What did the suit dreamed of? Wear a new clothes suit

In the dream, the suit includes a symbol of public opinion about you. The costume personifies the outside of life, opinions about us around us, how they treat us what degree of respect or disregard.

As a dream symbol, a suit is not unequivocal to get a sure interpretation. It is necessary to remember other images seen in a dream. Remember the dream episodes and the common storyline.

For the interpretation of sleep, the color of the official outfit is important for which it is intended, what is his condition who wears or wore. It is also important under what circumstances a focus was focused on this species: if a solemn event occurs, or this is a noisy party, or you were on the official reception. It will be not bad if you also remember those who were with you near the moment when they paid attention to clothes.

Due to the diversity of interpretations, with a different circumstance, it is impossible to speak unequivocally - a suit was dreamed of good, or it was necessary to wait for any problems. If you drew attention to the fact that such a type of clothing has dreamed, it means that, during sleep, it was focused on it, that is, the subconsciousness failed to think about this symbol.


Color, perhaps, plays one of the main roles when interpreting sleep. Therefore, remembering the color or shade of clothing, you can find out the main meaning of sleep.

  • Dream black suit. This color says that you are considered a serious and principled person. On the other hand, the black color is the color of purification, which means that the conversation is to be treated, as a result of which the relations that were strained for a long time will finally find out.
  • White suit. White symbolizes purity and innocence. However, it may mean a frivolous attitude towards your person. Such an attitude is due to the fact that you are also recognized in some kind of newcomer. If you have not worked out for a new place so long ago, then such an attitude is natural.

  • Red. - a symbol of passions and irreducibility. It is possible that you are treated with some caution, since already convinced of your explosion character. The red color also symbolizes the romantic feelings that are experiencing to you. But if the red shade comes to the scarlet, then there is a signal that you are in someone calling irritation up to the resentment and anger.
  • Green. The costume of the costume speaks of love and beautiful well-being. The same color can be interpreted as the opening of one of the paths at the crossroads of fate. In this case, you need to collect my thoughts and think about your future, it is possible that what you used to be not ready today becomes available for you.

A type

1. Male frak. If a man sees himself in Pharaka, then the dream foreshadows a meeting with an official or a colleague from the top leadership. If you work in the enterprise, you will meet with the CEO, and if you are an entrepreneur, you will meet with the mayor or the governor.

2. Male classic suit. Symbol of business relationship. It is possible that a business meeting has a business meeting in the near future. Details of sleep can be disassembled only in context with other dreamy episodes.

  • If, besides the costume, you watch positive signs - flowers, rainbow, friendly smiles, strong handshakes, the meeting will take place for the benefit of your affairs.
  • If cloudy paints prevailed in a dream, anxious music sounded, then to the meeting you need to prepare well, since even small lack can be seen and play against you.

3. Male Franch costume. Symbol of severity and collens. You will soon come up to hard days when you need to take the load of leadership and responsibility on your own shoulders. During this period, you need to forget about panibrates and frivolous, even if you have to go to the team. As a result, you will receive deserved respect, leader recognize you.

4. What dreams of a sports style costume dreams. If a man sees a sports suit in a dream, the interpretation speaks of a pleasant active vacation. For women, such a dream denotes male attention.

5. What dreams costume for women. If a man sees a female costume in a dream, it will be a symbol of cooperation with a woman or work in the women's team. And for representatives of the beautiful floor, a female costume dreams of success in the business sector.

6. What dreams costume for children. A man of such a dream can join as an unexpected occasion for the holiday. The man's company for a friendly party is spied spiteful. For women, such a dream foreshadows the troubles associated with children.

Often, noting an episode with a suit in a dream, people are upset, believing that the costume does not dream of good. This is not true. The costume dreams of official moments. And these moments can be positive, and may carry a negative shade.

If you are warned about official events in advance and you have the opportunity to carefully prepare, then any such meeting can be turned into success. Posted by: Igor Vaskin

Dream Suit

In a dream, we can afford any actions. Often we see ourselves in different ways that are not inherent in real life. For example, a woman who prefers to wear dresses, suddenly dreamed that she was delighted with a sports suit. What is the dream of a suit, what can he mean?

What is the essence of a dream about a suit

It is worth recognizing that this symbol is considered two.
Depending on what kind of suit you dreamed, dream interpreters can tell about the business life of the sleeping person, to predict whether it will reach its goals in the near future, and will also help find out the opinion of the environment concerned about the dream. And, of course, the first thing is to view the interpretation of the most popular interpreters of dreams.

Predictions of dreams

A little later, we will look at what dreams of a suit, business or sports, I will review the data on how the color of the fabric in a dream affects your future, and also learn what perfect actions will lead to. To begin with, read the most running predictions that the dreams are presented.

Dream of Apostle Kananita

Dreamed clothes for carnival

Dreamed a suit that you just try on ourselves - you are in reality are busy with a completely wrong business. Interestingly, such a dream is considered for women. What can pants, jacket and vest dreamed of? A month later, you decide on the responsible step - you will marry the unloved person.What will move you, the dream book does not specify, but he is firmly sure that marriage will not be happy.

Dream Stranger

In this source, the interpretation of a dream is given depending on what suit you dreamed:

  • female - make frivolous actions;
  • male - material spending;
  • sports - want to express yourself, gain freedom of action;
  • carnival can alternate or good luck, or sadness, pay attention to its appearance.

Dream of the 21st century

A man is a female suit on it promises losses that dreams will incur in real life.

Male suit is also promoting the loss of financial plan, be careful, signing contracts and concluding transactions.

Carnival robe for a child - good luck on your side, you will be surprised by your luck.

To see only a jacket - the business negotiations will come true, which will depend on your future work activity.

Dream Miller

Dreamed of strict or office clothes

Miller believed that the new suit on you means that everything is in your hands now. The outcome of the case started from your behavior.

What did the suit look like? The more expensive and more attractive was the fabric, the simpler the circumstances are formed.

The suit will be hidden or, on the contrary, too large - you betray yourself not for the person, who are actually.

Interpretation by date of birth

There are dreams who consider dreams from the position of what month the dreams were born.

From January to April inclusive - a new suit with a label, which was having dreamed of these people, speaks of their insincerity and talked behavior.

To see that he is Porn - you are experiencing a clear discontent with your appearance, suffer from an inferiority complex. Double-breasted - look at your surrounding, there is a person in it who is all her strengths to spoil your life.

For those who were born in May or in the summer months, buying a new clothes predicts a difficult conversation with the boss. The management will need information from you, they will try to get it.

Positively examines the summer dream book dirty or torn suit. So, in reality you will get a new book. And here is a double-breasted suit. This dream book considers as a sign that the dream has a lot of hidden flaws.

According to the autumn dream book, the costume you wanted to buy in the store, but suddenly realized that he was not at all suitable for you, says that events will occur, which will greatly upset you.

Beautiful, double-breasted - you are a boastful person who sys what has.

See yellow robe

Suit color

According to the dream book, a little costume will tell about the future. But if you have time to notice his color gamut, then you can know a lot:

  • Black fabric color on you - to the disease. If someone else was different in such an outfit, then you will be very disappointed in a specific person.
  • White - oddly enough, but such a dream promises changes in life for the worse.
  • Yellow dreams of merry and success in affairs.
  • Blue - you will feel the support of your friends.
  • Red costume - you will be able to get rid of many troubles due to their resourcefulness.
  • Brown - everyday concerns will be lit.
  • Several colors immediately - life will be filled with different colors, both good and bad events.
  • Green - you will hope for the best. A favorable time to solve financial issues.

Dream green business clothes

Why dream white suit? According to the dream book, a white suit is a symbol of purity and innocence. But at times he can symbolize a frivolous attitude towards your personality. It is possible that you recently moved to a new place robots, and the staff still do not seriously take you seriously, consider you to be unreserved in some issues.

As the dream book says, the red color is the color of passion, rash, spontaneous actions. To see someone in red, almost al costume - you cause irritation and anger in a certain person.

In addition, the red color of clothing is a symbol of sincere feelings that someone experiences in relation to you.

It is worth recognizing that white, red, yellow or green costumes will shoot quite rarely, as a rule, it is a familiar black or gray.

If you drew your attention to the fact that the person was in a blue-black suit, then you have a serious conversation. But after him you will feel much easier, you will finally be able to find a certainty that you lacked for a long time.

Other interpretations

Watch how a friend buys a new book - it will be provided and revered in society by a person.

Go in a dream on the street and pay attention to the fact that a stranger is dressed in a beautiful suit - the surrounding hide from you some kind of mystery.

To wear someone else's costume - in reality will be "in the skins" of another person.

If you dream a sports suit, now it's time for decisive action. Good luck favors you.

Wailed to buy a sports suit? Dream Interpretation believes you should finally begin to solve accumulated problems, deal with old things.

Predit to sew a costume - you can create comfort and order in your home. Ordered sewing in Atelier - to establish mutual understanding with relatives will be able only to someone else's help.

in the dream of flowers

male - money loss; On a woman - empty hobbies, breaking; carnival - incredible lead, an unusual turn of affairs; Children's carnival costume - a special luck.

Dreamed Carnival

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream that you take part in the carnival, foreshadows that you will soon have to enjoy unusual entertainment or rest. Costumented carnival with masks or ugly and ridiculous clown figures means detachable, houses at home. Commercial affairs will also go unsatisfactory, and love will be without reciprocity.

What dreams of a carnival

in the dream of flowers

danger lies or deception.

Dreamed clothes

by dream of Miller

To dream of clothes - sleep-prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what was the clothes in a dream: a whole and clean, or evaporated and torn. To see excellent, but unwitting clothes - foreshadows that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas. If you refuse clothing released from fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, make new things, lead new love connections. All this will completely change you. See yourself and other dressed in white - means changes, and almost always sad. Walking with a man in white - means for him a disease and grief, if only this is not a young woman and not a child. In the latter case, you can expect pleasant events. See yourself and others - foreshadows quarrels, disappointment and unwanted companions on the trip. Commercial activity will not meet your desires. See yellow clothes - foreshadows interesting entertainment and financial progress. If you see a silent moving ghost in yellow, with unnatural lighting, you should expect change to the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream. To see blue clothes - means that your energy will help you achieve the execution of your desires. Friends will support you. To see raspberry clothing in a dream - means you get rid of terrible enemies, changing your intentions in time. See green robes - a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. To see multicolor robes - foreshadows sharp changes and interlacing good and bad in the future. To see the clothes poorly sitting on you - implies the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise. To see an old man or a young man in well-crossped costumes - means that you will take some unpleasant and troublesome things. If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes, - sleep foreshadows that she will meet an unpleasant rivalry in achieving secular success. If she admires the clothes of others - the dream is surviving jealous suspicion of her friend. To see the loss of some kind of toilet detail - means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. For a young woman to see himself in a dream in a black suit - a dream foreshadows sadness and disappointment. If she sees another woman in raspberry clothes with a strong mourning veil on her face - this means that it will surpass her rival that she did not consider equal to himself; Gorky disappointment takes it against all women. Interpretation of sleep about clothes, you should pay attention to whether it is naturally visible objects. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although paints and bright, - be careful, for failure in the implementation of important plans to cause you harm. Dirty and torn clothing always foreshadow deception and warns about caution in communicating with unfamiliar. Such a dream can foreshadow and act that you can burn your reputation. But clean clothing - to well-being. If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise incorrect actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not be enough even the most necessary. Young Person This dream promises unfulfilled hopes. Light pleasant cotton clothes promises that the circumstances will soon be in your favor. Fabric cotton in a dream - the foresight of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, for married women is a promise of comfort in the house and harmony. To see ourselves, it foreshadows gossip around your name. To see in a dream an important person is uncomfortable - foreshadows chagrins and pain for the expensive people. To see the ease of others - the foresight of your joy stolen.

See in a dream clothes

by Dream Loffa

"Some clothes meet ..." clothes are the reflection of the inner world and the individuality of the person. Does your clothes are admiration or ridicule? This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Loss of clothing speaks of your vulnerability. Do not believe? Try to undress, say, in the department store - let's see how confidently you will feel at the same time. Of course, it may be sexy or exhibitionist fantasies. Draw clothes-case ambiguous. Who did not have to receive clothes as a gift, which then became a parable in Languages \u200b\u200bas a sign of a bad taste? However, the purchase of clothing items that are wonderfully sitting on you and allow you to feel confident, foreshadows positive shifts in your own self-esteem. Sometimes you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are just looking for understanding or protection.

What dreams of clothes

in the dream of flowers

the more dressed - to the big trouble; Semi-purpose - to well-being; wear in a dream - the sign of good luck or failure, slippery position; Clean the brush dress - profits; dressed as a crown, - disease, longing; Elegant clothing is popular with the other sex, respect; see dress; for the season and situation - a good case will be presented; Unsuitable clothing - failure, trouble; man in female clothes - troubles; Woman in male robe - a claim for success; Clothing - position (for men), (for women) - Many, lover; Give it - the disease, grief; You give to displacing - you change; burning - slander, insults; loss of a friend or litigation; change in new clothes - change position in life; (For a woman) change her husband or lover.

Dreamed Masquerade

by dream of Miller

See yourself in a dream on Maskarada - means that you will be indulge in stupid and disastrous pleasures and neglect by affairs and family responsibilities. If a young woman sees in a dream that she is involved in Masquerade, "this means that she will be deceived.

What dream clown

in the dream of flowers

fear of ridicule; Find out in a stupid position.

Dreamed clown

by dream of Miller

To see a clown in a dream, which messes you, means that you will find hard work, which will give you the opportunity to get the promised profit and make your plans. If you see yourself as a clown - you are awaiting misfortune. To be dressed in a clown costume - means a deep misconception or opposition to opponents to your condition and authority. It is possible that intriguing women will lure you into sinful Western.

Meaning of sleep about mask

by Dream Freud.

To see a woman in a dream, as she makes a cosmetic mask for the skin, - you have any failures in sexual life, and you see the reason in you yourself, although two are always guilty. Do not deal with self-keeping. Throwing a mask to change the sexual partner. You will want something fresh in your intimate life, and you decide that this "fresh" should be a new person. In fact, you should not hurry at all, wait some time, perhaps your mood will change.

Dreamed Mask

by dream of Miller

To see in a dream that you are in a mask, means temporary complications: Your attitude towards a dear person will be incorrect for you, and your attempt to help him is wrong. But you suggest this test, and it will help you. See others in masks - a sign that you will fight false and envy. In a dream, looking at the mask - means that some person will be wrong to you and your affairs will suffer. If a young woman dreamed that she was wearing a mask, "this means that she would try to deceive a man, friendly to her relative. If she removes a mask or sees what others do it, is a warning to her that she will fail in an attempt to achieve from other admiration for its special. The dream encourages her to greater modesty and critical attitude towards himself.

What dreams form

in the dream of flowers

military - for women - scandal with her husband or lover in her fault.

What dreams tie

in the dream of flowers

see, choose - to infidelity in relationships; Wear - coercion of circumstances; Wear a lost business.

What dreams tie

in the dream of flowers

wear a lost business.

Dreamed of cufflinks

by dream of Miller

To see the cufflinks in a dream - it means that you will be out of the skin to climb to swee your pride, and it will be quite possible. If you have a diamond cufflinks and located in the center of the diamlian larger than the rest - then you will enjoy luxury or spend a pleasant hours in dealing with close friends.

See in a dream shaped clothes

by Dream Loffa

Sleep about uniform clothing is, as a rule, a dream about the awareness of itself. Matching the image through clothes is one of the unlawful rules of culture, and we often perceive some of our wardrobe as a "uniform" for certain roles that we play in life. In such dreams it does not matter whether this uniform is officially recognized or it is simply the same clothes on many people. If you are unagnificated clothes and there are other people dressed in the same way, then think about who with you is near and what unites you. Perhaps you remember the satisfaction of your stay at military service, at work or identify yourself with a specific group. If you are in uniform clothes, and others - no, it can say that you perceive yourself loyal to others, while they are not high enough to appreciate you. A 24-year-old man tells his dream: "I am in the service in the navy. I did not prepare. I arrive at my ship with a single uniform-lad, white. Everything around me in a blue form, and everything goes on the ship as needed. " This man, a college student, hesitated to receive an officer's rank in the Navy. He was excited, but slowed down with the final decision making. The dream reflected his concern and pointed out the need to study the situation in more detail. Uniform clothing can also be a power symbol. Pay attention to a person in your dream, dressed in uniform. Was the form organically connected or dissected with his appearance?

See in a dream parks recreation and carnivals

by Dream Loffa

As a place of sleep, recreation parks cause a dual feeling: simultaneously connected with them the best and most worst memories. This place is fun entertainment, which, at the same time, can be conjugate with the deposits of dizzying attractions - nausea and vomiting. The image of the carnival causes a variety of delightful and frightening images in memory, and sometimes the feeling of fear causes favorite or people close to us - for example, parents who hate carnavals, but for the sake of children suffer this action. As a result, the perfect picture of a fun and friendly family pastry turns into the scene of aggression. Who did you come to the carnival and how do you spend time? Carnavals are a place where you feel free from conventions, reckless and reckless. The condition of uncontrolcity and permissiveness can give you a sense of flight and splendor of life. Often it is associated with sexual experience. Such free behavior sometimes terrifies people, in the real life of accustomed to be guided by reason and keep within the limits. Carnival processions are inextricably linked circle and fast ride. So, the damn wheel - provided you are not afraid of the height, is the signal of your body that it is time to stop spinning like a squirrel in the wheel and return to a quieter life. What are you associated with attractions? In other words, what does your life look like American slides, carousel or any other attraction? Perhaps in the park there is no attraction on which you would gladly ride. What associations cause this attraction and why do you want to ride on it?

Dreamed of velvet

by dream of Miller

To see velvet - to very successful affairs. If you wear velvet, you are waiting for fame. See old velvet - means that your well-being will suffer because of your excessive pride. If a young woman sees himself in a velvet dress - she is waiting for honors. Several wealthy fans will have their attention to it.

Collection of Sonnikov

What dreams costume in a dream in 16 dreams?

Below you can find out the interpretation of the Suit Symbol for 16 online dreams. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dreams of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Having dreamed of a male costume - foreshadows money losses, which will need a long time.

See in a dream clown suit - Detect that they were mistaken against a person who was considered serious and mandatory, as for business relations.

Put on a clown suit - Danger to succumb to temptations and temptations of lightweight life having a criminal color.

Dream Stranger

Interpretation of sleep: Suit in the dreams?

Male costume - cash spending; Female - frivolous actions; Sports - free self-expression of thoughts, feelings, abilities; Carnival - extraordinary luck; Sadness (expression: "sad clown").

Dream interpretation signs

Be in a carnival or children's costume - Unusual luck.

Dream Taro.

Dream of Freud.

Suit like any clothes - symbolizes the nakedness of the man in which you see it, or is generally a symbol of a naked human body.

Dream of flowers

Male suit - money loss; carnival - incredible lead, an unusual turn of affairs; kids' Carnival costume - Special luck.

Universal dream book

Why are the highest, strong, strong men at costumed parties always disguise in women? What are they trying to say that?

In a dream an unusual costume - Is a disguise symbol or a new image. Do you wear a suit in a dream? What is this suit?

Suit - reflects how you want to look in the eyes of others. Do you want to create a new image? What do you feel by changing the image?

If a suit wears someone else - How do you feel about this? Does he wear it just for fun, or is it a cardinal change of person? Perhaps the costume misleads you, reminding that people are not always like that they seem?

Perhaps in a dream you got a suit - Because you want to open another part of your personality!

Online dream book

Sleepness: Suit in Dream?

Acquire a new book in a dream in the form of a suit - promises you a big profit and celebrity.

More interpretation

If you change it - A bad omen, some kind of special will soon find out about your secret and will be blackmail you.

To wear a black suit - The dream promises you some diseases soon.

If he is for the carnival - Wait for some unforeseen news, and the events will unfold pretty unpredictable.

Costume dreams all in dirt and torn - Dream Interpretation predicts you the purchase of new clothes.

Dreamed that you measuring clown suit - Soon you can give in to some temptation, which can lead you even to the crime. Be careful.

White costume - obstacles and interference on your way. What at first seemed easy, threatens to turn into unbearable work.

Black suit - loss and parting. Cash missions, theft, fraud are possible.

Men's suit in a dream - Your shoulders will fall the execution of the routine of work, which will be boring and monotonous. You will try to get rid of it.

New suit - Your life will change to the root. You will want not only to make new friends and change the job, but also to get rid of painful relationships with the current second half or spouse.

Video: What dreams costume

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Did a suit, but the right interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what dreams costume in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try!

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    I saw myself in an elegant black dress-dress around a lot of men who looked with admiration and respect and there was my favorite person. For some reason I was a little disappointed that he once did not answer me.

    Hello. To me today .. I was closer to the morning a unusual dream. I'm in a beautiful long evening or just a festive dress with some unfamiliar, but a beautiful young man (he was in a white costume) all the dream went on a black chic car in different complexes and centers, but for some reason in search of a place where I needed to do Either manicure, or I do not know what .. but for sure that something with the nails .... Integration, the manicure salons did everywhere with him in order nails

    I dreamed like I had a lover. Very pleasant, but not a young man. He sat down into the car to the driver's seat, and I rear and saw that his back (or rather his jacket), the Spirran, as if she was rubbed about the wall. I quickly smoked it. Yes, and in fact, in real life, we know each other, but we do not communicate.

    A chic man in a black suit and a white shirt, like "with a needle", is approaching. About 40 years old with a small gray. Calm, friendly with a smile on his face. We took up your arms and behaved like oochen people in love. The emphasis was on the fact that we held hands, moved my fingers, smiled at each other ... In one hand, a man kept keys (like the keys to the car). At the end we were on the bridge.

    good Den.Mnna 31 years old. I dreamed of Scho I sit in the class with the children and at the site of the teacher, I was sitting my pervius in the Black Jacket. I am a spamming of the skin day. I am a Bulo Rada. I have eats children and husband. Tell me the podgulusta to what dreamed and shave me. Thank you.

    Saw in a dream himself in a pure male classic suit dark gray in a dark strip. I wanted to drink coffee in the cafe, but I did not give me a place where to sit down, although there were places there. But I was slightly in a drunk, I saw a clock on my hand and I had to go, but I didn't take a bus, I decided to drive in a circle, but I realized that I did not have time. The clock was shown 15-15, and I had to be on the spot at 15-30. I'll see that the dream is not very good.

    As if I am in the atelier, I see how to try a creamy suit with a dark brown collar lapel. But he's not like me, but I know for sure that for me, next to me, I didn't remember anyone else who I remember exactly that they were something else. In the room we were four in place with a tailor.

    The deceased husband dreamed in a black silk costume, very beautiful, himself - the imprint, the loose, sits in front of me. I say: "What a beautiful costume!", And he replies: "What are you worried, go yeah buy yourself a summer sundress." We didn't think about new clothes, and they don't need it like, and now I don't know - to buy a sign or vice versa in no case to take, or in general the value is some kind of attack.

    I dreamed that I was on a huge enterprise, came to visit a friend ... I don't have such a friend in real life. The company arrived at the enterprise and they have a strict dyskod .. it is impossible to walk without a costume ... and they began to warm up me. I shouted men's shoes and trousers, the shirt was on me white, I did not understand that she was my so-if I dressed her too. The meeting went successfully I even offered work. And then I see like two men, the director and his employee compete among themselves for my attention ... The dream ended in a kiss one of them with whom I don't remember exactly.

    Former university became a house of ghosts. We saw hockey. Replaced the audience row from the top to the bottom. Were threesome. I am a girl and a guy. When they changed the row, they ran away. And I stayed on the bottom row to sit. There was a lecture, not hockey. Then the ghosts were in this house. Read the magic book. Witch with the help of text from this book, which she knew by heart, went to hell. Mom bought a new reflective suit in which I went to work in the winter. Nutya New Suit Forgot All Documents Houses. The stop was near the big black monument on the pedestal. There I am a shovel of a big block of ice from steps, thawed snow thawed. Ran into the bus. Night. The windows on the bus were conjured. Nothing was visible outside. The bus is small as a Pazic. There were still 2 passengers on the bus, we had fun to go.

    Night. I am going on the car on a familiar way to me, but it is modified, as if she was converted and she was no longer as before. In general, I climb on it, I leave for the main road ... The time of the year Winter .. then I turn out to be in some kind of incomprehensible area with the other and the time is Herp Summer, the asphalt dry With a friend, we go straight, shines one lamp. We say the girl in black yuke and T-shirt, or maybe in the dress, and I did not understand .. We go away, she goes for us, on her chest that red stain her, I kick her I have been kicking two, the friend already ran away, she was with a cerebral. She catches me behind the leg and carries a cigarette about the leg, I shout, I understand in the subconscious, that this is a dream, I want to wake up, but he sends it as if I woke up in a different dream, as if I was in one dream and fell asleep and put out in the second dream, I saw it only in the movie ... In general, the second time I understand that again in a dream, I want to wake up and scream again, but the voice seemed to disappear, I scream with all my might, but the sound does not come from me ... rows with me lay dog \u200b\u200bwhen I was second Once it was shouted, he ran away, although his father said nothing, and he played the computer behind the doors ... Well, and when I woke up, then the pain still felt and the leg as well, I kept the ktotl seconds 5 ...

    I dream of this dream for many times. The first time I found myself in a beautiful apartment. 6 young people came in black and asked to open the door to the neighbors (I had the keys to their doors too). I asked (why?) Answer (do not worry, we will not spoil anything). After that, when they entered began to look for something and tear pillows. I said (which is time to leave) but it was very difficult for me. They're gone. I saw that people who live there began to go to their apartment, but I can't find your key. Guys in black tell me (they are right to go), plus I saw how my friend is already standing in my apartment and shouts (why did you leave the door open, immediately decorations!). I returned with a voyage. Now I often dream these young people in black suits and every dream they smile.
    What is it for?

    So there is a second dream which I had a recently had a very different.
    I look at the angel with big wings and his eyes are tied. If you remove the bandage from the eye goes strong blue light.

    Thank you for the answer 🙂

    I danced in a dream with a man with whom it broke up. He was in a black strict suit. Dancing in the courtyard of the house which he recently received inheritance. I could not dance in a dream and he wore me on his hands.

    i am married, in a dream I saw myself in a wedding dress and in Fate, it was not a wedding and just an ordinary day, and the dress was wetting the understanding in a dream did not matter what I am a bride, just like a dress. I have in the life of the middle length of the hair and curly, and in a dream long straight hair I gathered them ahead in the lugu. And on top of the vessel, a veil. Then my husband comes and does not pay attention to me takes suitcases and with our son comes out of the room, but it is a jacket from Blis
    the skin of purple blue in the sleeping of sleep he left him to leave since he was too big and I stayed on some holiday and removed the veil

    I dreamed that Merila is a very beautiful trouser costume, the colors of the sea wave and a jacket costume with a skirt. From this all could not be determined that I would better buy. In the end, I decided to take 2 suit, but I do not remember whether I took them ...

    I see, my husband and mother-in-law are dressed in black. Svetrov looks from the side of me. Suddenly the husband calls his friend on the phone and he leaves him. I drove away from this and go in another direction. I see the top of the mountain, where women are sitting everywhere in black. I climb quite at the top, passing through their feet, where suddenly I go like something on the attic. But he is spilled, air. And there in a huge, extended bag, the product cooked by me for the winter. Near the very old, a young, tall man in a blue suit. In his hand a very long knife. He is painting a bag. From there proceeds very fresh juice. We are surprised and admiration for this

    Hello! Thank you. In a dream, my dad brought me a hat and a crawling suit that whether (could not disassemble, that day, apparently, it should all decide: whether the guy was getting married or not. I waited for this moment, but then put on a hat and looked in the mirror . I liked the hat, but I could not understand why she. Then she put on the costume. I wonder, it turned out to be a bitch and big in size. In bright colors, such a bright orange-yellow beautiful, all in the uuzorahb jacket I fastened, but from Due to the sizes, it was like a Naraspa. And I continued to wait for my boyfriend, in this costume, the personnel were confident that the guy would come

    I dreamed of a dream that my kuma mom sewed a suit, but he was small and she gave it to me - a white jacket and trousers, it turned out to me just right, I began to pick up shoes under him to go to celebrate the holiday of the teacher's day. Ballets on the shelf were old and also white. When I took them in my hands - the sole of them was crumbled into small crumbs, and they were not in good at the top. I don't remember further ...

    Good morning! On the night from 09/24/14 to 09/25/14, I saw a dream, where I tried a white jacket, their very pleasant-soft-soft fabric, in size sat perfectly, I wanted to buy it for a long time, so in a dream and measured, so it was comfortable, as well as in Real feel these sensations.

    Give me that I go to the room and see. Many lying on the photo album photos among whom I find yourself in a beautiful white suit and long hair, I like the photo that I was straight to admire them.

    Ya Videla Vo Snee Chto Moy Bivshiy Paren Prishol Knam Domoy I Mama Bila Doma, No Ona Bila Na Kuxne, On Prishol Skazal Mne, Ya Prisel ".potom Ya Ego Spryatala v MoYo Konotu Chtobi Mama Ne Videla Ego .potom on Obnyal Menya Pocelaval V Gubi K Chemu Eto ??

    husband in a dream dressed a new costume, drove into the courtyard of the Limousine and said that I eat woven to my mistress
    P.S. In real life, he has a mistress and I don't only know about it but I know who she is, he does not hide it

    I dreamed that I choose a sports, velor suit in the market. They are such bright, beautiful, pleasant to the touch. The costume consists of sweatshirts, trousers and t-shirts. I tried out one orange color of the jacket, gray pants, it seemed to me ... then I look at the pink smaller smaller, I measure, and this is what you need ... I take it to wear it, he didn't shoot him so comfortable and comfortable ... before waking up I didn't shoot him))

    Dreamed that I was going to leave. It came to the mirror and in full growth saw his reflection. I looked good and a beige trouser suit was dressed on me (jacket and pants) light shoes. In the same dream dreamed. What I saved the child, took it from the roadway. Then I was visiting, it was too late and I was asked to leave. And when I went out of the entrance (it was in the city), I saw that around the night, there is no light on the street in any houses. And I was frightened and ran home on the forest road fearing that someone could attack, so I escaped from the road to the grass, I decided to hide, the grass was with my height, then back on the road, there was a night, christmas trees. It was alarming. But as a result, no one fell behind me.

    I dreamed that I was on the big sandy grief, everywhere there is a beautiful yellow sand, I somehow in the middle of this mountain. There were round pebbles, the stones were smoothly nice to take into hand. They wanted to throw in the distance. But here at the bottom of the Mountain, I saw the procession - it was a wedding. Beautifully dressed people, guys and girls. The bride agreed with my classmate that he would have spent her wedding, was Tamada (Svetie Oleg). There was still my one friend in the institute Petrovich Oleg (we are in a quarrel, well, not in a quarrel, most likely a cold relationship) they talk about something among themselves, and somewhat gone, and then I looked at Sivo Oleg in a beautiful suit, Hands are folded like a dead man, the ribbon is funeral on his forehead. And then he comes to life and speaks with a smile that it was such a joke. I was impressed by his funeral look and awareness of the loss of my friend.
    But this dream dreamed from Saturday to Sunday.
    And today from Sunday for Monday. All night there was a dream that I was looking for a birthday gift to someone and did not find anything like a gray, a new suit. And here I stored with this costume all night

    Sleep dreamed of my girlfriend about me with my beloved man broke up her dreaming that I came with my beloved to her in the yard white limousine favorite in white pants and very in a white shirt joyful smiling and I am in the boots on the hairpins and very satisfied, it has a feeling it was that we eat to the registry office

    HELLO TATIANA!! Today I had a dream where I came on whose wedding and was dressed in a red shirt and classic trousers, and everyone was in black suits with white shirts, one of their guests I remember me, it was a man who was previously my friend, and then we craft And for a long time I do not communicate, the year 3-4, the bride and the bride, I didn't see the wedding, ... Three days ago I was also dreamed of a wedding, and I also didn't see the newlyweds there ...

    my neighbor hangs on the streets of the jackets of pieces 50 All jackets on her shoulders and hang on the ropes Aveter Big looks like the rain and all the jackets wave, I think why it does not shoot the rain goes and the jackets worst and the jackets are all men

    Good morning! Dreamed: I walked with a former wife at some event. And it seems to me that she frowned and I throw my suit on her. The costume is very beautiful, bright red glossy.

    when I fell asleep Site Vkontakte Video Records I did not open them and just watched and saw a familiar dressed in a tuxedo and began to remember the song that sings Emtim then recalled the past that I was worn about what I did when it was a curse on Java and realized that I remember about the past and I didn't have to destroy everything if I know that this is true if I saw evil and good ... Why is it all ... in the head of the voice the cold is emptiness and darkness ... I want someone to understand how I feel bad that I do not understand what I wrote

    I walked with a friend in the basements. And there were underground casinos (I did not have a player and had never been to the casino only saw on TV), so at the exit of one casino, there was a crowd of people, different ages and young people, and old men, and adults and young, judging by the clothes of various wealth, and different working professions, it was seen that the school student, the institute, an ordinary worker or manager, a pensioner or a pensioner Northerner. So, since we have already come out, I saw through the glass as they began to clean the space in the game The hall, put the scene of the stands, (at that moment I wanted to borrow there, a friend pulling me back: you don't need it, but I said: do not worry about me, and I opened the window, people started to run away and I got there and not closed the window) took out the transparencies, the people began to go to the scene in turn and shout slogans, the people began to support them, a sign of the 5th column, then the concert began, the dances were all the sex around, and the people began to disperse, at the end there were very few people ,So it turned out that I stood next to a person who began to spend a roll ring, he was in a strict suit, with a assistant, on the species of 25-28 years, I stood in a suit and dress a tie, ties I didn't wear, I didn't wear someone, he I says: that they are the liberation front of Russia or something in this spirit, he has a list in his hands, I'm on him (list) I look and attach my table that there was a question in my hands, it does not fit then I turn the sheet, he says: What do you want? I say: silently, I check and on the reverse side of him the same table ka and me .... And I say: I recently entered into your movement, he took it ... And I began to ask me what I do, and all who stayed began to look at I was covered with a shirt at that moment, I corrected the tie, I threw a jacket, I said: I've been guarding the most valuable thing that they have, one at the furthest corner asked: a credit in a home loan bank (I can not want to describe it ), I say no, then the young man who sat from him through the girl (a girl of 30 years old can describe, in general, I can describe everyone, and even the setting with flowers in the sense of which color everything was), that by now I tell him the information, he begins to laugh , I compose to him that I had in lead and it becomes not ridiculous, then the one who spent the rebound says let me write you and stretches to me a sheet with paper, I write my name and surname, phone number, and on the last figures doubt but still I finish the phone number, I give him a sheet, from the furthest angle of hearing We have a female voice that asks you big? How many centimeters? I took it all started to smile and look at me, I say to her: I wouldn't have been not understood, let it go closer and ask the question. And then I can not feel good to understand, and the response will look stupid, she got up, began to approach me and I woke up.
    This is not the only my sleep, I'm in a dream I pass through the walls, fly, tearing. Head dragons, withstand bullet shots, blows with a knife, fighting with knives in the body, hands, I can describe a lot of things. I am generally the leader of 5-7 people 4 men 3 women, in different situations there are different quantities, Maximum was seven, we are paying a living bear , which causes a shaman who introduces us to a trans one wave with a bear, and we go and perform tasks, we call the first detachment, which consists in the first department, which is like FSB in parage, it is difficult to explain. Yes, I have no one This squad did not see in life, I can describe each.

    Well sitting in the figure female suit -stile. I seem to like it, but in fact, I don't really like black color. But in a suit there are inserts, or appliqués. And to the costume approxed the hat. But this supplement was pleased. In principle, the costume liked. Only confused the color.

    Hello, saw in a dream a lot of people, among them relatives of the former husband. Allegedly I get married, but it is not clear for whom, and the atmosphere as if at the funeral. I'm in a black suit, or rather a jacket and a white blouse. Some hairstyle I have a hairstyle: the middle strand of the hair sticks out with a bow, the other remains are descended in the form of braids, but not braided

    In a large shopping center, it was very light and cozy, I went with a girlfriend in shopping. I saw myself already in a sports suit,. Top white pants are red, and lilac shoes thought that the shoes do not fit the color to look for another shoes. Viewing different Marshi but for some reason without heels.

    I bought a new costume beige-peach color: trousers and jacket dressed him and felt very comfortable. However, another seller told me that he was big to me and I didn't bother her that this costume I did not buy, but I would like a dress. But I went to it.

    I see myself in a dream in a chic costume against the background of the bright pictures of nature, colors, met a woman an elderly, allegedly familiar, who praises me admire, I don't remember her face. The first time in my life I saw a color sleep, but I am 57. I said in a dream, What now work I have this ... Thank you.


    A chic white suit is dressed on me. I am in a huge huge white building white floor. What a holiday, all in white, happy faces, I am going on a huge hall, everyone welcomed me with a light nod of my head, I have a great mood, I understand that I causing admiration for the surrounding public ... I woke up.

    i dreamed a dream that I was in the wondest costume go somewhere dressed on the go of a pedjack and on the banging side some kind of light flower in my pocket and thought such that I groom at the wedding but I didn't see weddings in general

    i definitely do not remember on I was in a strict suit I remember that the shoes were not clean. I went shopping looking for a cream for shoes were familiar people who don't remember someone somewhere
    In short, just do not understand anything

    Dreamed husband in a white suit playing on the accordion. In life on the accordion does not play, we live separately for three years in different cities.
    As if I began to get on the old work again, where we worked with my husband, the director tells me: Come on, remember the past and get ready to write a report. And the husband stands at the entrance to work and meets guests, the participants of the event, which I should write a report.
    P.S. The husband in reality told me that he would die soon. Even earlier, my mother died to our meeting and he bought Columban for 4 places, said it to seal it and what photo to put it. Children called him yesterday, he asked when we arrive.

    i dressed a new, white costume, well-sitting, I look great, and here I had a need to help someone in work, and I put a small speck on the sleeve, but in a dream I was sure that the erase of his gasoline, and went to buy it .

    i was put in a very big castuit with a caric light and a bright shirt of blue light, we measured with each other and it had a very Malini size, then he scolded me for why he wears such a rainky castery I am not.

    I dreamed of a beloved man, who is now sick (mental illness), and we have not seen almost six months. In a dream, his mother spoke to me about his condition, I was concerned about his well-being. His mother said he had nothing to sad and called him to us. He appeared in a strict greenish-blue suit with a tie, looked at his mother with a slight smile.

    Hello I dreamed of a clean male costume that was lying on the road. He was postilane looked like a new one and he was worsened on the road. On the same night, bats and a big bird with a pink plumage on the paws were light. More rings experienced silver with stones it's all in one dream.

    I will write my whole dream.
    The sleep begins with the fact that the whole world (village) around me is black and white, and I find myself calanted in the chandelts. I don't have anyone around the street around at all, there are only rustic houses.
    After some time, a man and a girl come and dismissed me. "You say to me, let's go all together somewhere in another country." That I am answering them that it is my homeland and I'm not going to leave anywhere. Many and the girl turns around and go. I also turn around and go on the road to the end of the village. It is closer to the end of the village shouting at Mariy language, they say that Hey Mariy leaves, I came to you. The white world is replaced by color. And suddenly people come out of the houses - Mary. And I myself understand that they are already all the live people. Among them were girls and babies, men, and old men. But most of all the old man dressed all in a white suit, he was shining, and the radiance came from him from the inside. This was my grandfather veteran. I had my grandfather I was delighted and hugged me, and I hugged him too, but for some reason I broke myself and did not say anything. And I taking my hands by saying my hands on Marih: "What are you doing here? You still have it too early to be."
    And then everything worked out, and I woke up. If then, my grandfather is really alive. That's what is interesting to me these symbols: shackles, empty village, man and girl (beautiful), my grandfather in a white suit. But it would be better to know what my meant grandfather.

    He dreamed of stepfather, which is my enemy and the enemy of my mom, with whom we judge at the moment. He is generally poor and wears any rubbish, but today allegedly met him in a new blue suit, which he never worn in life and was very surprised and meeting with him and this costume. He smiled and was pleased.

    Hello, literally today dreamed of a terrible dream. I was sitting on my bed and looked into a small mirror, and in the reflection of my man was sitting in a gray suit, a white shirt and with a black tie, a man was not terrible, but I knew that he was not real ? I was so much frightened that I couldn't sleep with a sharply and then half the night could not sleep. I myself was in black and white colors and very short, fell asleep just for minutes on 5. This is not the first time, when I have a short dreams in which I am very strong I'm scared and who remember well.

    Today I dreamed of buying a costume with a shirt. Liked I really liked, in it I was in motion and glad. But there were two ties. Bow and the usual, which I tied. I remember the flowers of green gray and bordeaux

    Hello Tatiana! My husband dreamed that in as if he chooses in the supermarket, and then buys a brown suit with red, velor, white shirt, brown shoes. Please tell me what it would mean. Thank you!!!

    Saw in a dream of his civil husband in a new suit (white shirt, burgundy tie, gray-green or marsh color jacket ...) And I know that this suit is bought in the ritual cabin, i.e. With the cut back, and he was sewn his friend's jacket .... Madway stood in line for confession and communion on the other side of the glass partition from me ....

    Walked and photographed myself on the shore of a small river, in a business suit on a very beautiful coast with a flowering daisies and dandelions. Well, very beautiful and coast and costume behind the blooming shore, the field planted or cotton or clover, but he is still young. Santimeters 2-3.

    At first I bathed in clean water. It was a narrow and closed space. When I came out of the water and went home. I remember back-it's a guy and allegedly asks for me. Then it catchies me and stops near me by car. I sit in the car, he tries to meet me. I look at it - dressed as a guy, and the inferior of feminine-long blonde hair collected in a beam, and a pretty woman with makeup face. I say. It is a causing woman and says that I am married and I have a child (this is actually So) and that he has no chance. After that, I say that I can communicate with him only in a friendly. In fact, I liked it. I go out and go further. Ivge myself in a black business suit and in the hands of the folder in which the scissors and the line are lying ...

    I bought a light beige suit and white shirt with a label 9999. Restaurant with friends. I see many people men and girls. I start looking for my wife, but I find my phone with an open page of a former friend and understand that she left. I see a former friend swimming in clothes among a flooded antique building and take it on the camera (transparent water). I swim in clean water I hold the phone, my wife finds me, I turn off the phone goes to her. She left to feed the baby, all is well she smiles

    Sailed in the raging ocean myself sailed easily was night saw the ship as he fought with peeling waves fell to the shore there dressed a sports suit red light colors and a receipt with any color inserts met on the way on a bench 5-6 youngsters spoke to them

    Hello. I dreamed me that I saw in the store's care suit. He beat greenish color, and on the trousers on the belt were small, beautiful flowers. I bought it. I already dream this store and I bought things there more than once. Kostrm later showed her sister's senior. She liked it.

    i saw myself and my man in a stranger wedding and he was in a new costume of angry color and new black shoes. After the wedding, he came down with a cream for shoes. In life, he does not wear costumes. What would it mean. Because please feel the importance of sleep .

    Hello! Mom today dreamed of sleep as if she ordered costumes. She sewed a black sports suit she was in him, but I have a short black dress, I did not wear it, why is such a terrible dream?

In the article on the topic: "Dream Dream Male Suit" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

If in a dream you wore a new suit, then be sure you are awaiting success and quick achievement of the goal. But this is not all what is dreaming like this clothing. Dream interpretation will tell about other interpretations of the image.

According to Miller

As Miller's dream book assures, such a dream can be considered prophet. However, he reminds that the outcome of some business depends entirely on how the new suit was.

Where to begin?

To understand what this update is dreaming, you must make a comprehensive interpretation of sleep. You need to pay attention to the features of Croy (pockets, belt, side), condition (clean, dirty), as well as on your own sensations (convenient, close, etc.). Dream interpretation offers several decodes in the color of the product.

  • White suit promises sad changes.
  • Yellow - Financial success and entertainment.
  • Blue - support for friends and your own activity.
  • Raspberry - getting rid of problems, thanks to personal enterprise.
  • Green - prosperity and hope.
  • Black - disease.
  • Brown - everybody trouble.
  • Multicolor - sharp change, combination of good and bad.

What hide from you?

Did you dream that a familiar person buys updates? He is prepared for wealth and glory. If in a dream you for some reason paid attention to a new costume, which is wearing an extraneous person, the dream book is confident that something hide from you. To dress clothes in which another person walked literally means to try on someone else's rhythm of life.

To losses and luck

What else is a new suit? Dream Interpretation is confident that it depends on the type. So female symbolizes frivolous behavior and stupid deeds. If a man dreamed that he was dressed in a female suit, then his losses and trouble await him.

For a young girl, a black female set means disappointment, a pink is a more successful rival, a trouser - a business grip.

In turn, a male costume in a dream is a clear warning of money loss, which will not be able to fill it very soon. To see a woman in a dream, on which a male suit, according to Dreamnik, to great luck.

Show activity!

What dreams sports suit? Dream Interpretation Thinks that you will have excellent opportunities for self-realization. Sports outfit also symbolizes freedom of self-expression. If in a dream it happened to buy a sports suit, then in real life it should be more actively taking care and problems.

Unreal luck

If a New Year's suit dreamed, then a completely unexpected turn of some kind of case is coming, in fact - a big surprise. But the Children's New Year outfit means a grand luck for a dream.

If in a dream it happened to see a beautiful, but already an exemplary new suit, then luck awaits you, but only if you refuse progressive views.

Sign of well-being

To get the right answer: what dreams a new suit, the dream book advises to take into account, on whom it was going. So a man in an expensive and elegant set can dreamed of well-being.

If you visited you at night in the business triple, then I will have a brief with the head. And only the jacket is to see a business meeting that can change your position.

To the golyanka and money!

If his wife dreamed of her husband in a beautiful twice, then a good goulab awaits you. If the husband is dressed in a new robe, the dream book claims - the delayed salary is expected.

If you delighted the outfit in a dream, who was dressed familiar, then she threatens envy of friends. A familiar lady in a too shrieking toilet predicts that you will call the whole world.

To the implementation of plans

What else is a new suit? If in a dream you happened to sew it yourself, then in real life there are every chance to arrange a happy family. But tailoring in the atelier means that plans are implemented only thanks to someone else's assistance.

Dream interpretation suit, what dreams costume in a dream to see

From this article you can find out what a dream is a suit from dreams of different authors. Which means seen telling the analysis of the dream on the maps Lenorman. And even more precisely, the moon calendar will help to understand sleep.

What dreams costume: interpretation of sleep

What is the suit for dreaming in the fall?

Suit - buy a suit in the store, and then find that it does not fit you at all, - to the disorder. Dirty and torn costume - to acquire a new clothes.

Double-breasted costume - If you see on yourself in a dream, an elegant double-breasted costume is to your kichliness.

Costume What dreams in summer?

Sleep to see about the costume - buy costume in the store - your boss in the veiled form will be something to find out. See in a dream dirty and torn costume - to buy updates.

Two-breasted costume - to see an elegant double-breasted costume means that snobbery is not the last disadvantage.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

What dreams of a suit in dreams?

Costume - Male - Money Loss; carnival - incredible lead, an unusual turn of affairs; Children's carnival costume - a special luck, it says the interpreter about the essence of sleep, which you dream.

Dream of the XXI century

Why dream costume in night gold?

Suit - a male costume seen by you in a dream - means financial losses, carnival - unexpected lead, an unexpected turn of affairs, a children's carnival costume - a special luck. For a man to be dressed in a female costume - to losses. If in a dream you saw the jacket - you are waiting for a business meeting, from which your social status and financial success will depend on.

Costume What is dreaming in the spring?

Costume - see a new suit with a label - to a taller behavior, to a silent singers. Ripped costume - to the disorder about his appearance, to dissatisfaction with their appearance, figure, face, hairstyle, and so on.

Double-breasted costume - you will deal with a double person who will interfere with you in your life.

Dream Wander (T. Amplanova)

Costume - Male - cash spending; Female - frivolous actions; Sports - free self-expression of thoughts, feelings, abilities; Carnival - extraordinary luck; Sadness (expression: "sad clown").

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

What dreams costume - Dream Interpretation interprets like this:

Male suit - money loss

Troika costume -

Dream Interpretation Stewart Robinson

What dreams costume in a dream?

Be dressed in a casual working suit - to a salary delay. Having dreamed of a male costume foreshadows money losses, which will need a long time. To see a clown suit in a dream - discover that they were mistaken against a person who was considered serious and obligatory, as for business relations. To put on the clown costume - the danger to the temptation and temptations of lightweight life, which has a criminal color.

If dream sleep costume

Suit in a dream is always a symbol of your personality. When you dream of an unusual costume - this is a symbol of some disguise or a new image of your personality. If you wear a suit in a dream, it displays that feeling when you really want to look in the eyes of people around you well. Buy a suit - your subconscious requires changes in life and in appearance. Wear in a dream someone else's costume, it means that some problems of other people have shifting. If in a dream your costume wears another person - you will be helped soon with solving some important issues of completely outsiders. Wear a wedding costume - sharp pleasant changes in life.

Meaning of sleep on days of the week:

The night vision will come true, not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day a dream was dreamed.

  • If you dream about a suit in a dream from Sunday for Monday
  • What dreams of a dream suit from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream of a suit from Tuesday on Wednesday
  • If a suit is dreaming about the dream dream from Wednesday to Thursday
  • What dreams costume from Thursday on Friday
  • If a suit is dreaming in a dream from Friday on Saturday
  • What dreams suit in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

WED OCTOBER 04, 2017, 07:43:47

MON SEPTEMBER 18, 2017, 10:00:44

WED NOVEMBER 30, 2016, 13:49:16

Tue September 20, 2016, 11:20:45

Sat January 30, 2016, 12:33:45

Suit in the dream book. Tell your sleep:

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Dream book

Buy a male suit

If you have dreamed of a suit, what does this mean by the dream?

He shows the outside of a person, his desire to show himself, hide disadvantages and show advantages. The cost of a costume, its details, the purpose of the thing also shows that it is precisely a person, and also what they see and perceive him surrounding.

To understand how the dream dream interpretation, pay attention to which role he performed in your dream. Did you sew it yourself or you presented it. Have you seen on someone or ourselves wore.

Very often he shows the true essence and self-esteem of a person who was in a dream next to you and whose costume made you pay attention to him. That's what dream of a male, female and theater costume most often.

Prestige of a strong floor

In such a dream, you usually see a male costume, sew, worn and try on it, and also notice on another person. The color, purpose and model of such a costume show you the nearest events and the roles in which you will be (if the thing is intended for you), as well as an idea of \u200b\u200byourself or the real prestige of another person.

A classic black suit in a dream, which is put on a wedding or event, predicts you an invitation to a celebration, an official meeting or various business. A lonely man male solemn suit predicts acquaintance at a festival with a girl, bright and interesting, fast marriage or a celebration in the house.

In some cases, such a dream is dreaming of an invitation to a solemn official event or commemoration in a restaurant. A married man such a dream can predict a quick divorce, a new love passion, prestigious work or mourning.

See him on another person what dreams? The more expensive and representing such a male costume in a dream, the higher the power and the real position in the society of whom you saw in it. Such a dream may suggest that you are a strict and representative person who honors the rules of good tone, very official and demanding.

Sometimes a dream suit interprets both stiffness, grips and excessive dependence on someone else's opinion. A girl to meet a person in a strict suit means a rich and solid man, the groom, but it can be too cold, old-fashioned and compound.

Casual suit, especially expensive and chic white color usually dreams of acquaintance and communication with a bright, artistic and quite an extraordinary person who loves luxury. A very expensive suit indicates his wealth and prestigious position in society.

A man see him and approximately - to a adventure that will help him easily and quickly go into people, achieve a good position in society. See him on another person what dreams? Dream Interpretist writes that such a dream predicts acquaintance with a person who will be very high about himself opinions and can bring about herself to look beautiful in other people's eyes.

Business and theatrical female costume

What dream of a man see a girl or a woman in a strict business suit? Dream Interpretation writes that soon you will communicate with a lady quite representative and power, the success of its activity depends on the favor.

Junior to see a girlfriend in a strict business suit - to her career aspirations, rigor and unavailability. It will not be easy to find the key to her heart, especially those who can not contribute to her career. Woman and girl wear such a costume - to a career and business offer. A creative worker such a dream predicts the routine and the need to do everyday affairs.

What dreams theatrical and scenic suit on someone? Dream Interpretation writes that such a dream can mean what they play, insincerity of feelings, deception and passing. Please note what kind of character it represents at all.

Sometimes the dream book writes that the man in the theater costume is too concerned about his impression on others, so hides its true thoughts and feelings. Wear a theater costume in a dream - to an unusual role or an incident that will happen soon.

The guy see on his girlfriend the costume of a ballerina dancer in a dream - to her frivolous act. Most likely, she just plays in love, without experiencing sincere feelings and loves male attention.

Girl wear a ballerina costume - to frivity and windiness, in love and easy flirting. But often he means gossip and frankness in front of cold and hard people.

House Dnov

what does every dream mean

What dreams of a man in a suit

Dream Dream Man in Suit

What dreams of a man in a sleep in a dream in dreams?

What dream of a man in a suit? If the suit has a chic, stylish look - you expect a life provided in all respects.

Some needs will end, all that wish will be achieved. Competently use the chance provided by fate.

What color was the costume in a dream?

Dreamed a man in a white suit

A man in a white suit in a dream foreshadows money losses. For a girl to see in a white suit of his guy - to the execution of cherished desires, the embodiment of previously intended plans.

Dream man in black suit

A dream about a man in a black suit foreshadows betrayal from the side of close. You should carefully follow the events in your personal life, it will be easier to prepare for betrayal.

What dreams costume

Numerological dream book Pythagora

Integrate in a dream, the triple costume - means that in life you take not your place.

If this dream sees a woman - then this is a sign that she will decide to marry a person who does not love, and her marriage will not be happy.

If this dream will dream of a schoolboy - after 66 days he will show his full ignorance on the exam or interview.

A businessman has a similar dream - promises crashing ambitious hopes in the next 3 weeks, as he aiming too highly, he should be put into order in his thoughts and plans.

Modern dream book

Book in a dream a new costume - the foresight of wealth and fame.

You can change the costume - a bad sign, someone will reveal your personal secret and thereby give you a lot of trouble.

Dress up a black suit - to the disease.

To see someone in a black suit - you will suffer deep disappointment.

Dream of the XXI century

Male costume seen by you in a dream - means financial losses; carnival - unexpected lead, an unexpected turn turn; Children's carnival costume - a special luck. For a man to be dressed in a female costume - to losses.

If in a dream you saw the jacket - you are waiting for a business meeting, from which your social status and financial success will depend on.

Health Dream Interpretation

See the costume - determine the condition of health in quality and view of the costume; To see the suit is male or female for the face of the opposite sex - means sexual dissatisfaction.


Buy in the store costume, and then find that it does not suit you at all - to the disorder.

Dirty and torn costume - to acquire a new clothes.

If you see on yourself in a dream, an elegant double-breasted costume is to the kichliness.

Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August

Buy the costume in the store - your boss in the veiled form will have something to find out something.

See in a dream dirty and torn costume - to buy updates.

To see an elegant double-breasted costume - means that snobbery is not the last disadvantage.

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

See the new with a label costume - to a taller behavior, to a silent singers.

Ripped costume - to a disorder about his appearance, to dissatisfaction with their appearance, figure, face, hairstyle.

Double-breasted costume - you will deal with a double person who will interfere with you in your life.

Dream Interpretation Medium Miss Hasse

Male suit - money loss.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To see yourself in a dream dressed in a weekend costume - means that you will be invited to a fun party with a lot of good acquaintances and not less than one-time and hot.

Be dressed in a casual working suit - to a salary delay.

The male costume doned to you - foreshadows money losses, which will require a long time.

To see a clown suit in a dream - discover that they were mistaken against a person who was considered serious and obligatory, as for business relations.

To put on the clown costume - the danger to the temptation and temptations of lightweight life, which has a criminal color.

Dream Stranger

Male costume - cash spending; Female - frivolous actions; Sports - free self-expression of thoughts, feelings, abilities; Carnival - extraordinary luck; Sadness (expression: "sad clown").

Dream interpretation signs

Being a carnival or children's costume is an extraordinary luck.

Dream Taro.

Suit, masquerade, kitchen - deception, good mine with a bad game. Successes, restaurant business, winemaking.

Dream of Freud.

The costume, like any clothes, symbolizes the nudity of the person in which you see it, or is generally a symbol of a naked human body.

Dream of flowers

Male suit - money loss; carnival - incredible lead, an unusual turn of affairs; Children's carnival costume - a special luck.

Universal dream book

Why are the highest, strong, strong men at costumed parties always disguise in women? What are they trying to say that?

In a dream, an unusual suit is a masking symbol or a new image. Do you wear a suit in a dream? What is this suit?

Suit - reflects how you want to look in the eyes of others. Do you want to create a new image? What do you feel by changing the image?

If there is someone else in a dream, how do you feel about this? Does he wear it just for fun, or is it a cardinal change of person? Perhaps the costume misleads you, reminding that people are not always like that they seem?

Perhaps in a dream you needed a suit - because you want to open another part of your personality!

Online dream book

Acquire in a dream to a new thing in the form of a suit - promises you a big profit and a celebrity.

If you change it - a bad omen, some kind of special will soon find out about your secret and you will blackmail you.

Wear a black suit for yourself - a dream promises you some diseases in the near future.

If he is for the carnival - wait for some unforeseen news, and the events will unfold quite unpredictably.

The costume dreams all in the mud and torn - the dream book predicts you the acquisition of new clothes.

Dreamed that you measure clown suit - soon you can give in to some temptation, which can lead you even to the crime. Be careful.

White costume - obstacles and interference on your way. What at first seemed easy, threatens to turn into unbearable work.

Black suit - loss and parting. Cash missions, theft, fraud are possible.

Men's suit in a dream - your shoulders will lay down the execution of routine work, which will be boring and monotonous. You will try to get rid of it.

New suit - Your life will change to the root. You will want not only to make new friends and change the job, but also to get rid of painful relationships with the current second half or spouse.

Dream Suit

What dreams costume in a dream in dream?

Saw in a dream the costume - the cardinal changes in the affairs are foreseen. You will have to urgently change the direction or scope of activity. There may be obstacles to success, however, due to your perseverance and perseverance will soon be returned, stable, reliable position in society.

Who was dressed in a suit in a dream? What color was the costume in your dream? What did the costume look like in your dream?

Who was dressed in a suit in a dream?

What to see yourself in a suit

If you saw yourself in a dream in a black suit, it is a message about the coming sad lead or disappointment in people close to you.

What color was the costume in your dream?

What does dream mean about blue suit

Dreamed blue suit - faithful, loyal friends will surely support you. Be persistent and firm. Help loved ones, also your dedication will lead you to the long-awaited victory.

What did the costume look like in your dream?

Meaning of sleep about women's costume

See female and warning to you. Think before you take for a new, unbearable business. The lack of experience, skills, the new scope of activity can lead to serious problems.

When the carnival costume dreams

A dreamy carnival prepares you-revealing will happen completely incredible phenomena, amazing news, an unexpected cycle in life.

How do other dreams interpret?

What dreams of a suit?

If a person dreams of a luxurious costume, this suggests that in the near future he or his loved ones can get sick and it will destroy all the plans. To seek a suit in a dream means that the person himself is to blame for all misfortunes and failures that happen to him. In this case, without the help of third-party people can not do.

Find out what the costume is dreaming, it will be possible right now. Purchase a suit in the store and find out that it is not suitable for a person to the disorder. Suit in evaporated form - to buy new clothes. If a new suit with a label is dreamed of a cunning plan from any person. A sweeping and torn suit speaks of discontent with respect to his appearance, figures, faces, hairstyles, etc.

Take a three-way suit, suggests that in life a person is not in his place. For a woman, a similar dream - to marriage in three months with a person whom she does not like because of this, she will not be happy in marriage. For a schoolboy, such a dream to the fact that on the exam after 66 days he will demonstrate his ignorance of this or that item. The sports costume dreams of the unimpeded expression of their feelings and skills.

Tracing the costume in a dream foreshadows that in the near future, a person may be in a difficult situation. However, at the same time, you can not count on the help of friends, as they turn away from humans. A man in a dream in a female costume foreshadows losses. To see the jacket in a dream, then you need to be ready for a business meeting. Social status of man and financial well-being will depend on it. It happens that a sexy suit for role-playing games can dreamed. He foreshadows the change of mood, no good well-being and weakness.

However, you should not worry about the foregoing. All phenomena that have been listed above will only last a small amount of time. Later, a person will feel again full of strength and energy.

Male attribute for dreams

Objects of the wardrobe or part of the body belonging to a man can enjoy good luck, a true pleasure, moral pleasure from the work done and solid financial encouragement. Based on the specific type of the Men object, it is possible to determine what dreams seen on the eve of the day before. Best before you look into the dream book, in the details I remember your dream and analyze it on the basis of the situation that develops in real life.

For a woman, hearing a man's voice in a dream, symbolizes the prompt of the universe (voice of mind, intuition). If the voice sounds threatening, unpleasant or alarmed - it is worth waiting for bad news and unpleasant news. A loud, confident and sonorous voice speaks of the successfulness and luck of the dream.

If a married lady, he dreamed of a male name that did not belong to her spouse, then, according to the dream book, a young man will appear in the life of the lady with this name, which will play not the last role in the fate of the dreams. Writing or pronounced the name of your chosen one, expresses anxiety of person about the barely catchy change in relationship with the beloved.

A man, hear their name in a dream, Dream Interpretation predicts an appeal for help to influential and high-ranking individuals.

Men's clothing in a dream

Men's suit seen in a dream, foreshadows the dream of an impressive cash loss. A sports suit indicates incredible achievements in real life, to victories on a business field and success at the opposite sex.

For a woman, see a man's jacket in a dream, means material or financial losses, the reason for which the representative of the opposite sex will be. Wearing or putting a jacket lady in a dream - the image may be hint on what is not feminine enough or hides his sensuality deep in herself.

For a young man, the jacket suggests that in a short time a man has a serious event. If this piece of clothing was small or looked ridiculous on a young man, then, at the coming festival, the dreaming will not prove it in the best way and will be prevented before the public not in the best light.

If a girl dreamed of a men's shirt, then, the dream book reveals the tendency of the dreams to a constructive dialogue. It is worth being softer and Polaishov with their own partner in the topics of the ladies who had the shirt of his partner in a dream. The intentions to drive his beloved "under the heel", break his will and subordinate to himself, will end that the chosen one will find a more agreed person.

A new men's shirt on a young man predicts a new interesting acquaintance. See this item of the wardrobe on the hanger - the need for a short time to take a serious and responsible decision. Torn, dirty and untidy shirt testifies to the full collapse in affairs, which will occur due to communication with unworthy and hypocritical people.

The opportunity to visit the solemn and grand event, that's what a white men's shirt dreams. The dream of a dream, in which a shirt was given to a dream, to wash it - a sign of devotion and new acquaintances. Skaling or sewing a button - to an unexpected situation that can affect the well-being or honor of a sleeping person.

Tamper and dirty men's jacket in a dream, according to the dreams, warns about deception. It is necessary to be wary of various kinds, favorable and interesting offers, as well as filter your new acquaintances.

What dreams of men's pants? If this object of the wardrobe in a dream is put on the young man, the dream is ensured by success in amur affairs and good luck in business negotiations. Clamping pants induced to someone else's influence, which is subconsciously obeys sleeping. A woman who saw himself in men's trousers, dream interpretation predicts an intimate connection with a man who in the past caused antipathy from her.

Integrate in the dream, men's pants for a woman denotes non-equilibrium to the opposite sex, which can later be destructive to affect the reputation of the dreams. A man is a vision, in the dreams, foreshadows promotion or successful employment to work.

To dream of men's socks, according to the dreams, means some benefit that can be obtained from an unplanned enterprise. Men's panties see in a dream - to a profitable business offer. A woman who saw on himself the subject of wardrobe is confident in himself and purposefully goes to his goal.

Young women will be useful to know what a male sweater dreams. Such a vision indicates the appearance of a new man's dreams in the life of a new man who can conquer the heart of a sleeping person and beat the lady at the current Uhager.

Men's T-shirt symbolizes positive moments in life, the ability to relax and engage in your favorite hearts, dedicate the time of our own interests and hobbies.

Shoes and accessories men

For those who are thinking about what dreams of men's shoes should pay attention to the appearance and state of this subject. Most dream books decrypt such a picture as rather bright prospects to be founded in an invoices and show themselves well.

To see men's shoes in a dream, according to the dreams, denotes an ambulance road or a fascinating trip associated with work or personal hobbies. To try on new boots to men, promises wage and successfulness in doing business. Men's shoes will dream of a woman as a sign of the emergence of new cavaliers and fans.

For unmarried young lady, to see a man's slippers in a dream, testifies to the establishment of the personal life of a sleeping person and the appearance of a person on the horizon, which the lady will be able to fully trust.

Young man wear male sneakers in a dream, by dream book, denotes a good time to relax and relaxation. Businessmen on the contrary, it is worth more attentively to work, because this time is favorable to get a big profit.

The danger of becoming a victim of the Obidnov, from which the image and the reputation of the dreaming, which will be shot by dirty men's boots. Promotional shoes warns about the cheating of the second half.

A dream in which man gave men's black shoes, indicates a noble act in real life. Clean shoes - to great love and respect for others.

What dream of a male tie? This vision is a phallic symbol, and women promises a pleasant relationship with the opposite sex. Wear a tie in a dream, by dream book, indicates the emergence of a favorable period in life.

Male belt in a dream, predicts difficulties with finance. Men's wristwatch promise generous remuneration for the work done earlier. If, in a dream, the girl had to sprinkle with male perfume, it means that a new love passion is waiting for a young lady.

It is useful to know what the male ring is dreaming. The representative of the beautiful gender, which was lucky to find this decoration in a dream, would be able to reveal to meet and enjoy the high-ranking and rich person, which will take a dream to his custody.

The wedding male ring in a dream, in the female dream, is interpreted by dream book as the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Parts of a man's body

To find out what men's hands are being shot, you should remember their appearance and condition. Dirty limbs predict treason and betrayal from a close person. Clean and tidy - promise successful business negotiations and good luck in work.

What dreams men's breasts? A beautiful sex representative, such an image indicates happiness in love and a cloudless future. Hairy men's breasts, in the dreams, talks about the possibility of a secured and rich young man who will be sincerely interested in sleeping person.

Male torso in a dream is a symbol of protection. In addition, such an image is indicated by creatively implemented and implement their most intricate ideas into reality. Men's legs, in the dream book, are a reflection of passionate nature and inapply sleeping person. For the young lady, see the hairy feet of the opposite floor, indicates that in the near surrounding person there are several people who are tremendously and carefully to it.

Men's back in a dream, according to the dreams, is a sign of someone else's negative impact, as well as a sign of the loss of power and authority in the team. For a woman, such a picture is a positive interpretation that speaks about the protection of the dreams. However, to see his own young man who turned his back, testifies to the loss of contact, the crisis in relationship with the beloved.

The smoothrybrid male face is interpreted by the dream, about the possibility of fully enjoying silence and tranquility. A sleeping person will have the opportunity to relax alone with himself.

What does male genitals dream? In most cases, such a picture, in the dream book, is a symbol of entertainment, pleasure, strength and pleasure.

A guy see in a dream Male dignity, according to the dream book, indicates that the dreams in real life is experiencing sexual dissatisfaction. If a young man sees in a dream its own sexual member, which is in the "battle" condition, then the dream should pay attention to the relationship with the partner.

If the men's sexual body dreamed of a fine sex representative, then according to the dream, the girl has difficulties in sexual relationships with partners. Married ladies like this picture speaks of the likely break with the second half due to sexual incompatibility.

Buy a male suit

Dream book to buy a male costume Dreamed, why dream in a dream to buy a male suit? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to buy a male suit, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Male Suit

Dream Interpretation - Male Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

See yourself in a dream dressed in a weekend costume means you will be invited to a fun party with a lot of good acquaintances and not less than one-time and hot.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Male Striptease

As modern philosophy declares, the male striptease is a very young phenomenon in human culture. After all, his consumers are women, and they are long century, until the end of the last century, the role of the model and the subject that the man contemplates, but they themselves never fulfilled the role of looking. And yet the male striptease not only takes place in real life, but also sometimes appears in our dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Male suit - money loss.

Integrate in a dream, a three-story suit means that in life you do not take your place. If this dream sees a woman, then this is a sign that she will decide to marry a person who does not love, and her marriage will not be happy. If this dream dictates a schoolboy, after 66 days he will show his full ignorance on the exam or interview. A businessman has a similar sleep promises the crash of ambitious hopes in the next 3 weeks, as he aiming too highly, he should be given order in his thoughts and plans.

Male Favorite in Suit

Dream Dream Man Favorite in Suit Dreamed what dream of a man's favorite man in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man's favorite man in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Suit

See yourself in a dream dressed in a weekend costume means you will be invited to a fun party with a lot of good acquaintances and not less than one-time and hot.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

You are waiting for financial losses.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buy in the store costume, and then find that it does not fit you at all, to disorder. Dirty and torn costume - to acquire a new clothes.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

See the new with a label costume - to a taller behavior, to a silent singers. Ripped costume - to the disorder about his appearance, to dissatisfaction with their appearance, figure, face, hairstyle, and so on.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buy the costume in the store - your boss in the veiled form will have something to find out something. See in a dream dirty and torn costume - to buy updates.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Male suit - money loss.

Dream Interpretation - Troika costume and number three

Integrate in a dream, a three-story suit means that in life you do not take your place. If this dream sees a woman, then this is a sign that she will decide to marry a person who does not love, and her marriage will not be happy. If this dream dictates a schoolboy, after 66 days he will show his full ignorance on the exam or interview. A businessman has a similar sleep promises the crash of ambitious hopes in the next 3 weeks, as he aiming too highly, he should be given order in his thoughts and plans.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Man in a white suit

Dream Interpretation man in a white suit Dreamed what dreams in a dream man in a white suit? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man in a white suit, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Suit

See yourself in a dream dressed in a weekend costume means you will be invited to a fun party with a lot of good acquaintances and not less than one-time and hot.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

You are waiting for financial losses.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buy in the store costume, and then find that it does not fit you at all, to disorder. Dirty and torn costume - to acquire a new clothes.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

See the new with a label costume - to a taller behavior, to a silent singers. Ripped costume - to the disorder about his appearance, to dissatisfaction with their appearance, figure, face, hairstyle, and so on.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Buy the costume in the store - your boss in the veiled form will have something to find out something. See in a dream dirty and torn costume - to buy updates.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Male suit - money loss.

Dream Interpretation - Troika costume and number three

Integrate in a dream, a three-story suit means that in life you do not take your place. If this dream sees a woman, then this is a sign that she will decide to marry a person who does not love, and her marriage will not be happy. If this dream dictates a schoolboy, after 66 days he will show his full ignorance on the exam or interview. A businessman has a similar sleep promises the crash of ambitious hopes in the next 3 weeks, as he aiming too highly, he should be given order in his thoughts and plans.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Being an extraordinary luck in a carnival or children's costume.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

New - to wealth and prosperity, worn - to a stable material situation.

Dream Interpretation - Suit

Suit, masquerade, kitchen - deception, good mine with a bad game.