Benefits of fenistil in the treatment of herpes. Fenistil for herpes Fenistil for herpes: methods of use and possible contraindications

Herpes is a disease viral etiology, manifested by the presence of skin rashes in the form of blisters. Antiviral drugs are effective against the herpes virus, one of which is Fenistil.

The composition of the drug includes: the main substance - penciclovir, as well as auxiliary substances - paraffin, petroleum jelly, cetostearic alcohol and other components.

Release forms

Fenistil for herpes is available in the form of 1% ointment white, 1% ointment with a masking effect or gel for external use. Ointments have a uniform consistency and the same composition. The difference between the ointment and the cosmetic effect is the dye (a range of colors from beige to brown). With its help you can hide herpetic skin rashes.

The ointment is produced in metal tubes, which are in cardboard boxes. The boxes also contain applicators and a small mirror.

Pharmacological effects

The drug has antiviral, antipruritic and minor sedative effects.

The active ingredient, penciclovir, has high activity against the virus herpes simplex Types 1 and 2. It destroys the sequence of the DNA chain, preventing the virus from reproducing. Fenistil also reduces the possibility of infecting others with the herpes virus and helps relieve pain, burning and itching.

The mechanism of action on herpes blisters

When the drug is applied externally in the area where the vesicles are located, the replication of the virus is blocked and its destruction occurs. Rapid regeneration of the skin occurs, the affected areas are replaced with healthy skin, pain and itching are eliminated. It weakens the permeability of membranes, which helps prevent the spread of an allergic reaction.

When used topically, there is a cooling effect that softens and moisturizes skin.

When applied to the skin, penciclovir does not enter the bloodstream and does not affect its composition or the general condition of the person. The duration of pharmacological activity of the drug is 10-12 hours.

Indications for use

Fenistil is indicated for the treatment of herpes caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and Varicella Zoster, localized in the lip area.

Treatment with penciclovir should be started in the early stages of the disease, when swelling and itching first appear. This will help prevent the appearance of blisters and other rashes on the skin. The sooner you start treating herpes, the higher the effectiveness of the medications, and the faster the healing effect.

Important! Must be observed hygiene rules with herpes. Before and after applying the ointment, it is necessary to disinfect your hands (either wash with soap or purchase a special hand sanitizer) to prevent the spread of infection to healthy skin.

Restrictions and contraindications

The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, as well as in persons who are hypersensitive to the main component of the drug, penciclovir.

During pregnancy, the drug can be used only in cases of extreme necessity, when the expected healing effect is higher than the risk of exposure to the fetus.
The use of the drug is not recommended during breastfeeding. It can only be used under the strict supervision of a physician.

Acceptability of use for herpes in children

The product should not be used by children under 12 years of age. When conducting clinical trials in this age group a placebo effect was detected.

When herpetic infection in children over 12 years of age, Fenistil ointment can be used for treatment. The ointment must be applied in a thin layer to the affected skin. The procedure should be repeated every 2 hours. The course of therapy is 4 days.

With constant use of the drug in adolescents, itching, redness, burning and pain begin to disappear. There is an improvement general condition baby, and the skin begins to look healthy.

Possible unwanted effects

Side effects of the drug include:

  • burning;
  • redness;
  • tingling/numbness in the area where the drug was applied.

Advantages of Fenistil compared to other antiviral drugs

  1. Quick positive effect. The active substance exerts its effect immediately after application to the affected areas of the body.
  2. The duration of therapy is 4 days, unlike another drug - Acyclovir, the course of treatment of which is 7-10 days.
  3. High level of efficiency. The main substance is more powerful antiviral effect compared to Acyclovir.
  4. Minimum level of contraindications and side effects. There are very few contraindications for taking the drug. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to medicinal substance, and even less often – unwanted allergic reactions.
  5. Light and convenient use. The ointment is sold in convenient metal tubes and the box contains applicators and a mirror with which you can apply the product to the affected areas.
  6. Cosmetic/camouflage effect. Due to its composition and the presence of a tonic effect, the ointment helps to hide defective inflamed areas of herpes.

There is only one drawback: the high cost, unlike Acyclovir, varies from 300 to 500 rubles.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. To eliminate the symptoms of the herpes virus, you should undergo full course therapy, which is 4-5 days. If after use within the first two days the signs of herpes disappear, you should not stop the course of treatment, as the symptoms may return.

The product must be applied every 2 hours for 4-5 days to the skin of the lips and mouth.
Do not use the ointment on the mucous membranes of the mouth or nasal cavity, as well as around the eyes and in the area of ​​the reproductive system.

If the condition worsens or there is no positive effect, you should consult a doctor to prescribe effective drug treatment.

According to the latest statistics announced by WHO, about 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus. If this pathogen enters the body healthy person even once, it will remain there forever. For some, it bothers them throughout their lives, while for others it does not appear at all. But how can one transfer the disease into a state of stable relapse, and is this even possible?

Herpes is a virus that infects human cells. It integrates into the DNA structure, changing it. The pathogen spreads not only through airborne droplets, but also through contact, by birth. Occurs when the immune system is weakened.

Fenistil ointment for herpes is an effective antiviral agent based on a substance called penciclovir. With its help, you can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and painful manifestations of infection: pain, burning, itching, rash. We are talking about several pharmaceutical products designed to combat allergic reactions.

The highest incidence rates of herpes (about 85%) are recorded among the fair sex between the ages of 20 and 36 years. Among adolescents, the infection rate is about 80% by age 15. It is not surprising that the disease affects 90% of the world's population by the age of 40.

Doctors identify several methods of spread viral infection:

  • airborne;
  • direct contact with a pathogen carrier;
  • through hygiene products and personal items of the patient;
  • from the mother's body to the child (during childbirth, during breastfeeding).

The main reason for the exacerbation or appearance of herpes is weakening of the immune system, primary infection of the patient. As for relapses, in 85% of cases (according to WHO statistics) they are due to the following reasons:

  • transition of the disease to chronic stage;
  • human exposure to frequent stress;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • poor diet;
  • bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • exhaustion of the body.

There are many symptoms indicating a herpes infection. Each of them manifests itself during a certain period of the disease.

The weakening of the patient's health at the stage of primary infection or recurrent lesions can provoke nausea, fatigue, or high temperature. Unpleasant symptoms last up to 3 days and by the time blisters form, they disappear completely.

Benefits of Fenistil

For effective therapy For herpetic lesions, doctors often prescribe Fenistil gel (ointment). It is used to treat type 1 virus, rash in the genital area, etc. The popularity and prevalence of the medication in question is due to a number of obvious advantages.

“Pros” of using Fenistil gel against herpes:

  1. Safety for the patient. The active ingredients of the pharmaceutical drug do not penetrate into the main bloodstream, therefore, the ointment is safe for all patients without exception.
  2. Exceptional effectiveness of the drug. It is quite possible to get rid of herpes with the help of Fenistil in 3-5 days, subject to prior consultation with your doctor.
  3. High pharmacological activity of the composition. When using the cream, its ingredients penetrate into the structure of the affected cells within 60-70 seconds after direct contact. Most similar drugs this requires 30-40 minutes.
  4. Duration of action of components. After applying Fenistil, the gel inhibits pathogenic viruses within 2 hours. The medicine in question allows you to increase the duration of remission by 1.5-2 times.

Despite the obvious benefits of the ointment, many potential buyers This medicine is not affordable.

Ointment for herpes Fenistil is a homogeneous, medium-thick, white consistency. An antiviral agent is prescribed for the treatment of the above-described blisters that appear in the circumlabial area. pharmachologic effect drugs are due to the activity of the main active substance- penciclovir.

Mechanism of action on pathogenic microorganisms, viruses:

  1. It integrates into the DNA structure of the pathogen, destroys deoxyribonucleic acids, which automatically prevents their reproduction and spread to healthy tissue areas.
  2. The medication eliminates the risk of transmission of infection by stopping its foci.
  3. The drug eliminates painful symptoms, itching, burning, swelling and other manifestations characteristic of herpes.

The composition does not eliminate herpes simplex (colds around the mouth). The main purpose of Fenistil is to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the patient’s overall well-being. It is impossible to completely get rid of a herpetic infection, but it is quite possible to shorten the time to remission.

Release form and composition

The drug Fenistil is available on the market in several dosage forms. The choice in favor of one or the other is made based on the characteristics of the disease, the patient’s well-being, and associated complications.

  1. Nasal drops. Mainly used to eliminate allergic reactions in children. According to the official instructions, they are prescribed to infants from 1 month.
  2. Gel or ointment. Gel-like ointment with a homogeneous structure. It is recommended to apply the medicine to the skin affected by the disease in a thin layer, with an even distribution over the area of ​​​​spread of the pathogenic process.
  3. Capsules. Appointed only from 12 years of age. Medicinal action persists for 24 hours after ingestion.

The best treatment for herpes is the affordable ointment Fenistil Pencivir (1%). It is also available in the form of a medicine with a toning effect, which is useful when treating problem areas on the face (masking a herpetic rash). The composition contains the main active compound penciclovir, as well as auxiliary ingredients (extract Vaseline oil, medical paraffin, cetomacrogol, etc.).

The ointment is available in metal tubes of 5 and 2 g, complete with annotation. Secondary packaging is a plastic case with a set of applicators, or a cardboard box.

Instructions for use

Fenistil gel for colds on the lips is used when the first unpleasant symptoms occur: itching, slight tingling, painful sensation, discomfort. In accordance with official instructions, it must be squeezed out into a thin strip, and then applied to the affected area.

  1. The medication is applied in a thin layer every 2-2.5 hours for 5 days. Before applying the composition, it is important to wash your hands with antiseptic soap.
  2. Doctors recommend applying liniment using an applicator or a cotton swab.
  3. The ointment is also used in cases where the main symptoms have already been eliminated. The optimal duration of therapy is 4-6 days. This will help mitigate the possible risks of relapse.

Doctors advise treating not only herpes on the lips with ointment, but also the nearby skin near the mouth. A cream composition is best suited for treating the nasal mucosa.


Fenistil ointment is highly tolerable and is one of the safest antiviral drugs. Due to the fact that the liniment components are not absorbed into the main bloodstream, it has only a local therapeutic effect. The process involves exclusively the epithelial layer.

Fenistil Pencivir gel is contraindicated for:

  • childhood up to 12 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the composition.

When breastfeeding, Fenistil is discontinued, despite the absence of actual contraindications. It has been established that in case of overdose, the active substances can penetrate into the milk, which is extremely undesirable for the baby’s body. According to the annotation, medicine It is safe during pregnancy, but only the attending physician should prescribe it.

The use of Fenistil gel for herpes in rare cases causes side effects: numbness or slight burning in the application area. As an exception, individual allergic reactions are observed: redness, local irritation, itching, as well as contact forms of dermatitis.

If these reactions are detected, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor and adjust the treatment regimen.

special instructions:

  • therapy begins at the first symptoms dangerous infection, which helps eliminate the risk of a blistering rash;
  • treatment of already mature herpetic vesicles eliminates pain, itching, and accelerates recovery;
  • in case of weakened immunity, it is important to combine Fenistil with antiviral drugs.

An individual treatment regimen is selected by a specialist based on the patient’s general condition.


Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of medications that have a mechanism of action similar to Fenistil. A full-fledged substitute is prescribed only by the attending physician, after analyzing the patient’s general well-being.

The closest analogues for herpes:

Before applying the composition, it is important to carefully study its composition, list of contraindications and instructions for use.

Herpes is viral disease, accompanied by the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. The earlier the antiviral drug is applied, the less pronounced the consequences will be. One of these medications is Fenistil for herpes. Using the drug, you can reduce the manifestations of the disease and block the effect of the virus at the initial stage.

The active ingredient of the drug is penciclovir.

Excipients: cetomacrogol, cetostearyl alcohol, paraffin, vaseline oil, propylene glycol, purified water.

Penciclovir acts on the DNA of the virus and prevents it from spreading. After entering infected cells, it is converted to penciclovir triphosphate. Fenistil has increased antiviral activity, healthy cells it has no effect.

Thanks to the presence of auxiliary components in the form of paraffin and petroleum jelly, the skin is moisturized and softened, and an antipruritic effect is achieved.

When penciclovir triphosphate penetrates the affected cells, it acts for up to 12 hours (for comparison: the Fenistil substitute Pencivir - Acyclovir acts for 1 hour). When applying the ointment to the affected area, the active substances work in 80 seconds, while cheap analogues work in 30 minutes.

Release form

Release form of the drug Age Application
Drops (bottles with dropper) From the first month of life Antiallergic, antipruritic drug.
Gel, ointment (50 g tubes) Children over 12 years old, adults Antiviral drug, active against herpes and chickenpox viruses.
Cream (2 ml tubes) Children over 12 years old, adults Antiviral drug, active against herpes and chickenpox viruses.
Capsules (contour cells of 10 pcs.) Children over 12 years old, adults Antiallergic, antipruritic.

Medicines are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Instructions for use for lip herpes

Before using the drug, read the instructions.

  1. Fenistil for herpes on the lips must be applied for 4 days, every 2 hours. In case of early wear, the cream should be reapplied.
  2. The drug is applied only to the site of herpes infection (bubbles, redness, burning).
  3. There is no need to rub Fenistil Pentsivir in, just apply it evenly in a thin layer.
  4. Apply the medicine with gloves or use a cotton swab, disk, or disposable applicator that comes with the cream.
  5. To prevent further spread of infection on the face and infection of other family members, do not touch the affected area with your hands.
  6. Do not apply cream at night.

Product effectiveness

To ensure the quality of the medicine, you can study customer reviews and photos on the Internet. The effectiveness of the product depends on the speed of application. If treatment with Fenistil began at the first manifestations of infection (itching, redness, swelling), this will increase the effectiveness of treatment. You should not wait for other symptoms; if you experience a burning sensation, swelling, or swelling of the lip, you should immediately use the medicine.

If you start using it when a blister appears, it will help reduce the duration of the rash, relieve pain, relieve itching and burning, but the healing process will take longer.


Fenistil is not absorbed into the blood, but works locally, side effects are minimal. Accidentally swallow all the cream from the tube, except for irritation oral cavity nothing will happen. The drug does not affect the speed of reactions when working with dangerous mechanisms and driving vehicles.

Contraindications for use:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant women can use the medicine from the second trimester;
  • People with weakened immune systems need to consult a doctor about the advisability of using the drug.
  • intended for external use on the skin of the lips, it should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals;
  • individual intolerance to the components of Fenistil;
  • If the condition has not improved 4 days after using the medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Make it a rule to buy antiviral medications in advance so as not to run to the pharmacy during the season of colds and infections. In search of the necessary drug, time can be lost. Be healthy!

Fenistil for herpes is an effective antiviral drug based on penciclovir. It quickly helps to cope with the unpleasant manifestations of a viral infection: rashes, itching, burning, painful sensations. A number of products are produced under the Fenistil brand (ointment, drops, capsules, gel), but all of these drugs are intended to eliminate allergic reactions and are antihistamines.

Only Fenistil Pencivir ointment has an antiviral effect and it should be used to treat herpes. Let's find out how to use the drug correctly, what are its properties and mechanism of action.

Fenistil Pentsivir is a new generation antiviral agent intended for external use. Available in the form of a regular cream and a cream with a tinting effect. The main active ingredient is penciclovir. This substance exhibits high activity against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 and, including even those strains of microorganisms that are resistant to the action of acyclovir. Penetrating into cells affected by the virus, penciclovir is quickly converted into penciclovir tiphosphate, which exhibits the necessary therapeutic effect that lasts for 12 hours.

The mechanism of action of the active substance is aimed at blocking the virus by destroying the DNA chain and preventing its further reproduction. As a result, the use of Fenistil reduces the risk of infection transmission, reduces the intensity discomfort(pain, itching, burning) and promotes a speedy recovery.

When used externally, systemic absorption of the drug is not observed, which means that active substance does not penetrate the blood and has no effect negative influence for life important systems body. Therefore, Fenistil Pencivir is considered a completely safe antiviral agent and has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Fenistil Pencivir is mainly used to treat herpetic rashes on the lips. The herpes simplex virus, penetrating the body, behaves differently. If a person’s immunity is strong, then it suppresses the reproduction of the virus, and the pathogen temporarily becomes inactive. It can remain in a latent state for a long time, waiting in the wings.

The infection activates under the influence of unfavorable factors that weaken immune system. These may be chronic or infectious diseases, stress, injury, hypothermia, taking certain medications. In this case, the body’s defenses can no longer resist the multiplication of the virus and it manifests itself as rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

First, a tingling, burning sensation, and itching appears at the site of virus penetration. Then the skin turns red and painful blisters filled with clear liquid appear. After a few days, they open and release the contents, which contain a huge number of infectious agents.

If antiseptic treatment is not carried out at this time and hygiene rules are not followed, the virus can easily spread to healthy areas of the skin. Soon, in place of the opened bubbles, a dry crust forms, which dries out and falls off after a few days.

The goal of everyone antiviral agents is to prevent the development of infection and relieve painful symptoms. If you start using external preparations at the first signs of herpes (burning, itching), then in most cases it is possible to prevent the appearance of rashes and neutralize the virus. Fenistil Pencivir cream for herpes copes well with this task.

Fenistil Pencivir for herpes is produced in the form of an ointment (1%). The drug can be presented in two varieties:

  1. Ointment (1%) – white;
  2. Ointment (1%) – with a tinting effect (from beige to brown).

Both types of ointment have a uniform, homogeneous texture and almost the same composition, but the tinting cream is supplemented with a special dye, which allows it to be used to disguise herpetic eruptions to match the color of the skin.

1 g of ointment contains 10 mg of penciclovir + excipients (cetomacrogol, cetostearyl alcohol, soft paraffin, vaseline oil, etc.)

The ointment is produced in aluminum tubes of 2 and 5 g, packed in cardboard packs or plastic cases. The set with a plastic pencil case includes a small mirror and a set of applicators (20 pieces).

Most often, the drug Fenistil Pencivir is used for recurrent labile herpes, causing rashes on the lips. In addition, Fenistil cream can be used to treat rashes caused by herpes zoster. Before using the medication, you should consult your doctor and check possible contraindications.

Instructions for use

Fenistil for herpes on the lips should be used at the first alarming symptoms: the appearance of discomfort, tingling, itching, pain. According to the instructions for the drug, adults and children (over 12 years old) are recommended to squeeze a small strip of cream from the tube and treat the affected area with it.

The procedure should be repeated every 2 hours for 4-5 days. Before and after the procedure, hands must be thoroughly washed with soap. And it is best to apply the drug not with your fingertips, but with the help of cotton swab or a special applicator, which is included in the package with the drug.

The use of ointment for herpes Fenistil should be continued even if all symptoms of the disease have disappeared. It is imperative to follow the recommended 4-day course of therapy. This will help prevent relapses of the disease and allow the virus to return to a latent state. It is recommended to apply the drug only to the affected areas of the lips and skin around the mouth; using the cream to treat the mucous membranes of the nose, oral cavity, eyes or genitals is prohibited.

Fenistil gel for herpes with a toning effect very well masks rashes in the lip area, making them almost invisible, and at the same time has a healing effect.

Fenistil Pencivir is one of the safest antiviral drugs. Due to the fact that the cream is not absorbed into the skin, but has a therapeutic effect only on the surface of the epithelium, there is no need to fear the negative effect of the drug on the body. However, there are still restrictions on its use. The cream is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Children's age (up to 12 years).

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be used as prescribed by a doctor and only if the expected benefit is higher than the possible risk to the fetus or infant. Therefore, you should not self-medicate during these periods; all prescriptions should be carried out by a specialist, and treatment should be carried out under his supervision.

When using the drug, some patients experience a burning sensation or numbness on the skin. In rare cases, if there is a tendency to allergic reactions, local skin manifestations: itching, irritation, redness of the skin in the treatment area, symptoms of contact dermatitis.

If such reactions occur, you should consult your doctor and decide on the possibility of further use of the drug.

special instructions

Treatment with Fenistil Pentsivir should be started at the first sign of exacerbation of infection. In this case, the appearance of blistering rashes can be avoided. If you are late in starting treatment, then even at the blistering stage, using the cream can relieve painful sensations, shorten the period of peeling, quickly eliminate dry crusts and speed up recovery.

Before and after applying the cream, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap, this will help prevent the pathogen from spreading to areas of healthy skin. It is best to apply the drug not with your hands, but with a special applicator or a cotton swab.

In patients with weakened immunity and frequent relapses of herpes infection, Fenistil should be combined with systemic antiviral agents. In this case, the doctor selects the treatment regimen individually.

It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment with Fenistil, that is, use it for at least 4 days, even if all visible manifestations of the infection disappear after 1-2 days.

If there is no positive effect and the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor and undergo additional examination to clarify the diagnosis.

Fenistil Pencivir has significant advantages compared to classical antiviral drugs based on acyclovir. Let us list the main advantages of the drug:


Fenistil cream has only one drawback. This is quite a high cost. The average price of Fenistil for herpes in the pharmacy chain is from 250 to 280 rubles per pack.

But the choice of antiviral drugs is now huge, so you can always choose a medication that suits your budget.

Often, medications are used that are intended for local action and do not have direct antiviral properties. These include Fenistil ointment. It is worth finding out what is remarkable about this remedy and what are the features of its effect, as well as whether it makes sense to use this remedy for herpetic rashes.

Composition and release form

The drug exists in several forms: ointment, gel, emulsion, drops and tablets. They differ in their application features and their composition.

The basis of any of the listed remedies is dimethindene maleate. They will be joined by auxiliary components.

In the composition of the ointment they are:

  • propylene glycol;
  • water;
  • carbomer;
  • disodium adetate;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Fenistil ointment, cream and emulsion are intended for external use. Drops and tablets are used internally.

The ointment is characterized by a homogeneous consistency. U medicinal composition There is no color or smell, it is transparent. Place it in aluminum tubes in the amount of 30 or 50 g.

Fenistil tablets are in the form of capsules. The drops have no color or odor and are characterized by transparency. They are sold in 20 ml bottles. The emulsion with this name is also homogeneous. It is white, with a slight odor of benzyl alcohol.

It is sold in small bottles with a capacity of 8 g. Fenistil gel has a uniform structure and no color. It is transparent and odorless. This product goes on sale in aluminum tubes (30 or 50 g).

Indications for use

The principle of action of this drug is to weaken the permeability of capillaries. This prevents the development of allergic reactions, so this remedy can be classified as antiallergic. It also relieves skin itching well.

Fenistil, intended for topical use, has a pronounced cooling effect. It helps soften the skin and moisturize it. In addition, the drug can eliminate pain in the areas of application.

It is important to know what this medicine may be used for.

It is prescribed in such cases as:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • eczema;
  • hives;
  • hay fever;
  • measles;
  • rubella.

Fenistil, intended for local application, recommended against the following diseases:

  • eczema;
  • hives;
  • dermatosis;
  • skin itching;
  • insect bites;
  • burns.

The remedy can be prescribed for other disorders, but this requires a doctor’s prescription. For the use of Fenistil in these cases, it is also desirable.

Video from an expert:

Instructions for use

The drug should be used according to the instructions for it to avoid problems. It is best to consult a doctor before starting treatment, since each body is individual, and general recommendations Not suitable for everyone.

This type of ointment should only be used externally, treating damaged areas of the skin. There is no need to rub in the medicine. On average, 2-4 applications are made per day medicinal composition. The duration of the therapeutic course may vary.

If the disease is accompanied by severe skin irritation or itching or a large amount of damage, then there is a need to use this in combination with oral forms– tablets or drops. This will improve results and speed up the healing process.

Action sun rays may reduce the effectiveness of the medicine and even make it worse. Therefore, after applying Fenistil to the skin of open areas, you should not go outside, and during the treatment period, sunbathing is prohibited.

You may also need to use this drug, as it significantly reduces pain and itching. Typically, the same therapeutic regimen is used for young patients as for adults.

It is imperative that the use of Fenistil for treating a child is recommended by a doctor. It is also necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the components of the composition. Parents need to monitor the progress of treatment, informing the attending physician about any changes that seem suspicious to them.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should be used if there is a diagnosis among the indications for use. But it is even more important to consider contraindications. If they are, you need to choose a different remedy, since treatment with Fenistil will not lead to the desired results or even cause harm.

The main reasons for refusing this medicine are:

  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • prostate enlargement;
  • age less than 1 month;
  • breastfeeding;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • intolerance to components.

These features are contraindications for the use of any form of Fenistil. Treatment with this remedy also requires caution in the presence of chronic obstructive diseases of the respiratory system.

Using this product may cause side effects.

The instructions for the drug mention the following adverse symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • increased excitability;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • labored breathing;
  • muscle spasms;
  • skin rashes;
  • swelling.

Some of these reactions appear only in the first days after starting therapy and then disappear. But if there is a tendency towards their intensification in the absence of positive dynamics in eliminating the disease, you need to talk to your doctor. Such an action may indicate intolerance to the drug or other unidentified contraindications. In this case, it is necessary to stop treatment with Fenistil and choose a different route.

Analogs, price

The cost of a drug very often forces patients to refuse it - if it is too high.

Fenistil cannot be called an expensive remedy, so it is widely used. Its price depends on the form of release.

On average, a package of ointment may cost from 300 to 400 rubles. You can purchase the drug at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Despite the reasonable cost, sometimes patients ask to be prescribed an analogue of this drug. This may be due to side effects, and in some cases people are looking for more expensive means, considering them more effective.

Among the main analogues are:

  1. Tsetrin. The main substance included in its composition is Cetirizine. It is produced in tablets and also in the form of syrup. The product effectively suppresses allergic reactions.
  2. Vibrocil. This medicine contains the same active ingredient, as in Fenistil. In addition, it contains phenylephrine. The drug exists in the form of a spray, gel and drops. It is used to eliminate allergic manifestations, focuses mainly on diseases of the nose and ears.
  3. Claritin. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets and syrup, its base is loratadine. It is often used for allergic rhinitis, urticaria, skin rashes. Contraindications to it should be taken into account.

A specialist must choose the appropriate remedy. Doing it yourself in this situation can lead to problems.