What is IQ and how is it measured? Levels of IQ values ​​and their interpretation

Many of us have heard about the IQ test, which shows the level of intelligence of a person. However, most people know virtually nothing about it. Before you start taking the test, you must find out what your IQ should be. normal person.

general information

The abbreviation IQ stands for what can be translated as “amount of intelligence.” In the Russian-speaking language environment, the established expression “intelligence quotient” is more often used. However, it is believed that in order for the results to be as truthful as possible and really be trusted, it is worth taking into account not only the results of the test itself. Other factors such as age and gender need to be taken into account.

Many also believe that the results of this test are more likely to indicate a person's aptitude for a particular type of task, rather than actual intellectual ability. Therefore, you can prepare for it by solving problems that resemble those presented in the tasks.


Attempts to study the IQ of a normal person began in the 30s of the last century. Researchers have made a number of attempts to determine IQ through various experiments. Scientists tried to find a pattern that would connect the processes of the central nervous system, reaction characteristics and mental abilities, even the size and weight of the brain were taken into account. In addition, they studied the relationship between the IQ of parents and children, its relationship to social origin, age, and so on.

IQ test today

It is now generally accepted that IQ depends on many factors, mostly heredity. However, the IQ level of a normal person can be increased by solving various problems and tests. Besides, in modern world It is not so much intelligence that is the source of success as it is motivation and perseverance. Individuality, determination and ambition also play an important role. However, it is a high level of intelligence that can help in solving difficult life circumstances and contribute to more advantageous conditions.

Despite the fact that the first tests were created exclusively with vocabulary exercises, today they use a wide variety of tasks. Among them are counting exercises, logical series, the ability to find the missing geometric figure, the ability to recognize a fragment, remember facts, technical drawings and identify the missing letter.

How much IQ does a normal person have?

The average level of human intelligence ranges from 100 to 120 units, which is about half of correctly solved problems. The person who completes all the tasks receives 200 points. In addition to the level of intelligence, the test also determines other indicators; it helps to identify the way of thinking of the person who is taking it. By identifying the category in which the subject has the lowest level of ability, you can help him identify gaps in his abilities, practice with different types tasks and raise your IQ.

First tests

For the first time, V. Stern spoke about the IQ, who considered the determination of the level of skills on the Binet scale to be incorrect, since it had a serious disadvantage related to age. The scientist proposed to determine by dividing mental age by chronological age. An IQ test of a normal person demonstrates quantitative assessment abilities of an individual in relation to the average representative of the same age.


It is rightfully believed that an IQ test does not show a person’s level of erudition, but only an assessment of general indicators. They are designed specifically to produce a distribution of results with an average score. The IQ of a normal person can vary, but there are common indicators. So, about half of the people who passed the test show a result between 90 and 100 points, a quarter - below 90, and the other quarter - above 110 units. Average among graduates of American universities is 115 points, excellent students - from 135 to 140. An IQ level that is less than 70 points is usually considered a sign of mental retardation.


IQ tests show a person, but they should not be assumed to in any way indicate the level of erudition. They only help to understand in what area and in what direction a person needs to develop.

It is believed that the IQ level of a normal person varies from 90 to 120 conventional units. The Eysenck test is most often used to determine IQ. However, do not forget that the most accurate results will be those obtained the very first time you take the test, and all subsequent attempts will only distort them.

The concept of “intelligence quotient” and the abbreviation IQ are familiar to almost everyone today. And everyone knows that this same coefficient can be assessed using special tests. But this is where the knowledge of many people who are far from psychology and related sciences ends.

So what is IQ, how is it measured, and should it be done at all?

Let's start with a short historical excursion. At the beginning of the 20th century in France, the state commissioned a psychologist Alfred Binet tests to determine the mental abilities of children. For this purpose, Binet developed a test, which is known today as “ IQ Test»

The test very quickly became popular, but not in France, but in the USA. As early as 1917, the US military began using IQ tests to classify soldiers. More than 2 million people have passed such an exam. IQ tests then began to be used by universities and private companies, which used them to screen applicants and potential employees.

The results of numerous studies allowed foreign experts to make the following generalizations:

Exactly 30 minutes are allotted to complete the test. The most reliable and reliable results indicating a person’s abilities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points; outside these limits, the assessment of results is not reliable enough.

In conclusion, it should be said that, according to a number of psychologists, tests developed in the West to determine IQ are not entirely suitable for Russia. The main reason: the difference in the structure of intelligence in different countries. Among Russians, the so-called “figurative” style of thinking predominates, that is, Russians often “think” with their hearts rather than with their heads. All that remains is to wait until ours offer their own methods for assessing intelligence. While they are not there...

Have you ever wondered who is the smartest, most talented and well-rounded developed person in the history of mankind? You can confidently call Leonardo da Vinci, but he is far from the only genius of our civilization. High intelligence- a double-edged sword. It can be both the greatest gift and a real curse for the person who possesses it. However, each of these people is a real person, despite the difficult fates and difficult relationships with the surrounding individuals, fading against the background of such bright “stars”. But don’t be upset, the brain can be developed and “pumped up” with knowledge and skills. So take this list as motivation!

The most famous person is Albert Einstein

The "disheveled" symbol of the 20th century

Born in Germany, Einstein became a symbol of science and progress throughout the 20th century. His surname became a common noun to designate smart people. He is one of two theoretical physicists that almost anyone can name (the other would most likely be Stephen Hawking). During his life, he wrote more than 300 scientific articles, but is also known as an ardent opponent of nuclear weapons (he regularly wrote letters to President Roosevelt warning about the dangers of using atomic bombs). Einstein also supported the Jewish scientific development and stood at the origins of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

The physicist’s IQ is difficult to calculate accurately, since no such studies were conducted during his lifetime, but his friends and followers talk about a figure in the range from 170 to 190 points.

How to determine the level of human intelligence? Just take an IQ test and everything will become clear - many will say so, who have never thought about how this “mind test” came about. At all times, people have divided themselves into different categories, depending on their qualities. The level of intelligence was also a factor by which people could be divided into stupid and smart.

The first thoughts about the possibility of testing human intelligence appeared in the 19th century. Darwin's theory was published in 1859, which became main reason the emergence of a new science - phrenology.

Initially, this science was based on the assessment of mental abilities based on head parameters. According to phrenologists, the size and shape of the head already made it possible to draw conclusions about the level of intelligence.

Don't trust IQ tests

Subsequently, supporters of this science put forward theories that a high level of intelligence is programmed at the genetic level and the trained program has minimal impact.

Until the theory failed, quite a lot of tests were carried out, children in schools were tested for a predisposition to high mental abilities. It may seem surprising, but even the Nazis believed in the genetic programming of smart people.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first tests began to appear, thanks to which the level of intelligence was determined. The legendary IQ test was invented by French psychologist Alfred Binet. The imperfection of this test was that it determined not the absolute level of IQ, but the comparative one.

For example, 5 summer child those who successfully completed the program for 6-year-olds received higher scores. If in the end the person taking the test received more than 140 points, he was considered a genius; from 110 to 140 points people with high level intelligence, from 90 to 110 points indicates average level, below 75 points, according to Binet, were scored by the laggards.

The now popular method of determining mental abilities has spread quite quickly throughout the world. There was even a case when a prisoner was transferred to a psychiatric hospital for life because... he scored too low on the IQ test.

The jury explained their action as follows: “He is too stupid to distinguish between right and wrong.” This incident happened almost 100 years ago; today nothing like this can be observed.

In the 60s and 70s, when IQ tests were used to assess the intelligence of students and potential employees during interviews, they began to lose relevance. Numerous lawsuits have forced a reexamination of the effectiveness of IQ tests, the questions of which were intended for a certain type of person.

For example, we are not all mathematicians; some people have humanitarian abilities. After a detailed study of the tests, experts came to the conclusion that it is impossible to determine the level of intelligence or do so with a huge error. Now you should guess that low IQ is not the cause of the disorder.

Every person is familiar with the term " IQ" and the abbreviation IQ. Many also know that IQ is assessed using special tests.

The founder of the development of special test programs, currently known as the IQ Test, was the French psychologist Alfred Binet. The test quickly gained popularity in different countries. It began to be used to determine the IQ level not only in children, but also in military personnel. More than 2 million people have been tested. Later, IQ levels began to be determined among students and employees of private companies.

IQ level allows you to determine the speed of thinking processes, and not a person’s ability to think. In this regard, the use of tests has lost relevance today.

To solve problems you need to be good developed ability concentrate attention, ability to highlight the main thing, developed memory, great lexicon and mastery in perfection spoken language, logical thinking, ability to manipulate objects, ability to perform mathematical operations and perseverance. As you can see, these are more psychological characteristics of the individual than mental abilities.

What is an IQ test used for?

Currently, the test is the only way to determine a person's intelligence level.

There are two options for defining mental abilities. The first is intended for children 10-12 years old, with the help of the second the development of children from 12 years old and adults is assessed. They differ in the level of complexity, but the principle of use is the same.

Each test includes different tasks. To earn 100-120 points, which constitute the average IQ, you do not need to strive to complete all tasks. Half of the proposed tasks are sufficient. You are given 30 minutes to complete the task. The most reliable result for a person is 100-130 points.

IQ level of a normal person - what is considered good?

An intelligence level of 100-120 points is considered the norm, which is half of correctly completed tasks. The person who completes all tasks receives 200 points.

This test also helps determine a number of psychological characteristics: attention, thinking, memory. By identifying deficiencies in abilities, you can help in their development and increase your IQ index.

What does IQ level depend on?

Psychologists are trying to establish the dependence of the level of intelligence on heredity, physiological data, gender or race. Several areas of research are being developed.

In the 19th century, scientists conducted a number of experiments to establish the dependence of the level of intelligence on physiological data and gender. They showed no connection. Other scientists have repeatedly stated that intelligence directly depends on a person's race. These studies also found no relationship.

A number of researchers link mental abilities with musical preferences. Music influences emotional sphere. British scientists have found that the IQ is higher in people who prefer classical music, hard rock and metal. In their opinion, fans of hip-hop and R'N'B have the minimum IQ level.

What to do to increase your IQ ratio

Increasing your IQ requires constant training and brain development. One of effective ways are considered logic problems and mind games, chess, crosswords and poker. They help improve memory and increase concentration. Studying the exact sciences develops analytical thinking. Reading affects mental development fiction and learning foreign languages.

How much IQ does a normal person have?

The average level of intellectual development is 100-120 points. However, scientists have long proposed to determine IQ level taking into account chronological age. The test does not show the degree of erudition of a person, but evaluates general indicators. The tests are designed to distribute results around the average. The test indicates the direction in which a person should develop. An IQ level of 90-120 is considered good. However, it should be remembered that the results of the initial testing will be the most accurate; further data will be distorted.

Human intelligence is very difficult to define and almost impossible to measure. The accumulation of knowledge, abilities and skills occurs throughout a person’s life.

The basis of intelligence is made up of several determining factors; genetics, environment, and environment are important. Scientists have established a direct relationship mental development from genes. The percentage of influence can range from 40 to 80 percent.

The level of intelligence and the IQ index are influenced by the development of the brain. The more developed a person’s frontal lobes, which are responsible for thought processes, the higher the IQ level.

Scientists pay special attention to the development of children in the first years of life and upbringing. The level of mental development was associated with the order of birth of children in the family. For a long time It was believed that firstborns have a higher level of IQ. Compared to younger children. Recent studies have shown that the birth order of children determines the developmental potential, ability to reason and think, and as a result determine the level of intellectual development. On average, first-born children test within the norm for their age, but score a few points higher than their younger siblings.

The development of mental abilities is influenced by health status. It's normal for a person to follow good habits and lead healthy image life. This allows you to maintain brain activity in good shape. Scientists have proven that among people with a high level of intelligence there are fewer sick people chronic diseases, their life expectancy is higher.

Aikyu scale level table by points

If the IQ test results are:

  • 1-24 - profound mental retardation;
  • 25-39 - severe mental retardation;
  • 40-54 - moderate mental retardation;
  • 55-69 - mild mental retardation;
  • 70-84 - borderline mental retardation;
  • 85-114 - average;
  • 115-129 - above average;
  • 130-144 - moderately gifted;
  • 145-159 - gifted;
  • 160-179 - exceptionally gifted;
  • 180 and above - deeply gifted.

Criticism of IQ tests

Determining the level of intelligence using the proposed tests cannot be taken as a basis, since the units of measurement are average indicators that change over time, which means they are not a standard.
A person’s intelligence depends on many factors, ranging from the time of day to the state of health.

You can’t take gender as a basis: among men and women there are people with both high and low level IQ.