Alben: an effective universal remedy for worms. Review: Alben for humans reviews Alben for horses doses

Alben C is not intended for the treatment of diseases caused by trematodes. The drug belongs to the category of low-toxic substances, so it is tolerated normally by animals. It does not have a teratogenic effect if taken in prescribed doses. Available exclusively in tablet form.

Active substances

Alben S - instructions for use for cats

The drug is packaged in blister boxes with a capacity of 3 and 6 pieces, and then in cardboard packaging. Having opened the package of Alben S for cats, instructions can be found inside, complete with blisters.

Tablets can be used both for prophylactic and therapeutic purpose. In this case, the medicine should first be crushed in a mortar at the rate of 1 tablet per 5 kg of cat weight, and then diluted in 10 ml boiled water.

After vigorous shaking, the resulting suspension must be administered orally to the cat using a syringe without a needle. The suspension is taken at the rate of 1 ml per 0.5 kg of animal weight. For the treatment of large animals, the drug can be mixed with food or water, without bringing it into suspension.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug is administered once, and for prophylactic purposes - quarterly. There is no need for preliminary cleansing of the body or a starvation diet before using the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Giving Alben S tablets for cats against worms is prohibited in the following cases:

  • If the animal has not reached 3 months of age.
  • If it is weakened or suffering infectious diseases.
  • If the cat is pregnant or lactating.
  • If the drug has expired or the integrity of the original packaging has been damaged.
  • If the animal has sensitivity to certain components of the drug.

When taking the drug in the above doses and in accordance with the prescribed standards, the frequency of side effects was not observed.

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, animals may experience stool and digestive disorders, weakness, allergies and other side effects. At the first occurrence of such reactions, you must immediately stop taking the drug.

Alben s for cats - reviews

I prefer to give my beloved pets Alben C tablets for cats and dogs. I just buy a large package and give one tablet per quarter for prevention purposes.

I like this drug because it is very easy to use. You crush the tablet to a powder, add it to the food, and the animal doesn’t even notice how it’s being treated. During the entire period of use, helminths were never found in the bodies of my cats and dogs, although I take them to the veterinarian for routine checks regularly.

Review of Albena S, writes Sofia. A good anthelmintic drug, which I chose from many analogues. Firstly, it is very inexpensive, and secondly, it can be used from the very beginning. early age, and thirdly, there is no need to torture the animal to administer it. I recommend to all.

Price Alben S for cats

The average price of the drug in Russian pharmacies varies from 30 to 50 rubles.

Storage conditions of the drug

The drug should be kept in a dry, dark place, away from children, animals, food products and feed. The optimal storage temperature varies between 5–25°C. The shelf life, while maintaining the integrity of the original packaging, is 2 years.

Composition and pharmacological properties.

The mechanism of action of the drug is to disrupt carbohydrate metabolism and microtubular function of helminths, which leads to their death and elimination from the animal’s body. Active against sexually mature and immature nematodes and cestodes, as well as sexually mature trematodes. Possessing an ovicidal effect, it reduces helminth infestation in pastures.

Indications for use.

Gastrointestinal nematodes (haemonchiasis, bunostomiasis, esophagostomiasis, nematodirosis, ostertagiasis, nonascariasis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, strongyloidiasis, trichostrongylosis, storngylatosis, parascariasis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, toxocariasis, toxascariasis, hookworm disease, uncinariasis, ascaridiosis oz, heterokiosis, ganguleterakiosis);
pulmonary nematodes (dictyocaulosis, protostrongylosis, mulleriosis, cystocaulosis, neostrongylosis, metastrongylosis);
cestodiasis (moniesiosis, avitellinosis, tyzaniesiosis, hymenolepiasis in geese and ducks, drepanidoteniasis in geese);
trematodes (fascioliasis, dicroceliosis, paramphistomatosis).


The drug is not recommended for use during the breeding period, for sheep, goats, pigs and fur-bearing animals - in the first half, cows and mares - in the first third of pregnancy, as well as for patients infectious diseases and emaciated animals.

Side effects.

When using the drug according to the instructions side effects and no complications are observed.

Doses and method of administration.

Kind of animal

Dose of Albena granules (g/kg animal weight)

Dose of Albena tablets (tab/kg animal weight)


Basic dose

3.75 g / 100 kg

1 tablet / 50 kg

Dose for fascioliasis, dicroceliosis, paramphistomatosis and winter ostertagiasis

1 tablet / 35 kg

Sheep, goats:

Basic dose

2.5 g / 100 kg

1 tablet / 70 kg

Dose for fascioliasis, dicroceliosis and protostrongyloidiasis

3.75 g / 100 kg

1 tablet / 45 kg

Horses, donkeys, mules

3.75 g / 100 kg

1 tablet / 50 kg

5.0 g / 100 kg

1 tablet / 35 kg

Fur-bearing animals (toxocariasis, toxascariasis, hookworm disease, uncinariasis)

2.5 g / 10 kg

1 tablet /7 kg

Poultry (ascariasis, heterokiosis)

0.5 g / 10 kg (1 time per day for 2 days in a row)

1 tablet / 35 kg (1 time per day for 2 days in a row)

When using a group method of administration, the calculated dose of “Albena granules” is mixed with concentrated feed (based on feed per 1 animal): for horses and cattle - 0.5-1.0 kg; sheep, goats and pigs - 150-200 g; poultry - 50 g; fur animals - 50-100 g).
The resulting medicinal mixture is poured into feeders for a group of 10-100 animals, providing them with free access to the feeders.
Alben granules are administered to fish in a group method as part of the feed, at a dose of 0.2 g per 1 kg of ichthyomass. At the factory: 4 kg of Albena granules are introduced into 1 ton of feed mixture using the trituration method. On the farm: 1 kg of Albena granules is suspended in 7-10 liters of water and mixed with 250 kg of feed in a mixer. Food with “Alben granules” is fed to fish without prior starvation diet twice with a 24-hour break. The daily amount of food is 5% of the body weight of the fish.

Special instructions.

Slaughter of cattle, sheep and goats for meat is permitted after 14 days; horses, pigs and poultry - 7 days after deworming. Milk can be used for food purposes no earlier than 4 days after deworming. The bird's egg can be eaten 4 days after deworming. Meat from forcedly killed animals and milk obtained before the expiration of the specified periods can be used to feed carnivorous animals.
Catching and selling fish for food purposes is permitted no earlier than 18 days after the end of use of the drug.


Store the drug with precautions (list B) in the original packaging, in a place protected from light and moisture, separately from food and feed, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Release form.

Alben granules - a polymer jar or bucket with a capacity of 1 kg, a bag of multi-layer paper 0.5 kg. Alben tablets – box of 25 and 100 pieces. External packaging – cardboard box.

Most farmers keep animals for the purpose of obtaining a certain benefit. The same applies to raising chickens, because in addition to egg production, they are also sources of tasty and dietary meat. However, in order household was profitable, it is necessary to take into account a variety of content issues. In particular, it is necessary to regularly carry out prevention against helminthiasis, which is a fairly common disease in poultry and livestock. Alben for chickens is a drug that copes well with this problem.

Widely used as a medicine for deworming animals. Particularly relevant for gastrointestinal nematodiasis, bunostomiasis, coopyrosis, habertiosis, parascariasis, trichuriasis.

Alben can also be used in the treatment of trematodes and cestodes.

What are the advantages of Alben?

The main advantages of this anthelmintic drug lie in its composition and active ingredient. Thanks to these factors, Alben has the following characteristics:

Available in the form of regular tablets that are taken orally.

Alben, composition

Available in packs containing two or four blisters. One blister contains 25 doses. Also sold in banks that contain different quantities capsules - from 25 to 500 pieces.

Medicinal properties of Albena

The drug itself is absorbed into the walls gastrointestinal tract chickens

Dosage and method of use of Albena

Alben is used as a prevention and treatment not only for chickens, but also for large livestock. Accordingly, the dosage will be different, depending on the animal itself.

Chickens need 10 mg per 1 kg of weight. Thus, one capsule will be used for 40 kg of bird weight.

As for the method of administration, there are several of them. You can use them in pure form, or mix it with food. It is best to do this in the morning, mixing the medicine and food, providing free access to the feeder.

Contraindications for use

Alben is a fairly toxic substance, so it should be used with caution. There is also a list of certain contraindications to taking this drug:

  • if the bird is sick with any disease, or is severely emaciated;
  • should not be given to individuals suffering from infectious diseases.

In addition, the use of Alben affects the composition of animal milk, eggs and meat. That is why, after deworming, at least two weeks must pass if slaughter is planned. For chickens, pigs and horses, this period is slightly shorter - only seven days. As for the eggs, more than four days should pass.

How to feed chickens with Alben?

Breeding Alben in water presents a certain difficulty, because it is not always possible to monitor whether all the chickens have consumed the water. That is why it is best to feed the chickens individually, crush them and mix them with water. You must first weigh the chicken to determine the exact dose.

We have already said that one serving is for 35-40 kilograms of weight, i.e. for one chicken you will need clearly less than a whole dose. On average, a chicken weighs about 2 kilograms, so one tablet goes for 18-20 chickens at once, which is what you should start from when calculating per individual. The drug mixed with water is administered to each chicken using a syringe through the beak. Naturally, you need to remove the needle from the syringe so as not to injure the bird.

What medications are available for worms?

It is prevention that makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of helminthiasis, because this disease cannot always be diagnosed in time. The owner may not notice any special changes in a chicken infected with worms, but it will rapidly lose its weight. Special medications are used to prevent and treat helminthiasis, which are worth talking about in a little more detail.

The drug enters the body orally, absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, and then excreted naturally, i.e. through feces and urine.

The dosage depends on the type of animal. As a preventive measure, Alvet is used in two stages for poultry, and for large animals - once. Before adoption, it must first be tested on a small number of members of the species. It is necessary to monitor their condition for a couple of days, and if there are no special complications, then they can be combined with food for other animals.

Important! This product has one significant contraindication - it should not be given to laying hens.

Available in powder form, which contains flubendazole, which acts as an active ingredient. Available in bags of 20 and 600 grams.

Flubendazole kills nematodes by blocking glucose transmission. The main indications for use include the presence of heteracidosis, ascariasis, trichinosis, esophagostomosis, syngamosis.

The course of treatment is one week. Chickens are given the following dosage - 60 grams per 100 kg of feed. Flubendazole also first needs to be tested on a small group of chickens, only then can it be introduced into the feed for the rest of the chickens.

Available in granule form various shapes, having a gray, yellow and white tint. Available for sale various options packaging, including bags and plastic jars from 50 grams to 5 kilograms. Available in powder form, the composition of which is almost identical to the granular product.

Tetramizole is mixed with the feed, after which the birds have free access to the feeder. The approximate dosage is 5 grams per chicken.

If you plan to slaughter, you need to know that at least ten days must pass after using this product.

This anthelmintic drug is available in tablet and granular form. The granules contain a larger amount of active ingredient - 222 mg per granule.

Dosage is calculated based on weight. For example, 1 tablet is used for 15 kg of live weight, and a granule is used for 22 kilograms. As for the slaughter of animals and birds, at least two weeks must pass after all procedures have been completed. Concerning chicken eggs, then they can be used for food only after four days. In more early dates After slaughter, the meat is unfit for human consumption, but can be used as feed for carnivorous animals.

Anthelmintic medicine is available in powder form. One gram contains 2 mg of aversectin C. The medicine is packaged in cans of 150 grams, as well as in bags of 5 and 10 kg.

This product is available in the form of a gray powder. Packaged in bags or boxes from 10 to 500 grams.

Indications for use of this product are as follows:

Application possible in individually, and also as group feeding, i.e. mixed with food. At the same time, Abictin should be consumed twice.

Note! This drug has enough wide range contraindications. Abiktin is strictly contraindicated for the treatment of helminths in laying hens.

Broilers can be given this medicine, but it is worth considering the fact that slaughter should be carried out only two weeks after administration. Otherwise, such meat can only be used to feed other animals.

Abictine is quite toxic, so basic safety precautions must be observed. In addition to rubber gloves, you can use a respirator or gauze bandage. Remember that after mixing with food, the container must be disposed of.

Treatment of worms in laying hens - Alben or Tetramizole?

Both drugs have a pronounced anthelmintic effect. They differ in the active substance, but in both cases they can be used to treat helminthiasis in laying hens.

Tetramizole is available in powder form, which makes mixing the medicine with water a little easier.

However, Alben can be crushed independently by mixing with water or food. In terms of toxicity, they are approximately the same, so they have no visible advantages over each other.

As for Alben, there is one important clarification. Its use is not recommended if laying hens are kept in enterprises or farms, i.e. eggs are intended for further sale. As for personal consumption, eggs can be eaten after four days from the date of taking the drug. After taking Tetramizole you will also have to wait four days.

Disease Prevention

You can also give chickens certain foods:

  • Pumpkin seeds and pulp;
  • Rose hip;
  • Dried lingonberries;
  • Chopped onion;
  • Walnut;
  • Pomegranate seeds, crushed;
  • Crushed garlic.

The above products should first be crushed and then mixed with water or food. These folk remedies have proven themselves in the prevention of worms, so they can be used as an auxiliary method to anthelmintic drugs.

You can also lay wormwood and tansy on the floor in enclosures, which help prevent the appearance of worms.

You can add special ones to your chickens’ diet vitamin complexes, as well as foods containing vitamin A, calcium and lysine. This is very important, because it is always better to prevent a disease than to deal with its consequences. Especially when it comes to helminthiasis, which may well cause the death of domestic animals and birds.

Video - Treatment and prevention of worms

Alben is a remedy with a wide spectrum of activity. The main advantage of the drug is that through its use it is possible to reduce the infestation of pastures.

The medicine is allowed to be used once, it has anthelmintic activity and is a highly effective drug.

Composition and release forms

The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets and granules. The composition includes the active ingredient albendazole. Additional elements include:

  • lactose;
  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Alben 360's instructions for use say that active substance active in poly- and mono-invasions.

Regarding immature and sexually mature cestodes and nematodes, has a wide spectrum of effects and has an anthelmintic effect.

The drug is able to reduce the infestation of pastures with helminth eggs due to its ovicidal effect. Due to beta-tubulin inhibition:

  • biochemical processes change;
  • glucose utilization is suppressed;
  • the movement of helminths slows down;
  • destruction of cytoplasmic microtubules and their cells occurs.

Indications and contraindications

Before using Alben tablets for animals, you need to study the instructions. This is necessary so that negative reactions do not develop.

The drug is indicated for the following conditions:

  • toxocariasis;
  • nematodirosis;
  • hemonchosis;
  • uncinariasis;
  • heterokiosis;
  • dictyocaulosis;
  • moniesiosis;
  • habertiosis;
  • dictyocaulosis;
  • mulleriosis;
  • Cystocaulosis;
  • metastrongylosis;
  • fascioliasis;
  • paramphistomatosis;
  • toxascariasis.

The drug is contraindicated:

  • for use in emaciated animals;
  • for infectious pathology;
  • at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • during mating season fur-bearing animals, pigs, goats, sheep.

Instructions for use

Alben’s instructions for use in veterinary medicine indicate that tablets should be taken orally once without prior diet. Can be used in a group method or individually if mixed with concentrated feed.

For fur-bearing animals and rabbits, 15 mg per kilogram of weight is recommended once for 2 days. Birds are prescribed 10 mg/kg. For goats and sheep, 5 mg/kg is indicated; for dicroceliosis, the dosage is increased to 7 mg/kg. Large cattle 7 mg/kg is indicated, the dose is increased to 10 mg/kg for dicroceliosis, fasciliosis. Horses are prescribed 8 mg per kg of body weight. 10 mg/kg is indicated for pigs.

Tablets can be forcibly administered on the tongue or use them in crushed form along with food. If a group treatment method is used, the drug must be mixed with food. The mixture should be designed for 10−100 animals. Before carrying out mass treatment, it is necessary to test the medicine on a small group, which will consist of 5 animals. If after 3 days they do not develop adverse reactions, then you can begin to process the entire livestock.

The dosage for cats and dogs is 1 Tenalben tablet/5 kg of body weight. It is ground into powder and given with food.

20 days after the procedure, it is allowed to slaughter farm animals, and 3 days later - birds. Milk can be consumed no earlier than after 4 days. Poultry eggs are used 5 days after deworming. The sale of fish for food purposes is permitted no earlier than 2 weeks after completion of the drug. Pork meat can be eaten 2 weeks after the procedure.

If the dosages prescribed by the veterinarian are followed, no adverse reactions should develop.

The drug Alben Forte must be stored in its original packaging in a dark place out of reach of children at temperatures up to 24 degrees Celsius.

The active substance is albendazole. The medication is available in granules and tablets, each of which contains 20% of the main active ingredient.

  • The granules are packaged in dense laminated bags weighing 0.5 kg or 1 kg.
  • Tablets weighing 1.8 g are supplied to the retail chain in aluminum blisters and jars made of polymer material. The containers contain 25, 50, 100 and 200 pieces.

Store tablets and granules in places protected from light at a positive temperature, but not higher than +23°C. Shelf life is at least 2 years from the date of issue.

Alben for broiler chickens

Dosage and schedule

The drug can be used as a medicinal and prophylactic. The dosage will be different in each case. The age and weight of the bird are also taken into account, and the dosage for chickens is calculated according to the number of heads.

During mass deworming proceed as follows:

  • Determine the required amount of the drug at the rate of 10 mg/kg of bird weight;
  • Mix with food;
  • They fall asleep in the feeders.

After taking Alben, observe the chickens for 3 days and, if no side effects are found, then give medicine all the livestock.

Taking Albena rarely works side effects, which are possible mainly with an overdose.

In these cases the following are observed:

  • Short-term diarrhea;
  • Refusal of food;
  • Vomit.

After starting treatment poultry should be pretty clean drinking water. This is an important condition for the correct implementation of the deworming process.