Fingerprint doesn't work well on iPhone 7. Touch ID technology - what it is and why it doesn't work: detailed explanations

With the release of the iPhone 5s, Apple developers introduced a new Touch Id feature - a device that reads fingerprints. With its help, users of Apple gadgets can easily make purchases in App Store, unlock your phone, etc. Very often on forums you can find topics about a failed Touch Id.

In this article we will try to figure out why Touch ID does not work on iPhone 5s/6/6s and how to fix it?

To begin with, it should be noted that if the device began to fail after a recent update, you will most likely have to do a system rollback and return to the previous version of iOS.

If this method It didn’t help you, you should resort to the options below for fixing Touch ID.

Touch ID stopped working on iPhone 6/6s/5/5s

Mechanical repair of Touch Id is a last resort

What to do if Touch Id does not respond to any actions? IN in this case, if the Touch ID has crashed as a result of a software glitch, a hard reboot of the system should help. To do this, hold down the Home and Power keys and hold until the device reboots.

If this problem was software in nature, a reboot will solve the problem. If the phone received physical impact– you will have to contact a service center, where a qualified technician can diagnose and, if necessary, fix the problem.

Touch ID doesn't work on iPhone 6 - repair it yourself

If minor malfunctions in the Touch Id device periodically occur, Apple developers advise reconfiguring, in other words, making a new fingerprint and getting rid of the old fingerprint.

It is recommended to do this periodically so that the fingerprint data in the device is fresh, because Human skin on the hands is constantly exposed to various factors, and therefore the print may change slightly.

In order to make a new fingerprint, you need to go to “Settings”, then select “Touch Id and password”. Remove old prints. After that, click “Add fingerprint” and perform the necessary actions in accordance with the instructions.

Touch ID stopped working in the App Store on iPhone 5s/6/6s/5

Basically, the cause of this problem is also slightly modified fingerprints, as a result of which the system cannot recognize them, but sometimes there are cases when the problem lies in incorrectly installed software.

There are also complaints on the forums about a glitch when the App Store does not see Touch Id. How to fix this?

  1. Go to the gadget Settings and look for “Touch Id and password”;
  2. Find the section “Using Touch Id” and disable “App Store, iTunes Store”;
  3. Reboot the iOS device;
  4. We return to the Touch Id settings and enable “App Store, iTunes Store”.

After these steps there should be no problem.

Problems with iPhone 6. Touch ID does not work in winter, in cold weather

There are many complaints about the poor performance of Touch Id during the cold season. It is very simple to explain the reason for this problem - as a result of the cold, our fingerprint is slightly modified, which is why the system cannot recognize it.

Frequently updating your fingerprint or creating a “cold” fingerprint will help you solve this problem. Scan your fingerprint while out in the cold. However, it is believed that these methods help only partly, however, if there is an urgent need for this function in the cold, it is worth a try.

Touch Id does not work on iPhone 6/6s/5s/5 due to exposure to water and dirt

With the release of the iPhone 5s, Apple developers introduced a new Touch Id feature - a device that reads fingerprints. With its help, users of Apple gadgets can easily make purchases in the App Store, unlock their phones, etc. Very often on forums you can find topics about a failed Touch Id.

In this article we will try to figure out why Touch ID does not work on iPhone 5s/6/6s and how to fix it?

To begin with, it should be noted that if the device began to fail after a recent update, you will most likely have to do a system rollback and return to the previous version of iOS.

If this method does not help you, you should resort to the options outlined below for fixing Touch ID.

Touch ID stopped working on iPhone 6/6s/5/5s

Mechanical repair of Touch Id is a last resort

What to do if Touch Id does not respond to any actions? In this case, if the Touch ID has failed as a result of a software failure, a hard reboot of the system should help. To do this, hold down the Home and Power keys and hold until the device reboots.

If this problem was software in nature, a reboot will solve the problem. If there was a physical impact on the phone, you will have to contact a service center, where a qualified technician will be able to diagnose and, if necessary, fix the problem.

Touch ID doesn't work on iPhone 6 - repair it yourself

If minor malfunctions in the Touch Id device periodically occur, Apple developers advise reconfiguring, in other words, making a new fingerprint and getting rid of the old fingerprint.

It is recommended to do this periodically so that the fingerprint data in the device is fresh, because Human skin on the hands is constantly exposed to various factors, and therefore the print may change slightly.

In order to make a new fingerprint, you need to go to “Settings”, then select “Touch Id and password”. Remove old prints. After that, click “Add fingerprint” and perform the necessary actions in accordance with the instructions.

Touch ID stopped working in the App Store on iPhone 5s/6/6s/5

Basically, the cause of this problem is also slightly modified fingerprints, as a result of which the system cannot recognize them, but sometimes there are cases when the problem lies in incorrectly installed software.

There are also complaints on the forums about a glitch when the App Store does not see Touch Id. How to fix this?

  1. Go to the gadget Settings and look for “Touch Id and password”;
  2. Find the section “Using Touch Id” and disable “App Store, iTunes Store”;
  3. Reboot the iOS device;
  4. We return to the Touch Id settings and enable “App Store, iTunes Store”.

After these steps there should be no problem.

Problems with iPhone 6. Touch ID does not work in winter, in cold weather

There are many complaints about the poor performance of Touch Id during the cold season. It is very simple to explain the reason for this problem - as a result of the cold, our fingerprint is slightly modified, which is why the system cannot recognize it.

Frequently updating your fingerprint or creating a “cold” fingerprint will help you solve this problem. Scan your fingerprint while out in the cold. However, it is believed that these methods help only partly, however, if there is an urgent need for this function in the cold, it is worth a try.

Touch Id does not work on iPhone 6/6s/5s/5 due to exposure to water and dirt

Touch ID is a unique fingerprint reading technology. It is equipped with such versions of Apple mobile gadgets as iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. According to the manufacturer, this technology is more advanced in models of the sixth line. However, many users often complain on forums that Touch ID is a rather poorly functioning element in both the first and second versions.

Touch ID is definitely a good idea. And not only in terms of marketing, but also for practical use. WITH using Touch ID, the owner of an iPhone can unlock his device, log into the “accounts” of some programs on the network, and make payments using Apple Pay. But this is only if the technology functions smoothly, which is not always the case. Like any electronic mechanism, Touch ID sometimes has problems. How to deal with them? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, if problems were discovered after a recent firmware update to OS version 9 (or more recent ones) iOS versions), may require a downgrade. This term refers to rolling back a system to a previous version. But if the problems are not so significant, the best solution will wait for the next update.

All other problems are often caused by misunderstandings that do not imply anything serious. Therefore, the user can solve most of them independently, without going to a repair shop. Moreover, there are not many such problems, and the methods for solving them have long been known. In this article we will look at each problem and how to solve it in detail.

It often happens that the fingerprint on the iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S does not work. If a system malfunctions, experts recommend making a simple reconfiguration. In other words, you need to retrain the gadget to recognize a fingerprint. When the first scanners appeared, Apple was concerned with annual software updates for them. This is done so that the devices remember the fingers of their owners as best as possible.

Significant optimization in this area was carried out in the eighth version of the operating system. But as the practical experience of many users has shown, if the fingerprint is not regularly refreshed, after about a month Touch ID will begin to malfunction. The reasons for this are usually the most banal, but they are basically cosmetic in nature (the fingerprint has worn out, dry skin on the finger, and similar misunderstandings).

Considering the above, if Touch ID glitches on the iPhone 5S you need to update the fingerprint in the gadget’s memory. But before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wipe the surface of the display and wash your hands. Then you should go to the iPhone settings, and after that - to the Touch ID password section. In this case, the earlier fingerprint must be deleted using a swipe, moving across the display with right side to the left. After this action, you need to click on the add fingerprint button and run again routine surgery by entering a fingerprint, in accordance with the instructions.

Touch ID doesn't work in the App Store

This, like the previous problem described, occurs quite often. And this usually happens due to the fact that the scanner does not interact with the App Store. As before, the reason most often lies in cosmetic factors. But sometimes the problem occurs due to software problems in the iPhone 5S. Many users note that gadgets based on OS version 8, or rather, the Touch ID technology in them, do not work in this store.

To solve this problem, you need to follow these steps:

  • Click on the settings section, and then on the Touch ID and password item.
  • Go to the technology usage section and disable the App Store.
  • Reboot the device system.
  • Return to original settings, enable App Store.

After all the steps have been completed, the Touch ID bug in the store should be automatically removed. Let us also remind you that if the user has not made purchases in a store during the day, when entering the store again, the system will prompt you to enter a password.

The fingerprint scanner doesn't work at all

It happens that the scanner itself fails, that is, it simply breaks. Although this happens extremely rarely.

A breakdown can be signaled by complete inoperability of the technology after the update. In this case, you can try “Hard Reset” by performing a backup procedure first.

But if the issue is a malfunction of the iPhone 5S software, a hard reboot usually solves the problem 100%. Otherwise, the user will have to seek repairs, since it is impossible to do without competent diagnostics of the device.

Touch ID stops working in cold temperatures

According to statistics, glitches in the operation of technology in winter or in cold conditions occur much more often. As always, the explanation for this phenomenon is simple. It's all about changes in the papillary pattern of the fingers, which changes when weather conditions change. Of course, it is not possible to detect such changes by eye. But smart Touch ID immediately detects them and reports failures.

As you might have guessed, this whole issue is also treated through updating the fingerprint. But here everything can be made even easier. All you have to do is complete and save your “winter” fingerprint in the device’s memory. To do this, you need to do the procedure as soon as you come from the street, and your fingers are still cold. Although, this is not a guarantee of a successful solution to the problem. According to reviews from iPhone owners, the above methods do not always cope with the situation.

If the scanner does not work in dirty or damp conditions

There is no need to go into long explanations here. Obviously, moisture and dirt prevent the system from scanning a fingerprint. We are talking about the presence of dirt or moisture not only on the finger itself, but also on the surface of the scanner. Therefore, before the operation, you need to wash and dry your hands well and carefully wipe the scanner with a dry cloth.

But one thing to remember important point: There is no need to keep your hands in water for a long time when washing, as this will cause the skin to swell and the papillary pattern will change significantly.

However, Apple guarantees fans of its products that in the new sixth line of gadgets labeled S, Touch ID works more effectively with wet surfaces. But at the same time, the developers still do not recommend using the scanner when your hands are wet.

Breakdowns after repair: reasons

Speaking in simple words, during the process of repairing the device, the cable between Touch ID and the telephone board may be damaged. This leads to the fact that the system is no longer able to determine the authenticity of the fingerprint. And after that, the gadget deactivates the biometric sensor. In such a situation, replacing individual elements in order to improve the operation of the technology is impossible. The IDs between the Secure Enclave and a third party sensor simply will not match.

If the cable is completely damaged, then restoring it is an impossible task. The fact is that it includes ten tracks consisting of several layers. And the thickness of each track is a tenth of a millimeter.

The situation is different with the elements of the Home button that regulate the process of registering a click. Replacement is a simple matter. However, from now on, unlocking the device will be available exclusively through a password. It's easy to identify a broken Touch ID through settings. To do this, you need to carefully consider the menu for adding new fingerprints. It should be gray if there are any faults.

The only method of obtaining a properly functioning sensor with fingerprint technology at its core is to use elements of another device. This means you will need to install a new board and home button. However, this repair will be very expensive for the user. In such a situation, it is advisable to purchase a new iPhone. Of course, if Touch ID technology is very important for the user.

IN Lately in the news feed and in social networks there are often discussions and opinions regarding new feature fingerprint recognition called Touch ID in iPhone 5s. Basically, all discussions come down to security issues and future prospects for this method of protecting and accessing the device. For some reason, what seems to me to be a more pressing question is raised much less frequently: is it convenient to use Touch ID in Everyday life?

It is clear that initially the fingerprint is stored in memory, followed by a touch, then pressing the “Home” button, and as a result, the device is unlocked. All this is very fun and interesting, but does the process really look so beautiful, simple and easy?

I think it would be quite appropriate here to give a few opinions or, if you like, observations from famous people in the world of “Apple-aligned” journalism, based on their personal experience.

For example, here's what John Gruber (of has to say about it:

Although, this may be technically correct, Dustin Curtis (creator of the interactive magazine, and part-time blogger) that in fact everything is not quite like that:

When the phone is locked, unlocking with Touch ID feels a little clunky; you must touch the sensor on the Home button with your finger, press the button and manage to release it without removing your finger from the sensor, and you must manage to do all this before Siri is activated. It works, but it feels strange.

In general, I will say this - unlocking is truly “instant”, but only if the lock screen is in an active state at that moment. It was funny to watch new owners trying to unlock the device by simply swiping or touching the sensor with their finger. It would seem that a completely simple and logical action - unlocking the iPhone - actually consists of two non-obvious ones: “waking up” by pressing the “Home” button and reading the fingerprint with the sensor. That is, an iPhone in an inactive state simply will not respond to the finger; reading occurs immediately after activating the device by pressing Home as usual.

And John Gruber is at it again:

Touch ID doesn't rely on button presses in any way, and there shouldn't be any lag... Try this: Place your finger on the Home button while your iPhone is locked. Activate your iPhone with the Power button, not the Home button. Unlocking is instant.

What can I say: apparently, I’m somehow wrong, not one of those people who usually unlock the iPhone with both hands...

After installing iOS firmware on iPhone 5S, a problem may arise where Touch ID does not work on iPhone 5s. Our review will help owners of Apple gadgets understand what to do in such cases.

The problem arises due to the imperfect sensitivity of the fingerprint scanner, but with each updated firmware, Apple promises to improve the functionality of Touch ID and its response to touches. Loss of sensitivity of the Touch ID biometric scanner does not occur immediately, but over time, and given the fact that this is completely new technology, you can close your eyes a little to the flaws in his work.

The first advice for these symptoms is to perform a repeat scan. This will help improve the response of Touch ID and, probably, the user will be able to postpone a visit to the service center for a long time.

  • In the smartphone settings menu (basic), go to “Touch ID and password”.
  • Select a fingerprint from the Touch ID menu (pulses in gray) and scan it again. If necessary, perform this procedure with all previously registered fingerprints in the iPhone’s memory.

What to do if Touch ID doesn't work at all

If, during a secondary scan of the fingerprints that you registered before, the problem could not be resolved, and the scanner does not respond to touch at all, use our second advice - remove all your fingerprints (the “delete” button), and then register them again.

Removing fingerprints. Step-by-step instruction

  1. Open iPhone 5S's main settings → Touch ID & Passcode and enter the secret code.
  2. Select the sub-item of the menu that opens “Touch ID and password”.
  3. Enter the passcode you previously set (secret code).
  4. Selecting the fingerprints that you have previously registered one by one, delete them by clicking the “Delete Finger print” button.

Re-registration of fingerprints. Instructions

After removal, the problem when the fingerprint does not work on the iPhone 5s is eliminated, because the gadget will function perfectly without activating this innovative function, but the trouble is that the owner of the iPhone likes its capabilities, he is already used to using it. So, let’s register the “fingers” again. Apple took care of users and created the most simple diagram adding fingerprints to the gadget's memory. Re-registration in many cases helped resolve the issue of Touch ID failure.

  1. Go to menu iPhone settings 5S → “Touch ID and password”. At this point, you will have no registered fingerprints since you just deleted them all.
  2. As before, select the “Add a Fingerprint...” function.
  3. To fix the problem of fingerprint not working on iPhone 5s, hold the finger whose fingerprint you want to add and press the Home button several times. You must remember to tap several times until the imprint on the screen is completely filled with red.

Raise your finger and touch the Home button as many times as necessary to complete the scan. At the same time, users' opinions on the issue of touch frequency are divided: some believe that the smaller the touch step, the higher the accuracy of fingerprint recognition. Others, on the contrary, believe that moving your finger across the scanner plays a more important role for further work.

After registering again, unlock your iPhone. If everything worked out, you won’t need to read further advice. However, if your smartphone still does not have Touch ID on iPhone 5s, try to resolve the error using the following method.

Restore via backup

Restoring your smartphone completely through a backup can help with the error of the fingerprint scanner not working in the iPhone 5S.

  1. Connect your smartphone to a PC on which iTunes is installed.
  2. On the left side or in the upper sector on the right, select your gadget
  3. Go to the “Browse” menu and select the “iPhone recovery” command.
  4. Then you will see a question from iTunes about backing up your iPhone, you should select “Back up” if you have not backed up before. If you previously made a backup copy in iCloud or iTunes, then you do not need to create another one. Then you need to click on the “Restore and Update” command (will appear in a pop-up window).
  5. The iTunes app will immediately begin installing iOS firmware on your smartphone
  6. When the installation is complete, you can restore the backup on your phone from the iCloud cloud or via iTunes.

This method, in most cases, should help fix the problem when fingerprints do not work on the iPhone 5s, even though re-registering them did not fix the problem. To be fair, we note that over time Touch ID often does not work on the iPhone 6 either.