Nikolai Oleinikov, poetry. Under the gaze of a gorgon Not a fisheye

Finding of the day: we read aloud the poems of the oberiut poet Nikolai Oleinikov at work. Until now, I only knew his famous "fried crucian carp", "siskin" and "anti-Semitic beetle", but there was an excellent selection of other poems.

N.S. Boldyreva

fried fish,
Dear carp,
Where is your smile
What was yesterday?

Fried fish,
My poor crucian
You could live
If not passion.

What ruined you
Threw it here
Where it's not so nice
Where is the frying pan?

I remember you as a child

you laughed,
Laughed loudly
Under the waves of the Neva.

Karasikha ladies
adored you -
Scales and dimples
Yes, your fisheye.

Fish busts -
Simply beauty!
It's hard not to smile
In those places to look.

But one morning
met you
In the glitter of mother-of-pearl
Marvelous madam.

The lady seduced
you to your house,
But that lady
Weak was the mind.

Who is dealing with
Oh, I didn't understand
Seducing, boldly
Ran out of the house.

And the unfortunate decided
Die immediately.
He rushed, passionate.
He jumped into the net.

Evil people have taken
fish from nets,
sent to the stove
Simple, no fuss.

ripped open with a knife,
Ripped out the guts
Salted with salt
Threw in the pain...

But life is beautiful
Drawn for you.
You were considered passionate
I'll give you a quick...

white currant,
Black trouble!
Do not walk carp
Never with sweetheart.

Do not walk carp
warm water,
Don't look at the clock
Rushing to another.

feathered fins
He doesn't move.
Your love< корюшкою>
He won't call.

So make some noise, silly
Neva water.
Do not swim carp
Nowhere else.


(Before Andronikov, the editorial secretary was Henrietta Davydovna, a woman of extraordinary beauty, because of which there were many disputes)

I'm in love with Henrietta Davydovna,
And she doesn't seem to be in me -
She issued a receipt to Schwartz,
I don't seem to have a receipt.

I hate the damn Schwartz
For which she suffers!
For him, for the mind of a poor man,
She wants to marry like a fish.

Dear, beautiful Grunya,
Fall out of love with him, boar!
The fact is that Schwartz has no goiter.
Doesn't breath like I do.

He is a scoundrel, a seducer, a scoundrel -
He just wants to love women...
And Oleinikov, a modest handsome man,
Continues to be in disgrace.

I'm handsome, I'm squeamish, I'm cheeky
I have many different ideas.
I don’t have tan marks in my thoughts,
How this Indian has them!

Love me, love me!
Love it, love it!

If it were not for Natasha -
I would run home.
If it were not for Natasha -
I would burn my life with vodka.

The day I don't see you
For me, a lost day.
What then is the bloom of a rose,
What is lily of the valley and lilac to me!

But when with you
I am among your chains
I also love plantain
I also like burdock.


mare wife -
To satisfy the ardor.

Cow wife -
For a quiet family home.

Bitch wife -
To irritate the nerve.

Tiny Wife -
A little bit of everything.

The sun disappeared behind the mountain.
Digging a pit of sycophants in the darkness of the night.
Maybe it will dig, or maybe it won't.
Still, there is no happiness in the world.

Once beautiful Vera,
Throwing away your clothes,
Together with your boyfriend
Laughed to tears all night.

It was really fun!
It really was funny!
And the blizzard howled behind the window,
And the wind was knocking on the window.

I lost my sleep
Stopped eating
I am very much in love
into a gentle creature.

That creature sits
On the window is hot.
For him my passionate look
Does not mean anything.

of this creature
There is no sweeter and more beautiful
There is no more multifaceted
Our dear Lida.

The first time I have you
I just saw
All beauties at the same time
I hated.
Except you.

I was burning
Noticed in my chest
And since then the genius
The heart is crippled.

Something broke in my heart
Something broke
The wine cork slammed
Resounded in my ear.

And since then I've been suffering
Remembering you
mighty beauty,
The power of your eyes.

Your eyebrows are black
Gloomy as clouds
Moles - currants,
Kiss hands.

In wild desire
I spend the night
Conduct with patience
I can't take it anymore.

Sorry, Lydia
New Ovid.
To my atrium
Drops of mercy!

So that your consciousness
It would suddenly become clear
So that my food
Recovered again.


Without clothes and in clothes
I saw you yesterday
Feeling what was before
Never felt.

Above the circulatory system
Forked like a bush
Sparrows lightning fast
A flock of feelings swept

No doubt, no malice
poisoned blood,
And unfortunate, to the grave
Unbreakable love.

And other feelings
These feelings have a name - passion!
- Lisa! Artist!
Let me come to you!


(A poem that castigates debauchery)

I came to visit, drank vodka,
The owner is restraining his ardor.

But the vodka was drunk.
The owner took me in.

She teased me like this:
"Let's spread a bivouac with you,
Believe me, I will make you laugh:
I'm as good as a tarantass."

Breathing heavily from passion
I'm undressing, bitch.

Engaged in a dangerous game
I thought: “What if I die?”

Indeed, not a minute has passed
Like something left me.

The soul was something.
I died. Bodies stopped working.

And now, dropping the burden of life,
I lie cool as a watermelon.

The watermelon is cut. He rolled
He lived - and suddenly stopped.

A flea-bone is quietly dozing in it,
And dripping from his ear.

But it didn’t drip once!
These are the consequences of depravity.


In the halls of red currant
One hundred and seventeen beetles live,
The green grasshopper is beautiful
Four fleas and fifteen crickets.
What kind of air do they breathe?
How satisfying and clean they eat!
How magnificently it sways over them
Currant your grapes!



small caliber bird
It's called a hummingbird.


shakes his legs,
Butts with horns,
Wing buzzes:

Zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi-kid! -
Beetle anti-Semite.

Beetle talking to Ladybug

There was no urine in the forest,
We didn't have a life:
Abram under every bump!

- Yes, sir ... A lot of Jews!

Grasshopper's Autumn Complaint

And the sun doesn't shine
And the birds don't whistle.
Only Jews
They sit on branches.

Grasshopper's Winter Complaint

Oh, those chicks!
Oh, those scoundrels!
Their wives and daughters
They only wear doha.

Dohi and warm them,
Dohi and caress
Who are not Jews?
Those all die.

The conversation of the Beetle with the Butterfly

- Butterfly, butterfly, where is your daddy?

Our daddy drowned.

- Butterfly, butterfly, where is your mommy?

- Mom was eaten by the Jews.

Death of the Beetle

Beetle (disappointed).

Sparrow - Jews,
Canary is Jewish
Ladybug - Jewess,
Termite - Semite,
Rook - parhach!

Lived in an apartment
Forty four
Forty four
Frail siskin:

Siskin paranoid,

Chizh is an idiot.


Rupe -
For soup
Three rubles -
For potatoes
Five -
On a hen
Top ten -
Weave -
For vodka
And a thousand rubles -
For the satisfaction of passions

Nikolai Makarovich Oleinikov (1898-1937) - one of the most original and prominent representatives Russian poetic avant-garde of the 1920s-1930s. Subtle lyricist and parodist, poet-satirist, philosopher, a kind of stylist.
Together with D. Kharms, A. Vvedensky, N. Zabolotsky, D. Levin and others, he was a member of the OBERIU group (Association of Real Art). Created children's magazine"Hedgehog" (Daily magazine). He edited two children's magazines: "Hedgehog" and "Chizh" (Extremely interesting magazine), worked together with Marshak, Schwartz. Andronikov, Chukovsky, Zhitkov, Bianki.
Under the pseudonym Makar the Fierce for a long time published in "Hedgehog" "Map with adventures".
In 1937 Oleinikov was arrested, after his arrest the NKVD destroyed the entire editorial office of children's literature. Oleinikov and his “minions” were accused of creating a “counter-revolutionary wrecking gang that deliberately set a course for sabotage in children’s literature.”
Oleinikov was shot on November 24, 1937 in Leningrad as an "enemy of the people." Rehabilitated posthumously in 1957.
During his life, only three of his "adult" poems were published, he was excluded from the history of literature for decades. His works were not published, most of them remained in manuscripts and lists kept by the poet's family and friends.

Still not good for a man
A running glance, as if under a gunpoint.
How do you keep silent scoundrel?
How are you doing in general now?
If I keep calm
It's not because it didn't hurt.
I contemplate the soul in the style of "nude",
It's more interesting than the body.
Whatever you call me now
Sounds fake, fake.
Worse than being alone in love
Thirst for additional profit.
Here we are nearing the end.
And there is only one reason for that:
A woman is terribly unsuitable
Betrayed, at least once, a man.

All the people and all the events of your life came into it because you attracted them. Now you have to choose how to deal with them.

A horseshoe will never bring you happiness and good luck until you nail it to your hoof and start plowing like a horse.

In bowling, as in life, if a person stubbornly strives for something, strikes will come by themselves.

Perhaps the whole point of this life is to be needed by at least someone. After all, if no one thinks about you, then it’s as if you don’t exist.

When you see a person in trouble, don't think that life is only testing him. This test applies to you too. How will you behave towards him? Help him or turn away.

Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim underwater like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn how to live on earth like people.

How easy it is to lose everything that, it would seem, is given to you for life.

The reason why the morality of all theories diverges so far from human behavior is that in morality all people are treated as equal, while in practice they are not.

You are far from me today
And you write about your bottomless love
And about longing, a sleepless lovebird,
Exactly the same as what I write.

Oh, how often we hear conversations
That happiness cannot be saved without separation.
If there were no separations, there would be no meetings,
And there would only be disputes and strife.

Of course, this is wise, it can happen.
And yet, I don't know why
I want, against all odds,
Tell you: - Let's not be separated!

I think that you will understand me:
Shoulder to shoulder - and no longing, no cold!
And if we quarrel - well, well,
Separation is still much worse!

Fisheye: Fisheye projection view. A fisheye (lens) is an ultra-wide-angle photographic lens that has an image angle close to or greater than 180°. Fish eye ( optical system) (Maxwell's fisheye) ... ... Wikipedia

Fisheye "Fisheye". (1) An area on a steel fracture surface that has a characteristic white crystalline appearance. (2) Weld defect. (Source: "Metals and Alloys. Handbook." Edited by Yu.P. Solntsev; NPO Professional, NPO Mir and Family ... Glossary of metallurgical terms

fish eye- beer… Dictionary of Russian Argo

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye ... Wikipedia

An absolute optical system representing an inhomogeneous spherically symmetric medium characterized by a refractive index n(r)= frac(n 0)(1+(r/a)^2), where r is the distance to the center of the system O, n 0 and a are parameters. Each beam represents ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye. The emblem of the film festival Fisheye is an international amateur film festival. Participating countries: Russia, Mongolia, South Korea, Japan. Organized by the TV company "AIST" (city ... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye. Camera "Kyiv 60 TTL" with a lens "Arsat" 3.5 / 30 ("Zodiac 8") ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Fisheye. The path of the beam and the construction of the image in the "fisheye" Maxwell's "Fisheye" ... Wikipedia

Beam path and fisheye imaging by Maxwell Maxwell's fisheye (1854) is an absolute optical system representing an inhomogeneous spherically symmetric medium characterized by a refractive index, where r is the distance to ... Wikipedia

fisheye paintwork- 69 fisheye in the paintwork: Presence of craters on the surface of the paintwork, in the center of each of which there are foreign particles. Source: GOST 28246 2006: Paint and varnish materials. Terms and definitions original ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation


  • DIY A collection of amazing devices and inventions 264 stunning projects, Pirozhkova L. (transl.). Turn on the soldering iron, take the drill - and get to work! From a tiny theremin electric musical instrument to a "beer barrel" made from a large watermelon; from an automatic feeder to…
  • Aniskin and the blackmailer, Maxim Kurochkin. On a state farm with unusual name`No-Pasaran` is a commotion again. Wound up here is not a thief, not a slanderer, not a murderer, but ... Fisheye! True, no one from the villagers really knows what he is. Because no one...

Shooting with a fisheye lens is one of the better ways create creative shots, because it is also relatively inexpensive (about $650), so it is available to a wide range of amateur photographers. And the idea of ​​using such a lens has its own history.

It was originally used in meteorology to study the sky and cloud formations, and was called an "all-sky" lens. This optic has rapidly gained popularity in the field of general photography, as it creates unique effects due to the unusual distortion of lines. It can be used for a variety of purposes, both professional and recreational, with the latter being more common. Now let's move on to tips for using a fisheye lens that you can easily implement.

1. Radial blur

Shooting a wedding with a fisheye lens can be the bomb. As a rule, the action takes place in low light conditions, so this is a challenge for the photographer. Try to stand right in the center of the dance floor and shoot. To get a radial blur effect, slow down your shutter speed to about 1/25th of a second. Then you need to rotate the camera 90 degrees counterclockwise. To do this, hold the lens with your left hand and turn the camera body with your right. Not all shots will be successful, but almost always you will get interesting unusual images.

2. Exaggeration of the curvature of the Earth

Here, the use of a fisheye lens is as follows: the closer to the edge of the frame you place an object or line, the more it will be curved. For example, if you place the horizon in the middle of the image, it will look perfectly straight in the image. But if it is at the top of the frame, then the distortion will increase dramatically. Just be careful, because when you get home, you may find your feet at the bottom of the frame.

3. Shoot panoramic landscapes with a fisheye lens, but without distortion

Sometimes, fisheye can be used simply to capture everything you see in a scene. We don't always want distorted lines, but a super wide angle can be very useful. If you have a landscape where there are no straight lines, such as buildings, trees, telegraph poles, etc., then you can use this lens as a wide angle lens. When doing this, make sure the horizon is in the middle of the frame. You'll be able to capture an almost 180-degree view of the scene, but without the crazy distortion of a fisheye lens.

4. Capturing the entire ceiling

With no ordinary lens, you would not be able to capture such most ceiling, as shown in the image above. This massive ceiling with symmetrical architecture was photographed in Dallas, Texas. The photographer fiddled a lot, trying to mark the exact middle with a marker on the floor. When looking at this arch, the only thing that came to his mind was to use a fisheye lens.

5. Change the viewing angle

The fisheye is a fixed focal length lens, which means that you yourself have to move around to zoom. Experiment with different angles and lines, go low and shoot from the ground, even if that means lying on your stomach in the gravel on railway. Lean against a wall and use lens distortion to wrap the wall around the frame. Most importantly, do it with good mood Whether you're shooting for yourself or for clients, have fun.