Child development - riddles about a horse. Riddles about horses for children Riddles about a horse for children 8 years old

Riddles about horses with answers will show with what love and respect people from ancient times treated such noble animals as horses. They are the first assistants in the household and faithful companions on the battlefield. What is a hero without a hero’s horse? IN Slavic mythology the horse was associated with the cult of the sun, and in Russian folk tales you can see the impressive image of Sivka-burka: beneath him the earth trembles, and a column of smoke comes out of his nostrils. The horse had a magical magical power, who always came to the aid of heroes or Ivan the Fool.

Children's riddles about horses

We have selected for you the best riddles about horses for children. Interesting riddles are perfect for kids, as they will reinforce their knowledge about animals that live next to humans. Online riddles are also convenient because you can spend interesting and useful time with your child, even if you don’t have a book at hand. Read simple and complex riddles with your child and train his memory and attention.

He loves to eat hay,
And we can’t count the advantages.
Very kind, very fast,
And the owner needs it.
There are hooves, a tail and ears,
Listen to her soon.
She will give birth to a foal for us,
Guess it this moment.

Graceful and beautiful.
Legs, back, neck, mane.
Jumps briskly in the morning,
The tail is like a scarf in the wind.
Take a shaky ride on your back.
Who's the beauty?

Graceful and slender -
the kids like her.
Allows you to ride
waving his mane and tail.
And the cart will be lucky -
will never let you down!

Who's jumping along the path? Clack-clack-clack.
Who has such frisky legs? Clack-clack-clack.
Her mane is silky,
She is cheerful and playful.
Her fur is so smooth
It's coming towards us...

At dawn in a wide field,
Likes to walk freely
Graceful and beautiful
With a lush silver mane,
What kind of animal is there, that’s a mystery,

Legs are shod,
Running along the road:
The mane is arched,
And the tail is a broom.

Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the village.

I ride faster than the wind,
“Clock-clack,” - I knock my hooves,
I scream loudly “yoke-go”,
Sit on your back and I’ll give you a ride!

I miss my hooves, I knock.
I'm jumping, jumping.
The mane curls in the wind.

It wouldn’t be my work, it wouldn’t be my age,
You would live badly, man.
But in the age of the car and the motor.
I'm afraid I'll be retiring soon.

Who runs faster than the wind?
Dust swirls from under the hooves,
The silk mane curls,
A ringing neigh rushes:
“Igo-go, igo-go, I’ll run far!”
What did you guys find out?
This is frisky...

Kind dear very beast,
You know for sure, trust us.
He only lives in a pen,
Any view, of course, decorates.
Strong and so fast.
Very kind, although sometimes big.
We'll guess right away,
We call the beast a chorus.

- Igo-go! - the child screams,
So this is...


I'm knocking my hooves, knocking.
I'm jumping, jumping.
The mane curls in the wind.
Who is this?

Very friendly with the person
And it serves him reliably,
Helps with housework.
He harnesses her to the sleigh,
And - with horseshoes.
There is great power hidden in her.
Do you already know the answer?
Do you recognize her...

The beauty has a horse
Small child.
Very smart and funny


This horse, although an adult,
Very short.
He took us for rides around the park
And I’m not the least bit tired.

Willful and free,
They love the steppe and fields.
They love to perform in the circus
And ride with the jockeys

Four legs, a fifth tail, a sixth mane.

He cuts the grass in the meadow,
He waves his mane and laughs loudly.
Drinks water and gives manure.
He plows the field, carries a cart.

Who helps us on the farm?
Carrying a heavy load?
And he will carry barrels of honey,
And if suddenly he goes for a ride,
Stands with a beautiful thick mane,
And a clean combed tail,
He is the most important one in the fence,
And everyone calls him...

Horseshoes clack loudly
On the hooves of...

Rushing near the river
Under the saddle in the bridle!

In this house they sleep on straw,
They eat dry hay while standing.

It will carry a lot of cargo,
She will save anyone at any time.
Such wise eyes
And the horseshoes are golden!
good friend people always
The sorrows of the year will live with us.
And she can handle any burden,
This is our mutual friend, this is...

Low, nimble horses
They play hide and seek with us.
They are called...(Pony).

There are apples
Gray, black, reddish brown.
This is...(Horses).

They can gallop and breaststroke.
The manes are unfurled, the legs are raised.
This is... (Horses).

Here are the horses running.
See number one ahead.
What is this sport called?
(Horse racing).

The horse has a son
Not big... (foal).

My mane is developing
Ears and hooves.
I'll give him a playful ride,
Who won't be scared?
The fur is even,
It sparkles in the sun!
Who am I?... (Horse).

There are horseshoes on my feet,
Flies quickly along the road.
Feeds on clover and barley!
Who runs ahead
Does he overtake everyone?

Growing horses
They're also trotting!
This is... (foals).

There is space all around,
Frolic to his heart's content!
A very graceful animal
Loves straw and oats,
Drink water and rye bread,
If you adore him,
Treat me to an apple!
This is... (Horse).

Fluffy tail.
Chews and drinks while standing,
Transports all the people
They ride on it,
When he runs
Steam is coming out of the nostrils!
This is... (Horse)

Tail and mane,
Made up of hair.
Never lies
He even sleeps standing up!
This is... (Horse).

He will help plow the garden,
He drives away flies with his own tail!

If she gallops across the field.
You can't take your eyes off it!

Little foal
In the morning I ate oats and grass
And he became... (a horse).

They jump very fast
They are bringing a sleigh, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden!
There are surprises in bags
For girls and boys!
And in harness, look!
A troika is riding... (Horses).

What kind of tractor passed here?
And plowed all the land?
This is... (Horse).

Everybody knows,
That the son of a dog is a puppy,
The son of a cat is a kitten,
That the son of a horse is... (foal).

An indispensable assistant in the household,
Working in the field
From morning until late evening.
There are four horseshoes on the hooves,
You've known her for a long time!
This is... (Horse).

Drives carriages
And on the saddle of people!
Many different colors... (Horses).

They are different breeds:
Arabic - light gray in color,
Blue - black with a bluish tint,
Bay - various brown shades.
Did you find out? These animals are called...

Look how lovely it is!
Jumps quickly along the path,
Raises your legs high!
Doesn't know fatigue
Helps people!
Both in summer and in frost,
Never lose heart!
Did you guess it?
This is... (Horse).

Laughs loudly
Jumps loudly!
The mane curls above,
Silk tail at the back!
Did you guess it?
This is... (Horse).

In her powers they measure
Engine power.
What kind of animal?
This is... (Horse).

Here comes the arrow
From under her hooves
Clouds of dust flew by
Black curls
It develops in the wind!
What is the name of?

Feeds different varieties wheat,
With ripening rye,
She's grazing and frolicking in the meadow!
This is... (Horse).

Riddles about a horse.
Tsok-da-tsok, tsok-da-tsok,
Who makes the sound?
You know the answer, right?
Yes, this is *******
Answer: horse

Everyone in the world loves her
Most of all, probably, children.
How beautiful and strong
She is very affectionate.
The mane needs to be combed,
Well, give me some sugar
Answer: horse

There is live, and there is in the game.
You can quite guess
What about the steppe or field,
What's on the chessboard
People are jumping on ****
Answer: horse

She's like the wind, so fast
Hooves pound on the ground.
A golden mane will develop,
The sun shines brightly and clearly.
Answer: horse

Along the path tsk-tsk-tsk
Hooves beat loudly.
He will say loudly: “yoke-go”
She opened all her teeth.
Answer: horse

I love to ride on it
Play with her in an open field.
And we'll come home,
I'll give her water to drink
I will gently comb my mane,
I'll bring her millet.
And I'll fall asleep sweetly,
I will dream about *******
Answer: horse

Hard worker, hard worker,
You're probably tired:
All the hooves click, click, click,
I wish I could rest for at least an hour,
To sweet sugar given,
To comb the mane.
Guessed it without a hint?
Surely, *******
Answer: horse

She loves very much: sugar,
To comb the fur,
To braid the mane,
To bring water,
So that all the horseshoes shine,
Did you find out? This ******
Answer: horse

Look what a fairy tale it is:
Zlatomane *******
Answer: horse

What a miracle, just like in the picture:
Mane, tail and hooves,
Tall, slender, beautiful,
Sometimes she is obstinate.
Guess what kind of fairy tale it is
Yes, this is *******
Answer: horse

An animal that has lived next to people since ancient times - this is what they describe Horse riddles. Here you can find suitable riddles about a horse, and then solve them with your children.

The wild ancestors of modern horses were domesticated a long time ago. Since then, these fast, hardy, loyal animals have become faithful companions of man and played a huge role in his life. For a long time horses were indispensable assistants for agricultural work. They plowed the land and transported the harvest. Until now, in some inaccessible parts of the world, a horse is the only means of transportation. There are also wild horses on Earth. They live in the steppes, gathering in small herds. Horses' favorite food is juicy grass. But they will not refuse carrots, apples, corn, oats, even potatoes. Horse riddles with answers are suitable for children preschool age and elementary school students.

Children's riddles about a horse with answers

I would like to run across the field:
I love space and freedom.
I don't need sausage!
Give me some hay and oats.

Graceful and beautiful.
Legs, back, neck, mane.
Jumps briskly in the morning,
The tail is like a scarf in the wind.
Take a shaky ride on your back.
Who's the beauty?

All lovely and slender,
Stands in a stall by the post,
Shakes his thick mane,
And he clatters his hooves.
Waiting for the owner and his wife,
To take them to the river.

He loves to eat hay,
And we can’t count the advantages.
Very kind, very fast,
And the owner needs it.
There are hooves, a tail and ears,
Listen to her soon.
She will give birth to a foal for us,
Guess it this moment.

Graceful and slender -
the kids like her.
Allows you to ride
waving his mane and tail.
And the cart will be lucky -
will never let you down!

Not a plowman, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the village.

I miss my hooves, I knock.
I'm jumping, jumping.
The mane curls in the wind.

It wouldn't be my work, it wouldn't be my running,
You would live badly, man.
But in the age of the car and the motor,
I'm afraid I'll be retiring soon.

Kind dear very beast,
You know for sure, trust us.
He only lives in a pen,
Any view, of course, decorates.
Strong and so fast.
Very kind, although sometimes big.
We'll guess right away,
We call the beast a chorus.

He cuts the grass in the meadow,
He waves his mane and laughs loudly.
Drinks water and gives manure.
He plows the field, carries a cart.

He only lives in the stables,
Everyone there recognizes her.
Kind, always active,
Lives with a person all his years.
Can the races be won, lost,
He can snort and jump around quickly.
We will guess it all,
We'll all recognize her in no time.

The beauty has a horse
Small child.
Very smart and funny

It will carry a lot of cargo,
She will save anyone at any time.
Such wise eyes
And the horseshoes are golden!
Always a good friend to people
The sorrows of the year will live with us.
And she can handle any burden,
This is our mutual friend, this is...

For any competition for children for the Year of the Horse, riddles about horses will be useful.


I have a big mane
Ears and hooves.
I'll give him a playful ride,
Who won't be afraid?
My fur is smooth
Who am I?...


I ride faster than the wind,
“Clock-clack,” - I knock my hooves,
I scream loudly "yoke"
Sit on your back and I’ll give you a ride!

Who's jumping along the path? Clack-clack-clack.
Who has such frisky legs? Clack-clack-clack.
Her mane is silky,
She is cheerful and playful.
Her fur is so smooth
It's coming towards us...


I would like to run across the field:
I love space and freedom.
I don't need sausage!
Give me some hay and oats.


Legs are shod,
Running along the road:
The mane is arched,
And the tail is a broom.

(A. Garkovenko)

Tall, beautiful,
A little playful
On a mighty neck
There is a thick mane.
In village life
Helps people:
Transports goods
He gives rides to everyone.
Maybe some flowers
Chew on the sly.
We give her hay
And we call...


(M. Korneeva)

Graceful and beautiful.
Legs, back, neck, mane.
Jumps briskly in the morning,
The tail is like a scarf in the wind.
Take a shaky ride on your back.
Who is the beauty?...


(S. Melnikov)

Who runs faster than the wind?
Dust swirls from under the hooves,
The silk mane curls,
A ringing neigh rushes:
“Igo-go, igo-go, I’ll run far!”
What did you guys find out?
This is frisky...


( N. Shemyakina)

Whose tail is there and whose mane is there?
As if they were flying in the wind?
Playfully under the hooves
Sparks shine bright...
He galloped and immediately disappeared!
How he fell through the ground!
Who is this? Here's a mystery...
This is a frisky...


(E. Grudanov)

Rushing near the river
Under the saddle in the bridle!

(V. Kuzminov)

The mane develops in the wind,
I carry my burden patiently,
“Tsok-tsok-tsok”, jumps evenly and smoothly,
In gray apples our...

Look at the mane
Silky and beautiful.
Jumping into the field near the ravine...
What is her name? ..


(G. Stupnikov)

At dawn in a wide field,
Loves to walk in the wild -
Graceful and beautiful
With a lush silver mane,
What kind of animal is there, that’s a mystery,


(T. Vasilyeva)

Very friendly with the person
And it serves him reliably,
Helps with housework.
He harnesses her to the sleigh,
And - with horseshoes.
There is great power hidden in her.
Do you already know the answer?
Do you recognize her...


(Z. Toropchina)

A tractor without wheels plows the ground,
For him, fuel is oats.

With a trimmed mane,
Jumps zealously
Touch the spurs a little,
Who is this? ...


It wouldn’t be my work, it wouldn’t be my age,
You would live badly, man.
But in the age of the car and the motor.
I'm afraid I'll be retiring soon.

With this animal
Have you known each other since childhood?
Drives carriages
Without knowing coquetry.

That's how transport is, it's alive!
By name - horse-drawn.
He drove in the twentieth century
Drogs, sleighs and carts.

He is an excellent runner
The whole hippodrome admires him.
But the rider will be given a prize,
They'll take him to the stables.

- Igo-go! - the child screams,
So this is...

The cat has a son - a kitten,
The pig has a piglet,
The chicken is from the corydalis.
And who is the horse's son?

This horse, although an adult,
Very short.
He took us for rides around the park
And I’m not the least bit tired.

A herd is grazing in the meadow
Not cows, but horses.

Four legs, a fifth tail, a sixth mane.

Two heads, two arms, six legs,
but in walking there are only four.
(Rider on a horse.)

In this house they sleep on straw,
They eat dry hay while standing.

The mane is the wind, he himself is the fire,
Happy and frisky when running...

(I. Ageeva)

Horse moms baby
Has a name...

(I. Ageeva)

New clothes on the horse's feet -
These are sonorous...

(I. Ageeva)

Horseshoes clack loudly
On the hooves of...
(Not the cow, but the horse.)

(I. Ageeva)



A good team has all the horses in its body.

Under supervision and the horse is well fed.

For a zealous horse there is not a whip, but reins.

Horses recognize each other by neighing, and people by talking.

You can't outrun a rogue on a crooked horse.

A horse is recognized by its running, and an owl by its flight.

He came to forge a horse when the forge burned down.

A good owner does not have a bad horse.

And a blind horse is lucky if a sighted person sits on the cart.

If the horse wants oats, it will take him to the mountain.

Approach the dog from behind, and approach the horse from the front.

I am not me, and the horse is not mine, and I am not the cab driver.

You won't go far without feeding your horse.

A good horse warms up from food.

Don't worry about oats.

Even a horse can't carry through force.

An old horse won't ruin the furrow.

Not my horse, not my cart: whoever saw is responsible.

A horseman on foot is not a companion.

A horse is bad if it doesn’t gallop, and a Cossack is bad if it cries.

Ask and they will give: the manger does not go to the horse.

Absent-minded: sitting on a horse, and looking for a horse.

For a zealous horse, the same food, but twice the work.

It's fun for the horses that gallop through the fields.

The horse has four legs, and even then it stumbles.

A well-fed horse is a good horse.

A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend.

Happiness is not a horse, you can’t put on a collar.

Horses do not roam for food, they do not seek for good.

Where there is a horse, there is a cart.

An arrogant horse is bridled more strictly.

The horses run home more cheerfully.

The horse has no oats to shovel, but he still wants to be free.

You don't buy a horse for its eyes.

The flaws of a horse are outside, the flaws of a person are inside.

Don't buy a whip for your horse, but buy oats.

Hold the horse by the mane, you can't hold it by the tail.

And you can feed a horse with a whip, just give him oats first.

When a rider loses heart, his horse cannot gallop.

Heaven on earth is on the horse's back.

Look at the horse like a friend, ride it like an enemy.

The Cossack is hungry, but his horse is full.

He who hits a horse can also hit a friend.

Educational riddles about a horse for children 5-6 years old. As you know, children really like to solve riddles about animals. Each riddle on this page is written in poetic form, so children have the opportunity not only to think about the answers, but also to subconsciously grasp the poetic syllable.

Simple children's riddles about a horse (horse) with pictures

Who helps us on the farm?
Carrying a heavy load?
And he will carry barrels of honey,
And if suddenly he goes for a ride,
Stands with a beautiful thick mane,
And a clean combed tail,
He is the most important one in the fence,
And everyone calls him... HORSE
All lovely and slender,
Stands in a stall by the post,
Shakes his thick mane,
And he clatters his hooves.
Waiting for the owner and his wife,
To take them to the river.

(horse )

The mane develops in the wind,
I carry my burden patiently,
“Tsok-tsok-tsok”, jumps evenly and smoothly,
In gray apples our...

(horse ).

It will carry a lot of cargo,
She will save anyone at any time.
Such wise eyes
And the horseshoes are golden!
Always a good friend to people
The sorrows of the year will live with us.
And she can handle any burden,
This is our mutual friend, this is... HORSE !
He loves to eat hay,
And we can’t count the advantages.
Very kind, very fast,
And the owner needs it.
There are hooves, a tail and ears,
Listen to her soon.
She will give birth to a foal for us,
Guess it this moment.

(horse )

He only lives in the stables,
Everyone there recognizes her.
Kind, always active,
Lives with a person all his years.
Can the races be won, lost,
He can snort and jump around quickly.
We will guess it all,
We'll all recognize her in no time.

(horse )

What a beast, what a perfection,
Riding on it is, well, just bliss.
It can snort, even scare,
If he wants to stand on his hind legs.
It will never harm a person
And he takes care of him, watches him.
There is no way to offend her,
This beast is our friend, not our enemy!

(horse )

Of course, the races don’t take place without her,
People take her by the reins.
May have a different coloring,
Anyone will recognize her here.
Always active and brave
And a person really needs it.
Let's guess together
We call the beast again.

(horse )

Kind dear very beast,
You know for sure, trust us.
He only lives in a pen,
Any view, of course, decorates.
Strong and so fast.
Very kind, although sometimes big.
We'll guess right away,
We call the beast a chorus.

(horse )