Vadim Tulipov's daughter. The country says goodbye to the “opposition” United Russia. Personal life of Milana Kerzhakova

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The news of the senator's death came at a time when the Northern capital was still in shock. On the afternoon of April 4, a native St. Petersburg resident, Tyulpanov, came to the Technological Institute station, talked to the press and talked about the dangers of terrorism. After this, the politician went to relax in a sauna in the Kirovsky district (the Investigative Committee will call the establishment a “health center”), where he slipped and was injured in a fall. The ambulance that arrived pronounced him dead.

Vadim Tyulpanov was born in Leningrad on May 8, 1964. Graduated from the Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School named after Admiral S. O. Makarov. He worked on the ships of the Baltic Shipping Company, and, as stated in the official biography, “went from motor mechanic to senior engineer.” In 1993, he went into business and founded a shipping company - Mercury Transport Company CJSC. He soon began his political career: in 1998, he first became a municipal deputy from the Moscow Region in the Kirovsky district, and then almost immediately was elected to the Legislative Assembly. From 2003 to 2011 he was the speaker of the St. Petersburg parliament.

It was a time that some politicians now remember with nostalgia. The era of the governorship of Tyulpanov's comrade Valentina Matvienko. There was still no smell of military strictness in the Legislative Assembly. Tyulpanov was a very frank and open chairman and advocated pluralism of opinions. But the change of the head of the city meant changes. Matvienko’s team left St. Petersburg, and Tyulpanov also went into honorable exile to the Federation Council.

Of course, the post of chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Regulations was incomparably less important than the post of second person in St. Petersburg. Therefore, many observers believed that Tulipov was trying to score political points with the help of the media. Although the senator was simply a person who does not mince words and does not hesitate to express a controversial point of view. For which he was respected by many political opponents. And journalists called him one of the most public members of the Federation Council.

Tulips gained particular popularity thanks to the microblog on Twitter. There he often spoke out on topical issues. “As they say, Tchaikovsky was gay, but that’s not why we love him. “Vaenga is the same - she is a wonderful singer, regardless of political views,” he wrote after the artist’s famous statement about Pussy Riot.

The microblog also caused a scandal between Tyulpanov and the new governor of St. Petersburg, Georgy Poltavchenko. Their relationship was not friendly anyway, but after this scandal the conflict moved into an acute phase. And it all started because of the story with. Tyulpanov, via Twitter, advised the governor to apologize for this statement regarding St. Petersburg residents. When there was no apology, the politician did it for the head of the city. “Poltavchenko did not apologize, so I apologize to the people of St. Petersburg for his words. I hope this conflict is over,” he wrote.

And in 2014, Tyulpanov became almost the first major politician to publicly announce the failure of the construction of the Zenit Arena stadium. “The windows of my apartment overlook the stadium. And whenever I look, no one is building anything there. None of the 12 taps work. You all know that in 2018 the FIFA World Cup will be held in Russia, so I hope that at least in 2016 the stadium will be completed,” said Tyulpanov.

Of course, in response, Smolny only turned against him more. Officials said at the time that everything was going according to schedule. Although life will show that the senator was right.

By this time, Tyulpanov’s relations with his past comrades from the St. Petersburg United Russia, which he once headed, will also become very cool. St. Petersburg deputies from the party in power will complain to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about the senator’s “exotic” statements. He, for example, wrote that Oksana Dmitrieva could benefit United Russia, and announced his readiness to go to Cambodia to save Sergei Polonsky. But most of all, the parliamentarians were outraged by Tyulpanov’s statement about Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova. The politician proposed nominating her for the title of the most beautiful girl in Russia. “I'm proud of the way she's handled herself since her arrest. May God give us the same strength in such trials,” he wrote on Twitter.

It is not surprising that in the summer of 2014 Tyulpanov decided to change his political registration. At the invitation of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Igor Koshin, he began to represent this region in the Federation Council. Although he promised not to leave St. Petersburg, because his family continued to live here. In 2015, the daughter of Senator Milan married the forward of St. Petersburg Zenit Alexander Kerzhakov.

However, Tyulpanov’s statements could irritate not only the St. Petersburg authorities. He has repeatedly spoken out on sensitive topics contrary to the party line. For example, he opposed the notorious “Dima Yakovlev Law”. “I believe that the step that the State Duma may take is unreasonable, hasty and ill-considered. This amendment may be adopted on emotions, and sick Russian children may suffer first of all. It cannot be accepted. “I am categorically against this amendment,” Tyulpanov told Ekho St. Petersburg.

The politician received a negative reaction from the idea of ​​giving regions the right to independently determine the procedure for electing governors, including abandoning the direct election of heads. “The idea of ​​canceling gubernatorial elections even in parts of Russia could lead to the collapse of our country,” Tyulpanov wrote on his microblog.

The senator also stood up for the stringer photographer Denis Sinyakov, who was detained and arrested together with Greenpeace activists during an action on the Prirazlomnaya platform in the Pechora Sea.

In addition, the senator became famous for his many legislative initiatives. Some of them actually made sense. For example, Tyulpanov proposed making all museums free for full-time students and introducing chess lessons in elementary schools. After few people came to the elections in St. Petersburg, the senator came up with the idea of ​​electronic voting. The politician also proposed increasing sick leave payments in cases of infectious diseases to 100% of wages, and actively supported the idea of ​​​​the appearance of baby boxes. When information appeared about the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church, Tyulpanov introduced a project to the State Duma, according to which such decisions should be coordinated not only with the executive branch, but also with regional parliaments.

Although among his ideas there were also those that made it possible to suspect the senator of dubious PR. He proposed introducing a complete ban on smoking hookahs in public places, and co-authored a bill introducing criminal liability for deliberate distortion of the Russian anthem. One of the senator’s latest ideas is a proposal to put people in prison for street racing.

The sudden death of Tyulpanov and the circumstances of his death struck his acquaintances and ordinary St. Petersburg residents. At the same time, the politician had already suffered due to a similar accident once. In 2012, he slipped on the steps of a temple in the same Kirovsky district and broke his kneecap. An operation was required.

After the news of the politician's death, observers began talking about various bad omens. The media drew attention to the fact that a few hours before the sad news, Tyulpanov’s pregnant daughter Milana posted poems on social networks about the fragility of human life and the need to appreciate every hour. The post was probably dedicated to the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro, but it turned out to be prophetic for the girl’s family. Tyulpanov’s last tweet also seemed to carry an alarming omen. On April 1, the senator posted a picture with the rhyme “I was hit with a board, I’m lying in pain and anguish.”

In the Legislative Office of St. Petersburg there is also a legend about an unlucky office. It was once occupied by Vice Speaker Viktor Novoselov. There were two attempts on his life. As a result of the first, he lost both legs. The second, a car explosion, became fatal. Vice Speaker Yuri Gladkov, who died at the age of 58 after a long and serious illness, sat in the same office. The next owner of the cabinet, Vice-Speaker Gennady Ozerov, was able to hold out as a deputy for only one convocation. Then they decided to make the room “senator”, and it went to Tyulpanov. Until today it was believed that in his case the curse of the cabinet only killed his political career.

Sofia Mokhova

04/04/2017 - 21:39

Terrible news continues to come from St. Petersburg. Senator Vadim Tyulpanov tragically died today, April 4, 2017, at the age of 53. The cause of death has already been announced in the media. Colleagues and friends are shocked that Tyulpanov died.

After the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, sad news continues to arrive. The fact that Vadim Tyulpanov died became known on Tuesday evening. The cause of death was TBI. The senator slipped in the bathhouse and died from a skull fracture. Colleagues and associates of United Russia were shocked to learn the tragic news. Alexander Teterdinko, head of the United Russia faction in St. Petersburg, expressed words of grief to his daughter and wife.

From the biography of Vadim Tyulpanov it is known that for the last 2 years he has been a member of the Federation Council from the executive branch in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Previously, he spoke from the legislative branch in St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Tyulpanov took an active part in Vladimir Putin’s election campaigns. The politician made a huge contribution to the life of his people. Last December, he proposed introducing chess lessons in primary schools.

The personal life of Vadim Tyulpanov is well known to many. The politician raised a daughter and son. Milana several years ago became the wife of the famous football player Kerzhakov. Among the hobbies of the deceased Tyulpanov are fishing, vocals and active use of Twitter.

According to Fontanka, the 52-year-old senator on the evening of April 4 slipped in a bathhouse and fell and hit his head.

“On the afternoon of April 4, 2017, while in the premises of a health center in the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg, Vadim Tyulpanov slipped and was injured in a fall. The ambulance team that arrived at the scene of the incident confirmed the death of the victim,” states a statement from the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg.

The investigation also reports that an inspection of the scene of the incident is currently underway, including with the participation of forensic investigators and a specialist in the field of forensic medicine, and a set of investigative actions and operational search activities are being carried out.

The necessary examinations are ordered to establish the circumstances and cause of death.

The last time Vadim Tyulpanov appeared in public was on the afternoon of April 4. He laid flowers at a spontaneous memorial near the Tekhnologichesky Institut metro station, where the terrorist attack took place. He noted that terrorism is a threat to the whole world.

The Chairman of the Russian Government expressed deep condolences over the death of Tyulpanov.

“Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov was not only a famous politician, but also a bright, extraordinary person who did a lot for his native St. Petersburg and for the whole country. Heading the city’s legislative assembly, and then working in the Federation Council and the Supreme Council, he introduced a number of bills that improve people’s lives,” the prime minister said.

Milana accompanied her post with a photograph, from which it becomes clear that the girl is in one of the last months of pregnancy. The comments under the post are full of words of support and sympathy.

“I express my sincere and deep condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov in connection with his untimely death.
A bright, talented politician, a great patriot of our city, has passed away. For many years, Vadim Albertovich was the chairman of the legislative assembly of St. Petersburg. With his personal participation, laws were adopted that largely determined the development of the city. For a number of years, he has worthily represented St. Petersburg in the Federation Council,” said the governor of St. Petersburg.

According to him, Tyulpanov was a man with a “broad sea soul” who was respected by his colleagues, associates, and St. Petersburg residents.

“Vadim Albertovich has always been at the center of social and political life. He tried to benefit his hometown, its residents and the entire country, and his energy and perseverance helped solve many problems. It is difficult and bitter to realize that a man who did so much for St. Petersburg and Russia passed away in the prime of his life. He will be greatly missed by all of us. The memory of Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov will remain in the hearts of St. Petersburg residents,” added Poltavchenko.

The office of the Russian Presidential Special Representative for International Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, Arthur, also expressed grief over the death of Tyulpanov. According to Chilingarov’s representative, he communicated with Tyulpanov on a daily basis for many years, reports.

“We saw him at the races on March 18th. Life is like that. What to do?! He left after. She pulled him up. He transferred to the NAO. That's how they worked. It’s very sad to hear the tragic news,” said Chilingarov’s office.

By coincidence, three days before his death, Tyulpanov posted a post on his Twitter with the phrase: “I was hit with a board, I’m lying in pain and melancholy.” It was an April Fool's joke.

Vadim Tyulpanov headed the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly from 2003 to 2011. He was elected to the Federation Council from St. Petersburg in 2011.

In 2014, he was elected from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Chairman of the Committee of the Upper House of Parliament on Rules and Organization of Parliamentary Activities. In 2007 he was awarded the Order of Honor, in 2014 - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov is the former speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Federation Council, as well as the initiator of numerous legislative projects and simply a happy family man.


(whose photo is presented below) was born in May 1964 in the city of Leningrad. At the age of 22 he graduated from the Higher Marine Engineering School in Leningrad.

Biography, work activity

Vadim Tyulpanov, whose biography began in the city of Leningrad, after receiving a diploma of higher education, gained experience on the ships of the Baltic Shipping Company. He started as a motor mechanic and reached the position of senior mechanic.

Climbing the career ladder

In 1993, Vadim Albertovich became one of the founders of a company engaged in maritime transportation (JSC Merktrans).

After 4 years, he became one of the founders of the Regional Fund for Legal Protection of Pensioners and the Poor in St. Petersburg. At the same time, he was elected to the position of chairman of the foundation. The organization published a newspaper and provided consultations to citizens free of charge.

Political activity

In 1998, Vadim Tyulpanov was elected as a deputy of the Kirov region. At the same time, he is trying to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the 2nd convocation of St. Petersburg. The first round of elections was successful for the candidate, and he moved on to the second. In his election speeches, the politician promised to join Yuri Boldyrev’s bloc if he won, which earned him his support and approval. At the same time, his name was included in the governor's list. At the second stage, Tyulpanov won and was elected.

However, instead of the promised support for the bloc, Tyulpanov joined the Industrial faction, and later the St. Petersburg Districts faction.

In 1999, the politician became chairman of the Commission on Transport Issues of the Legislative Assembly.

In 2000, as a result of the political struggle of several parties, the faction of Tyulpanov and Kramarev won and was recognized as a representative in the Legislative Assembly of the Unity movement.

At the same time, the presidential elections of the Russian Federation were taking place. Vadim Tyulpanov was among the supporters and attorneys of V.V. Putin.

In the summer of 2001, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the position of deputy chairman of the Legislative Council of the cultural capital.

A few months later, the politician changes his post and becomes the head of the Unity faction.

The following year, 2002, Vadim Tyulpanov changed his faction and moved to the St. Petersburg branch of the People's Party of the Russian Federation.

Working with the United Russia party and developing a political career

In the spring of 2002, Tyulpanov became the organizer of the Unity - People's Party faction.

Later he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. At the same time, the politician coordinates the United Russia political party. In an interview with journalists, Tyulpanov announces his intention to stand as a candidate for the election of speaker of the head of the city parliament of the 3rd convocation. At the beginning of 2003, he won the election of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the third convocation, receiving a majority of votes from deputies.

In the summer of 2003, during the elections for the governor of St. Petersburg, Vadim Tyulpanov (photo presented in the article) entered the election headquarters of V. Matvienko.

A year later, in the summer of 2004, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of secretary of the political council of the United Russia faction (its branch in St. Petersburg).

In the spring of 2007, the politician was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the 4th convocation, and he was also re-elected to the position of chairman of the assembly.

In the winter of 2011, Tyulpanov again became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the 5th convocation.

At the same time, Vadim Albertovich becomes a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of the city of St. Petersburg.

Since 2013, Tyulpanov has been a member of the Supreme Council of the United Russia faction.

In 2014, the politician was given the powers of a representative from the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and in October he already held the post of senator from the executive body of state power.

Participation in preparations for the FIFA World Cup

During the period of preparatory events for the FIFA World Cup (in 2015), the Federation Council creates a commission to organize and control the event. Tyulpanov becomes the head of the new structure. In the fall of the same year, Vadim Tyulpanov, to whom the Federation Council transferred the majority of powers, is a member of the coordination council preparing for the championship in the Russian Federation in 2018.

Notable proposals and initiatives

Among the most famous proposals and initiatives of the politician are the following:

  • In 2002, Vadim Tyulpanov initiated a competition for the best words to the anthem of the Russian Federation. The following year the event was enshrined in law.
  • The year 2006 was marked for the politician’s career with a proposal to amend the Federal Law “On Veterans”. He insisted on equating the residents of Leningrad with the status of participants in the Second World War. His initiative was supported, and citizens of the besieged city began to receive a second pension.
  • In 2007, Vadim Albertovich was elected to the post of head of the project of the United Russia faction on the maritime development of St. Petersburg. The project involved expanding the city’s maritime capabilities, protecting waters, increasing personnel, and developing marine tourism.

  • In 2009, Tulipov, together with the city’s social committee, created the “Unified Family” project. Within the framework of the new structure, active assistance is organized to orphanages, shelters and boarding schools. A single Internet portal is being created, which contains information on each child, as well as a video about his fate. The project provided enormous support and assistance in placing children in new families. It covered almost all social institutions of the city.
  • In 2011, the politician initiated the creation of the city's Social Code. It contained information about all benefits and their amounts for various groups of citizens (poor, large families, students and other categories).
  • In 2012, the politician initiated changes to some provisions of the Federal Law “On the Formation of the Federation Council.”
  • During a discussion of the issue of charging entrance fees to museums for various groups of citizens, he proposed not charging them to students, and also providing them with the opportunity to visit libraries for free.
  • In 2013, he initiated changes in the situation of prisoners, as well as those under house arrest. In particular, he proposed providing people under house arrest with the opportunity to take an hour-long walk, arguing that the citizen needs to make purchases, as well as other necessary activities. Persons in pre-trial detention centers and under arrest were given the opportunity to see off their relatives and friends on their last journey.
  • In 2013, he initiated tougher penalties for telephone calls threatening terrorist acts.
  • In 2014, he proposed increasing the punishment for hooliganism and rowdy behavior on airplanes.
  • In the same year, he became the organizer of a help center for Ukrainian refugees.
  • In 2015, he made a proposal to reduce the maximum permissible speed of a vehicle in populated areas. According to him, this would help reduce the number of accidents on the roads, as well as reduce the percentage of deaths.
  • In the summer of the same year, he proposed changing the requirements for baby boxes. In his opinion, it is necessary to amend the current law in order to increase safety, as well as establish rules for their organization and equipment.
  • In the fall of the same year, he became one of the initiators of changing the conditions of detention of persons by law enforcement agencies. According to supporters, the detainee should be guaranteed the opportunity to make one telephone call, as well as to call a lawyer, even at the time of drawing up and signing the arrest report.
  • In October 2015, he proposed to increase the responsibility for roofers many times over, since the desire to take a beautiful photo very often ends in tragedy.

Political opinion

Tyulpanov's position is best seen through his statements and actions.

  • He sharply criticized Estonia when the country's authorities decided to rebury the bodies of Soviet soldiers.
  • The politician was an active supporter of the abolition of zero ppm, arguing that any citizen can drink medicine or kvass and should not be afraid to undergo a police detector test.
  • He is involved in organizing the work of a children's hospice.
  • He is a member of the board of trustees of several cathedrals of saints.
  • He advocated the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation.


The politician has very broad interests not related to work. He is interested in music and singing. Vadim Albertovich recorded two CDs. One of them is dedicated to women, and the second is a collection of war songs.

Tulipov loves fishing very much and does not miss the opportunity to spend time outdoors and outside the city.

Interested in politics and television. He was the host of several programs. Thus, Vadim Tyulpanov hosted a program on REN-TV, and since 2012 he has been working as the host of the TV show “St. Petersburg Meetings,” which is broadcast on the “Culture” channel.

Vadim Albertovich is active on Twitter. Here he shares his vision of the political situation, and also expresses his opinion on some events in the country.


The politician is the winner of many awards of the Russian Federation. Among them are such as “For Services to the Fatherland”, the Order of Honor, the President’s Gratitude, medals and badges, as well as orders.

Vadim Tyulpanov: family

The famous politician is married. Vadim Tyulpanov, whose wife (photo below), Natalya, has a higher philological education, found support and support in the family.

Together they are raising two children: an adult daughter, Milana, and an 11-year-old son, Vladislav. The girl (who is currently 21 years old) is actively involved in sports and has a rank in tennis. Milana recently completed her higher education. She studied at the State University of the Cultural Capital, at the department of international journalism. The girl does not plan to stop there, planning to get a degree at the University of London.

Vadim Tyulpanov, whose wife and family support him in everything, is the happy head of the family and a successful politician.

Perhaps someone helped the senator die

Perhaps someone helped the senator die

The mysterious death of Vadim TYULPANOV, a senator from St. Petersburg from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, shocked his colleagues and acquaintances. It was announced that the 52-year-old politician had died in an accident after slipping in a sauna. Later it was clarified - The senator was at the health resort. What happened?

Even in the afternoon, Vadim Albertovich, strong and healthy, laid flowers in St. Petersburg at the Tekhnologichesky Institute metro station, where the terrorist attack took place the day before. He gave careful and balanced comments to numerous journalists about the tragedy. Then, after a series of business calls, he went to a health resort, where the accident occurred. Or something more?

Vadim Tyulpanov headed the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in 2003 - 2011. Then he was elected from St. Petersburg to the Federation Council. The local press generally speaks favorably of him.

When a rally of pensioners against the monetization of benefits came to the Mariinsky Palace (and it was not dispersed, imagine!), Tyulpanov gathered all United Russia members and took them out onto the porch to talk with the people. Snowballs were flying at him, everyone was shouting, and he stood and tried to explain the essence of the reform, the journalist recalls. Mikhail Shevchuk.

Since 2014, Tyulpanov has represented the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Federation Council. And, as they say, not of my own free will.

Former Legislative Assembly deputy Vladimir Belozerskikh, who worked under Tyulpanov, admitted to the St. Petersburg publication Fontanka that, according to his observations, the senator had recently begun to fail:

This is rather psychological (even though he had health problems), because he, one might say, was kicked out of his hometown, but his nominee survived Makarov(the current chairman of the Legislative Assembly. - S. L, A. S.), like a cuckoo from the nest.

There is a version that at the Oasis health complex on Ogorodny Lane, the senator was not improving his health, but meeting with someone. The complex has existed since the 90s, but in recent years people from the street have not been able to get there. By the way, the sign on the door of the establishment appeared only after the tragedy. As the local press writes, “Oasis” is “rather not a place for relaxation, but a kind of meeting room and a place of attraction of power.” So the official version of events, that Tyulpanov became ill with his heart and fell from the spiral staircase, breaking the base of his skull, requires careful verification.

Stress before childbirth

Death Vadim Tyulpanov, of course, shocked his son-in-law, the famous football player Alexandra Kerzhakova. Two days before the tragedy, the Zenit forward, together with his partners, rejoiced at the victory over Rubin and returned from Kazan to St. Petersburg in a great mood. But, apparently, someone from above decided long ago that Kerzhakov would never have an idyll in his family life. And if she appears, it will only be for a short time.

Alexander had a very hard time parting with his first wife, a native of Monchegorsk. Maria Golova. The football player sees their common daughter very rarely - 12-year-old Dasha lives with her mother. Scandalous divorce from Ekaterina Safronova led to the fact that Kerzhakov simply hated her. Through the court, he took their little son Igor from Katya and did this, as many believe, only in order not to pay child support.

However, Milana Tyulpanova, the daughter of the deceased senator and Kerzhakov’s current wife, has a different opinion on this matter.

When we started dating Sasha, I couldn’t shake the feeling that he still wanted to improve his relationship with his ex-wife. For the sake of her son,” Milana admitted. - At that time, Safronova did not answer phone calls; she and Sasha communicated mainly through television and the press. I invited him to meet with Safronova, and he listened. Sasha told me that she has been using drugs for a long time and can’t quit. They met in the presence of lawyers. Kerzhakov tells her: they say, you need to get treatment, get registered, this will remain between us, no one will know about it. And he hears in response: “If I register, my driver’s license will be taken away.” It turns out that she was not thinking so much about the child as about herself.

After this, Milana and Alexander decided that they themselves would raise Igor.

Tyulpanov’s daughter and the best scorer in the history of the Russian national team met in the summer of 2014. Milana unexpectedly received a text message from a number unknown to her: “Girl, don’t take it for impudence, but I would like to meet you.” The senator's daughter answered sharply: who are you? And where did they get my number? Kerzhakov had to introduce himself. Moreover, the football player said that two years ago he saw Milana on a plane - she was there with her parents and brother. But then, in the presence of Vadim Albertovich, he did not dare to approach. This move worked. However, Tyulpanova soon learned from the Internet that Kerzhakov was married. But Alexander explained that he was leaving Safronova and that they lived without signing.

On the first date, the conversation between Sasha and Milana did not go well. They sat at a table in a restaurant and were simply silent for about fifteen minutes. Then Kerzhakov began to tell her about his failed life with Safronova, who turned out to be a drug addict, and summed it up:

I realized that, in principle, there are no normal women. Everyone wants to cheat.

According to Tyulpanova, she was even indignant. And asked:

Why are you telling this to me?

The senator admitted to his colleagues that he was looking forward to the birth of his grandson - Milana was due to give birth soon. It is now impossible to predict how the sudden death of the father she adored will affect the young woman’s health. There is a risk that there will be complications during childbirth. We can only hope for the best.

By the way, Tyulpanov’s relatives and some friends doubt that he died of natural causes.

Think about it!

* Vadim Tyulpanov I drove a BMW 530 D (2012). According to official data, his income for 2016 amounted to 4 million 604 thousand rubles.