Quotes about the death of a person. Aphorisms, quotes and sayings of the wise about death

Be courageous and calm, since all human aspirations are insignificant from the point of view of eternity. There is no memory and pain in the oblivion of the grave.
Aurelius Marcus Antoninus

In essence, it doesn’t matter what you die for; but if you die for something you love, then such a warm, devoted death is better than a cold, unfaithful life.
Heine Heinrich

Dying is nothing new in this life,
But life, of course, is not newer.

Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich

Is joy possible in life when day and night you have to think that death awaits you...
Cicero Marcus Tullius

Everyone knows that death is inevitable, but since it is not close, no one thinks about it.

Everything created is subject to the law of destruction. Achieve your goals through non-promiscuity.
Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

Everything that seems mortal is just a shell. Life is immortal, and the body is only a cover that gives it an apparent mortality when breathing becomes inactive.
Inayat Khan Hidayat

Everything constructed is subject to disappearance. Try hard!
Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

For each of us the world disappears with his own death.
Freud Sigmund

If you want to be able to endure life, prepare for death.
Freud Sigmund

What a pity is the old man who failed to learn to despise death during such a long life!
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The life of the dead continues in the memory of the living.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

Concerns about the burial, the arrangement of the tomb, the pomp of the funeral - all this is more likely to console the living than to help the dead.
Augustine Aurelius

This body is worn out, a nest of diseases, mortal. This putrid heap is decomposing, for life has an end - death.
Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni

How can we know what death is when we do not yet know what life is?

No matter how terrible war is, it still reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his strongest hereditary enemy - death.
Heine Heinrich

When we die, every single one of us
We realize that we know nothing.

When I die, a lot of rubbish will be placed on my grave, but the wind of time will mercilessly sweep it away.
Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

When I die, bury me and write on the monument: “Died of disgust.”
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

He who is constantly with the sick, who faithfully serves him, dies sooner.

He who fears death no longer lives.
Zeime Johann Gottfried

Death itself is less painful than waiting for it.

The thought of death is more cruel than death itself.

Don't be afraid of death, then you'll probably beat him. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

Don't get upset and give up on life. But if life has left you, you should be upset.
Jobs Steve

It is not the one who has died that you should mourn, but the one who is born for a difficult struggle with the adversities of life.

The equanimity that those sentenced to death sometimes show, as well as the contempt for death, only speaks of the fear of looking it straight in the eyes; therefore, it can be said that both are for their minds like a blindfold for their eyes.
La Rochefoucauld Francois de

Few people are given the ability to comprehend what death is; in most cases, it is not done out of deliberate intention, but out of stupidity and established custom, and people most often die because they cannot resist death.
La Rochefoucauld Francois de

Neither the sun nor death should be looked at point-blank.
La Rochefoucauld Francois de

No one knows what death is and whether it is not the greatest good for a person. And yet, everyone fears her, as if in the consciousness that she is the greatest evil.

No one can escape death.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

One death is a tragedy, a million deaths are statistics...
Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

He will die from the expansion of his fantasy.
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

From black dust to celestial bodies
I discerned the secrets of the wisest words and deeds.
I avoided deceit, untangled all the knots,
Only I could not unravel the knot of death.

Remembering that I will die soon is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. Remembering death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have any reason not to follow your heart.
Jobs Steve

The first sign of the beginning of knowledge is the desire to die. This life seems unbearable, the other seems unattainable. You are no longer ashamed that you want to die; you ask to be transferred from the old cell, which you hate, to the new one, which you are just beginning to hate. There is also a remnant of faith that during the journey the chief will accidentally pass along the corridor, look at the prisoner and say: “Don’t lock this one up anymore. I'm taking him with me."
Kafka Franz

Since we do not know what death is, it is illogical to be afraid of it.

The path to the underworld is the same from everywhere.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The best thing for a person is not to be born at all, and after that the best thing is to die as soon as possible.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The death of a loved one can stir up a person's entire past.
Freud Sigmund

Death smiles in our faces, all we have to do is smile back at it.
: Aurelius Marcus Antoninus

Death has nothing to do with us - when we exist, it does not exist; when it exists, we no longer exist.
Aurelius Marcus Antoninus

Death before us is something like a picture on the wall of a classroom depicting the battle of Alexander the Great. The whole point is to overshadow the picture with your actions in this life or completely extinguish it.
Kafka Franz

Death is terrible, but even more terrible would be the knowledge that you will live forever and never die.
Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

Death is probably the best invention of Life. She is the cause of change. She clears away the old to make way for the new.
Jobs Steve

Old age is just disgusting. I believe that it is ignorance of God when he allows people to live to old age. Lord, everyone has already left, but I still live. Birman died too, and I never expected this from her. It’s scary when you’re eighteen inside, when you admire beautiful music, poetry, painting, but it’s time for you, you haven’t managed to do anything, you’re just starting to live!
Ranevskaya Faina Georgievna

He is lying who claims that he is not afraid of death. Every person is afraid to die; this is the great law of sentient beings, without which all mortal beings would soon be destroyed.
Rousseau Jean-Jacques

Having learned the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening.

I learned to look at death as an old debt that must be paid sooner or later.
Einstein Albert

I'm setting off on my last journey. I take a huge leap into the darkness.
Hobbes Thomas

To learn to understand the category of death, you must first understand life. Confucius

A fragile and vulnerable life, which everyone wants to take away or subjugate, is worthy of every path traveled, despite all deaths. Galsworthy D.

There are dead people who are still more alive than all the living. And there are living beings with the smell of death, killed in the bud from the very beginning. Rolland R.

Death is so unpleasant that its approach causes genuine horror and agony in anyone who is threatened with a bony scythe. George Sand

Mother Death almost always causes a biased, biased opinion towards all the dead. Christy A.

Everyone thinks with his own head, although providence, fate or fate leads us along the path of life until death. Feuchtwanger L.

It is better to die standing heroically and with dignity than to writhe in agony and vegetate on your knees in triumph and glory. Giordano Bruno

False fabrications about otherworldly existence do not abolish the mortal nature of all living things, but alleviate suffering by driving away false alarms. Democritus

Life is a serious thing. Without a smile, irony and humor, her birth, like death, is impossible to even understand. Wilde O.

Read more quotes about death on the following pages:

He who has known the fullness of life does not know the fear of death. Fear of death is only the result of an unfulfilled life. This is an expression of betrayal of her. Kafka F.

For some, without crookedness, life is expensive. Tsvetaeva M. I.

Immortality consists of working on something eternal. Renan J.

Living is the same as playing the violin in a restaurant, which you picked up for the first time. Butler S.

In life all things are different from each other, but in death they are all the same. During life, smart and stupid, noble and low, differ from each other; in death they are the same in that everything stinks and decays, rots and disappears... One should enjoy oneself during life, why worry about what will happen after death! Yang Zhu

In life it’s like on the road: the shortest road is usually the dirtiest, and the long one is not much cleaner. Bacon F.

Death is the greatest mathematician, for he solves all problems without error. Klyuchevsky V.

Hell is a special mercy awarded to those who persistently sought it. Camus A.

Living is the same as loving: reason is against, healthy instinct is for. Butler S.

Since from above the path is indicated for mortals,

Life is such a rare blessing, and death is so easy to achieve. Who came up with this idea - to spend a hard-won life waiting for death to come so easily? Violate your feelings and nature in order to lure fame? This is worse than death for us! Wanting to exhaust to the bottom all the pleasures of our only life, to experience all the joys of these years, we are only worried that an overfilled stomach does not prevent us from drinking plenty; so that the loss of strength does not prevent one from indulging in carnal pleasures to the fullest. Neither bad fame nor danger to life saddens us. Yang Zhu

Distribute your life wisely: not as chance dictates, but so that there is both benefit and pleasure. Without respite, life is painful, like a long journey without hotels; the variety of knowledge makes it enjoyable. Use the first stretch of the path in a good life to talk with the dead: we are born for knowledge and for self-knowledge, and books, serving us faithfully, make a person out of a person. Carry out the second stage with the living: notice and examine everything beautiful in the world. Not all the best is found in one country: Our universal Father distributed the dowry to different lands, and it may turn out that the ugly girl is richer than everyone else. The third stage is all for yourself: the highest bliss in reflection. Gracian y Morales

Although human life has no price, we always act as if there is something even more valuable. Saint-Exupery A.

It's all about the moment. It defines life. Kafka F.

If I could find a guiding thread, If I could preserve the hope of paradise, I would not languish in this cramped dungeon, But I would be in a hurry to change my place of residence! Omar Khayyam

The gods' favorites die young. Plautus

We find in life only what we ourselves put into it. Emerson W.

Death is nothing for a person, because when we exist, death is not yet present, and when death is present, then we do not exist. Epicurus

Death overtakes even those who flee from it. Horace

The measure of life is not how long it lasts, but how you use it. Michel Montaigne

The soul is born old and gradually becomes younger. This is the comedic side of life. The body is born young and gradually ages. And this is the tragic side. Wilde O.

People's lives are full of worries. Diderot D.

Live by remembering how short life is. Horace

To live means to act. France A.

The path to the underworld is the same from everywhere. Cicero

It’s good to leave this life like leaving a feast: without thirsting, but without getting drunk. Diogenes

As soon as we begin to live, we die; therefore, there is nothing more useless than the pursuit of fame. Theophrastus

The one who has many reasons for leaving life is completely insignificant. Epicurus

I hate all kinds of dead things! I love all kinds of life! Mayakovsky V.V.

The old thing is death, but something new for everyone. Turgenev I. S.

When Life does not find a singer to sing her heart, she gives birth to a philosopher to speak her mind. Jubran X.

How to take care of your life? Don't interfere with yourself, don't stop yourself. Live freely, that's all. Let the guys listen to what they want; allow your eyes to look at what you want; let your lips say what you want; allow the body to rest as it pleases; allow your heart to think the way you want; thought wants freedom, and to interfere with it means not to let it move forward. Yang Zhu

The purpose of life is self-expression. To reveal our essence in its entirety is what we live for. Wilde O.

Without despair for life there is no love for life. Camus A.

Anyone who makes an attempt to live life to the fullest, to live in order to experience life, is doomed to be misunderstood and to endure constant disappointment in his relationships with other people. Aldington R.

It is better to die without thinking about death than to think about it, even when it does not threaten. Pascal Blaise

Our life consists of love, and not to love means not to live. George Sand

Live as best you can, if not, as you want. Caecilius.

Life gives nothing without work. Horace

Nothing can happen worse than death - and you can’t escape death. Lermontov M. Yu.

Belief in life after death is a heavy tax on people who do not know how to live to death, who stop living before they have time to die. Klyuchevsky V.

The main rule in life is nothing in excess. Terence

“Pity each other during life, leave each other after death” - there is truth in this ancient proverb. “To feel sorry for each other” is a willingness to give rest to the tired, to feed the hungry, to warm the cold, to find a way out for those who have reached a dead end. “To leave each other” - these words do not mean not to mourn the deceased, but about not dressing him in patterned brocade, not putting pearls and jade in his mouth, not making sacrifices, not placing shiny vessels. Yang Zhu

We should not be afraid of death, but of empty life. Brecht B.

Immortal death. Lucretius

We ask ourselves for a long life, and yet only the depth of life and its high moments matter. Let us measure time by spiritual measure! Emerson W.

If you cannot escape death, at least die with glory. Aesop

Life is a matter in which we get entangled if we talk about it too much or too little. Butler S.

Study as if you were to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Smiles S.

The great question of life is how to live among people. Camus A.

The most terrible of evils, death, has nothing to do with us: when we exist, then death is not yet there, and when death comes, then we are no longer there. Epicurus

Oh, in this criminal and shameful age

There is more empty than useful in life. Theophrastus

There’s no point in crying about it, friends!

It is better to die courageously than to live in shame. Socrates

They say that it is good to die while saving the life of another. Boccaccio D.

Life is fatigue, growing with every step. Butler S.

Life is the art of extracting significant benefits from minor circumstances. Butler S.

Anyone who understands that the meaning of human life lies in worry and anxiety will no longer be an ordinary person. Blok A. A.

A life worthy of its name is dedicating oneself to the good of others. Washington B.

Be quiet, please don't you dare wake me up.

Only he comprehends life who penetrates its depths. Zweig S.

He is too zealous and shouts: “It’s me!” The gold coin in the wallet is strumming: “It’s me!” But as soon as he has time to get things going, Death knocks on the braggart’s window: “It’s me!” Omar Khayyam

Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the lifestyle. Democritus

If we know so little about life, what can we know about death? Confucius

Since eternal things cannot be molded from wax -

Death knocks on everyone equally. Horace

The number of years indicates the length of life; A person's life is measured by what he did and felt in it. Smiles S.

Man is not only a social being. At least he has control over his death. We are created to live side by side with others. But we truly die only for ourselves. Camus A.

It's time to get rid of the narrow Christian division between spirit and body. Real mental life, the real ideological side of life consists precisely in using the best sides of both body and spirit. Vernadsky V.I.

Each person individually and everyone together has, one might say, a certain goal, in pursuit of which they choose one thing and avoid another. Aristotle

Living only for yourself is an abuse. Shakespeare W.

Life is like games: some come to compete, others come to trade, and the happiest come to watch. Pythagoras

Someone said: the right to die is the innate right of a person born into the world. Nehru D.

One should either speak well of the dead or nothing. Chilon

Life goes on: those who do not keep up with it remain lonely. Gorky M.

The ability to live well and die well is one and the same science. Epicurus

The fear of death is inversely proportional to a good life. Tolstoy L. N.

The cup of life would be sweet to the point of cloying if bitter tears did not fall into it... Pythagoras

A man dies drunk from wine; he rages in the intoxication of love. Pythagoras

What matters is not how long, but whether you lived right. Seneca

There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning. Gorky M.

In life as well as in speech, nothing is more difficult than seeing what is appropriate. Cicero

The fact that I exist is a constant miracle for me: this is life. Tagore R.

Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played. Seneca

Repentance for shameful deeds is the salvation of life. Democritus

It's nice to sleep, it's nicer to be a stone.

The fear of death is worse than death itself. Publius

The desire for death shows the most false and illusory state of mind. Belinsky V. G.

If I am doomed, then I am doomed not only to death, but also doomed to resist until death. Kafka F.

They exist on earth to love goodness and beauty and to give free rein to all desires, if they are noble, generous and reasonable. France A.

The art of living long: living with dignity. Two things quickly finish a person off: stupidity and debauchery. Some lost their lives because they did not know how to preserve it, others because they did not want to. Just as virtue is its own reward, so vice is its own punishment. He who hastens to live in vice perishes quickly and in both senses; He who hastens to live in virtue will never die. The health of the spirit is communicated to the body, the life of the righteous is communicated not only by deeds, but also by years. Gracian y Morales

Mortal, slide through life, but do not push into it. Epicurus

A person himself must pave the way in life with his own hands. Christy A.

Life is the only good. Seneca

Respect for life requires everyone to sacrifice a part of their life for the sake of others. Schweitzer A.

In this life, dying is not new, but living, of course, is not new. Yesenin S. A.

No one knows what death is and whether it is not the greatest good for a person. And yet, everyone fears her, as if in the consciousness that she is the greatest evil. Plato

No person in the world is born ready-made, that is, fully formed, but his entire life is nothing more than a continuously moving development, a ceaseless formation. Belinsky V. G.

How can the idea of ​​immortality arise if all people are mortal? Immortality is not an idea, but a sense of well-being of life. Prishvin M. M.

I don’t at all want something special to come out of me, for me to create something great, but I just want to live, dream, hope, keep up with everything... Life... is short, and we need to live it better. Chekhov A.P.

Immortality, of course, is incomplete, and is undoubtedly realized in the offspring. Tolstoy L. N.

Death is the last feature of human affairs. Horace

A life of duty, if it is full... Let us measure it by actions, not by time. Seneca

They do not live to experience emotions, but live and experience emotions. Brecht B.

He who neglects his life does not value his life. Lao Tzu

Oh, I want to live madly: To perpetuate everything that exists, To humanize the Impersonal, To embody the unfulfilled! Blok A. A.

Man's life is short and powerless; A merciless and dark fate is slowly and inexorably falling on him and his entire family. Not noticing good and evil, recklessly destructive and omnipotent matter follows its inexorable path; a person condemned today to lose what is most dear to him, and tomorrow to go through the gates of darkness himself, can only cherish, until the blow is struck, the lofty thoughts that illuminate his short days; despising the cowardly fear of a slave of fate - to worship a shrine created by his own hands; without fear of the power of chance, to keep the mind from the senseless tyranny that dominates his external life; challenging the inexorable forces that for the time being endure his knowledge and his curses, to hold the world on himself, like a tired but not giving up Atlas. To hold - despite the unconscious force crushing everything in its path - the world created by his ideals. Russell B.

Every person carries in the depths of his “ego” a small cemetery where those he loved are buried. Rolland R.

Get used to thinking that death is nothing for us; after all, everything - both good and bad - lies in sensation, and death is the deprivation of sensations. Epicurus

A life well lived should be measured by deeds, not by years. Sheridan R.

It is not worth living for someone who does not have a single true friend. Democritus

The desire to live and overcome dying is wiser than the mind, stronger than the will. Rolland R.

A life driven not by love and generosity, but by hatred and envy, is not real life. Aldington R.

Only he who lives does not live for himself alone lives. Menander

Live like this, and your life will be joyful until the day you die. This is what I call taking care of your life. If you begin to relentlessly curb yourself and live in sorrow and worries in the name of longevity, then live even a hundred years, a thousand years - this is not what I call caring for your life. Yang Zhu

Life is what people strive most to preserve and protect least. Labruyère J.

Don't start life where you have to end. Others will rest at the beginning of the journey, leaving work until the end. No, first - the main thing, and there will be time - secondary. Another would like to win before the battle. There are also those who start with the least important things in their studies, and leave the most revered and useful knowledge for the end of their lives. And some began to make a fortune when they were on their last legs. In life, as in learning, method is important. Gracian y Morales

If you truly want to see the spirit of death, open your heart to the flesh of life. For life and death are one, just as the river and the sea are one. Jubran X.

No one can escape death. Cicero

Concerns about the burial, the arrangement of the tomb, the pomp of the funeral - all this is more of a consolation to the living than a help to the dead. Augustine

A bad life leads to a bad death. Moliere

Only those who are able to feel life are often on the verge of death. Nehru D.

Everyone knows that death is inevitable, but since it is not close, no one thinks about it. Aristotle

None of us have yet been born immortal, and if this happened to someone, he would not be happy, as many seem to think. Plato

Not in years - in the fullness of life, that is the value of being! Schiller F.

May blooms only once in its life. Schiller F.

It’s not good to get sick, it’s even worse to die, but to get sick and die with the thought that there will be nothing left in the world after you is the worst of all. Belinsky V. G.

Not living, not feeling is an enviable lot...

Life receives its riches from the world; love gives her the price. Tagore R.

When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, not a single wind will be favorable for him. Seneca

Many die too late, and others die too early. The teaching: “Die on time!” will still seem strange. Nietzsche F.

A person will not become free until he overcomes the fear of death. But not by suicide. You cannot overcome by giving up. To be able to die, looking death in the eye, without bitterness. Camus A.

The one who must die, whose death pity will not prevent, dies. Whoever cannot live for life, there is no need, there is no point in regretting his death. Gorky M.

The number of days we have lived will never force us to admit that we have lived enough. Seneca

We don’t get a short life, we make it that way; We are not poor in life, but we use it wastefully. Life is long if you use it skillfully. Seneca

Without knowing fate, you cannot become a noble husband. Without knowing what you should, you cannot find support in life. Without learning to understand the true meaning of words, you cannot know people. Confucius

No matter how much we talk about the emptiness of life, sometimes just one flower is enough to dissuade us. France A.

Live means fight. Seneca

Since one cannot delay one's own death,

To live badly, unreasonably, intemperately means not to live badly, but to die slowly. Democritus

Life gives nothing without hard work and worry. Horace

When you comprehend all the secrets of life, you will strive for death, for it is nothing more than another secret of life. Jubran X.

You cannot live pleasantly without living rationally, morally and justly, and, conversely, you cannot live rationally, morally and fairly without living pleasantly. Epicurus

Life consists of two forces, generally called love; one force is love that gives birth (tribal force), the other is love that forms (the force of personality). On one side is childbirth, on the other is death: childbirth and death and death and immortality. Prishvin M. M.


I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there.
Woody Allen


Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal.
Michael Bulgakov


At a funeral, the thing that bothers everyone the most is the deceased, but it is difficult to do without him.
Arkady Davidovich


Dying today is scary, but someday it will be nothing.
Vladimir Dal


When leaving for the next world, don’t forget to turn off this one.
Victor Koval


Only the dead can speak about death knowledgeably.
Leszek Kumor


Death is placed at the end of life so that it is more convenient to prepare for it.
Kozma Prutkov


The death of one person is death; the death of two million is just a statistic.
Erich Maria Remarque


Death, of course, is a great misfortune, but still not the greatest, if you choose between it and immortality.
Tom Stoppard


After all, what is death? Death, dear comrades, is the most interesting adventure we will experience in life.
Arkady Strugatsky
(It’s funny, but a very similar statement was found
and in Rowling's Harry Potter book. - Approx. ed.)


Lucky is the person who manages to leave this world alive.
William Claude Fields


A person dies when he stops changing, and a funeral is just a formality.
Henry Ford


A person can only die once. And if he dies earlier, it means he will be dead a little longer, that’s all.
Mariusz Szczygiel


Death is simply the result of improper education.
Umberto Eco


Being prepared to die is good form.

Valeria Novodvorskaya


I have learned to look at death as an old debt that will have to be paid sooner or later.
Albert Einstein


Death turns life into destiny.

Andre Maurois


I wouldn't want to die suddenly. It's like leaving a restaurant without paying.
Innokenty Annensky


Rumors about my death are somewhat exaggerated.
You know perfectly well who said it without any clues.


If you don't go to other people's funerals, they won't come to yours.
Clarence Day


Millions of people dream about immortality - the same ones who agonize over what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday evening.
Susan Ertz


According to sociologists, the biggest horror for people is the fear of public speaking. Number two is death. It follows that when you go to a funeral, it is better to lie in a coffin than to give a speech next to it!
Jerry Seinfeld


Nobody knows when the person was supposed to die. Then why does everyone say “he suffered an untimely death”?
George Carlin


My uncle was a rare troublemaker. He even wrote on his tombstone: “Why are you staring?”
Margaret Smith


Death's Disciple: "My grandmother says that dying is like falling asleep."
Death: I can’t say anything about this. I haven’t tried either one.”
Terry Pratchett

The fear of death completely takes possession of those who live selfishly. – Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov

We are much calmer about the death of millions of people due to an explosion than about the death of one acquaintance. - Erich Maria Remarque

The highest wisdom is in accepting death. It is important to understand that life does not end. We are all immortal. Our death is a tragedy only for our loved ones. – Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Before you even have time to look back, the time of death will come. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of life - there is very little of it left. - Friedrich Nietzsche

There is no need to turn away from death. Look into her face and life will be filled with colors. – Georges Bztai

A good person, whose life is full of virtue, will not be afraid of his death. – Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Understanding death also gives understanding of new life. – Oswald Spengler

It's not stupid to be afraid of dying. Moreover, it is vitally necessary, this fear is the main condition for survival, the basic natural law. If not for this fear, humanity would have died out a long time ago. – Jean Jacques Rousseau

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

If you truly want to see the spirit of death, open your heart to the flesh of life. For life and death are one, just as the river and the sea are one. – Kahlil Gibran Gibran

Death, like birth, is a mystery of nature. These are the same elements, on the one hand connecting, on the other decomposing into the same principles. There is nothing repulsive about death to an intelligent being or to the plan of our structure. – Marcus Aurelius

A person sentenced to death immediately before his execution begins to believe that he will be pardoned at the last moment. – Viktor Frankl

People would be unhappy if they knew the day of their death. - Unknown author

Fear of death is the best sign of a false, that is, bad life. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

Do not fear the last day, but do not call for it either. – Martial Mark Valery

Death is not evil. - You ask what she is? - The only thing in which the entire human race has equal rights. – Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

Death is something after which nothing is interesting. – Vasily Vasilievich Rozanov

Death is not an act or even an event for the dying person. She will be both for the living. – Eric Byrne

The constant and great consolation in the death of people who have died from illness is its inevitability. – Pliny the Younger

We must live in such a way that we do not fear death and do not desire it. – Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The death of a sage is death without the fear of death. – Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The higher the piles of dead bodies over which the survivor stands, the more often he experiences these moments, the stronger and more irresistible the need for them becomes. – Elias Canetti

The one who dies at eighty, and the one who dies at 10, each have only a second of death. – Alexander Vvedensky

Civilization is concentrated in large cities; suicide too. – Emile Durkheim

May the earth be easy for you. May you rest in peace. – The usual formula for Latin epitaphs.

Some dead people rest in peace, others are deprived of it. – Benito Galdos

Some people fail in life: a poisonous worm gnaws at their heart. May they use all their strength to make death a better success for them! - Friedrich Nietzsche

God himself commands you to remember death. – Martial Mark Valery

Only the individual dies completely. – Georg Simmel

If we know so little about life, what can we know about death? – Confucius (Kun Tzu)

The only possible brotherhood in our time, the only one that is offered and allowed to us, is the vile and dubious brotherhood of soldiers in the face of death. – Albert Camus

The best proof that the fear of death is not a fear of death, but of a false life, is that people often kill themselves out of fear of death. – Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

No one can avoid death. - Unknown author

In the birth of an individual the world is born, in his death the whole world dies. – Lev Karsavin

To wish for death when one is living is as cowardly as to lament life when the time has come to die. – Anatole France

Here is resting someone who has never rested, keep quiet! - Unknown author

Death is life, closed on me alone and therefore lost in advance. – Maurice Blanchot

Death manifests itself primarily as the destruction of life. – Jacques Lacan

Death is the more complete for a creature, the more individual it is. – Georg Simmel

If there were no death, life would be devoid of all poetry. – Arturo Graf

Don’t expect to know which path death will take to you. – František Kryszka

Communion in death is a substitute for true communion. – Maurice Blanchot

The dead have neither a sovereign above nor subjects below; Nor do they have the worries that the four seasons bring. Carefree and free, they are as eternal as heaven and earth, and even the joys of kings who sit with their faces turned to the south cannot compare with their bliss. – Unknown Chinese author

Many die too late, and others die too early. The teaching will still seem strange: Die on time! - Friedrich Nietzsche

A person will not become free until he overcomes the fear of death. But not by suicide. You cannot overcome by giving up. To be able to die, looking death in the eye, without bitterness. – Albert Camus

Death imparts a new form of love - as well as life, it turns love into destiny. – Albert Camus

He who is happy should have no fear. Even before death. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

When you retreat, death stands behind you and your meeting with it is inevitable. – Ali ibn Abi Talib

The fear of natural death will be destroyed by deep knowledge of nature. – Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

What is truly accomplished is death. – Alexander Vvedensky

Death is certain, but its hour is unknown. - Unknown author

There is probably not a single society that does not show respect for the dead. – Claude Lévi-Strauss

The moment of survival is the moment of power. The horror of the feeling of death turns into satisfaction from the fact that it is not you who is dead, but someone else. – Elias Canetti

Whether you die earlier or later does not matter; good or bad, that's what matters. And to die well means to avoid the danger of living badly. – Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

There is only one freedom - to find out your relationship with death. After this everything becomes possible. I can't make you believe in God. Believing in God means making peace with death. If you were to make peace with death, the problem of God would be solved - but not vice versa. – Albert Camus

The only freedom that can be opposed to the freedom to kill is the freedom to die, that is, to be freed from the fear of death and to find a place for this accident in nature... - Albert Camus

There is a group of people who were born on earth only to talk about death. There is a peculiar beauty in the slow decay, like the beauty of the sky at sunset, and this fascinates them. – Rabindranath Tagore

Some go to the grave at the age of a hundred, but die barely born. – Jean Jacques Rousseau

In order not to be afraid of death, always think about it. – Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The shadows of death are reborn against our will. – Georges Bataille

Death is the first and oldest, one would like to say, the only fact. It is monstrously ancient and new every hour. – Elias Canetti

Knowing that he himself is mortal, the slave also knows that the master can die. – Jacques Lacan

We will rise above death if we discover God in it. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

I wished for a violent death - the kind where you could be forgiven for screaming in pain because your soul was being ripped out of your chest. On other days, I dreamed of dying for a long time and in full consciousness - so that at least no one could say that death took me by surprise, that it came in my absence - in a word, to know... But it’s so stuffy in the ground. – Albert Camus

The death of those who do immortal deeds is always premature. – Pliny the Younger

A poem about death... Why, really, shouldn’t this be a poem? - That’s why it’s sung, because it’s hard. – Lev Karsavin

Let us try, while we are given life, so that death gets as little as possible of what it can destroy. – Pliny the Younger

The life of the deceased seems smoothed out to us, as if we see it through a haze. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

Death also chases the runner. - Unknown author

It is death that must finally reveal us. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

About the dead, as about the living, there is neither good nor bad, but only the truth. - Unknown author

The worst thing that can happen is to die alive. – Martin Andersen-Nexø

Death is a serious matter, it comes into life. You need to die with dignity. – Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

Death has the power to produce only temporary division. – Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov

The desire for death for another is truly everywhere, and to find it, you don’t have to delve particularly long into the human soul. – Elias Canetti

If you cannot escape death, at least die with glory. – Aesop

Death is evil only because of what follows it. – Aurelius Augustine

The day will come when you will die an idiot. – Georges Bataille

You don't have to go far to find death. – Petronius Arbiter Gaius

Later or earlier we rush to one dwelling (grave). - Unknown author

If you called only those unfortunate who are destined to die, you would not miss anyone living. - Unknown author

Death is the last argument. - Unknown author

As is life, so is death. - Unknown author

Man is not yet able to overcome death, but premature death, premature old age is possible and necessary. – Alexander Evdokimovich Korneychuk

Suicide appears only with civilization. – Emile Durkheim

I'm not afraid of death. So, life is mine. – Vasily Makarovich Shukshin

Those who call death upon themselves are familiar with it only by hearsay. – Wilson Mizner

Every organism begins to die from the moment of birth and carries within itself the reasons for its impending destruction. – Jean Jacques Rousseau

Death so immeasurably surpasses any earthly darkness. – Ernst Simon Bloch

If you are afraid of death, you will not do anything good; If you still die because of some stone in the bladder, from an attack of gout, or for some other equally absurd reason, then it is better to die for some great cause. – Denis Diderot

The fear of death is explained solely by a sense of self-preservation. – Lev Shestov

Death always has one reason or another. - Unknown author

People usually have a good idea about their funeral. – Eric Byrne

There is no tribe, clan or people that would not indulge in long thoughts about their dead. – Elias Canetti

One can die if one does not like to live. - Unknown author

The fear of death is inversely proportional to a good life. – Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

We are all like that. We remember each other towards the end of life, when someone becomes seriously ill or dies. Then suddenly it becomes clear to all of us who we lost, what he was like, what he was famous for, what deeds he accomplished. – Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov

Knowing everything about death will not cancel the fact that death is not an integral part of life, and we have no choice but to accept the very fact of death; No matter how much we worry about our life, it will end in destruction. – Erich Fromm

In the depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the beyond; and, like seeds sleeping under the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Believe in dreams, for the gates to eternity are hidden in them. Your fear of death is only the trepidation of a shepherd standing before the king, who will soon lay his hand on him as a sign of mercy. Isn't there a joy in the shepherd's trepidation that he will be honored by the king? And isn’t it trepidation that worries him most? – Kahlil Gibran Gibran

If death were a blessing, the gods would not be immortal. – Sappho (Sappho)

Dying is quick and easy, living is much more difficult. – Lion Feuchtwanger

Death is exactly what it means - to be easy. – Maurice Blanchot

Death is the resolution and end of all sorrows, the limit beyond which our sorrows do not cross. – Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

When you are alarmed or upset about something worldly, then remember that you will have to die, and then what previously seemed to you an important misfortune and worried you will become in your eyes an insignificant nuisance that is not worth worrying about. – Epictetus

Everyone stubbornly believes that he should not die. – Elias Canetti

The bitter waters of death - Albert Camus

It is perhaps more pleasant to die while doing something than to sit like this and wait for death. – Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky

With mortality statistics, society reduces life to a chemical process. – Theodor Adorno

Death is the greatest of all possible types of slavery. – Vladimir Frantsevich Ern

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die. And yet, death is the destination for all of us. No one has ever been able to escape it. This is how it should be, because Death is probably the best invention of Life. - Steve Jobs

None of us have yet been born immortal, and if this happened to someone, he would not be happy, as many seem to think
- Plato

We should not be afraid of death, but of empty life.
- Bertolt Brecht

“Before there was no death, all organisms reproduced by division, death appeared as a result of the advent of sexual reproduction!”

The fear of natural death will be destroyed by deep knowledge of nature.
- K. E. Tsiolkovsky

Death is a way of renewing the body and correcting the evolution of the soul by changing circumstances.

If you were a toiler, then do not grieve at the approach of this good migration, because he who returns home with wealth does not grieve.
- Rev. Ephraim Sirin

What a Personality gives preference to in its short life (the Will of the Spiritual or Animal, good or bad thoughts) is already its right. But from the priorities chosen by a person every day, his post-mortem fate is also formed.
- AllatRa

Death is not scary for me now. I know that this is a door to another world.
- Vladimir Efremov

Often before death, this thing happens to a person: everything that was so important to him suddenly becomes nonsense. A person finds himself face to face with this nonsense and does not understand how it all happened. Fortunately, most of us see this nonsense a little before the moment of death.
- Ram Dass, It's Only a Dance (1970), ch. "Karma and reincarnation."

When you fall asleep, you die into That which you are. Let that which can die, because it never was, die, and you will find yourself in that place which is your nature, to which nothing happens. Never. Everyone knows this very well. There's nothing new here, I'm telling you. Every night you go to the One who is your nature.
- Karl Renz "...or Merciless Mercy"

At the end of the road is freedom. Until then, be patient.
- Buddha Gautama

Death is not the enemy of life, and it does not mean its end, it only brings life to a beautiful peak. Life continues after death. It was there before birth, it will continue after death. Life is not a short episode between your birth and death, on the contrary, birth and death are only a short period in your eternity.
- Rajneesh Osho “Death is the greatest deception”

Death is birth

« Death- a great mystery. She is the birth of a person from earthly temporary life into eternity. When performing the mortal sacrament we we put aside the rough shell - the body and a spiritual being, subtle, ethereal, we move into another world, to the abode of beings similar to the soul. This world is inaccessible to the gross organs of the body..” - St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) “The Word on Death”

When a person will leave the body, be freed from everything earthly, he will clearly see the size of the sin that he committed. But nothing can be corrected, and responsibility cannot be avoided. And over the course of a lifetime, so much can accumulate that a person will not be able to rise from the quagmire he himself created.

If a person has done good deeds during his life, then his energy is positive, it lifts the person’s clot of energy upward, and they say: he has gone to heaven.

Death is a transformation. A little more serious than adolescence, but nothing worth getting upset about. Death is not sad at all. The sad thing is that many people don't live at all.
- Dan Millman "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior"

Death is only one step in our continuous development. Our birth was the same step, with the only difference that birth is death for one form of being, and death is birth into another form of being.
- Theodore Parker

It's impossible to imagine, so that such a natural, necessary and universal phenomenon as death is intended by Heaven as a punishment for humanity.
- Jonathan Swift

Some people don't know that we are destined to die here. Those who know this immediately stop quarrels.
- Buddha

"Death is the final destination for us all. No one has ever been able to escape it. This is how it should be, because Death is probably the best invention of Life. She is the reason for change. She clears away the old to make way for the new. .......Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't fall into the trap of dogma that tells you to live in other people's thoughts. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to become."
- Steve Jobs

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die. And still, death is the destination for all of us. No one has ever been able to escape it. This is how it should be, because Death is probably the best invention of Life.
- Steve Jobs

Life on Earth is like the garden of Infancy. This life is just a prelude to life after death.
- Franz Liszt

Death is only one step in our continuous development. Our birth was the same step, with the only difference that birth is death for one form of being, and death is birth into another form of being. Death is happiness for a dying person. When you die, you cease to be mortal.
- Parker T.

- Stanislav Lem

- Plato

An immortal soul needs something as immortal as itself. And this thing, endless improvement of oneself and the world, was given to her.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Life is a disease and death begins at birth. In every breath, in every heartbeat there is a little bit of dying - all these are pushes that bring us closer to the end.
- Remarque

Death is the greatest illusion of humanity. When we live, it is not yet there, when we die, it is no longer there.
- Socrates

“The fourth protective meditation for your psychological benefit is to contemplate the approach of death. The teachings of Buddhism emphasize that life is uncertain and death is certain, that life is contingent and death is certain. Life has death as its goal. There is birth, illness, suffering, old age and finally death. These are all aspects of the process of existence."
- Mahasi Sayadaw

Man is immortal through knowledge. Knowledge, thinking is the root of his life, his immortality.
- G. W. F. Hegel

Human power is limitless, and death exists only because we intend to die from the moment we are born.

The intention of death can be stopped by changing the position of the assemblage point.
- C. Castaneda "Wheel of Time"

Love destroys death and turns her into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune.
- Tolstoy L.N.

"The memory that I'm going to die is the most important tool that helps me make difficult decisions in my life. Because everything else - other people's opinions, all this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in front of death, leaving only what is really important. The memory of death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You no longer have any reason not to follow the call of your heart. Pride, fears, grievances and failures - everything they fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."
- Steve Jobs

Knowing that I could die at any moment is the main tool that helps me make important life choices. Because almost everything in the world: passive expectation, pride, fears, resentments and failures - they all fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
- Steve Jobs

We will regret only two things on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.
- Mark Twain

We should not be afraid of death, but of empty life.
- Bertolt Brecht

People don't want to live forever. People just don't want to die.
- Stanislav Lem

None of us have yet been born immortal, and if this happened to someone, he would not be happy, as many seem to think.
- Plato

Nobody wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die. And yet, death is the destination for all of us. No one has ever been able to escape it. This is how it should be, because Death is probably the best invention of Life.
- Steve Jobs

Here's a test to see if your mission on Earth is over. If you are alive, then no.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the teacher calls the butterfly.
- Richard Bach, "Illusions"

This dream you call the world is not a problem; your problem is that you like some things in this dream, and some things you don’t. When you see that a dream is just a dream, then your task will be completed.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj

Death is bliss for the saints, joy for the righteous, sorrow for sinners, and despair for the wicked.
- Venerable Ephraim the Syrian

Walk lightly on this planet. You're only here for a short time.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

"Love is the face and body of the Universe. It is the connecting tissue of the Universe, the material from which we are created. Love is the experience of integrity and connection with the Universal Divinity. Death is a transition to another level of existence." - Barbara Ann Brennan - "Hands of Light. Exercises for seeing the human aura."

When we understand our role on Earth, even the most modest and inconspicuous, then only we will be happy. Then only we will be able to live and die in peace, for what gives meaning to life gives meaning to death.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery (06/29/1900 - 07/31/1944) - French writer and professional pilot. Participated in World War II. Died while performing a combat mission.

"Who are we? Why are we here on Earth? Where are we going? Why was I born, why was I given this life, where will I go after death and what do I need to do in this life?
Each of us, somewhere deep in our souls, feels that we were born for something very important. Only, not all of us manage to live our lives in such a way as to understand and fulfill our true purpose in this life. Knowing that we truly belong to something higher gives us hope and peace, giving us not just refuge from conflict, but union with the universal mind. One day our long journey will come to an end and we will reach the final stage of enlightenment where everything is possible."
- Michael Newton - Ph.D., Hypnotherapist, Journeys of the Soul, 1994

With the evolution of man as an object of the noosphere, conditions become quite real when the “inner plan” of man, as a result of evolution and, due to the “irreversibility of the polar vector of development,” must move into a qualitatively different, higher, from the point of view of the form of life, state, free from slavish dependence associated with food, and therefore the destruction of living things in nature. Here is what V.I. Vernadsky writes about this: “... did the idea of ​​autotrophy of humanity and the desire for this as a geological phenomenon have predecessors (i.e., by the time a person moves from the state of a heterotrophic substance - living at the expense of another creatures, into an autotrophic state and will use the energy of the sun for life, bypassing living organisms). We must fight for this, since occupying such a position is important for Russian culture..." "...synthesis of food from its elements..."
How modern these words are today!
V. I. Vernadsky's prediction about the possibility of transition from a heterotrophic state to an autotrophic state. ...."death is a temporary evolutionary factor that accelerates the improvement of the body. However, already in the near future, a person, as a result of qualitative changes in his body, can significantly delay old age and death" - V. I. Vernadsky “Autotrophy of Humanity.”

We are born on the physical plane according to the Law of Limitation, and “die” according to the Law of Liberation.

In fact there is no death. There is a transition from the earthly world to the heavenly one. The true homeland of the soul is precisely the heavenly world. Being on Earth is only a small part of your entire existence. Death is nothing but a homecoming, a homecoming. If you understand this, you will stop being afraid of death. Life and death are just milestones on the long path of the soul’s existence. The change of seasons shows us that everything repeats itself, everything is reborn again and again. Winter is not the end of nature's existence. Then spring will come and nature will be reborn. Likewise, death is not the end of your existence. This is just one of his milestones.

Often For the soul, death is liberation, relief. This is grief for family and friends, this is a professional failure for doctors. And for the soul it’s just a return home.

Long life in decrepitude, illness and infirmity - such torture that death is preferable.
Giving your soul the opportunity to realize itself means prolonging your youth and active life. Unfinished business on Earth can also extend life.

Death is painful if a person has not prayed, meditated or led a spiritual life, it is truly painful to separate from this life because he does not want to surrender to the will of God.

When the body wears out, we die, move from one form of life to another, and then a person exists in other dimensions, in a subtle material form.

Death is not the end. Death can never be the end. Death is expensive. Life is a journey led by the soul. When the wanderer is tired and his life has exhausted itself, the leader tells him that he should take a break or a long rest, and then the journey begins again.

Unfortunately, most of us have wrong ideas about death. We think that death is something unusual, something destructive. But we need to know right now: death is something natural, normal and, to some extent, inevitable.

Death is a way to renew the body and correct the evolution of the soul by changing circumstances. At the human level of development, the soul is not yet capable of independent full existence outside the body. Therefore, up to a certain level of evolutionary development, the soul exists in symbiosis with the physical body.

Thought has endless possibilities, but it is still material. Therefore, be very careful about your thoughts, because the subtlest vibrations remain even after the death of the body.

Our life and our death are one and the same. When we understand this, we will no longer have the fear of death or difficulties in life as such.
- Shunryu Suzuki

Everything in the world grows, blooms and returns to its root. Returning to one's root means tranquility; consonant with nature means eternal; therefore, the destruction of the body does not involve any danger.
- Lao Tzu

Sayings and Quotes

Quotes from famous people about the meaning of life

Recipes from country weeds