I want to formulate sentences and speak correctly. For a career and more: how to learn to speak beautifully

To modern man It is important to be able to express your opinion concisely and clearly. After all, it is difficult to evaluate the genius of an idea if its creator is not able to correctly express the essence in words and convey the main idea to the opponent. This is important for representatives of those professions whose work involves people.

A well-delivered speech helps produce positive impression at the interlocutor.

Oratory is easier to master if you divide the task into two stages. The first is devoted to the question of how to learn to express your thoughts correctly. The second is how to speak competently, expressing yourself in simple language.

  • Expanding vocabulary. Books will help you formulate the essence of a conversation or a separate sentence, first mentally, and then tell it orally. Classic fiction, scientific and journalistic literature will not only replenish lexicon, but will also broaden your horizons.
  • Memory training. Very often in a conversation the interlocutor fails to find the right word. Many options are spinning in your head, and as luck would have it, what you need is forgotten. Quatrains and combinations of numbers are suitable for memory training.
  • The ability to concentrate on a specific thought. This is important in order to clearly and clearly reproduce the meaning. IN in this case It is useful to ask yourself a few questions before a conversation - what (what will be discussed), where and when (details), why (the ultimate goal of the conversation).

When your thoughts are in order, you should improve your oratory skills.

Concentration of attention

For a speaker, it is important not only to be able to concentrate at the right moment, but also to be able to hold the attention of listeners until the end of the speech. The science of rhetoric will tell you how to arouse interest and capture the attention of an audience.

To learn how to manage your own attention, use simple technique. At first, training can be done in silence, then you can complicate the process by doing it in a crowded place or on the street. The art of concentration is honed through yoga.

The purpose of the technique is to learn to concentrate attention on a specific image, being in any conditions. To do this you need:

  • mentally say a word, for example, table;
  • understand its meaning (why do you need a table, where can you put it);
  • visualize the image (clearly imagine the design of the table, its color, size, location in the room, other details).

During the exercise, distractions arise - extraneous sounds, people's actions, etc. You need to keep your attention on the invented word for several minutes, repeating it periodically. It is recommended to train at home first. Concentrating on the street or in a crowded place is much more difficult. However, having mastered this skill, a person will be able to freely formulate thoughts, and in the future - clearly express the meaning, speak competently and convincingly.

Components of beautiful speech

Public speaking is considered successful if the speaker’s speech has the following characteristics:

When working through each component separately, you should remember to have self-confidence during the conversation.

Techniques for developing eloquence

Oratory and rhetoric help develop free speech skills. Students are taught in courses to be confident in public and speak in front of large audiences. acting. On practical exercises They work on diction, stage speech, and intonation. While the concepts of oratory and acting are clear, the meaning of rhetoric raises some questions.

Rhetoric is scientific theory, the study of which allows you to master the art of oratory. All actors are required to study this philological discipline. public figures and other specialists whose profession is related to public speaking. Rhetoric studies the influence that a speaker's speech has on his opponent.

You can improve your diction on your own with the help of tongue twisters and special speech therapy gymnastics. Tongue twisters are first spoken slowly, syllable by syllable, gradually increasing the tempo and adding intonation. In addition to diction, it trains memory. Exercise for working out speech apparatus comprises simple exercises:

  • Using the tip of your tongue, touch the roof of your mouth, reach the base of your tongue, inside each cheek.
  • Sing all the vowel sounds, stretching your lips.
  • Stretch out the sibilant consonants, the sound “r”.

What will help you speak competently and beautifully?

The ability to express thoughts correctly and clearly can be developed by taking a public speaking course. After listening to several lectures, you can learn how to learn eloquence. Self-development of skills will help:

  • Record your own speech on a voice recorder. When listening, you can make an objective assessment of the speaker’s performance, take into account shortcomings, and correct mistakes.
  • Games using various words, descriptions (selection of synonyms, characteristics of objects);
  • structuring speech. When speaking or in a normal conversation, you should highlight the main points, clearly and clearly formulate secondary information, and omit unnecessary details.
  • Increasing active vocabulary. Every day you need to select 2-3 words that are rarely used in everyday speech, and actively use them in conversation.
  • Control over gestures and facial expressions. The inability to correctly formulate a thought leads to excessive gestures and facial expressions during a conversation. Need to get rid of this bad habit, which distracts from the main idea and irritates the opponent. Developed facial expressions help you speak more convincingly in front of an audience. It is useful to hone the art of speech in front of a mirror.
  • Self confidence. It is important to learn to control your own emotions and cope with the anxiety that arises before public speaking. Only a speaker who is confident in himself is capable of speaking convincingly.

It is important to state your point of view in such a way that it is clear to your opponent what you are talking about. Therefore, it is better to speak in simple language, without using complex speech patterns and scientific terms.

Correct, competent speech is the basis of mutual understanding and main tool exchange of information between people, which is used in professional activity and at everyday communication. The skills of orally expressing ideas and concisely conveying meaning are important for representatives of professions related to the service sector, trade and other areas.

It is useful for every person to know how to correctly express their thoughts. Words have extraordinary power. They become the cause of war, thanks to them civilizations collapse, and the most fateful events occur. If you correctly convey the necessary information to your interlocutor, you can achieve any goal in life. The art of public speaking is within the power of any interested beginner. A huge amount of literature has been created in the world on the topic of communication between people.

Miscommunication is a problem of the 21st century

An unsuccessfully spoken phrase often becomes a reason to incite conflict in the family, at work, or between peoples. When communicating, it is important to know how to correctly express your thoughts. Families are destroyed because of a lack of understanding of the interlocutor, and wrong decisions are made. It happens that the situation cannot be corrected.

Failures in new interviews or in business are associated with the inability to speak. By voicing thoughts out loud at the right moment, a person can take high post or please your loved ones. Not an easy task- organize a public discussion on any topic. But in any business you need diligence.

Not a single speaker was born with a clear head and clearly defined diction. All of them learned at one time through fear and embarrassment, overcoming the surrounding indifference. It’s easy to watch how a speaker at the microphone quickly and coherently pronounces entire poems, stories, and conveys a pressing problem to those around him.

To become a master at anything, you need to start making mistakes. Only through your own cones comes an understanding of how to correctly express your thoughts. You need to go straight to practice, then the acquisition will be guaranteed real experience. In addition, they study methods for developing clear thinking.

Preparing for a speech

At the beginning of learning public speaking, experienced leaders recommend writing down your thoughts at any convenient moment. Future speech must be constantly thought through, looking for flaws and ugly phrases. It may take you a month of daily research to get just one sheet of perfectly linked text.

Expressing your thoughts in writing is useful; the next day you can evaluate your creativity from the outside. Sometimes it will seem that the sheet reflects complete nonsense. But you shouldn’t do it, but it’s better to take it and modify the text later. It’s not for nothing that famous poets wait for months for the muse to write just two lines. The brain of any person works similarly.

Perhaps an idea will appear on the road, but saying your thoughts out loud will be somehow inconvenient. A smartphone or a classic piece of paper will come to the rescue. Poets still use ink, it is developing, and from such a medium it is easier to perceive what is written in one’s own hand.

Voice recorder and gestures

It is better to exclude unnecessary repetitions of words. You need to express your thoughts briefly without using templates. You will have to memorize the text. You can read from a piece of paper, but such a speaker is not taken seriously. Literacy is the basis for attracting attention.

In the video you can often see hands trying to find pockets. You will have to hold the pose until the end of the discussion, and this moment should not be overlooked. The interlocutor should grasp the meaning of the conversation, and not observe shyness and awkward movements.

Facial expressions are important in any conversation so that the interlocutor does not fall asleep. It is advisable to express goodwill and seriousness. An ever-smiling face will be comparable to simplicity and disinterest in affairs.


A delivered speech is the key to half the success. A loud and clear voice always attracts the attention of the crowd. And if the interlocutor is alone, then he definitely won’t get bored. This can be learned if a person does not have physical defects of the larynx. But the sonority of the tone will not affect the semantic content in any way.

It is better to practice not in crowded places first. It is recommended to shout loudly while reading the speech. It is better if this happens in a field or an empty hall. This is how they quickly learn foreign pronunciation. There are practical examples where a person from a lonely settlement has no accent at all, having studied an alien language.

The tone of the voice is also important; the interlocutor should not perceive speech by straining the hearing aid. Monotony is unacceptable; thoughts must be expressed in bursts and changes in words. It is better if sometimes there are minor pauses, at this moment the listener tries to collect himself and continue the conversation. You can get your attention back with a diluent in the form of a prepared joke.


In order to correctly express thoughts on your chosen topic, you must first delve into the basics of the subject. Without understanding the question, the words will be confused, and the prepared text will look like the work of an amateur. Reading books helps improve the situation.

A competent person is more trustworthy. A week you need to read one work in your chosen field of at least 100 pages. It is recommended to select literature under the guidance of a qualified specialist. Russian classics will help you improve your vocabulary.

Memory and speaking technique training

It is not enough to speak on the chosen topic and understand it; you also need to know how to learn to express your thoughts correctly. To do this, they work on thinking. After all, it’s one thing to express the words you’ve memorized in advance, and another thing to competently conduct the conversation in the right direction.

In the process of discussing a problem, laconicism is encouraged. However, no one needs long silence either. During the period of talkativeness of the interlocutor, you can remember the material and collect your thoughts.

The conversation is supported by standard phrases that indicate that you are listening.

It is not recommended to be distracted and look away. It's better to smile and shake your head in agreement. When order is restored in your thoughts, it would be useful to gently interrupt your opponent and start talking about more pressing things. Will help you increase your experience in such things casual dating and discussing any issue with the first person you meet.

Overcome the fear of public speaking

The ability to express one’s thoughts strengthens during mass discussions. Everyone has had the opportunity to give a presentation in class in front of their peers. Some students felt very uncomfortable during their speech. Only practice will help you overcome shyness. The random audience on the bus will only say thank you if you read any passage of prose to them.

It’s hard to decide on this, and it can result in embarrassment. But experience grows in proportion to the accumulated failures. During your first attempts, it is recommended to remember that human memory is short. Even if the speech causes laughter, the next day each listener will plunge into his own worries and forget not only the words, but also the failed speaker himself.

But on the tenth attempt, the right thoughts will arise in your head, and they can be easily conveyed to the crowd. The cause of confusion is often self-doubt. There are a huge number of techniques that increase self-esteem.

How to find strength in yourself?

Many beginners lose the desire after their first attempts. However, if you fail, you need to start describing the events that happened earlier. You shouldn’t concentrate on ridiculous moments; you should understand the reason for the embarrassment. Often during public speaking you come across one negative listener. It just ruins the whole mood.

The speaker’s task is to find a sympathetic person in the crowd and begin to express his thoughts as if to him. Then the tongue will not get confused, and positive energy will be reflected through the speaker into the audience. However, it is better to start training in a familiar company, so as not to get into trouble.

Help from professionals

There is absolutely no shame in using outside help. The best speakers who have already spoken publicly have accumulated experience. Psychologists correct constrained character in a short time.

Choose better known and proven self-esteem growth courses. But you shouldn’t forget about daily practice. Only real communication can bring a person out of a snail state. Not a single smart book you read will increase the level of your thinking process as much as trying to talk to a stranger about a topic that interests you.

Learning to speak beautifully

Let us remember how joyful it is to have a conversation with an interlocutor who is very competent and tactfully expresses his opinions, thereby not using harmful words and without connecting thoughts with a series of unnecessary phrases and delays.

The technique of perfect speech can then be developed through letter exercises. Beautiful speech can be achieved by learning tongue twisters. It is necessary to literally read out loud a tongue twister every day, only they can cause any difficulties in conversation in order for the long-awaited effect from them to appear.

There is also another way - training your speech by simply talking to your interlocutor, but if he is not there, then you can talk to yourself.

Of course, someone who has never picked up a book cannot achieve excellent speech. Because it is from books that you can take a large number of necessary phrases and words. Books are vocabulary enrichment. Secondly, you can expand your horizons, since without this, ideal speech will not find its application, for example, if the topics of conversation are unknown and incomprehensible to you.

We can conclude that anyone can have beautiful speech, but only those who want it and are ready to achieve the desired result.

How to learn to speak competently

Learn to narrate films or books that you liked, thereby retelling an interesting and conveyable main idea. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of the people who listen to you; if they get bored and ask unnecessary questions, it means that you failed to convey your impressions of the works.

It is necessary to get rid of incomprehensible words, that is, those that do not carry a specific meaning to the text and do not reproduce the necessary information. Do not use words whose meaning you do not know. You also need to think about the appropriateness of using professional or youth slang. Since the differences between work or a group of friends are significant. In an official conversation, a youth style of communication will clearly be inappropriate.

How to express your thoughts correctly

Be able to express your thoughts correctly is a skill that most people struggle to master. The ability to express your thoughts correctly, this skill requires training. You've probably met people who looked interesting, but their speech was rather ignorant and boring. Thus, a rather negative perception has developed about such people.

Try to learn to speak competently, beautifully and convincingly, so that the interlocutor will enjoy communicating with you, but remember that this is a very difficult matter. Many people are given this gift by nature, but the other half need to train all their lives.

A person's ability to communicate is the ability to express thoughts.

Increase your communication with people who communicate their thoughts competently and clearly. Communicating with these people who cannot speak will teach you nothing. For correct speech, study logical reasoning. After all, it is logic that can understand everything.

Exercises for expressing thoughts

Every person must learn how to express his thoughts correctly. Because phrases have extraordinary power. If you correctly present the necessary thought to the listener, you can achieve a certain goal in life. To learn how to express thoughts, you need to use everything available methods and funds.

Developing speech: technique

Technical speech is a combination of several components; knowing them will help you learn this art. It includes several categories. The main one is diction. Speech technique cannot be possible without clear pronunciation of sounds.

Practice and you will succeed!

Published in the section

The ability to speak and express one’s thoughts competently and correctly will be useful to a man, woman and even a child. It is not enough to just learn to pronounce words - you need to be able to speak beautifully and correctly.

Everyone knows that a person who knows how to express his thoughts beautifully can be listened to endlessly. There are many nuances and tricks that are important to consider when communicating. For men and women, competent and high-quality communication skills will help them become interesting and stay on top.

List of main skills which a man and a woman need to follow to increase their level of eloquence:

  • Diction training;
  • Speech technique training;
  • Increasing vocabulary.

To convincingly express your thoughts, you need to develop each of them.

Ways to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully

First and important factor, which will help you learn to speak beautifully - the ability to think quickly, understand your interlocutor, complement him and be interesting to him in communication. Write down famous thoughts and interesting words that you heard during the day, repeat them before going to bed.

It is necessary to read books. If you come across an unfamiliar word, you need to find out its meaning - this will allow you to learn how to have a conversation with a wide variety of categories of people. Over time, you will easily be able to freely communicate on any topic with children, pensioners, schoolchildren and even professors.

How to learn to speak beautifully to a woman

An interesting interlocutor is important to a woman, and a man primarily evaluates appearance indicators. This information is only true for first dates, and after a couple of meetings, even the most attractive person can bore a man.

Therefore, a woman who cannot clearly formulate and convey her thoughts needs to work on herself and her erudition. A man will be bored by an interlocutor who cannot express her thoughts convincingly.

The desire to communicate will help the girl develop eloquence. Rhetoric is a gift that nature can sometimes deprive, but the main thing is desire, because the problem can be solved if you carefully work on yourself and stop being lazy.

Everyday work will allow a woman to speak in public and attract attention. The skill of competently expressing thoughts to each other is a necessary element of a relationship.

A man and a woman benefit from such communication, maintaining a healthy union and ensuring complete mutual understanding.

Speech technique: how to learn to speak correctly and beautifully

For both men and women, the idea of ​​developing oratory talent will help them become an interesting person for the people around them. Each tip below will get you closer to achieving this goal.

How to learn to express your thoughts correctly exercises

In order to learn to speak beautifully, an exercise that was invented by the ancient orator Demosthenes is often used. This man was capable of the art of eloquence.

Exercise: To train your tongue to develop speed and accuracy. Take pebbles, peas or nuts in your mouth and read the speech so as to do everything correctly and not make a single mistake.

Even some of the current announcers cannot express themselves competently. Find the records of Soviet masters (who did everything right) and take their speech as a certain standard.

How to develop speech - ways to learn to speak competently and confidently

In order to master competent speech, you need to know the language perfectly. Do exercises with words that you pronounce incorrectly. A literate person must have an ideal syllable. Understand the stress - a misspelled word will spoil the impression of the rest of the speech.

In order for your public speaking to be competent, you must first determine where you are making mistakes. It’s good if a stranger talks about mistakes. The circle of friends constantly surrounding you may get used to you and not notice them.

How to learn to build a conversation competently and beautifully? Be aware of your inaccuracies and learn from them. Be able to answer questions wittily and accurately. Let's give an informative answer - its quality will be reflected in the general attitude towards the performance.

How to teach a child to speak beautifully and competently

Tips to help your child speak beautifully, correctly express thoughts and use words correctly:

  • Do not use diminutive words when addressing your child;
  • It is necessary to give examples to the child, help and recommend that he express his thoughts correctly;
  • Your child needs to present each sentence correctly, clearly, but in such a way that everything is understandable;
  • Don't be afraid to tell your child when he makes a mistake;
  • A child, like an adult man or woman, needs an audience - listen to him;
  • Read with him - give the child one role, and the husband another, and all enjoy the process together.

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The ability to speak beautifully and express one’s thoughts competently is a very valuable quality. If you do not have the talent of communication, do not be upset, because this skill is not innate, but acquired. This means that each of us can learn.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently

You will need perseverance, daily, painstaking work on yourself, support and help from your family and friends. But it’s worth it, because the ability to speak beautifully and competently has been valued at all times.

Why do you need public speaking skills?

First of all, you need to determine why you want to master public speaking. Do you need to speak in front of a large audience, conduct a show, or do you simply dream of being the life of the party, telling beautiful stories, holding the attention of the gathered people.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently for presentations

So, if you have to speak in front of an audience, then this article will only help you initial stage preparation.

You should not expect that after reading one article, you will immediately learn to speak beautifully and competently.

In addition to the recommendations from the article, you should enroll in special courses, study special literature on public speaking, and watch recordings of television announcers’ speeches in Soviet time and adopt their style of presenting information.

In Soviet times, there was the best school and training of presenters in the world, observing all the rules of competent presentation of information, and this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently for self-development

If you were looking for information on how to learn to speak beautifully and competently, for your self-development. You want to be the “life of the party”, learn to tell stories and jokes beautifully.

Or maybe you want to get a promotion, and any managerial employee should be able to express their thoughts beautifully and competently, then you have found what you need and this article is completely suitable for you.

Fear of performing

The biggest enemy on the way to beautiful speech– . Moreover, this fear is often present regardless of whether you are performing on stage or in front of small company visiting.

You can overcome fear by carrying out psychological work with consciousness.

Such preparation may include:

  • Meditation;
  • Autotraining;
  • Accepting your own fear;
  • Careful preparation for performances.

You can overcome the fear of speaking only by working on yourself and your consciousness. You can overcome the fear of public speaking by constantly practicing, start small, make toasts at a party, “perform” in front of friends and family.

Uncertainty, shyness

One of the types of fears before speaking is uncertainty. You need to combat uncertainty by carefully preparing for a speech and working on your speech in front of a mirror.

Rehearsals in front of family and friends. Big. You must think through all the details of your costume, without missing out on the little things.

You should feel great in your performance attire, not only physically, but also mentally.

Determine how others hear you

Record how you speak on a tape recorder. This could be any improvisation, a story from childhood, funny joke. Listen to yourself from the outside. Look at the presentation critically, as if you were auditioning your competitor.

A speaker must ensure that his speech is clear, clean, correct and also precise.

Increasing active vocabulary

Getting rid of garbage in your speech is half the battle; it is important to increase your active vocabulary in the right words. What does it mean?

We know a lot of words, but when speaking we use a very small vocabulary. Try to expand and enrich your speech. Take a dictionary, it is best if it is a dictionary indicating the correct stress in words.

Add two new vocabulary words every day. Throughout the day, try to use these words as often as possible.

How others see you

How to learn to speak beautifully, express your thoughts correctly, and look convincing? It is difficult for us to see ourselves from the outside. By talking about something, you can capture the attention of listeners, or you can leave them indifferent.

What does this depend on? The perception of us by others includes the entire spectrum of influence, such as the pose, posture, gestures and facial expressions of the speaker.

Working on facial expressions

Practicing in front of a mirror is essential to become familiar with facial expressions while speaking. Study your face. What happens to the eyebrows, forehead?

Relax the rolling folds, straighten your frowning eyebrows. Or maybe, what’s worse, the face expresses absolutely nothing during speech?

If there is a “frozen” expression on your face, practice weakening and tensing your facial muscles. Say phrases rich in different emotions: sadness, joy, and make sure that your facial expressions also take part in this.

Working on Gestures

Gestures have a great influence on conveying information to listeners. Often the correct interpretation and interpretation of the text heard depends on gestures.

There are many exercises that allow you to learn to control your gestures without thinking about it or getting distracted while speaking. Beginners should know that gestures must be involuntary.

That is, you need to gesture only when a bodily need for a gesture arises. Special, “actor’s” gestures will only do harm.

You shouldn’t gesticulate too much, just as you shouldn’t gesticulate too little; everything should be in moderation.

Working on posture and posture

  • Spread your legs slightly so that you are comfortable, spread your toes slightly, put one leg forward slightly;
  • The emphasis is not equal on both legs, at least in the most expressive places of speech; place more emphasis on the toe than on the heel;
  • The knees are flexible and pliable;
  • Relieve tension in your shoulders and arms;
  • Do not press your hands to your chest;
  • Move your head and neck slightly forward in relation to the chest;
  • Put your chest forward a little, don’t slouch;
  • Tighten your stomach a little, but not so much that it interferes with freedom of breathing.


Without proper breathing, it is impossible to become a speaker. There are special exercises for correct breathing during speech pronunciation.

These exercises are aimed at correct positioning deep inhalation and the formation of a slow speech exhalation.

The formation of speech exhalation is of fundamental importance for the organization of smooth speech.

Smoothness of speech is a holistic, continuous, intonation-logically completed statement, in the process of one continuous exhalation.

Reading classic literature

Read more classical literature, constantly engage in self-development, memorize beautiful word forms. Reading classical literature will enrich your speech, make it richer, more beautiful and meaningful, you will understand how to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts competently.

Reading developmental literature

How to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts competently? Read more for your general development, for the development of horizons, memory, logic. Study philosophy, ethics, aesthetics.

You can talk to a well-read and educated interlocutor on any topic, he is interesting and is always in the center of attention.

Brevity is the soul of wit

Don't load your story with unnecessary and tedious details. Try to convey to the audience the essence of your speech.

Definition of the essence

The meaning of any performance is to satisfy some need of the listeners.

You must define:

  • What you should say;
  • Why does this need to be said;
  • What should the listener understand?

When preparing a speech, try to take as a basis only the essence of the idea, the main idea, and do not become boring, otherwise your speech will be boring and uninteresting.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently, it means quality when a person is able to clearly express his thought, answer a question specifically, generally speaks to the point without unnecessary “water”, with a small inclusion lyrical comparisons.

Contact with listeners

No matter how beautiful your speech is, it will be boring and uninteresting until you learn to connect with your audience.

The ability to capture attention and completely control the mood of the public is important aspect in the speeches of any speaker.

You will need the ability to use humor, jokes, metaphors, allegories, and a fair amount of sarcasm in your speeches.

Always dilute your speech with light humor. However, it is important to know when to stop; don’t make flat or vulgar jokes; your goal is to lift the mood of your listeners.

Learn to answer audience questions easily and naturally.

Tongue twisters and tongue twisters

Pronunciation of a variety of pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters is extremely useful exercise, which affects the development of the speech apparatus, the formation of speech exhalation, the pronunciation and purity of pronounced sounds.

These exercises will help you practice your diction so that all individual sounds and their combinations will be pronounced easily, cleanly and without defects. But this is the basis of how to learn to speak beautifully.

Correct recitation

Beginning with early age, and even more so at school, teachers and parents pay great attention to the expressive reading of poetry and prose.

Why is it important to learn how to recite correctly, especially prose? You probably remember an excerpt from “The Song of the Petrel” that many people recited at school?

“Over the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea, the Petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.”

In my opinion, this text cannot be told in a whisper, monotonously, boringly. Reading this work out loud, you involuntarily begin to gesticulate and become completely imbued with the spirit of the poem.

Why do parents and teachers pay so much attention to correct recitation? You probably thought that this was a waste of your time?

This is not true at all, it’s just that this is the basis for learning to speak beautifully and competently.

This skill helps not only to enjoy the beauty of the language, but also to understand deep meaning, to feel the mood inherent in the text, but also to convey all this to the listeners.

Preparing for the performance

Write the text of your speech on paper. Read it out loud, record yourself and listen to your speech.

Edit the speech, that is, correct all the points in the text that you did not like.

Learn the text by heart. The first viewer will be the mirror. When speaking, pay attention to your posture, gestures and facial expressions. Evaluate yourself from the outside.

Now you can start performing in front of the public. Gather your close friends and family, ask them to be critical of your performance and honestly point out all the shortcomings and mistakes.

After such preparation, you can speak in public. Imagine that the people sitting in front of you are your friends and acquaintances. Be free and natural. You can honestly admit that this is your debut, and listeners will support you in any case.

Don't be upset if your first performance doesn't turn out exactly as you planned. Continue to work on yourself, improve your skills, and you will definitely learn to speak beautifully and competently in front of any audience.

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