Transferring money to a Webmoney wallet from a Yandex wallet: how to do it? Withdrawing money from WebMoney to a Yandex wallet Replenishing webmoney via Yandex money

Hello, dear friends. Today we will talk about linking a Yandex.Money wallet to a WebMoney wallet. This is the only way to transfer money from one payment system to another and back. Of course, I don’t take into account exchange services, we are talking specifically about transferring money from one payment system to another.

The advantage, of course, is instant transfer between systems.

The downside is the transfer fee is 4.5% and there are limits - 15,000 rubles per day and 300,000 rubles per month.

First, you will have to confirm your identity in both the Yandex.Money system and WebMoney. This is required the federal law Russian Federation No. 161 “On the national payment system.”

To identify your identity in Yandex, you will have to pay 50 rubles and visit the Yandex.Money office or Russian Post, Euroset, Contact. I described an example of identification through the Euroset in.

With WebMoney it’s a little easier, where you just need to have a formal passport and send scanned copies of your passport. I told you how to do this in the article.

Wallet linking algorithm.

Step 1. Linking wallets through the account linking service.

To do this, you need to go to the account linking service website and log in.

Enter your wallet number. And press the button "Continue".

Step 2. Setting up binding in Yandex.Money.

You will receive a binding code; you will need to enter it on the Yandex.Money website.

To do this, go to your wallet and pay attention to the new message. To view, click on the balance and you will see it. You need to click on the link "Confirm binding".

In the next window, you must enter the binding code obtained in the previous step and click the button "Confirm".

After this, you will need to enter a payment password or confirmation code via SMS and press the button again "Confirm".

After completing the linking process, you will be able to see your WebMoney wallet on the page "Wallet Management" In chapter "Payment systems".

How to configure the display of a Yandex.Money wallet in WebMoney?

For ease of use, you need to configure the display of the Yandex wallet in your WebMoney keeper.

To do this, you need to go to the account linking service in the section "My accounts, cards". Now the Yandex.Money wallet will be displayed here. Hover your cursor over your wallet account and click on the link in the menu that opens. "Settings".

A “window” will open in front of you, where you need to enter a name and click on the button "Save".

Now, after a while, you will see the Yandex.Money wallet in your WM Keeper.

How to transfer WebMoney to Yandex.Money.

After the Yandex wallet is displayed in WM Keeper, you can easily transfer money to Yandex.Money.

I’ll show you an example using WM Keeper Light.

So, hover the cursor over the menu button opposite the wallet, select the item in the menu “Top up card/account”.

Enter the transfer amount (minimum 15 rubles) and click on the button.

That's all, the funds have been transferred to your Yandex.Money wallet.

How to transfer Yandex.Money to WebMoney.

To transfer money from Yandex to WebMoney, you need to open a Yandex.Money wallet - click on balance and select "Wallet Management".

Enter the transfer amount and press the button "Translate". Here you will immediately see how much amount will be credited to your WM account after paying the commission.

Then enter the confirmation code from SMS or payment password again and press the button "Confirm".

That's it, the translation was completed successfully.

This is how you can link your wallets and exchange money from one system to another. True, you will have to pay a 4.5% commission, but this is a payment for convenience and service.

And as a visual example, I advise you to watch the video tutorial, where I show the entire procedure step by step.

That's all I have for today, I wish you success and Have a good mood. See you in new articles and video tutorials.

Hello friends and readers! Do you need to deposit a certain amount from Webmoney to your Yandex account? There are many options for this that we will consider today. I will also show what an attractive opportunity users of the Sberbank Online system have.

Let's see right away how to top up Yandex Money via WebMoney using a special service. I looked through several available options and found one that was comfortable for me.

You can exchange WMR, WMZ for Yandex Money on this website. The user interface is quite convenient and understandable. It is possible to choose other exchange directions.

As with any other exchange office, before making financial transactions, I recommend that you read the terms of service and background information.

Important nuances

There are several main nuances that I pay attention to before starting to work with any service where you can change electronic currency. Can you guess which ones?

  • Commission size.
  • Translation deadlines.
  • The need to link accounts.
  • Required level certificate, in case of working with Webmoney.
  • The need for identification in Yandex.
  • Minimum and maximum limits on transactions.
  • Possibility of prompt communication with technical support.

These are the main points that I focus on. In any case, various agreements and reference Information They are published for a reason. The information is really helpful.

Now I’ll tell you how you can top up Yandex money through wallets in the WebMoney system in another way. I will also show one alternative for Internet banking users.


Have you already tried to look for the most favorable rate to transfer electronic currency from Webmoney to another payment system? Manually browsing multiple resources can be very inconvenient. There is an exit.

Monitoring exchangers are special services where you can monitor the current exchange rate of electronic currency on various sites and choose the more profitable one. For me, this monitoring is the most convenient.

Now I will show one alternative available in the Sberbank Online interface.

As you can see, from here you can also transfer the desired amount to your Yandex wallet, but not with WMR or WMZ, but with bank card. It's also very convenient and fast.

I think now you can find a convenient way to deposit the required amount into your Yandex account. As you can see, there are many options.

In this post, I tried to collect the best. Tell me, was the article useful to you? You can answer in the comments.

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Most Internet users have electronic wallets. Among the most common and popular electronic systems We can highlight WebMoney and Yandex.Money. Despite the individual preferences of each user, at some stage of settlement the question always arises of how to transfer money to WebMoney from Yandex.Money.

When is it necessary to make a transfer?

The need to perform this operation may arise for various reasons:

  • when the payment is large, but the amount in one wallet is not enough, and urgent accumulation is needed;
  • to pay for services or games when one of the systems provides an advantage in the form of bonuses.

Transaction methods

Transferring money from Yandex.Money to WebMoney can be carried out in the following ways:

  1. Through linking wallets.
  2. Using a Yandex.Money card.
  3. Via mobile phone.
  4. through exchangers.

Let us consider each point in detail, assessing the advantages and disadvantages.

Wallet linking method

The link is used to make instant transfers between wallets of two electronic systems. Services limit daily transfers by setting limits:

  • daily – 15 thousand rubles;
  • monthly – 300 thousand rubles.

The exchange function is available only to Russian citizens, it is not free - a commission of 4.5% of the total amount is charged. Despite the restrictions this method considered one of the safest.

Here you can find all exchange resources that have passed strict testing and are subject to round-the-clock monitoring. Most points work throughout for long years and have sufficient foreign exchange reserves. Here you can also select the most suitable exchange rate.

The main advantage of this replenishment method is the speed of the procedure and the absence of the need to waste time on binding.

Thus, there is no reason to worry about how to transfer money from Yandex to WebMoney. There are quite a number of options available. The main thing is to carefully study the pros and cons of each and then choose the best one for yourself.

How to transfer funds from Yandex.Money to WebMoney: Video

The question of how to transfer funds placed there from Yandex.Money to WebMoney is far from idle. For many people, electronic wallets have long become familiar attributes of life. Such services are convenient when performing various financial transactions. With their help you can:

This and much more can be done simply by using a computer connected to the network.

Alas, nothing is perfect in the world! The main disadvantage of generally convenient services is the fact that, depending on the situation, it is more convenient to use the services of one or another operator. This is due to legislation different countries, the amount of commission charged when paying for services and goods by different companies, and other circumstances. Because of this, users are forced to create different electronic wallets and, when the need arises, move funds from one account to another.

In this case, we will tell you how to transfer money from an already registered Yandex wallet to the WebMoney wallet at your disposal. First of all, you need to have:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Personalized wallet in the Yandex.Money system (or go through the identification procedure).
  • Receive and confirm a formal certificate on the WebMoney website.

The passport data specified when registering in both services must match. This should not be considered an empty formality. Compliance with strict requirements is necessary in order to protect yourself from cyber fraud.

How is identification and registration of a certificate carried out? selected topics. In this case, we will not discuss them, assuming that all the necessary actions have already been completed by the user. But if you are unfamiliar with them, be sure to take the time to study and implement them.

  • Visit the WebMoney website and enter the “Account Attachment” page using your username and password.
  • In the “Electronic wallets” section various systems» select «Yandex.Money». Re-authorization will be required. A confirmation code will be sent to your phone, which you will have to enter in the appropriate field.
  • In the window that opens, indicate the number of the wallet (it must have the “identified” status) to which the link is being made.

Important! After this, you will receive a code valid for 48 hours, which you should remember, copy or write down. After the specified period, everything will have to start over.

And if so, then don’t waste your time and go to the Yandex.Money website. There you do the following:

  • Open the “Balance” section and see there the link received from WebMoney, informing you that the binding procedure has begun.
  • Follow the link and enter the code you received earlier in the window that opens.
  • Confirm the code using the method that you have connected to on the Yandex website.

Once these steps are completed, the message “Confirmation sent” should appear. If everything is done correctly, then when you visit the “Wallet Management” section of the Yandex.Money website, in the “Payment systems” column you will find the WebMoney panel.

So that when you visit WebMoney in the “Wallets” section the Yandex panel is displayed, do this:

  • Go to the account linking service on WebMoney and select the “My Accounts” section.
  • Find the account you need, hover your mouse over it and through the menu that opens you will go to the “Settings” section.
  • Change, if necessary, the name of the wallet and click “Save”.
  • After waiting for some time, refresh the “Wallets” page and make sure that the list has been replenished.

Be careful when entering numbers. Always make sure you are at the correct address. Theft of money from electronic accounts through the use of phishing sites is a common type of fraud. Do not allow information to become available to unauthorized persons.

After making sure that the binding procedure is completed, you can begin transfers. Of course, provided that you have the necessary amounts of money in your accounts. Now, in just a couple of minutes, funds will be transferred from account to account.

To withdraw money to Yandex, we proceed in this way.

3 min read


Hello everyone, the eternal pilot of the Internet is in touch. I have long wondered “How to transfer money from Yandex Money to WebMoney?” In the end, the search results shocked me, because this request there was not a single sensible article, there were only rewritten official decisions from
Yandex and solutions with exchangers that did not suit me due to a number of complex tasks, which did not allow me to identify myself, and the exchangers took their percentage, which did not suit me. Therefore, after thinking a little and twirling the convolutions in my head, I began to look for a way to transfer money from Yandex.Money to WebMoney. Finally found a simple effective way, which certainly allowed me to complete a transfer in literally 5 minutes, although the commission there is stable - 50 rubles for any transfer up to 3,000 rubles, and above that, interest begins to accrue. The free service from Yandex “virtual card” helped me realize my plans, with the help of which, by following simple steps, we will get what we want.

Preparation. We create a virtual card.

  1. We display information about the status of the account and, almost at the very bottom, select “get a virtual card”

2. At this stage, click on the “get new” button. Then we will be redirected to the access page via SMS.

3. Once access is confirmed, your card will be immediately ready to use. You can see the card number on the screen, and the cvc code was sent via SMS immediately after the card was created.

The most important thing is that it’s already ready. It took me less than 1 minute to receive the card. And I immediately started replenishing my WebMoney account.

Replenishment of webmoney account.

Ready. As I said in the preface, this method took no more than 5 minutes, even taking into account the fact that I had to create a virtual card. Compared with official method This is just a colossal time. Since with the official one you would have to go through the identification of accounts, both on Yandex and on WebMoney, and these are not simple and lengthy procedures.

Official method.

For example, Yandex requires an official statement certified by a notary that you want to be identified, and then you will need to take this statement to the office in person or send it by mail. And only after accepting the application you will have to send your details to the partners; Yandex’s partners include the Euroset and CONTACT networks, where you can immediately submit your passport data for identification with the application. After that, in contact you will be charged 250 rubles for identification, and in the European network 50 rubles. For those who need to make a translation urgently, such turns are unnecessary, just like me.

With WebMoney, the story is a little different, it requires a formal certificate, which can only be obtained by sending scans or photographs of your documents for verification, and after some time they will be checked and you will receive a formal certificate, and this will also take quite a bit of time.

But in order to still transfer money from to Webmoney, one more manipulation will be required, and it concerns the attachment of a Yandex wallet to a Webmoney wallet. Ultimately, with such transfer methods, it’s easier not to open WebMoney at all and use only a Yandex wallet.

With the help of exchangers.

Also on the Internet I found ways to receive money through exchangers, the offers were even tempting, they say you give less and get more.

And this is quite good, since we get small profit from the exchange, and exchangers receive reputation and trust from payment systems.

P.S. I switched from a virtual card to a regular plastic one, and I will tell you that it is much more convenient than cards from different banks that are not friendly with each other.

And I received such a friendly welcome message. Of course, a card from Yandex Money is convenient, and in general Yandex Money is an excellent wallet, the support of which was introduced long ago by popular projects for making money and continues to be introduced.