Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. Stage of development of design documentation (RD) for the manufacture of a prototype product

Valid Editorial from 17.10.2000

Name of document"SYSTEM FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PUT INTO PRODUCTION. PRODUCTS FOR PRODUCTION AND TECHNICAL PURPOSE. PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PUT INTO PRODUCTION. GOST R 15.201-2000" (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2000 N 263-st)
Document typeregulation, standard
Receiving authoritygosstandart of the Russian Federation
Document NumberGOST R 15.201-2000
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date17.10.2000
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"SYSTEM FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PUT INTO PRODUCTION. PRODUCTS FOR PRODUCTION AND TECHNICAL PURPOSE. PROCEDURE FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PUT INTO PRODUCTION. GOST R 15.201-2000" (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2000 N 263-st)

6. Documentation development, manufacturing and testing prototypes products

6.1 The development of design and technological, and, if necessary, program documentation for products is carried out according to the rules established by the standards Unified system design documentation (USKD), the Unified System of Technological Documentation (USTD) and the Unified System of Program Documentation (USPD).

General requirements for design management - according to 4.4 GOST R ISO 9001.

The rules for the development of technical documentation for materials and substances are established by the developer, taking into account current state standards, the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

6.2 In the process of developing documentation for the selection and verification of new technical solutions, ensuring the achievement of the basic consumer properties of products, laboratory research, bench and other tests can be carried out, as well as development tests of experimental and pre-production samples of products under conditions simulating real operating (consumption) conditions, while taking into account the patent and legal aspects of the economic use of these technical decisions.

For individual species testing of prototypes of products or their components can be carried out under operating conditions (including at enterprises that are consumers of the products).

The need to develop, manufacture and test prototypes (models), experimental and pre-production samples of products, their list and quantity are determined in the technical specifications and the agreement (contract) for R&D (an integral part of R&D). This does not exclude the possibility of such work being carried out by the developer if their need is revealed later, while appropriate changes are made to the technical specifications and the agreement (contract), with the consent of the customer.

Requirements for control and testing procedures are established in accordance with 4.10 -4.12 GOST R ISO 9001.

6.3 For repairable products, it is advisable in the agreement (contract) and technical specifications for development work to provide for the development of repair documentation intended for preparation of production, repair and control of products after repair.

6.4 To confirm compliance of the developed technical documentation with the initial requirements and selection best solution(if there are options) prototypes (pilot batches) of products are manufactured if the products are intended for mass production (with an expected constant need). For non-serial production of products, head samples are also made.

When creating a single product, prototype product samples, as a rule, are subject to sale to the customer (unless otherwise specified in the contract and technical specifications for development work).

6.5 Testing of prototype products

6.5.1 To assess and control the quality of the results obtained at certain stages of the development work (an integral part of the development work), prototypes (pilot batch) of products (head samples<*>products) are subjected to control tests in the following categories:

<*>The main product samples are development objects that simultaneously act as the first samples of non-serial and small-scale products sold to the customer at special conditions supplies.

Preliminary tests carried out for the purpose of preliminary assessment of the compliance of a prototype product with the requirements of the technical specifications, as well as to determine the readiness of the prototype for acceptance testing;

Acceptance tests, carried out for the purpose of assessing all product characteristics determined by the technical specifications, checking and confirming the compliance of a prototype product with the requirements of the technical specifications in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of actual operation (application, use) of the product, as well as for making decisions on the possibility of industrial production and sale of products.

6.5.2 If products are subject to mandatory requirements that are subsequently subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity (certification), the results of product acceptance tests in terms of mandatory requirements, carried out in laboratories (centers) accredited in the prescribed manner, can be used to obtain confirmation of conformity according to the established requirements. rules.

The place for testing prototypes of products is determined by the developer together with the manufacturer of serial products (if the functions of the developer and manufacturer are performed by different enterprises and there are no specific test conditions established by state supervisory authorities).

6.5.3 When creating products according to work organization model 1 (4.3), state acceptance tests are carried out; for models 2 and 3 - acceptance tests are carried out with the participation of the relevant state supervisory authorities and other interested organizations.

For component parts of products developed according to the technical specifications of the lead R&D contractor, independent acceptance tests are carried out with the participation of interested organizations. The ultimate goal of these tests is to assess compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications for which they are developed, and to determine the possibility of installing components in a prototype product intended for its preliminary testing.

6.5.4 Lead samples of non-serial products are subjected to acceptance tests in order to resolve the issue of the admissibility of their use for their intended purpose, and for repeating non-serial products - and to resolve the issue of the advisability of putting the product into non-serial production.

6.5.5 Lead product samples are tested according to the rules of this standard, taking into account the features established for it in the relevant regulatory documents.

6.5.6 Preliminary testing of products is organized by the R&D contractor.

State acceptance tests of products (model 1 to 4.3) are organized by the state customer, unless otherwise specified in the agreement (contract).

Acceptance tests of products according to work organization models 2 and 3 to 4.3 with the participation of interested bodies and organizations specified in 6.5.3 are organized by the developer.

Acceptance tests of prototypes of product components (developed according to the technical specifications of the lead R&D contractor) with the participation of interested organizations are organized by the lead developer for the creation of the product. In other cases, testing of prototypes of product components is organized by their developer.

If R&D is carried out during proactive development (without a specific customer), acceptance tests are organized by the developer.

The organizer is responsible for conducting the tests.

6.5.7 Preliminary and acceptance tests are carried out according to the relevant programs and test methods (hereinafter referred to as test programs), developed and approved by the party responsible for conducting these tests.

Test programs are developed based on the requirements of technical specifications, design documentation using, if necessary, standard programs, standard (standardized) test methods and other regulatory documents regarding the organization and conduct of tests. The test program includes:

test object,

purpose of testing,

scope of tests

conditions and procedure for testing,

logistics support for testing,

metrological testing support,

test reporting.

The test programs include lists of specific checks (tasks to be solved, assessments) that should be carried out during tests to confirm compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications with links to the relevant test methods. The program and methodology for acceptance testing of prototype products must, in addition, contain a quality check of the working design and operational documentation (including draft technical conditions for industrial production of products) to make a decision on the suitability of the documentation for industrial production.

The test procedure includes:

assessed characteristics (properties, indicators) of products;

conditions and procedure for testing;

methods of processing, analysis and evaluation of test results;

Testing, monitoring and measurement tools used;


Test methods used to determine product compliance with mandatory requirements, if they are not standard standardized methods, must be certified in the prescribed manner and agreed upon with the relevant state supervisory authorities.

6.5.8 Tests are carried out after checking the readiness of testing sites (laboratories, testing centers, etc.) to meet technical requirements, safety requirements and after appointing responsible specialists for all work during the preparation and conduct of tests, assessing product characteristics with established measurement accuracy , as well as recording their results.

6.5.9 To conduct acceptance tests, as a rule, a commission is appointed that monitors the completeness, reliability and objectivity of the test results, as well as the completeness of information, compliance with test deadlines and documentation of their results. With the consent of the interested organizations, it is allowed to conduct tests without appointing a commission, but with the assignment of its functions and responsibilities to the relevant services of the organization conducting the tests, which must be reflected in the technical specifications and (or) agreement (contract) for the implementation of the development work.

6.5.10 By the start of the tests, preparation measures must be completed, including:

Availability, suitability and readiness at the test site of logistics and metrological support facilities that guarantee the creation of conditions and test regimes corresponding to those specified in the test program;

Training and, if necessary, certification of personnel admitted to testing;

Appointment of a commission or relevant organizations (enterprises) and their services (if a commission is not appointed);

Timely submission to the testing site of a prototype product with a set of design, regulatory, reference and other documentation provided for by the test program.

6.5.11 During the testing process, the progress and results of the tests are documented in the form and within the time limits provided for in the test program.

In justified cases, tests may be interrupted or terminated, which is documented.

6.5.12 The specified and actual data obtained during testing are reflected in the protocol(s).

6.5.13 In test reports, texts relating to verification of mandatory requirements should be formatted in accordance with the requirements of the conformity assessment rules.

6.5.14 Tests are considered completed if their results are documented in an act confirming the implementation of the test program and containing an assessment of the test results with specific, precise wording reflecting the compliance of the tested prototype product with the requirements of the technical specifications.

Upon completion of acceptance tests, prototypes or samples of a pilot batch are considered to have fulfilled their functions. Their further use (as units of non-serial products), recycling or destruction is determined by a special decision that complies with current legislation.

6.5.15 During acceptance tests, state supervisory authorities determine the degree of product compliance with mandatory requirements and issue a final conclusion based on the test results, which is reflected in the act or in a separate documented conclusion.

Certificate of readiness of the enterprise’s production for the manufacture of a prototype/pilot batch, completed under a government contract for research work

Samples on the topic: Act. The science

Appendix No. 14 to the Regulations for the acceptance of work performed under the Program, approved by Order of Rosnauka dated June 5, 2006 No. 63

appointed by order on (name of organization) from (day, month in genitive case) 200 (digit) N (digits),

in the period from (day, month in the genitive case) 200 (digit) to (day, month in the genitive case) 200 (digit) checked the readiness of the production of the enterprise "_________" for the manufacture of a prototype/pilot batch (name in the genitive case in accordance with the main design document) for (type of tests).

As a result of the check it was established:

1. RKD (number of the design documentation set) has been developed in a volume sufficient for the manufacture of prototypes of products, complies with the requirements of the ESKD and is ready for presentation for (type of testing)

2. RTD for the manufacture of products (technological documentation set number) was developed in the scope of the main set and complies with the requirements of the ESTD

3. technological equipment and technological processes provided for by the RTD have been tested and implemented (details of readiness certificates)

4. personnel involved in the manufacture, testing and control of prototypes are trained and certified (designation and details of the qualification commission document)

5. conclusions on compliance of production with the mandatory requirements of state supervisory authorities are available (document details)

6. construction and installation work on production sites completed (details of acts).

The "________" enterprise is ready to produce prototypes/pilot batch (name and designation of the product according to the main design document) for (type of tests).



Appendix No. 5

to the Work Acceptance Regulations,

carried out within the framework of the Program,

approved by the Order of Rosnauka

The tests were carried out at (test location) according to the Program and methods (document designation).

1. As a result of preliminary tests, the commission established:

1.1. The composition and completeness of the test object corresponds to the technical documentation.

1.2. The test object passed preliminary tests according to the Program and methods (document designation).

2.1. The test object (name) meets the requirements specified in the technical specifications and listed in the Program and methods.

2.2. The test object is suitable for presentation for state acceptance tests.

Assign working design documentation (name in nominative case and designation in accordance with the main design document) letter “O”.


A. Report on patent research (in the form of Appendix D GOST R 15.011-96 "SRPPP. Patent research. Content and procedure").

B. A set of test reports for completed PM items.

B. Statement of compliance of the test object with the requirements of the technical specifications.

Forms: Certificate of acceptance of a prototype (experimental) sample (pilot batch)

acceptance of a prototype (experimental) sample (pilot batch)

(state, interdepartmental or departmental)

acceptance committee consisting of:

chairman _

and members of the commission: 1. __________________________________________________________

(surname, initials, position, organization)

2. __________________________________________________________

(surname, initials, position, organization)

appointed by order on ___________________________________________________

(name of organization, position, full name)

based on the test (inspection) report _____________________________________



considers the presented products to have passed (failed) acceptance tests on the basis of the test (inspection) report __________________________



(product name in accordance with the main document)

considers the presented products to have passed (failed) the acceptance tests (inspections) (cross out what is not necessary).

Offered: __________________________________________________________________




The acceptance test (inspection) protocol dated _______________________ is attached.

Chairman of the commission _________________________________ __________________________

Members of the commission: _________________________________ __________________________

Personal signature Signature decryption



(name DKR)


(cipher, index, state registration number of the DKR)

Warehouse commission:


members of the commission:


(initials, nickname, posada, organization)

(initials, nickname, posada, organization)

What did you do on the platform?


(name, date and document number for recognition of the commission)

in the period from "___" ____________ 200_ rub. by "___" ____________ 200_ rub. carried out preliminary testing

Testing a prototype crane

A prototype is tested to determine the possibility of mass production of cranes of this model. For these purposes, the ministry (department) in charge of the manufacturing plant appoints a commission, which must include a representative of the technical supervision body.

The test is carried out according to a program developed by the design organization and approved in the manner established by the ministry or department. As a result of the tests, the commission must establish that the crane is made in accordance with the design, technical specifications, Crane Rules, state standards, and the design of the crane allows its safe operation. The results are documented in a report, one copy of which is presented to the local technical supervision authority to obtain permission to produce the cranes.

The acceptance test report for the prototype is signed by a representative of the technical supervision body after all the deficiencies noted by the commission have been eliminated.

Load testing of a prototype at the manufacturer's stand or test site is mandatory for all types of cranes, except overhead cranes.

Self-propelled jib, tower and portal cranes must be checked for stability by lifting a load with a mass equal to 1.4 times the lifting capacity, with the boom positioned relative to the running platform and at an outreach that corresponds to the least stability of the crane. For railway, truck, crawler and pneumatic wheel cranes, the least stability will be when the boom is positioned perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the crane.

The test is carried out on a horizontal platform with a hard surface (asphalt, concrete, etc.), and for rail cranes - on a horizontal section of the track. The crane is considered to have passed the test if, when lifting a load with a mass exceeding 40% of the rated load capacity to a height of 100-200 mm, the load remains suspended for 10 minutes, while separation of the crane support is not considered a sign of loss of stability.

According to PC 5526-76 “Jib-type load-lifting cranes. Calculation of stability against overturning" a crane is considered stable if, under static loading, there is no simultaneous separation from the base of all crane supports that do not lie on the overturning edge, and under dynamic impact, a short-term separation of these supports is allowed.

Dynamic testing of a prototype of a self-propelled jib, tower and portal crane is carried out by performing all operations with a load with a mass equal to 1.25 of the rated load capacity of the crane.

Static and dynamic tests of a prototype gantry crane, as well as other cranes that are not tested for stability, are carried out with a load exceeding the rated load capacity by 25 and 10%, respectively. Testing a prototype overhead crane with a load is not necessary.

A prototype tower crane can be registered with the technical supervision authorities on the basis of a passport and a commission report (with the participation of an inspector) on the test results (if positive results tests).

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The production of a prototype is accompanied by the production of the minimum necessary technological equipment.

The production of prototypes (batch) is carried out according to the working design documentation in the quantity specified in the technical specifications. Prototypes of products are subject to preliminary and acceptance tests. Preliminary tests are carried out by the manufacturer's technical control department (QC) or a factory commission. Acceptance tests are carried out by departmental and interdepartmental commissions. For a sample (batch) accepted and recommended for industrial production, the commission draws up an acceptance certificate and a test report.

The State Planning Committee of the RSFSR entrusted the production of a prototype separator to the Sverdlovsk Economic Council.

By manufacturing a prototype of a new machine, the following main tasks are solved: a) conducting comprehensive operational tests of the prototype in accordance with the specified technical conditions; b) appropriate tests of the most critical components and parts of the machine; c) practical verification and clarification of those design elements: parts and assemblies that could not be accurately established by preliminary calculations; volume; d) identification and elimination of design defects and inconsistencies, checking the accuracy of the operation of individual mechanisms and the machine as a whole, producing a complete coordination of all drawings; e) identification of technological shortcomings in the design of the machine: making appropriate changes to the drawings to improve the manufacturability of the design; f) experimental verification and establishment of more rational methods manufacturing the most complex parts in machine components.

To manufacture prototypes of automatic and hydro-mechanical devices, experimental workshops have been created at the Kuibyshev Research Institute of the Oil Industry and the Giprovostokneft Institute.

The purpose of manufacturing a prototype is to experimentally test the performance of the system under expected operating conditions. As a rule, this goal is achieved by organizing testing of prototypes in different conditions use. The quality of testing, its completeness and the adequacy of the conclusions and decisions made determine the possibility of moving to the production of serial products.

Before manufacturing a prototype of the system, a detailed study of the adopted option is carried out using the modeling method. Analysis of the modeling results allows us to reveal the weak points of the project and evaluate the consistency of individual elements. Such a study makes it possible to make final adjustments to the project and improve the adopted version of the system.

When producing prototypes (pilot batch), the conditions for ensuring manufacturability requirements are specified, including the use of standard technological processes and technological equipment, taking into account the type and scale of production. In preparation for the release of the installation series, the manufacturability of blanks and original parts is checked, taking into account the use of the minimum required amount of equipment for their manufacture; at the same time, the necessary corrections identified during testing of the prototype must be made to the drawings, and the final testing of the design for manufacturability is carried out. In preparation for serial or mass production, the manufacturability of the design is finally checked in accordance with the working process being developed. With careful development of the drawings at the previous stages, the corrections identified during the preparation of the working technology will be relatively small and will mainly affect dimensioning.

When making prototypes and in small-scale production, engraving of scales and nameplates is usually performed on special engraving machines.

When manufacturing prototypes (pilot batch), the conditions for ensuring manufacturability requirements are specified, including the use of standard technological processes and technological equipment, taking into account the type and type of production. In preparation for the release of the installation series, the manufacturability of blanks and original parts is checked, taking into account the use of the minimum required amount of equipment for their manufacture; in this case, the necessary corrections identified during testing of the prototype must be made to the drawings. In preparation for serial or mass production, the manufacturability of the design is finally checked in accordance with the working process being developed. With careful development of the drawings at the previous stages, the corrections identified during the preparation of the working technology will be relatively small and will mainly affect dimensioning.

When manufacturing prototypes, attention should be paid to the final inspection of components and the unconditional execution of all work in accordance with the developed technical documentation.

In the manufacture of prototypes, high quality must be ensured, and permissible deviations must be recorded and included in the as-built documentation, with subsequent consideration, if necessary, in calculations. Samples of serial products must be representative of the lot from which they were taken.

Working design documentation for the manufacture of a prototype product (prototype of a mid-range product) is developed in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications on the basis of the approved GP or (if the TP has not been developed) - on the basis of the ES.

The purpose and content of this stage of work is to develop a design documentation for the manufacture and testing of a prototype product, including special technological equipment and repair of the product during operation, as well as program documentation. The design documentation is considered ready for the manufacture of a prototype product upon completion of the reproduction of the required number of copies for transfer to the manufacturer of the prototype product (prototype midrange product).

The stage of manufacturing a prototype product (prototype of a mid-range product) and conducting preliminary tests

The purpose of this stage is to manufacture a prototype of the product (prototype of the mid-range product) and to conduct preliminary tests to determine its compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications and the possibility of submitting it for state (interdepartmental) tests.

A set of works to manufacture a prototype product and conduct preliminary tests:

    Preparation of pilot production;

    Development of a set of operational documentation;

    Coordination of the ED by the customer’s representative office;

    Manufacturing a prototype product and conducting acceptance tests;

    Conducting preliminary tests of a prototype product (prototype midrange product);

    Carrying out other necessary examinations in the prescribed manner;

    Refinement, if necessary, of a prototype product (prototype of a midrange product) or production of new copies;

    Logistical and technical acceptance of a prototype product (prototype of a midrange product) for submission to state (interdepartmental) tests.

Ensuring the operational properties of machine parts and their connections during design

The main indicator of machine quality is reliability and it is determined by the operational properties of parts and their connections:


    fatigue strength;

    strength of landings;

    contact rigidity, friction coefficient;

    wear resistance;

    tightness of connections;

    corrosion resistance;

    surface thermal conductivity;

    heat resistance.

All operational properties that determine the reliability of products depend on the following parameters:

Characteristics of material properties:

    tensile strength;

    yield strength;

  • hardness hb=hrc.

Dimensions and their accuracy:

Systems of geometric parameters of working surfaces:

    macro deviations;



Physical properties of surface layers:


    degree of hardening;

In this regard, one of the design optimization tasks of the designer is the task of selecting materials for machine parts, calculating dimensions, assigning roughness parameters based on the functional purpose.

The designer’s choice of the material of the part, as well as the accuracy of the dimensions and parameters of the surface layer, should be based on a thorough analysis, its functional purpose and operating conditions.

Block diagram of the designer's choice of materials, accuracy dimensions and parameters of the dimensions of working surfaces and machine parts.

Based on a joint analysis of operating conditions ( block 1) and specifications for the product ( block 2), determine the operational properties of machine parts and their connections that limit reliability ( block 3).

Transfer from blocks 1 And 2 To block 3 is unformalized because it does not lend itself to algorithmization, which means that on at this stage important factors in design are statistical data on the operation of prototypes, as well as the experience of the designer.

After the parameters of operational properties have been determined, a search is made for dependencies and tabular data that characterize the quantitative relationship between operational properties ( block 4).

IN block 5 Various tasks are solved:

    with known dimensions of the part, choose the material and surface;

    using the given material, determine the dimensions, their accuracy and the parameters of the composition of the surface layer;

    with known dimensions in the material, their accuracy and parameters of the state of the surface layer (SSLS) are determined;

    With known size, material and accuracy, the state of the surface layer is determined.

When solving these problems, they face a number of limitations:

The physical and mechanical properties of materials are determined by the presence of the state of the measure, and the accuracy of the dimensions and parameters of the surface layer is determined by technological capabilities, the solution to problems is multivariate, therefore in block 6 they are looking for best option(usually at cost).

Quality assurance and competitiveness are laid down at the stage of design preparation for production.