How to stop living a boring life. I'm bored with life, I don't want anything, what should I do?

Every person has a moment in life when it becomes boring... Everyday life and everyday life are settled, all important matters are resolved. Everything goes smoothly, life becomes consistently good. But suddenly, out of nowhere, green sadness comes, or, in other words, boredom. And the question is, why? After all, everything is so good, live for yourself and be glad that you have a job, a loved one, a roof over your head, children. But not everything is so simple, boredom is so overwhelming that the darling becomes “unlovable.” What was pleasing yesterday does not attract attention at all today.

Why does life become boring?

1. Monotony. Yes Yes. This is when yesterday is like today, and tomorrow will probably be like today. And nothing new is expected in the near future.

2. Lack of any further goals. Three months ago you decided to save money for a new washing machine. And you bought it after collecting money, and now you just don’t know what to do next. Yesterday you wanted career growth, and today you got it. And again the question arises: What next?

3. Too much free time. Previously, you had to combine work, study and raising a child. You have mobilized your strength and planned your life to be on time everywhere. And now you have completed your studies. At first you were happy - here it is, the long-awaited rest. And after a couple of weeks, they already regretted that they finished studying so quickly.

So what to do now, how to overcome the blues and stop spoiling the mood of those around you with your “sour” facial expression? How can you avoid finding yourself in a similar situation in the future? It's very simple, just follow the simple rules.

Life is boring, what should I do?

1) Update your list of goals regularly

Achieved a couple of goals. Make new settings. This way you will always have something to do. And you won't be bored.

2) Pray

No matter how religious and devout a person is, prayer helps everyone. Just think or talk out loud about what happened to you today, what you want, what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Believe me, with the help of a simple prayer you will be able to save a lot of money on a psychologist.

And smile more often.

3) Get into coaching

It's very simple. Buy a notebook, and every day, shortly before bed, make notes on your daily victories and defeats. Analyze them. Correct mistakes and double down on successful decisions.

4) Blog

Are you a great cook or a great cross-stitcher? Share your knowledge with the world. Start yourself a blog on the Internet. By the way, some people make good money from this.

5) Spend more time with your children

This attention will benefit both you and your children. Children will be happy to play with adults. And you can enjoy the carefree life of a child.

6) Surprise your husband every day

Prepare a new dish. Have a romantic dinner. Buy new underwear, change the scent of your perfume. By pleasantly surprising others, you raise your self-esteem and improve the mood of yourself and those around you.

7) Grow flowers and raise fish

As you know, fish have a calming effect on nervous system person, reduce the likelihood of stress. And, by the way, they fit perfectly into the interior of the living room. Buy a beautiful aquarium for your fish. You'll see, very soon this place will become a favorite for all family members.

Grow flowers with green leaves. As is known, green color– an excellent assistant in the fight against depression. After all, we associate it with nature. In addition, green plants ionize the air in your home. Decorate your kitchen windowsill with beautiful green plants. This will help maintain a feeling of coziness and warmth at the kitchen table during family dinners.

8) Choose an active hobby

Are you already doing beadwork or embroidery at home? Find interests outside of your apartment. Sign up for a mountaineering course. Take up ballroom dancing, aerobics or figure skating. Take lessons in Russian billiards or American pool, learn arm wrestling. An active hobby is the key to an interesting pastime and a positive mood.

9) Travel

Traveling to distant warm lands...

Every second person on planet Earth dreams about them. Stop dreaming! Get to work! Now you don’t have money to travel around the world or even to travel to neighboring countries? Travel around your country. Travel by car or train to all cities of your native state. And you can start from the city closest to you right this weekend with the whole family. Forward to adventure.

10) Make new acquaintances

Meeting new people can expand your horizons and area of ​​interests. Look for like-minded hobbyists, reconnect with old friends, and build relationships with new neighbors. Just be friendly.

11) Change your image

With a change in image, your perception of the world also changes. As they say, if you want to change the world, start with yourself. Do you want to add something new to your relationship with your loved one? First, change your hairstyle.

12) Change your home decor

Repaint the walls a different color, rearrange the furniture. Re-wallpaper, buy a new bed. Make changes to your home environment at least once every six months.

13) Add excitement and extreme to your life

Are you a gambling person? Do you like extreme sports? Even if your answers are negative, do not rush to deny yourself what really saves you from routine and boredom. Learn to gamble card games, try your luck in lotteries and sweepstakes. Take a skydiving course, bungee jump off a bridge, or just go go-karting. Even a simple bet with a friend can ignite a spark of interest in your life. Try everything you can and find your own cure for boredom.

And smile more often.

Why am I bored with life? When the most important thing is missing

July 7, 2016 - No comments

Another day has come. Maybe it's summer, maybe spring or autumn. There is always something good in life that can delight and inspire. But why is life boring? New impressions, joy and bright events get stuck in some kind of constant feeling emptiness and boredom.

Why does it become boring when life is full of opportunities to enjoy it and you are able to do it? The fulfillment of cherished desires and the achievement of set goals do not cause the expected delight. Or they only temporarily dilute the bland and stuffy background in which days and years pass.

Clearly something is missing, something very important. And even if you are great, and you have everything, anyone else would feel completely different. Maybe ask the search engine: “Why is life boring?” And, not finding an answer, lose yourself in mindless Internet surfing...

And there is an answer. System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan knows well why people get bored and what kind of people they are.

Life is boring: why and who experiences this condition

Each of us has our own paths, our own desires that lead us along them. Often these desires remain unconscious, and we walk blindly, confused, stumbling, and disappointed. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan distinguishes people by their unconscious desires and properties, dividing desires into eight groups - vectors. The question “Why is life boring?” most often occurs in people with a sound vector.

The lives of such people should not be filled with bread alone. What do physicists and mathematicians want when they are trying to find the Higgs boson or prove a new hypothesis? What are writers and psychiatrists looking for answers to eternal questions aimed at? These are exactly them, realized people with a sound vector. They certainly don't get bored.

Why does a person become bored with life without meaning?

Unlike the other seven vectors, the desire of the sound vector does not have an aspiration for ordinary human life. Whether the sound artist realizes it or not, the main thing for him is to get an answer to the questions: “who am I” and “what is the meaning of existence.” This makes him an introvert - he is constantly involuntarily focused on his own internal states in an unconscious search for clues. Or loopholes through which you can break through somewhere deeper than your own consciousness.

Why does it get boring? Because there is a desire, but no implementation. Not all sound engineers become writers or work in science, psychiatry, or music. Life goes on as usual, and nothing unusual or supernatural is expected. This is not boredom, this is a feeling of sound lack - the absence of Meaning.

Why life is boring and how to deal with it

How to free yourself from this state, which washes away all the sensations of life? You can, of course, try yourself in activities traditional for people with a sound vector. Take up physics, for example, or writing. But for a modern sound engineer this is more of a relief than an implementation.

The full implementation of the sound vector is focusing on other people and awareness of their unconscious properties and desires. The tool for such awareness is the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. When a sound person begins to distinguish between himself and other people according to innate properties and vectors, his life is filled with meaning and an active desire to live among other people. The question of why life is so boring no longer arises, because the life of a sound engineer becomes full - he receives answers to questions about his purpose, the meaning of existence.

At a free online training on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan can get the first realizations. This will be enough, at a minimum, to feel why it used to be boring to live without such an understanding of yourself and others.

Greetings to all readers of the site! Another, in my opinion, very important life question is asked by Igor: Life has become boring, now nothing interests me. There were goals, desires, after certain events, I don’t want to describe it, everything inside seemed to have died. I became like grass, it’s hard to live like that. I would be grateful if you recommend what to do?

First of all, I will say that many people have undergone and are undergoing such tests at least once in their lives, especially large-scale, famous and great people. Therefore, it makes sense to read stories on the Internet famous people how they overcame similar situations. It always helps.

In such a situation, a reasonable person should be more interested not even in the events and circumstances themselves that led to the loss of desires and goals, but in their causes. And also the reasons why a person did not have enough internal spiritual strength to overcome certain events and problems more easily.

Why do some people go through incredible blows of fate and do not break, but only become stronger and grow, while others break and lose themselves even with relatively minor life trials? This correct question! But for most people, it is much easier to be offended by fate and “forget” about your life than to ask yourself this question and try to find the answer.

“Life has become boring, I don’t want anything...” Main reasons

What causes a person to lose interest in life? Why do internal aspirations fade, desires turn off? When everything becomes boring, insipid, uninteresting, joyless, sad, etc.?

By and large, this happens when or The inner core of a person, the skeleton of his Personality and life, breaks down (due to stress, life shocks, etc.). Or when some stage of fate ends and a new one should begin, but for some reason a person does not reach it, does not take a step to the next stage. Or this happens to him constantly, from childhood, if he is not formed as a person, if a person is a weakling, without personal qualities, without faith, without convictions and principles, that is, he did not have an inner core from the beginning.

In the first case- you need to find and eliminate weak points in, in its core. For example, it could be the other way around, which was broken.

In the second- you need to say goodbye to old goals, old life, old desires and find new ones, open new horizons and not be afraid, not to be lazy, to step up.

And in the third case, you basically need to start how. To do this, you need to take the path of development. Read more about effective development Personalities – .

Choose exactly your reasons and program of action

Loss of interest and aspirations. This often happens when a person has outgrown his old pants :) and demands more. But you need to listen to your Soul if you don’t want to suffer all your life by going against it. What to do in such a situation? Look for a new higher and deep meaning Life and

When a person in life does not do what he should do. An iPhone will not feel comfortable or feel good if you use it to hammer nails. A person will be filled with light, happiness, strength, and an abundance of positive energy only when he lives in accordance with his calling, realizing his destiny. And if a person leaves his destiny, he will gradually fade away more and more, and after a while life itself will not be pleasant to him and even disgusting. What to do in this situation? Find your calling!

Destruction of faith in God or loss of self-confidence. When faith collapses, aspirations and desires are also extinguished. In order to have inner support, a person needs at least two types of faith - Faith in God and Faith in Oneself. I provide links to relevant articles.

What to do if you get bored? There is no person in the world who has never been bored.

However, ask some young mother, lathered from the hustle and bustle of caring for her baby: does she think about where to spend her free time?

She will grin bitterly. If only she had an hour to herself, she would know what to do!

Use your time

You should value your time and not waste it.. There are probably a lot of things that have been put off at home. long box. If you get bored, you can always apply yourself in a useful area.

Instead of looking and spitting at the ceiling, you can start a spring cleaning, rearrangement, mini-repair or sorting socks. After a couple of hours, you will forget about boredom and feel satisfaction from the work done.

How often do you get bored? If almost every evening you struggle with what to do with yourself, it's time to look .

Sign up for a Portuguese course (although Chinese would be more relevant), buy a sewing machine, get inspired by Jamie Oliver's recipes, or find yourself a partner for Latin dancing in the evenings.

Mainpush yourself off the couch (and move away from the computer). Take a walk, meet friends for a cup of coffee, start reading a new book, go to the store and treat yourself to a cake.

Or maybe you are not just sad and lonely today, but in general, in general, life became boring? Then something needs to change. Always choose something unusual, new, answer “Yes” to everything unknown and risky.

You don't have to break everything at once. If you wake up closer to 11, then force yourself to get up at dawn and run for morning coffee to the nearby pastry shop.

If, on the contrary, you jump out of bed in the dark and, without seeing the sun, get on the subway, then here too turn everything upside down. There is nothing stopping you from getting up a little later and enjoying the morning by walking.

Life is usually boring for those people who spend their evenings aimlessly on the Internet. They spend hours on social networks and look at other people's lives. They scroll through the news to make sure that the Earth is still spinning on its axis.

They comment, communicate, learn new things, but completely unnecessary for life. How can information about Kirkorov’s children and Dima Bilan’s fiancee actually be useful? Close your laptop, put your phone down, unplug the cord from the Wi-Fi router.

Another problem is if your parents decide for you all the time. In some families, children lose the habit of making their own choices and entertaining themselves without adult prompting. They willingly play what is offered to them and sit quietly if everyone is busy.

You have to generate your own ideas, be proactive, not to wait, that they will call you and invite you. Pick up the phone - maybe, but there is another bored individual on the other end.

If you're bored, make every night special. So that every day is not lived in vain. Create, help, experiment.

Sign up to volunteer, get yourself a dog from a shelter, move the old lady across the road, in the end. Cook it up « dream dinner", draw a picture by numbers, update the interior.

Shake and sing

In fact, boredomGreat motivation to buck up and take action.. If you admit that you have become bored with life, then you are admitting to dissatisfaction with existence.

Once you admit to yourself that you have chosen the wrong path, you are ready to see the possibilities. All that remains is to grab onto them.

But don't cut the ropes rashly. Often those who say “I became bored in my marriage” are simply worried.

Many leave their families, lose their jobs, leave their children and... after 15 years they find themselves in the same position, only surrounded by other people.

Sometimes you just need to push the boundaries you set yourself and break the rules. Why haven’t you been able to get ready to go fishing for three years now?

Why do you spend your weekends watching TV and not at sea? When was the last time you escaped from the office and took your family to the zoo? When did you just make your loved ones happy for no reason, buy toys for children, and flowers for women?

And don't say, that you don't have time. You just forgot,how to want something deeply and truly, how to go towards the goal and overcome obstacles.

And don’t think that age is an obstacle to change. A friend of mine worked as an engineer in the fishing industry until she was 45. And this is with a completely humanitarian mindset. All life is distributed.

And then she finally became bored, unbearably. And she took a step into the void, into the unknown. Now she is a well-known journalist and writer in the city, a winner of several awards and simply a happy person with life.

At 60 she is teaching third foreign language and travels a lot. What are you willing to do to stop being bored?

Sooner or later, everyone begins to experience an overwhelming feeling of boredom. We get bored at work, at home and even while partying with friends. New and interesting things happen less and less often, and even if they do, they practically do not give the same joy. In such a situation, you urgently need to add some colors to your life.

To overcome boredom, it is enough to resort to a couple of obvious, although not entirely standard, methods. Which we will tell you about.

Why do you sometimes feel chronically bored?

The life of many of us is quite monotonous. Home-work, work-home, Friday meetings with friends. Even the entertainment that we allow ourselves most often follows the same scenario. Under such circumstances, it is not at all surprising that we begin to experience boredom. We simply lack bright events in life, new impressions, interesting acquaintances.

However, sometimes underneath boredom lies real fatigue. For example, if we work a lot and haven’t had a full rest for a long time, then gradually our worldview becomes gray. We stop reacting emotionally to any events in life and feel only fatigue and indifference.

That is why it is so important to understand what exactly caused the joyless state and make every possible effort to correct the situation.

What to do if life becomes boring

If you feel that hopeless boredom is beginning to consume you, then just listen to one of the following tips:

Improvise and experiment

Boredom is a great excuse to try something new. If your standard evening involves watching a movie, then this time replace the “home cinema” with a walk around the city. Even ordinary things can be done in a new way - instead of a shower, organize a bath with candles, instead of a quick snack, prepare gourmet dishes and beautifully set the dinner table.

Change something about yourself

And we are not talking about global changes at all, although things may come to that over time. To get started, it will be enough to buy new clothes, make an interesting hairstyle. If you are used to dressing in a classic style, then it’s time to buy a couple of stylish and slightly extravagant things.

Get creative

Moderate creativity will allow you to get rid of fatigue and add a little color to your life. In this case, the result is not at all important, the main thing is the process. You can do anything - drawing, sewing, making beadwork, writing poetry and stories. The most important thing is that you really like this business.

Set a goal and start moving towards it

Our dreams and goals are usually too vague and ambiguous. What do we want? So that all relatives are healthy and there is order at work. And although these are really important things, only a specific, clearly formulated goal will help you cope with the boredom that overcomes you. You can set yourself almost any task - learn a foreign language, achieve a promotion, properly decorate your home. When you start devoting all your free time to achieving your plans, you will no longer be bored.

A little extreme

If you become too bored, then it’s time to take care of the release of adrenaline into your blood. Go diving or rock climbing, or plan a parachute jump or hang gliding flight. And although the results from these events will be temporary, they are guaranteed to help you cheer up.

Try to be more happy

And not only victories, but also defeats, because they represent important lessons for us. Appreciate every moment, be it a hot cup of tea on a cold day or unexpected meeting with an old friend. Our life consists of little things, and the more we enjoy them, the happier we will feel.

How to avoid getting bored in the future

There are many activities that can relieve boredom. However, it is better to try to avoid this unpleasant and addictive feeling. And only the right inner attitude can help with this.

Try to live one day at a time if possible, because no one knows what exactly awaits you tomorrow. Enjoy every minute and live it to the fullest. Appreciate what you have and don't forget to thank life for all the surprises it brings to you.

And yet, in our boredom we are often selfish. We forget that the mood of our family and friends often depends on our condition. That's why sometimes you just need to pull yourself together and shake off the accumulated melancholy. Even though this may seem like a difficult task at first glance.

Thus, we all sometimes know the feeling when life becomes boring. But this does not mean that you should succumb to boredom. If you wish, you can easily return your days to their former colors and even significantly change your own life in better side. All you have to do is listen to yourself and start acting.

Have a fun life and good mood!

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