Syntactic analysis of the sentence: SSP, SPP, BSP. Complex sentences. Compound and complex sentences

Complex (Ukrainian folding) are those sentences whose predicative parts are connected into one semantic and structural whole with the help of coordinating conjunctions and intonation. The order of predicative parts in SSPs (compound sentences) is relatively free in some types of sentences and fixed in others. Let's look at examples:

1. Either it was early morning, or evening was already coming (A. Fadeev).

2. There was no frost for three days, and the fog invisibly worked over the snow (M. Prishvin).

There is no doubt that in the first example the predicative parts can be swapped with virtually no damage to the meaning and structure of the entire joint sentence: Either it was already evening, or it was early morning. In the second example, it is impossible to do this without violating the structure of the entire SP, since the meaning of the second predicative part is explained by the content of the first - The fog worked invisibly over the snow, because there was no frost for three days. As we can see, when rearranging the predicative parts in the second example, the structure of the entire SP changes, that is, the SSP is transformed into the SPP ( complex sentence) with the subordinate part of the reason.

Types of compound sentences. Depending on the structural properties, the nature of the conjunction and lexical content, among the SSPs we can distinguish different kinds proposals. We consider it appropriate to use the classification proposed in “Modern Russian Language”, ed. D. E. Rosenthal (M., 1984):

1. Connective-enumerative. 5. Nasty.

2. Separating. 6. Connecting.

3. Propositions of consequence-conclusion. 7. Explanatory.

4. Comparative.

Of course, there is no clear boundary between these types of complex sentences, and this division is to one degree or another conditional.

Connective-enumerative BSC. These are sentences whose predicative parts are connected by connective-enumerative relations. They tend to have an open structure and often consist of more than two parts. The following conjunctions are typical for such proposals: and, yes(single and repeating), no no. Examples : 1. Meanwhile, the Koshevoy’s words were not in vain, And there was a shortage of food supplies in the city (N. Gogol). 2. Young leaves whispered, Yes finches sang here and there, Yes turtle doves cooed all over the same tree , Yes one cuckoo crowed, moving every time (I. Turgenev);

Separating SSP. The essence of these proposals is that the phenomena named in them turn out to be either incompatible in some way or mutually exclusive of each other. The predicative parts of these sentences are combined using conjunctions or, or (single and repeated), then...that, not that...not that, or...either, or...or and so on. Examples: In the stuffy air That pickaxes hit the stone, That the wheels of the wheelbarrows sang mournfully (M. Gorky); Or I'll arrange everything as before, or I will challenge him to a duel (I. Turgenev).

Consequence-inference SSP. These are closed structure proposals. They usually consist of two parts, which are arranged in a strictly defined order. There are two types of corollary-conclusion SSP: 1. Causal. The first part in such sentences indicates the cause, and the second - the effect or conclusion: The garden became cool and the guests returned to the house; The performance ended and the audience began to exit into the foyer. 2. Conditional investigation. The first part of such sentences contains a condition under which what is discussed in the second is possible. Feature conditional-consequential sentences: the predicate verb (the main member of the sentence) is used in them in the subjunctive or imperative mood. Such sentences, as a rule, are synonymous with complex sentences with a conditional conjunction If. Examples: If you had completed the task on time, there wouldn’t have been this unpleasant conversation; Prepare your abstracts and you can expect a higher grade.

Comparative BSCs. The peculiarity of comparative sentences is that, on the one hand, they compare the content of the predicative parts, and on the other, they establish a difference. Such sentences are characterized by conjunctions a, but, yes, however, but, the same, otherwise, not that. Examples: The cannonade became weaker, however the chatter of guns behind and to the right was heard more and more often (L. Tolstoy); For a long time, neither the ringing of a bell nor the sound of wheels on the flinty road was heard, A the poor old man was still standing in the same place, deep in thought (M. Lermontov).

Opposing BSCs. In adversative sentences, the opposition of events is indicated, their difference or inconsistency. Unions typical for such sentences: a, but, yes, however, but, same, only etc. As a rule, these are proposals of a closed structure. Examples: The bottom of the tower was stone, A wooden top (A. Chekhov); The song over the house has stopped, but the nightingale was flying over the pond (V. Korolenko);

Connection SSP are characterized by the fact that the second predicative part contains information that complements that which is already known from the first part. Such sentences usually use conjunctions yes and, and also, in addition, besides, moreover, at the same time, also, also etc. For example: Natasha spoke in a whisper, yes and the grandfather and the forester also spoke in low voices (K. Paustovsky); The water was warm, but not spoiled, and besides there was a lot of it (V. Garshin).

IN explanatory BSC one part using conjunctions that is, namely explains the content of the other. For example: June 12 forces Western Europe crossed the borders of Russia and the war began, that is an event contrary to human reason and all human nature took place (L. Tolstoy); In addition to plants, the garden has rooms for various animals, namely: Many towers with lattice towers were built for pigeons, and a huge wire cage was placed between the bushes for pheasants and other birds (I. Goncharov).

Questions and tasks

I. Can some complex sentences have a complex sentence as syntactic synonyms? Give examples if possible.

II. Depending on the semantic relationships between the predicative parts, highlight the types of complex sentences. Add missing punctuation marks.

1. ...Then a long branch will suddenly catch her by the neck, then the golden earrings will be torn out of her ears by force, then a wet shoe will get stuck in the fragile snow from her sweet little foot, then she will drop her scarf (A. Pushkin). 2. Advise them to meet me with childish love and obedience, otherwise they will not avoid cruel execution (A. Pushkin). 3. ...But look, don’t chat, or I’ll beat you up (A. Pushkin). 4. She became famous everywhere as a modest and sensible girl, but Ukraine and Russia send her enviable suitors (A. Pushkin). 5. Only occasionally will a timid deer run through the desert or a herd of playful horses will disturb the silence of the valley (M. Lermontov). 6. Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived (A. Griboyedov). 7. The insult is severe and the society of officers decides the duel (A. Kuprin). 8. Liza was frightened by the strangely aged look of Vera Nikandrovna, and she decided to object (A. Fadeev). 9. Andrei would be good, only he has gained a lot of weight... (A. Chekhov). 10. The builders still wanted to do a lot on this day, but the day was short in winter (V. Azhaev).

III. Select complex sentences of open and closed structure. Find sentences with a common minor member. Place the missing punctuation marks and explain their placement.

1. A battle will begin, difficult and long, maybe for the whole day until the evening, and for some of them this day will become the last day of life (V. Bykov). 2. The last shadows merged, and the darkness looked, blind, immense, and behind the mound a dead glow dimmed (A. Serafimovich). 3. The caravan either made its way among the rubble or made its way through dense thickets of dwarf trees... (G. Fedoseev). 4. The moon flashed in a clearing of clouds and the road lay down in a clear, steep arc along the rise (G. Nikolaeva). 5. On the shore, at the fishery, two fires were burning, but there was no one at sea (M. Gorky). 6. It seemed like fog fell, then suddenly it began to fall slantingly, and heavy rain (L. Tolstoy). 7. Either a proud horse hits him hard with his hoof, or a wolf tears him with a tooth, or an ox gores him with a sharp horn (I. Krylov). 8. At the beginning of April, starlings were already making noise and yellow butterflies were flying in the garden (A. Chekhov). 9. We are happy to listen to your songs, but just sing away from us (I. Krylov). 10. Every day a terrible wind blew, and during the night a hard, icy layer of crust formed on the snow (A. Kuprin). 11. Funny dragonflies chase each other over the meadow and colorful butterflies flutter (I. S. Mikitov). 12. There was no month, but the stars shone brightly in the black sky (L. Tolstoy). 13. It’s as if I’m on sails, there’s a wide blue sky above me and big white birds are flying around (A. Chekhov). 14. Along the streets, in place of houses, there were piles of coals and smoky walls without roofs or windows stuck out (A. Pushkin). 15. The night passed under a large clear moon and by morning the first frost had settled (M. Prishvin).

January 10, 2015

Traditionally (and in school grammar) a complex sentence was understood as a combination of simple sentences, achieved using certain syntactic means and characterized by semantic, constructive and intonation integrity. But its parts are not simple sentences, since: 1) they often cannot be independent communicative units, but exist only as part of a complex one; 2) do not have intonation completeness; 3) the entire proposal entirely answers one information question, i.e. represents one communicative unit. It is more correct to consider them not simple sentences, but predicative units.

Classification of complex sentences

We will analyze compound and complex sentences, examples and their classification. Let's start with the fact that both are complex. Complex sentences differ in the nature of the connection, the nature of the predicative units, and the order of the parts. They are union and non-union. Conjunctive sentences, which we will focus on in this article, are, in turn, divided into compound and complex sentences (see examples below).

Complex sentence (SSP)

SSPs are complex sentences, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions and are grammatically independent of each other, i.e. are in a relationship of equality, equivalence.

The specificity of coordinating conjunctions lies primarily in the fact that they are in a fixed position - always between the predicative units being connected (except for repeating conjunctions). They are not included in any part of complex sentences. When changing the order of predicative units, the place of the conjunction does not change. Analysis of a complex sentence and examples of its various types are given in this article.

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Classification of compound conjunctions

The classification of SSPs in "Russian Grammar-80" is based on the division of conjunctions on the basis of unambiguity/ambiguity. Conjunctions of the non-differentiating type include: and, a, but, yes, same, or, or and their synonyms. They tend to express a certain type of relationship, but their meaning is always determined to one degree or another by the context or specified by the specifier. Conjunctions of the differentiating type (mostly conjunctive analogues) unambiguously qualify certain relations: that is, namely, therefore, also, on the contrary, or rather, etc., which a complex sentence has.

Examples of BSC with non-differentiating type unions

  • Her heart was beating strongly, and her thoughts could not stop at anything (actually connecting).
  • I called and the door was immediately opened for me (inappropriately connecting with a positive qualification of communication).
  • He never kept his word, and this is very bad (improper connecting, connecting-commenting).
  • He joked, and I was angry (comparative).
  • Life goes by quickly, and you haven’t had time to do anything yet (inconsistency, complex sentence).

Examples with the conjunction "but":

  • There is no rain, but the air is quite humid (oppositional).
  • He is not very diligent, but he plays music with pleasure (opposite-compensatory).
  • It’s quite dark, but they haven’t turned on the lights yet (opposite-restrictive).
  • It smells like hay, but the smell is thick and delicate (adjunctive compound sentence).

Examples with conjunctions “or”, “or”:

  • Let him move here, to the outbuilding, or I will move from here (modally complicated).
  • Either I'm wrong, or she's telling a lie (modally uncomplicated complex sentence).

Examples of BSC with differentiating type unions

  • I don’t know how to recite poetry, that is, I don’t like to read them with any special expression (explanatory).
  • There was already snow, but it was quite warm (there were no severe frosts yet) (opposite).
  • I never teased her; on the contrary, I treated her very carefully (optional-commentary).
  • He spoke for a long time and monotonously, so he tired everyone out (cause and effect).
  • Not only my friends treated his weaknesses condescendingly, but also envious people did not dare to object to him (gradational).

Complex sentence (SPP)

SPP is a complex sentence in which there is a dependence of parts connected by subordinate means of communication: conjunctions and allied words.

The structural-semantic classification of SPP is based on an important formal feature - the nature of the syntactic, formal dependence of the subordinate part on the main one. This feature unites the scientific classifications of V.A. Beloshapkova and "Russian Grammar-80". All SPPs are divided into sentences of undivided and dissected types. Their differential features are like that.

Undivided type

1. The subordinate part is in a clause position (refers to one word in the main one), a clause or correlative connection (refers to a demonstrative pronoun).

2. One of the parts is synsemantic, i.e. cannot be a semantically sufficient communicative unit outside of a complex sentence.

3. Means of communication - syntactic (multi-valued) conjunctions and allied words.

Exploded type

1. The subordinate clause refers to the entire main sentence: a determinative connection.

2. Both parts are autosemantic, i.e. potentially capable of existing independently.

3. Means of communication - semantic (unambiguous) conjunctions.

The most important sign is the first, structural feature.

Further classification of dissected type SPPs is carried out taking into account the content, semantic aspects (such as time, condition, concession, cause, purpose, consequence, comparative, comparative aspect that a complex sentence may have).

Examples from fiction and other suggestions:

  • Several hours have passed since I left the city (temporarily).
  • If you can, come by two o'clock (condition).
  • Although it was already late, the lights were on in the house (concession).
  • I almost never have free time, because music requires full dedication (reason).
  • To study well, you need to work hard (goal).
  • His eyes shone like stars shine in the dark sky (comparative).
  • If he masters thought, then he even more masters form (comparative).

The classification of NGN of an undifferentiated type is primarily based on a structural feature - the nature of the means of communication, and only at the second stage - on semantic differences.

Types of non-divided type IBS

1. With a union connection: explanatory, defining (quantitative, qualitative, qualification) and comparative.

2. With pronominal connection: pronominal interrogative and pronominal relative complex sentence.

Examples from fiction and other sentences with conjunctions:

  • It’s stupid that you won’t come (explanatory).
  • The air is so clean, as if it were not there (definitive, quantitative).
  • He spoke quickly, as if he was being urged on (definitive, qualitative).
  • All this happened as if no one was in the room (determinative complex sentence).

Examples from literature and other sentences with pronominal connections:

  • You had to hear how he spoke (pronominal interrogative).
  • The house we live in is new (pronominal relative, oriented).
  • No matter who applied, there was no refusal (pronominal-relative, unoriented complex sentence).

Examples of sentences (grade 5, the Russian language textbook will help you continue this list), as you can see, can be given in a variety of ways.

More details theoretical part can be found in many manuals (for example, V.A. Beloshapkova “Modern Russian Language”, “Russian Grammar-80”, etc.).

What is a Compound Sentence?

Complex sentence is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by coordinating conjunctions. The old prince was still in the city, and they were waiting for him every minute (L.. Tolsto). The old man was clearly indignant, and Grigory frowned (Sholokhov). The connection between the parts of a complex sentence is also carried out by other grammatical as well as lexical means (See complex sentence). The Germans will leave, and the entire territory they occupy will pass into the hands of the Red Army (N. Ostrovsky) (incomplete intonation of the first part)

verb form ratio perfect form, conveying the following relation; the order of the parts corresponds to the order of the actions being discussed). Liza was frightened by the strangely aged look of Vera Nikandrovna, and she did not dare to object (Fedin) (the interconnection of the parts and the semantic lack of independence of the second part are emphasized by the use of the pronoun she). It smelled in the hallway fresh apples and wolf and fox skins hung (L. Tolstoy) (parts of a complex sentence are united by a common minor member e entry). It was already quite dawn and the people began to rise when I returned to my room (L. Tolstoy) (both parts are united by a common subordinate clause). The older boy's name was Petya, and the younger one was Pavlik (Kataev) (incompleteness of the second part). The snow is still white in the fields, and the waters are noisy in the spring (Tyutchev) (the interdependence of the parts is expressed using the words yet... well). There can be relationships between the parts of a complex sentence:

1) connecting (with the meaning of simultaneity, sequence, cause and effect, etc.). Dark rainy clouds were approaching from the east, and moisture was sipping from there (Chekhov). Pierre entered the children, and the laughter and screams intensified even more (L. Tolstoi). That day I was a little unwell, and therefore I did not wait for dinner and went to bed (Arsenyev);

2) dividing (with the meaning of incompatibility, alternation, mutual exclusion). Now the sun shines dimly, now a black cloud hangs (N e-krasov). Either you get dressed now, or I will leave alone (Pisemsky);

3) adversative (with the meaning of opposition, inconsistency). Everyone looked after him, but no one smiled (Turgenev). He is an awkward, disheveled, ragged man, but his face is almost beautiful (Gorky);

4) comparative. The rooms were stuffy, and dust swirled in the streets (Chekhov). The guns in the arsenals rust, but the shakos shine (Simonov);

5) connecting e. Both listened and spoke too animatedly and naturally, and Anna Pavlovna (L. Tolstoy) did not like this. Lisa’s decision removed a stone from his heart, and the whole house immediately came to life, as if from a sent down peace (Fedin).

Main groups of compound sentences.

Based on conjunctions that connect parts of a complex sentence, complex sentences are divided into three main groups:

1) complex sentences with connective and conjunctions (and, yes, no, no, too, also, 2) compound sentences with separators and conjunctions (or,either, then - that, not that - not that); 3) complex sentences with adversarial and conjunctions ( But, and, yes, but, same, however, otherwise, not that ).

Different unions express different relationships between simple sentences that are part of a complex sentence, for example: 1) conjunction And can express the simultaneity of phenomena: The transparent forest alone turns black, And spruce turns green through frost, And the river glitters under the ice (P.); 2) union But expresses the contrast: I called you, But You didn’t look back. (Block.)

Various semantic relationships between sentences when they are composed are expressed not only by conjunctions, but often by the relationship verb forms, as well as lexical means, in particular pronominal words included in the second sentence.

1) The sun has just village, and scarlet thin light lying on green vines, on tall stamens, on dry ground. (T.) Union And expresses a sequence of phenomena. Predicate in the first sentence (village) expressed by a perfective verb, and in the second sentence - by the verb imperfect form (lying). These verb forms allow us to indicate that after a short-term action, a long-term action arose.

2) and that's why I didn’t wait for dinner and went to bed. (Ars.) In this example, the second sentence in meaning is a consequence of the first; this meaning is supported by the pronominal adverb That's why.(Wed: I wasn't feeling well that day, And I didn’t wait for dinner and went to bed.)

3) Marianne Not She was a child, but in her directness and simplicity of feeling she was like a child. (T.) The meaning of opposition is supported in this example by the negative particle Not with the predicate of the first sentence.

Compound sentences with connecting conjunctions.

1. Union And ambiguous: it may indicate simultaneity of actions (sat and was silent) on their sequence (jumped up and ran) on the conditionality of one action by another (He screamed in his sleep and woke up, i.e. woke up from a scream), etc. Therefore, in a complex sentence, he can connect parts that speak of the simultaneity of events, or of their following each other, or of the conditionality of one event by another. Let's look at examples: 1) The harvested ear bends, And wheat rises like a wall, And my friend's silver voice sings our sonorous song. (OK.)(This complex sentence consists of three parts; in a complex sentence, the simultaneity of phenomena is established; simultaneity is expressed by enumerative intonation, conjunction and uniformity of verb forms: in all three parts, the predicates are verbs of the imperfect form of the present tense.) 2) The coachman whistled And the horses galloped. (P.)(This complex sentence conveys a sequence of phenomena; the sequence is expressed by the conjunction And, lexical meanings of verb forms; predicates are expressed by past perfect verbs.) 3) Lightning flashed , and after that a sharp clap of thunder was heard.(This sentence conveys a sequence of phenomena; the sequence is expressed primarily by the combination after that, A also the union i.) 4) Meanwhile, the darkness became increasingly denser, And objects lost their contours. (Ch.)(The second part of the sentence has the meaning of a consequence.) 5) I don’t know you, Daria Mikhailovna, And because I can’t not like you. (T.)(In this example, the presence of a pronominal adverb That's why in the second part, he emphasizes the meaning of the consequence.) In scientific prose, time sequence is very often combined with the meaning of the consequence, for example: The Earth gradually cooled down and gave up its heat into the cold interplanetary space. Finally, her temperature approached 100°, and then the water vapor of the atmosphere began to condense into drops and rushed in the form of rain onto the hot desert surface of the earth.(Oparin.) In the second compound sentence, a simple sentence attached by a conjunction And , which is combined with the word then, includes subsequent events that are a consequence. In scientific and business speech There are also complex sentences with a conditional consequential meaning, for example: Change the type of metabolism of a living body, and you will change heredity. (The first part with a predicate in the form of the imperative mood has the meaning of a condition, and the second - with a predicate in the form of the future tense - has the meaning of a consequence.)

2. The connecting conjunction is used much less often in the literary language Yes. It is found mainly in artistic speech, for example: A hungry wolf in the wilderness moaned shrilly, Yes the wind beat and roared, playing on the river. (N.) It has an additional colloquial or folkloric connotation.

3. Unions Same And Also in meaning they are close to the union And, but they do not stand between the parts of the sentence, but inside the second part; they may have an additional conjunction And .

EXAMPLES. 1) Tears have dried in my eyes, sister Same stopped crying. (A.) 2) The strange old man spoke very drawlingly, the sound of his voice Also amazed me. (T.)

4. Union neither -neither (in modern literary language only repeated) combines two meanings: connecting conjunction And and reinforcing particle neither, which is used in negative sentences, therefore the conjunction no no used to connect negative sentences.

Example. Neither I can't see the light of the sun, neither There is no room for my roots. (Kr.)(Wed: And I can’t see the light of the sun, And there is no room for my roots.)

Compound sentences with disjunctive conjunctions.

1. Union or indicates the presence or possibility of one of two or a number of phenomena, as well as the alternation of phenomena referred to in sentences. examples . 1) Only occasionally does a timid deer run through the desert, or The playful herd of horses will outrage the silence of the valley. (L.) 2) Il the plague will catch me, or the frost will ossify, or A slow disabled person will slam a barrier into my forehead. (P.)

2. Union this and that (repeating only) indicates alternation of phenomena.

EXAMPLE That the door will creak, That the gate will quietly open, That a hunched figure trudges from house to house through the vegetable gardens.


3. Union not that - not that(repeated only) indicates the difficulty of distinguishing one from two or from a series of phenomena due to the uncertainty of the impression from each

Example. Not that who were given the horses, not that who's new has arrived.(Danilevsky.)

Unions or, this and that stylistically neutral, sentences

they can be used in any style of speech. Unions il, not that - not that have a touch of colloquialism, designs with them are more typical of everyday style

Compound sentences with adversative conjunctions.

1. Union A indicates that the second phenomenon is the opposite of the first or is somehow different from it.

EXAMPLES. 1) They woke up - A We're going to bed. (T.) 2) I met a man and a woman in the swamp. He walked with a scythe A she is with a rake. (Etc.)

2. Unions but, yes, but, however indicate that the second phenomenon is the opposite of the first. Union Yes, like a connecting conjunction Yes, has an additional colloquial or folkloric connotation.

EXAMPLES. 1) The sun has set But It's still light in the forest. (T.)

2) I lay as if in oblivion, But sleep did not close my eyes. (Adv.) 3) The hot face was looking for the wind, Yes there was no wind. (T.) 4) More than one stripe is visible on the sides of your sunken whips, but In the inns' yards you ate plenty of oats. (N.)

3. Union same combines two meanings: an adversative conjunction and an intensifying particle; therefore, it does not stand between parts of sentences, but after the first word in the second part of sentences (especially highlighting this word); it is used, as a rule, to connect sentences rather than individual words.

EXAMPLE The student himself laughed the most fun and loudest, he most likely he stopped. (M.G.)

4. Unions otherwise, not that correspond in meaning to the words otherwise, otherwise; sentences with them are usually used in everyday speech.

EXAMPLES. 1) You, Tisha, come quickly, otherwise Mama will scold again. (Sharp). 2) Tell the truth not that you'll get it.

The connecting meaning of coordinating conjunctions.

Some coordinating conjunctions (and, yes, or, ah, But, however) are used in a connecting sense. In this case, they add additional thoughts, which are: a) a consequence, a conclusion; b) a passing remark; c) something unexpected that suddenly came to mind. Some unions, for example yes and have only connecting meaning. Before conjunctions with a connecting meaning, the voice is lowered and a pause is made.

EXAMPLES. 1) We climbed another mountain, the last one, And Immediately in front of them a large, cheerful city lit up with a bunch of lights.(Union And adds a consequence.) 2) This continues until everyone laughs in unison, and finally himself. (Gonch.)(Union And in combination with the word finally appends the conclusion in time sequence.) 3) The snub-nosed high school student Vyacheslav Semashko came to the owner, Yes Sometimes young lady Ptitsyna came in. (M.G.)(Union Yes attaches a thought in a sequential statement, but one that arose as if after the first one.) 4) Poor Nadenka no longer has a place to hear those words, Yes and there is no one to pronounce them. (Ch.)(Special Affiliation Union Yes And attaches an additional remark from the narrator, who feels sorry for Nadenka and sympathizes with her.) 5) A hungry hut appeared before my eyes, and in the hungry hut the sick mother lay.(Unbelievable) (Union A , in logical meaning approaching the union And , adds an additional thought, caused in the creation by the picture of the hut that appeared before the eyes.) 6) IN Grandfather lived in the house on Polevaya Street for no more than a year , but also During this time, the house acquired noisy fame. (M.G.)(Union But combined with union And adds the opposite of what follows from the content of the first sentence.)

Very often, conjunctions with an adjunct meaning add not part of a complex sentence, but a new sentence, for example: 1) There are lanterns on all corners and they burn at full intensity. AND the windows are lighted. (K.S.)(Union And adds a new proposal; connecting connection allows you to highlight something very surprising and very important in this moment for the narrator, who has not seen lighted windows for a long time. Wed: There are lanterns on all corners, burning at full intensity, the windows are illuminated.) 2) It’s time, my child, get up!.. Are you ready, beauty? (P.)(Union Yes starts a new interrogative sentence caused by something unexpected; Here Yes approaches the meaning of interrogative particles really, really.)

Explanatory sentences.

A special group, close to sentences joined by coordinating conjunctions, consists of explanatory sentences with conjunctions that is, namely. In these sentences, the speaker explains and specifies the thought expressed in the first part, for example:

1) Our garden is dying, strangers are already in charge of it, that is The very thing that the poor father was so afraid of happens. (Ch.) 2) Thunderstorms have a beneficial effect on nature, namely: It purifies and cools the air.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with coordinating conjunctions.

Between parts of a sentence connected by coordinating conjunctions, a comma is placed.

EXAMPLES. 1) The sea murmured dully, and the waves beat against the shore madly and angrily. (M. G.) 2) Nezhdanov was sleeping, and Marianna was sitting under the window and looking into the garden. (T.) 3) You work a lot, but there is no benefit in it. (Kr.) 4) The sun had set behind the mountains, but it was still light. (L.) 5) There was a strong explosion, but the guys were not taken aback. If the word however is in the middle of a sentence, it is separated by commas as an introductory word, for example: There was a strong explosion, but the guys, however, were not taken aback.

If the parts being connected are significantly common and already have commas inside them, then a semicolon is placed between them; A semicolon is also placed before a sentence that, although not very common, is of an additional nature and is less related to the previous one in meaning. In these cases, between sentences the voice is lowered and there is a pause.

EXAMPLES. 1) Almost every evening they went somewhere out of town, to Oreanda or to a waterfall; and the walk was a success, the impressions were invariably beautiful and majestic every time. (Ch.) 2) I only had blue paint; but, despite this, I decided to draw a hunt. (L.T.) 3) Irina again looked him straight in the face; but this time she smiled. (T.)

EXAMPLES. 1) The arrow comes out of the quiver, shoots up, and the Cossack falls. (P.) 2) I I moved to the second hut - and there was not a soul in the second hut. (T.) 3) I I’m in a hurry to get there - and there’s already everyone there

city. (P.)

Note: A comma is not placed before connecting and disjunctive conjunctions if the sentences they connect have a common minor member or a common subordinate clause, which determines the close semantic unity of these sentences, for example:

1) Along the streets heavy trucks were moving and cars were racing. 2) The stars had already begun to fade and the sky was turning grey, when the carriage approached the porch of the house in Vasilyevsky.(T.)

Exercise 115. Write by inserting the missing letters. Indicate conjunctions connecting parts of a complex sentence and the relationships between these parts; Explain punctuation marks.

1. The air breathes the aroma of spring, and all nature comes to life. (L.) 2) A year passes, and Theodore returns to his side. (P.) 3) And the batteries fell silent, and the drums began to beat. (L.) 4) The drums began to crack and the infidels retreated. (L.) 5) Only here and there they twinkled, stretched out and immediately... the trembling reflections of the stars disappeared on the running streams, and sometimes a playful wave jumped onto the shore and ran towards us. (Cor.) 6) The nightingale finished its last songs, and the other songbirds all stopped singing. (A.) 7) He was silent for a second, his mother looked at him also silently. (M.G.) 8) It was dark, but I still saw trees, water, and people. (Ch.) 9) The chaise was driving straight, but for some reason the mill began to move to the left... . (Ch.) 10) He joked, and I was angry. (P.) 11) Pugachev gave a sign, and they immediately released me and left me. (P.) 12) My father wished me a good journey, and my daughter accompanied me to the cart. (P.) 13) His friends advised him to complain; but the caretaker thought, waved his hand and decided to retreat. (P.) 14) The house dog will hover, or the breeze will...swish through the leaves of the darkening oak tree, or a bird will timidly fly by. (Language) 15) Either everything in her breathes the truth, then everything in her is feigned and false. It is n...possible to understand her, but love her is n...possible. (L.) 16) She was raised in the old-fashioned way, that is, surrounded by mothers, nannies, girlfriends and hay girls, she sewed with gold and did not know how to read and write. (P.) 17) The fog rises faster and faster from the meadows and turns silver in sunbeam, and behind him bushes rise from the ground. (M.G.) 18) Everyone knew her (Lizaveta Ivanovna), and no one... noticed. (P.)

116 . Read and title the text, indicate complex sentences with conjunctions and the meaning of these sentences; copy it down, adding the missing punctuation marks.

The weather was good and quiet at first. The blackbirds were screaming, and in the swamp nearby something living was humming plaintively, as if blowing into an empty bottle. One woodcock held out and the shot at it sounded loud and cheerful in the spring air. But when it got dark in the forest, a cold, piercing wind inappropriately blew from the east, and everything fell silent. Ice needles stretched across the puddles and the forest became uncomfortably deaf and unsociable. It smelled like winter.

(A.P. Chekhov.)

117. Indicate compound sentences and their meaning; copy it down, filling in the missing punctuation marks. After that, explain the spelling of particles Not And neither.

I. 1) I was playful, lazy and hot-tempered, but sensitive and ambitious, and with affection you could get anything from me. Unfortunately, everyone interfered in my upbringing and no one knew how to take charge of me. (P.) 2) A green network of grass covers the sleeping pond and behind the pond the village smokes and fogs rise in the distance over the fields. I enter a dark alley, through the bushes the evening ray looks out and the yellow leaves rustle under timid steps. (L.) 3) Ostap had already gone about his business and had long gone to the kurens. Andriy himself, without knowing why, felt some kind of stuffiness in his heart. (G.) 4) The table and bed stood on former places but there were no longer flowers on the windows and everything around showed disrepair and neglect. (P.) 5) The days of late autumn are usually scolded, but to me they are dear, dear reader. (P.) 6) The air is empty; no more birds can be heard, but it is far away even before the first winter storms, and clear and light azure pours onto the resting field. (Tyutch.) 7) Sometimes, again, I will become drunk with harmony over fiction and shed tears, and maybe at my sad sunset, love will flash with a farewell smile. (P.) 8) Rumors about me will spread throughout Great Rus' and every language in it will call me. (P.)

II. 1) It was spring. The sun was getting hotter. On the southern slopes of the hillocks the snow had melted and the earth, red from last year's grass, was already covered at noon with a transparent lilac haze of vapors. On the snowdrifts on the mounds, from under the native stones that had grown into the loam, the first bright green, sharp sprouts of verdigris grass appeared. The chill was exposed. From the abandoned winter roads, the rooks migrated to the threshing floor to the winter fields flooded with melt water. In the ravines and gullies the snow lay blue to the brim with moisture; from there the cold was still blowing sternly, but the sounds were already ringing subtly and melodiously in the ravines under the snow. visible to the eye spring streams and, quite like spring, the trunks of poplars turned slightly noticeably and tenderly green in the copses. (Shol.) 2) Soon a huge convoy stretched from the farmstead to the mountain. The women who came out for the run waved their handkerchiefs to those leaving for a long time, and then drifting snow rose in the steppe and behind the snowy boiling haze it became impossible to see either the carts slowly climbing the mountain or the Cossacks walking next to them. (Shol.)

118. Read, indicate compound sentences and their meaning; then specify separate members offers. Copy using missing punctuation marks. After this, explain the spelling of suffixes of adjectives and participles.

1) Under the clouds, larks trembled, filling the air with silver sounds, and rooks flew over the green arable lands, flapping their wings solidly and decorously. (Ch.) 2) The foliage did not move on the trees, the cicadas were screaming and the monotonous dull sound of the sea coming from below spoke of peace. (Ch.) 3) The distance was visible as if during the day, but its delicate lilac color, shaded by the evening darkness, disappeared and the entire steppe was hidden in darkness. (Ch.) 4) From behind a ridge of sandy hillocks to their left, the moon appeared, bathing the sea in a silver sheen. Big meek she slowly floated up the deep vault The bright shine of the stars in the sky paled and melted in its even, dreamy light. (M.G.) 5) The oars fell together into the waves and the longboat rushed forward into the wide plain of illuminated water. (M.G.) 6) At night, the soft sound of his sleepy breath floats smoothly over the sea; this immense sound infuses calm into a person’s soul and, gently taming its evil impulses, gives birth to powerful dreams. (M.G.)

119. Read and title the text; indicate where coordinating conjunctions connect homogeneous members, where - simple sentences and where - self-composed; then indicate the meaning of compound sentences; write it down, filling in the missing commas. Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.

The black cloud had completely moved in and it was no longer the sunrise that was visible, but the lightning that illuminated the entire yard and the collapsing house with broken porches, and thunder was already heard overhead. All the birds became silent, but the leaves began to rustle and the wind reached the porch where Nekhlyudov sat, moving his hair. One drop flew, another drummed on the burdocks of the iron roof and the whole air flared up brightly; everything became quiet and before Nekhlyudov had time to count three, something terribly cracked above his head and rolled across the sky.

(L.N. T o l s t o y.)

120. Write it down, opening the parentheses. Emphasize coordinating conjunctions.

1) He [Saburov] had the most people for (That) he had to walk straight across the entire square. (K.S.) 2) By dusk we (before) walked (before) watershed. The people were very hungry, the horses, then (same) needed rest. (Ars.) 3) Ahead, on a dusty field, then (same) the carts were moving, and those (same) yellow sheaves were visible, and so (same) the sounds of carts, voices and songs came from afar. (L. T.) 4) Not (That) these were flashes of distant explosions, not (That) lightning flashes sparkled. 5) It slammed somewhere (That), then suddenly there was a howl, then as if someone (That) walked down the corridor. (S.-Sch.) 6) A few minutes later everything in the village fell asleep, it’s only been like this for a month (same) sailed brilliantly and wonderfully in the vast deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky. So (same) breathed solemnly in the heights... (G.)


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Compound sentence - this is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning.

Coordinating conjunctions that connect simple sentences are found between simple sentences and are not included in any of them.

By conjunctions and by meaning compound sentences are divided into six groups.

1. Complex sentences With connecting unions: and, yes(= i), nor- neither. They talk about a) the simultaneity of events and phenomena, or b) their succession, or c) the conditionality of one event by another. For example: a) Neither [ viburnum does not grow between them], nor [ grass Not turns green] (I. Turgenev)- No no ; AND [ the wind was rushing fast through the weeds], and [sheaves sparks flew through the fogs]... (A. Blok)- And, and; [Only oriole gi shouting], Yes[cuckoos vying with each other count down someone has unlived years] (M. Sholokhov)- , Yes ;

b) [Two or three fell large drops rain], and [suddenly lightning flashed]. (I. Goncharov) - [], And ; [Door across the street in a brightly lit store slammed], and [from it showed Xia citizen]. (M. Bulgakov)- , And .

V) [Life is given once], and [ I want to live her cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully] (A. Chekhov)(the second sentence expresses the result, consequence, conclusion from the content of the first) - , and ; [Tell you give her two words], and [ she is saved] (A. Chekhov)(in the first sentence the condition of the action (state) in the second is indicated) - , and ; [It was getting hot], and I hurried home] (M. Lermontov)(in the first sentence the reason for the action in the second is indicated) -, and; [Free seats did not have], and [im had to stand] (V. Rasputin)- , And .

2. Complex sentences with separators unions: or (or), either, whether- or then- this, not that- neither this nor that- either. They indicate alternation phenomena, on possibility (choice) one phenomena of two or several. For example: [The dog will bark brownie], il [ the breeze will rustle in sheets of darkening will fly by] (N. Yazykov [], il , il ; That [ Sun dim glitters], That [ cloud black hanging(N. Nekrasov)

This, that; Not that [ it was getting light], not that [ it was getting dark] (Yu. German)- Not that, not that (in sentences with conjunctions either- either or not- not that mutual exclusion is complicated by the meaning of conjecture or an indication of the difficulty in choosing the exact designation of the situation).

3. Complex sentences With adversative unions: ah, but, yes(= but), however, on the other hand, only. In them, one phenomenon is contrasted with another or differs in some way from it. For example: [Ranks people are given], A [people can be deceived] (A. Griboyedov)- , A ; [Beliefs are instilled theory], [ behavior same is being formed example] (A. Herzen)(union same combines two meanings: an adversative conjunction and an intensifying particle; therefore, it does not stand between simple sentences, but after the first word of the second sentence, highlighting this word) - , [same]; [They, Certainly, don't know me], yes \I them I know] (F. Dostoevsky)- , Yes ; [Fedya never didn't cry], but [ found it's wild at times stubbornness] (I. Turgenev)- , but ; [She didn't move], Just a bit eyebrows moved] (V. Rasputin)- , only ; [Was it's already spring month March], however [at night the trees were cracking from the cold, like in December] (A. Chekhov)- , however . (The adversative conjunction “however” always appears at the beginning of a simple sentence; it can be replaced by the conjunction “but”; a comma is not placed after it. The introductory word “however”, which is homonymous to the conjunction, does not appear at the beginning (i.e., in the middle or at the end) sentences and are separated by commas in writing. Compare: We were all waiting for him, however (but) he did not come.- We were all waiting for him, but he didn’t come.)

4. Complex sentences With gradational-comparative conjunctions: not only... but also, not that... but (but), if not... then, not that... but (a), not so much... as. In such sentences there is a comparison or opposition of phenomena according to degree
significance: what is communicated in the second sentence is presented as in one way or another more significant, effective or convincing compared to what is said in the first (what is said in the second sentence has a greater degree of significance for the speaker). For example: [ Cmnot really cruel, but [he's too de yat splendid character] (L. Tolstoy)- not just that, but; Not only [ Sonya without paint couldn't stand it this look], but also [old Countess and Natasha blushed, noticing this look] (L. Tolstoy)- Not only but .

5. Complex sentences With connecting unions: and, too, also, moreover, moreover. The second sentence in them has the character of an additional or incidental remark, often unexpected, as if it had just come to mind. [He felt in front of her as a child], and [ she thought him for the child] (F. Dostoevsky)- , yes and ; [Poor Nadenka has nowhere else to go hear those words], and [no one pronounce them] (Ah, Chekhov)- , yes and ; [Face her it was pale], [slightly open lips Same turned pale] (I. Turgenev)- ., [too] (conjunctions Same And Also in meaning they are close to the union And, but they do not stand between simple sentences, but inside the second one).

6. Complex sentences with explanatory notes unions: that is, namely, They indicate the identity, equivalence of situations, while the second sentence explains and concretizes the thought expressed in the first. For example: [Also here lived in his native Lozishchi and to a certain Osip Lozinsky], that is [ lived, to tell the truth, it doesn’t matter] (V. Korolenko)- , that is ; [Men's room the servants were brought we have to a minimum], namely: [for the whole house no more than two lackeys were supposed to be sufficient] (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)- , namely .

Syntactic analysis of complex sentences

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2 Describe the proposal for emotional coloring(exclamation or non-exclamation).

3. Determine the number of simple sentences in a complex sentence and find their boundaries, highlight grammar basics each simple sentence that is part of a complex one.

4.Indicate which coordinating conjunction connect simple sentences into complex ones, and determine the semantic relationships between them.

5 Create a graphic diagram of a complex sentence.

6. Explain punctuation marks.

Sample analysis of a complex sentence

[You are many years late], but [still I glad) (A. Akhmatova).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, consists of two simple sentences connected by the coordinating adversative conjunction “but”, a relation of opposition (with a hint of concession); simple sentences within a compound sentence are separated in writing by a comma.

That \ fell as if fog], then [suddenly allowed oblique, large rain] (L. Tolstoy).

This, that.

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, consists of two simple sentences connected by a repeating coordinating disjunctive conjunction “this - that”, an alternation relationship; simple sentences within a compound sentence are separated in writing by a comma.

[Women flash by in tents], and [ mongrels yapping sha-lye], and [samovars roses scarlet are burning in taverns and houses] (O. Mandelstam).

And, and.

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, consists of three simple sentences connected by repeated coordinating connecting union“and”, simultaneous phenomena are listed; simple sentences within a compound sentence are separated in writing by commas.