Statuses about me being beautiful and happy. Beautiful and philosophical statuses about a happy woman

I'm happy! because I love you! and if our love ends... I... will die...

The blood is boiling, the heart is beating: I am saturated with love! Dear husband, you are my sun, I am so happy with you!

Love is happiness for two!

Sweetheart... beloved... dear... tender... the only one... when you say these words to me, it seems to me that I begin to fly into the heavens... the tenderness and happiness takes my breath away... my soul is so calm... and I want to hug the whole world...

The sweetest candy is You)

Eternity? I don’t want to live forever... and I don’t wish you... Eternity?... this is our Love... it doesn’t need to wish for anything... it is Eternal and Beautiful in itself.

By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.

Before you, my life seemed like a moonless night, dark, illuminated only by the radiance of the stars - the sources of common sense.

We are working hard to change our lives so that our descendants will be happy, and our descendants will say, as usual: it was better before, but the present life is worse than the previous one.

And not the tree of happiness. and gardens of happiness, but I don’t agree to anything less)))

I don’t live without you - I just fall into suspended animation until our next meeting...

It’s so good that you are nearby... I feel so calm and warm...)))

If you are next to me, what else do I need in life? I don't need anything. Be there, my love!

Your smiles are the best rays))))))))

Only with you, I felt that I live, breathe, that I am loved.

She walked along a lonely beach, the sound of the waves drowned out her thoughts, the sand slowed her down, but she walked towards her dream, contemplating the rays of the rising sun, smiling at difficulties and crying with joy that he was nearby!!!

Maybe loving you is my HAPPINESS?!

FOR A HAPPY man, any sea is knee-deep and mountains are shoulder-deep!!! And it's mutual!!! Give each other love and happiness!!!

If she is happy, then I will be... If you love someone, this does not mean that you will be together with this person...

I'm the most happy man in the world!!!

Health, love and peace in the family, material well-being and other components of the formula for happiness depend on ourselves.

Love is a priceless gift that no amount of money can buy.

I love when you smile, so sincerely and childishly. The most beloved smile in the world. when you smile I am happy. Love you!

No one has ever brought as much happiness as you)))))))

Happy is not the one who has a lot of goods and money, but the one whose girlfriend is faithful...

It is not the number of partners that is important, but the DEPTH of the relationship!

We kiss in your car... we worry every time before we meet... we will undress with you, take off our shoes... we can’t stop admiring each other...

Thanks to everyone who was in my destiny, who warmed my soul with their love, who even now comes again in a dream, mixing former happiness with past pain...

Love is when you fight over a tea bag, and then fall asleep in a hug...

There is a bright shelter on earth. Love and loyalty live there. Everything that we sometimes only dream about has settled there forever!

Love is a dangerous road to travel.

YOU came down from heaven, bringing love and YOU made me happy!!!

Loving is a heavy cross... For real... And the beauty of the secret... The solution to life is tantamount to...

What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.

After all, We are Like two wings of a free bird... As long as we are together, We will not break...

Love is the key that opens the gates of happiness.

Only happiness is the measure and test of love.

My love for you is comparable to madness, you are so beautiful, ALL desirable and unique!!!
With you, everything turned into magic and miracles. I'm flying high to heaven!!!

Love, love each other, and all of us at the same time, do not cool down, do not retreat - and you will be so happy that it is simply a miracle!

I'm all with you!
All thoughts and desires are with you, all expectations from life are with you! My love is YOU! YOU ARE AN UNEARTHLY ANGEL!!!

I love not blindly, but squinting with happiness...

Happiness to be with you, loving only you...

Only with him I realized that there was no one before him...

I'm happy. And believe me, it WILL BE BETTER FOR EVERYONE! :)

HAPPINESS is sharing everything with you: Joys, worries and dreams. Any day is wonderful for me, simply because YOU are nearby!

Love is a wonderful thing, not so necessary, but for complete happiness you need to be loved and love passionately yourself

I’m angry with him, nervous, bored - and this makes me even angrier, twisting all his gestures, facial expressions, smile in my head. I decide - it's over! But then he appears, and I’m not bored, I’m not mad, I’m not angry - I’m just happy and I understand that I’m alive! I live by it!

The highest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved; They love you, or rather, they love you in spite of you.

We came with Love from Love, in order to love and be loved...
We are all One!!! And I, And you - in Love We are united by Love...)))

Love is when the one you love is happy, love is a feeling when the whole world is concentrated in one person...

By entering into MARRIAGE, you doom yourself to constant trials... by creating a UNION, you extend your hand to family happiness...
Serge Goodman

Happiness is not with just anyone, but with loved ones...

I love you and don’t need more!

Love is faith, it is the religion of earthly happiness, it is a radiant triangle placed in the dome of that temple called the world.

I miss you now - I love you... I kiss you... I hug you...

I won’t give you... to anyone again...

I am the happiest and the saddest. I am the most beautiful and the same as everyone else. But I love you and that’s the main thing!!!

I am the happiest girl in the universe. I wake up in the arms of Happiness!

Her lips are saying “No”, her hormones are screaming “Oh God, Yes, More!!!”

The highest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved; for your own sake, or rather, they love you in spite of you.

I am happy without deception... I live for my family...
And any weather is a miracle... I can endure storms, blizzards, rain... I won’t love for something, I won’t... I live... that’s why I love...

The highest happiness for a woman is to give her love to someone, and not to be loved.

I'm happy! How little a woman needs to be happy!!! Previously, the song infuriated me: “A woman’s happiness would be if she had a sweetheart nearby.” And now I understand that it’s spot on!

Happiness is a soft and warm rainbow light, filled with a light and transparent melody of joy and harmony!

Statuses about happy love

When you dream of a rainbow, never be afraid of getting wet in the rain.

Are you waiting for happiness, but it never comes??? Send a taxi for him!!!

Thoughts are the only place on the planet where you can be truly happy...

If you were building a house of happiness, then the largest room would have to be used as a waiting room.

My happiness has sea-colored eyes... They contain unpredictability and mystery! You can drown in happiness and choke in pain... sometimes a storm, sometimes a calm... you never know what to expect...

Happiness is when you put your foot on his lap, sitting on the sofa, and he draws hearts on it with a felt-tip pen.

You have to pay for happiness, otherwise it will get up, get dressed and leave.

The main components of happiness are as follows: a person must do something, love someone and hope for something.

If everyone is happy, they will die one day.

One girl had happiness and Happiness didn’t last long either.

Nothing, nothing! Don't die of happiness!

Money can't buy happiness - just look at current prices.

Happiness is not when you have everything, but when you don’t need anything else. Although, if you don’t need anything else, then you’re most likely dead.

If you overslept your happiness, sleep with your unhappiness!

Until a bottle of vodka is started, a person needs a lot to be happy.

Happiness was so close, closer - impossible. Closer is just proximity!

I'm happy.. many people tell me about this.. maybe I should believe it?..

Happiness is not in love. It's in you. Someday you will understand this...

Happiness is like health. If you don’t notice it, then IT IS!

With an almost empty bottle of whiskey, an extinguished cigarette, and smeared mascara, she told her friends about how beautiful this world is.

You need to give every day a chance to be the most beautiful day in your life!

Love hell and you will find yourself in heaven!

Living happily means living only in the present.

Every dream is given to you along with the strength to make it come true. But you may have to work for it.

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.

While we put off life, it passes.

What we see depends on where we look.

There is only one path to happiness - we need to stop worrying about things beyond our control.

If you can't change your circumstances, change your attitude towards them.

Make sure you get what you want, otherwise you'll have to love what you get.

Worry is imagination that is misdirected.

Death is close enough to not be afraid of life.

If, in your pursuit of happiness, you ever find it, you will, like the old woman looking for her glasses, discover that it has been on your nose all along.

A day is a small life, you need to live it as if you were supposed to die now, but you were unexpectedly given another day.

In every situation, if you look hard enough, you can find something comforting.

Life is a tragedy for those who feel and a comedy for those who think.

Smile at life and life will smile at you.

The last misfortune is the heaviest of all.

When fate puts spokes in your wheels, only worthless spokes break.

Peace among peace is not real peace. Only by finding peace in movement can one truly comprehend the heavenly nature.

When the heart is light, the heavens shine in a dark dungeon. When thoughts are dark, demons breed in the light of the sun.

Fun amidst fun is not real joy. Only by experiencing joy in sorrow can one understand how the heart lives.

Those for whom days have become similar to one another do not notice all the good things that happen in their lives.

Maybe God created the desert so that man would smile at the trees.

The day is long for those who know how to live.

If you can't have what you want, then learn to want what you have -

When he has an online sign in contact I'm happy

Today I woke up happy, because I fell asleep in the spring, and in the morning I opened my eyes and summer woke up with me.

I'm happy because I fell in love, but not with some other bullshit, but just with this life. People, love this life, it's worth it!

I'm so happy today. It's not comfortable even in front of people.(m)

I am happy with myself and my own life. All that is required of you is to be happy for me.

You are the most dear person to me in this world, and only with you next to me am I happy. Let the whole world know and let the whole universe hear. I truly love you.

I'm happy that I met the one I was looking for. And I won’t trade my fate for anyone else’s.

Sometimes you want to tell your past: what do you need, bitch?! Can't you see I'm happy? Tell it to disappear forever. Don't remember.

And yet I'm happy. Yes, I'm happy. Nobody can deny it. They have no evidence.

Beautiful, smart, I can cook, my head doesn’t hurt. I'm not looking for anyone, I'm just showing off. Envy: I'm happy!

So that all your affairs succeed, and your life glows with positivity, give yourself an attitude in the morning. I am Happy, Successful and Beautiful!!!

I talked to him on the phone. I'm happy:*

Do you know why I'm so happy? They just wished me a lot of happiness on my birthday.

I'm alone. And I'm happy, you're not the last. I wish you happiness too. Find your perfect one. Does it exist, but you look, maybe you will find it.

I’m going with a friend, she’s wearing heels, she’s so chic. And I’m next to you in flip-flops, looking so happy.

Hahaha. Did you think it would hurt me? From my darling, I’m happy without you

My dear. beloved, thank you for being in the world. I am happy that you are strong like the wind and love me no matter what. You protect me from pain and tears. Sadness, you don’t even let me come close. My dear, thank you for living!

Ahh. Guys. I fell in love!. And I'm happy! =)

I poured coffee, went to the window, looked at the sun and realized that I was happy.

I'm just happy! =)

I feel bad, but you think I’m happy. I play, and you think I live. I still have a lot of masks, and you don’t even try to take them off.

I remember the face of the guy who I needed for 8 months, he saw me with my boyfriend! He himself then said that he was not an option! Well then! Get it! I'm happy without you! My maxim is the best!

I'm happy! -Where did you get the idea? -I just know it! I love everyone, people give each other smiles! IN modern world I miss this so much! =)

The weak take revenge. The strong forgive. And I'm Happy - I forget everything.

Taking this opportunity, I want to say hello to my exes: Suck me, dears, I’m happy!

Mom, I promise you. He won't destroy me. I'm happy that he loves me.

No, I'm not pretentious. I smoke Kent, I only drink coffee and whiskey, I don’t go to clubs, I prefer coffee. I don't change boyfriends, I only have one. I'm happy, damn it.

I'm happy. I tell myself this every morning and it’s probably true.

A boy whom I really like wrote to me (do you love me?) I answered him that I really like him. And he said that he wanted me too) damn girls, I’ve been waiting for this for a year, I’m happy)

Marry me, urgently! And then all the friends complain about their husbands, they are so unhappy! I’m the only one happy, it’s already inconvenient)))))

It seems to me that my inspiration is drawn only from sadness, melancholy and pain. When I’m happy, I don’t want to write anything, but when I’m in pain, I pour out my whole soul into the written lines.

When you return home from work, I will smile at you and say quietly, quietly: “I am very happy that the best man in the world is next to me.

I want it to be like this: sp: married to. Status: I am happy with my most beloved and best man (updated 50 years ago), and on the wall there are inscriptions: grandma, happy anniversary!

The happiest, the most beloved, and the rest doesn’t matter.

Imagine him. Your heart begins to beat wildly and a happy smile appears on your face!

May every person who reads this quote have his most cherished dreams come true! My dream has come true! And today I am the happiest! I wish the same for all of you!

A woman truly becomes happy only when she becomes a mother. Every mother has her own source of happiness, her own shining sun, the meaning of life - her beloved child.

I always tell everyone that everything is fine with me and I’m happy, no matter what. After all, our thoughts are material!

He is handsome, kind, sweet, so funny. It’s bad without him, but when he’s around, I’m happy. He's good with me. real. him beautiful eyes and smile. he is the dearest. I love him very much.

So that all your affairs succeed, and life always sparkles with positivity, give yourself the attitude in the morning: I AM HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!!

I'm happy! I have everything for this, even you, honey, you just don’t know it yet.

One is in my heart, another is in my thoughts, the third is on my phone screensaver. I'm happy.

I'm happy not because there is a reason, but because there is no reason not to be so

I feel bad. When you are far away (when you are near, I am happy! I want to do incomprehensible actions and I don’t know what you did to me =/

The happiest woman in the world is, of course, a mother who has children.

There is only one suffering: to be alone. And that’s why I often realize how happy I am, because I have Friends!

For me, you are warmer than the sun, softer than clouds and more fragrant than flowers. I am the happiest because you are my happiness.

I deceive myself, I smoke, I swear, I have no conscience, my room is a mess, but I’m happy, happy that I live like this, and I don’t need anything.

I didn’t write for 4 days, so I couldn’t stand it and wrote to him myself.) And he wanted to see how proud I was. I'm happy!

I'm a wolf. Proud and free. I will kneel only before God. Strong because they hurt. Brave - I have nothing to fear! I have real friends and super parents. I am happy, but I ask you not to interfere!

I'm happy by default! Please do not meddle in the settings!

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven. I’m warning you, there’s no need to put up a ladder, I won’t get down anyway.

I opened the curtains to make it brighter outside. This is me shining with happiness.

A beautiful smile, a confident gait, a drop of perfume, heels and a whisper behind her: “She’s still happy.”

I have unlimited tariff"Personal happiness!"

Being drunk with happiness is much cooler than being drunk with alcohol!

And yet I'm happy. Yes, I'm happy. Nobody can deny it. They have no proof!

Don't bother... found happiness...

The main thing is to feel happy, and what others say is no longer important.

And I don’t need someone else’s happiness... I would like to hold my own in my hands...

The greatest happiness in the world is the confidence that you are loved!

To hell with rose-colored glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present... To hell with everything that happened - I’m happy!

I love the truth, but still prefer happiness...

I tried on happiness... And it suits me... I will wear it.

Let's go with a friend! She looks so chic in heels. And I’m so happy in slippers!!!

I'm happy! I'm doing what I love.

I want, I can, I will and now I’m happy!

I am very happy! Yes Yes Yes! And whoever ruins my mood, I’ll throw slippers at me!

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one can stop it

Happinnes exists. I know him. I know his phone number, his habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he smiles gorgeously!

I am happy that every day I see my future next to him more and more clearly...


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What could be more beautiful than an incredibly happy woman? Absolutely nothing, because a happy woman, like any hero from Greek myths, is capable of performing a lot of “feats” and deeds. You know that most of the fair sex have hundreds of problems on the topic excess weight, their beauty and attractiveness, they always see a sea of ​​flaws in themselves and are always prone to self-criticism. But few people know that all this self-criticism is almost always based on a lack of the most banal happiness. I don’t think you know many ladies who, being happy, delved into their shortcomings or believed that nature did not reward them with an attractive appearance. As proof, let's give an example of a girl in love, who, inspired, goes on a romantic date with her boyfriend, she feels great, smiles at passers-by and does not see the sun dark spots. And also, even if a week ago she stood in front of the mirror for an hour and looked at her body, which was not ideal, as it seemed to her, she did not know what to wear today, because she believed that everything did not suit her and, having dressed, she went out into the street , walking sullenly into new day. It is not surprising that it is love, the other half and the family as a whole that turns a girl into a young, happy woman who, with male support, can overcome any difficulties and failures in the family, in career growth and in life in general. Our statuses, I'm happy, are simply obliged to lift your spirits and inspire you, dear creatures.

Statuses about a woman’s love and happiness

I am in heaven with happiness, and you don’t need to give me a ladder, I won’t get down anyway!

To be happy means to be loved.

My heart beats very quickly, right in the rhythm of happiness.

The best decoration for a woman is happiness.

I don’t run after happiness, I sit and wait for it in ambush...

He loved me so much that he himself was happy about it.

I have a family, so I must be happy.

When you hold me close to you at night, I find true happiness.

More statuses about a happy woman:

  • You loved me and let happiness into my home.
  • You complimented me this morning - I blossomed in an instant.
  • I am not jealous of my husband towards women, but only towards two. To the one who gave birth to him, and to the one who gave birth to me.
  • If a woman sees her husband smiling, she becomes happy. After all, he smiles at her...
  • Good mood You can’t buy it for money, but you can give it to me, just smile at me and hug me.
  • The world created you to make me happy every day.
  • The search is over, I have already found my happiness!

Statuses about a happy woman with meaning

Put on your glasses, today I shine with happiness.

I don't watch the weather forecast, I have HAPPY weather every day!

I officially allow this day to become the happiest day of my life.

A woman who loves always has hope and faith in her heart...

My parents tried and made me educated, and you came into my life and made me simply happy.

You will never find happiness in marriage if you don't bring it with you.

Many women expect crazy things from men, and only a few are able to actually see them.

A woman does not need to be perfect to be happy.

In private, I listen to myself, and I won’t say anything bad to myself.

If you are still looking for the meaning of life, then you have not yet found your happiness.

Choose for yourself short statuses about a happy woman.

If you want to be happy, be...

I have an unlimited package of happiness.

Please don't disturb me, I'm in the happy zone.

Truth is good, but I prefer happiness.

If life doesn't make you happy, make it happy.

I live by the rules... by the rules of happiness.

I promise myself that I will be happy!

The trouble is tired and gone...

There is happiness between us.

Statuses on the topic "I'm happy"

Don't mess with my settings, I'm happy by default.

I tried on happiness and decided that I wouldn’t take pictures anymore.

Today I am visiting with happiness.

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood!

A happy woman cannot help but be liked.

Being yourself is even more than happiness.

Life is never happy, there are just happy people.

Statuses about a happy woman, choose:

  • My friend in heels is very beautiful, and I am very happy in slippers.
  • I will succeed because I am already happy.
  • You can’t run away from happiness if it’s inside you!
  • Happiness is when you wake up every day next to your loved one.
  • You don’t need to talk loudly about love, you just need to make your woman happy.
  • I am very happy, I ask the past not to bother me.
  • A garden has blossomed in my heart, a garden of love and happiness.
  • I made an incredibly difficult decision - to be happy.
  • You can only cry from happiness.
  • I'm happy, honestly. And I'm not imitating!

Statuses about a happy woman and mother

There is happiness, I know for sure. I gave birth to him.

Now I am very happy and I will have a happy future because I have become a mother.

The happiness of a mother and wife is when everyone is at home, and especially when they are all sleeping...

Childbirth is nothing compared to the happiness you gain after it.

From good husband a woman gives birth to one child, and if he also becomes a good father, she will give him more children.

The mathematicians were definitely wrong: one plus one is still three.

A woman can do a lot, but a mother can do everything!

Just the smell of a baby makes me happy...

Even on Saturday, instead of sleeping in the morning, I am ready to watch cartoons, because I am a happy mother... But a little sleepy.

There is only one child left until seventh heaven...

Happiness = children.

Statuses about women's happiness

I am doing a very important thing, making myself happy.

I am so delightfully different from everyone else that it makes me confidently happy!

I have love in my heart and happiness in my soul.

I simply believed in my happiness and... it asked me for my hand and heart.

I will not take revenge on anyone, I will just become happy.

Beautiful statuses about a happy woman.

The main thing is that I am happy, and what people say is no longer important.

No matter how happy I am this moment, I can always make myself even happier. Happiness is within each of us...

Whoever can be happy without you will not find happiness with you.

Become happy and you will see that the world will become happy too...

Everyone around me feels good because I’m good today.

I caught happiness and now I won’t let go.

Every day in the mirror I see a happy woman.

If you are unhappy, draw happiness for yourself.

This is not the end, this is another step towards happiness.