Two of cups with priestess tarot combination. Two of Cups (2 of Cups) - Tarot card meaning. Tarot Cups - meaning for fortune telling for work and affairs

“What love binds receives wings.”

The meaning of this card lies on the surface. The minor arcan Tarot card Two of Cups (of Cups) means love relationships, mutual sympathy and attraction, all kinds of alliances and interactions. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Two of Cups not only indicates love and feelings, but also portends success in any planned business.

Description of the map

On the map we see a male and female image interacting through the exchange of cups, which means the unity of opposites, the same Yin and Yang. This is the beginning of creation and the birth of everything new. A woman’s white dress with a blue cape represents the element of Water, emotions, the subtle spiritual world, while a man’s yellow and red suit symbolizes the element of Fire, activities and manifestations of the material world. Above them is a winged lion, also symbolizing the union of two elements, and its scarlet color indicates the beginning of manifestation in the material world.

The magical rod Caduceus is also elevated above the cups, symbolizing the key that opens the boundaries between light and shadow, good and evil, and other opposites. This wand also symbolizes the various forces of nature that come together to interact. One of the main meanings of this symbol is the unity of matter and spirit in evolutionary development, the balance of opposites and the impossibility of one-sided development. The house in the background expresses the result of creation and takes us back to earthly existence, where love is a creative force and creates life in the manner of a twisted DNA spiral.

In the archetypal sense, on the map we see the end of the process of splitting the Soul of the androgyne (Ace of Cups) into two independent parts (Two of Cups), as soon as he entered the material world. Now he seeks reunification and seeks to recreate the lost parts by searching for them in a new world.

Alchemically we see the fusion of opposites - man (sulfur) and woman (mercury), a symbol of dissolution and penetration. This is exactly the case when alchemical interaction creates a complex element from two simple elements, gives them nobility and spiritualizes. The Two of Cups in this case describes a synergistic relationship when the doubling effect increases the force of influence not two, but ten times.

General meaning of the Two of Cups card

Most often, the Two of Cups speaks of intimacy, partnership, union of two, relationships in couples and kindred spirits. It can talk about the emergence of new relationships, the reunion of those who were separated, or a meeting with a significant person. Be that as it may, the Two of Cups Tarot card always indicates personal moments associated with intimacy and relationships between people.

Traditionally, it symbolizes the birth of new love and very often appears in the readings of lovers. The Two of Cups Tarot is a litmus test of a person’s willingness to open up to love, let it into their life and share a close relationship with another. It also shifts the focus to what is a unifying factor, making us forget about what separates two in their quest to create a relationship.

Of course, this card is also about marriage and marital partnership. The Two of Cups describes the creation of a hearth where people work together to establish relationships as a couple, act together and together. However, this card may not concern love relationships, then it is considered in the meaning of strong friendship, great mutual sympathy, and harmonious cooperation for the benefit of everyone.

Very important in the meaning of the card are moments of trust and agreement, mutual understanding. Two of Cups, the meaning of the card indicates all kinds of friendly meetings, meeting kindred spirits, walking together, the joy of communicating with loved ones. Portends a pleasant meeting, sincere communication. The card gives a positive direction to current affairs and can serve as a symbol of the beginning of a new round of development in a situation or business.

Definitely, the Two of Cups in the reading is good news. Even if your request does not concern a love relationship, the card promises success in one area or another where you have to interact with people, because by and large all victories are built on proper communication, so the presence of this card in the layout is very favorable.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Personal Description

The Two of Cups, the meaning of the card, speaks of the disclosure of your feelings, they will no longer be your personal secret and can gain development. You can come out of your shell and embrace love, openly and fearlessly. Get out of your own selfishness and truly see the other person.

Two people merge into one and experience a transformation, the relationship changes us so that we will never be the same again. This is a card about soul mates, about true intimacy from heart to heart, when we become open, vulnerable and experience trust in another person and the world at large.

Positive features

As a rule, the card symbolizes life according to the heart, in a state of love and harmony with the world, elevates a person, reveals his creative inclinations, gives access to the manifestation of talents and the opportunity to realize his true values. The power of love is difficult to overestimate; it provides simply inexhaustible reserves of strength, mental, emotional and even just physical.

Remember, when we are in love, we do not get tired, we fly, and everything happens as if by itself, without effort or feats. The power of love is in openness and vulnerability. Our heart is open and singing when we are ready to love the whole world - this means that experience has turned on at the level of anahata - the heart chakra.

If we return to the description of a person’s personality, which is symbolized by the Two of Cups, we can talk about charisma and kindness, about the willingness to open up and be close. Such a person immediately puts you at ease, he is soft and smiling, next to him you feel sincerity and warmth, and his tactful communication creates a flow of blissful feelings.

His necessary phrase or action from the heart has a healing effect on people; such people often strive to help others. Sincerity and inner balance can defuse any situation and restore peace to a relationship. Such people are always interested in close communication; they vitally need a spiritual environment in which to live, where they can express themselves without pretense.

On a deeper level

Regarding astrological correspondences: “The first decade of Cancer symbolizes the first, unmotivated impulse of feeling, childishly vague and carefree, passive, gentle and affectionate. This is an intimate atmosphere, a family hearth and comfort, in which the most subtle sensations awaken. This decade is patronized by the Moon according to the eastern system, and Venus according to the European system. Venus in Cancer is visiting the Moon, and this is exactly the case when beauty ennobles the soul.

This is the novelty of emotions and their reflection in the sensory sphere, which give impetus to the disclosure of the subconscious. At first, feelings manifest themselves uncertainly and weakly: the disadvantages of this decade are lethargy, laziness and softness of consciousness. Here it is important to find the harmony of conscious and subconscious processes: awareness of your feelings will give greater strength and direction.” There is also an opinion that this card, of all the Minor Arcana, most closely corresponds to the sign of Libra.

The Two of Cups is a spiritual passion and longing for completeness and merging. All spiritual searches lead us to ourselves and the exploration of our inner spaces, where our different parts live, wanting acceptance and integration into the whole.

Further exploring the meaning of the Two of Cups, we will come to the understanding that it is largely about understanding and accepting oneself and its different parts. The theme of the inner woman - anima and the inner man - animus, in the harmonious interaction of which there is so much strength and beauty. Integrity, integrity, coupled with love give a completely new quality of life. This is the same healing, our sought-after element in matter.

The meaning of the Two of Cups in various layouts

For career and work

Successful partnerships in business and business teams. Building strong connections and cooperation. Clear relationships and cooperation in moving towards a common goal.

A situation when people in a team become truly close, imbued with respect and are always ready to provide support and assistance in solving common problems. This is a working family where everyone is important and valuable. This is an amazingly sincere atmosphere where a person comes to relax from emotional tension. A beautiful and comfortable office as well. Successful negotiations. Nice welcome. Recognition and respect.

If we are talking about specific professions, people of the Two of Cups are often psychotherapists; all professions where the ability to communicate with people and build connections are also included in this card. Partnerships, network marketing, including hairdressing and other service sector professions where charm and the ability to communicate mentally are simply necessary.

Sometimes this is the profession of an artist, decorator, designer and other professions associated with a heightened sense of beauty, because this card is largely about the ability to see beauty and its manifestations in life.

For finances and property

This is the joint use of real estate, resources, a common account or common earnings. Everything that is earned becomes common and goes to the benefit of the family or partners. This card shows very healthy interactions with money, where there is enough, but not in excess, and speaks of moderation and proper distribution of finances. Money well spent, equal distribution of inheritance.

For love and relationships

The Two of Cups Tarot meaning in relationships indicates the creation or development of trusting, harmonious relationships, where there is a place of love and sincerity. In its literal meaning and in the absence of a negative card environment, this card speaks of a strong union and the creation of marriage foundations.

But even if a negative card environment is present, we can say with confidence that in this union there will be enough love and resources to overcome the difficulties that close relationships inevitably involve, and ultimately come to an agreement, to create a cordial relationship where everyone is important and is needed where feelings are respected and Love lives. So the Two of Cups creates some predetermination that the partnership has already taken place.

In addition, all unions under the auspices of the Two of Cups are sincere and understandable relationships, where there is no room for doubts and torment about the meaning of what is happening or worries about benefits. This card means the conscious choice of an adult who knows how to love and take responsibility for all the consequences of his choice and is not afraid of becoming weak, dependent or vulnerable. As a rule, it is impossible to hide this, so the situation of falling in love very quickly develops and grows into an alliance.

The Two of Cups speaks of the connection of kindred souls, which, like communicating vessels, feel each other, growing more and more, forming a single whole. This state begins to affect all areas of life, health, finance, professional sphere, as well as the sphere of personal development. As a rule, when one of the partners of the Two of Cups makes a breakthrough in one area or another, the second, following the “beaten path,” repeats this feat, perhaps in another area, and thus the development of the couple proceeds. Including awareness and insight, there are only two people, so such people often understand each other very well, “speak the same language.”

The Two of Cups means strong empathy, a willingness to share

The Two of Cups is one of the most positive cards in the Tarot deck, especially in relationship readings.

to everyone and the desire to give, to do for others no worse than for oneself. This is a union where there is the joy of intimacy and there is no desire to constantly distance oneself from the other. Often, a state of love and a honeymoon feeling are maintained here for many years, when people show each other signs of attention and there is a lot of tenderness in their relationships. This is also about sexual compatibility and satisfaction in sex, this is the feeling of another as oneself and, as a result, an understanding of needs.

The symbolism of the Two of Cups is largely about the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a desired child, which can be important when partners have doubts about this possibility. All dates, romantic activities, marriage, and engagement take place on this card. In this meaning, there should be additional identifiers in the layout such as the Hierophant or the Four of Wands.

For health status

This is a card of healers and healing, both the soul and the physical body. She talks about the absence of health problems and good contact with the body. However, the Two of Cups in a reading can be an identifier of airborne or sexually transmitted diseases.

Remember about synergy and take a resource in interaction, that is, by giving, receiving. Trust, open up to relationships and find strength in your own vulnerability. Form partnerships and maintain connections. Communicate and remember the power of your charisma and charm.

But there is always a danger of deceiving others and being deceived in return, so you should trust yourself first, not build relationships for selfish purposes, and strive to be as honest with yourself as possible. Seduction for the sake of a game is also not worth it; open, trusting interaction from heart to heart will be much more valuable.

The meaning of a reversed card

Despite the fact that we are accustomed to seeing reversed cards only in a negative way, the reversed Two of Cups is initially about duality, and in this sense, happiness in a relationship is still possible. Usually it means a delay in time, or difficulties along the way, since in the desire to create an open, trusting and truly cordial close union, one can go through a series of tests of strength, trust and remain open.

In addition, it can be interpreted as disputes and disagreements, conflicts and strife, both internal and in the external world. It can also indicate that all attempts to merge together and restore the union may be doomed to failure.

The realization of the meaning of the Two of Cups is in living openness and purity of intentions, in the desire to give and work for the common good, and when this does not happen, it loses its power and the relationship develops into a confrontation between two parties, where there is no possibility of agreeing on anything.

Living together turns into an emotional hell, where the participants in the partnership become hostages of their own egoism and unwillingness to be co-sensitive, co-involved in the problem of the other, close and understanding.

Of course, interpreting the Two of Cups inverted, we can talk about the opposite meanings of this position:

  • Separation, lack of understanding, duality, lack of trust and attraction, antipathy and enmity;
  • Lack of cordiality, selfishness and marriage of convenience or out of a desire for revenge, etc.

In this case, it is very important to pay attention to the card environment and not make hasty conclusions: if there is nothing particularly gloomy and eloquent around, like the Three of Swords, then the inverted Two of Cups should not be interpreted negatively. This could be an ordinary quarrel or misunderstanding, a hint of an unresolved conflict.

The card in an inverted position is trying to draw your attention to how sincerely you act in your relationships, how much you try to bring benefit to them. She suggests that somewhere there is a conflict that needs to be resolved, perhaps you have dissolved in another person and lost yourself at some point, and you need to look for a balance, act tactfully, calmly, but not retreat from yourself or from this interactions.

If your question was about money or business cooperation, you should be wary and not make hasty decisions.

In any case, trusting the Creator, you need to see the meaning in all situations, ask yourself: “What does the Creator want to convey to me with this situation?” In other words, “What did the author want to say?”

Combined with other cards

How is the Two of Cups interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With Lovers - a meaning indicating union, marriage, connection;
  • With the Hermit - the craving for solitude overcomes the desire to communicate;
  • With Moderation – joint work, favorable relationships;
  • With the Five of Wands - hostility and disagreement in an alliance;
  • With the Three of Swords - indifference, coldness;
  • With the Ten of Swords - collective success;
  • With the Four of Cups - self-absorption and solitude harm relationships;

The Two of Cups in the Tarot is always a positive card, eloquently describing the unity of lovers, the establishment of promising connections, the successful dynamics of relationships, peace after a quarrel. In a love scenario, it predicts an inevitable renewal of feelings, be it a long-established union or the beginning of a romance. This is the freshness of emotions, reflected in the sensory sphere and giving impetus to the disclosure of the unconscious, connection with the love that lives in the soul.

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      General value

      Tarot Two of Cups, according to the Rider Waite deck, generally accepted as a classic, characterizes the sphere of relationships. First of all, the card signifies romantic feelings between two people, which is not necessarily an indication of marriage or love. Beneficial cooperation and a state of harmony are possible.

      • At this stage, the questioner needs to bring himself into balance, understand the feelings of others, as a result of which the fulfillment of the desire will become more realistic. The Two of Cups also means new ideas and projects, the beginning of relationships in various areas. The card can mean a visit, business trip, travel, negotiations with a successful conclusion.

        In the upright position, the Two of Cups speaks of satisfaction with your personal life, harmony and unity with your loved one, love adventures with pleasant memories.

        The reversed Two of Cups reverses the meaning. At the same time, the relationship of interest is in discord: partners are haunted by hatred, mutual reproaches, and conflicts.

        Level of consciousness: love and harmony. The questioner is ready to show kindness, open up to others, and improve. Building harmony remains a pressing issue for him, but on a broader scale than something personal.

        Description: The Two of Cups is characterized as the ruler of love. The Waite Tarot card depicts lovers with cups in their hands, above them is a blessing in the form of a mythical creature, endowing the union with secret knowledge intended for their descendants.

        Card symbol: novelty of feelings, acuteness of emotions in love. In astrological meaning, Venus is in Cancer, which becomes a prerequisite for unlocking subconscious potential.


        More often than not, the Two of Cups appears in a couple's scenario rather than an individual's. In the upright position, the card speaks of a happy union, intention to marry, or spouses. Sometimes these are relatives or friends connected by close relationships or living together. The card also denotes a reliable business partner, friend, lover.

        When reversed, the Two of Cups speaks of someone from the past. In one meaning, this is a person who has not lived up to trust.

        Love, relationships

        The meaning of the Two of Cups in a relationship is the unity of lovers, enjoying each other's company. In the life of the questioner, there is likely to be a new acquaintance, friendship, and also love. Light, non-committal flirtation and passion are not excluded, but also a whirlwind romance leading to a wedding. The card describes a period of courtship and falling in love, but these can be either new feelings or a return to old relationships.

        For single people, the card promises an unexpected meeting with a future loved one. For those in a couple - a vivid manifestation of feelings, a return to the emotions that took place at the beginning of the relationship; for those who are separated - a quick reconciliation, a date after a long separation. The Two of Cups is the most favorable symbol in personal life scenarios in the entire deck, since none of the cards can neutralize the positive influence of this lasso.

        If the Two of Cups is in an inverted position, its meaning becomes opposite. The card symbolizes the destruction of feelings, disappointment in a partner, incompatibility, disagreements, communication leading to despair. A break or temporary but long-term separation is possible. In the reverse position, the card means unrequited feelings, mistrust, lack of sincerity, painful divorce, passion without love, sometimes by mutual consent. Relationships can be overshadowed by gossip from ill-wishers. You should not tell others about the details of your personal life.

        Ace of Pentacles (Disks, Coins, Denarievs) - interpretation in layouts and in combinations with other Arcana

        Oracle of Love

        In the “Oracle of Love” layout, the Two of Cups describes the relationship as follows:

        • feelings: love, reciprocity, agreement; engagement, wedding;
        • what the heart worries about: the partner does not show readiness to take on family responsibilities; suspicions of the chosen one’s infidelity;
        • partner’s attitude: love, recognition, determination to swear allegiance and devote oneself to a loved one;
        • advice: confess your love.

        Business, work

        Two of Cups in relation to work - it’s a pleasure to work in the company. The team is filled with a spirit of friendliness and constructive competition. At the same time, there are requirements for integrity and the ability to get along with employees. To the question about changing positions, the answer is positive; the fortuneteller can expect favorable conditions and pleasure in the new workplace.

        The map gives similar answers to questions about business and the business sphere. Implementation of projects, approval of work by superiors, opening a new business - success is expected in everything, colleagues and management will contribute to a good outcome. In addition, business connections can be transformed into romantic ones, since this is a card of sympathy in the team and flirting with superiors.

        In an inverted position, the Two of Cups speaks of financial instability, receiving negative results, delays in work, refusal to do anything. It is not recommended to apply for another position or change jobs; your efforts will remain without proper remuneration. Relations with colleagues and superiors will be overshadowed by troubles, contracts and agreements will be terminated. There will be anxiety and mistrust.


        The health alignment when the Two of Cups falls promises a positive prognosis. The card is considered an indicator of good health and excellent physical condition. The Arcanum is considered a healing card, believing that it speaks of the questioner’s special inclinations towards healing.

        An inverted position will indicate infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets or sexually.

        Card of the day

        The right time is coming for confidential communication with a loved one, confessing your feelings, and providing assistance. The motto of the day is the flowering of emotions, accompanied by dizzying surprises. For single people, the recommendation is to look around, paying attention to your potential partner.

        In the scenario, the Two of Cups is a card of support from loved ones. The fortuneteller can count on help at a critical moment. The direct position of the lasso promises a quick solution to issues of interest, new connections and successful cooperation. In matters of relationships with people, the card will indicate an increase in status in society.

        In an inverted position, the lasso portends deception and losses in the near future. In this case, the advice is to limit the circle of confidential communication in order to avoid an ambiguous hopeless situation.


        When combined with other cards, the Two of Cups describes relationships in more detail.

        With the major arcana:

        • Jester - the unpredictability of vibrant relationships;
        • Magician - manipulation by one of the partners;
        • The High Priestess is a time to tell about your feelings;
        • Empress - conception, addition to the family;
        • The Emperor is an offer you can't refuse;
        • Hierophant - harmony and trust in relationships;
        • Lovers - personal life is an obstacle to career advancement;
        • Chariot - differences in views with a loved one;
        • Strength - to search for compromises with friends;
        • Hermit - isolation in relationships;
        • Wheel of Fortune - transition of relationships to the next level;
        • Justice - engagement, marriage;
        • Hanged Man - betrayal of a loved one;
        • Death - fate prepares complications;
        • Moderation - you have to give in to your partner in order to maintain harmony;
        • The devil is the threat of deception;
        • Tower - conflict and destruction of relationships;
        • The Moon is the third wheel in relationships between partners;
        • The sun is a new addition to the family;
        • Court - a test of character awaits;
        • The world is a romantic acquaintance.


        • two - time to plan the upcoming vacation;
        • three - pre-wedding worries;
        • four - advice not to interfere in your loved one’s decisions;
        • five - minor misunderstandings with others;
        • six - success in love;
        • seven - signing of agreements, recognition of new rules;
        • eight - long road, journey;
        • nine - the likelihood of becoming a victim of someone else's scam;
        • ten - unfulfilled promises to the questioner;
        • Page - new romantic relationships;
        • Knight - hasty steps;
        • Queen - meeting with fate;
        • King - time to part with people who cause trouble;
        • Ace of Wands - pregnancy, childbirth, communication with children.


        • Three of Cups - a proposal from a loved one;
        • four - dissatisfaction with one's own actions;
        • five - conflicts over trifles;
        • six - relationship with a person from the past;
        • seven - meeting with a loved one, love;
        • eight - distrust of the partner;
        • nine - moderation and calm;
        • ten - meetings with family and friends;
        • Page - an attractive offer;
        • Knight - uncomfortable situations, awkwardness, complexes;
        • Queen - a violation of the previous way of life;
        • King - the predominance of friendship in relationships;
        • Ace is a gift of love; romantic proposal.


        • two - uncertainty in relationships;
        • three - temporary separation from a loved one;
        • four - destructive relationships that cause sadness;
        • five - loss of trust on the part of a friend;
        • six - forced restriction in communication;
        • seven - insincerity of an acquaintance;
        • eight - to be captive of your own emotions;
        • nine - painful condition, insomnia;
        • ten - rejection of a loved one;
        • Page - departure from the truth, recklessness;
        • Knight - to be involved in an unpleasant situation;
        • Queen - solution to existing problems;
        • King - coldness in relationships with loved ones;
        • Ace - sympathy from a loved one.


        • two - inconstancy in relationships;
        • three - seriousness of intentions and sympathy on the part of the loved one;
        • four - surprises, joyful events;
        • five - dishonest relationships;
        • six - the need for attention to close and elderly relatives;
        • seven - hopelessness of relationships;
        • eight - the need for effort to establish relationships;
        • nine - lost dreams;
        • ten - family relationships;
        • Page - a new round of relationships;
        • Knight - regularity and stability;
        • Queen - wishes will come true;
        • King - confidence and self-sufficiency;
        • Ace is a new beginning in your personal life.

        Tarot 78 doors

        In the Tarot deck of 78 doors, the card is characterized as a strong attachment, the love of a sincere friend.

        Description: A boy and a girl give each other gifts. They are opposite the open gate leading from the garden to the outside world. The garden symbolizes territorial restrictions for communication; gate - access to a group, society, a certain place.

        Additional card meanings:

        • person: state of readiness for mutual exchange of information, energy flows; material assets; intellectual resources;
        • in self-development: combining personal qualities;
        • in relationships - a period of inspiration and voluntary exchange of gifts; harmonious development of relationships; emotional response at a deep level;
        • in business: mutually beneficial cooperation, provision of mutual services;
        • in financial matters - success; often as payment - discounts, bonuses or sponsorship; pooling resources will provide excellent prospects;
        • in the business sphere - concluding profitable contracts, acquiring long-term partnerships; pooling of talents.

        In an inverted position, the Two of Cups symbolizes:

        • in love - quarrels, conflicts with loved ones due to the inability to manage emotions;
        • in business - disagreements with management and colleagues, hasty risky decisions;
        • in events - an unfavorable period for the implementation of plans.

        Advice: use the offset system; movement towards a person or group will be appreciated, you can safely expect gratitude. As a warning, you may have to give something in return for the service provided.

        Thoth Tarot

        In the Thoth Tarot deck, the Two of Cups has the main meanings: love, happiness in relationships; cooperation; reconciliation; the joy of meeting; acquaintance; sympathy.

        Additional interpretation:

        • professional activity: favorable working atmosphere; trust in the team; pleasant contacts; successful projects, affairs;
        • consciousness: merging of souls; optimistic view of the world;
        • relationships: meeting, partnership, love of life; reconciliation; a new round of relationships.

        Description of the card: in the background there are two bowls pouring into a calm sea surface. They are filled from a lotus that rises above the water. Two dolphins wriggle around the flower stem. Since the number "two" relates to the will, the interpretation of the card could be called "Lord of Love." The meaning of the card is the harmony of two principles - male and female, the radiation of which is joy and ecstasy.


        The Two of Cups card gives a favorable forecast in any matter. For lovers or singles - this is a new meeting, the development of relationships; for the childless - the birth of a child. The Two of Cups foreshadows the development of events in the direction of interest.

        The card calls for openness, communication, creation, and helping those in need. At the same time, the tendency to compromise can be destructive; as for business and personal relationships, you should not sacrifice principles in the search for imaginary harmony.


Venus on the ascendant as a symbol of the union of lovers.

Straight position:

The Two of Cups symbolizes the formation of feelings between two people; it is love, passion, beauty, friendship, harmony, understanding, partnership, marriage.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: dissatisfaction, greed, jealousy, lust; false friends, difficult romance, differences between people, confrontation, misunderstanding.

Two of Cups.

Card name: Lord of Love.

Correspondences – water water; letter Xe; Sephira – Wisdom (Binah)

Explanation (general meaning): meeting, acquaintance, sympathy.

Event: cooperation, agreement, conspiracy (matchmaking), engagement (With the Priest - wedding)

1. A very successful partnership, a job you enjoy, a job you love; business meetings, merger of small capitals, connection of related areas in business. Not very big profits.

2. Harmonious health. Paired organ disorder (not serious)

3. Reciprocity, love, sympathy.

4. Very charming, sweet, attractive, attractive.

5. Advice: agree, agree, meet halfway.

Warning: dating is a cover for something serious.

6. The answer is “yes”, a period of love, good cooperation.


Explanation (general meaning): disagreement, misunderstanding, lack of agreement.

Event: Mutual misunderstanding, difference of views, disrupted meeting, failed acquaintance (meeting).

1. The collapse of a small business, the inability to reach an agreement with partners, profits below normal.

2. Minor inflammatory diseases associated with the lymphatic system.

3. The relationship has gone wrong, a small grudge or quarrel, maybe a failed wedding or lack of future prospects.

4. Not attractive, not attractive.

5. Advice: do not go to the meeting and do not agree on anything.

Caution: Relationships (including business ones) may lead nowhere.

6. A waste of time on meetings and negotiations. Misunderstanding.

General value:

The Two of Cups signifies the union of lovers. This could be a new acquaintance, reconciliation with a former lover, or the manifestation of good feelings in an established union. The meaning of this card primarily affects the deeply personal, intimate sphere, no matter what we are talking about - light flirting, sudden love, a date after a long separation, or the beginning of a new friendship or love relationship. But it can also mean a warm welcome, hospitality when we come somewhere unfamiliar, go on a business trip or for negotiations.


A good atmosphere, a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation, in short, a pleasant place to work. If this card appears in response to a question about a possible change of job, then it means that a friendly welcome awaits us in the new place, that new colleagues and managers will help us get into the rhythm. The same applies to such intentions as looking for a job, opening your own company, and in general to any business or project.


Here the Two of Cups means that we are primarily concerned with issues of love and harmony, and that we are ready to open our souls to other people. Often it means an optimistic, life-affirming view of the world around us, and we owe this to some important meeting, which at one time changed a lot in our soul. The card can also show that we have realized the enormous importance of love for our neighbor, and are now building our lives on its basis.

Personal relationships:

This is the main area of ​​action of the Two of Cups. It represents the period of falling in love, courtship, during a new acquaintance, which changes a lot in life. But this could also be a feeling that has arisen again between former partners, or a bright period of life in an established union, as well as reconciliation after a quarrel or a period of alienation.

Two of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - unpredictable relationships.

With the “Magic” card - manipulate your partner.

With the “High Priestess” card - open your feelings to each other.

With the “Empress” card - conception.

With the “Emperor” card - create a family.

With the “Hierophant” card - unlimited trust in each other.

With the “Lovers” card - prefer feelings.

With the Chariot card - multidirectional aspirations of partners.

With the “Strength” card - adapt to your partner.

With the Hermit card - lack of love; loneliness.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - the beginning of a life together.

With the “Justice” card - to legitimize relationships.

With the Hanged Man card - a crisis in relationships; betrayal.

With the “Death” card, this is a difficult period in a relationship.

With the “Moderation” card - adapt to each other; mutual influence.

With the “Devil” card, deception and manipulation reign in relationships.

With the “Tower” card - destruction of relationships.

With the Star card - look in one direction.

With the Moon card there is a “love triangle”.

With the “Sun” card - mutual love; birth of a child.

With the “Court” card - the blossoming of relationships that have survived the test.

With the “World” card - find your “soul mate”.


With the Ace of Wands card - the birth of a child.

With the “Two of Wands” card - joint plans for the future.

With the Three of Wands card - preparation for the wedding.

With the Four of Wands card - a wedding.

There is a disagreement with the Five of Wands card.

With the Six of Wands card - a wedding ceremony; success in love.

With the Seven of Wands card there is a requirement to comply with agreements.

With the Eight of Wands card - a honeymoon.

There's a catch with the Nine of Wands card.

With the Ten of Wands card - unfulfilled promises.

With the “Page of Wands” card - a joint project.

With the card “Knight of Wands” - a hasty decision.

With the Queen of Wands card it is a well-organized project.

With the King of Wands card this is an important decision.

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The Two of Cups card shows how a man and a woman look into each other's eyes, exchanging their emotions and inner peace through the cups. The situation depicted is similar to a wedding ceremony, with wings and snakes forming a caduceus between the lovers.

The Caduceus, represented by the two serpents, has ancient and consistent associations with trade, negotiation, balance, duality (the union of opposites), proper moral behavior, protection and cosmic energy. At the top of the caduceus is a lion's head, symbolizing passion and fiery energy. The two snakes that end the caduceus represent darkness and light.

General meaning of the Two of Cups card

Direct position

  • business union
  • attraction
  • closeness
  • contact
  • connection
  • understanding
  • Team work
  • marriage
  • restoration of relations

The Two of Cups represents partnership and union. On this card, the caduceus announces a new relationship between two people, and invites them to treat a possible union with wisdom, honor and respect. Like the Lovers card in the Major Arcana, the energies come together to create a mutual connection.

Beauty, strength and electrical vibrations arise, bringing romance and sexual energy. Platonic relationships also benefit from the Two of Cups. This is a card that means coordination.

The struggle comes to an end and harmony is restored even in the most hostile relationships. The card promises the unification of not only two individuals, it can be groups, financial companies, states. The most important thing is that there is equality between representatives of the union. Everyone has the same rights and obligations. Rapprochement occurs on mutual attraction, coincidence of goals and motives, by mutual consent and to common pleasure.

Reversed position

  • discord
  • lack of equality and trust
  • disharmony
  • separation (divorce)
  • insincere friendship
  • painful union
  • contradictions
  • inconnectivity

If you get the Two of Cups upside down, don’t be upset, as the positivity of the card is not lost. Even in such an unfortunate position, the card communicates that happiness in your personal life, success in work, joy in life - all this is there, but some circumstances do not allow this to be realized.

There is an opinion that the Two of Cups in reverse does not lose the meaning of partnership and unity, which is destined to be, but for this you need to be patient, sacrifice something, and change something radically in life. This takes time, and the result will not keep you waiting. The Two of Cups warns of possible obstacles, thereby delaying the event in the time period.

In this case, she warns of temporary difficulties, urgent matters that have been postponed, and unexpected minor problems. A reversed card interprets events such as divorce, infidelity in a relationship, hostility among colleagues, difficulties at work. Perhaps you should reconsider your behavior, priorities, change your attitude towards people.

The Two of Cups emphasizes internal dissatisfaction and protest, speaks of unfulfilled dreams, greed, insincerity, and envy. You should take a closer look at your friends, are there any real ones among them? A love affair that is painful and brings nothing but experiences, a break with a person, be it a lover, a work colleague or a friend.

The card warns of family disagreements with a spouse, possible separation from a loved one, and difficulties in working with clients and friends. Problems with studies, conflicts with teachers. You should conduct an internal dialogue, perhaps you have chosen the wrong profession, and studying is not a joy. The Two of Cups makes you think, take a closer look, and become wary.

During interpretation, nearby cards play an important role. If they do not carry anything particularly sad or dangerous, then the inverted card does not need to be treated dramatically.

Meaning in Romantic Relationships

Direct position

The Two of Cups has many interpretations, but its primary meaning is love and matters of the heart. The Two of Cups represents a deep love relationship or a proposal for union. This exciting and hopeful card reminds us that it is love that rules the world.

The Two of Cups usually indicates a union based on mutual attraction and romantic inclinations. The card reflects the clear, caring, supportive and heartfelt exchange of emotions that is the gift of romantic relationships.

Marriage is also possible, as the man is seen extending his hand to the woman. It is a reflection of the commitment between two people who will live together, always taking care of each other's needs and desires.

The Two of Cups indicates a partnership, whether it be a business collaboration, a friendship, or an affection between a person and their pet.

At first glance, similar meanings are visible with the Lovers card. However, the energy of the Two of Cups is slightly weaker than that of the Lovers. While Lovers is a reunion of two people in love, Two Cups is a less strong union, and how long it will last is unknown. Although at the time of reading the cards, the union appears to be strong and stable, it is not clear whether the relationship shown by the two cups can stand the test of time. Only these two people are able to influence their destiny.

Despite the fact that the two figures depicted on the card are focused on their own existence, the two cups in their hands reflect their inner world. To be truly loved, respected and appreciated, you must first strive to create these feelings for yourself. That is, when you work on loving yourself, you value your inner spirit highly, treating it with reverence and deep respect. When you see yourself in this positive light, other people can't help but respond to your personal sense of worth in an equally positive way.

There is a strong spiritual connection between the couple at the Two Cups. The man and woman hold their bowls at the same height, symbolizing equality in the relationship.

The card also speaks of attraction. Perhaps there is someone you are attracted to, but feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty about reciprocity are preventing the person from opening up to you. Perhaps someone in the background has interested you, but a series of events and current affairs prevents you from realizing this fact. Look carefully, who could it be?

Reversed position

If the Two of Cups appears reversed, it warns of difficulties that relate to important moments in your life, and in no way relate to internal conflicts and doubts. If at the moment your relationship with a person is strong, stable and trusting, be prepared for changes that will disrupt the harmony in the relationship. The reason may be jealousy, money, grievances, other people's opinions.

Reversed two cups can mean discord or disharmony in a relationship. Everyone feels tension, you are moving away from each other, perhaps you rarely see each other, and the desire for another meeting is slowly fading away. In such situations, it is very difficult to be honest with each other, and everyone prefers to remain silent. Such understatement kills relationships. If you value your union, you should show wisdom and work around the sharp corners. The situation will result in a harmless quarrel. If the Two of Cups is surrounded by positive cards, then the quarrel will be short-lived.

The Two of Cups in an inverted position is not a strong card, and speaks of a lack of respect and mutual understanding. The balance of equality is disrupted. One of the partners is full of aggression and activity, the other prefers submission and a passive role. This situation leads to a breakdown in relationships. The card also indicates one-sided love without reciprocity, painful separation from the beloved. The Two of Cups is a card of grievances, scandals, hatred, regrets and divorces. Trust has been undermined. The union is based on lies and flattery. Constant showdowns, the desire to rub each other’s noses in, the struggle for primacy.

The classic meaning of an inverted card is parting, heartache, many tears, scandals, leaving the family, insincerity, jealousy, possibly betrayal.

Two of Cups and professional activities

Direct location

In an upright position, the Two of Cups predicts a favorable, business-like atmosphere, a spirit of teamwork and partnership, in other words, a place where work brings pleasure and benefit. The main thing is that working relationships are based on trust and equality. Personal relationships in life will not interfere with becoming successful business partners.

The key to success is camaraderie, common goals, trust and the ability to hear each other. Successful negotiations, successful deals and contracts await you. If you are interested in changing jobs, then the drawn Two Cups card foreshadows the friendly attitude of colleagues and management in the new place. If you are looking for a job, the card symbolizes profitable projects, the founding of your own business, a meeting with investors with further cooperation.

The Two of Cups also allows for business trips, work trips abroad, favorable terms of transactions, and implementation of projects. If you are a student - a favorable attitude from teachers, an increased scholarship, successfully passed tests and exams. Opportunity to intern abroad, receive offers to continue studies at European universities.

The two cups are directly related to diplomatic and communication abilities. If you are a creative person, then the card promises the realization of yourself as an artist, poet or musician. The card carries such meanings as refined taste, feelings of beauty, aesthetic beauty.

Reversed card

When reversed, the Two of Cups predicts conflict situations with management, lack of coordination with colleagues, shaky authority, and manipulation by superiors. If you get this card, be prepared for an unsuccessful business meeting, an unfavorable outcome of negotiations, a reduction in wages, possible dismissal, and a busy schedule.

You may have thoughts of changing your job. But you should pull yourself together, stress is not in your favor. Look at everything from the outside as an observer, maybe you yourself are the reason for all the failures? Fatigue, financial problems, nagging from superiors, envy and irritability of colleagues - this is difficult to cope with. Abstract yourself, do not become a victim and an easy target.

Description of the Two of Cups in health

Direct map location

The Two of Cups is a reflection of young, healthy people. In a direct position, he interprets good health and the positive dynamics of treatment. The Two of Cups falls on a person with an excellent genotype, good heredity, mentally balanced, with an excellent mood, positive emotions and sexual satisfaction.

Reversed Two of Cups

Do not forget that in the upright position the card symbolizes a love relationship, and where there is love, there is sex. And sex is not always protected. When there is a question about the state of health, the inverted Two of Cups forces you to be more attentive to yourself and to sexual intercourse, since there is a possibility of STDs. The infection affects the genitourinary and lymphatic systems, signaling inflammatory processes.

Personal qualities

Direct position

The Two of Cups chooses people who have a connection with it on a sacramental level; they are a kind of favorites of this card. Often these are people who live in harmony with themselves and their environment, and do not have internal turmoil and conflicts. Outwardly they are very sweet and charming, they attract their interlocutor.

They always have kind words, their courtesy is disarming. These people stand out with positive energy, are ready to help anyone and everyone, there is no self-interest or arrogance in them. They are truly the favorites of the card, and fate is favorable to them, protects them from adversity and gives them all the best. Luck does not leave those who are capable of being a true friend, a kind and sympathetic person, a faithful husband and a loving father.

The Two of Cups highlights those who have found what they were looking for - namely their other half. A state of completeness, harmony in what is happening, completeness of what has begun, happiness from understanding and unity.

Reversed position

In this case, the Two of Cups sees a person - a former lover or friend. Such a person should not be trusted. He is a vampire, gigolo, rapist. He needs a victim. Cruelty, greed, envy, lust, revenge are characteristic states of him. Perhaps not long ago he was someone’s friend, loved one, conscientious worker, but fate played a cruel joke on him, and now he represents only the dark side of himself.

Two of Cups - like the card of the day

This day is associated with matters of the heart. You will have a great time with your loved one or a close friend. The day promises reunion, spiritual connection, sincere feelings. Take the initiative, take the first step, show fate what you want, so that Cupid will direct his arrows straight to the target.

If you have a little quarrel with someone or the relationship has begun to take on the character of war, this day will present a lot of options for reconciliation.

If you are lonely, feel free to go for a walk, perhaps you will meet the same lonely heart. The main thing is not to overlook it, fate will not show favor a second time. There is no point in sitting at home and being bored, otherwise you will remain living in dreams of a long-awaited meeting.

Inverted arrangement

An inverted card on this day warns of a possible quarrel with a loved one. You should be careful in your expressions, avoid reproaches and nagging; any wrong word will cause a negative reaction from your partner.

Any meeting, be it a love date or a work meeting, scheduled on this unfavorable day will not bring a positive result. Something is bound to go wrong, be prepared.

A lonely person will remain lonely on this day. I am glad that this is just one day that will end and a new one will come, and perhaps it will bring joy and happiness.

Try to compromise, but don’t get carried away, be persistent if the situation requires it. Remember, rose-colored glasses distort reality, thereby having a detrimental effect on relationships, careers and life principles.

Tarot cards are very interesting in terms of their description and interpretation. Each lasso shows us some kind of life situation that is most directly related to its main specificity. In this material we will pay attention to the 2 Cups Tarot card, the meaning of which in various aspects of life will be discussed further.

General value

This card indicates that it is time for a person to establish useful connections. The lasso also indicates that the fortuneteller has mutual sympathy.


The fortuneteller will experience mutual sympathy or love.


It is possible that problems will arise with the activity of paired organs. However, the condition will soon return to normal. There will be no global health problems.


A fortuneteller can do what he loves, and it will bring a stable income.

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✚ For the future

This Tarot card is of particular importance for a person’s personal life, because there is a chance of meeting a new love and entering into a pleasant relationship in the nascent stage. A lot of meetings, acquaintances, parties and just a pleasant pastime awaits you in the near future. Try not to miss the chance to meet new people. There will be no negative changes in health, but various diseases associated with paired organs may occur. Pay special attention to them.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The relationships that currently exist in a person’s destiny will develop correctly; if now there are disagreements or any misunderstandings, they will soon find a resolution, and the spiritual connection will become stronger. A person who is lonely can expect someone interesting to appear on the horizon in the near future. It’s difficult to say for sure whether this will be a long-term relationship or whether it will just be an interesting romance-adventure, but in any case, such communication will not bring negative energy into a person’s life. It is important that new relationships will arise very unexpectedly, not at all from the direction expected.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Having fun and rising to a new level of spirituality. Successful partnerships, friendly staff, a move to a new job is possible, but profits will not increase much. The card indicates the absence of serious illnesses and a speedy recovery in case of illness. A bright period of falling in love, new good acquaintances and the prosperity of relationships awaits you. You are a charming person and know how to win over others. Wait for new acquaintances, agree to deals!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A card of strong friendship, pleasant partnerships, profitable business relationships and complete agreement in matters related to communications and relationship building.

Tomorrow the questioner may have a pleasant meeting, perhaps with a person whom he has not seen for a long time. A date or friendly gatherings in a cafe, heart-to-heart conversations.

In the professional sphere, the questioner is waiting for the conclusion of a mutually beneficial deal, well-functioning teamwork.

In the sphere of love, the Two of Cups marks the beginning of a relationship, a meeting, a date.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

A new relationship awaits you, which will not be characterized by passion, but you can fall in love with a person at first sight. Such love sometimes raises doubts among people, but it really exists and can soon appear in your destiny. The best part is that it will be mutual. A relationship will begin based on sympathy, love and the desire to learn new and unknown things about each other. The only drawback of this relationship will be the illusions that you will create for your soul mate yourself.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Your desire will lead to the resolution of some unpleasant situation. If it is not related to reconciliation or improving relationships, then the return from the desire will be much greater than the expectation. This will bring great joy and will please you. The advice of other, more experienced people will help you fulfill your desire. Everything around this card is permeated with the spirit of cooperation, so do not refuse help and your wish will come true in the shortest possible time.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

The influence of a partner or new acquaintances on the current situation. Successful agreements and new partnerships. This is a harmonious time for cooperation and the emergence of new feelings. Good offers will come your way.

Current events are colored with strong and pleasant emotions. But problems are possible in situations related to interaction with a partner. And even if success awaits you, it will be small.

In any case, there will be a positive resolution to the situation. Learn to negotiate and meet. Take new acquaintances seriously.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Two of Cups is one of the best cards for fortune telling for marriage. Everything in the relationship is excellent - you understand each other perfectly, mutual understanding and mutual respect reign in the union. Such a connection can be called a center of tenderness. If you feel the same way about your partner, then feel free to move on to the next stage! Rest assured, everything will be great in this union!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

You got what you wanted, what you consider the most important thing, and boundless happiness overwhelms you. You have been striving for this for a long time,

Accept fate's offer as a gift from above. The Guardian Angel advises not to miss the chance, thanks to which the most amazing changes await you. The heavens are not always as supportive as they are now - take advantage of their protection.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

The harmonious relationship you have created will continue. Your choice is simply excellent. A man is worthy of your sincere love. The Two of Cups foretells friendship, love, respect and mutual understanding. It is possible that the matter will end in engagement and wedding. The main thing in your relationship is cooperation and partnership. It is quite possible that a person with whom you previously had friendly relations will become close and dear to you, a loved one. Platonic feelings will flare up unexpectedly and completely capture you.

A full description of the map is available at