Return runes. Runes of protection and reverse strike. What is runic defense with reverse strike?

Almost every person today faces problems of everyday and magical negativity. Evil eyes, damage, love spells, quarrels and even serious curses for illness or death - all this, alas, is not fiction, but reality. Even those who initially do not believe in such phenomena, having become a victim of such influence, understand that negative energy really exists. How can you protect yourself from all this dirt, and even send all the negativity to its sender? This is what we will talk to you about today. So, the topic of our article is runes of protection and reverse strike.

What is runic defense with reverse strike?

Protection is a really necessary thing, especially if you feel that the negative impact on you is clearly being exerted magically. How can runes help? Becoming protection with a return will not allow negative energy to penetrate your life, and will additionally punish the enemy by sending all the troubles sent to you back to him. As soon as a person wants to harm you again, all the negativity will return to him again and again. Agree, this is a very fair punishment if you have never done anything bad to this person? We can say that in this case, the runes are a mirror, protection with a reservation, which will allow you to get rid of numerous problems, difficulties, health problems and all the consequences of damage, the evil eye and other negative influences.

The only important rule that you need to remember is that before activating any such system, diagnostics are required. This is done for two reasons:

  • To find out whether you are being magically influenced in principle. People can be very suspicious and sometimes mistake an ordinary unfortunate coincidence of circumstances for damage.
  • Is this formula right for you? If it doesn’t work, you need to consider other options, fortunately there are many of them

After diagnosis, you need to perform runic cleansing to remove all the negativity that has already appeared on you. Protection is placed after cleaning with runes, and not before.

In general, the rules for conducting rituals for setting up protection are no different from working with other formulas. We draw protective runes on a photograph of a person, or on an amulet that we constantly carry with us. We negotiate according to the action of the runes, activate - in any way, if the author does not warn about a specific activation method.

Rune stave “Black Star” from maxnamara

This popular formula includes Northumbrian and Scandinavian symbols - runes of protection in all situations. It makes no sense to parse it piecemeal, since it needs to be discussed in its entirety. It has become quite powerful and dark in its effect, so lovers of exclusively white magic should not use it. Let us immediately make a reservation that the return blow to the enemy will be very, very strong, even to the point of thoughts of suicide and serious nervous breakdowns.

Runic stave “Little boomerang” from Bagirka

A detailed analysis of this formula is also not required - if you wish, you can visit the author’s blog. Suffice it to say that the staff uses not only the symbols of the Elder Futhark, but also the Northumbrian, Icelandic, black runes, as well as the Spear runes, the Jotun Morok and the Beggar Vagabond letters. Since script is a bit difficult to draw by hand, you can simply print it out, circle all the characters, spell it out in its entirety, and then activate it. The author recommends doing this with four elements or one of them.

The formula works as follows: a person receives powerful protection from any negativity. As soon as an ill-wisher tries to break through this protection, all directed evil will return to him with severe damage to health, material success, and good luck in all matters.

Protection "Absolute" with return from Bagirka

Another rather complex runic form from the same author, which includes runes for protection from damage and the evil eye, as well as from any kind of negative influences, including strong curses. It is allowed to print the ligature on a computer, as well as use it as a talisman. The formula contains many special protective glyphs against attacks, thefts, all kinds of damage and curses. Also, becoming creates a confusion, i.e. an ill-wisher, no matter how hard he wants, will not be able to find out what kind of protection you have. It is very useful. The negative directed at the operator will be automatically sent back.

Becoming "Triple Protection" from an unknown author

The post was taken from the “Black Magic and Runes” forum. The author, unfortunately, is not indicated. When using a runescript, you receive mirror protection with runes, but without attacking the enemy. We can say that the runes form a magical shield that will triple mirror the negative aimed at you. But at the same time, you do not send any independent damage or curses to ill-wishers - their own negativity simply flies back. The ligature includes protective runes, which form secondary and runes in a bunch.

Defensive position “Giant” with return and blindness from TimChen

You can effectively protect yourself from any kind of magical attacks using the “Giant” runic formula. Let's break it down step by step:

  • - the person we are protecting
  • - successful work of the stave, restoration of the body, replenishment of energy
  • - blocking all possible attacks

A person is multifaceted; he has both positive and negative character traits. During your life you have to deal with people who are unpleasant to communicate with. These could be former friends who have turned into rivals or enemies, two-faced colleagues who are jealous of their rapid career growth. There are a huge number of reasons for hostility.

Often ill-wishers try to set up intrigues that ruin life. Is it possible to protect yourself and your family from the negativity of enemies and ill-wishers?

It is possible to stop the flow of negative energy with the help of runes.

Runes of protection work against hostile people and they are divided into several types:

  • Protective formulas.
  • Formulas that send negative energy back to the sender. A person who wants to harm will receive all the negativity back.
  • Stats that stop enemy attacks. They create difficulties around the ill-wisher, and he no longer cares about the object of attack.

Often runologists with little experience are interested in the moral side of this issue. If you do not want to harm the offender, then it is better to look for another way. For a serious person, runescripts will be useful. But before you apply them, you should remember that the actions taken have consequences that may affect you in the future.

The combination of signs is applied to the photo of the offender, then they are specified individually or in whole. You can activate it in any suitable way. When the action weakens, it is allowed to update by circling the signs.


Runes for protection from negativity and enemies will help remove bad luck from areas of life. The most popular method is mirror. The point is that any evil thought will be automatically cut off from the operator and returned to the owner, working according to the “boomerang” method. The method will quickly identify the offender, since he will be in poor health and will be plagued by sheer bad luck in business.

Mirror protection

Mirror protection will help repel a targeted action (evil eye, curse). It works according to the "reflective surface" principle. The negative energy sent will be cut off and redirected to the person who wants to harm.

The combination of Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz makes it possible to eliminate any magical influence. When drawing up a reservation, you must indicate the areas of life that need protection from negative energy with runes. Before installation, be sure to find out how to specify the formula.

Signs used in mirror protection

To install a “mirror” amulet with a reservation, the magic letters must be in strict sequence. Often used signs when creating a mirror shield are:

  • Isa is a symbol of ice. It has a wide range of uses: it freezes negative actions, stops the progression of illnesses, repels external attacks, and reduces the manifestation of rage.
  • Kenaz enhances the operator’s sensitivity and sharpens intuition. The main task is to cut off negative attachments with the help of self-confidence. Maintains excellent physical health.
  • Halagaz means "hail" in Scandinavian. It carries the strongest destructive energy, which is aimed at eliminating any negativity coming from enemies. The runic symbol is multifaceted, so it is advisable to use it in extreme cases.

Return protection rates

Runic staves with return will help protect family or loved ones and punish the offender.


The purpose of the formula is to save the operator from the hassle of a backlash that will be directed at the ill-wisher. It includes:

  • Algiz;
  • Turisaz;
  • Evaz;
  • Inguz;
  • Nautiz;
  • Soulu.

Elven runes with Irish letters and signs of trouble enhance the effect. The northern sun is depicted in the middle, foreshadowing prosperity regardless of the area of ​​​​life. Suitable for weakened people. You can activate it simply by saying what you want to receive and supporting it with the phrase: “So be it.”

The formula must be fully specified. There is no need to activate each one, since they miss the operator’s magic.


The impact of a combination of runic symbols is manifested in the breaking of incoming negativity and striking back. The combination works great over long distances.

The runic diagram consists of the following magical letters:

  • Teyvaz and Algiz are protection and counterattack.
  • The Stunginn Iss branch, which is an Icelandic rune, creates impenetrability and conceals the operator from prying eyes.
  • Halagaz in conjunction with Ur has a strong backlash aimed at the offender.
  • Laguz creates a concentrated flow and also reflects an attack that acts on the principle of a “blast wave”.
  • Eyvaz in combination with Thurisaz cuts off possible attacks and protects against energy vampires.

Damage made on runes

During the period of technological progress, not all people believe in magic and witchcraft, but there are still those who tend to believe in supernatural forces. This part of humanity is afraid of their offenders, who can bring big trouble. For protection they resort to magic. The Scandinavian signs are characterized by the strongest influence:

  • Halagaz.
  • Uruz.
  • Eyvaz.

It is done for a specific area of ​​a person’s life: family well-being, work, love or health.

Runic damage represents certain actions that are carried out with the help of staves used to harm a specific person or several persons.

Runic damage is black magic, so not every person undertakes to perform these rituals. Because any mistake can turn against the operator. In most cases, becoming punishes the person who performs the ritual.

A person who dares to perform a ritual should be very careful. To conduct this, you need the personal belongings of the ill-wisher or a photograph. The result will not be long in coming. Lasts for a long time.

Which ones to use

Each Scandinavian symbol has its own purpose. Some carry positive energy and help a person, others can do a lot of harm. When inflicting damage, the following are used:

  • Eyvaz is a Scandinavian sign that has several meanings, which depend on what is located nearby. These include death, change, and the beginning of a new life.
  • Isa - encasement in ice. The effect is temporary.
  • Halagaz - disorder, destruction or dependence on other people. May portend a serious illness. But the rune is not negative, since one of its characteristics is the destruction of obstacles.
  • Perth - death and fear, but sometimes in a certain situation it has a positive meaning.

Before performing the ritual, you should clearly define your desire and carefully study the rules of conduct and activation.

The rates are effective instantly. When inducing damage, it is not necessary to use complex formulas; it is enough to apply several separate magical signs.

How to deprive an enemy of his strength

Sometimes it happens that there is discord at work or in the family. A strong personality destroys a weaker one, showing his superiority. One solution is to exclude communication with an ill-wisher, but what to do if this is impossible? You can weaken the enemy and destroy him morally and physically by using punishment runes.

The procedure is simple, the main thing is not to deviate from the recommendations:

  1. Take a personal household item or a photo of a hater and apply: Nautiz-Hagalaz - Uruz - Isa.
  2. With thoughts of wanting to deprive an ill-wisher of strength, cut a finger using a knife or razor.
  3. Becoming activated by blood.

Blood is necessary to confirm enmity with a person, and it also personifies evil intentions.

A magical ritual completely destroys physical and mental activity. The hater becomes easily vulnerable, weak and depressed. He won't be able to stand up for himself.

Formula for destruction

The most risky and popular method of punishing an enemy is damage to death. Beginners should not try to harm in this way, since it can all come back.

The principle of destroying an enemy using damage is as follows:

  • A photo of the hater is taken.
  • Apply on the photo with a marker: Hagalaz - Mannaz - Hagalaz.
  • Activation occurs through voiced words of anger towards the enemy. You should also ask higher powers to send your enemy to the next world.
  • Then they spit saliva on the photograph.

Incorrect activation or incorrect spelling of runes and other problems lead to various consequences. It happens that the damage to destruction is transferred to the practitioner himself. It will no longer be possible to change what is happening.

1. Isa (isa)

The meaning of the Isa rune in the first position is the celestial axis around which everything revolves, and this axis is you yourself. Absolute transparency and glacial coldness in relation to what is happening can serve you well. This is a time of hidden development, gaining important internal experience. It is an indicator of a period of stagnation in any area. Change is unlikely now.

2. Soulo (sowilo)

In the second position, cleansing of space is required, and first of all, cleansing of the mind. Bring clarity to your conclusions. Being a rune of thought, it recommends being creative or reacting instantly to a situation, without slowing down. Your thoughts should be clear and understandable, and your actions should be quick and effective. Illuminate and purify that part of your life that has been fenced off, realize your individuality and try to creatively express your personal myth. Sometimes it takes an active will and spirit to overcome obstacles and achieve a goal.

No title

Description of runic amulets

1. - A protective spell operating on the principle of a mirror - any impact is fully accepted and sent back unchanged. Rune combination - Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa.

ISA- ice, winter, concentration, slowdown. KANO- torch, fire, lamp. Something that dispels the darkness. The center of life. Knowledge resulting from experience. Talents. HAGALAZ- hail, an uncontrollable, unpredictable hurricane elemental force.

2. - Amulet for property protection (Runic script).

A magical combination of the Inguz and Algiz runes.
The amulet is aimed at protecting your property.


3. - Amulet of development and prosperity (Runic script).

A magical combination of the Feu, Inguz and Algiz runes.
The amulet will help you overcome the crisis and contribute to the development and prosperity of your business.

INGUZ- fertility, successful continuation and completion of what was started. ALGIZ- reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear the stranger by rustling and exclamations: sedge cuts the wrong. Antlers of a protective moose. A person’s call to the Higher Powers for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan carrying the soul on a journey to the Gods. The sword of Heimdal or Valkyrie, protecting a person.

4. - An amulet with the Fehu rune repeated three times, is used in accordance with the direction of this rune - creating a situation of material and financial well-being.

FEHU- livestock, a cow, something tamed, dependent on a person and serving him, receiving “daily bread” - materialized satisfaction with life: money, work, sex, health, a necessary and joyful thing.

5. - Rune Otal - Symbolizes the home, the memory of ancestors, land that has long belonged to one family, and so on. This rune connects a person to his roots, giving him a connection to home, which gives strength and wisdom to past generations. This rune also denotes family property, family traditions, inheritance, etc. Accordingly, its application is closely related to matters handed down by inheritance.

6. - Amulet of Health and Longevity (Runic script). Elm from the runes Dagaz and Inguz. A talisman aimed at the health and longevity of its owner.

DAGAZ- day, dawn, awakening. Transformation. The unity of opposites, a very favorable period, dispels all negative influences, making room for light, everything positive. In addition, it also takes care of filling this space quickly and painlessly. And then he makes sure that the situation remains as favorable as possible for as long as possible.
INGUZ- fertility, successful continuation and completion of what was started.

7. - Home protection amulet. The formula for the home is protection from the envy of others, which greatly undermines the energy of the home. If the house is in danger, you will feel it in advance. It is advisable to place it at the entrance to the house.
Used to strengthen a home and strengthen its status. Combination of runes - Teyvaz, Algiz, Odal, Algiz, Teyvaz.

TEYVAZ ALGIZ- reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear the stranger by rustling and exclamations: sedge cuts the wrong. Antlers of a protective moose. A person’s call to the Higher Powers for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan carrying the soul on a journey to the Gods. The sword of Heimdal or Valkyrie, protecting a person.

8. - A powerful amulet for travel. Protection against accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of impending danger. It will help you avoid troubles along the way. Good for motorists. It is advisable to store it in a vehicle. Rune combination: Algiz, Raido, Algiz.

ALGIZ- reed, sedge - if you hide in it, then you will hear the stranger by rustling and exclamations: sedge cuts the wrong. Antlers of a protective moose. A person’s call to the Higher Powers for protection and help. Crossroads. A flying swan carrying the soul on a journey to the Gods. The sword of Heimdal or Valkyrie, protecting a person. RAIDO- a path, a road, both movement in space and a process in time. Harmonization of something through changes along the way. Justice. Spiritual growth.

9. - This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier that neutralizes someone else’s negative human energy. Combination of runes - Thurisaz, Teyvaz, Thurisaz.

TURISAZ- a gate in a fence, guarded by an invisible guard - helping the right and punishing evil. A giant who embodies the power of creation. The hammer of the god Thor, Mjollnir - Lightning, destroying barriers and the evil will of others. TEYVAZ- justice and law are within a person. Victory is thanks to willpower and fortitude. Guiding principles of life, competitions, battles, disputes. The rune of strong people - strong in spirit, life principles, rightness. The need for leadership and the desire to convey experience. Growth of authority, influence, prosperity.

10. - Protection unit. Valknut is a magical symbol, an interweaving of three triangles. Valknut is a symbol of Odin and the magic associated with him, a symbol of transitions (bridges) between worlds. Each of the Valknut triangles corresponds to three vertical worlds: one - Asgard or Alfheim (upper world), another - Midgard (middle world), the third - Hell or Svartalfheim (lower world)

11. - Rune Gebo. A very strong sign. It is one of the strongest Futhark runes. Basically it is the concept of oneness of something with something: partnership, friendship, love, free gift - this is the main meaning. At deeper levels - yin and yang, Moon and Sun, Earth and Sky, and so on. The unity of only two opposites is not necessary; Gebo can connect a larger number of entities, but its main manifestation is precisely the harmony of two principles.

12. - Runa Algiz. This is a rune of protection, active protection, i.e. not just the creation of a shell, but precisely the human actions that lead to protection. The sword of Heimdal or Valkyrie, protecting a person.

This rune is also called the rune of animal protection, and it represents the animal kingdom. They talk about two graphic interpretations of this rune - either it is something large and horned (and horns are primarily a weapon of defense), or a person raising his hands and turning to the gods for help, then this is an appeal (another meaning of the rune, which, however, is not so often mentioned), and divine protection of man.