Alcohol games for the company. Original american style party

Over the years of living in New York, I have visited many house parties and appreciated their charm. Actually, this is how my current social circle was formed. It is almost impossible to make high-quality acquaintances in crowded nightclubs, while home parties are attended by 30-70 people, and the music does not drown out human speech. New Yorkers fill lofts, apartments, patios and rooftops in the summer to chat and dance.

Continuing, I do not pretend to be the truth, but share feeling the city where I lived for five years, celebrated my 30th birthday and where I plan to live happily ever after. If you are interested in these observations, if they expand your understanding of Americans and American culture, then neither my nor your time was wasted.

Spilled wine is not a problem, slippers are prohibited

The saying “an uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar” is irrelevant in America. It is in the order of things to bring a friend or acquaintance with you to a party without warning the hosts about it. The main thing is not to come empty-handed - alcohol, snacks, lemons are welcome.

Most often, people are invited through Facebook - for this, a group is created with a description of the event, links are sent to friends, who, in turn, invite their friends. It's a good idea to post photos from the previous party in the group. Especially if they are not staged. People are always grateful for such pictures and willingly invite their authors to events.

True, will the owners be satisfied? Imagine that in a deep, slushy autumn, about thirty guests are stuffed into your apartment, and no one takes off their shoes. Will you enjoy the moment or worry about stains on white leather furniture or scratches on laminate flooring? But Americans don't give a damn. At all. It is extremely rare that you will be asked to take off your shoes, and you will hardly see carpets, at least in New York apartments.

In a sense, shoes preserve your dignity. A man in a trendy suit and socks? A woman in a cocktail dress and slippers? Unacceptable. Some, sorry, sweat a lot, and if you take off your shoes, you will have to open the window. This position of the Americans appeals to me. I don't think that anywhere in the houses of London in the 18th century or at dinner parties in Tsarist Russia people took off their shoes.

These principles are fully followed by Jonathan Deperi. He has been holding his artistic and musical evenings under the name Gotham Arts Salon since 2013, since he moved into an apartment on the 17th floor of a house near Central Park. The 33-year-old financier and philanthropist speaks fluent Russian (taught the language in college) and French, and ensures that the standards of his meetings are upheld.

“As a party host, I like the feeling of being in control,” Jonathan says. — I myself decide who to invite, and my guests are an expression of my taste and preferences. I try to make the guests get along with each other, be attractive intellectually and outwardly, able to keep up the conversation, not be cold and distant, but be involved in what is happening. In general, these should be people with whom I myself would like to make friends or with whom I would like to do business. People who inspire rather than sit around with sour faces. Extroverts and warm-up introverts.

When asked what he doesn’t like about visiting, Jonathan replies that they often take an invitation to a party for granted, at least in New York (Jonathan moved to New York from Dallas. - Approx. TUT.BY).

“There is so much going on here that the party planners have to compete for the attention (time) of potential guests. That's why I have my music salons on Sunday evenings and not Friday or Saturday nights. I can never predict the number of guests, so sometimes there are too many people. But it’s better to make room than to face the problem of a lack of spectators - every time I exhibit paintings by some artist, invite an opera singer and accompany her on the piano (Jonathan studied piano at the Manhattan College of Music. - Approx. TUT.BY).

I ask Jonathan why he thinks Americans are so open. It is unlikely that Belarusians would open the doors to a horde of strangers.

— I think we are generally more naive and tend to trust people more than representatives of traditional cultures. This applies not only to parties, but also to business.

Get the enemy drunk - more chances to win

A refined society, where everything is sedate, peaceful and decent, is, of course, good, but I prefer parties in the lofts of Bushwick (the area of ​​Brooklyn where creative bohemians settled) with a more heterogeneous audience and a relaxed atmosphere. The people there are more extravagant, the ceilings are higher, the seats are larger, the interior is more interesting, and alcohol is drunk not from glasses, but from red plastic cups. Popular alcohol games are associated with these glasses, the most famous of which is beer pong.

The meaning of the game is to maintain accuracy in a state of increasing alcohol consumption. They play in teams of two. Plastic glasses half-filled with beer are placed in wedges along the edges of the table. Team members take turns (the order is determined through “rock-paper-scissors”) toss a tennis ball into a glass at the opposite end of the table. If they hit, the glass is removed, and a representative of the opposing team drinks its contents. The more hits, the drunker the enemy, the more chances to defeat him. The team on whose side there is not a single cup left loses.

Most Americans play beer pong for fun. But for some, this game is a sport and an opportunity to make good money. These people actively train, develop entire beer pong strategies and take part in the annual World Beer Pong Championship in Las Vegas. The first place prize is $50,000.

There is another drinking game in which everyone is a loser (unless there are representatives of the basketball league among the guests). Its meaning is to fasten cans of beer together with adhesive tape. It turns out something like a pole. Are you shorter than the length of the pole? Drink the penalty!

The older the party members, the less emphasis is placed on alcohol consumption and more on quality communication and pastime. But my friends and I (many of whom, like me, are over 30) have pajama parties once a season. Blankets and sleeping bags are laid out on the floor of the loft, hot chocolate, a movie is shown on the big screen, for which we pre-vote in the event group on facebook.

We communicate, play board games - the American version of "Balda" on the composition of words, Cards against humanity ("Cards against humanity"), the meaning of which is to make puns from random combinations of words, Never have I ever ("Never in my life I …") and others. From the outside, it looks ambiguous - men and women lie side by side on the floor, someone in silk rope reinforcement over pajamas - zero erotic coloring in these meetings.

However, in the 1990s, my friend Cosmos Montoya held parties with DJs and light music, which were attended by up to 200 people. The parties started on Friday evening and ended on Sunday evening. Compared to the roaring nineties, the current gatherings with cocoa and films are just childish babble.

“A party is essentially a social game”

And here's what Jason Wisdom, whose barbeque parties on the courtyard of an apartment building on 40th Street, tells about his experience in hospitality for two years.

The party is basically social game in which I am constantly improving. I like to receive guests, meet them, make sure that everyone is comfortable, introduce some wonderful people to others. By throwing parties, I maintain a certain level of warmth, acceptance, and openness. I like to prepare for a party, even though I do everything at the last moment.

The principle of openness, professed by Jason, sometimes turns against him.

“I will always remember how in broad daylight at his barbecue party, one of the guests suddenly decided to strip naked near the fire. He, however, then quickly dressed, and the guests clicked their tongues and shook their heads: "This is a regression, guys ... This is degradation."

Another story happened already in our company. Once there was an unpleasant story. One girl discovered the missing iPhone and ransacked the premises in the middle of the night, when most people were already sleeping peacefully in their sleeping bags. The iPhone was not found, the sediment remained, and several indignant comments of the victim appeared under the photos from the party on Facebook.

However, back to Jason's position. Our interlocutor notices that he does not quite understand people who do not bring anything with them to the party.

- A bottle of wine for $12 is cheaper than a glass of wine in any bar in New York. If someone does not drink alcohol, you can bring salad, biscuits with you. This is basic courtesy. And here is an example of hidden disrespect: a young man is sitting on my new sofa and the conversation turns to money, the principles on which financial system. My statements are at odds with the guy and he "accidentally" spills beer on my couch.

- I don't like marijuana. This is not a political opinion, I actually strongly believe that soft drugs should be legalized in the same way that alcohol is legalized. But I personally do not resonate with "grass". She makes me stupid. And it's hard for me to contact people who are under the influence of marijuana. With drunk people I can still find mutual language. But marijuana... I used to not allow marijuana use at my parties, then I realized that it was useless to fight it, and just ask people to go to the far corner of the courtyard.

It is curious that parties in New York are not the prerogative of students and people who have not had time to start families. In companies you can find young mothers and lawyers, realtors and researchers… It would seem that family values ​​prevail in Belarus. At the same time, the percentage of divorces and single mothers in the country is extremely high. Here in New York main value you become yourself, no matter how self-centered it may sound. Life does not end at 25, or at 30, or at 45. And here you are constantly reminded of this, inviting you to all sorts of fun gatherings.

Alisa Ksenevich

Moved to New York 5 years ago. Prior to that, she worked in Belarus for 5 years as a correspondent for the Obozrevatel newspaper, wrote for Zhenskiy Zhurnal and Milavitsa.

During her life in New York, she wrote the book New York for Life, which is sold on Amazon.

TUT.BY book chapters on the portal.

The game is built on the principle of the children's game "Extra dropped out." Of the guests, 5-6 people are invited to participate in the competition. Large glasses (or glasses) are placed on the table, one less than the number of participants. Vodka, cognac, wine (whatever you want) is poured into glasses. At the command of the facilitator (for example, clapping their hands), the participants begin to walk around the table. As soon as the host gives a prearranged signal (the same clap), the participants need to grab one of the glasses and immediately drink its contents. The one who did not have enough glasses is out. After that, one glass is removed from the table, the rest are filled, and the game continues in the same way as described above. The main thing is that the glasses should always be one less than the number of players. The game ends when either of the two remaining participants drinks the last glass. In the absence of snacks and sufficiently capacious glasses, the finale looks indescribable, since it is usually difficult to call it walking around the table.

The first drinking games appeared in Ancient Greece. The feaster filled the cup with wine, drank it, slammed the bottom on the table and passed the goblet to a neighbor. Since then, mankind has come up with many other interesting amusements. We will consider the rules of the most popular games with alcohol price Russia | They are designed for different amount Human.

"Relay race".

A game of speed, coordination and coordination of actions.

In advance, the organizers prepare 2 tables, 2 bottles of the same alcohol, 2 glasses (glasses), 2 plates with any snack. On each table they put a bottle of alcohol, a pile, a plate with a snack.

Eight participants are divided into two teams of four people (6 to 3 are possible). The first numbers run up to their tables, fill their glasses, then return to their team and pass the baton to the second numbers. The second numbers drink the contents of the glasses, the third - have a bite, the fourth - pour again. The first team to empty the bottle wins. You can agree in advance that the roles of the participants change or there is the possibility of replacing a “tired” participant.

"Alcohol roll".

A series of games for luck with approximately the same rules.

Any number of players can participate. You will need water, vodka and three glasses. Two glasses are filled with vodka, one with water. Participants are blindfolded in turn (expelled into another room) and the glasses are rearranged in places. Task: drink from one glass and immediately drink it with another, you can’t smell the contents. Then everything is repeated from the beginning.

The most unlucky players will drink vodka with vodka. The one who lasts the longest wins. In the West, this alcoholic game is called Russian roulette. More on video. The women's version uses wine and matching juice, such as grape juice.

Beer lovers play differently. They take several cans of beer, one of which is shaken well so that it turns into a mini bomb. Then all the jars are mixed and distributed to the participants. After each round, one of the players will be covered in foam. Fun, but not aesthetically pleasing, then you have to clean the room for a long time and clean things.

"Sports Brotherhood".

It is better to play in the same team with your soulmate. You will need alcohol, shots and a snack.

Players are divided into pairs (man + woman). Each competing couple gets up, brotherschaft drinks and kisses for 10 seconds without eating. Everything is repeated until one of the couples can drink or kiss instead of a snack. If the guys skip this circle, then they take off two things from themselves, if they have a bite before the kiss - one at a time. The end of the game is regulated by the norms of decency.

"Signature Cocktail"

Suitable for daredevils who are not afraid to mix drinks. You will need one glass and different alcohol (at least three types).

3-4 participants take turns calling any alcoholic drink. Someone pours 20-30 ml of this ingredient into a glass. Further in a circle, the other player names alcohol (you can’t repeat it), again 20-30 ml are added to the glass. Drinks "cocktail" the one on whom the glass is filled. In a more gentle version of the game, in addition to alcohol, it is allowed to add juices, sweet soda, such as Coca-Cola and mineral water.


The game will please fans of space travel. Before the start, those present must take on their chests, otherwise it will not be so fun.
One of the participants (preferably the most imaginative) grabs a snack and drink and sits down on the couch. It will be a moon base. All the rest get down on all fours, they are given names: “Lunokhod 1”, “Lunokhod 2”, etc. At the beginning of the game, all moon rovers randomly move around the room.

At the request of the base controller, they report on the task in progress, saying phrases such as: “I am lunar rover N, going to the base for refueling”, “exploring a new surface”, “looking for another lunar rover”, “bypassing an obstacle”, etc. The main rule is not to laugh.

The laughing participant pronounces the phrase: “I am the moon rover N, I am going to the base to receive a new task” and moves on all fours to the sofa. Based on the accepted norms of decency in this company, the base gives the delinquent lunar rover a task (necessarily in space style). For example, refuel with 300 milliliters of fuel, bring a new batch of fuel to the base, remove 3-4 skin parts, explore the surface of another lunar rover, dock with the base, etc. After completing the task, the base again begins to interrogate other moon rovers.

"Guess the brand."

Warm-up of the mind for the erudite. We need brands of drinks with different names. For example, beer "Three Bears", "Zhigulevskoye", "Dragon", "Fat Man". It is desirable that the names be domestic, it is easier to show them.

Each participant is given one bottle (you can label). He must use facial expressions and gestures to portray its name. If one of those present guessed the name, the player can keep the bottle for himself. Those who do not know how to show correctly remain sober all evening.


A simple game for those who like to travel. You will need a lot of alcohol and a map with the route of trains or electric trains (you can take a schedule).

Looking at the map, the presenter announces: “Next station N ( locality along the route of the train)”, the players drink together in a pile. Gradually passengers will go off the route. The winner is the one who left the farthest.

"Mighty Sip".

Competition for veterans of the alcohol movement. Mostly played with beer, but other spirits can be used. At first, the company is just having fun in a bar. The most interesting begins before leaving.

According to the rules of the game, the opponents must drink the same dose of beer with a minimum number of sips without tearing off the glass. The loser pays the score of all participants or the winner receives a predetermined prize.

"Steel exposure".

You need to show endurance, character, the will to win and show the ability of your bladder.

According to the rules, several people calmly drink beer, whoever can’t stand it first and runs to the toilet brings a new portion of booze to other participants. To comply with the Fair Play principle ( fair game) all participants should drink the same amount of beer every 20-30 minutes.

"Rotating Coin"

Requires coordination. Drunk getting into a spinning coin is not as easy as it seems.

The first participant spins the coin on a flat surface, then calls the name of the player, who must click it with his finger without stopping to give additional spin. If at this moment the coin falls heads up, the loser drinks a penalty glass, if tails - two at once.

"The Nightingale the Robber".

Alcoholic game with cards. True, you don’t have to bluff, build strategies and guess combinations. Just right breathing.

A bottle is placed on the table, the neck is covered with a deck of new or plastic cards. The task of the players is to blow off a few cards, but not the entire deck. Throwing off last card the participant drinks a penalty pile, the game starts over.

"Correct words (New Year)".

A game of mindfulness, those who want to drink are more active than others.

During the celebration of the New Year (another holiday), the TV is turned on. In advance, the company agrees on a word, hearing which from the TV everyone drinks together. For example, it can be: “new”, “congratulations”, “dear”. The more popular the word, the more alcohol required.


A real competition for the strong in spirit. You will need dice, spirits and stacks.

Two players sit opposite each other, their partners act as coaches and seconds. "Boxers" take turns throwing the dice, whoever has fewer points, he misses a blow - drinks a glass. Coaches fill stacks and keep track of time. Each round lasts 3 minutes followed by a 60 second break.

The fight ends with a knockout of one of the fighters, the surrender of the team (seeing the clear superiority of the opponent, the coach removes the stack) or after 12 rounds (draw).


Modification of the game known since childhood. In addition to alcohol, one empty bottle is needed.

4-10 people stand in a circle, one of them spins the bottle, to whom the neck will show, he drinks a glass (glass, glass) of an alcoholic drink. At the end, the lucky ones, who are not very drunk, take their less fortunate colleagues home.


You need to show the ability to handle a gymnastic hoop when alcohol is in your hands. You will need several plastic hoops, glasses and a low-alcohol drink.

The task of the participants is to twist the hoop on the neck, arm or leg and at the same time drink from the glass. If the hoop drops, the player is out. The winner is the one who drinks faster or lasts longer than others. Only a few reach the finish line without training.


The game is based on the famous movie "Edward Scissorhands".

A bottle of beer, a low-alcohol drink or wine is tied to each hand of the participants with tape or tape. First, the player must drink their contents and only then try to remove the empty container. The fastest one wins.

Drink signal.

The main thing is not to relax and follow the drinking companions.

At the beginning of the party, the company selects a signalman who will lead the process of emptying the glasses. If the signalman puts on the table thumb left hand, keeping the rest of the fingers on the table, everyone who notices this does the same. The last person to put their finger on the table becomes a penalty box. Everyone drinks once, he two.

"Lucky nut".

A simple slow drinking game. Need glasses of beer and peanuts.

On command, all participants throw one salted nut into their glasses. At first, the peanut will sink, but after a while under the influence of bubbles carbon dioxide will float to the surface. The one whose nut popped up last loses. He pays the bill.

P.S. You can prepare in advance by purchasing special game sets. For example, alcohol checkers, darts, roulette or other board game.

Alcohol checkers

Agree, relaxing with friends is a pleasant and fun activity. In many countries, thousands of bars offer people to spend time in a friendly company with good drinks and delicious snacks. Even the most boring bar in the company of friends can turn into the most fun place on the planet. Do you want to diversify your vacation and bring something new to it? Try alcohol games from our list. Believe me, no one will leave sober.

By the way, the first alcohol games appeared in ancient times. So, in Plato's "Feast" you can find lines about an alcoholic contest. The ancient Greeks sat down at the table and filled the bowls with wine. The first player had to drain the bowl in one gulp, slam on the table and pass his turn to the neighbor.

Since ancient times, the list of alcohol games has expanded quite a bit, and the rules have become more complicated. However, they are still understandable even to a drunk person.

In addition to good company, snacks and alcoholic drinks, we will need paper and two pens.

All those present are divided into two teams according to preferences. Each team draws a classic seaboard on a piece of paper and places the ships (4 single deck, 3 double deck, 2 triple deck and 1 four deck).

Further, the rules are being finalized in accordance with your wishes. So, it should be discussed what punishment (in grams or sips) will be for each miss, what threatens the team, which will sink the whole ship, and so on.

The strategy of the game is no different from the well-known non-alcoholic version of " Naval battle". All that is required of you is to sink all the enemy ships.

This is a breakthrough

We prepare drinks, a regular napkin, a coin and a cigarette. We fill the glass with alcohol, cover the top with a napkin and place a coin in the center. We set fire to the cigarette and pass it to the first player.

The essence of the game is as follows: each participant in the feast in turn pierces a napkin with a smoldering cigarette anywhere. The one whose napkin broke and the coin sank to the bottom should drink a glass. Make sure that the penal does not accidentally swallow a coin along with alcohol.

drug lord

In addition to snacks, you will need a deck of cards. The number of cards depends on how many people are sitting at the table. We simply choose the required number of cards from the deck, and set the rest aside. It does not matter what value and suit the cards involved in the game will be, it is only necessary to decide in advance with other players which two cards will be considered the main ones.

One card (for example, an ace) is considered a drug lord, the other card (for example, a six) is considered a policeman.

The cards are shuffled and dealt to the players. The policeman (six) must frankly confess his status. The main task of the policeman is to calculate the drug lord, the rest of the players remain silent.

The drug lord discreetly winks at one of the players, who should loudly shout "I'm in." The move goes to the policeman, he must say who, according to his assumption, is a drug lord. If the choice is made correctly, both the drug lord and his follower (whom he winked at) drink a stack. The game ends, the cards are shuffled and dealt again.

If the cop makes the wrong choice, he drinks the shot. Game continues. The drug lord winks again (already at another player), the policeman again tries to identify the criminal.

Platypus tear

Before playing, prepare a coin.

The first player pours any drink from the table into a glass or a glass in absolutely any quantity (depending on the wishes and preferences). The liquid in the glass is called the Platypus Tear cocktail. Next, the player flips a coin and tries to guess if it will land on heads or tails.

If the guess turned out to be correct, the glass is passed to another player, who adds something to his taste into the glass, after which he tosses a coin.

The unfortunate person who did not guess whether it will be heads or tails must empty the contents of the glass, after which the game starts anew.

Skillful hands

It is best to play the drinking game with the maximum number drinking buddies. This will make it much more interesting.

The players sit down at the table and take each other's hands, while the palms are placed on the table. As a result, in front of each player is the palm of his neighbor on the right.

One of the players calls out the command “Left” (“Right”) and slaps the table with his corresponding hand. The signal should start a wave of pops counter-clockwise or clockwise. The next clap is made by the player who sits to the left through one from the first player, he strikes with his right palm. Next, the player sitting to the left of the first claps with his left hand.

Penalty points in the form of glasses of alcohol that you need to drink are awarded to each participant who hit with the wrong hand, missed his turn, hesitated, etc.

Accustomed to the throat

For the game, you should prepare paper and a pen. It is better to start the game with the first sip of beer. However, if you are used to enjoying this foamy drink, it is advisable to start the game no earlier than the last couple of glasses.

The essence of the game is as follows: players must try to drink beer in the minimum number of sips.

The player who loses the challenge pays for a drink at the bar. If the competition was held at home, the loser can come up with any other punishment, for example, make him wash all the dishes after the feast.


In addition to snacks and alcoholic drinks, you will need a saucer or any empty glass.

On command, all participants put one finger on a saucer or glass. On the count of three, everyone removes or leaves a finger on the saucer (as they wish).

Punishment in the form of penalty piles is due to the participants in the feast, who remained in the minority.


The game is quite simple, it will help pass the time in the company of friends. To play, you need a regular coin.

The first player spins a coin on the table and says the name of a friend who is sitting nearby. The participant whose name was spoken must click on the coin, giving it additional energy for spinning, and name another player.

If the coin stops after being struck or simply falls off the table, the offender is given a penalty glass of alcohol. You can also add additional rules. For example, the number of glasses to drink will depend on whether the coin lands heads or tails.

Around the water

To play, you will need a set of exactly the same glasses, the number depends on the number of participants. In each glass, except for one, ordinary drinking water is poured, and vodka is poured into the rest. The glasses are thoroughly mixed, after which all players drink the contents in one gulp. You should not bring a glass too close to your nose, otherwise you will smell the contents and the whole intrigue will be destroyed.

Want to increase the nervousness of the game? Increase the number of glasses of alcohol or eliminate them altogether.

Wet Nut

In addition to drinks and snacks, you will need a jar of salted peanuts. It's best to play with beer.

Each team member lowers one nut into his glass of foam. Peanuts will sink instantly, however, after some time they will rise to the surface again under the influence of gas bubbles.

The loser is the one whose nut has risen to the surface the last. The loser can pay for a drink at the bar or take any other punishment assigned by the other players.

“I have never…”

The game is suitable for a large company, especially if there are many guests who do not know each other. Fun will help stop feeling constrained, will allow all participants in the feast to get to know each other better.

Anyone can start. The first player says the phrase “I have never…” and adds his ending to it (did not see the movie “Titanic”, did not go to a strip club, did not drive drunk, etc.). All the players who saw the Titanic, went to a striptease and violated traffic rules, drink a glass of alcohol. Then the turn passes to another player.

Do you want to drink all the participants of the party, even avid teetotalers? Just say, “I have never … refused to drink.

Russian roulette

You will need a lot of canned beer to play.

Before each game stage, one of the players carefully shakes one can of beer and places them with the rest, carefully mixing the cans with each other so that the "bomb is lost in the crowd."

Players take turns taking a can of beer. Little luck for that participant in the feast, who opens exactly the charged jar.


For the game, we prepare a ping-pong ball or an ordinary coin. Fun is quite popular in Western countries, but for domestic lovers of the feast, it will also fit.

Stacks of drinks according to the number of players are placed on the table in a circle. Each stack is assigned to a specific participant. Another stack of drink is placed in the center of the circle.

The player's task (you can choose as you wish and at your discretion) is to get a coin into any pile.

The rules of the game are as follows: if a player hits his pile, all other players drink one penalty shot. If a coin falls into another player's glass, its owner drinks the stack. If the player misses, he will have to drink alone. Hitting the central glass - absolutely all participants in the feast drink.

Words for the evening

It is desirable to play in the presence of a TV. We just turn on some program in the background and discuss the word of the evening with the guests (for example, “year”, “elephant”, “excavator”).

We listen to TV and drink every time the hidden word sounds. Not used to drinking a lot? Choose less common words.

At the beginning of the feast, after lengthy discussions, we choose a “man-finger” and continue to have fun with friends with might and main.

The finger man casually places the thumb of either hand on the table, while the rest of the fingers are under the table top. Each player who notices the maneuver silently repeats it.

The player who noticed the actions of other participants in the gatherings last drinks a penalty glass.

The finger-man can repeat his manipulations throughout the party, at any time convenient for him.

Endless story

The first player names any word, the second selects the word according to its meaning, the third continues the sentence, and so on. For example, the first player says “welcome”, the second “welcome”, the third “to ours”, the fourth “house”, the fifth “uh ... the sun”.

The player who could not continue a series of words drinks a penalty glass, the game starts again with a new word.

To the bottom

Need glasses of beer and any empty stack that is smaller in diameter. A stack is placed in a glass of beer. After that, each player pours a little beer into it from his glass.

Informal atmosphere, chatter about everything and nothing, loud music, rivers of light alcohol. And, of course, fun - unbridled, spurred on by freedom of thoughts and morals! An American-style party is a bright youth theme for celebrating a birthday, graduation, and other no less joyful events.


Several formats fit into the framework of the theme. In nature or in the courtyard of a private house - a traditional barbecue. Place a brazier / grill, plastic tables, deck chairs or upholstered furniture (this is just in the American style - take sofas out into the yard), scatter bean bags. Garden gnomes, thin-legged flamingos, an abundance of lanterns, a white fence (you can props) will add entourage.

When parents are away, young people organize house-parties. The very parties at which the whole world come off until the "good" neighbors call the police. More suitable for an apartment or a small cafe. In the spacious hall you can arrange a complete break for the weekend - a student party with alcoholic and not quite puritanical contests.

American-style decoration is an abundance of blue-red-white decorations (flag):

  • actual flags. Large ones on the walls, small ones everywhere - on dishes, in compositions;

  • balloons of three colors or stars and stripes. From the balls you can assemble a huge flag, bright tricolor "armfuls";
  • a lot of serpentine, garlands with triangles, corrugated pompoms and other paper "tinsel";

  • red and white checkered tablecloth, similar textiles on windows and furniture. Napkins are better than three different colors(to wipe yourself with a “flag” is somehow not patriotic);
  • add albeit a tiny, but zest. For example, collect bouquets of red, blue and white roses (namely, roses are one of the plant symbols of the United States, along with sequoia and oak). Paint ordinary twigs with gouache, put them in Coca-Cola bottles. Make origami from napkins and hang from the ceiling. Little things like that make the interior special, memorable.

If this is an American "weekend" party, for no particular reason, then the above is enough. If not, hang photos of sights, celebrities, beautiful views on the walls.

There are many funny caricatures of American politicians, actors, and entertainers on the Web. With the help of FL, it is easy to "transfer" friends to a ranch, to New York, to the White House, etc.

Ask your friends for figurines/objects depicting a bald eagle, a statue and a Liberty Bell. Dollars, yellow "M" and hamburgers, Uncle Sam, baseball equipment, models of American cars. Indian and cowboy attributes are appropriate, but not much (otherwise the party from the American one will flow into another topic). Souvenirs, postcards, printouts, cardboard silhouettes and drawings - use everything.


Set up an American-style photo booth with a huge flag in the background(draw on glued sheets of whatman paper). To make the photos “live”, randomly hang on the background images of symbols glued to cardboard silhouettes. Carve a full-length statue of liberty and take pictures with her in an embrace.

You can make a tantamarescu - draw Mount Rushmore or stick a printout on the base. Cut out some windows for the faces. Such a funny performance is suitable for a large company:


American Youth Party Invitation - bright flyer, drawn by hand, and then printed in the right quantity. Such invitations are often distributed by schoolchildren and students. On the flyers, usually in a chaotic manner, they write the time and place, the reason for what to bring with them. Plus all sorts of pictures, embellishments - stuck literally in a heap.

You can do without material invitations at all, this is quite in the American style. SMS, subject/broadcast in social network and so on. Or make a postcard with any of the attributes listed above - a simple design, without the "wow" effect. And the same simple text:

"Hello! Tomorrow everyone is pulling up to me, by 8 o'clock.

Let's celebrate my birthday. We are waiting for you too, just try not to come!


For the leading and most active guests, images-symbols are suitable. For example, the Statue of Liberty: a greenish toga, a pointed star diadem, a cardboard torch in his hand. From a large flag you can sew a short dress. Or pretend to be an eagle - sew on wings, put on a mask and a beak with an elastic band. You can dress up as Uncle Sam or choose the image of one of the presidents. And even rent a suit of an Indian, a hot dog, a Coca-Cola or a hamburger, a policeman or a basketball player, a Hollywood star.

If you're throwing a costume party, distribute the looks ahead of time. And it will take some time to prepare - warn everyone at least a couple of weeks in advance.

Ordinary clothing is also suitable - in the American style, comfortable, not restricting movement. By the way, this is how young people dress for endless parties. No one bothers with their appearance, just to look decent. To emphasize the theme, you can ask friends to add any US symbol to the image, at their discretion. Or mention denim in any design in the invitation.

Prepare accessories for guests: aviator glasses, luminous horns and bracelets, Playboy bunny ears, beer helmets or caps (sew a thick elastic band to the old baseball cap so that you get T-can holders on the sides).

Menu, serving

For an American-style youth party, various snacks (snacks) are ideal: nuts, crackers, popcorn, chips, corn sticks. Include on the menu several types of guacamole, salsa and other sauces that are eaten with the same chips and slices of bread for one bite. You can order pizza, Chinese noodles, rolls and sushi, any fast food (hamburgers, hot dogs, wings).

For parties of a higher level, party snacks are prepared - light snacks in the form of rolls, canapes, fruits on skewers and in miniature cups, tiny sandwiches. It looks like a buffet, but the recipes for the menu are chosen the simplest so that you do not have to mess around for a long time.

For American birthdays and other holidays that involve gifts, potluck format is popular- literally "a pot of luck" or in our opinion "what God sent." From the hostess a birthday cake, ice cream in the summer, snacks and barbecue (if the party is in the yard), and guests bring everything else with them. Anything or what is agreed in advance: with Masha gingerbread cookies, with Lena charlotte, with Luba turkey salad.

It will not be difficult to cook one dish, but a rich table for the crowd ... So this is not greed, but a manifestation of concern for a friend. The hero of the occasion has fun with everyone, not falling down from fatigue after a night at the stove. Agree, great tradition!

From drinks, the unchanged Coca-Cola, juices, milkshakes and any light alcohol. Bringing with you or asking the hostess for something stronger than wine / liquor is considered almost indecent. Of course, you can deviate from this rule, because the main thing is to take into account the tastes of your guests. But the meaning of American parties is to be able to “sip” something (alcohol to sip) for the whole holiday.

For entourage, buy multi-colored straws and disposable dishes with US symbols, make miniature cards and colored icing to decorate dishes. Cut out pictures for skewers, decorate the “skirt” of the tablecloth with dollar flags, hang star garlands over the table.


Friends, friends of friends and those who came with friends of friends, i.e. crowds of strangers just going to hang out. This is the script for an American-style party - funny contests, active games without a strict sequence. Attributes / inventory is better to fit into the design, as if they are part of the interior, and not a blank for working out the scenario: “People, here is a basketball hoop, and there are balls. Let's leave?”

Clockwork music is a must- any US performers, modern, retro, in any style (according to the tastes of your company). The most popular American party games are played to the music more fun:

  • uno– fascinating card game, very dynamic, the rules are elementary. Recently appeared with us, so the deck is quite possible to buy;
  • pantomime- one shows with gestures, others guess;
  • twister- the one with circles and unthinkable poses on the floor;

  • kicker- table football, mega-popular with American youth from the 70s to this day. Surely one of the children of your friends has one, borrow it for a party;
  • and also ask your friends for sets for games "Colonialists", "Erudite", "Mafia" and so on. If hands do not reach them, the sets will still be useful for creating entourage;
  • pictionary- an analogue of our "crocodile" (one draws, others guess);
  • jenga- the blocks are stacked in a tower. Then you need to take one block out of the tower in turn and put it upstairs, trying not to overwhelm the structure.

Not a single youth American party passes without alcohol contests / games. We remind you that we are talking about beer and other light drinks:

  • Flip cap. Two participants (each with 5 glasses) or two teams (each with 1 glass) stand on both sides of the table, in front of them on the table are disposable glasses (usually with beer). For speed: drink, put on the edge and snap your fingers on the bottom (snap) so that the glass “lands” upside down on the table. If it didn’t work the first time, return to the edge and repeat.
  • command "I never" is one of the most popular drinking games at American parties. There is an option for everyone together, but it is more boring. So, two teams, two liters of beer per team, cups of 50 or 100 ml (the smaller the volume, the longer the game will last). The goal is to get the opposing team to drink their beer faster than you.

Game progress: the player says “I never” (first team - 2k - 1k - 2k, all players take turns). You need to come up with something that someone from the opposing team did with a high probability. But honestly, you never did. For example, I have never been on a boat. One of the competitors was skating - he pours himself a beer and drinks. If none of the rivals rode the boat, you drink, thereby reducing the "precious reserve".

  • drunk darts. Any number of players, a measuring cup, a bottle of beer and a disposable glass for each. The usual target, but with the assigned penalties. For example, if a player hits the bull's-eye, he drinks 50 ml of beer from his bottle, and if it hits the very edge - 200 ml. Here the goal is the opposite - the one who has the beer left will win (whoever runs out of beer is knocked out of the competition).
  • beerpong. Table, 10 paper cups per team (or per player if two compete). Glasses are filled with beer half or a third. They put it so that it turns out two triangles on both sides of the table.

For hygiene reasons, place buckets on each side with clean water and give the players napkins. Or put a basket with clean balls (new throw - new ball).

Target- Throw a ping-pong ball into an opponent's glass. Got it? The opponent drinks the glass into which the ball fell. No? You drink beer from your glass. There are many variations of this game on the Web, choose the best one.

If an American-style party takes place outdoors, be sure to play football, table tennis, baseball, basketball or mini golf. These are very popular entertainments among the youth advocating for healthy lifestyle life.

Hold an indoor arm wrestling competition No party is complete without it! American students compete in teams or in turns until the best is revealed. Of course, with the division into girls and boys. And the stronger sex also likes to arrange a spontaneous “tournament” in lifting weights (who has more times), having found dumbbells or a barbell in the closet.

For the quiz, prepare a list of ridiculous US laws - we guarantee laughter! Come up with a few yourself, mix with real ones and ask the guests "Is it true that." For example (all true):

  • in Chico, California, a fine of $500 is imposed for detonating a nuclear device within the city limits;
  • in Oxford, women are forbidden to be naked in front of a photo / portrait of a man;
  • in Minnesota it is illegal to sleep naked;
  • in Denver, it is illegal to lend a vacuum cleaner to neighbors;
  • in New Orleans it is forbidden to tie crocodiles to hydrants, etc.

Among close friends, the game "Who is here" is popular.. It is necessary, blindfolded and in tight mittens (sometimes three pairs are put on at once), to understand by touch who is in front of you. Very fun but not suitable if there are jealous people in the company.

The scenario of the American party does not imply a pompous ending. But you can arrange a serpentine rain, organize fireworks or a solemn removal of the cake under " happy birthday". As gifts, cute American-style trinkets are suitable: key rings with hamburger statues, a notebook + pen with a flag, etc.