Haircut horoscope for March is favorable. When can you cut your hair according to the oracle

How often do we face the problem of unruly, poorly growing hair. IN modern world there are many factors that affect the health of the hair follicle: the harmful effects of the environment, frequent stress and lack of sleep, unbalanced nutrition, etc. And many women spend huge amounts of money to fix these problems, not suspecting that our Earth’s natural satellite, the Moon, has huge impact on hair health.

And to avoid most problems, you should only use moon calendar and check with him before visiting the hairdresser.

If you know the state of the moon at the right time for coloring and haircut day, then you can directly influence the condition of the hair.

Wherein, great value has not only the day of the week, but also the sign of the zodiac that rules in this lunar period - all the factors described above directly make up the haircut calendar for March 2017, which is located below.

Hair cutting lunar calendar for March 2017

We really hope that the information of the haircut calendar, which is located above and is made in the form of a table, will help you correctly determine the favorable and best days for going to a beauty salon or a hairdresser.

Favorable days for hair cutting in March 2017

March 2 (Thurs) - the growing Moon in Taurus. This zodiac sign has a very positive effect on the health and beauty of hair. Any manipulations with the hairstyle will give you a positive attitude and creative inspiration.

March 7 (Tue) - the growing Moon in Cancer. Feel free to experiment with volume and new styling products. Coloring will also give your hair not only a new color that you will like, but also give you a boost of self-confidence (see).

March 8 (Wed) - the growing moon in Leo. This sign is better than others patronizes healthy hair. On the days when Leo "takes" the furrows of government in his "paws", children should be cut for the first time in order to adulthood they didn't lose their hair.

March 11 (Sat) - the growing Moon in Virgo. This sign is responsible for the density of your hair. However, a haircut today will slow down the growth of curls.

March 18 and 19 (Sat and Sun) - the waning moon in Sagittarius. During this lunar period, emphasis should be placed on wellness procedures. Make a hair mask from natural ingredients, don't take risks with unknown brands - today such experiments can lead to trouble.

March 24 (Fri) - the waning moon in Aquarius. This sign does not accept strong changes in appearance. However, trimming split ends or updating your hair a little on this day is a great idea.

March 25 and 26 (Sat and Sun) - the waning moon in Pisces. Very auspicious days for haircuts this month. In general, Pisces do not tolerate going to the hairdresser and in every possible way prevent the change of image on days under their auspices. But today it will be very appropriate to do wellness procedures.

Bad days for haircuts in March 2017

In addition to favorable days in March 2017, there will be a large number of and unfavorable days: 1, 3-6, 9, 12-17, 20, 22, 23, 27-31 March. These days, all procedures with hair can lead to sad consequences. Astrologers advise on the indicated dates even try not to wash your hair.

Svetlana Rozhenko

In March, everything in nature awakens, is filled with new forces, is preparing to grow ... But not hair. They, who have experienced the effect of the cold wind on the street and dry air in the rooms, evaporated under their hats, who have not received vitamins and the sun, are not up to looking luxurious. We'll have to surround the poor fellows with increased care! Do not neglect the tips of the lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring in March 2017. The moon will help by suggesting the best days to take care of an important component of female beauty.

  • Date: March 1
    Lunar day: 3 and 4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

Bad day for a haircut. It is believed that the strands cut today will weaken the immune system and fill the mind with irrational fears. But coloring will add attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex! And if you decide to change your styling, remember: smooth curls are in favor with the Moon.

  • Date: March 2
    Lunar days: 4 and 5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Contact with scissors will adversely affect the condition of the hair. As, however, and coloring. If regrown roots have made themselves known, it is better to use tinted shampoos or balms. The search for a new look is unlikely to be successful; stick to your usual style in styling.

  • Date: March 3
    Lunar day: 5 and 6
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Not the best day for a haircut, although by venturing into it, you can get a flurry of compliments and get rid of split ends at the same time. Massage, long unhurried combing and the use of natural care products will have a beneficial effect on the hair. Suitable for blondes honey masks and a decoction of chamomile, red - henna, dark-haired - oak bark and coffee.

  • Date: March 4
    Lunar days: 6 and 7
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Controversial day. Some believe that a haircut will give hair health and strength, others are sure that it will attract aggression into your life. It is allowed to revive the natural shade of the strands with the help of paint, but a cardinal “change of color” is undesirable. It is better to devote an hour or two to nourishing and moisturizing masks.

  • Date: March 5
    Lunar days: 7 and 8
    Phase: waxing moon

Finally a good day, promising a succession pleasant experience those who decide to trim the ends of their hair or radically change the length of their hair. When coloring, choose golden shades and techniques that allow you to create scatterings of sunbeams in curls: shatush, balayage, degrade. Lush, but light styling without unnecessary frills is good.

  • Date: March 6
    Lunar day: 8 and 9
    Phase: waxing moon

A good day. A haircut will help get rid of split ends and negativity, awaken intuition. Cleansing and restorative procedures for hair are recommended. If coloring is planned, then by natural means: henna or basma.

  • Date: March 7
    Lunar day: 9 and 10
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

Controversial day. The influence of Cancer makes hair naughty, harms styling and threatens to cool relations in the family of those who take up scissors today. But the 10th lunar day are considered one of the most favorable periods for hair correction. How to be, you decide. Definitely not recommended only coloring and perm.

  • Date: March 8
    Lunar days: 10 and 11
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer

The rigid nature of Cancer still negatively affects the condition of the hair: they are self-willed, knocked out of the hair, and react poorly to scissors. However, at 13:24, the stern arthropod will be replaced by the Lion, immediately changing the picture of events. A haircut done in the afternoon will bring benefits to capricious strands, and clarity to thoughts. It is a pity that 11 lunar days promise to slightly undermine your financial situation. Perm and complex styling, requiring an abundance of varnish, is prohibited.

  • Date: March 9
    Lunar days: 11 and 12
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo

Unfavorable time to visit a hairdresser. An exception can be made for coloring, preferably in catchy golden-red shades to match the color of a lion's mane. Still in the price of modest styling and smooth curls.

  • Date: March 10
    Lunar days: 12 and 13
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo

One of the most better days for change! A successful haircut will cheer you up and the degree of interest from the opposite sex, and for those who are looking for happy changes, it will help to attract them into their lives. High styling that opens the neck is recommended.

  • Date: March 11
    Lunar days: 13 and 14
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo

The good times continue. Acquaintance with scissors will make your hair more magnificent, improve your financial situation, and attract good luck. The day is recommended for coloring curls in light colors and is neutral when choosing styling.

  • Date: March 12
    Lunar days: 14 and 15
    Phase: Full Moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo

The moon is at its most active. It is worth giving your hair a complete rest: do not cut, do not dye, and prefer a loose braid to all hairstyles.

  • Date: March 13
    Lunar days: 15 and 16
    Phase: waning moon

Bad day for hair manipulation. Cropped strands will begin to fluff and get out of control, the coloring will be unstable. Time for rest and the most simple styling.

  • Date: March 14
    Lunar days: 16 and 17
    Phase: waning moon

The haircut is still not shown, but you can decide to color and make an intricate hairstyle - this will attract a new romantic feeling to you. Give preference to natural remedies, herbal rinses and homemade masks.

  • Date: March 15
    Lunar day: 17 and 18
    Phase: waning moon

Do not violate the integrity of the hair, you risk provoking a chain of unpleasant events in your life. Only gentle lightening of the hair will be successful.

  • Date: March 16
    Lunar days: 18 and 19
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Scorpio is not disposed to hair care, and the waning moon slows down their growth. If you go to the salon, then only for the sake of coloring, and in dark tones. According to astrologers, a high ponytail on top of the head will serve as a kind of lightning rod for problems.

  • Date: March 17
    Lunar days: 19 and 20
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Date: March 18
    Lunar days: 19 and 20
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

The day is most categorically not suitable for a haircut! Both strands and your health will suffer. It will also not be possible to lay recalcitrant whirlwinds in a decent styling today either. But making the hair a few tones darker is a good idea.

  • Date: March 19
    Lunar days: 20 and 21
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

A haircut will not hurt, but if it is possible to reschedule a visit to the master for a better day, do so. As for styling, perfectly straight curls are finally being replaced by large curls and a slight mess on the head.

  • Date: March 20
    Lunar days: 21 and 22
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

A visit to a beauty salon will cheer you up and help you stabilize your financial situation. Haircut, coloring, feminine styling with natural large curls and waves are allowed.

  • Date: March 21
    Lunar days: 22 and 23
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Neutral day: The Moon and Capricorn look at your hair with complete indifference, leaving the care of them entirely on the shoulders of the hostess. Light colors are recommended for coloring and the simplest hairstyles that do not require much effort.

  • Date: March 22
    Lunar days: 23 and 24
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

So that going to the hairdresser does not give reasons for frustration, it is better to postpone it to another day. However, the most desperate can rely on the favor of Capricorn and still decide to meet with the master. A comb made of natural materials will help to improve curls.

  • Date: March 23
    Lunar day: 24 and 25
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Not only a haircut is contraindicated, but in general all sorts of actions with hair. Strengthening and nourishing masks will be useful.

  • Date: March 24
    Lunar days: 25 and 26
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

You can afford a haircut and unexpected extravagant styling. True, not every master will cope with this task: the hair refuses to obey the comb and hairpins.

  • Date: March 25
    Lunar days: 26 and 27
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

A day that is neutral for a haircut, but good for experimenting with color and shape. It is allowed to dye and create complex styling with braids, curls and hairpins.

  • Date: March 26
    Lunar days: 27 and 28
    Phase: waning moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

Haircut will negatively affect the condition of the hair; even simple washing can add problems, such as dandruff. Strengthening and healing procedures for hair are desirable.

  • Date: March 27
    Lunar days: 28 and 29
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces

Time for masks, massages and other means of gentle care for curls. Stay away from scissors and paint, keep styling simple.

  • Date: March 28
    Lunar days: 29, 1 and 2
    Phase: New Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

According to astrological calculations, the worst thing you can do for your hair is to go for a haircut or color on the New Moon. Give the locks a little more rest, and they will thank you.

  • Date: March 29
    Lunar day: 2 and 3
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries

Contact with scissors provokes illness, trouble and thoughtless spending. Do not rush to the beauty salon.

  • Date: March 30
    Lunar day: 3 and 4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Taurus removes the negative inherent in 4 lunar days. Trust the stellar artiodactyl and go to the salon: get a haircut, style, make cosmetic masks. The day is good for those who need to paint over their gray hair.

  • Date: March 31
    Lunar days: 4 and 5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Any manipulation of the hair will lead to success. Do whatever you want.

When calculating the lunar phases, do not forget to consult with your mood and well-being. Astrology is astrology, but intuition should not be discounted either - by combining its whispers with the tips of the Moon, you can achieve stunning results.
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The haircut lunar calendar for March 2017 or the haircut horoscope for March 2017 will help you choose the most favorable days for visiting the hairdresser. The lunar hair cutting calendar for March 2017 will tell you which day is a favorable haircut and cosmetic procedures, and in which it is better to refrain from all manipulations with the hair. The lunar day calendar indicates favorable and bad days for cutting hair in March 2017, according to the characteristics of the lunar day, and the position of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac carries its own direction and predicts the consequences of cutting hair. The haircut horoscope will help you keep your hair and make it even more beautiful and healthy.

March 1. 4th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Waxing moon, first quarter. An unfavorable time for cutting hair brings with it a deterioration in health.

2nd of March. 5th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. A very auspicious time to visit a hairdresser. Hair grows quickly, becomes healthy, does not fall out, splits less.

March, 3rd. 6th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Waxing moon, first quarter. A very auspicious time to visit a hairdresser. Hair grows quickly, becomes healthy, does not fall out, splits less.

March 4th. 7th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. These days it is better to plan voluminous, light, airy hairstyles. Hair will grow quickly.

5th of March. 8th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. These days it is better to plan voluminous, light, airy hairstyles. Hair will grow quickly.

March, 6. 9th lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. This time is not suitable for haircuts and hairstyles, because the hair in the days of Cancer is naughty and the shape is not visible. It is also best not to even wash your hair on such a day.

March 7th. 10th lunar day. Moon in Cancer. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. This time is not suitable for haircuts and hairstyles, because the hair in the days of Cancer is naughty and the shape is not visible. It is also best not to even wash your hair on such a day.

March 8. 11th lunar day. Moon in Leo. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. The most favorable time for haircuts and hairstyles. Hair will become like a lion's mane - silky, healthy, beautiful, thick. Cutting hair during the Moon in Leo promotes the revitalization of life.

9th of March. 12th lunar day. Moon in Leo. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. The most favorable time for haircuts and hairstyles. Hair will become like a lion's mane - silky, healthy, beautiful, thick. Cutting hair during the Moon in Leo promotes the revitalization of life.

10th of March. 13th lunar day. Moon in Leo. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. The most favorable time for haircuts and hairstyles. Hair will become like a lion's mane - silky, healthy, beautiful, thick. Cutting hair during the Moon in Leo promotes the revitalization of life.

11th of March. 14th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Second quarter of the lunar cycle. Waxing Crescent. . The most favorable time for haircuts and hairstyles. After cutting hair, even split ends or bangs, hair will grow quickly, hair loss will decrease, hair will become stronger. If you're planning on dyeing your hair, getting a perm, or applying other types of salon-quality beauty products, then the Moon in Virgo is the perfect time to do so.

March 12th. 15th lunar day. Moon in Virgo. Full moon. Unfavorable time for visits to the hairdresser. As a result of a haircut on such a day, you can unknowingly make mistakes in relationships, leave emotions out of control, and succumb to bad habits.

March 13. 16th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Third quarter, waning moon. The hairstyle made on this day will be light and airy. Hair will grow quickly.

March 14th. 17th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Third quarter, waning moon. The hairstyle made on this day will be light and airy. Hair will grow quickly.

March 15th. 18th lunar day. Moon in Libra. Moon in Scorpio. Third quarter, waning moon. The dual position of the Moon in the sign of the zodiac. Unforeseen result - old grievances and discontent in personal life, if they are. If there are no internal problems in the relationship, then a haircut at this time will bring good emotions.

March 16th. 19th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Third quarter, waning moon. The dual position of the Moon in the sign of the zodiac. Unforeseen result - old grievances and discontent in personal life, if any, may be revealed. If there are no internal problems in the relationship, then a haircut at this time will bring good emotions.

March 17. 19th lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. Third quarter, waning moon. The dual position of the Moon in the sign of the zodiac. Unforeseen result - old grievances and discontent in personal life, if any, may be revealed. If there are no internal problems in the relationship, then a haircut at this time will bring good emotions.

18th of March. 20th lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Third quarter, waning moon. Very good time for cutting hair - it will bring good luck in professional affairs, career growth, improved relations with superiors or colleagues, the opportunity to receive a salary increase.

March 19 21st lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius. Third quarter, waning moon. A very good time for cutting hair - it will bring good luck in professional affairs, career growth, improved relations with superiors or colleagues, the opportunity to get a pay rise.

20th of March. 22nd lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Third quarter, waning moon. Auspicious day for haircuts and all hair manipulations. Hair will become more obedient, healthy, thick.

21 March. 23rd lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Auspicious day for haircuts and all hair manipulations. Hair will become more obedient, healthy, thick.

March 22. 24th lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Auspicious day for haircuts and all hair manipulations. Hair will become more obedient, healthy, thick.

March 23. 25th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Fourth quarter, waning moon. On this day, it is better to avoid haircuts and all hair manipulations. Otherwise, hair may fall out as a result.

March 24. 26th lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Fourth quarter, waning moon. On this day, it is better to avoid haircuts and all hair manipulations. Otherwise, hair may fall out as a result.

March 25. 27th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Unfavorable time to visit a hairdresser. Haircut will provoke hair diseases, hair loss, dandruff. Washing your hair is also not recommended.

26 March. 28th lunar day. Moon in Pisces. Fourth quarter, waning moon. Unfavorable time to visit a hairdresser. Haircut will provoke hair diseases, hair loss, dandruff. Washing your hair is also not recommended.

March 27th. 29th lunar day. Moon in Aries. Fourth quarter, waning moon. An unfavorable time for cutting hair brings with it a deterioration in health.

March 28th. Moon in Aries. 1st and 2nd lunar day. New moon. Negative time to visit the hairdresser, do not plan a haircut at this time.

March 29. 3rd lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Waxing moon, first quarter. A very auspicious time to visit a hairdresser. Hair grows quickly, becomes healthy, does not fall out, splits less.

30th of March. 4th lunar day. Moon in Taurus. Waxing moon, first quarter. A very auspicious time to visit a hairdresser. Hair grows quickly, becomes healthy, does not fall out, splits less.

March 31. 5th lunar day. Moon in Gemini. Waxing moon, first quarter. These days it is better to plan voluminous, light, airy hairstyles. Hair will grow quickly.

auspicious days in March 2017:
from March 1 to March 4, 2017 - the growing moon, 1 quarter;
from March 5 to March 11, 2017 - the growing moon, 2nd quarter;
from March 13 to March 18, 2017 - the waning moon, 3rd quarter;
from March 19 to March 27, 2017 - the waning moon, 4th quarter.
In the days of the new growing moon, it is a good time to start new things. You can make plans for the future and take important decisions. This time is favorable for starting weight loss procedures, dieting, and also starting to fight bad habits.

Unfavorable days in March 2017:
March 12, 2017 - Full Moon;
from March 21, 2017 - Last quarter.
March 26 - New Moon.
These are conflicting, stressful days, it is important to exercise caution, balance and attentiveness. It is not recommended to start important or new business. Also these days you need to carefully monitor your health.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

The lunar horoscope of haircuts for March 2017 indicates the dates on which night luminary the new moon, full moon, and also the quarters of the moon pass, its placement according to the signs of the zodiac. Here you can also find out which days are favorable or unfavorable for cutting hair on the head.

Haircut lunar calendar March 2017

With the lunar calendar for haircuts, the user will always know what the Moon will be at a particular moment, what it will be later, on any day of the month. With the available data, it will not be a problem to plan a trip to a beauty salon or a personal hairdresser in advance. After all, not every day can be favorable for the fairer sex, who care about their appearance, and for men who want to look spectacular.

The meaning of the lunar calendar of haircuts in March

In the lines of the lunar calendar for March of the new 2017, you can see many events that have their influence on haircuts. Have at your disposal useful information never hurt. So you can play it safe from unpleasant surprises, which people often encounter while sitting in an armchair in front of a mirror, which the lunar calendar has not been disclosed to.

In each period, depending on the lunar day, the Earth's satellite in its own way has an effect on the hair. In order for the effect of cutting human hair to be optimal, it is imperative to use easily accessible information retrieval tools. Even employees of the beauty industry will not be superfluous to know when and how the Moon is located and when the days favorable for cutting hair will come on the current, next week and in the last month of the year. So the stylist can give useful advice when it is better for the client to come for a transformation, and on what day it is easier for him to stay on the day off, without bothering himself with a waste of strength and internal energy. This will allow you to earn credibility with your customers and attract new visitors. You can also prepare in advance for certain events related to your career.

Isn't it time for a haircut?

Everyone understands for himself that it's time to update the appearance. But this should not be done immediately. For starters, you should find out when it is better to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar. And in order for the effect to be preserved, the hair only got prettier, like its owner, it is necessary to properly strengthen it, support it with vitamins. The basis of a beautiful, healthy appearance, which you need to constantly take care of, lies in proper nutrition, regular care.

WITH lunar horoscope haircuts for March 2017 under the influence of forces from outer space, in particular those associated with the action of the Earth's satellite and the human body, the user will be able to predict what effect his hairstyle can have.

In the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017:

  • The first column indicates the day of the month and the day of the week.
  • The second column is for the lunar day and the phase of the moon.
  • The third - to the Moon in the sign of the zodiac.
  • The fourth is the time of the rising and setting of the moon.

To understand which day is favorable for visiting a beauty salon, and on which it is better to refrain from your plans, just pay attention to the color of the data for the date of interest:

  • red write unfavorable information;
  • green - favorable;
  • blue - neutral.

More about cutting hair on a certain day, a favorable period for cutting.

In addition to the meaning for the success of the haircut process itself, the horoscope contains data on what benefit or vice versa, harm will bring a visit to the hairdresser. After all, if you cut your hair on a particular day, you can get or lose money, get rid of ailments, or, on the contrary, acquire a malicious virus. This best proof how important it is to first study the position of the moon, and only after that turn to the barber.

The meaning of auspicious days

It is enough to choose the most favorable moment so that the haircut can be enjoyed in the new 2017 until the hair grows back. Thus, having at your disposal the secrets of the world and the universe, it will not be difficult to receive only the positive energy of the cosmos, getting rid of the worries and doubts that negative ones entail. Only being in harmony with one's own world, one can positively charge oneself with forces through the existing information field without any problems.

During hairdressing procedures, do not neglect safety measures. Then the power and the Guardian Angel will be preserved.

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Our great-great-grandmothers also noticed that a woman lives according to the lunar cycle and is completely dependent on how the night luminary behaves on certain days. Everything that is connected with hair - haircut, dyeing, hairstyle, is also invisibly controlled by the waxing or waning Moon. The lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 will tell women which day of the first spring month is great and, conversely, unfavorable for going to the hairdresser.

Why does it work?

The human body is able to be charged with negative and positive energy from the moon. The main thing, as in this moment the luminary is located in the sky - it grows or decreases. We begin to accumulate energy not from the 1st, but from the 2nd lunar phase, that is, from the 8th to the 15th day. It is at this time that a person feels a special surge of energy and strength. Until the 22nd lunar day, when the moon is full, we are alert, active and balanced.
From the 23rd to the 29th day, the 4th phase of the moon is celebrated. During this period, it is not advisable to do something radically new, because our body is already “exhausted” and energetically devastated. The human body is particularly vulnerable and susceptible to disease in the 1st moon phase, which lasts from 1 to 7 days.

Lucky days for a haircut according to the lunar calendar for March

Even the ancients knew that if you cut your hair for the growing moon, then they will also grow more dynamically. Although, there are also disadvantages, especially if a woman has a short haircut. After all, in a couple of weeks she will again come to the hairdresser and will “fork out” for a haircut. To make hair roots stronger, you need to cut your hair when the moon is waning. The lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 marks such days in the spring month - from the 13th to the 27th.
If such zodiac signs as Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn or Taurus reside in the Moon, then any haircut will look great and look neat for a long time. Auspicious days to go to a beauty salon:
- Moon in Taurus: from March 2 to March 4, from the 30th to the 31st;
- Moon in Libra: from 13 to 15 March;
- Moon in Leo: 9th and 10th;
- Moon in Virgo: March 11 and 12;
- Moon in Capricorn: 21st and 22nd
Information for those women who want to improve relationships with people and settle their financial situation. In addition, you need to focus on these tips for those who want to get rid of negativity and problems in life:
- March 1 - a haircut will help you get rich and make a profit;
- March 4 - monetary gain and health promotion;
- March 5 - a haircut leads to the achievement of the goal and the development of intuition;
- March 10 - to financial wealth;
- March 15 - life will change dramatically;
- March 16 - a haircut will improve health and add charm;
- March 23 - filled with positive energy;
- March 26 - a haircut will make it more original and brighter;
- March 27 - life will become longer, as the lunar calendar of haircuts for March 2017 promises.

Unlucky days for a haircut according to the lunar calendar for March

March 6 - a haircut will bring trouble into your life;
- March 8, 13, 17 and 18 - health will worsen;
- March 12 - a depressive state will appear;
- March 22 - a haircut will lead to conflicts with people;
- 24 and 25 March - will get worse mental condition;
- 31st - a haircut will disappoint you, as predicted by the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017.

If the moon is waning, then in no case should you cut the newborn. Especially if this is done for the first time. Otherwise, a person's hair will be thin and weak all his life.

We curl hair according to the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017

No one will dare to challenge the significance of the zodiac signs in human life. They also control our mood and well-being every day, just like the Moon. When the night luminary is in one sign or another, then we get a clear picture of what manipulations need to be done with hair: dye, curl or cut.

Auspicious days for curling according to the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017:

March 11 and 12 (Moon in Virgo) - hair will be silky, obedient and curly
9th and 10th (Moon in Virgo) - it is better not to plan a perm. Otherwise, the curls will turn out too curly.
If the Moon is in Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, then you should forget about the perm. Otherwise, the curls will be dull, split and weak from the roots.

Unlucky days of March in 2017 for visiting a beauty salon:

Moon in Cancer - March 7 and 8
Moon in Aquarius - 23rd and 25th
Moon in Scorpio - March 16 and 17

The lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 recommends visiting a hairdresser and pampering yourself with “curls”: from March 1 to 6, from March 11 to 15, from March 18 to 22, and also from March 26 to 31.

It would seem that there is something special here - he dyed his hair in any color and went to decorate the world with his charm. No, it's not that simple. Hair coloring should be done in strictly designated areas. Lunar days. For example, when the moon is growing. In March 2017, it grows twice: from the 1st to the 11th and from the 29th to the 31st. So, if you give your hair a different shade during this period, then it will only benefit you and your hair.

Valuable advice for those who are going to change their hair color according to the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017:

March 1 - must be taken for coloring only better drugs based on natural ingredients. Then the mood will be excellent, and positive energy will be attracted.
March 2 - Business Ladies can give their hair a natural shade. Then they will not have problems in business and with money.
March 5 - coloring will give you charm, confidence and attractiveness
March 7 - if you dye your hair a natural color, you will remove all the bad things from your life
March 8 - new hair color will affect a good relationship with guidance
March 10 - Big profit expected
March 11 is the 13th lunar day, so it is not recommended to dye your hair. A new hair color is unlikely to bring you positive emotions
March 26 - you can dye your hair a radical new color to improve your health and improve your financial situation
March 31 - give your hair a natural tone so that peace and harmony come in the family

If on March 19 you comb your curls in the direction of the 4 cardinal points, then fill your body with positive energy from space.

The moon is a magical luminary, so in the first spring month you can easily get rid of what worries you and prevents you from achieving success. In March, you can collect the necessary information, accumulate positive energy and strengthen the hair from the roots. The main thing is to focus on those days of the month that the lunar haircut calendar for March 2017 recommends.