Cucumbers with mineral water. Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water. Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water - recipe

I offer a recipe for quick pickling of lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water. Pickling cucumbers with soda makes it possible to preserve not only the aroma of the greens - they do not lose their beautiful greenery and are enriched with substances that fill the mineral water. And, most importantly, they remain deliciously crispy! The method is easier than ever and allows you to enjoy a summer snack very quickly. The only drawback of pickling is that the snack is not suitable for storing for the winter.

Why on mineral water? Salts of minerals beneficial to human health, microelements, and a complex of biologically active supplements are dissolved in natural water. The carbon dioxide that mineral water is saturated with is endowed with the ability, together with salt, to easily penetrate the structure of vegetables, in turn enriching cucumbers.

Thanks to this, the pickling process goes as quickly as possible, the greens retain their fresh color and become crispy. And the snack can rightfully be called healthy.

Secrets of delicious pickling of cucumbers in mineral water

The recipes are simple, but you should know some subtleties of pickling:

  • Cucumbers lightly salted in mineral water do not require pre-soaking, which reduces cooking time.
  • Ideally, cucumbers should be straight from the garden. If it doesn’t work, select strong ones with dark skin.
  • Choose ones that are not too large and thin-skinned - this is a sign of the “youth” of the vegetable. Thick-skinned cucumbers can be used in salads.
  • To ensure that the appetizer is salted quickly and evenly, take cucumbers of equal size.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water - a quick recipe

Cucumbers made according to the recipe with gas will turn out lightly salted and deliciously crispy, beyond all praise. The recipe is quick, you can try it after a day.

Calculate the amount of ingredients as follows: take a liter of water per kilogram of vegetable. If you take more cucumbers, then adjust the volume of mineral water accordingly.


  • Mineral water, highly carbonated – liter.
  • Garlic – 3-5 cloves (I take a head because I like a lot).
  • Salt – 3 large spoons.
  • Dill - a small bunch.
  • Cucumbers - kilogram.

Step-by-step pickling of cucumbers:

  1. Wash the greens and trim them on both sides. Divide the garlic head into cloves and cut into slices. Wash the dill.
  2. Cover the bottom of the pickling dish with half of the dill. Pickling can be done in a jar, but I used a tall container, which suits me.
  3. Spread the cucumbers on top, sprinkle with garlic, and cover them with the remaining dill. You can do it in two layers.
  4. For convenience, pour the mineral water from the bottle into a saucepan, dilute the salt and pour over the cucumbers. There is a very important nuance here: our task is to dissolve the salt, but not to allow gas bubbles to escape in large quantities, otherwise the speed of salting will be lost. To do this, I advise you to pour approximately 100 ml. water, add salt and stir. And then pour all the mineral water into a pan and add water and salt.
  5. Be sure to cover the workpiece with a lid so as not to lose gas.
  6. Place the container in the cold and keep it for exactly one day. After the specified time, take it out, start tasting and get ready to listen to compliments.

Recipe for delicious lightly salted cucumbers in sparkling water

Based on the previous recipe, you can create a lot of variations. Look around and determine what is still ripe for you. A creative housewife will always want to break the rules and add something unexpected to the pickling. Apples, tomatoes, young zucchini and squash are suitable, red currants, and gooseberries will make the taste of the brine original. This means the taste of cucumbers will change. Try it, then share your impressions in the comments.

Video recipe for quick lightly salted cucumbers with sparkling mineral water. May you always have delicious food!

Lightly salted cucumbers– this is a song (the words from which you’ll sing all summer!). Both for new potatoes and for a picnic – lightly salted cucumbers are good everywhere!

Here in Odessa, on the famous Privoz (where there is everything, like in Greece!), there is a huge row with various pickles. They also sell there lightly salted cucumbers and tomatoes, soaked apples and watermelons, sauerkraut and stuffed eggplants – you can’t list everything! So, even if you accidentally find yourself next to this appetizing row, your legs themselves carry you there (under the guidance of your nose, of course!). And here the most important part of the ballet begins: jumping between different types of pickles and tasting. For some reason, fast tomatoes are in the lead and lightly salted cucumbers, of which I counted about ten species. I was without a camera (what a shame!), next time I’ll definitely document how I do the market.

This one is wonderful recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water, I heard just on Privoz. The Odessa woman who told me about it warned that it was very difficult to prepare. I immediately got ready to write it down so as not to forget important details. Of course, the difficulty of preparing cucumbers turned out to be an Odessa joke. Everything ingenious is simple, but very tasty! I was convinced of this from personal experience. Lightly salted cucumbers using mineral water we got what we needed! Crispy and flavorful!

  1. cucumbers(preferably not very large) – 1 kg;
  2. 1 bunch of aromatic dill; (today we had to replace the dill with a bunch of parsley and dill inflorescences - the old dill was gone, the new one had not yet grown, so we had to improvise). Perhaps the appearance of my lightly salted cucumbers suffered a little, but I was pleased with the taste, the same as those bought at Privoz.
  3. Garlic – 1 head;
  4. 2-3 tbsp. level spoons of salt;
  5. 1 liter of mineral (medium carbonated) water. The hostess from Privoz said that the original recipe used expensive imported water, I think it was San Pelegrino. But she always uses ordinary mineral water (medium carbonated), and the cucumbers turn out just right!

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water (a very “complicated” recipe!).

  • We wash our cucumbers and cut off the tails.
  • We take a beautiful, preferably glass container in which to pickle the cucumbers. We put half of our dill in it.
  • Cut the garlic into slices.
  • Pour 1 liter of mineral water into another bowl and dissolve the salt in it.
  • Pour this brine over the cucumbers and cover with the remaining dill.
  • We close all this beauty with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

After a day we take it out and enjoy the piquant taste. lightly salted cucumbers in an unusual brine made from mineral water.(By the way, I used the medium-carbonated version of Morshynska). The photo shows two cucumber bookmarks. One option is ready-made in a round container,

it was accidentally forgotten and stayed in the refrigerator for an extra day. But then, it was like a godsend. They immediately received it and asked me to do more.

Well, I don’t mind, there are cucumbers, why not do it. It doesn’t take long; the pancake dough was just “ripening” for me. I managed to do everything.

Here is such an unusual, but very easy recipe. Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water, from a lady who wished to remain incognito from the row where they sell pickles at the Odessa Privoz. Thank you very much anyway.

Thanks for sharing this article on social media:

I'll definitely try it. I make lightly salted cucumbers and pour boiling water over them. Your option is simpler.)

Yes, I also salted it with boiling water, it worked out well, by the way. And with mineral water... every time you want to try something new.

This is probably the most common method - lightly salted cucumbers poured with boiling water. But mineral water is still better, if only because in the summer you don’t really want to bother with boiling water...

In the summer, like many people, we lightly salt cucumbers, but we also pour boiling water over them, I need to try your option, I didn’t even realize that you could use mineral water for this. Although, on the advice of friends, I use it in okroshka, although I’m the only one in the whole family, the rest use kvass.

Thanks, I'll try, but I do it with mineral water

kebabs are also good

They make everything they can with mineral water: kebabs, pancakes, dough for dumplings and pasties, and everything turns out delicious, this kind of water works wonders

Just a huge THANK YOU for this recipe! This is the second time I’ve made it, the first test batch was finished in 10 minutes, my one-year-old granddaughter especially liked it, she gnawed the whole cucumber without stopping. Simple and no frills, bravo......

Thank you, Julia! I also like this recipe. Come visit!

Thanks for the recipe. I'll definitely use it.

Be sure to try it, Love! Now is the cucumber season. I alternate cucumbers in a bag and cucumbers in mineral water. The good news is that the recipes have never failed.

Cool cucumbers! Thanks for the recipe.

Doesn't mineral water soften them? I prefer crispy cucumbers rather than soft ones.

No, Andrey! Mineral water cucumbers turn out sharp and crispy; I myself don’t like soft cucumbers.

Thank you, the recipe is really simple and it makes me happy, my mother recommended it, she said it turned out very tasty, the cucumbers were crispy and aromatic))))) I made it today for myself))))

Original recipe with San Pelegrino water - culinary blogger Belonika (Nika Belotserkovskaya)))))))

I respect Nika Belotserkovskaya very much. But the recipe still arrived from Privoz. Maybe the sellers read Nika before me

Cool, you will definitely have to cook it in mineral water, Ukraine is rich in its mineral waters, maybe you should try Mirgorodskaya, it’s a little salty

There is very little left to enjoy lightly salted cucumbers. Thanks for the quick and easy pickling recipe!

A very interesting recipe for lightly salted cucumbers. Honestly, I haven’t tried it with mineral water. How do they taste?

Just what you need cucumbers

I already cooked the cucumbers in mineral water, they turned out crispy and very, very tasty!

The recipe is quick, our neighbor practices it and shares her cooking subtleties.

Cut off the butts of the cucumbers on both sides, 0.5 cm each. Place in a bowl or pan, topping with leaves, garlic and pepper.

Advantages of the dish: simplicity of ingredients and speed - just half a day in the cold until pleasantly salty.

Quick navigation through the article:

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water

We need:

  • Small cucumbers - 1 kg
  • Mineral water (strongly carbonated is best) - 1.5 l
  • Rock salt (without additives) - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Peeled garlic - 3-4 medium cloves
  • Fresh dill - 1 small bunch

*We use regular dill.

*You can add parsley to taste - 1/3 of a small bunch

How we cook.

Wash the cucumbers and dry them. We don’t clean it, but we cut off the tip and base.

Cut the peeled garlic cloves into thin slices crosswise. To taste, you can take a little more spicy babies - up to 6 medium cloves.

We wash the bunch of dill and shake off the water. Place 4-5 sprigs of dill on the bottom of the dish. You can add parsley to taste - in the amount of 1/3 of the dill.

Place cucumbers tightly on top of the greens. On top of the first layer of cucumbers there are again sprigs of greenery and slices of garlic.

And again, a dense arrangement of cucumbers, on top of a sprig of dill and a plate of garlic. With our small quantity (only 1 kg of vegetables), the result was a stacking of 2 levels:

  • We divided the bunch of dill into 3 parts (down, between the layers and on top), and the chopped garlic into 2 parts (between the layers and on top).

Prepare a solution of salt in mineral water for pouring cucumbers. Pay attention to the choice of salt:

  • Stone, coarse or medium grind, no additives and no iodine.
  • If you like lightly salted cucumbers, 1.5 tbsp. a spoon is enough.

In a separate bowl, dissolve the salt in mineral water. We need medium or highly carbonated mineral water room temperature and 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt without a slide(!) according to personal taste for saltiness.

Stir the salt in the sparkling water until completely dissolved. Fill the cucumbers so that the liquid covers them completely.

Cover the dish with the future salted masterpiece tightly or cover it with film.

All that remains is to let the vegetables salt in the refrigerator - minimum 8, preferably 12-14 hours.

Having placed these beauties overnight, you can try them in the morning. And after 14 hours, feel free to serve it: success is guaranteed!

FAQ about perfectly quick pickling of cucumbers

Which cucumbers to choose?

Signs of a pickling variety: frequent pimples and thin skin. We buy vegetables of approximately the same size - medium or small (the most delicious!). The flesh of these is dense. As a result, you will find uniform saltiness and a beautiful presentation to the table, even when the beauties are simply laid out on a dish.

Are special products required for fragrance?

No. This recipe is extremely simple. It will turn out great without any frills. Leaves of oak, currant, horseradish or rare spices only to taste and desire.

What container should I use?

Glass. A 3-liter jar or bowl with a plastic lid will do. If not, then a pan (enamel or stainless steel).

What does mineral water add to the recipe?

High pickling speed and a particularly bold crunch. The cucumbers turn out mega-appetizing!

Benefits and possible variations of the recipe

Several options for tireless experimenters. Here's what you can add to the company of cucumbers for pickling.

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water turned out to be so successful that all my relatives asked to “repeat at BIS” lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water with gas, and are looking forward to publishing the recipe on the Home Restaurant website. Preparing crispy lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water is very simple, but there are still some nuances and subtleties, which I will talk about later. So, let’s prepare lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water – a step-by-step recipe with photos is at your service on the Home Restaurant website!


  • 1 kg cucumbers
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 dill umbrellas
  • piece of hot pepper
  • cherry and currant leaves


  • 1 liter of highly carbonated mineral water
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water:

We choose salad varieties with thin skin for pickling cucumbers. Wash the cucumbers and soak them in running cold water for 1-2 hours. Thanks to soaking, the cucumbers will “take up” the missing water and will be crispy when finished.

At the bottom of the prepared liter jar we place: dill umbrellas, garlic, currant and cherry leaves, a piece of hot pepper. You can prepare lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water in any deep container: a saucepan, container, bowl, but it is most convenient to cook in a jar because you do not need to use additional pressure. In addition, the degree of readiness of the cucumbers is clearly visible in the jar, and you need to periodically “look” into the pan to control the process of pickling the cucumbers.

We dilute salt in mineral water and fill the jar with cucumbers. A little brine remains, but this is a “payment” for the convenience of pickling cucumbers in a jar. If you use a saucepan, for example, 1.5 liters, then both cucumbers and brine will fit perfectly.

We close the jar with cucumbers with a nylon lid and place it in a warm place. It can even be exposed to direct sunlight. The fermentation process begins almost immediately and you can see bubbles in the jar.

After 12 hours, quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water will be completely ready. We put the jar of cucumbers in the refrigerator so that the cucumbers cool down, because warm lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water are not very tasty.

We take the cucumbers out of the jar and serve with or with meat dishes. This completes the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water. I really hope that you will like the recipe, and you will certainly prepare these lightly salted cucumbers for your loved ones.

And we prepared quick lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water, the recipe, as always, with photos. If anyone doesn’t yet know how to prepare these cucumbers, they can do it without difficulty. Now you will see for yourself how simple it is.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water recipe


  • 1 kg. young cucumbers
  • 1 liter of mineral water
  • 2 tbsp. small heaped tablespoons of salt
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • dill umbrellas or a bunch of green dill

As you can see, the ingredients are very simple. I have a kilogram of small young cucumbers. I washed them under running water.

We also need dill and garlic. I had dill umbrellas, I will put them along with the sprigs; in my opinion, this dill is very aromatic and is perfect for pickling cucumbers.

I took 4 cloves of garlic. I peeled it and cut it into slices.

I will prepare lightly salted cucumbers in a three-liter jar. I have a kilogram and they will fit in this container and marinate quickly. But we tried to cook without utensils. Previously, we prepared lightly salted cucumbers in a bag; the cucumbers were aromatic and tasty. I also recommend it, the recipe with step-by-step photos can be found in the article ““.

I put garlic and chopped dill at the bottom of a clean three-liter jar. If you don't have umbrellas, you can take a bunch of green dill.

I cut off both ends of all cucumbers on both sides.

There are not many cucumbers; 1 kg takes up a little more than half of a three-liter jar. You can optionally add twigs and leaves of currants or cherries, whatever you like. I'm not adding.

Next stage. I poured mineral water from a bottle into a liter jar. We need to dissolve two tablespoons of salt (slightly heaped) in a liter of mineral water.

Mineral water sizzles when salt is added. Everything can be seen in the photo. We added salt and dissolved it in mineral water.

Now fill the cucumbers with mineral water and salt. It is important to dissolve all the salt in the mineral water.

Leave the cucumbers to marinate for a day. I left the cucumbers in the room. Their color has changed, but they turned out so tasty and crispy.

A day has passed and the cucumbers are ready. They turned out lightly salted and crispy. Very tasty with potatoes. After a day of marinating, I put the cucumbers in the refrigerator. The recipe is quick and very successful.

This was my first time cooking cucumbers in mineral water and the recipe did not disappoint me. Everything works out quickly and simply. There is actually some addition, daily cucumbers taste better, but on the second day their taste changes. On the second day you couldn’t call them lightly salted, even though they were stored in the refrigerator.

The daughter gave flowers to her mother, they were also included in the frame, the daughter was pleased that the flowers were included in the photo. True, the children did not like these cucumbers; they prefer fresh cucumbers. And in winter, I prefer pickled cucumbers; you can see how to prepare them in the article “.” The kids really liked this recipe, but grandpa not so much. He says they are sweetish, but he is used to sour ones. But as they say, everyone has their own tastes.

What kind of cucumbers do you like?