A simple and easy dog ​​house. DIY dog house. Drawings and dimensions. The best Master classes. Dog house out of a box

The fact that dogs live in city apartments has long been a rarity and does not surprise anyone. Just a few decades ago, people who had dogs living in their apartment were viewed as inadequate. Currently, this phenomenon is considered normal. Pets from small to very large are kept in apartments. The dog is chosen based on the personal preferences of the owners and the size of the living space; it is unlikely that it would be wise to buy a large breed dog for a one-room apartment.

Everyone who has pets has at least once heard about dog houses. Simply put, these houses are a home version of outdoor dog kennels; such kennels are found in villages and cottage communities. There is a difference between kennels and dog houses, it also lies in size, and in material from which they are made. To make doghouses, materials such as brick or wood are often used, but houses are made from various types fabrics.

What types of dog houses are there?

People who have large apartments install large dog houses, which not only have furniture, but also air conditioning. Such houses often have gardens and lawns, and sometimes you can even see a swimming pool. Of course, such options are only possible in large apartments, where there is dedicated space for pets. whole room.

In ordinary average apartments, a dog bed is the optimal solution. The beds are made in the form of booths, burrows or cradles; they are very warm and soft. For the dog dwarf breed A bed with a roof and walls is ideal. Such a house will provide protection and care for small pets, they really need it. The shelter is able to meet the needs of both the pet and its owner. There must be a house reliable and convenient.

Requirements that dog houses must meet

If the owner decides to buy or make a dog house with his own hands, he must know a number of requirements regarding the product. The house for the dog must correspond to its breed and size. The dog will not feel comfortable in a small and cramped house. You also need to consider poses in which the pet prefers to sleep.

If your pet likes to sleep curled up, then a triangular and The oval shape of the house is ideal and will save space because it can be placed in the corner of the room. The rectangular house is suitable for dogs that sleep on their backs, on their sides, and whose paws stretch out in their sleep.

An important factor is also how shaggy the animal is. This is very important, because if the dog is shaggy, then in the summer it will be hot for the dog in a house that is completely closed. The way out of this situation is to buy or make a house with your own hands, in which the roof will be removable. In summer, the dog will live in a bed with only sides, and in winter in a full-fledged house with a roof.

The materials from which the base for the house will be made can be different:

  • Plywood.
  • Plastic.

The base, regardless of what material it is made of, should always be lined with soft material - this will create comfortable living conditions for the dog.

What to consider when creating a dog house

To create comfortable conditions in which the dog will feel good, and so that the house can be easily cleaned when making or choosing it, you need to take into account several nuances. Houses with removable covers are the most convenient, since the covers can be wash if necessary. It is better to choose material for the covers from natural materials to prevent allergies in the animal. A summer house can be made from linen or cotton, but a winter house is better made from wool.

Small dogs can hardly tolerate drafts and cold. This must be taken into account when creating or choosing a house. It is better to install the house at a certain height from the floor. This can be done using a stand or small legs built into the house.

Bedding plays a very important role in the future home; often owners buy or make mattresses themselves. The mattress should have removable cover, foam rubber is suitable for filler. There are also special dog mattresses stuffed with buckwheat shells. The advantage of this filler is that fleas do not grow in it.

How to make a house with your own hands

There are many different houses for dogs in stores, however, creating a home with your own hands and putting your love and tenderness into it is much more pleasant. The easiest way to create a house is from a suitcase. It is recommended to make legs so that the suitcase house is stable. For this purpose, old cabinet legs or new ones purchased specifically for the future home are suitable. The next step is sewing in a pillow, which you can buy or make yourself. The pillow will serve as a kind of mattress for the dog. A padding polyester pillow with a rough finishing fabric is perfect.

Naturally, you can create with your own hands the same houses that are sold in stores. When the question arises of choosing a material to create a house, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. The foundations for a future home can be made of different materials. Polyurethane foam is the best option. This material perfectly repeats and remembers the contours of a dog's body. The material is suitable for both a house for puppies and a house for adult dogs. Thick bedding should be covered with thick fabric. If the house is being made for a puppy, it is worth remembering how quickly dogs grow, it is recommended to create a house for growth.

The frame of the structure must be made reliable and stable, especially if there are children in the house who like to use the dog house as a playground or chair. If you make the frame weak, then a child can break it and injure the dog.

DIY dog house technology

So, the stages of creating a dog house with your own hands:

  1. From the dog it is necessary take measurements. Thus, the length, width and height of the structure are determined. Do not forget that in the case of a puppy, the house must be made for growth.
  2. Polystyrene foam is suitable for bedding, however, it must be sheathed, the fabric must be dense to protect the bedding from teeth.
  3. Before covering the polyurethane foam, which will be used as a base, it is necessary to wrap it with oilcloth. As you know, it perfectly protects from moisture, this will extend the service life of the base.
  4. Removable covers are easy create with your own hands. To do this, Velcro is attached to old pillowcases or some other fabric.
  5. You need to cover the walls, roof and floor with fabric. The structure must be put together.
  6. You can decorate the entrance to your new home by hanging a curtain. In order for the pet to quickly get used to its new home, many people put it inside favorite toys or treats.

Many people like a house that looks like a tent. Not just for dogs tent houses, but also for cats. An example of creating a semi-open bed with your own hands.

It is necessary to give preference to materials made of dense fabric, for example, microfiber or tapestry. The pattern must be applied to graph paper and cut out symmetrically in a mirror manner. If the dog is small, then the bottom will be equal to half a meter in diameter enough.

Back seams and undercuts must be sewn by hand. You need to put a bottom pattern into the foam “roof”, after which you need to connect and sew all the parts. You need to cut out two parts from tapestry and plain fabric: for external and internal upholstery, they need to be made mirror-symmetrical. It is necessary to leave a gap of one or two centimeters, after which you need to sew the undercuts. The seams are made one centimeter from the edges.

The cover must be placed on a foam frame and carefully arrange all the details. The seam should be located on the outside of the roof. Fabric parts must be combined with foam elements to avoid distortions, and secured manually. You need to put a round tapestry piece on the bottom of the foam rubber and stitch it together.

At the very end the groove will be convex, this can be corrected: level. It is not recommended to sew the bottom that is inside. It's better to just tuck it well between the other parts. This will make caring for your dog's home much easier. If the foam rubber is too thick, then as you work you need to adjust the pattern, increasing the allowances, however, you should not allow the foam rubber to be visible, because dogs really like to chew it. This design will be ideal for short-haired and small dogs. If necessary, you can insulate it with padding polyester or faux fur.

We offer you master classes that will tell you how to sew clothes for dogs with your own hands: blanket, overalls, vest, hat, boots.

Clothes for dogs - how to make a vest

First you need to take measurements of your pet. It's better to do it together. Let one person treat the dog to something tasty, and the second takes measurements. Here's what you need to know to sew a vest, and subsequently a jumpsuit:
  1. length of the back from the neck to the root of the tail;
  2. chest circumference (the widest part of the sternum);
  3. abdominal volume;
  4. neck circumference (at its widest point);
  5. distance from the point of growth of the paws to the beginning of the neck;
  6. the length of the segment from the hind limbs to the forelimbs;
  7. thigh circumference of the hind leg;
  8. front paw circumference;
  9. neck height;
  10. length from the front paw to the genitals (for boys);
  11. head circumference.
You will also need a measure showing the distance along the sternum from one to the second front leg.

The presented dog clothing pattern will help you sew a vest for your pet - this is one of the simplest outfits for a four-legged dog.

First of all, you need to determine the size of the side of the square in the drawing. To do this, divide measurement No. 1 (the length of the back from the neck to the root of the tail) by 10. Let’s say this first value is 20 cm, divide by 10, we get 2. This means that the sides of all squares will be equal to two cm.

Take tracing paper, whatman paper or special graph paper for patterns. Draw longitudinal and transverse segments here. For the back you should have 11 squares horizontally and 7 vertically. For the front - the same amount horizontally and 3 vertically.

On the upper section, set aside the length of the back. Where it says “head” on the pattern, you need to set aside the neck circumference. In this example, it is 26.5 cm: 13 cm on the back and 3.5 on the chest.

If your dog has different proportions, make adjustments to the pattern, do not forget to add cm to the measurements for a loose fit, since dog clothes should not be tight.

Transfer the measurements of the abdominal volume and the girth of the front paw to the pattern. Please note that you will be placing the pattern on fabric that you have previously folded in half. The front of the vest is folded, and 2 parts are cut out for the back.

Similar patterns for dogs will help you sew convenient and comfortable clothes for your animal. It is better to make a vest from fleece. This fabric is practical, soft, and does not fray. In such clothes the animal will not be too cold to walk on a dry autumn evening.

Next, these patterns for dogs - the front and back of the vest, need to be transferred to the fabric folded in half. Redraw the contours of the details, adding a loose fit. Cut along the outline, leaving 7mm for seam allowance.

Sew the sides, matching point C to C and D to D. Edge the neckline, armholes, and bottom of the vest with contrasting fabric. Sew a zipper on the back and it’s time to put the new thing on your pet.

Instead of a zipper, you can sew Velcro on the back.

If you know how to knit, these patterns for dogs will help you make a knitted vest. Using the same diagram presented, create another new thing.

First you need to knit a sample, determine how many loops are in 1 cm. Cast on the required number and start working from the waist line from the back. Periodically apply your work to the pattern to determine where to bind off stitches and where to cast them on.

But it’s better to knit a one-piece vest for a dog; you can sew buttons on the tummy. Start with the ribbed pattern and use it to decorate the sleeves and neckline. If you knit braids on the back, the vest will turn out even more beautiful.

How to sew a jumpsuit for a pet?

This pattern is suitable for a Toy Terrier or other small dog.

If you are sewing an autumn or winter jumpsuit from fleece, then it is enough to make it in one layer. This will be comfortable in dry, not very cool weather. If you need warm clothes for dogs, you can sew a winter overall with your own hands, consisting of three layers:
  • waterproof top (for example, made from Bologna fabric);
  • padding polyester;
  • linings.

Speaking about how to sew a jumpsuit, it must be said that it can be made from unnecessary things - a Bolognese jacket, a coat that has gone out of fashion.

If you do not have such things, then for the update you will need
  • waterproof fabric;
  • lining fabric is silk or flannel (you can take a diaper left over from the child);
  • padding polyester;
  • lightning;
  • a piece of plastic;
  • rubber.

You already know how to determine the scale. Redraw the pattern onto paper. Now you need to apply it to two types of fabric (lining and main) and to padding polyester. Cut with seam allowances.

Sew a jumpsuit from the main fabric. And for the second half, put the padding polyester parts on the lining parts and sew the second overalls.

Stitch it with the first one so that the seams are inside - between the main fabric and the lining, connecting on the sleeves, at the bottom of the panties. Turn it onto the face through the not yet sewn top of the overalls.

Delay the bottom of the sleeves and panties, insert an elastic band into these drawstrings. Cut a visor from plastic according to the pattern. Place it between exactly the same parts of the main fabric and the lining, stitch along the edge.

Place the visor between the two layers of the hood and sew it on. If you don’t want to make it, then stitch the hood along the edge and insert a drawstring or elastic band here so that it fits snugly enough to the head. Here's how to sew a pet onesie at home.

We sew a hat, boots, blanket with our own hands

After the clothes for the dogs are made, sew beautiful shoes with your own hands. After all, during the cold season, reagents are scattered on city streets. To prevent dogs from stepping on them, sharp stones, splinters with their paws, protect the animals’ feet with shoes.

To sew boots, take:
  • warm dense fabric (fleece or drape);
  • skin;
  • threads;
  • ribbons and limiters for them;
  • hole puncher.
Redraw the pattern. Cut out 2 parts of the tops from soft fabric, and from leather - the soles.

You can sew shoes for dogs using thread and a needle, without the help of a machine. Stitch the details. Make holes along the top of the boots with a hole punch. If this tool is not available, use a knife. Thread some ribbons here to tie your shoes. Place restraints or tie knots at the ends of the ropes.

And for this pattern of a dog hat you need a transparent sheet of paper or file. Enlarge the presented diagram and redraw it.

Place one and the other half of the hat to the back. Stitch along the dotted line. Sew the visor so that it holds its shape, put cardboard or plastic inside. This type of hat is two-layer and consists of main and soft lining fabric.

If you want to tie a headdress on an animal, then shorten the pattern of the sides, and sew ribbons just below the visor.

For beginner seamstresses, we can advise you to make a blanket for your four-legged friend. In such a cape, the dog’s body will not freeze, it will not be afraid of winds and slight cold snaps.

These clothes are very easy to make. You need to redraw the patterns on paper with your own hands, marking the dimensions of your dog.

As you can see, the blanket is cut out in the form of an apron. Ribbons will help tie it on the animal. Such a cape can be sewn from one fabric or made into a two- or three-layer blanket.

Now you know how to make clothes for dogs with your own hands using a pattern. If you adore your pet, make a house or a soft bed so that he can rest there.

How to make a house, a bed for animals?

You can make a shelter for a medium or small dog from cardboard box. Look at how the parts are arranged.

You need to unfold the box, fold its bottom and sides so that they form a floor, 2 walls and two halves of a gable roof. From the small sides, make 2 narrow acute-angled sides on the roof, cutting a round hole in one of them so that the animal can easily pass through it.

Make a dog house in such a way that the animal fits freely there, can stretch out to its full length and turn around.

Housing made of cardboard is the simplest option. Sew the house from thick foam rubber so that it holds its shape. To do this, take:
  • thick fabric;
  • foam rubber 5–8 cm thick;
  • wide braid for finishing;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • a compass or a frying pan lid.
First determine the size of the house. Its height is the dog's height multiplied by 1.5. The size of the walls should be such that the pet can stretch out there, freely enter, exit, and turn around.

Based on the previous photo, highlight the details:

  • one - gender;
  • two - wide walls;
  • 2 - roofs;
  • two - narrow walls (one of them with an opening for entry).
You need to cut out the floor from the fabric - two pieces for each piece, plus 1.5–2 cm seam allowances on each side; and from foam rubber one of the same kind and without allowances. Place the 2 floor pieces right sides together and stitch along three edges. After the fourth turn, turn it out. Place the cut sheet of foam rubber here, fold the edges of the fabric inward, and stitch it.

Also decorate the details of the roof and sidewalls. From the entrance side, cut a hole according to the lid of a frying pan or other template, and edge it with braid.

The entrance to the house can be either round or rectangular. If you wish, cut it into an arch shape.

Sew the parts together, following the photo hint, and you can invite your pet to celebrate a housewarming in their new home!

There are more simple options designing a dog's resting place. Make a bed for your pet. It consists of a bottom and three or four sides. If they are tall, make 3 so that the dog can comfortably enter here.

The bottom is oval, round or rectangular. It is sewn from upper and lower dense fabric. Soft foam rubber is placed inside. Now you need to measure the perimeter of the bottom and cut out the sides of the bed to that length.

Sew a one-piece side, consisting of top and bottom fabric, put foam rubber inside. If the bottom edging is square, stitch around the corners. Then the sides will have a shape.

Here's how to make a dog bed or house for your dog. It remains to tell you how to sew a bag, because owners of small animals often carry dogs. It’s not very convenient to hold them in your hands; it’s much better to transport them in a special bag.

Should I buy a carrier or make one myself?

See how interesting it is to sew such a thing with your own hands. For it you will need:

  • durable fabric (you can take raincoat fabric);
  • thin foam rubber or cardboard;
  • lining fabric;
  • centimeter;
  • threads with a needle;
  • pins;
  • chalk;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

  1. In order to sew a dog carrier, you need to measure the height, length, width of the pet. Add a few cm so that it does not hinder the animal’s movements. In this example, the height of the bag is 28 and the width is 20 cm. For this you need to cut out a fabric measuring 76 by 35 cm, plus a seam allowance of 3 cm (since the stitching slightly reduces the fabric).
  2. To make a bag quilted, place the lining on the right side, cardboard of the same size on it, and the main fabric on top of it, right side up.
  3. Pin the resulting “sandwich” along the edges. Using a chalk and ruler, draw horizontal and vertical lines to create squares. They can be small, but to make the work easier, make them large, for example with sides of 7-9 cm.
  4. Sew the lines along the markings, remove the pins. Now fold the fabric right sides together, bringing the smaller edge to the same one (35 cm). Make a seam on one side and a symmetrical one on the other side. Below, on the wrong side, stitch 4 corners. They will indicate the bottom and sides. In this case, we sew two corners on one side and 2 on the other.
  5. Sew in the zipper. If you want the dog to sometimes lie down in the bag to rest, then do not make a recess for the head. If you want to decorate this detail, make a semicircular cutout at the top of the small sidewall and process it. But it should not be too large so that the dog, for example, being frightened by something, cannot jump out of the carrier.
  6. Make the handles of the bag a convenient length for you so that you can hang it on your shoulder if you wish.
Here's how much you can make yourself for your pet. We invite you to see how to sew clothes for dogs with your own hands, so that you can even better understand some of the nuances of this interesting and useful activity:

Keeping a dog in a city apartment has not come as a surprise to anyone for a long time, although until relatively recently others treated this phenomenon with misunderstanding. The apartments accommodate dogs of both miniature and very large breeds. They choose a dog based on personal preferences and the size of the apartment. Few people will buy for themselves large dog in a small apartment. Surely all dog owners have heard about dog houses.

- This is a kind of alternative to a yard doghouse, which can be seen on the territory of a cottage or village yard. The difference between them lies in the size and material of manufacture. When building a yard shed, wood or brick is usually used, and an apartment house is made from all kinds of fabrics.

Types of houses

In a standard apartment, the most acceptable option is a couch. Beds come in the form of booths, as well as burrows and cradles. They are quite warm and soft. Small breeds A house equipped with a roof and walls is perfect for dogs. Such a bed will create a feeling of security and comfort for your little pet, which he needs. In addition, your pet’s resting place should be durable and comfortable.

Manufacturing requirements

When making your own dog house, it is important to consider several necessary requirements to this product. First of all, its size must be suitable for the size of the dog and its breed. Your pet will not feel comfortable in a cramped house. In addition, take a closer look at what positions your new family member likes to relax in, and take them into account when creating a house. If a dog likes to sleep on its side or back, stretched out to its full length, then it needs a rectangular-shaped house, and for those who like to curl up, a design in the form of an oval or triangle is better suited.

The necessary conditions

To ensure the most comfortable conditions dog, and so that the house can be easily moved while cleaning the apartment, the following is important:

It should be noted that when creating individual elements in the process of creating a house, artificial leather is perfect. It does not absorb dirt and is easy to clean.

Dwarf dog breeds do not tolerate low temperature and draft, so it is advisable to install the structure at some elevation . For this you can use a stand or small legs provided during the manufacture of the house. The mattress must have a removable cover, and foam rubber is quite suitable as a filler. Available for sale good mattresses, filled with buckwheat husks. Its advantage is that it does not harbor insects.

How to make a house yourself

There is a huge selection of dog houses on sale, but many happy animal owners enjoy investing all the love and tenderness into creating a home for their pet. The easiest way to make a house with your own hands is to use an unnecessary suitcase. To ensure good stability, it is advisable to equip it with legs from an old cabinet, or specially purchased ones. Then you need to make a mattress and place it at the bottom of the suitcase. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. Excellent mattress filler maybe padding poly, for the cover - durable, rough fabric.

You can make a house with your own hands, using the one you saw in the store as a model. When choosing material to create a house, you need to remember some subtleties. Polyurethane foam is perfect for making the base. It follows the contours of the dog’s body well and can be used for homes intended for both an adult animal and a puppy. It is necessary to sheathe the litter with a rough, durable fabric.

When creating a house for a puppy, keep in mind that dogs grow quite quickly, so it is better to make a house for growth. Special attention attention should be paid to the reliability and strength of the frame structure. If there are children in the apartment, they can damage the dog house and injure the animal while playing. It is advisable to install the house in a secluded place, away from drafts. Exit from the “home” must be free and not interfere with the dog.

Manufacturing technology

To produce quality dog house you need to prepare everything you need:

  • rug;
  • pillowcases;
  • polyurethane;
  • Velcro;
  • sewing supplies.

Take your dog's measurements using a tailor's measuring tape. The height of the house should be such that the dog can stand inside at full height and turn around freely.

Frame around the perimeter The house is upholstered with polystyrene foam, the dimensions of which are selected taking into account the measurements you took of the dog. The foam plates are covered with fabric to prevent your pet's teeth from reaching it. Old pillowcases or sheets will work for this, but microfiber is the best option.

It would be a good idea to lay oilcloth or other waterproof film on the floor; this will protect the floor from wet troubles. Velcro should be sewn to the fabric along the edge of the plates at a distance of 10–15 cm. They are necessary in order to put the entire structure together. By connecting the mats using Velcro, we get ready house for a dog with three walls and a ceiling.

Try to minimize the number of decorative elements. Their excess will create inconvenience during the internal cleaning of the house. Besides, the dog can chew it off, or even swallow some element, considering it superfluous.

The entrance to the house can be closed with a curtain made of lightweight fabric with Velcro or left open.

If you are the owner large dog, or for some reason you just don’t want to make a soft structure for the house, then you can make it out of wood. This process is somewhat more complicated. In addition to wood or plywood, you will need fasteners and fittings.

By the way, a wooden structure can perform several functions. In addition to providing a comfortable home for your dog, it can be used to transport the animal, or to keep it indoors for a while. A tastefully made house can become an interesting element of the interior.

To make a house for a large breed dog, you can use, for example, an unnecessary table for the base. In this case, you just have to install wooden walls in the spaces between the legs and your dog’s home is ready.

The presence of a bottom in this design completely optional. Instead, you can use a mattress or just an old bedspread. In case of possible use of the house as a cage, it is necessary to provide a place inside the structure for a bowl of food and water. For the puppy, it is advisable to put oilcloth on the floor in order to facilitate the cleaning process.

The outer surface of the structure can be lined with such decorative material as your imagination dictates.

By making a dog house with your own hands, you can save a lot of money, since such houses are quite expensive in the store. Before you begin construction, you need to take into account your dog's preferences and temperament. It happens that after paying a lot of money for an accessory, the owner is faced with the dog’s reluctance to use it. Of course, it will be a shame if your pet doesn’t like the purchase.

For dogs of small and medium breeds, the most affordable option would be a house in the shape of a slipper. It consists of a roof on one side and an open heel on the other. At low temperature the dog can lie down under the roof, and when it’s hot, lie down on a bed.

To make a dog house, use only materials that do not causing allergies in dogs. Otherwise, using the structure can create a lot of problems for you and your pet.

The house is ready. The main thing that remains is acceptance by the customer. Put something tasty in the house or your favorite toy and call the puppy. He should like his new home.

In this article I will tell you how to make a dog house with your own hands. Regardless of the conditions in which the pet is kept, every owner must take care of the animal’s personal space, no matter whether it is a kennel, a small house or a lounger. I will consider what materials need to be used. I’ll tell you how to quickly and efficiently make a cozy house for your pet.

Necessary materials for a dog house

For making booths, small houses For dogs, you can use all kinds of available materials.

When choosing materials for construction, preference must be given to natural origin.

For the construction of a street booth it is possible to use the following types:

  • wood (boards, beams or logs),
  • plywood,
  • brick.

When using fiberboard, chipboard and plywood, you must remember that the material should not be treated with chemical compounds.

For the roof and frame of a street booth, it is possible to use tiles, slate, linoleum, and polycarbonate.

When building housing for a pet, do not forget about insulating the home in winter.

Foam sheets are suitable for insulation. It is not recommended to use mineral wool, as particles can get on the skin and mucous membranes of the animal, causing severe irritation.

Every pet, even if it lives in an apartment, should have a cozy place

For the construction of small apartment options for medium and medium-sized dogs ornamental breeds possible use of materials:

  • wood,
  • plywood,
  • foam rubber,
  • cardboard.

It is better to make the base of the structure from sheets of foam, plastic or PVC. This will give the structure stability.

Regardless of what type of pet housing is made, it must be upholstered soft cloth. It is advisable to use natural fabrics such as cotton, linen or wool. It is possible to use a combination with a low percentage of synthetic fibers.

How to make a house with your own hands

Lightweight, but very comfortable and soft foam rubber is a practical option for small dogs. Such options do not take up much space, are very aesthetic and perfectly complement the interior of any apartment. Moreover, such simple designs perfectly retain heat and perfectly protect miniature dogs from possible drafts.


Universal pattern for patterning parts for a foam or cardboard house

Necessary materials

It is not advisable to use synthetic fabrics when sewing covers, since they become electrified upon contact with animal fur, thereby scaring the pet.

To make a cozy nest for your four-legged friend you will need simple materials accessible to everyone:

  • foam rubber with a thickness of 3 to 8 mm;
  • thick fabric for making covers (upholstery);
  • 6 zippers for making cases;
  • Velcro tape for connecting parts;
  • thick paper for sketching the pattern;
  • chalk or pencil for transferring the pattern onto the fabric;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • safety pins for cutting fabric and patterns;
  • meter;
  • threads and needles.

Dimensions for the house

If you can use a sewing machine, the manufacturing process will go much faster. But you can sew parts by hand.

You can choose any material for covering the foam rubber.

For long-haired breeds, it is advisable to choose a material made of soft, but not very fleecy fabric. This will simplify the process of cleaning the fabric from wool.

Making a house at home

Taking measurements

Before you start making patterns, you need to take measurements from the dog to determine the size of the future house.

The length of the house should be sufficient for the dog to stretch out to its full height while sleeping.

To determine the optimal length of the structure, it is necessary to add up the length of the body (from the base of the collar to the base of the tail) and the height at the withers (from the highest point between the shoulder blades to the lowest point of the forelimb).

The height of the wall is determined by the height at the withers of the animal increased by one and a half times. The width should be slightly larger than the length of the animal's body. This is necessary so that the animal can freely turn around in the home and not touch the inside of the walls.

The size of the inlet hole can be of any shape and size.

Pattern of parts

After taking all the measurements from the pet, you should begin creating a pattern for the parts, followed by transferring the drawing to fabric and foam rubber, using pins and chalk.

After transferring the pattern to the fabric, you need to remember about the allowances.

The thicker the foam, the larger the allowances. Each fabric part is prepared in duplicate for subsequent stitching and production of the cover.


Connecting parts

After the pattern pieces are transferred to the fabric, they need to be sewn and the corresponding foam piece placed inside. Fasten (sew) specially prepared pieces of Velcro tape onto each element of the house.

Fastening sequence

For stability, you can use any denser material as the bottom (floor) for your pet’s home. But in this case, it would be useful to sew a separate mattress with a removable cover, like the other parts of the house. This will simplify the process of cleaning the house from wool and dirt.

Connecting parts

Dog house design ideas

Currently, there are many options for making kennels, beds and apartment houses for dogs. Here are some of them.

Classic wooden

Wooden house

Plywood. Lightweight and simple in design.

Plywood house

An original house made of furniture, etc., small versions made of foam rubber are suitable.

From foam rubber

Most of the existing options for dogs can be made independently. A cozy nest made by the hands of the owner will certainly please the pet.

A dog house is a special place.

Just like a person a pet needs a personal space where he can relax, warm up, or hide from the scorching sun.

When building a house, you need to take into account the conditions of detention, the size of the dog, breed characteristics and its preferences.

A useful homemade project for our little brothers, namely, we will make a doghouse from unnecessary old furniture.

A dog is man's friend. This famous saying is familiar to every person and one cannot but agree with it. After all, a dog is not only a friend, but also a good helper and guard.
These animals are very smart, funny, playful. They are fun to watch, teach and play with.
Often, people in rural areas and at their dachas have small dogs. After all, they have a very clear voice, good protective qualities and it is unlikely that they could cause serious harm to anyone. And this is important, especially if there are small children in the house. For those who are visiting our website for the first time, I recommend taking a look.
So, if you have decided to get or have already got a small pet that will live in your yard, then you need to take care of a cozy dog ​​house that can protect you from any bad weather.
You can, of course, purchase a ready-made dog house from the craftsmen. But the problem is that this product is not cheap. But such a dog house can be made from simple materials, which you will probably find in your dacha or garage.

How to make a dog house with your own hands from an old closet.

Everyone has a home old wardrobe, which is a shame to throw away and is no longer decent to keep in the house. We often throw old furniture into the garage or take it to the dacha, where it gathers dust and only takes up extra space.
I propose to put such a cabinet into action, namely to make DIY puppy house.

In order to make a booth, you will need:

  • old cabinet or chipboard sheets
  • screwdriver
  • jigsaw
  • screws
  • marker
  • roulette
  • dye.

The booth consists of 6 parts: 4 walls, a bottom and a roof.
Here .

The four walls are identical, their width is 50 cm and their length is 40 cm.

They can be cut from the walls of an old cabinet. To do this, measure the required size with a tape measure, draw a marking with a marker and carefully cut with a jigsaw. By the way, .
If the shelves in the closet are not plywood, but made of thick chipboard, then you can use them as walls.
The bottom of the booth should be a little wider, its dimensions are 53.4 by 50 cm. We also cut it out from the walls of the cabinet.

The roof is made of the same material, its dimensions are 56 by 60 cm. It is larger than all the parts, so that in case of bad weather, water does not fall on the walls or into the booth itself, but drips down.
Take one of the walls for the dog house and draw the entrance to the kennel on it with a marker. Then carefully cut with a jigsaw.

When all the parts are ready, you can begin assembly.
First screw the walls of the booth together with a screwdriver.

Next, screw the bottom and then the roof.

You can screw the legs of their wooden beams to the bottom of the booth or place it on a couple of bricks so that in case of rain, water does not flow inside.
Since the chipboard material can lose its shape over time due to dampness, it is better to paint and varnish the entire booth. This way the finished product will last much longer.
You can nail a piece or put a small rug inside the finished pet house.
If you want to decorate the booth with a funny design in the form of dog paws, then take a sheet of cardboard, draw a paw on it and cut it out with a stationery knife.
Next, apply the template to the booth and draw many identical legs throughout the house.
This way the house will look prettier and more original.

After drying, place the booth near your dog.
I think she will definitely like such a beautiful house. It will protect your little friend from the scorching sun, from pouring rain or in a strong snowstorm.
As you can see, such a product looks quite decent, and a minimum of money and time was spent on its production.
This is how old abandoned things like a closet can be useful, and not just gather dust somewhere in a corner.