Traffic police ticket solution online. Exam tickets for traffic rules of categories C and D (SD) and subcategories C1, D1

Is stopping within 5 meters of a pedestrian crossing prohibited?
Yes, but not from the transition, but before the transition. You can stop behind him even close, there are no restrictions.

Ticket 2 - question 13

Why do you have to give way to a bus on a secondary road?

Ticket 10 - question 17

Using fog lights separately from low beams in poor visibility conditions?
No, only together. IN new edition rules clause 19.4 says - “Fog lights can be used in conditions of poor visibility With low or high beam headlights." This means only together.

Ticket 10 - question 18

Can all motorcycles be operated without a first aid kit?
No - only motorcycles without a side trailer. Not to be confused with a fire extinguisher. All motorcycles can be operated without it.

Ticket 15 - question 9

Is the car on my right?
He turns right, and you turn left, so during the maneuver he will be on your right, and you must give way to him. This is the situation depicted in this question.

Ticket 18 - question 13

Why shouldn't you give way to a car driving on the main road?
This intersection is a controlled intersection, and the traffic order at it is determined not by priority signs, but by traffic signals (clauses 6.15 and 13.3). Simply put, the traffic light cancels the “Give Way” and “Main Road” signs.

Ticket 20 - question 11

Is there anything stopping the truck from overtaking?
You are always in the car located at the bottom of the picture. You cannot start overtaking a nearby truck, since it has already begun to make the maneuver.

Ticket 23 - question 8

The question does not indicate in which direction the car is going to move?
Sign 4.3 “Roundabout” instructs you to move at this intersection only in the direction indicated by the arrows.

Ticket 24 - question 11

Why can't you overtake a truck if it is moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h, isn't it slow-moving?
The traffic rules do not say anywhere that slow-moving vehicles are those moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h. Slow-moving vehicles are considered to have the “Slow-moving vehicle” sign on the rear.

The program is designed to prepare for passing the theoretical traffic rules exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for driving licenses of categories “B” and “C”, as well as subcategories “B1” and “C1”. Content exam tickets for traffic rules "BC"(including graphic objects) fully complies with the official traffic police tickets used to pass the traffic rules exam in 2019.

Registration traffic rules programs "BC" very simple and possible in several ways. You can evaluate its quality in advance (5 BC traffic rules exam tickets are available for training and 1 minute instead of the required 20 in exam mode).

There are 2 preparation modes:

  • Training mode. There is an opportunity to study questions like on "BC" tickets(80 tickets for 20 questions), and by topic. Here you can see the explanation (comment) for each question; if you give an incorrect answer, the system will notify you about this and ask you to give the correct answer.
  • Exam mode. 20 minutes of time are provided (+5 minutes for every 5 additional questions). Questions are generated randomly from four thematic blocks. Each of them has five questions. If you made one mistake or two mistakes in different thematic blocks, then for each mistake five additional questions are added on the topic where the incorrect answer was given. If more than two errors are made, two errors in one thematic block or in one of the questions in an additional block, the exam is not passed. The exam ends either when the time runs out or when you have answered all the questions. At the end of the exam, the results are displayed. You will receive an explanation for every question answered incorrectly.

You can answer questions either using the mouse or the keyboard (the corresponding number keys are for answering questions, space bar is for skipping a question).

Please note that in exam mode, when the “Show incorrect answers” ​​option is disabled, questions are marked with a question mark. The results will be known only after the completion of the exam.

Screenshots of the program:

How to solve traffic tickets by topic

Training in a driving school is a rather interesting process, where future drivers learn the rules traffic, the basics of driving, learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, driving is of greatest interest, but theoretical part requires no less responsibility, even though it is quite boring to learn the rules of the road, study the features of markings, the location of cars on the road, learn to apply special signals in practice, and become familiar with the rules of overtaking and ahead. Otherwise, having seen traffic rules tickets on topics that were missed during the training process during the exam, one can obviously assume that testing will fail. As a result, you have to retake the exam and waste additional time and money. In a busy environment modern people This is extremely undesirable, so you need to try to pass the exam perfectly. It's actually not that difficult.

To get a driver's license the first time, you just need to take the exam responsibly and find out the solution to traffic rules tickets by topic. By endlessly re-reading the material, flipping the pages of the book from side to side, you will simply get confused in it, because repeating the same thing is quite boring. And by flipping through pages with supposedly familiar information, you risk missing some little detail that will be important during the exam. great importance, according to the well-known law of meanness, it will appear on your ticket. Thus, you need to organize your preparation for certification more productively, for example, find traffic rules tickets by topic online. This can be done on the Internet, where special websites provide a list of exam questions for the current year. They can be presented in the form of a list of tickets, or they can be sorted by topic:

general provisions;

driver duties;

rules for using special signals;

deciphering traffic lights and traffic controller signals;

rules for overtaking, ahead and oncoming traffic;

driving through intersections, etc.

If we talk about traffic rules, tickets by topic are much easier to solve. You will be able to repeat material on a specific topic, immediately consolidate it by selecting the desired section with exam questions. As you solve, you can determine which topic has been studied less well, repeat it again, gaining confidence in the quality of the material. Now you know that traffic rules SD tickets on topics will not cause you any difficulties, they will be solved with maximum speed and accuracy. Your driver's license will be in your hands very soon.

Considering the fact that you can download tickets on traffic rules topics absolutely free, it is necessary to include it in the list of advantages that characterize studying tickets on the Internet: saving time, convenience of repeating the material, guaranteeing its high-quality assimilation. In order to gain even higher confidence in your knowledge, you can try to pass the tickets in different versions, using not only their sorting by topic, but also their scattered distribution, as happens in a real exam. In this case, you will have to constantly switch from one topic to another, taking the exact and right decisions. If you can successfully solve the traffic rules exam papers by topic and in any order, then you don’t have to be afraid of anything - your knowledge is securely consolidated. Having gained additional confidence in your knowledge and strengths, you will be able to achieve emotional calm, which will be an excellent assistant during the exam at a driving school.

Do you want to feel calm and confident during the traffic police exams? Is it important for you to pass the theory the first time? Then sit down and practice. If you solve one ticket every day, in a month and a half you will master the theoretical material. The last couple of weeks can be repeated selectively difficult questions or resolve those tickets in which many errors were made.

How to work with tickets on the site

Our service acts as a kind of simulator for preparing for the exam of drivers of categories C, C1, D and D1. It is best to exercise regularly. Daily practice will teach you to quickly and confidently answer questions in conditions similar to exam ones. Please note that the website contains current tickets, with the latest changes made annually by the traffic police. These are the tickets and questions that will be on the exam.

Before starting training, register on the site. Then in personal account Your statistics and time counter will be visible, and you will be able to select difficult tickets and questions. Use different forms of work:

  • Study for exactly one hour today. Check how many tickets you can make.
  • Tomorrow, thoroughly sort out one ticket. Try to understand the logic of the question, consider the situation from different positions.
  • The next day, select 5 difficult tickets and solve them.

Before the exams, it will also be useful to refresh the material in your memory and go over the tickets again.

How the exam for categories C and D works

Now theoretical exam seems like this. The exam itself lasts 30 minutes. This is enough to gather your thoughts and answer 20 questions correctly. The result is evaluated as follows.

  • If you answered correctly, you passed the exam.
  • Make 1 mistake - you get 5 additional questions and 5 minutes of time. You can't make mistakes anymore!
  • I made 2 mistakes - in this case, options are possible. If questions are in different topic groups, the computer offers 10 questions and 10 additional minutes of time. There is no room for error. If both questions are in the same thematic group, the exam is considered failed.
  • If you made 3 or more mistakes, you failed the exam. You'll come next time, in a week. Fortunately, the number of attempts is unlimited.

Important: exam tickets on the website are updated regularly and now contain the “Five additional questions per error” mode.

What you need to know about training in categories C and D

Traditionally, training in categories C and D takes place in two stages, theory and practice. You can study them sequentially, or you can study them in parallel; you master the tickets and at the same time pass practical lessons. Do not forget to analyze the road situation while driving and look for similar cases in theoretical material. This way the material will be remembered better.

Question answer

At what age can you get a license?

Licenses of categories C and C1 are issued to people who have reached the age of 18, and for categories D and D1 you can take exams and receive a mark on your license after reaching 21 years of age. There are exceptions here. Those who have served in the military and have experience driving Category D vehicles can take the test upon reaching their 19th birthday and completing a vocational training program. At the age of 21, all they have to do is confirm their right to drive a vehicle of this category.

How much does it cost to take the theory test?

The cost of the theoretical test: traffic rules exams are taken free of charge. You only need to pay the state fee, which is necessary to obtain a plastic driver’s license.

What documents need to be prepared?

To obtain category C and D licenses, you must submit a package of documents to the traffic police:

  • statement,
  • passport or equivalent document,
  • military ID (for those liable for military service),
  • receipt for payment of state duty,
  • document confirming training at a driving school,
  • medical certificate of the established form.

If driver license you already have them, you also need to present them. The new rights will include marks about all available categories.

In this section of the popular portal you can undergo training in the Rules of the Road using traffic rules tickets, as well as pass the traffic rules exam online according to the new rules of 2018.

Online traffic rules exam

The number of tickets is 40. Each ticket contains 20 questions. For successful completion exam on the rules of the road (traffic rules) you need to solve the tickets by making a maximum of 2 mistakes. You have 20 minutes to answer all twenty questions on the ticket. Also, to prepare for the exam, you can use the “select a ticket” section. In this section, you can choose any of 40 traffic tickets and try to pass the exam without a time limit.

There is also a section “Education and training”. This section is intended for preliminary preparation for the exam on knowledge of traffic rules. In this section, all exam papers on traffic rules are divided into topics. Knowing which sections of the 2017-2018 traffic rules you are less familiar with, you can repeat the exam papers on the traffic rules from a specific section of the traffic rules. If you wish, you can use the hint. Hints are presented in the form of excerpts from the relevant paragraphs of the traffic rules. And remember that careful preparation is the key to success in passing the traffic rules exam.

To test your knowledge, you can also use the “Random Ticket” section. To pass the traffic rules exam, you will be offered a randomly selected ticket.

In the “Statistics” section you can view the history of your answers: view the list of questions you answered, see which answers were given correctly and which were incorrect.

Traffic rules (traffic rules) 2017 and 2018

In the section "New traffic rules 2017-2018" you can familiarize yourself with latest edition traffic rules as amended on March 18, 2018. To facilitate the process of learning traffic rules, all rules are divided into sections, provided with pictures and comments. This edition of the traffic rules is official. These are the tickets that are used to conduct exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate.
Remember, only impeccable knowledge of traffic rules can guarantee you and other road users safety on the road.