A person who can read minds. Why do these people know how to read minds

Some people, especially those who want to manipulate others, would like to know -.
In addition to manipulators and others who want to influence people, there are people with a stuck (paranoid) character and hidden fears, anxiety, suspicion and suspicion ...

Such a person wants to know what and how people think, what they think ... He thinks that how to learn to read minds, so people will be under his rule, and nothing threatens him ...

Today, on the site, you will find out: is it possible and how to learn to read people's minds, And what you need to do…

How to read people's minds

To find out how to read people's minds, first you need to define what a "thought" is in general, and how a person thinks ... how does the thought process of an individual individual - in particular.

Thought Is a product of human thinking, i.e. activities of the mind, consciousness and subconsciousness.

Thoughts can be verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (in the form of images, pictures and representations). Most of a person's thoughts are accompanied by emotions and feelings, both positive and negative (depending on the thought itself).

Depending on the type of thinking (figurative, objective, verbal-logical ...), certain thoughts are formed in people. Each thought can be in the form of an idea, judgment, inference, belief, rule, assumption, attitude and belief ...

At one point in time, a whole stream of thoughts can go through the head, most of which are not realized by the person himself. That's why, to learn to read other people's minds, for a start, it's a good idea to learn how to read your own.

In fact, literally read people's minds, in the form in which they proceed in the brain of the thinker himself - no one can (the thinker himself is often confused in his own thoughts).

In other words, to learn to read other people's minds, You need to learn how to observe people, or rather observe what information they convey to you, both in words and posture, facial expressions and gestures, tone of voice and articulation, behavior and emotions, as well as physiological, vegetative reactions(redness, change in breathing, palpitations, etc.).

Those people who manipulate, deceive others, use fraud and rule - they do not know how to read minds, but they know well the subconscious desires and needs of people (in short, weaknesses), they know how to bring their thoughts into your brain ... and you will already think so , as they need ... which means they will know your thoughts ... (that's the whole secret).

Read more about thoughts and thinking:

Can a person read other people's thoughts from a distance? Yes! It can even be someone who does not have a developed gift of clairvoyance! Learn about this technology!

Everyone has inborn superpowers!

Everything in our Universe is a wave, and any wave is based on something material. For example, radio stations pick up waves of certain frequencies, convert them, and people can listen to music and news on the radio.

Any thought is also a wave.

People think, generate thoughts and at the same time emit different waves. And if a person knows how to radiate, then he must be able to receive them. This means that it is also true that every person has an innate ability to telepathy¹!

How to an ordinary person learn to read other people's thoughts at a distance? Especially if he does not have a developed gift of clairvoyance2 or other superpowers?

The technique of reading thoughts at a distance

The proposed technique is very simple; the only thing that is needed is. Its principle is similar to downloading a file to a computer from the "cloud" (information storage on the Internet).

1. The practitioner mentally asks a question that interests him. For example: "What does A. (name of the right person) think of me?"

2. The practitioner then chooses a place around him to concentrate on. For example, a point on the wall. The only condition: the distance to the object must be at least 1 meter.

3. Concentrating on the chosen point (this "cloud"), the practitioner begins to feel it as something material.

You need to continue looking at the point and bring concentration to the point where you feel the "density" of this point, as if it were a material object.

4. Concentrating and feeling it, the practitioner mentally "stretches" the sensations from a point to himself.

This is like a "thread" that runs from a point on the wall to the practitioner's head.

This is how a “wave” is built, a channel through which information flows from the point of concentration into the human mind!


At this moment, the head should be completely empty - no thoughts, no analysis.

5. The practitioner consciously keeps in consciousness this sensory channel from the point ("cloud"). After a certain time, the necessary information will begin to flow to the practitioner: the answer to the question he asked at the very beginning.

This is how thoughts are read from a distance. Thoughts can concern any people and a wide variety of issues.

Cholpon Egemberdieva

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy - the ability of the brain to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation (

Telepathic abilities are inherent in the nature of every person. In order to develop them, some may need only a few months, while others may need many years of training. It all depends on the regularity of practice, perseverance and natural inclinations. Success is achieved only if you work hard on yourself. In this article, we'll talk about how to learn to read people's minds.

Since ancient times, people have sought to master the superpower of reading the thoughts of people around them. A gladiator participating in a deadly duel would give a lot to penetrate the thoughts of an opponent. A commander, trying to predict at what time and from which side to expect a strike from the enemy, would not refuse the opportunity to find out the thoughts of the officers about the plan of attack. What can we say about a jealous wife, she certainly wants to know what "business" detains her husband after a working day!

How can you learn to read minds: technique

People who have mastered some of the skills of telepathy can give a lot of advice and even develop their own training program. Therefore, there are many techniques. However, the essence of each of the techniques comes down to one thing. Telepathy, i.e. reading thoughts at a distance is energy exchange information. If you summarize all the recommendations and learning systems, then the only conclusion arises: you can learn to read minds by mastering several principles.

  1. Any thought that is born in a person's head turns into an energy flow and becomes a part of the information field of the earth. It doesn't matter whether the thought was expressed in words or not.
  2. A person who is able to tune himself in to receive energy information signals and is capable of transforming them into a dictionary form is considered a telepath. The telepath acts like a receiver.

If these theses are taken for common framework, then we can say with confidence that learning to read the thoughts of other people is real only when you feel prana in yourself, i.e. energy of the information field of the planet. How to learn to read the thoughts of others with the help of prana? Yoga and various workouts will help to develop the skill of receiving prana.

One way to train the reception of prana looks like this:

  • Relax completely, try to distract yourself from everything and forget about things that bother you.
  • Sit in lotus position. It is with the help of this posture that you can contribute to the concentration of internal energy.
  • Try to imagine energy hovering around you, then let the energy in, absorb it and merge with it. Some people imagine this energy as heat penetrating inside, others imagine it as bright rays of the sun.

After, through training, you learn to let in and receive informational energy, it is time to train your telepathic abilities. For such training, you will need an assistant. The helper should try to convey the thought to you, and your task is to accept and read it. So, thanks to the assistant, you will learn in practice how to read other people's thoughts. It is worth choosing only the person whom you consider the most worthy. It is necessary to enter into a telepathic connection with another person only in good health and emotional calmness. If you treat this with disdain, you risk harming yourself and your helper. Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before telepathic communication.

The workout looks like this:

  • You and your assistant sit opposite each other in the lotus position.
  • Then you tune in to the reception of informational energy, into which the thoughts of your assistant will be transformed.
  • If you take your training responsibly and learn to accept informational energy, then the energy of your assistant will easily penetrate your mind and be transformed into words.

Be careful! The development of telepathic abilities is a rather dangerous occupation. A person who has the ability to read the minds of others is responsible for using it. Do not use telepathic practices for selfish purposes or in order to settle scores with your enemies. Use developed abilities whatever you want, just do not harm others, otherwise you will not escape retribution. In addition, to learn to read minds, you need to be able to properly use the newfound power.

It is very important for a telepath to have complete self-control. Otherwise, under the influence of random emotions, telepathic abilities can harm others. In order to learn how to control your emotions, you need to do the following exercise:

  • Think about something that is not causing you any emotion and focus on that thought. For example, about the weather on the street, a recently read book or seen a program. Remember, you shouldn't have any emotions.
  • Then suddenly switch your mind to an object that can trigger a powerful emotional reaction in you. For example, problems at work, relationships with loved ones.
  • After that, switch back to completely neutral thoughts.

With this exercise, you will be able to establish control over your emotions and learn how to forcefully get rid of negative thoughts.

It is possible to receive information not only from people, but also from objects. To do this, take the object you need in your hand, send a stream of energy into it and return it back. Thus, various images will begin to appear in your consciousness. The subject is able to convey to you all the accumulated information. This method was often used by the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga.

Article by the psychologist of the CENTER "5DA!" Marina Morozova

In the first half of the 20th century, Roman Arrago surprised the whole world by adding and multiplying five-digit numbers, and he squared four-digit numbers faster than an adding machine (the grandfather of a calculator). He himself explained this miracle simply: "I just calculate in my mind, and nothing more." And when asked how he manages to guess 100 percent any number that someone has thought of, he generally answered: "I just know him!" What is it: mind reading or quackery-trickery? If it's just a trick, then why can't anyone learn it?


There are many examples in the history of mankind mind reading... In the last century, the Englishwoman Jane Thomas surprised by the fact that calmly, without straining, unmistakably read minds those who surrounded her. Her family, and even relatives, completely unfamiliar people, more than once came across with their criminal thoughts by surprise. Moreover, she was surprised that others could not do such simple things.

In past centuries, the same Englishmen noticed that in some strange way, African tribes always know about what and where happened in their impenetrable jungle. As soon as a white man steps into their territory, this news spreads to all tribes, and they sometimes wait 3-4 days for the arrival of uninvited guests. How this happens is still a mystery. One thing is clear: something, but they absolutely do not need a radio. They have complete information even without him.

Healer living in India now, founder of the whole religious teaching who calls himself one of the incarnations of the Buddha, Satya-sai-baba always knows with what questions guests have come to him (and he has a lot of guests), what the crowds of followers of his teachings who come to him are thinking about his miracles.

In the 1980s, an interesting experiment was carried out by the laboratory of bioelectronics and bioengineering at Stanford. Two laboratory staff, acting as information transmitters, traveled as tourists around Eastern Europe... Every day for five days at 15:00 local time, they mentally transmitted their impressions to the percipient (a person with whom a mental communication channel was specially established, the so-called rapport with inductor) located in the USA, in the state of Wisconsin. The most amazing thing is that the percipient received their mental messages earlier than a day before sending - at 8.30 local time the previous day. Subsequently, it turned out that the messages and the received information completely coincided.


So, mind reading at a distance ... That this is a gift of God, marking the best of the best, or this the ability is originally inherent in everyone and it can be developed?

Undoubtedly, once upon a time humanity possessed telepathic abilities: and not only the inhabitants of Antlantis, but also the primitive tribes owned this art. With the development of civilization, people have lost these abilities ... as unnecessary. By the way, both plants and animals have the ability to read information (they understand "everything" but cannot say).

The further we moved away from nature, the fewer abilities we needed to survive... Though telepathy channels(obtaining information without the help of the senses and speech) are given to us at birth and now (apparently, just in case), but they remain in children only up to three years old.

Children not only feel great about their parents, but also read their minds... That is why the child's condition and development is often determined by the thoughts and feelings of his parents... I think it's not very pleasant for children to delve into the mass of dirty thoughts of mother and father ( modern man does not differ in purity of thought). Then these channels for children are blocked, and all the news: where is what is going on in the neighboring "tribes", we find out through other channels.

Why? Because a civilized person does not need telepathy, and humanity in our time is simply unworthy to possess telepathic abilities. For now, anyway. The temptation to use them for your own benefit is too great, and telepathy is not so harmless as it seems at first glance.

Often telepathic abilities reappear in the event of an accident, serious injury, serious illness. At the same time, the person does not understand what is happening to him. He perceives other people's thoughts as their own, or as voices from unknown worlds.

In such cases, it seems to many that they are going crazy, and some really start to have mental disorders.

So, Tatiana barely survived after a car accident. Still in intensive care, barely recovering from her senses, she began hear someone's voices... She thought she was going crazy with pain, but when she felt better, and when the pains completely passed, and she came to life, voices from the unknown world continued. She was accompanied by the feeling that someone had possessed her, although she did not believe in God or in the devil.

As a result, she really began clouding her mind from the constant presence, as it seemed to her, of several conflicting subjects in her head. As you might expect, treatment in a special clinic did not help. She became emaciated, tired of endless interrupting remarks and monologues of "unknowns". As a result, it still turned out that these remarks belonged to her relatives and those around her, or rather, they were their thoughts.

Hello dear readers! Recent times we are constantly told about the superpowers of people. Someone moves objects, others communicate with the dead, others read the thoughts of other people. What is it: a sick fantasy or quite real opportunities? Perhaps everyone is able to develop these skills?

Today we are going to talk about how to learn to read other people's minds quickly. Naturally, as always, I will not describe spells to you and find mystical confirmation. We will consider this phenomenon from the point of view of psychology.

Does telepathy exist

On the TV screen, we are often shown how Edward Cullen from "Twilight", Professor Xavier from "X-Men" or various psychics from the TNT channel read the thoughts of other people in 1 minute. Is this true or fiction? I will not undertake to guarantee with a guarantee whether mysticism exists or not. Everyone finds an answer for himself and I have no goal to impose my opinion.

Even in real life we find people with whom it is easy and simple for us to communicate. This is called "being on the same wavelength." They start, and we end the phrase. They do not need long, we already understood everything from the first words and even agreed.

In addition, there is such a concept in psychology as empathy, sympathy, mutual understanding. Some people, when they hear about someone else's problem, seem to feel it for themselves. They just understand a person, put themselves in his place. One gets the feeling that they themselves have experienced it all.

In a conversation, this is very quickly determined. Empaths have quite a lot of friends, they are easier than others, with them. People are always drawn to those who understand them, and empaths succeed with five points.

Telepathy, in my opinion, is an exaggerated empathy. Everyone decides for himself: in the imagination of the writers or using the inner qualities of a telepathic person. This answer determines whether you believe in mysticism or not.

How to develop your abilities

Each person has experience, innate attitudes, commitment to certain, so the first thing you need to learn to do is to clear your mind, at least from your thoughts.

For example, you think that there are no excuses for cheating, but will not agree with you. As long as you think from your own judgment, you will not be able to read the thoughts and understand others.

There are many techniques that can help you pull back. In hypnosis, the patient is forced to look at the clock, in religious practices they concentrate on sound, some are helped by looking at the flame, but for some it is not a problem to distance themselves under any conditions. This takes practice or talent.

After you get rid of your own attitudes, you need to imagine yourself as a different person, like an actor preparing for a role. The more and longer you know the person you are talking to, the better you will succeed.

Some people can complete the image based on some small details that they notice in a person: by the eyes, clothes, and so on. Sherlock Holmes's deductive method, if you will.

Of course, to see the past and the present is not enough. The most important thing is to use this knowledge to read minds: how did his upbringing affect his attitudes, what incidents at school could affect during his growing up, what he faced in his youth and what conclusions he came to.


Books can help with this. If you want to develop empathy in yourself using the methods used in psychology, then I can advise you Alana Siegela “Briefly. It's clear. Just"... In this book, you will find a lot of information about the role of empathy and ways to better understand other people.