Preparing mushrooms for the winter in the refrigerator - how to freeze them in a regular freezer. How to freeze mushrooms for the winter. Cooking frozen mushrooms

During the “quiet hunting” season, many people wonder how to preserve the entire harvest of mushrooms. A great way to do this is to freeze it. You can freeze both wild mushrooms and those you purchased in a store or market. After all, everyone knows that in the summer the price of mushrooms is much lower.

Porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, champignons and other types of mushrooms can be frozen at home. General principle freezing is the same for all mushrooms.

First of all, mushrooms are sorted according to the structure of the mushroom. In this case, they distinguish:

  • marsupials (truffles, morels);
  • lamellar (for example, russula);
  • tubular (ceps, boletus mushrooms).

It is preferable to freeze only tubular (or, in other words, spongy) mushrooms raw. Internal structure The caps of such mushrooms are a porous surface, which, when boiled, absorbs a lot of liquid, and, as a result, the mushrooms will be watery when defrosted. If you had to boil sponge mushrooms, you should lightly squeeze them before freezing.

Lamellar types of mushrooms, such as honey mushrooms, must be boiled before freezing.

The few types of marsupial mushrooms must be boiled and thoroughly squeezed before placing them in the freezer.

How to prepare mushrooms for freezing

After sorting the mushrooms, the strongest specimens are selected for subsequent freezing.

Mushrooms are cleaned with a knife or a rough brush: all debris and stuck leaves are removed, the lower, contaminated part of the stem is cut off.

If the mushrooms selected for further freezing in their raw form are very dirty, then they should be rinsed in water, but under no circumstances soaked. Afterwards, they must be dried thoroughly with a paper towel.

Those mushrooms that you plan to boil can be safely washed under running water without worrying that they will absorb too much moisture.

Methods for freezing mushrooms for the winter

How to freeze raw mushrooms

As mentioned above, only tubular mushrooms are suitable for this freezing method. The ideal option would be porcini mushrooms and red caps.

Small mushrooms are frozen whole, and large specimens are cut into slices 1-2 centimeters thick.

See video from Lubov Kriuk - How to freeze porcini mushrooms

How to freeze boiled mushrooms for the winter

Mushrooms that will be pre-boiled must first be chopped. Next, they are immersed in boiling water and cooked for 5 to 10 minutes. Then place in a colander to allow excess liquid to drain. After the mushrooms have cooled, they are transferred into portioned bags for one use and sent to the freezer.

The broth from boiled honey mushrooms is drained, and from porcini and boletus mushrooms it is used to make soup.

See the video from the channel “Tasty and Nourishing” - How to freeze mushrooms for the winter

Freezing fried mushrooms

Both tubular and lamellar species mushrooms Mushrooms are cut into pieces or plates. Then they are laid out in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fried until golden brown crust. Salt and spices are not added. Roasting lasts approximately 20 minutes.

This frozen food is completely ready to eat after defrosting. You just have to add these mushrooms, for example, to fried potatoes or to a salad.

Freezing oven-baked mushrooms

Another way is to freeze mushrooms previously baked in the oven. To do this, mushrooms are placed on a baking sheet without adding oil and baked until cooked. Then they are put into bags and sent to the freezer for storage. Such mushrooms have a particularly bright taste and aroma when defrosted.

Freezing temperature and shelf life of frozen mushrooms

The temperature regime for freezing mushrooms is -18°C. If this requirement is met, mushrooms can be stored in the freezer all winter.

How to defrost mushrooms correctly

Frozen raw mushrooms Thaw on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight, and then another hour at room temperature.

Mushrooms that have undergone preliminary heat treatment, do not defrost, but are immediately added to the dish during cooking.

See video - How to cook mushrooms for freezing

See video - How to freeze champignons

If the result of a quiet hunt exceeded all expectations, and you are thinking about how to freeze mushrooms for the winter in the refrigerator, we recommend that you pay attention to a number of recipes that we offer. After all, a delicious aromatic soup with wild mushrooms or fried potatoes will always hit the spot in the winter. But purchased copies may not satisfy your taste, because it is not known how long they have been in the supermarket and whether they are in a thick ice crust.

You can prepare almost any mushroom at home if you know how to do it correctly. Each has its own characteristics that should be taken into account.

Recipe for frozen boletus mushrooms

Before freezing mushrooms for the winter in the freezer, you need to carefully sort them out, removing places with signs of rottenness, as well as wormy parts. Preference should be given to small specimens - these will make more delicious dishes in the future. Preparation of semi-finished product - best option for those who like to prepare mushroom salads, because you just need to take the boletus mushrooms out of the freezer and wait until they thaw.


Servings: – +

  • boletus 1 kg

Per serving

Calories: 87 kcal

Proteins: 2.9 g

Fats: 1.1 g

Carbohydrates: 1.3 g

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Any noble mushroom can be frozen in a similar way. The only drawback is the not so rich aroma. But it is not necessary to boil the legumes - they can be prepared raw. The process technology remains the same, with the exception of heat treatment.

Recipe for fried boletus mushrooms for the winter

This option is nothing more than a ready-made dish that can be consumed by heating it in a frying pan or in the microwave. Add fried obabki as you wish onions Place it in the freezer immediately and in this form.

Number of servings: 15

Cooking time: 1 hour

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​86.6 kcal;
  • proteins – 2.9 g;
  • fats – 7.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 1.3 g.


  • boletus mushrooms – 1.5 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 100 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • black pepper (ground) - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Cut the sorted boletus into segments average size and rinse with water. Do not chop them - keep in mind that after processing they will shrink in size.
  2. Heat the oil well in a frying pan, add the mushrooms, a little salt and, if desired, black pepper. Fry until fully cooked, stirring regularly with a wooden spatula.
  3. Transfer the mushrooms to a plate lined with a paper towel to remove excess oil. Wait until it cools down completely. Pack into portions and place in the freezer.

Advice: do not keep mushrooms in water for a long time - boletus mushrooms have spongy structure hats that actively absorb moisture. Otherwise, you risk getting a shapeless mass that is unpleasant to look and taste. If possible, wipe still-intact parts with a damp towel or microfiber cloth.

Recipe for frozen bruises for the winter

In addition to noble mushrooms, you can harvest bruises, or as they are popularly called, russula. True, in this case you cannot do without cooking, despite the name, boiling mushrooms for freezing for the winter is simply necessary.

Number of servings: 10

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​14.9 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.5 g;
  • fats – 0.6 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0.9 g.


  • russula – 1 kg.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. The best option for freezing are large, fleshy bruises. They need to cut off part of the stem and carefully remove the skin from the cap. This is not so difficult to do - you need to pry the edge of the skin and pull it towards the center. Then rinse and cut into fairly large pieces.
  2. Boil for about five minutes, then drain in a colander. When all the moisture has drained and the mushrooms have cooled, place them in plastic bags and freeze.

Advice: Carefully, so as not to crush the russula, release the air from the bags so that it does not take up much space in the refrigerator compartment.

Preparing mushrooms by freezing is the easiest way to stock up delicious product for the whole winter. This will ensure that you have the ingredient in stock for many delicious dishes and save money. Good luck!

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  • All are suitable for freezing edible mushrooms, but more than others - strong and worm-free young porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, champignons, chanterelles, honey mushrooms.
  • Mushrooms are a very delicate product and therefore require careful attention and processing as quickly as possible. The best thing is to put them in storage on the same day they were collected in the forest or bought at the market.
  • How to freeze mushrooms? Freezing principle forest mushrooms generally similar to freezing berries. The mushrooms must be carefully sorted, discarding questionable and wormy mushrooms, trimmed, removed damaged parts and rinsed thoroughly, changing the water several times. It is best to freeze whole young, strong mushrooms, which are rarely wormy. Dry the washed mushrooms on a towel, cut large ones, then place them on a baking sheet or tray in one layer and place in the freezer. The answer to the question “how to freeze porcini mushrooms” is exactly the same.
  • Place frozen mushrooms in a bag or container, tie, label (be sure to write the date of storage and type of mushroom), and store in the freezer.
  • Remember that thawed mushrooms are a favorable environment for the proliferation of various microorganisms, so after thawing, mushrooms should be immediately used for preparing mushroom dishes.
  • Frozen mushrooms are stored in a freezer at -18°C for up to one year.

Is it possible to freeze fresh mushrooms?

If you are afraid to freeze fresh mushrooms, boil them before freezing for 5 minutes in boiling salted water, drain in a colander, dry and only then freeze.

Label containers and bags of frozen mushrooms - when cooked, they look like a homogeneous mass. Fill containers completely. The less air left in the container, the better the food will be preserved in it. The same rule applies to plastic bags: squeeze out as much air as possible from them, tie them, and then put them in the freezer. Now you know everything about how to properly freeze mushrooms!

Drying and freezing mushrooms should be fresh, just picked. The best thing is to pick mushrooms yourself, rather than buy them at the market or, worse, along the road. You don’t know when and where they were collected, how they were stored. And mushrooms instantly absorb everything harmful substances, if they grow or just lie close to cars.

Before processing, you need to sort out the mushrooms and check again to see if your “prey” contains any poisonous or inedible mushrooms. All stale, heavily worm-eaten, bruised mushrooms should be set aside. Some of them, by the way, can be used for pickling, but some will have to be thrown away. But for drying and freezing, mushrooms must be selected.

What does fresh mean? Boletuses and boletuses will live in the refrigerator after harvesting for a maximum of a day, and only if you picked them young and strong. Boletus boletus is best processed on the day of collection. Chanterelles will be able to “last” in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

All mushrooms must be cleaned of twigs and dirt, and the soil on the stem must be carefully trimmed. For drying and freezing in fresh It is better not to wash mushrooms. They absorb water very well, therefore, they will not dry well and may become moldy, and when frozen, the water will turn into ice.

How to freeze mushrooms

Method 1. Raw

Porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and all mushrooms that have a sponge under the cap are best frozen fresh. This way they will retain freshness and elasticity. When cooked, these mushrooms will become watery and will lose much flavor after defrosting. In the same way you can freeze honey mushrooms and chanterelles.

To save space in the freezer, mushrooms should be chopped; the smallest ones are best left whole; in winter they can decorate your dishes.

Spread the mushrooms in a thin layer on a tray or the bottom of the freezer, which is turned on to maximum so that the mushrooms freeze very quickly. After 12 hours, the mushrooms can be poured into a bag and the freezer can be returned to normal mode.

Method 2. Boiled

Before freezing, mushrooms must be boiled in accordance with the cooking recommendations for each type. For example, honey mushrooms need to be cooked for at least half an hour, otherwise they can cause upset in the body. After cooking, place the mushrooms in a colander and let drain. A long time - half an hour, or even an hour. You can squeeze the mushrooms a little more with your hands to remove excess moisture.

Then put the mushrooms in a tight bag or container for freezing and put them in the freezer.

Important! Mushrooms should not be re-frozen - you will end up with a tasteless, watery mess.

It is best to defrost mushrooms slowly - simply transfer them to the refrigerator and leave them overnight. If they don’t defrost, then you can defrost them at room temperature.

Advice: If you are afraid that great whites and boletuses will turn out watery, cut off the sponge from them after freezing.

How to dry mushrooms

Usually white ones are dried, but boletuses are also excellent dried, and sometimes boletus and chanterelles are also dried.

Mushrooms for drying need to be coarsely chopped: they will dry out 3-4 times. Small mushrooms can be dried whole. If the mushroom is medium, then simply separate the cap and stem.

Method 1. Under the sun

If the balcony faces the sunny side and it’s hot outside, then you can simply dry the mushrooms in the sun. String them on threads and hang them in the sun. The main thing is that they are blown by the wind. They will dry in three to four days, but if the weather turns bad, you can dry them in the oven.

Method 2. In the oven

You need to place the mushrooms on a baking sheet in one layer, open the oven door slightly to allow air access, you can turn on the convection mode. Set the oven to 70-80 degrees and dry for several hours. You can do it in several steps, but do not close the oven door.

Method 3. In the oven

If there is a stove at the dacha, then it is most convenient to dry it in it. Moreover, in the fall it has to be heated often. Drying one batch will require several fireboxes: first, the mushrooms will need to be placed in an oven that has already cooled down; the temperature in the oven should be about 50 degrees. And leave for 3-4 hours - the mushrooms will dry out, they will become soft, but they will no longer release juice. In the next firebox, the mushrooms need to be dried at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. When they become dry and brittle, they are ready.

Attention! Do not put mushrooms in the oven during or immediately after heating, otherwise everything will burn.

It is best to store dry mushrooms in a dry place in a glass or ceramic jar. You can grind some of the mushrooms in a coffee grinder; they will be useful for sauces and flavoring of dishes, and will take up much less space.

Before cooking, mushrooms should be washed well and soaked in hot water for 2 hours. After soaking, the water must be changed and boiled in new water.

Neither drying nor preserving this product will make it possible to obtain such a wide range of uses and high benefits: dried forest products are suitable only for adding aroma and flavor to soups and main courses, and it is difficult to prepare anything other than appetizers from pickled and salted ones. For example, it is quite possible to make mushrooms from frozen whole mushrooms, but it will not work from salted mushrooms.

What mushrooms are suitable for freezing?

Fans of self-canning and freezing food for the winter are constantly looking for new recipes and ways to preserve the benefits of Nature’s gifts.

It is important to understand with mushrooms - each type has its own rules and characteristics of preparation.

Ryzhiki, champignons, chanterelles or milk mushrooms have their own subtleties in the preparation process.

Some of them need to be boiled or fried beforehand:

  • You can freeze mushrooms without boiling them if they are champignons, oyster mushrooms, or porcini mushrooms;
  • chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus - need to be boiled before shipping;
  • Almost all lamellar ones are ideally stored when fried.

Mushrooms that secrete milky juice and are bitter must be soaked for at least several hours before putting them in the freezer. Ideally, boil

Before freezing mushrooms for the winter, you should first prepare them, regardless of whether they are fresh, boiled or pickled and salted:

  • It should be frozen raw immediately after harvesting, and stored in the refrigerator before processing for no longer than a day;
  • All leaves, grass, and foreign elements are removed from the primary raw material;
  • the mushrooms are thoroughly washed, you can put them in water, but not for long, to wash out the debris from under the cap;
  • they are also cleaned, parts of the legs are cut off, rinsed again and laid out on a terry towel to dry;
  • we sift out all damaged specimens, as well as those with spots.

Is it possible to freeze raw mushrooms?

Proper freezing of mushrooms for the winter begins with determining the types that can be placed in the freezer raw or, conversely, thermally treated.

Raw, tubular species such as porcini mushrooms, birch mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms freeze well. But only if they are young and strong.

Some lamellar ones - champignons, oyster mushrooms - can also be frozen fresh.

If you keep them in water or boil them for a long time, they will absorb a lot of liquid and after defrosting they will be tasteless, limp, and falling apart.

Freezing fresh porcini mushrooms or other suitable ones is very simple - they are placed in bags or containers after thorough cleaning and drying.

There are many advantages to such freezing: a minimum of preliminary hassle; preservation of beneficial qualities, aroma, and taste almost unchanged. But there are also disadvantages: raw gifts from the field and forest take up a lot of space, and in addition, it is precisely during such freezing that sand and debris often remain in the mushrooms.

How to freeze fried ones?

Mushrooms for long-term storage Can be pre-fried, and any variety is suitable for this.

There are 2 ways to prepare:

  • large mushrooms are chopped, and small ones, such as honey mushrooms, are fried whole on vegetable oil, after which they give excess fat drain on a napkin and place the food in bags;
  • You can freeze oven-roasted mushrooms. Cook them for 30-40 minutes in the oven, covering the container with foil (remove it after 20 minutes). For the process, products need to be cut. After 30 minutes, they begin to check readiness - all the moisture should evaporate from the container.

You can freeze fried mushrooms and onions, but after thawing the onions usually turn out too watery and soft, so you need to chop them as finely as possible.

Defrost fried forest products by heating them in a frying pan. Use the entire mass immediately; the semi-finished product is not suitable for re-freezing. It is recommended to place fried foods in the freezer in portions.

This method is especially appreciated by thrifty housewives, because you can put into the freezer what, for example, you didn’t eat at dinner. I use this method, even if .

The only drawback is the relatively short shelf life. That is, you won’t be able to prepare fried ones for the winter in the summer - until the New Year at the latest.

Mushrooms after salting and marinating in the freezer?

If you drain all the brine from a jar of mushrooms, you can also freeze salted or pickled ones.

But the result after defrosting will not always be satisfactory.

It is better to leave the pickled mushrooms in jars.

If you are afraid to keep canned mushrooms in winter, you can freeze the boiled ones, and then take out the bags and marinate according to your favorite recipe.

This way you can always delight yourself with an excellent snack without worrying about your health.

Salted ones tolerate freezing very well! Express excess liquid, pack tightly and hide in the freezer. This will extend the shelf life significantly.

When freezing fresh, salted or fried foods, set your freezer to the appropriate fast freeze mode!

Freezing boiled mushrooms

Frozen honey mushrooms and champignons are often found in stores, but how to pre-treatment little is known. Ideally, these gifts of the forest should be boiled before freezing.

Other lamellar or spongy ones are also boiled. Marsupials, that is, morels and their “relatives” must be boiled! Sometimes, if the mushrooms are clean or grown yourself, you can not cook them, but simply pour boiling water over them for half an hour.

The advantage of boiled mushrooms: they boil down and take up less space in the freezer.


Disadvantage of boiled mushrooms: during cooking, part of the mushroom aroma is lost.

Recipe for preparing boiled mushrooms

Do you know where to pick mushrooms? Then quickly go on a “silent hunt” during the season! This will allow you to prepare your favorite dishes in winter, for example, from real aromatic and tasty mushrooms, and not from store-bought ones, which in winter have only a name for mushrooms.

So, at the very beginning you need to prepare a “catch”. We sort through, throwing out old, wormy and spoiled ones. After this, add water and leave for an hour or two to make it easier to remove all dirt. Well, then the mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and proceed to the main stage.
Place them in a saucepan, add water and add a little salt. Place on the stove and after boiling, cook for another 10 minutes.

We put everything in a colander, wait for them to cool down and get rid of excess liquid.

Place the mushrooms in portions into bags. By the way, stores today sell special freezer bags with a lock that protect semi-finished products from foreign odors. Place in the freezer.

In winter, when you decide to cook or something else, just leave the semi-finished product in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning you can use them.

This way you can freeze boiled mushrooms of any kind.

Terms and rules for storing frozen mushrooms

If the mushrooms were frozen correctly, their shelf life is quite long and depends only on the method of initial processing:

  • fried ones are guaranteed not to lose their taste for 4-5 months, after which bitterness may appear due to fat;
  • fresh and boiled mushrooms are stored whole year, but only if they were processed and frozen within 1-2 days after collection;
  • some types may begin to lose their aroma and taste after six months of storage - this depends on the place of collection and the freshness of the mushrooms.

Storage temperature must be at least -18 degrees for proper preservation useful properties gifts of the forest.

Useful video

Are raw mushrooms easier to freeze? pre-cut them into pieces. The video below shows the entire process of freezing fresh champignons: