Fortune telling prophetic coin. Prophetic coin: heads or tails. Free Tarot readings for every day - Major Arcana Tarot will clarify the situation

June 23rd, 2016

What a fascinating activity this is - fortune telling, right? We just need to keep our minds cool and not transfer all the fallen icons to inevitability: for the most part, everything is in our hands.

So, new entertainment. We take a coin on which “heads” and “tails” are clearly distinguishable. We cut out 9 cards of exactly the same size from thin cardboard and number them from one to nine.

Shuffle on the table and lay out numbers down in three rows of three cards each. There should be a gap the width of a coin between them.

We raise the coin 30 centimeters above the table and drop it into the center of the middle card.

Turn over the card on which the coin fell (remembering which side is “heads” or “tails”) and look at the table where you will find advice related to the near future.


  1. Tails - it’s time to get what you’ve been wanting for a long time; no action needed. Eagle - don't let anyone control you.
  1. Tails - take advantage of the real opportunity to implement your plans. Eagle - hide and remain inactive for now.
  1. Tails - you are following the wrong path, you need to think about it. Eagle - do not share your plans with anyone.
  1. Tails is a true, worthwhile thing, don’t trade it for something unimportant. Eagle - get closely involved in today's practical matters.
  1. Tails - something important needs to be done now, without distractions. Eagle - avoid gambling and all kinds of seduction.
  1. Tails is a time of peace and enjoyment of life. Eagle - you are too good-natured, try to be alone and think about yourself.
  1. Tails - if you have a feeling, follow it. If not, continue to stand your ground. Eagle - Stay cheerful. Dejection and preoccupation will drive away the people who are most capable of helping you.
  1. Tails - if we are talking about money, then you have calculated everything incorrectly, the loss will depend only on you. Eagle - feel free to invest money in business, it will bring profit.

9. Tails - be sure that you are right, otherwise the matter will not succeed. Eagle - stand firm in your position.

This method can be used daily, which is good about it.

Maria Olegovna Shmakova is an amazing person who is no longer with us. She devoted many years to journalism. An editor from God, she worked in the magazine “Far East”, the newspaper “Young Far East”, and for the last ten years - in our publishing house. Even today, through her journalistic work, Maria Olegovna subtly and sensitively talks to people on the most intimate topics, explains complex life situations in simple words, and heals our souls. Gives us confidence and hope that everything will be fine with us!

For modern people, online fortune telling is a wonderful opportunity to look into the world of secrets and riddles. These virtual predictions can be used daily. There is nothing more mysterious and incomprehensible than the opportunity to lift the veil of the future. In addition to the usual curiosity that is inherent in each of us by nature, there are more serious reasons to learn for free about what awaits in the near or distant future. But you shouldn’t take fortune telling too seriously, because the future is multivariate and changeable.

Today in the world there are several thousand different methods of fortune telling. Here we have collected those that have repeatedly proven their extraordinary truthfulness. Free online fortune telling is an opportunity to obtain information about events that will happen in the very near future. Having data about upcoming events, you will be able not only to avoid possible difficulties and troubles, but also to turn things around in such a way that they bring you benefit.

Hobbies for love fortune-telling were part of Slavic culture and were a way of communicating with gods and goddesses who help find answers to various questions. Let's find out how to do it correctly hundreds of years later... You will be able to find out the time and beginning of your love relationship, the fateful period of the arrival of true love in your life, which can end with the long-awaited marriage. Online fortune telling will help you answer your question, make the right decision and just have a good time.

Fortune telling with solitaire is a pleasant meditative online activity with which you can relax. Translated from French, solitaire is translated as “patience” and indeed, in order to put the pictures together, you need to be patient. Solitaire games have been around for a long time; references to them go back to the Middle Ages. They were used for fortune telling by your great-grandmothers. Passed from mouth to mouth, solitaire games have survived to this day. Today we, too, using fancy cards, can get answers to questions about love, health, money and our destiny.

People have been trying to look behind the curtain of fate for many centuries, trying to unravel their future and looking for the key to the unknown. It is not surprising that at all times there have been people who devoted their entire lives to fortune telling, studying the world from all sides. With the help of online fortune telling about the future, you will be able to understand what is happening to you and in what direction you are moving in life. Are you doing the right thing, making decisions, and what consequences of your actions should be expected. The best days to find out the future are the 6th, 17th and 24th lunar days.

Tarot cards came to us from ancient times, and are the most mysterious of all known fortune-telling systems. In fact, Tarot is a universal system for predicting the future and obtaining answers to any questions. This system can be used for fortune telling for any period of time. When working with cards, everything depends on the skills and desires of the performer, and Tarot is just a tool. The possibilities of cards are endless: you will find out the future, get answers to questions, change your destiny and make your life happy.

Card predictions are still considered one of the most popular types of fortune telling in the modern world - it is from them that modern fortune tellers create fairly detailed pictures of the future for everyone. Laying out a deck of cards is a real art. Since time immemorial, fortune tellers have been glorified because they knew how to accurately see a person’s past, his present and predict the future. Card fortune telling will be successful on Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity Green Christmastide (Phantom Day, Mermaid Week), on any Friday the 13th, on the Feast of Ivan Kupala on June 24.

Trying to find out your fate using different versions of fortune telling, and then comparing the results obtained - isn’t it interesting? However, you should not get carried away and be overly persistent in your desires to learn everything thoroughly - despite its virtual nature, fortune telling is still a mystical rite that does not tolerate fuss and haste. Here you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with popular predictions and learn to penetrate the secrets of the future. Thanks to fortune telling, you will have the opportunity to get an answer to any question about your future and the fate of people close to you. Tell yourself good luck!

Fortune telling is a very popular branch of magical art. And this is understandable, because in this way one can predict certain events and, accordingly, minimize their possible negative consequences. Fortune telling for tomorrow is very popular. As a rule, such methods are very simple and have very high reliability. The main thing is to listen to your own intuition and correctly decipher the information presented.

You can tell fortunes for tomorrow by date of birth. The accuracy of such fortune-telling in comparison with other predictions is explained by the fact that it is based on numbers that are always interpreted unambiguously.

To do this, on the eve of the coming day in the evening, you should write on a sheet of white paper all the numbers of your birthday and the day on which fortune telling is being carried out. First, the sum of the digits in the first number is calculated until a single-digit number is obtained. Then similar actions are performed with the second number. After this, the two digits of the final numbers are added again.

In this fortune-telling, the last single-digit number obtained as a result of addition is interpreted:

  • "1" indicates that the day on which action must be taken is coming. This means that the time has come when the most daring actions will lead to success. For determined people, the day will definitely be prosperous. A person will be able to solve any most serious problem. On this day it is recommended to start new projects, as their chances of success in the future are very high.
  • “2” warns that this day is most suitable for planning. It is not recommended to make hasty decisions; you need to carefully weigh everything and think it over. Particular care should be taken in business. In addition, both good luck and bad luck can be associated with this day. For example, it may have a bad beginning but a great ending and vice versa.
  • "3" indicates that the coming day will be joyful. It will be filled with pleasant surprises and surprises. This day is favorable for any type of activity. Tune in to the fact that all endeavors and projects will be successful. Any trip or journey will bring a lot of pleasure.
  • “4” focuses on the fact that on this day you will have to make a lot of effort in order to finish the job you started. It is recommended to work and study as much as possible. If you think that some previously planned tasks are not important, then it is better to abandon them in order to avoid disappointment in the future.
  • “5” predicts that the day will be very favorable for those who like to take risks. If your dream is real, then on such a day you will be able to make it come true.
  • “6” warns that in the coming day you should not rush or take risks. Rash actions can not only lead to failure, but can also be dangerous. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to spend time with your family and fully relax.
  • “7” emphasizes that the day is intended for creation. It is very important not to leave anything unfinished; all matters must be brought to their logical conclusion. There is a very high probability that on this very day success will knock on the door, and real happiness is already on the threshold, and all that is needed is to open the door for it.
  • "8" is the most successful day for business people and businessmen. You will be able to easily resolve all the most complex issues and conclude profitable contracts. Also, such a day will bring a lot of joy to creative people; perhaps new ideas will be born that will bring success in the future.
  • "9" indicates that the coming day will bring achievements and victories. You can safely start any business.

There are many simple fortune telling for every day. They use the simplest objects as additional attributes.

By the hour

So you can predict the general mood of the coming day by the clock. Only watches with hands can be used. This is a prerequisite; other types of watches will not work. It is believed that it is wristwatches that absorb a person’s energy, as they come into contact with him throughout the day.

In order to tell fortunes in this way, you need to ask a question of interest regarding the events of the coming day the evening before. After this, you need to look at the dial and count to 27. At this moment, you need to remember the number of seconds. After such an action, you can’t do anything else; you need to try to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

In the morning, when you wake up, you need to say: “I want to know the result.” Then you need to look at the dial and count from 27 to 1 in reverse order, and then remember the number of seconds. Then you need to compare the evening and morning readings. The closer they are, the higher the likelihood that things will turn out well relative to the question asked.

This fortune telling can be interpreted as follows:

  • A difference from 1 to 9 indicates a successful day;
  • The difference from 9 to 19 warns that minor obstacles will arise in business that will make you worry, but will be insignificant and surmountable;
  • The difference from 19 to 20 indicates that the coming day is absolutely unpredictable, that is, in business one can expect both success and complete failure;
  • A difference of more than 29 warns that you need to prepare for the fact that the day will be filled with troubles and failures.

Based on the book

Simple fortune telling from a book is also very popular among fortune telling for the coming day. To do this, you need to randomly select a book from your own library. After this, you need to guess a pair of two numbers in the range from 5 to 40. In this case, the second number will indicate the page that needs to be opened, and the other will indicate the line that needs to be read and interpreted. When interpreting such fortune telling, you need to use your imagination and listen to your own intuition. In order to understand what awaits you in the coming day, you may need to analyze the information in the next lines.

Fortune telling "Prophetic coin" for tomorrow

To tell fortunes about a specific event that interests you on a specific day, you can use a simple ritual called the “Prophetic Coin”. For example, in this way you can predict: “I will pass or fail the exam” or “I will or will not meet my loved one.” It is important to remember that you cannot guess the same question in this way. Fortune telling uses a small denomination coin and nine identical cardboard cards on which the numbers 1 to 9 are written.

First, the shuffled cards are laid out face down on the table, as close to each other as possible. After this, you need to focus on the question asked, hold the coin above the cards at approximately a distance of about 30 cm from them, and then toss it. The card on which the coin fell should be turned over and interpreted. You can use the above decoding, which was given in fortune telling by date of birth.

Fortune telling that allows you to clarify the situation of the coming day is very simple. But it should be understood that they provide reliable information if you sincerely believe in them. In addition, it is very important to accept the result and not try to get another prediction by repeating fortune telling, since in this case magic turns into an ordinary game.

Coins carry a large information and energy charge, and they say they even have the property of answering questions.

Fortune telling has its roots in ancient times, because at all times people have tried to find out their future in every possible way. Passing through millions of hands, coins accumulate people’s energy (both positive and negative), and it is for this reason that they have a mystical meaning - they are used as talismans, amulets, which are carried in a pocket, purse, or sewn into clothes. There are many superstitions, rites and rituals associated with coins. By the way, in ancient times the coin was considered a symbol of the sun and to this day is a talisman against evil forces.

It is not at all surprising that one of the oldest and common methods of fortune telling for all cultures is with coins. Moreover, you can ask a coin a wide variety of questions and receive both clear answers “yes” or “no” and broader ones. With the ability to correctly conduct and interpret fortune telling.

There are many methods of fortune telling with coins, which differ in the rules of implementation and methods of interpretation - you can choose the one you like.

1st method

This is the simplest and most famous fortune telling. You need to take one coin, preferably one that has not yet been used. After this, think about what heads and tails will mean - which side symbolizes a positive answer, and which side symbolizes a negative answer. Formulate the question in such a way that the answer is either “yes” or “no.” Concentrate on the information you are interested in and toss the coin with your right hand so that it makes several turns in the air. Now look which side up it will fall: that will be the answer.

For one fortune telling, ask the coin no more than one question!

2nd method

Using this method, you can find out whether your wish will come true, will not come true, or is not yet known. There are three options for carrying out this fortune telling.

1. Make a wish and flip a coin up three times. If you get heads 2 or 3 times, it will come true; tails, alas, it won’t.

2. You will need a large coin (for example, a five-kopeck coin), a white sheet of paper and ink. You need to spread the paper on the table, pour ink into the inkwell (or any other convenient container). Place a coin in the ink until it is completely immersed in it. After this, carefully remove the coin (for example, with tweezers) and place it on the paper, heads down, for 2-3 hours. After this time, carefully remove the coin from the paper and look at its imprint:

– the imprint is clear – your wish will definitely come true in the near future, and not without the help of a person who is very dear to you;

– the numbers are a little blurry – the dream will become a reality only after you put maximum effort and patience into it;

– the numbers are not visible – the wish will not come true under any circumstances, it is better for you to concentrate on other aspirations.

3. To carry out fortune telling, you need 3 coins, which differ from each other in size, and 3 small sheets of paper. On each sheet, write your most cherished wish (the same thing) and wrap a coin in it. Place the bundles under your pillow at night, and when you wake up in the morning, take one of them out.

If you come across the largest coin, your wish will be fulfilled in the near future. A medium-sized coin indicates that the dream will definitely come true, but not soon. The smallest coin means that no matter how much effort you make, this wish will never come true - and the reason lies in the fact that the fulfillment of this dream would not bring you happiness.

3rd method

This fortune telling came to us from ancient times and will be needed if you are going on a long journey and want to find out whether the upcoming trip will be successful.

Take a piece of paper and cut it into strips about five centimeters wide each. Glue them together so that you get a ribbon about 50 cm long (it will symbolize the road). Place the tape on the table and, taking a coin in your right hand, roll it along the “road”.

If the coin falls almost immediately, this is a sign for you that you do not need to go on this trip, put it off for a while to avoid disappointment. But you can still pick up the coin and roll it further from where it stopped. The number of coin falls in this case symbolizes the number of troubles on the trip. If the coin covers the length of the entire ribbon without falling, a successful and truly unforgettable journey awaits you.

4th method

If you doubt something and don’t know what to do, the following method of fortune telling will be very useful, it will tell you the right decision.

Take a small coin (1, 2 or 10 kopecks) and any four cards of different suits - hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs. Place the cards in a row and toss a coin with your right hand. If your coin falls:

to the card of worms- morally you are completely unprepared for this action, so we advise you to think it over again. Watch what you say, as a carelessly spoken word can greatly harm your entire future life;

tambourine on the card– you’re completely wrong to take this choice so seriously! Whatever you do, everything will turn out very well for you personally and your loved ones;

to the peak map- your concern is completely justified, you guess that what you have planned will bring you only sadness and melancholy. Think about how you can avoid this situation;

on the card of clubs– your doubts and torment regarding the current circumstances are completely in vain! Trust your intuition, and it will not remain in your debt - it will repay you a hundredfold by suggesting a solution.

5th method

Place three coins of the same denomination between your palms, silently ask a question or make a wish. Throw coins on the table. Look how they are arranged.

Eagle, eagle, eagle- your wish will come true in the near future.

Tails, tails, tails- the plan is not destined to come true.

Heads, heads, tails– for the plan to come true, some time must pass.

Tails, tails, heads– on the way to your cherished goal you will have to overcome difficult obstacles.

6th method

Take a handful of coins of various denominations in your right hand. Make a wish and throw them on the table. Divide into two parts: in one there should be heads that fell up, in the other - tails. Count the coins in each part. If it turns out that there are more heads, the wish will come true, if there are tails, the wish will not come true.

7th method

To determine what awaits you in the financial sphere, tell fortunes using 10 coins of the same denomination. The prediction will be valid until the end of this year.

Shake the coins thoroughly, placing them between your palms, and throw them onto a flat wooden surface. Count how many heads and how many tails you got.

10 heads, 0 tails– big profits will unexpectedly come to you! Finally you will feel rich.

9 heads, 1 tails– buy a lottery ticket, there is a high probability that it will be a winner.

8 heads, 2 tails– you can expect income growth, but it will not be as large as you hope.

7 heads, 3 tails– profit will come from an influential person.

6 heads, 4 tails– if you want to make a good profit by the end of the year, work tirelessly.

5 heads, 5 tails– do not borrow money, it will be difficult to pay it back.

4 heads, 6 tails– no changes are expected in the material sphere.

3 heads, 7 tails- your salvation is in saving and reasonable spending.

2 heads, 8 tails– you won’t show off, but you won’t need it either.

1 heads, 9 tails- there will be enough money only for the most necessary things.

0 heads, 10 tails– before the end of this period, big problems with money await you. But don’t be sad, next year money fortune will probably turn its face towards you and smile welcomingly.

8th method

For this fortune telling, you need to take a small coin and nine cards for playing flinch. If there are no such cards in the house, you can cut them out of thick paper and number them from 1 to 9. These cards need to be mixed and laid out face down in three pieces in three rows. Between the cards you need to leave a distance the size of a coin. Then you need to take a coin, raise it above the laid out cards and throw it, aiming at the very center of the layout. After this, you need to turn over the card on which the coin fell and read its interpretation in accordance with the one below; which side the coin fell on the card also matters.

Interpretation of cards

Map 1

Tails: To achieve your goal, you need to act decisively before fate turns away from you.

Eagle: a person has appeared in your environment who wants you to act on his orders. Be careful: you should not do anything that contradicts your desires.

Map 2

Tails: You’ve listened to other people’s advice enough, now you’re ripe for important decisions and can give out advice left and right yourself. If your decision is late, the chance to succeed will be lost.

Eagle: you are surrounded by unkind people who shamelessly take advantage of your generosity. Get rid of them, otherwise you may be accused of inciting unseemly acts.

Map 3

Tails: be vigilant, otherwise you may take the wrong path. Think carefully about every step, even if it seems insignificant to you.

Eagle: you are simply mesmerized by your ideas and trumpet your genius at every crossroads. But if you come up with something very good, you will be heard, even if you express your thoughts in a whisper.

Map 4

Tails: Do not under any circumstances give up what you have started, even if someone interests you with very tempting prospects. You can exchange a worthwhile business for a dubious enterprise.

Eagle: your job is to implement ideas, not generate them. It’s better to let others do the theory, and your job is to carry out things and get tangible profits from it.

Map 5

Tails: your desire to have fun has reached its limit, but the work you have started requires attention, otherwise you may be disappointed even before you enjoy your vacation.

Eagle: you will be persuaded in every possible way to play cards or other games of chance, naively believing that you are always lucky. Don't give in to this provocation, just do your job.

Map 6

Tails: you have worked hard enough, now you can rest, relax and taste a little of the joys of life, because next to you is a person whom this can make happy.

Eagle: those around you are taking advantage of your kindness, and their demands are increasing day by day. It's time to stop being a cash cow and think about yourself.

Map 7

Tails: the time has come to use your intuition and not try to force events, as circumstances require.

Eagle: If a new business isn't going well, don't lose heart. Only by maintaining self-confidence will you be able to attract people who can help you in some way.

Map 8

Tails: When planning any undertaking, try to make sure that it is appropriate and practical, and only then begin to develop a plan for what you have planned. This is especially true for enterprises associated with making large profits.

Eagle: It's time to look for start-up capital for a new business, since you have good prospects.

Map 9

Tails: Use your powers of persuasion carefully. Otherwise, those who trusted you may turn against you when they find themselves involved in a dubious enterprise.

Eagle: they intend to throw you off balance. You should not succumb to provocation: meet all attacks directed at you calmly, carefully weigh your objections and give answers in clear terms. Only in this way will you prevail over your opponents.

Basic Rules

Before you begin to cast fortunes on coins, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules that must be strictly followed - the reliability of the predictions depends on this.

– The first and, perhaps, the most important rule is to believe in fortune telling and treat it with respect.

– Choose for fortune telling only coins that have not been used for their intended purpose for at least the last 5 years. Remember: the older the coin, the more truthful the answer to the question posed will be.

– Store coins intended for fortune-telling in a bag made of dark natural fabric and under no circumstances give them to anyone - only you can touch the “fortune-telling” coins.

– The fortune telling ritual is best performed on a full moon – for the reason that money is directly related to the moon. You can also do this in the dark, lighting the room exclusively with candles - and in no case with electricity.

– Be sure to focus on climatic conditions - it is best to guess in calm, windless weather. If it is raining, windy, foggy or thunderstorm outside, reschedule the fortune-telling for another day.

– Your well-being is also important: if you are sick or experiencing anxiety, tension, this state is completely unsuitable for fortune telling. In order to start making predictions in a calm physical and mental state, rest the day before and try to think only about the good.

– It is advisable that you be alone during fortune telling. As for pets, we recommend that they be present during the ritual, especially a cat. Observe the behavior of your pets - this may help you more accurately interpret the results of fortune telling.