New battlefield game. Battlefield V: new war - new rules. General impressions of alpha testing

Name: Battlefield V
Release date: November 20, 2018
Genre: Action (Shooter), 3D, 1st Person
Developer: DICE
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platform: PC
Edition type: RePack
Interface language: Russian, English, Multi12
Voice language: English, Multi
Tablet: Sewn in (CPY)

Description: The Battlefield gaming series is constantly evolving and offers users almost the best gaming experience imaginable. This time you have the opportunity to go to a completely new part of the adventure and once again fight with other players in large-scale battles. Now you can download the Battlefield 5 torrent for free and go to the vastness of the Second World War to fight with other players, capture key points and simply become a great soldier of the virtual world. For download, we will provide a special assembly of the game Repack, which has not only the RUS extension, but also all the DLC. All you have to do is enjoy the gameplay, strive for victory and just enjoy the entertainment.

This time playing on PC will provide much more opportunities for active use and development. The scale of the confrontation will become larger, and weapons and equipment will become more modern. Considering that each new part of the first-person shooter becomes more advanced and larger-scale, Battlefield 5 will amaze you with its open spaces and other interesting areas. All that remains is to closely monitor the ongoing game events and try to achieve success.

Battlefield 5 is a modern first-person shooter that will allow you to enjoy an enjoyable gameplay and give you the opportunity to fight with other players. It will be possible to use equipment and various weapons, although there will be much more choice. Don't forget about the various game modes, competitive format, etc. All that remains is to wish you good luck and a great mood!

Game Features
A new format of confrontation on large maps.
An excellent opportunity to realize the personal potential of a virtual warrior.
Wide selection of different weapons.
Availability of ground and air equipment.
Limitless possibilities on the battlefield.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: AMD FX-6350 or ntel Core i5 6600K
Video card: AMD Radeon™ HD 7850 2 GB or NVIDIA GeForce® GTX 660 2 GB
Free hard disk space: 50 GB

Features of RePack:
Based on Origin-Rip;
Nothing was cut / nothing was re-encoded;
Game version 1.0 (build 3894003);
Installation time ~17 minutes on HDD (Depends on the computer);
Repack by xatab

Terms and Conditions - Battlefield™ V


Terms and Conditions - Battlefield™ V - Deluxe Edition


You can use any language you prefer, but please note that all emails from us will be in the default language of Origin in your region.

You provide your personal information to Electronic Arts Inc., 209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065, USA, a member of the Swiss Safe Harbor, in accordance with our Privacy and Identification Policy. Your data may be processed in less secure locations than your country of residence.

Every fan has their own favorite part, but before BFV comes out, we decided to put together an objective (if possible) list of all the games in the series, numbering them from worst to best. Which one captures the essence of Battlefield better? And which one only tarnished the reputation of the franchise with its appearance? Let's figure it out.

15. Battlefield Online (2010)

I'm sure many of you didn't even know Battlefield Online existed. In this case, believe me, you have not lost anything. The game was a free-to-play remake of Battlefield 2, developed for the East Asian market by Neowiz Games with some input from DICE. Its only selling feature was that BF Online allowed hundreds of players to fight simultaneously on classic battlefield maps.

Despite its bland and ugly visuals, the game did a great job of capturing the essence and functionality of Battlefield, but compared to Bad Company 2, released later that year, BF Online didn't stand a chance. The game’s servers were closed in 2013, after several years of technical problems that prevented even those who really wanted to play it. Perhaps this is for the best.

14. Battlefield Play4Free (2011)

I think some people really liked this game, considering that the petition in support of it, which appeared after EA announced the shutdown of the servers, received almost fifty thousand signatures, and fans are still working on its spiritual successor, Project Fury. But the best thing about Battlefield Play4Free, frankly, was that it was free, which offset the fact that the game was nothing more than a mediocre Battlefield 2 knockoff.

In addition to lackluster graphics, a lifeless setting, and serious flaws like the ability to change characters, Battlefield Play4Free also suffered from an identity crisis. What was it, other than a sterile and tasteless mishmash of millions of other shooters, set in the scenery of the modern world? Yes, it was a free alternative to its AAA cousin, but the game did not deserve close attention.

Game not available on digital services for PC

13. Battlefield Heroes (2009)

The decision to turn the series into something similar to Sunday children's cartoons seems... not the best decision for an IP that has always dealt with adult themes and violence. However, by some miracle, DICE managed to successfully jump over this moat with crocodiles and give the public Battlefield Heroes, a very undemanding free-to-play entertainment for the PC.

If you look at it now, Heroes looked very similar to Fortnite and, in terms of spirit and style, it was a conscious result of DICE. The game was smaller and more fun, but at the same time, retained a considerable degree of competition for those who were not looking for easy ways. All of this made Heroes a great pocket-sized game for fans of the series who wanted to try something new. It’s all the more unfortunate that EA subsequently turned the game into a pay-to-win grinder, and in 2015 closed it altogether.

Game not available on digital services for PC

12. Battlefield Hardline (2015)

The only AAA part of the series not developed by DICE. The now-defunct studio Visceral Games tried to do something radically new, and introduced the world to Battlefield with cops and robbers, applying the standard franchise formula to them. It worked out, but not very well. The campaign of Battlefield: Hardline tried to play on the popularity of crime series, which was executed at a decent level, but, nevertheless, somewhat awkwardly, especially with regard to slippery themes in the plot.

The multiplayer component lacked the elegance and precision of the other parts. Among the new gangster-themed modes, there were both successes and failures, among which “Hijacking” stood out due to its excessive clutter of cinematic chases. A strong feature for Hardline as a standalone game, but a big step aside for Battlefield.

11. Battlefield 2142 (2006)

Let's add hovertanks and combat robots to Battlefield - how could anything go wrong? Well, in this case, it didn't even help that 2142 came out a year and four months after Battlefield 2, and all those attractive sci-fi features were more likely to scare away people who wanted the good old down-to-earth (literally) Battlefield.

And it's a shame, because 2142 is a good game that expands on the new mechanics of Battlefield 2 with more dynamic battles and a varied arsenal. Not to mention the new Titan mode, which had players competing for control of launch silos and then boarding a sort of Avengers helicarrier. Fortunately, the Titan was given new life in the Naval Strike expansion for Battlefield 4, reborn as the Carrier Assault.

Game not available on digital services for PC

10. Battlefield Vietnam (2004)

Battlefield Vietnam looked weird on release, and it seems even weirder now. What worked best for the popularity of “Vietnam” was, firstly, asymmetrical combat operations between troops with different weapons and fortifications; secondly, helicopters, which you could learn to fly in a few days, not months (hello, the prototype helicopter from BF 1942: Secret Weapons of World War 2); and thirdly, a radio in technology that could blare Surfin' Bird, while you rushed straight into the inferno.

6. Battlefield: Bad Company (2008)

Many people remember Bad Company 2 fondly, but few remember the original game with the same enthusiasm. It’s a pity, because it was in it that all those features appeared that the sequel elevated to the absolute level. It was one of the first Battlefields with a normal story, characters (funny and lively, real) and a script. It also debuted Frostbite, the now legendary engine of the franchise.

The result was a level of destructibility hitherto unheard of in games. Unfortunately, DICE's lack of experience in single-player campaigns also made itself felt, which resulted in weak AI and some strange decisions in the control scheme that spoiled the excellent experience of the game. The multiplayer also had problems, because the game was released with only one single mode – Gold Rush (a prototype of the classic “Assault”). At the request of fans, Conquest was later added, but the true value of Bad Company was and will always be the campaign.

Game not available on digital services for PC

5. Battlefield 1942 (2002)

The first, original and, for many, one of the best. A significant milestone in the history of game development, when DICE first took the concept of a hardcore military simulator and adapted it for a wider audience. But Battlefield 1942 isn't just valued for its historical contributions, as it's a great shooter in its own right. For its time, such a spacious map design and sixty-four players on it completely blew the roof away, giving PC gamers the opportunity to feel every penny invested in their machines. And even today 1942 plays very well.

It has all the iconic features of Battlefield - class-based gameplay, vehicles, combat on land, water and air, as well as team game modes that DICE would perfect over the next sixteen years. Oh, yes, this game also gave us Wake Island, an almost perfect multiplayer map. For this alone, Battlefield 1942 deserves its place on our list.

Game not available on digital services for PC

4. Battlefield 1 (2016)

The largest and most frantic game in the series to date. Battlefield 1 turned back the clock, sending fans of the franchise to the fields of World War I. Moving away from modern battles, the game tried a new approach to the single-player campaign, presenting players with War Stories, a series of unrelated vignettes about individuals, the forgotten heroes of a forgotten war, treating them with due awe and respect.

As for innovations in multiplayer, Battlefield 1 introduced Giants, earth-shaking and battle-breaking steel monsters, an analogue of Levolution. This part is a new height not only for the franchise, but for the entire FPS genre as a whole.

3. Battlefield 2 (2005)

Modern games in the franchise started with Battlefield 2... and not at all because it was the first game in a modern setting (and the first to break all numbering orders). It was in this part that the series began to move away from the crush of fighters around static points towards miniature theaters of military operations.

Players were encouraged to organize into squads, giving them mobile spawn points in the form of a commander and the ability to complete more specific objectives than “capture all the flags.” The decision to add defibrillators for doctors and ammunition boxes for support fighters added dynamics and mobility to the game. Battlefield 1942 defined the concept that all subsequent games in the series adhered to, but it was Battlefield 2 that refined the main features and brought them into the form in which we know and love them.

Game not available on digital services for PC

2. Battlefield 3 (2011)

After several spin-offs and lackluster free-to-play ports, DICE has promised to return to the franchise's roots with a high-profile sequel that will be released on PC and consoles simultaneously. Both the studio itself and Electronic Arts worked diligently to promote the new game, desperately trying to surpass Call of Duty in the fight for the throne of the king of first-person shooters.

Self-confidence often backfires, and the campaign in Battlefield 3 turned out to be extremely mediocre, no matter how you look at it. But online it’s a completely different story. For console gamers, the level of ambition and scale of combat reached unprecedented levels, the game looked great and ran very smoothly, even compared to the technically superior PC version. Battlefield 3 may not have been a triumphant return, but it's definitely off to a great start.

1. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010)

Despite all its harsh militarism, Battlefield spends its free time doing soul work. Having laid the foundations of camaraderie in the first installment of the spin-off, Bad Company 2 boasts the best campaign in the entire franchise. A fun (yes, fun!) script, unique gameplay features and great characters. The game has enough cliches that it would be impossible without them, but thanks to the brisk pace and masterful mission design, you want to stay in the company of charming scoundrels for as long as possible, and all the alterations in which they find themselves cause only delight.

Multiplayer in Bad Company 2 is just as crazy and chaotic, with tons of maps, impressive physics, destruction and excellent sound. And the tragically underrated addition “Vietnam” perfectly conveyed the ferocious and stuffy atmosphere of that war, extending the life of Bad Company 2’s multiplayer for a decent amount of time. BF:BC2 is the quintessence of the franchise, the pure and unadulterated essence of all “battlefields,” rightfully taking first place in our top.

The popular series is getting a new numbered part. Battlefield 5 has received mixed reactions from players. the fact is that it is not only very different from the previous parts, the very concept and setting of the game has changed dramatically in the other direction. Some players took it well, others, on the contrary, were very angry with the developers for this.

There are so many changes that it is no longer clear. Should Battlefield 5 be considered a part? franchise or is it a completely independent and original project. Let's figure it out.

About the game

A single company, as in previous parts of the series, will exist and will not go away. Several storylines and fully developed characters will be waiting for us in the game. We will play for different heroes, but it is not yet known whether all the stories will be interconnected or completely independent. The developers decided to show not everyone’s well-known battles, which have long been told in books, historical programs and feature films, but about those battles. which few people know about.

Once again the game will have a full-fledged cooperative mode, now you can go on an unforgettable historical adventure with your friends. The new mode is called "United Forces". In them, players will gather in squads of four people and go on a dangerous mission, where they will have to sneak behind the enemy lines unnoticed and secretly complete certain tasks.

The developers also decided to return the old “Operations” mode. In the fifth part of the famous franchise they were called “Large Operations”. Essentially these are the same modes, but only with certain features. For example, the updated mode will have an interesting feature - the results of the previous battle will affect the balance in the new map. This way, all games in the session will be interconnected.

Each match will last three/four days. Continue playing until the winner is announced. On the fourth day there will be limited ammunition, and there will also be no ability to respawn. This way, the game will definitely determine the winner, so the mode itself won't last forever.

Since the mode consists of several stages, the conditions on the battlefield change in the future. The equipment begins to roll in. It must be admitted that she looks very, very strange. Airplanes, for example, deal little or no damage. There was also a plane that simply could not be shot down, it had too much health. Two anti-aircraft guns cannot cope with it, even if they shoot together and accurately at the target without missing. Perhaps it’s a matter of misaligned balance, but everything turned out too broken.

As for the tanks, it seems that they are made of cardboard or other material, but definitely not metal. It is very difficult to fire from a machine gun; it constantly overheats. therefore, the player simply does not have time to inflict significant damage on the enemy and is killed. The high explosive effect of shells has been greatly fixed. To cause damage you need to hit the target strictly.

Previously there were giants, now they have been replaced with special bonuses. which give advantages to armored vehicles. Your team works together to save points for a powerful improvement, and the commander himself calls for what is needed at the moment on the battlefield. The V-2 missile is a very effective weapon, but in reality it is not as useful as the developers themselves would like or plan.

A heavy tank looks much more dangerous in this situation. British equipment is inferior to the enemy, for example, their armored vehicles with a flamethrower and trailer are too useless in real combat conditions. This equipment is destroyed too quickly, and it does not have time to bring any benefit. What can we say if Germany received the Sturmtiger. The high-explosive cannon of this tank is simply destructive. It can level a very large piece of land. therefore you need to be as careful as possible. when this colossus enters the battlefield.

Features of the new part based on materials from E3

At the developer conference, we learned a lot of new data and details about the gameplay of the game. Much was shown, much was detailed, new material was announced, and much more was said about old information. A short list of new products:

  1. New map. Map design has always been one of Battlefield's greatest strengths. Even the most outspoken critics of the series agree, and we took a look at one of the maps in the game. Norvik is a typical large map that looks absolutely stunning, and based on the footage we've seen, it's very well designed. It seems to have the perfect balance of huge open spaces for vehicle action and narrow, claustrophobic corridors for infantry battles.
  2. No marks. One of the mechanics that will see slight changes in Battlefield V is enemy marking and locating. In Battlefield 1, you simply pressed a single button to make a mark appear above an enemy, making them highly visible even in the busiest battles. This will become more organic in Battlefield V. Instead, you can only point out natural obstacles and objects around and in the immediate vicinity of enemies.
  3. Changes to the revive system. Enemy tagging isn't the only thing that will change. The animation will also be reworked and, it must be said, quite significantly. Battlefield V's revive mechanics will become more realistic - you'll have to physically interact with downed soldiers, dropping down to heal them and then picking them up from the ground. This will inevitably lead to tension, making the process longer and potentially even annoying, so let's hope that doesn't happen.
  4. Ability "Revive Comrade". This innovation does not affect changes to the revive mechanics. Thanks to the new “Buddy Revive” mechanic, reviving is no longer just the preserve of medics. All players on a team can revive all players. However, if you are not a medic, then reviving downed comrades will take you longer than if you were a qualified medic. It makes sense, and versatility across different soldier classes is always appreciated. Although, regardless of whether you are a medic or not, players will never be able to fully restore their health, which is annoying and stressful.
  5. Customization. Of course, customization has been part of Battlefield, and Battlefield V is no exception. While we don't know the degree of customization that will be implemented in the game, we do know that it will be possible to customize weapons, soldiers, and vehicles, as well as items and skins. And this brings us to the next point.
  6. Metagame. All customization and progression in Battlefield V will be a small part of Tides of War, which is a metagame that covers almost the entire battlefield. In Tides of War, each player will be part of a company that will grow and improve along with their soldiers, so we imagine that the two aspects will be interconnected, at least to some extent. This is all we know about the metagame for now, but we hope to have more definitive information soon.
  7. "Season Pass" DICE and EA have made it clear to everyone that there will be no Season Pass in Battlefield V, which is very good news. This, of course, means that all maps that will be released as DLC after the release of Battlefield V will be free to download and play, so players won't be split between those who own the map pack and those who don't.
  8. "Loot boxes". Hey, even Battlefront 2 had this: there was no Season Pass, and all content released after the game's launch was free. However, then everything changed dramatically, and one of the worst monetization options we've ever seen appeared. Fortunately, DICE has made it clear that this will not happen with Battlefield V. There will be no "loot boxes" or other randomly generated paid items.
  9. Microtransactions. However, this does not mean that the game will not have microtransactions. Let's face it, as much as we hate it, most multiplayer games these days involve microtransactions to one degree or another. Well, even some single-player games have them (we're talking about you, Shadow of War).
  10. In-game currency. In-game currency will only allow players to purchase cosmetic items, and while the currency can be earned by playing, players will have the option to purchase it with real money.

Battlefield 5 preview

The developers are changing some fundamental elements of the series' multiplayer. For example, revived players will have little ammo - only one or two clips. So DICE wants to increase the role of support fighters in matches. In Battlefield V, each player will have control of a personal squad consisting of four soldiers of each class:

  • stormtrooper,
  • engineer,
  • support fighter,
  • medic

The DICE studio itself calls this brigade a “company”. Fighters can be completely changed - from gender and race to elements of appearance and clothing. As they level up, subclasses called “archetypes” will open up for them. This way, the gamer will be able to choose an even narrower specialization for his character on the battlefield. Company warriors are available in both multiplayer and co-op.

In addition, now everyone will be able to raise their comrades in the squad - doctors will continue to return all the soldiers of their team from the other world. Automatic health recovery, by the way, is limited - the life bar is now divided into sectors, the last active of which is replenished without a first aid kit. To fully improve your health, you will still need the help of a doctor.

The last major change was the ability to build. Not like in Fortnite, of course, but due to the return of major destruction in Battlefield V, the Swedes decided to give players the tools to at least partially restore destroyed buildings. For example, gamers will be able to build small shelters from scrap items.

The following elements of the game have been graphically updated:

  • lighting
  • indoor utensils
  • northern lights and weather effects
  • effects of falling planes

Fresh details from the alpha test of the game

The alpha testing of the fifth part of Battlefield recently ended. It was incredibly difficult to get into it, so don’t be upset if you weren’t allowed in: we watched everything and are in a hurry to tell you what the legendary series has become.

In alpha, only one map and two modes were available. It takes place in Narvik, Norway. Everything looks amazing, of course. Reworked movements, animation, weather effects and destruction system. You can shoot at a house with an anti-aircraft gun for a long time to watch how snow rolls off the roof, holes form in the walls, and chips fly to the sides along with pieces of the walls and floor. This has never happened anywhere else.

It is worth noting that the developers have greatly improved the visuals. Each particle is now an independent physical object, despite this innovation, the hardware does not hang, optimization is at a fairly high level, so even on low-end computers the game will run without any problems.

Players must be willing to pay for this with system requirements; in order to see all the beauty of the new game, they should buy additional hardware. So far, the i7 copes with “Ultra” and recording gameplay via OBS with obvious difficulty. But this is Alpha, so let's hope that optimization will be improved.

However, you get used to the graphics quite quickly and this is, in fact, not the most important thing in such a large game, as well as a popular franchise. But the gameplay is the most important thing, since this is why we love and play such session games. The “Capture” mode feels quite cheerful and free. It's fun to play, although the pace of the game is too slow and the terrain is uneven, but the distances are small, so the gameplay does not artificially drag out. Although the events that take place on the map are quite chaotic.

The “Operations” mode is more interesting; it is a more thoughtful and polished feature from the previous part of the series. The rules change as the battle progresses, and the time of day also changes, which significantly affects the balance and tactics of the game. How this happens, for example, on the first day of fighting the British forces need to destroy enemy artillery, and on the second day they should advance along defensive lines and capture a certain point on the map. Day and night also change tactics and rules.

Promotion before the release of Battlefield V

DICE studio decided to please all Battlefield fans. What can make players happy? Free distribution of DLC may not be the first item on the list of cherished desires of gamers, but it is also a very pleasant event. At least, this is what the authors of the action series think, and therefore they offer everyone who wants to pick up a couple of additions to their favorite shooters for next to nothing. The attraction of unheard-of generosity will last several months - until the release of the studio's next creation

Preparations for Battlefield V are in full swing. While the lucky ones who have gained access to the test servers are having a blast in the new battles, owners of the previous parts of the action movie can enjoy various DLCs. All thanks to a special promotion that should prepare fighters for the upcoming release. In the coming months, the DICE studio promises to release all the released add-ons for Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1 one by one. In addition, gamers will receive special daily tasks, for completing which you can earn exclusive decorative items for the future game.

Turning Tides for Battlefield 1 and Second Assault for Battlefield 4 are available right now and will be free until July 17th. After this, players will be treated to a new selection of DLC. This month, for example, they promise to distribute the grandiose “Apocalypse” - there are no exact dates yet, so we advise you to follow the special calendar on the official website. The “Road to Battlefield V” promotion will last until the release of the action movie about World War II, which will take place on October 19 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Balance problems

As soon as the player has completely fired his 18 shells, he must return to the nearest box of ammunition at one of the points and replenish his ammunition, otherwise he simply will not be able to complete all the tasks assigned to the team. The same applies to machine guns, aerial bombs and everything else. Constantly returning to replenish your ammunition artificially increases the game time and is very tiring, since absolutely nothing happens while you are returning to replenish your supplies.

But these are not all the negative balance changes that players observed during alpha testing. Health no longer recovers completely after being wounded. You must either look for a medic, or run to the same box with ammunition and first aid kits. It takes about 3-4 hits from an assault rifle to kill, so often if they come to your rear, you won’t have a chance to turn around and respond.

Thus, the game turns into a long preparation run for supplies and back and in the end you are quickly killed. which eliminates all the lengthy preparation for battle. This would work in a survival game, but not in a session co-op, casual shooter.

There are always not enough cartridges. The sniper is reborn with 15 shells, including those already in the clip. As a result, you either have to keep a support friend nearby, or don’t stray too far from the ammo box. It is very easy to miss the enemy; the risk of shooting all the ammunition and not hitting is very high. This, of course, does not fit in at all with taking an advantageous position. As a result, we spend about 30% of our time looking for ammunition. Incredibly exciting for most players.

BF Bulletin reports that the developers are planning to reduce the threshold for maximum health recovery after receiving critical damage in Battlefield V. In the alpha test, the bar was fixed at 49 health units, and then to restore the reserve completely, you need to find a medic or a station with first aid kits. DICE does not yet have a final decision on what the arbitrary recovery limit will be.

The revival mechanic now also works completely differently. You can't just die here. After being mortally wounded, you fall to the ground and begin to scream heart-rendingly, calling for a medic. Medics in this game, of course, traditionally like to go on the attack more, because players do not really like to raise their comrades, because it is important to kill as many opponents as possible. As a result, you have to lie down for a long time, which further increases the useless time spent in the game.

What makes the picture even worse is the fact that markers have been removed from the game. That is, instead of a marked player, we only get a conditional marker on the ground. And this despite the fact that when aiming the sight, the enemy is still visible to everyone. An extremely strange decision. Add to this an abundance of weather effects, excellent camouflages and very dark rooms, and you get the ideal game for those who like to sit somewhere under a tree, lying in wait for the next victim running past. That's all they're sitting there.

General impressions of alpha testing

To be honest, according to the majority of gamers and the press, the game did not live up to our expectations and even unpleasantly surprised many. Everyone understands what effect the company is trying to achieve by testing its game. It is also clear in which direction the developers are moving. The new part of the series becomes completely team-based, the emphasis is on the well-coordinated work of players on the battlefield.

The squad in the game must constantly move together, using smoke, medics, ammo bags and flares. Such coordinated work of all team members increases your survival and mission success. But there is one drawback to all this - the bulk of Battlefield fans have never played like this. Everyone wants to kill the enemy and see their nickname at the very top in the list of kills, but no one cares about tasks and overall teamwork.

Participants in the closed alpha testing of Battlefield 5 received a message in which the developers invited them to participate in the next test of the game's strength. It will take place at the end of the summer, but it is not yet known whether this will be a second closed testing by invitation or an open beta.

It's safe to say that everyone who was used to playing solo became extremely uncomfortable. It would be understandable if some new mode was like this, but making the entire Battlefield 5 like this is extremely hasty and not entirely the right decision. Actually, the people who took part in alpha testing are already extremely dissatisfied with what they saw, and the alpha was closed quite quickly. Perhaps sooner than planned, but this is just speculation, but perhaps they will redo the entire balance and direction of the main part of the series.

Bottom line

Judging by the feedback from alpha testing, the developers have chosen a completely different course for the development of the series. Players are dissatisfied with the balance and new team battles, although the new mode with a change of scenery and changing tasks is very good and interesting. It’s too early to say, testing is closed, we are waiting for a beta or new news from the developers.

The game releases on October 19 - a week after Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and a week before Red Dead Redemption 2. Buyers of the enhanced edition will receive several in-game bonuses and access to the full version of the project three days earlier - on October 16. EA Access (Xbox One) and Origins Access (PC) subscribers will be able to try out the shooter on October 11.

Battlefield V review. Release date. Video