Stroke Prevention: Harbingers of Collapse, Diagnosis, Lifestyle, Remedies

Stroke Prevention: Harbingers of Collapse, Diagnosis, Lifestyle, Remedies

It seems that there will never be any trouble with him. The farther, the more cases of heart attacks and hemorrhages and, accordingly, more deaths, especially after. People say: “If I knew where you would fall, you would lay a straw.” In relation to this vascular pathology, it is possible and necessary to know in advance where you will fall, therefore, stroke prevention should become that straw. To deceive a stroke and prevent its stroke is the goal of many people: both doctors and those who are "destined for it."

The status of an epidemic stroke acquired not only in Russia. The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the state of affairs around the world, because cardiovascular pathology annually claims thousands of human lives, and leaves the survivors disabled. It should be noted that for the most part they are representatives of the able-bodied male population. As a result, WHO decided to unite "the whole world" and rush to fight the disease without regard to geographical boundaries. In this regard, since 2004 October 29 is considered to be World Stroke Day worldwide.

Stroke Day in Russia is celebrated by the departure of numerous medical centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg to city streets and rural hinterlands, whose residents can be examined and receive advice from specialists (therapists, neurologists). In addition, since 2006, Russia has interregional fund for helping relatives the patient, because it is known what kind of burden falls on their shoulders for care and a loved one who survived a vascular accident.

Understand themselves

However, this pathology hereditarypredisposition, so here you can already calculate something. To prevent stroke, the factors leading to vascular accident should be studied. Of course, there are many of them, such a list, perhaps, not a single disease has. You can not understand the intricacies, but, probably, everyone knows that lead to a stroke:

  • Obesity;
  • Stress and psycho-emotional stress;
  • Bad habits (smoking in particular).

These are the main points, although there are many more aggravating factors, but almost every person knows both his heredity and his illnesses that should be added up.

Some people smile skeptically, referring to the fact that they do not have high pressure, and, therefore, there is nothing to fear. Unfortunately, it is not. brain can easily happen in humans with stable blood pressure enie, because it arises from a thrombus or against the background. Other prerequisites for a stroke can also play a role, for example:

  1. Slow movement of blood through the vessels;
  2. Increased;
  3. A number of heart diseases;
  4. Violation of fat metabolism;
  5. Some hematological diseases characterized by increased blood clotting, for example;
  6. Age. If women have a heart attack under 50 - an extremely rare phenomenon, then as decrease estrogen level, in pre- and menopause, in this regard, they begin to “catch up” with men.

What can alert?

Some people think that since there are no symptoms of an impending stroke, then you don’t have to worry, while others, on the contrary, look for and find them even where they are not. Both are bad, the “golden mean” is good. Approach intelligently and purposefully, having studied the “enemy” as much as possible in order to avoid a stroke without reducing the quality of life.

Having searched for the prerequisites for such a serious illness and found though occasionally rising pressure should pay attention to this. This is a warning sign for a stroke, so taking drugs to lower blood pressure will come in handy. And not periodic. It may be necessary to grab a captopril tablet during an attack, but it is also necessary to go to the doctor the next day in order to select drugs for systematic use.

Arterial hypertension, which can develop from episodic rises in blood pressure, and even added atherosclerosis, should be a signal to action. Because such signs often result in a hemorrhagic stroke - an insidious disease and a direct threat to life.

Obvious harbingers of a stroke are characteristic only for some types of cerebral infarctions.(assuming "small" and ), however When a cerebral vessel will burst, it is difficult to assume and predict, therefore, the prevention of heart attack and stroke should begin long before obvious signs of an approaching pathology.

It should be remembered that a stroke happens not only from pathology in the vessels of the brain, and this disease is by no means isolated, rather, on the contrary, many disorders in the body can lead to vessel rupture(hemorrhage), and to his (cerebral infarction).

Video: tips on preventing vascular accident from the program "To your health!"

We start prevention

Unfortunately, it is not often that people think about a stroke in order to prevent it. As the saying goes "until the thunder strikes ...". But fearing a second stroke, surviving patients still begin to look for ways to avoid a recurrence. Meanwhile, belonging to the risk group, but while feeling safe, the same prevention is needed.

Prevention of cardiovascular pathology consists of the following indicators:

I. Nutrition

Much has been written and said about what can be eaten and what cannot. Maybe it would not be worth reminding people who already know everything, but in a nutshell:

II. Wellness activities

This includes the fight against hypodynamia (physiotherapy), massage of the collar zone for those suffering from cervical osteochondrosis (vertebrobasilar pool), spa treatment with the appointment of various physiotherapy procedures.

Video: a set of exercises for stroke prevention

III. Mode

In addition to the diet, a person trying to prevent a stroke should not forget about the regimen. And not only food:

  • Mode of work and rest;
  • Full sleep;
  • Evening walks;
  • Coniferous baths at night will help to cope not only with accumulated fatigue, but will also be the best regulators of the psycho-emotional state.

IV. Stroke prevention folk remedies

It is believed that the newest method is a long-forgotten old one. This happened with pine cones, which from time immemorial treated our ancestors for various ailments. The idea to use pine cones as a cure for stroke belongs to the Americans, who by now have even created bumps in tablets. They say that they are in no way inferior to modern expensive medicines, but they inspire confidence in the safety due to their natural origin.

Pine cone medicine you can cook at home, the main thing is to collect suitable fruits.

For infusion or decoction, the cones must be mature, but green (young) and it is better to collect them in early July (for some reason it is believed that it is better on the day of Ivan Kupala). You can prepare an alcohol solution (5 pieces of cones per glass of vodka) or a decoction of 5 cones per liter of water. In both cases, the cones are washed, cut, in the first case, they are infused for two weeks with daily shaking and taken in a teaspoon after breakfast, in the second, they are boiled for 5 minutes and taken 100-130 grams once a day after meals.

In addition to pine cones, tinctures of horse chestnut, calendula, lemon balm are popular among the people. Such delicious “medicines” as raspberry jam, milk, olive oil help to protect yourself from a stroke.

Video: cones infusion recipe from Channel 1

Prevention from the clinic


Diagnosis of a stroke involves conducting or, but this is to determine its type. Early studies of this kind may reveal aneurysm or vascular malformation of the brain, which do not show themselves in any way up to hemorrhage, but at the same time CT and MRI will not tell anything about impending strokes of a different etiology.


Knowing that lipid metabolism plays an important role in the development of vascular pathology, the patient himself can apply for such a, in general, simple analysis. The level of total cholesterol, as a rule, is not very informative; one can learn about the formation of an atherosclerotic process from the lipid spectrum by dividing total cholesterol into fractions. An increase in low-density lipoproteins and in the blood serum are indicators that make one suspect a violation of fat metabolism, which leads to the formation atherosclerotic plaques, which…. And so on.

Thrombogenesis and pressure

Appointed in violation of fat metabolism , in this case, they will become drugs for the prevention of stroke and heart attack. In addition, drugs for ischemic stroke are considered (in particular, products containing acetylsalicylic acid, which prevents the formation of blood clots). And do not forget about the correction of blood pressure! Regular intake antihypertensive drugs should become a habit.


It is better for such people to avoid stress and nervous experiences, but if this is impossible due to some circumstances, then at least you should protect your nervous system as much as possible from the negative influence of psychotraumatic factors by taking soothing drugs (up to tranquilizers And antidepressants).

Weight and blood sugar control

In addition to the above preventive measures, a sick (or still healthy) person should constantly monitor and control his weight which will also help prevent stroke.

Bad habits

Patients at risk who have bad habits and do not want to part with them require the closest attention. Stroke and smoking, stroke and alcohol… This is mentioned in all television programs about health, this is mentioned when describing any cardiovascular pathology in medical and popular scientific publications, this is constantly said to the owner of the habits. Unfortunately, often without any result. But in vain ... After all, it is these factors significantly accelerate pathological processes, and, consequently, the onset of a vascular catastrophe, which significantly shortens a person's life.

Video: presentation-lecture on stroke prevention with doctor's comments

Part 1:

Part 2: