. This curve is typical for a two-phase menstrual cycle with insufficiency of the second phase. See examples of graphs below.

Pregnancy in such a cycle is possible, but it is under threat from the very beginning. At this moment, the woman cannot yet know about the pregnancy; even gynecologists would find it difficult to make a diagnosis at such an early stage. With such a schedule, we may not be talking about infertility, but about miscarriage. Be sure to contact your gynecologist if this schedule repeats for you for 3 cycles.

In a cycle without ovulation, the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone and affects the increase in basal body temperature, does not form. In this case, the basal temperature chart does not show a rise in temperature and ovulation is not detected. If there is no ovulation line on the graph, then we are talking about an anovulatory cycle.

Each woman may have several anovulatory cycles per year - this is normal and does not require medical intervention, but if this situation repeats from cycle to cycle, then be sure to consult a gynecologist. Without ovulation, pregnancy is impossible!

A monotonous curve occurs when there is no pronounced rise throughout the entire cycle. This schedule is observed during an anovulatory (no ovulation) cycle. See examples of graphs below.

On average, a woman has one anovulatory cycle per year and there is no reason to worry in this case. But anovulatory patterns that are repeated from cycle to cycle are a very serious reason to consult a gynecologist. Without ovulation, a woman cannot become pregnant and we are talking about female infertility.

Estrogen deficiency

Chaotic temperature curve. The graph shows large temperature ranges; it does not fit into any of the types described above. This type of curve can be observed both with severe estrogen deficiency and depend on random factors. Examples of graphs are below.

A competent gynecologist will definitely require hormone tests and conduct an ultrasound examination before prescribing medications.

High basal temperature in the first phase

The basal temperature chart is divided into the first and second phases. The division takes place where the ovulation line (vertical line) is marked. Accordingly, the first phase of the cycle is the segment of the graph before ovulation, and the second phase of the cycle is after ovulation.

Estrogen deficiency

In the first phase of the cycle in female body The dominant hormone is estrogen. Under the influence of this hormone, the basal temperature before ovulation averages between 36.2 and 36.5 degrees. If the temperature in the first phase rises and remains above this level, then estrogen deficiency can be assumed. In this case, the average temperature of the first phase rises to 36.5 - 36.8 degrees and is maintained at this level. To increase estrogen levels, gynecologists-endocrinologists will prescribe hormonal medications.

Estrogen deficiency also leads to elevated temperature in the second phase of the cycle (above 37.1 degrees), while the rise in temperature is slower and takes more than 3 days.

Using the example graph, the temperature in the first phase is above 37.0 degrees, in the second phase it rises to 37.5, the rise in temperature by 0.2 degrees on days 17 and 18 of the cycle is insignificant. Fertilization in a cycle with such a schedule is very problematic.

Inflammation of the appendages

Another reason for the increase in temperature in the first phase may be inflammation of the appendages. In this case, the temperature rises only for a few days in the first phase to 37 degrees, and then drops again. In such graphs, calculating ovulation is difficult, since such a rise “masks” the ovulatory rise.

In the example graph, the temperature in the first phase of the cycle is kept at 37.0 degrees, the increase occurs sharply and also decreases sharply. A rise in temperature on the 6th day of the cycle can be mistakenly taken for an ovulatory rise, but in fact it most likely indicates inflammation. That's why it's so important to measure your temperature throughout your cycle to rule out a scenario where your temperature rises due to inflammation, then drops again, and then rises due to ovulation.


Normally, the temperature in the first phase should decrease during menstrual bleeding. If your temperature at the end of the cycle drops before the start of menstruation and rises again to 37.0 degrees with the beginning of menstruation (less often on the 2-3rd day of the cycle), then this may indicate the presence of endometritis.

Characteristically, the temperature drops before menstruation and rises with the beginning of the next cycle. If there is no drop in temperature before the start of menstruation in the first cycle, i.e. the temperature remains at this level, then pregnancy can be assumed, despite the bleeding that has begun. Take a pregnancy test and contact a gynecologist who will perform an ultrasound to make an accurate diagnosis.

If the basal temperature in the first phase rises sharply for one day, then this does not mean anything. Inflammation of the appendages cannot begin and end in one day. Also, a lack of estrogen can only be assumed by assessing the entire graph, and not a separate temperature in the first phase. For diseases accompanied by high or elevated body temperature, measuring basal temperature, much less judging its nature and analyzing the graph, makes no sense.

Low temperature in the second phase of the menstrual cycle

In the second phase of the cycle, the basal temperature should differ significantly (by about 0.4 degrees) from the first phase and be at 37.0 degrees or higher if you measure the temperature rectally. If the temperature difference is less than 0.4 degrees and the average temperature of the second phase does not reach 36.8 degrees, then this may indicate problems.

Corpus luteum deficiency

In the second phase of the cycle, the female body begins to produce the hormone progesterone or the hormone of the corpus luteum. This hormone is responsible for raising the temperature in the second phase of the cycle and preventing the onset of menstruation. If this hormone is not enough, the temperature rises slowly and the resulting pregnancy may be in jeopardy.

The temperature with corpus luteum deficiency rises shortly before menstruation, and there is no “premenstrual” drop. This may indicate hormonal deficiency. The diagnosis is made based on a blood test for progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. If its values ​​are reduced, then the gynecologist usually prescribes a progesterone substitute: utrozhestan or duphaston. These drugs are taken strictly after ovulation. If pregnancy occurs, use continues until 10-12 weeks. Abrupt withdrawal of progesterone in the second phase during pregnancy can lead to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Particular attention should be paid to charts with a short second phase. If the second phase is shorter than 10 days, then one can also judge that the second phase is insufficient.

Situations when the basal temperature remains elevated for more than 14 days occur during pregnancy, the formation of an ovarian corpus luteum cyst, as well as during an acute inflammatory process of the pelvic organs.

Estrogen-progesterone deficiency

If, in combination with low temperature in the second phase, your chart shows a slight rise in temperature (0.2-0.3 C) after ovulation, then such a curve may indicate not only a lack of progesterone, but also a lack of the hormone estrogen.


Due to an increase in the level of the pituitary hormone, prolactin, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and lactation, the basal temperature graph in this case may resemble the graph of a pregnant woman. Menstruation, just like during pregnancy, may be absent. An example of a basal temperature chart for hyperprolactinemia

Basal temperature chart for ovulation stimulation

When ovulation is stimulated, in particular by clomiphene (clostilbegit) with the use of duphaston in the second phase of breastfeeding, the basal temperature graph, as a rule, becomes “normal” - biphasic, with a pronounced phase transition, with quite high temperature in the second phase, with characteristic “steps” (the temperature rises 2 times) and a slight drop. If the temperature graph during stimulation, on the contrary, is disrupted and deviates from normal, this may indicate an incorrect selection of the dose of drugs or an inappropriate stimulation scenario (other medications may be needed). An increase in temperature in the first phase upon stimulation with clomiphene also occurs with individual sensitivity to the drug.

Special cases of basal temperature chart

Low or high temperature in both phases, provided that the temperature difference is at least 0.4 degrees, is not a pathology. This individual feature body. The measurement method can also affect the temperature values. Typically, with an oral measurement, the basal temperature is 0.2 degrees lower than with a rectal or vaginal measurement.

When to contact a gynecologist?

If you strictly follow the rules for measuring temperature and observe the described problems on your basal temperature chart in at least 2 cycles in a row, consult a doctor for additional examinations. Beware of your gynecologist making diagnoses based solely on charts. What you need to pay attention to:

    anovulatory schedules
    regular cycle delays when pregnancy does not occur
    late ovulation and failure to become pregnant for several cycles
    controversial charts with unclear ovulation
    graphs with high temperature throughout the cycle
    graphs with low temperature throughout the cycle
    schedules with a short (less than 10 days) second phase
    graphs with high temperature in the second phase of the cycle for more than 18 days, without the onset of menstruation and negative test for pregnancy
    unexplained bleeding or heavy discharge mid-cycle
    heavy menstruation lasting more than 5 days
    graphs with a temperature difference in the first and second phases of less than 0.4 degrees
    cycles shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days
    charts with clearly defined ovulation, regular intercourse during ovulation and no pregnancy occurring for several cycles

Signs of probable infertility according to the basal temperature chart:

The average value of the second phase of the cycle (after the temperature rise) exceeds the average value of the first phase by less than 0.4°C.
In the second phase of the cycle, there are temperature drops (the temperature drops below 37°C).
The rise in temperature in the middle of the cycle continues for more than 3 to 4 days.
The second phase is short (less than 8 days).

Determining pregnancy by basal temperature

The method of determining pregnancy by basal temperature works provided there is ovulation in the cycle, since with some health problems the basal temperature can be elevated for an arbitrarily long time, and menstruation may be absent. A striking example Such a disorder is hyperprolactinemia, caused by increased production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. Prolactin is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and lactation and is normally elevated only during pregnancy and lactation (see Examples of graphs for normal conditions and various disorders).

Fluctuations in basal temperature in different phases of the menstrual cycle are due to different levels of hormones responsible for phases 1 and 2.

During menstruation, basal temperature is always elevated (about 37.0 and above). In the first phase of the cycle (follicular) before ovulation, the basal temperature is low, up to 37.0 degrees.

Before ovulation, basal temperature decreases, and immediately after ovulation it increases by 0.4 - 0.5 degrees and remains elevated until the next menstruation.

In women with different lengths of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the follicular phase is different, and the length of the luteal (second) phase of the cycle is approximately the same and does not exceed 12-14 days. Thus, if the basal temperature after the jump (which indicates ovulation) remains elevated for more than 14 days, this clearly indicates pregnancy.

This method of determining pregnancy works provided there is ovulation in the cycle, since with some health problems the basal temperature can be elevated for an arbitrarily long time, and menstruation may be absent. A striking example of such a disorder is hyperprolactinemia, caused by increased production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland. Prolactin is responsible for maintaining pregnancy and lactation and is normally elevated only during pregnancy and lactation.

If a woman is pregnant, then menstruation will not occur and the temperature will remain elevated throughout pregnancy. A decrease in basal temperature during pregnancy may indicate a lack of hormones that maintain pregnancy and the threat of its termination.

When pregnancy occurs, in most cases, implantation occurs 7-10 days after ovulation - the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus). In rare cases, early (before 7 days) or late (after 10 days) implantation is observed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reliably determine the presence or absence of implantation either on the basis of a chart or with the help of ultrasound at an appointment with a gynecologist. However, there are several signs that may indicate implantation has taken place. All these signs can be detected 7-10 days after ovulation:

It is possible that small discharge appears these days, which disappears within 1-2 days. This may be so-called implantation bleeding. At the moment of implantation of the egg into inner shell uterus, the endometrium is damaged, which leads to minor discharge. But if you experience regular discharge in the middle of the cycle, and pregnancy does not occur, then you should contact a gynecology center.

A sharp decrease in temperature to the midline level for one day in the second phase, the so-called implantation retraction. This is one of the signs most often observed in charts with confirmed pregnancy. This retraction can occur for two reasons. Firstly, the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature, begins to decrease from the middle of the second phase; with pregnancy, its production resumes again, which leads to temperature fluctuations. Secondly, during pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is released, which in turn lowers the temperature. The combination of these two hormonal shifts leads to the appearance of implantation retraction on the graph.

Your chart has become three-phase, which means that you see a rise in temperature on the chart, similar to ovulation, during the second phase of the cycle. This rise is again due to the increased production of the hormone progesterone after implantation.

The example graph shows implantation retraction on the 21st day of the cycle and the presence of the third phase, starting from the 26th day of the cycle.

Such early signs symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, chest tightness, frequent urination, intestinal upset or just a feeling of pregnancy also do not provide an accurate answer. You may not be pregnant if you have all of these signs, or you may be pregnant without any symptoms.

All these signs can be a confirmation of pregnancy, but you should not rely on them, since there are many examples in which the signs were present, but pregnancy did not occur. Or, conversely, when pregnancy occurred there were no signs. The most reliable conclusions can be drawn if there is a clear rise in temperature on your chart, you had sexual intercourse 1-2 days before or during ovulation, and your temperature remains high 14 days after ovulation. In this case, the time has come to take a pregnancy test, which will finally confirm your expectations.

Measuring basal temperature is one of the main methods of tracking fertility, recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). You can read more about this in the WHO document “Medical eligibility criteria for the use of contraceptive methods” page 117.

When you use the basal temperature method to protect against unwanted pregnancy, you need to take into account that not only the days of ovulation according to the basal temperature schedule can be dangerous. Therefore, during the period from the beginning of menstruation until the evening of the 3rd day after the rise in basal temperature, which occurs after ovulation, it is better to use additional measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Our regular reader, Natalya Gorshkova, has compiled a form for you to quickly fill out and automatically plot your basal temperature chart, which you can print out and show to your doctor. You can download it from the link: schedule form.

The charts are discussed on the forum

Attention! Making any diagnoses based solely on basal temperature charts is impossible. Diagnoses are made based on additional examinations performed by a gynecologist.

So, you armed yourself with a thermometer and the willingness to wake up every morning at the same time, look at the mercury column with bated breath and torment your girlfriends with questions about whether ovulation occurred)

To make life easier for your beloved girlfriends, let's figure out what basal temperature is and how to prepare it correctly)))

Rules for measuring basal temperature:

  • You can start measuring your basal temperature on any day of your cycle, but it is better if you start measuring at the beginning of your cycle (on the first day of your period).
  • Always measure the temperature in the same place. You can choose the oral, vaginal or rectal method. Measuring under the armpit does not give accurate results. It doesn't matter which measurement method you choose: it is important not to change it during one cycle.
  • With the oral method, you place the thermometer under your tongue and measure for 5 minutes with your mouth closed.
  • With the vaginal or rectal method, the measurement time is reduced to at least 3 minutes.
  • Take your temperature in the morning, immediately after waking up and before getting out of bed.
  • Continuous sleep before measurement should last at least 6 hours.
  • The temperature is measured strictly at the same time. If the measurement time differs from the usual one by more than 30 minutes, then this temperature is considered not indicative.
  • You can use either a digital or a mercury thermometer to measure. It is important not to change the thermometer during one cycle.
  • If you use a mercury thermometer, shake it off before you go to sleep. The effort you use to shake off the thermometer just before taking a measurement can affect the temperature.
  • Write down your basal temperature values ​​every day in a notepad or use our website to keep charts.
  • Business trips, travel and flights can significantly affect your basal temperature.
  • In case of illnesses accompanied by elevated body temperature, your basal temperature will not be indicative and you can stop taking measurements for the duration of your illness.
  • Various medications, such as sleeping pills, sedatives and hormonal drugs, can affect basal temperature.
  • Measuring basal temperature and simultaneous use of contraception does not make any sense.
  • After drinking a large amount of alcohol, the temperature will not be indicative.

We have studied the rules, now we move directly to studying the chart itself.

Ovulation line on the basal temperature chart

To determine the onset of ovulation, the rules established by the World Health Organization (WHO) are used:
Three temperature values ​​in a row must be above the level of the line drawn over the previous 6 temperature values. The difference between the center line and the three temperature values ​​must be at least 0.1 degrees on two days out of three and at least 0.2 degrees on one of these days. If your temperature curve meets these requirements, then an ovulation line will appear on your basal temperature chart 1–2 days after ovulation.
A little boring, but useful)))

Cycle length.

Smart doctors say that in general, the length of the cycle should be from 21 to 35 days. In any other case, they are afraid of the possibility of ovarian dysfunction. So put your feet up and see a doctor if there are differences.

Length of the second phase on the basal temperature chart

The basal temperature chart is divided into two phases by the vertical ovulation line.
The first phase is the period before ovulation and the length of the first phase can vary greatly and these variations are the individual norm.
But the period after is precisely the time when each of us begins to wonder: “Is there life after ovulation?” - and is called the second phase of the cycle. It can last from 12 to 18 days. The total length of the cycle normally changes only due to the length of the first phase.

It is from the graphs that it is possible to determine, and then confirm with subsequent hormonal studies, the insufficiency of the second phase. How can this be seen?

If you have been measuring your basal temperature for several cycles, following all the measurement rules, and your second phase is shorter than 10 days, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist. There is also a reason to go to the doctor if you regularly have sexual intercourse during ovulation, pregnancy does not occur and the length of the second phase is at the lower limit (10 or 11 days), then this may indicate insufficiency of the second phase.

Temperature difference

Normally, the difference in average temperatures of the first and second phases should be more than 0.4 degrees. If it is lower, this may indicate hormonal problems. What to do? Go and take hormone tests for progesterone and estrogen and, of course, consult a doctor for advice.

Classic gynecological manuals describe five main types of temperature curves.

Normal two-phase cycle according to the basal temperature schedule

An ideal schedule with an increase in temperature in the second phase of the cycle by at least 0.4 C; a noticeable “preovulatory” and “premenstrual” drop in temperature.
It is on such graphs that one can see the pre-ovulatory drop on the 12th day of the cycle (the temperature drops significantly two days before ovulation), as well as the premenstrual drop, starting from the 26th day of the cycle.
A small note))) It has been experimentally proven that BT most often falls the day before ovulation. You do not trust me? Ask measurement experts)))

If your temperature in the second phase does not rise either by itself, or by your prayers, or by the persuasion of your friends, if the temperature difference in the first and second phase is no more than 0.2–0.3 C. This may indicate estrogen-progesterone deficiency.

Second phase failure

The rise in BT begins only a few days before menstruation, and there is no premenstrual drop in temperature.
With such chart indicators, pregnancy is possible, but there is a risk of miscarriage.

Anovulatory cycle according to basal temperature chart

No matter how trite it sounds, ovulation does not occur in such a cycle. This means there is no corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone and affects the increase in body temperature, which means there will be no ovulation line.
Each woman may have several anovulatory cycles per year - this is normal and does not require medical intervention, but if this situation repeats from cycle to cycle, then be sure to contact the gynecology center. Without ovulation, pregnancy is impossible!

Estrogen deficiency

If your basal temperature jumps like a March hare, there are large temperature ranges, and it does not fit into any of the types described above, then you may have estrogen deficiency.
A competent gynecologist is simply obliged to require tests for hormones, an ultrasound examination, and only after these manipulations prescribe medications.

As you know, the hormone prolactin (produced by the pituitary gland) is responsible for pregnancy. Due to the increase in this hormone (the body seriously thinks that it is pregnant), the BT schedule may be similar to the schedule of a pregnant woman. Menstruation, just like during pregnancy, may be absent.

Another reason for the increase in temperature in the first phase may be inflammation of the appendages. In this case, the temperature rises only for a few days in the first phase to 37 degrees, and then drops again. In such graphs, calculating ovulation is difficult, since such a rise “masks” the ovulatory rise.
The temperature in the first phase of the cycle from the 11th to the 15th day of the cycle remains at 37.0 degrees, the increase occurs sharply and also decreases sharply. A rise in temperature on the 9th day of the cycle can be mistaken for an ovulatory rise, but in fact it most likely indicates inflammation. That's why it's so important to measure your temperature throughout your cycle to rule out a scenario where your temperature rises due to inflammation, then drops again, and then rises due to ovulation.


Normally, the temperature in the first phase should decrease during menstrual bleeding. If your temperature at the end of the cycle drops before the start of menstruation and rises again to 37.0 degrees with the beginning of menstruation (less often on the 2-3rd day of the cycle), then this may indicate the presence of endometritis. Characteristically, the temperature drops before menstruation and rises with the beginning of the next cycle. If there is no drop in temperature before the onset of menstruation in the first cycle, i.e., the temperature remains at this level, then pregnancy can be assumed, despite the bleeding that has begun. Take a pregnancy test and contact a gynecologist who will perform an ultrasound to make an accurate diagnosis.

  • late ovulation and failure to become pregnant for several cycles
  • controversial charts with unclear ovulation
  • graphs with high temperature throughout the cycle
  • graphs with low temperature throughout the cycle
  • schedules with a short (less than 10 days) second phase
  • graphs with a high temperature in the second phase of the cycle for more than 18 days, without the onset of menstruation and a negative pregnancy test
  • unexplained bleeding or heavy discharge mid-cycle
  • heavy menstruation lasting more than 5 days
  • graphs with a temperature difference in the first and second phases of less than 0.4 degrees
  • cycles shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days
  • charts with clearly defined ovulation, regular intercourse during ovulation and no pregnancy occurring for several cycles
  • I would like to express my gratitude to Stas (Admin) for his interesting proposal to write an article. And just a huge thank you to Natusik (Natusya Kharkov), for being my inspirer, encourager and praiser, in general, a muse, in the full scope of this word)))

    Help in deciphering graphs

    Many planning couples want to know how to determine ovulation by basal temperature. Building a graph won't take much time. If a woman cannot figure it out on her own, consultation with a specialist is necessary. The doctor will explain how to place points on the graph and how to decipher it.

    This technique should not be taken lightly. It allows you to determine not only the day of ovulation, but also the presence of various pathological processes in the hormonal and reproductive system. For this reason, it is recommended to monitor your fertility over three menstrual cycles. This will allow you to more accurately understand the possible reasons for the lack of pregnancy.

    Before you understand how to build a system, you should know how it works. This technique was developed in 1953 in England. An active scientist, Marshall identified a relationship between temperature changes and hormonal substances.

    Progesterone has the main effect on increasing indicators. It causes a gradual rise in the graph in the second phase of the cycle. In the temperature difference between the first and second phases, you can notice days that are accompanied by a decrease and a sharp jump in the curve. These days are the most favorable for successful conception.

    The change in basal temperature depends on the phase of the cycle. Each phase must have a certain duration. The first part of the menstrual cycle depends on the work of estrogen. This hormone begins to actively function the next day after the end of menstruation. Average in a healthy girl it should not exceed 36.8 degrees. Measurements should be carried out daily to obtain a clearer clinical picture.

    Estrogen causes preparatory processes in the uterus. The substance promotes the appearance of the endometrium, which is necessary for the implantation of a fertilized egg. The endometrial layer also actively changes over time. The fabric is divided into three layers. The thickness of the layers should also increase. On days 10–12, the basal temperature graph shows a decrease in indicators. The result of the resulting changes may differ by 0.5 degrees. This phenomenon occurs due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen substance. This period indicates the onset of the ovulatory phase.

    The normal ovulatory period begins with the appearance of luteinizing hormone in the bloodstream. Luteinizing substance is responsible for rupture dominant follicle. A follicle grows on the surface of the ovary in almost every cycle. It is located at the site where the egg exits under the membrane of the organ. Follicle growth is observed under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. An increase in the volume of fluid filling the follicle cavity occurs with the appearance of a luteinizing substance. The appearance of PH is accompanied by a drop in estrogen hormone. A dip appears on the chart. The norm for this period can be 2–3 days. If the fall is longer, there are certain problems in the functioning of the ovaries. A computer program that draws a graph of basal temperature draws an ovulation line on the second day of falling. After ovulation, the patient should continue to measure BBT and record the result on the chart.

    IN in this case The work of the corpus luteum and progesterone substance is monitored. Progesterone is involved in fixing the fetus in the uterus and its further development. This technique allows a girl to know how to determine ovulation by basal temperature.

    The appearance of progesterone causes an increase in indicators on the graph. The difference between the ovulatory phase and the progesterone stage can reach 0.8 degrees. For a healthy representative of the fair sex, the increase in the curve in the table should occur no more than three days. If the line increases more slowly, there are problems with hormonal levels.

    It is recommended to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation when various problems with conception. The technique is recommended for representatives of the fair sex who have problems such as:

    • long absence of pregnancy;
    • infertility of unknown etiology;
    • Irregular menstrual cycle.

    The main reason for visiting a doctor is the patient’s prolonged inability to become pregnant. The cause of the lack of conception can only be determined through a series of tests. During the examination, the girl is recommended to use this technique. It allows you to determine the presence of hormonal imbalance or various pathological processes in the reproductive system. Also, according to the schedule, the doctor can determine the length of each phase of the menstrual cycle. This is necessary to determine the correct functioning of each hormone. The level of content of each hormone is prescribed in the laboratory form. After the examination, it is given to the patient.

    A prolonged absence of pregnancy in apparently healthy parents is called infertility of unknown etiology. This problem often occurs in modern people. The reasons for this problem are varied. Pathology may appear due to the presence of hidden processes in the reproductive system, poor lifestyle, poor physical activity, and others. negative impacts. However, during the examination, the couple does not reveal any signs of disease. You can determine the cause of infertility of unknown etiology using a table indicating how ovulation proceeds according to the basal temperature chart. The presence of any hidden processes causes a jump in the curve. Based on the time of its appearance, the doctor can determine the cause of the pathology.

    Measuring basal temperature is also recommended for irregular menstrual cycles. The chart allows you to determine whether the patient is ovulating and when it happens. Using the table, a woman can determine the beginning of her fertile period. At this time, the couple can begin to plan a pregnancy or take intensive precautions. Also, a gynecologist can determine the cause of the cycle disorder and select the necessary treatment.

    Often planning married couples resort to measuring basal temperature. By temperature fluctuations, the patient determines the approach of ovulation. The norm in this case is 13–16 days of the menstrual cycle. You can also use the schedule to plan for the specific gender of your baby. In this case, it is necessary to have sexual intercourse on certain days of the menstrual cycle. To conceive a girl, you should have sex 3 days before ovulation. A boy can be born to a couple whose sexual contact occurred on the day of ovulation.

    The veracity of the technique

    As the English scientist found out, each phase has certain temperature indicators. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature should be 0.5 degrees lower. On the day of ovulation, a decrease in indicators for 2-3 days is observed. The progesterone stage is accompanied by an increase in the curve by several tenths of a degree. This construction gives a clear picture of the two-phase menstrual cycle.

    The phases of a healthy woman should have approximately equal duration. A deviation of 2–3 days is allowed only in the duration of the estrogen period. An error may occur due to untimely growth of estrogen after menstruation.

    The progesterone stage should not have an error. A prolongation of the phase can only be observed if there is elevated prolactin or pregnancy. The average length of the progesterone phase should be 2 weeks. If a phase lasting less than 11 days is observed, the patient has a deficiency of the hormone progesterone.

    Thus, this technique allows you to accurately determine the presence of ovulation, the characteristics of the menstrual cycle and the causes of infertility.

    Rules for performing measurements

    To correctly determine what basal temperature is during ovulation, you must follow certain rules. It is recommended to measure basal temperature according to the following rules:

    • proper use of a thermometer;
    • decline physical activity;
    • compliance with measurement time;
    • taking into account related factors.

    These rules will help you decide how to measure your basal temperature to determine your fertile period. Basal temperature should be measured with a separate mercury thermometer. Using an electronic thermometer is not recommended. Such a device carries out further measurements after giving a signal to stop working. Experts recommend an additional holding time of one minute. Otherwise the result will be invalid. A mercury thermometer is more long time carries out measurements, but has an accurate result. Each measurement should be performed for at least five minutes. Basal temperature rises slowly during ovulation. When entering results, it is necessary to accurately determine degrees to tenths.

    The main rule is to reduce physical activity. Before the study, the woman must remain physically at rest for at least four hours. This helps to set indicators at the same level. Due to this feature, experts recommend taking measurements in the morning. The thermometer must be placed in a place located at arm's length. This arrangement will help the woman make fewer movements. After a woman wakes up, she should not make any movements. The thermometer should be placed rectally, orally or vaginally. The most accurate measurement is considered to be in the intestines. To do this, you need to insert the thin part of the thermometer into the anus to a depth of 2 cm. When inserting the thermometer, you should not make sudden movements. Basal temperature should be measured after 5–7 minutes. Only after this can you get up.

    If before the measurement a woman had sexual contact or an unplanned trip to the toilet, the basal temperature should not be taken into account to determine ovulation. The next measurement is carried out 4 hours after observing physical rest.

    All measurements must be taken at the same time. If the time changes, the result is considered uninformative. Ovulation detection will be incorrect. In order to comply with this rule, you need to use an alarm clock. This will help you stick to the time frame.

    A common cause of jumps in the basal temperature graph is the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Under its influence, the activity of the pituitary gland decreases. The pituitary gland produces female sex hormones. For this reason, the hormone content decreases and the graph drops.

    Drug treatment concomitant diseases also affects what the temperature should be. This should be especially taken into account by women suffering diabetes mellitus. Endocrine diseases are cured with medications containing hormonal substances. Substances cause changes in hormonal levels. In this case, ovulation is not established according to the basal temperature chart. Also, this method should not be used by patients who are protected by oral contraceptives.

    Impaired ovulation and basal temperature changes under the influence of prolonged stress. The presence of stress causes changes in the functioning of the pituitary gland. Against the background of stress, the functioning of the gonads decreases. Arises hormonal disbalance. In this case, the schedule may also change.

    Changes are also observed against the background of strong physical activity. Performing heavy exercises causes severe tension in the muscle frame. Such loads are also not recommended for women who measure basal temperature during ovulation.

    The presence of any of these factors should be noted in the chart. This facilitates its correct decoding. If the patient does not follow these recommendations, the schedule is considered incorrect.

    What the table can show

    Why is it necessary to know what the correct basal temperature should be? Using the schedule, you can determine whether a woman has various ailments. The table of basal temperature during ovulation shows the presence of diseases such as:

    • hidden endometritis;
    • lack of estrogen or progesterone;
    • anovulatory cycle;
    • luteinization of the follicle.

    Endometritis is a serious illness for many representatives of the fair sex. If this disease is present, the patient is unable to become pregnant for a long time. This problem arises due to the presence on the tissues of the uterus of cells that are not characteristic of the endometrium. The disease can be cured. To do this, it is necessary to establish a constant increase in temperature in the first phase on the graph. The indicators of the second and first stages will be approximately equal. In this case, the occurrence of a favorable day and pregnancy is impossible.

    Hormone deficiency can also be easily determined using basal temperature. The hormone, which is in insufficient quantities in the body, affects the duration of the phase. If the first phase is shorter than the second, a lack of estrogen is detected. During the short second stage, there is a lack of progesterone in the body.

    Anovulation is easily determined by the table. There is no temperature drop in the middle of the cycle. In this case, the doctor must identify the reasons for the lack of ovulation.

    Luteinization of the follicle prevents the egg from leaving the ovary. The follicle degenerates into a cyst. In this case, after ovulation the temperature rises gradually. The postovulatory period is more than three days.

    Problems with ovulation prevent a couple from conceiving. To establish the causes of the problem, the help of a specialist is needed. A competent doctor advises girls to measure their basal levels for three months to detect the cause of infertility.