How to close a profile in Contact: privacy settings. In Odnoklassniki, we close the page from strangers - basic settings, special function

Over the past few years, social networks have captivated users of the Global Network from all countries of the world, and Runet is no exception in this regard. Indeed, the “killers” of the working time of office employees and the pastime objects of young or not so housewives have caused real hysteria in the minds of users - many are ready to spend on social networks most of its time. According to statistics, every third person who regularly accesses the Internet is registered in one or more social networks, the most popular of which today is the VKontakte resource. Is it good or bad? Let’s not talk about this, everyone is free to decide for themselves whether to plant virtual beds or devote their time to something more useful. Let's try to find out how to hide it from the eyes of strangers, because sometimes some data that is carelessly posted there becomes available to those users for whom it was not intended at all.

The question of how to close a page in a contact most often arises for those users whose accounts have been attacked by spammers, or those who have seen their photos and videos most often processed on other resources, in most cases classified as xxx. Also, those users who do not want to give up the communication opportunities provided by the social network, but want them to be available for viewing by a limited circle of people, for example, friends and close relatives, may want to close them completely.

In fact, solving the question of how to close a page in a contact is quite complicated, but still, the social network has several useful tools that most users simply neglect, or do not know and do not know how to use. It is worth noting that there are a lot of ways to hide your page in a contact, and almost each of them gives a certain effect, but only for those pages that are not subject to a targeted attack knowledgeable people. That is, you need to understand that, even knowing how to close a page in a contact, you cannot be 100% sure that personal information will not become the property of those individuals who wished to receive this information for one reason or another.

To remove your page from the eyes of prying eyes, or to protect your own photos from the curiosity of other users, you can use some of standard means. The first thing you can do is experiment with your profile settings, making it private or private. It is worth noting that this action, although it creates a certain barrier for those who are too curious, is not effective method fighting with any knowledgeable people. The fact is that a great variety of ways and methods have been invented to bypass a closed profile and gain access to information. And all these methods are posted on the Internet, that is, any student can use them.

The second way to hide on VKontakte is to use various scripts and applications, also posted on the Internet in large quantities. For those who decide to use similar solutions, it is also not too prepared a pleasant surprise- in most cases, such applications either do not work at all or work with errors, and therefore are ineffective. In addition, we should not forget that under the big name “Program to do whatever you want on VKontakte,” which so attracts inexperienced users to download and install, can pose a real threat to the user’s personal data, being an ordinary computer virus.

You can search for a long time for a way and method, but unfortunately no one will find a 100% working solution from prying eyes and attackers. Although... there is one answer to the question of how to close a page in contact - just don’t create it!

It was unpleasant for me when anyone could see my profile data. Until yesterday, I had various restrictions set up to, if possible, protect at least my family from prying eyes.

And yesterday, August 31, 2018 CEO announced that privacy settings are being returned to VKontakte.

I didn’t pass by and took advantage. I am not involved in illegal activities. But in light of recent events, when people are judged for likes and posts, you know, it becomes very creepy.

You can close your profile in both the full and mobile versions.

For example, on a smartphone. Go to the menu

Choose privacy.

Scroll down and close your profile. At the same time, check which privacy settings you have enabled.

Only the name and city you specified will remain available.

I dreamed of such an update from the very moment I created my page, because many people interfere with my personal space for no reason or reason. I had to limit views of the wall, my groups and everything else. Now you can completely close your profile from prying eyes without any problems, which is exactly what I did. Now everything that is in the profile is available only to added friends, and to no one else. This can be done in full version site by simply going to “Settings” in the top corner of the site. Then go to the “Privacy” section and at the bottom of the page you can select the profile type: private.

Done, now save your settings and enjoy your mystery.

How can VKontakte make a private profile after the update in August 2018?

Interesting question as well as news. If previously it was possible to close profiles by who sees the main. part of my page and only friends were left in the settings, but then this was removed and all profiles became open, except for those on the blacklist. Not long ago, VKontakte users again gave this opportunity to close their profiles. It is high time! It's not difficult to do this. First you will need to go to settings - click the arrow next to the mini avatar. Next is privacy.

Scroll almost to the very bottom and select “Profile Type” to “Private”.

That's it, now your basic information is hidden even for subscribers. Available only to friends.

To enable a private profile in the web version of VKontakte, you need to go to the privacy settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and switch the “Profile Type” item to private.

In this mode, only the user’s friends see information from the page; for others, only his name, date of birth, avatar, place of work and city are available. The counters for the number of friends and posts on the page are inactive - you cannot click on them.

If desired, the profile can be returned to “open” mode - after this the old privacy settings will be restored.

In this way, the administration of the VKontakte website responded to the wave of criminal cases that were filed for posts and likes on VK. Now VK is allowed to close their profiles from people who are looking for “extremism.”

Go to SETTINGS on your page

Find the PRIVACY item

And appeared in this menu the new kind settings - PIT PROFILE.

Public - you set privacy manually (you will only hide some parts of your page)

Closed - the available information will be minimal: year of birth, contact city, place of work or study, avatar and time of activity.

This service is completely free.

The profile type can be changed at your discretion.

Hi all. In this article, I will show you how to close a profile (page) on VKontakte in a new design, on a computer, as well as using an Android phone, new detailed instructions 2018.

In my opinion, this is very convenient, since each person will be able to restrict access to other users based on their own interests. In order to set up privacy in VK, you need to do the following.

How to close a VK page from strangers in a new design

How to close a VKontakte page on a computer

1. Open your VKontakte page in any browser installed on your computer.

3. On the right side of the settings page, select the “Privacy” section.

4. In the privacy section, many items are open to everyone, we can customize them at our discretion.

How to close a VK profile from a phone in the application

1. Launch the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet.

2. Open the menu by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner.

3. Go to settings by clicking on the “Gear” icon located in the upper right corner.

4. In the settings, select the privacy section.

5. Close the profile.

How to close a page in VK from a phone in the mobile version

1. Open VKontakte in any browser installed on your phone.

2. Go to the menu by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner.

Below, in the “Other” section, there is a setting “Who can see my page on the Internet.” The “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” setting is responsible for this. And so, go to your photos through the side menu. Open the “photos on my wall” album. But! In the settings there is an option “Who can see photos in which I have been tagged.” In the settings of a specific album, you can prohibit viewing and commenting on it.

First, look at how your page looks in the eyes of other people, for example those who are not your friends. This opportunity is provided by VKontakte in the “Privacy” section. You will immediately see your page exactly as all VKontakte users who are not your friends see it.

In the case when it is necessary to restrict access to the page for specific people, add them to the blacklist. But if you absolutely must do this, then there is still a way out - you can hide certain sections. If you have just registered in social network, then by creating your page you can immediately set up privacy. Look carefully at all the points in this section and set the settings that suit you.

How to hide photos on VKontakte

You can read more about how to create an album and set its privacy in this article. If you don’t use your photo for your avatar, then it won’t be in the standard album, and if you don’t put an avatar at all, then the album itself won’t exist. Personal photos can be placed in private albums. After you have configured everything, go to “Privacy” and at the very bottom, under all sections, click the link “See how users see your page.”

This is done in the “My Settings” menu, then “Black List”, or you can go to their page and, under the videos on the left, click the “Block (username)” link. Then, when logging into your profile, these users will only see your avatar, name, and brief information, and the wall and all other sections will be inaccessible. The VKontakte website has privacy settings through which you can hide your page. They determine who and what can watch, write on your page, send private messages, comment, and invite to groups.

For example, to hide your city or marital status, you need to select in the “Who sees the basic information of my page” setting who you allow to see this information.

You can change everything that is circled in a rectangle. To do this, you can click on each setting. It is impossible to hide all friends on VKontakte (once upon a time it was possible). You can only hide 30 friends, and you can choose who to hide. To hide a friend, find him and press plus. Finally, click “Save Changes.” Go to “My Photos” and click on the “pencil” in the upper right corner of the album that you want to hide (you need to hover over it with your mouse).

You can also limit who can comment on photos in the album. But firstly, you can use all the ways to hide information about yourself that we talked about (re-read this page from the very beginning), and secondly, you can change your first and last name. And the developers made sure that there was no workaround. But you can try logging in under a different name, creating a new page, trying to add this person as a friend.

And you can enter the site with one click at any time. Correct setting Privacy will allow you to make your profile private from unregistered users or from all users. To do this, you must first go to the VKontakte website, log into your account and go to the “My Settings” - “Privacy” tab.

If you decide to make your profile completely private from everyone, then select “Only me” everywhere. If you want to hide only from certain people, then it’s easier to add them to the blacklist. If you want no data left about you at all, you just need to find out how to delete your VKontakte profile forever. In the menu you need to select “My Settings” and go to the “General” tab.

How to delete a VKontakte profile?

As a result, the profile will be marked as deleted, but in fact it will be stored in the database for another six months until complete removal. Before writing the instructions: “How to block your page on for strangers,” I would like to note that the connection service is paid. I follow the instructions, but I can’t close my profile, this line just isn’t there.

Hide yourself VKontakte: privacy settings

Now you can close and open your profile whenever you want absolutely free. Good evening- help me, please close access, that is, the profile. In the end, nothing. Please tell me, maybe I'm doing something wrong? Thank you. If you came to this page, then you definitely want to see how to hide albums, and I have already loaded you with unnecessary text.

This means we log in to VKontakte, go to the page with our albums, and go to the album to which we want to deny access or the ability to leave comments. Good day. The information is outdated (the one you wrote in your post), although strangely, only 2 months have passed.

Hello, help me, I can’t close my Odnoklassniki profile via phone. With these simple steps, you can prohibit viewing and commenting on your albums on the VKontakte social network. For example, to ensure that only your friends see the information on the page, select the “Friends Only” option in each item.

Odnoklassniki users can often observe the presence of unfamiliar “Guests” on their pages or unwanted comments under personal photos, statuses, or in forum discussions. “Guests” who visit your profile do not always have benevolent intentions. Sometimes this is how information is obtained.

But the account user can protect himself from unauthorized intrusion and close his page with a “lock.” It should be said right away that this function is paid. You cannot close your profile for free. You should have Oki on your account - this is a virtual currency with which in Odnoklassniki you can:

  • buy and give gifts;
  • purchase bonuses in games and applications;
  • participate in various quizzes and tournaments;
  • close profile;
  • buy an invisible one;
  • rate photos 5+;
  • pay for the opportunity to use cool emoticons.

Closing our own page from strangers

A function that allows you to close your profile from prying eyes is located on the main page under a large photo of the owner. We look a little lower and find a line with a lock “Close profile”.

Click on this item and proceed to pay for the service, but first the system will ask you for confirmation.

If you came here by mistake, click the “Cancel” button or the cross in the upper right corner. If you want to close the page, confirm the action with the “Close profile” button. A window will appear in which we apply the “Proceed to Payment” action.

By clicking the “Other functions” button we order other services.

But for this there will be separate topic. We are now closing the profile. By clicking the “Proceed to Payment” button, the user opens a window in which he must select a payment method:

  1. From a bank card.
  2. Via terminal.
  3. From the phone.
  4. Electronic payment.

A phone number is assigned to the page on the network, but if you want to make a payment from a different number, you need to click on the “Change number” line.

You won’t be able to use someone else’s unknown number, since an SMS code will be sent to the specified phone number, which you will need to enter in the appropriate field. If you pay by card, fill in the required details.

As soon as the money arrives in your account, your profile will be closed. But the user can open it whenever he wants.

What can you do for free?

A user who is unable to pay for the service can place restrictions on his page that prohibit strangers from:

  • write messages in private;