Why three wedding rings in a dream? I dream that the wedding ring is big. Why does an unmarried girl dream of a ring?

Dreaming about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, engagement.

Receiving a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will propose to you.

Seeing gold rings and signet rings in your dream portends honors, wealth and prosperity.

Breaking or losing a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in a relationship and the loss of a loved one.

Receiving a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a sign of disappointment, which you will experience greatly, especially if the ring has sharp ends.

Seeing rings on others in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in the company of wealthy people and make new acquaintances.

Seeing or wearing an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

Receiving an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but prosperous life.

Seeing two wedding rings in a dream means engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all.

Hearing a conversation about the size of wedding rings in a dream is a sign that you will soon hear a declaration of love.

The size of a ring in a dream signifies how great your love is.

Wearing a wedding ring in a dream is a sign of happiness family life or imminent engagement. Losing it is a shame; to receive is the fidelity of a lover.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts happiness and prosperity in your family life. If the ring suddenly tarnishes, then your happiness will unexpectedly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal.

See interpretation: jewelry.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Ring

Seeing a ring on your hand in a dream from Monday to Tuesday means the joy that children will bring.

If from Sunday to Monday you dreamed that you received a ring as a gift, all the worries and showdowns with the person you love are behind you.

A dream from Friday to Saturday in which you saw a broken ring means quarrels and discord in marital affairs.

Dreaming of rings on the fingers of other people suggests that your new acquaintance risks dragging on for too long and becoming burdensome for you. If you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you should beware of gossip.

By the way, the ring has always been considered a symbol of love. It is the rings that are used for the betrothal of young people, being a talisman new family.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seen in a dream wedding ring portends a quick wedding and a happy marriage.

A ring placed on your finger during a wedding ceremony portends true love, a strong family and healthy offspring.

A gold wedding ring means increased wealth and new useful acquaintances.

A gold-colored alloy ring - you will find yourself in difficulty, not being able to recognize where your true friends are and where your enemies are.

Buying wedding rings means you will be burdened with social work without finding a better candidate.

Selling your engagement ring means that in reality you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream is an annoying mistake; looking for it means a happy occasion will help you avoid trouble; finding it means you will receive good news.

A ring that is too small and does not fit on your finger is a problem with children; falling from it - to losses and losses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Wedding ring

If in a dream your wedding ring is bright and shiny, you will be protected from excessive worries and infidelity of your spouse.

If the ring is lost or broken, sadness will enter your life.

Seeing a wedding ring on another person's hand means that you will not take someone's promises too seriously.

Interpretation of dreams from

Wedding rings are generally associated with weddings, fun, love and happiness. But should we always expect joyful events if we see these objects in our dreams? To answer this question, we decided to resort to the help of several dream interpreters.

: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

If a woman dreams of her own bright and shiny wedding ring, then in her family life she will be reliably protected from worries and adultery. If you dream of losing or breaking a ring, then the dreamer will experience sadness, disappointment and trouble. If in a dream you notice a wedding ring on a friend’s hand, then in reality you should not take all the promises given to you seriously. Also, such a dream may portend some illicit and risky joys.

Why do you dream about wedding rings?: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This dream book interprets a dream about an engagement ring as a symbol of an imminent wedding and a happy family life. If you dream that future spouse or your spouse puts a ring on your finger during the wedding ceremony, then great love, a strong and friendly family, as well as healthy children who bring only joy await you. If you dream of wedding rings made of gold, then you will experience improved well-being, as well as new useful and promising acquaintances. If the ring looks like gold, but in fact it is not, then you may find yourself in a difficult situation when it will be very difficult for you to determine who is your true friend and who is your enemy. Buying wedding rings predicts the social responsibilities assigned to you, the need to fulfill which you cannot avoid. If you dream that you are selling your own engagement ring, then you are in danger of financial difficulties. Losing a ring symbolizes making an annoying mistake, and searching for it is a happy occasion that will help you avoid all possible troubles. If you find a wedding ring in a dream, then expect good news. If you are trying to put a ring on your finger, but it is too small for you, then your children may seriously upset you in the near future. If, on the contrary, the wedding ring is too big for you and falls off your finger, then you are threatened with losses and damages.

Why do you dream about wedding rings?: Dream book for lovers

The loss of a wedding ring predicts future love disappointment and sadness due to separation from a loved one. The interpretation for girls of a dream in which a beautiful and bright wedding ring appears is a long and happy family life in which the husband will in every possible way protect and protect his wife from all life’s troubles and problems. If you see a wedding ring on someone else's hand, then you may receive a marriage proposal that you will not take seriously.

Why do you dream about wedding rings?: Ukrainian dream book

This source says that a dream about a gold wedding ring is a harbinger of an upcoming wedding or a big celebration. A silver ring warns of failures, troubles and disappointments.

Why dream about a wedding ring? Interpretation.

Have you had a dream in which there is a ring for a hoop and you don’t know how to interpret it? Today we will talk about various circumstances sleep and you will definitely be able to correctly interpret your dream. You will receive a general answer to the question: “Why do you dream about the ring?”

The dream book considers the dream where you put a ring on your finger to be simple. It can just lie, for example, on the table, but the dream will be simple. Sometimes you have a dream where you have to choose a ring in a dream, it is also considered simple. There are no special circumstances in it, so the dream is considered an ordinary dream, where the above-mentioned decoration is present.

So, why see a ring in a dream? Let's figure it out.

For example, one of the dream books of the 21st century believes that if you dreamed of a ring, expect some joyful incidents that will soon happen to you. The dream book also warns young girls about a successful marriage if they dreamed of a hoop ring.

If you are married, then the dream can be interpreted as a tender, friendly relationship with all family members, both husband and children.

The French believe that a dreamed decoration warns of marriage, and in it you will be happy; if you wish to have children, then your wish will come true. This interpretation applies to both sexes. If you are presented with this jewelry as a gift, then the one who gave it loves you and this love is extremely sincere.

Miller's Dream Book - if a married woman dreams of a dream, then the family will be strong and your significant other will never cheat on you. But it should shine and attract attention.

If in your dreams you see jewelry on the right or left hand of a stranger, then get ready for a damaged reputation among acquaintances and friends due to actions that they consider unacceptable.

Occasionally, the wedding ceremony itself dreams, because of it the girl has to wear a wedding ring.

Small Velisovy - the girl who was wearing the ring should avoid meeting with unfamiliar male people, they can cause her any harm.

However, if your birthday falls in the winter, there is no need to worry about this. But the dream book predicts another unpleasant event - separation from your soulmate, which may be the last. The dream book also warns about possible problems in your family relationships.

What kind of wedding ring did you dream about?

First, we’ll figure out why you dream about a gold wedding ring. Freud - a dream of gold jewelry symbolizes exclusively feminine. Therefore, when you dream of a precious gold-colored ring, and especially if you present it as a gift to your significant other, both partners are ready for marriage.

Vanga's dream book - your partner is faithful and devoted to you. In the case when the other rug puts this jewelry on your finger, then you should not have any doubts about your partner’s sincere love. A lost or fallen engagement ring is a very bad sign - a symbol of the lie of the other half.

Miller's dream book - a dream about a gold ring is a symbol that your plans will come true. However, if the ring is broken, then this is a sign of betrayal on the part of a partner or failure at work.

And, for example, if you have gold jewelry on your hand, then expect a pleasant incident or the birth of a child.

As you can see, basically all interpretations regarding gold jewelry are very favorable. But what about this jewelry with some kind of stone? In fact this dream dreams quite often. That is why, now we will answer the question: “Why do you dream about a ring with a stone?”

In general, dreams where there is a ring with a stone can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the circumstances and the stone itself.

A large stone on a ring promises you a meeting that you did not expect. And a lot of small stones, on the contrary, portend tears to the dreamer.

For example, if a guy gives his significant other a ring with some kind of stone as a gift, and it is the girl who sees the dream, then this is a warning about a possible wedding, and soon. But a ring with one large diamond promises success in some important matters, work, and a useful acquaintance. Your work will be appreciated and the work done will bring results.

But if it is broken, then expect quarrels and problems personal life, misunderstanding on the part of people very close and dear to you.

Silver product

Now let's talk about what the dream book thinks about silver ring. The only thing that can be said for sure about this decoration in a dream is that it is an excellent sign. This decoration is a symbol of the fact that a period of your life has come when everything is stable and you can forget about eternal problems.

For example, if you dreamed of a silver ring on your finger, then friendship or love relationship will become even stronger.

A wedding ring in dreams is a harbinger of a long and strong marriage, where both spouses sincerely love each other. And if they want children, then their wish will definitely come true.

It is worth behaving carefully only if a ring for a silver hoop was lost in a dream, this could mean some kind of loss in real life. Sometimes, it is the loss of a soul mate, a close friend or relative due to circumstances.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of an engagement ring?

Very frequently asked question: “Why do you dream about wedding rings? unmarried girl? - we will also look at it today.

Again, different dream books This dream is interpreted differently. Some believe that when an unmarried girl sees him in a dream, it is a symbol of meeting an interesting young man. Or, for example, if the ring is on right hand- you are ready for marriage. If the ring is on your left hand, you act and make decisions according to the dictates of your heart.

But another dream book believes that a ring for a hoop in a dream is a very bad sign. This dream book believes that decoration symbolizes vicious circle, in which you find yourself, but only outside of dreams.

Or, for example, when a girl has been in a relationship for a long time, but is not married, expect problems and misunderstandings on the part of the other half.

By the way, often in the dreams of unmarried people there is a choice of decoration. Surely, you are wondering what the dream book thinks about choosing a ring in a dream. In general, the interpretation of sleep is directly related to relationships and possible marriage. The dream book thinks so - if you dream about choosing a ring, then get ready to choose between two men. The choice is made more difficult by the fact that both are good.

Why does a married woman dream of an engagement ring?

We figured out how to interpret the dream of an unmarried girl, where there is a ring for a betrothal. Now we’ll talk about why a married woman dreams of wedding rings.

As was written earlier, a shiny, attention-grabbing engagement ring in dreams married woman- an excellent sign - your spouse is faithful and devoted to you.

  • Do you put it on your finger? The dream book warns that you need to pay more attention to your husband.
  • If you dreamed of an engagement party exactly as in reality, you should think about it. Most likely, your spouse has lost interest in you because of your fault.
  • Does your husband put a very beautiful, shiny ring on your finger again? This is an excellent sign that indicates that a period has come in your life when passion will reappear with even greater force, relationships will strengthen
  • It bigger size, what do you wear - does it fall? Bad sign, which warns of possible betrayal on the part of a spouse or even divorce.
  • If you lose a ring in very muddy water, then get ready for your husband’s illness.
  • In your dream, did you spend all your time looking for a ring for a hoop, but never found it? This is a symbol of approaching difficulties in financially. If you and your significant other can survive difficulties, then a long, happy and carefree family life awaits you.
  • A wooden ring in dreams is a symbol that a promise once made by one of your ancestors will still have to be fulfilled, and it is you who must do this.

Dreaming of several wedding rings

Now let’s figure out why we dream of several wedding rings, and also why we dream of rings on our hands.

First, let's look at the first question. If two decorations are fastened together, this means an imminent wedding. But when the rings are in your hands, this event will most likely happen to people close to you.

If you have several of them on your hand, then an event will occur that no one expected, but it will be positive.

When the dreamer finds two strangers’ rings, distant relatives will make themselves known.

Now let’s look at why you dream about rings on your hands. If you notice it on your finger in your dreams, this is a great sign. Good luck will follow you. Sometimes, dream books interpret this dream as a period of life, a year in which everything will be fine financially, and also this dream symbolizes new, useful acquaintances with interesting people.

Was it very small? Prepare for the illness of someone close to you. And when you put the ring on your finger yourself, get ready for the wedding, and with the person you love and appreciate.

Losing a wedding ring in a dream

And now we will answer the questions: “Why do you dream about losing a ring?”, and also “What does the dream book promise if you lost and found a ring?”

Losing a ring in a dream is tantamount to any loss outside of dreams.

Usually dream books interpret this incident as the loss of a soulmate. Sometimes the dream book promises divorce.

But if you lose your hoop ring, be prepared for severe life trials. They will be given to you because you once violated the oath of fidelity to a loved one.

But first finding it, and then losing it, dreams of success and financial well-being.

So, as you can see, interpreting the dream in which it appears for a hoop is quite simple. The main thing is to remember all the details of the dream and then you will get the most accurate and truthful interpretation.