Clotrimazole solution for external use of the ears. Ear fungus in humans. General principles of therapy for otomycosis

Fungus in the ears is a rather unpleasant disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to its carrier, ranging from unbearable itching inside the ear canal and ending with the need to regularly cleanse it of secreted flakes. The most effective remedy for otomycosis are ear drops that have an antifungal effect and act locally - directly on the affected skin.

The selection of antifungal drops should be carried out exclusively by an otolaryngologist - only a specialist will be able to determine exactly what type of mycosis has struck the skin lining your hearing organ.

Experts identify 3 types of fungus that can develop on the surface of the skin in the ears:

  • yeast-like (candida);
  • moldy (aspirgellus, penicillium);
  • especially pathogenic (actinomycete, dermatophyte).

The treatment of mycosis of each type requires a special approach and the selection of medicines that can eliminate it.

In addition to the type of fungus, in order to select the optimal drug for treatment and draw up a therapy program, specialists need to accurately determine the area of \u200b\u200bear mycosis.

  1. In 50% of cases, the disease spreads only to the skin surface of the outer part of the hearing organ. To treat this mycosis, it is enough to use only topical preparations - antifungal ear drops.
  2. In the tympanic cavity, mycoses are diagnosed less often - in only 20% of cases. Therapy of the disease due to the closedness of the department will consist in oral administration of antifungal drugs.
  3. Sometimes, with a particularly extensive fungal infection affecting the middle cavity and the outer ear, the tympanic membrane begins to suffer from mycosis, the tissues of which, under the influence of pathogenic flora, begin to peel off and become inflamed.

The reasons for the development of the disease

Mushrooms are always present on the surface of our skin, but the complex of protective agents of the immune system prevents the flora from actively developing and affecting the surface of our skin. In some cases, mycoses are "taken up" and after penetration into the auditory canal or ear cavity begin to multiply.

What are the risk factors that experts identify?

  • General decrease in immunity;
  • metabolic pathologies (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • long-term use of antibacterial drugs;
  • trauma to the skin of the ear canal during hygiene measures;
  • too thorough cleansing of the ear canal from wax, during which the skin loses its protective lubricant;
  • lack of ear hygiene or stagnation of sulfur masses in the auditory canal, creating a fertile ground for the development of a fungal infection;
  • humid environment (water entering the ear canal when swimming, working indoors or living in an area with high humidity);
  • penetration of "foreign" fungi into the ear canal when using other people's headphones, earplugs, etc.

Mycosis symptoms

The symptomatology of the disease is quite specific, pronounced signs, even to a non-specialist, will determine that their cause is ear fungus. So how does pathology manifest itself?

  1. The initial stage of mycosis is characterized by itching inside the auditory canal and a feeling of mild ear congestion.
  2. As the pathological process develops, a feeling of fullness inside the ear is added to the symptoms, and plugs may occur due to the abundant separation of epidermal flakes.
  3. Due to clogging of the ear canal with detachable flakes, patients note hearing impairment and the appearance of noise in the affected organ.
  4. From the auditory canal, masses begin to stand out. They can be of different colors - white, yellowish, green, brown and black. The shade of the discharge is very important for making a diagnosis and determining the type of fungus affecting your hearing.
  5. The action of the fungus leads to tissue edema, which, by squeezing the receptors, causes severe pain in the affected organ of hearing.

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult an otolaryngologist. To prevent the ear fungus from spreading much, it is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and start treating it.

Complex treatment of otomycosis

In most cases, to treat the disease, it is enough to use antifungal ear drops, but for a speedy recovery and to avoid relapses, specialists draw up a comprehensive therapy program.

During treatment for ear fungus, you will need:

  • take vitamins to strengthen the body's defenses;
  • take antihistamines to reduce the risk of an allergic response to toxic waste products of the fungal colony;
  • regularly clean the ear canal from the discharge and sanitize it to prevent further spread of the fungus;
  • with extensive damage to the ear fungus that has affected the middle and internal cavities, take antifungal drugs orally according to the scheme developed by the otolaryngologist.

Ear antifungal drops

Topical antifungal ear drops are used when mycosis affects the outer ear - the ear canal or auricle. The use of the drug in this form allows you to protect the body from unnecessary exposure to a strong medication and to avoid changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Specialists in the treatment of mycosis select antifungal ear drops according to the type of pathogen.


For the treatment of fungal infections caused by mold, the following ear drops are used: nitrofurgin, itraconazole, terbinafine and naftifine.

  1. The main active ingredient of this solution is chloronitrophenol, which is active against microsporum, trichophyton and candida. Antifungal drops in the ears are used by placing a soaked cotton turunda in the ear canal twice a day for 1-1.5 months.
  2. Naftifin. These ear antifungal drops, in addition to combating mycosis, effectively relieve swelling and inflammation in the ear canal affected by microflora. Naftifine can be classified as a broad-spectrum drugs, since they eliminate not only molds, but also yeast. Also, the drug is active against dermatophytes. The strong concentration of the solution allows it to be used only once a day, and the duration of the course of treatment, in comparison with other antifungal ear drops, is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Yeast fungus

If the otolaryngologist, by characteristic signs, sees that yeast microorganisms have become the cause of mycosis, he recommends one of the following ear drops from the fungus to eliminate the flora: clotrimazole, flucanazole, econazole, candibiotic or pimafucin.

  1. Clotrimazole. This is one of the most commonly prescribed remedies for otomycosis. The inexpensive price of the drug is combined with high efficiency - positive dynamics is noted already on the 3rd day of use. Antifungal ear drops have a strong concentration, so it is enough to use them only once a day.
  2. This drug, due to the content of clotrimazole, chloramphenicol and glucocorticosteroids, has a complex effect: it kills fungal and bacterial microflora, relieves inflammation and relieves pain. But the medication cannot be used in case of violations of the integrity of the eardrum, since its active ingredients can have a detrimental effect on the tissues of the middle ear.
  3. Pimafucin. These antifungal ear drops effectively penetrate the cell membranes of microorganisms and thereby kill fungi. The suspension is used 4 to 6 times a day, and relief of the condition is noted already on the second day of use.

Applying ear drops

In order for antifungal drops to have a positive therapeutic effect, it is important to follow certain rules for their use:

  1. Before treating ear fungus with drops, you should first clean the auditory canal from sulfur masses and epidermis flakes.
  2. The drug for instillation should be warmed in the hands to a comfortable temperature before use.
  3. Antifungal drops should be instilled "along the wall" of the auditory canal, having previously straightened it, pulling the auricle up and slightly back.
  4. It will be much more effective if, instead of instillation, you apply compresses with these drops. To create them, it is necessary to soak cotton turundas with the preparation, squeeze and lay in the ear canal for 5-10 minutes. This technique allows the active active ingredients of the drug to get directly to the affected areas.
  5. After using drops from the fungus in the ears, the ear canal should be closed with a cotton ball.
  6. Therapy with antifungal drops should last exactly as long as the otolaryngologist recommended. You can not quit treatment immediately after symptom relief - in this case, the mushrooms that are not completely killed will develop resistance to the drug used.
  7. At the end of the course of therapy, you must definitely see an otolaryngologist - a specialist will examine your ear canal and assess whether the otomycosis that struck you was completely eliminated during treatment.

Clotrimazole is a drug from the group of antifungal agents. The drug belongs to the group of imidazole derivatives and is intended for topical use.

Pharmacological effects

Clotrimazole has a wide range of antimycotic, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, trichomonacid effects. The use of the drug allows you to disrupt the main structural element of the membrane of the fungus and change its permeability. Clotrimazole destroys the cell organelle, which leads to cell necrosis.

The drug acts on dividing microorganisms, is active against lichen pink, yeast-like fungi, dermatomycetes.

Release forms

Clotrimazole is available in the form of a solution for external use, vaginal tablets, ointment and cream for external use. The selection of the dosage form is carried out by the doctor, depending on the indications for use and accompanying symptoms.

In the treatment of ear diseases, Clotrimazole is used in the form of a solution or cream. In childhood, an individual intolerance to an alcohol solution may occur, which manifests itself in the form of a burning sensation, pain syndrome and brings discomfort to the child. In this case, it is recommended to use the drug in the form of a cream.

Indications for use

Clotrimazole is used to treat mycotic dermatitis of the external auditory canal, as well as the auricle.

In addition, the drug Clotrimazole is used to treat fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes:


Use during pregnancy

Mode of application

For the treatment of ear diseases, Clotrimazole is recommended to be used once a day before bedtime. The liquid is applied in a thin layer to the affected area. After elimination of the main manifestations of the disease, the doctor may prescribe additional use of the drug for 1 month.

When used topically, it is most convenient to use an alcohol solution, since the ointment can be unevenly distributed in the ear canal. During therapy, 1% clotrimazole solution is used in combination with other drugs.

The cream should be applied in a thin layer to a previously cleansed area of \u200b\u200bthe body and rubbed gently.

Therapy for dermatomycosis can last up to 1 month, pityriasis versicolor - up to 3 weeks. After elimination of the main manifestations of the disease, further use of the drug may be additionally prescribed for 2 weeks.

Interaction with other groups of drugs

With simultaneous use with Amphotericin B and Natamycin, a decrease in the pharmacological effect of Clotrimazole is observed.

With simultaneous use with Dexamethasone in high dosages, the antifungal effect of Clotrimazole may decrease.

The combination of alcoholic solutions of Clotrimazole and Nitrofungin has a positive effect. In the treatment of diseases of the ear canal, the drugs should be used in a complex, for 1 month. The doctor can extend the course of treatment as needed.

When using the drug in the form of a cream, negative interactions with other groups of drugs have not been identified and should not be expected.

Side effects

The use of the drug Clotrimazole can contribute to the development of allergic reactions, which are expressed in the form of erythema, blistering, edema, burning, tingling, irritation and peeling of the skin.

In the event that a patient accidentally takes the drug Clotrimazole orally, there is a possibility of developing such side effects: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, gastralgia, disruption of the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys. In rare cases - the development of drowsiness, hallucinations, skin allergic reactions.

In case of development of undesirable side effects, the use of the drug Clotrimazole should be discontinued.

special instructions

When using Clotrimazole, contact with the eyes should be avoided. A towel that comes into contact with a sore spot must be washed daily at a temperature of at least 95 degrees. It is best to use disposable towels as needed.

In the event that the manifestations of the disease do not disappear within 1 month, it is necessary to consult a doctor again.

In patients with a history of liver failure, systematic monitoring of the liver is required.

Analogues, cost

The price is formed depending on the manufacturer of the drug. The cost of the drug Clotrimazole for the period of February 2015 was formed as follows:

  • Solution for external use - 75-85 rubles.
  • Ointment for external use 1% - 25-100 rubles.
  • Cream for external use - 25-80 rubles.

Structural analogues of the drug Clotrimazole are the following drugs: Amiclon, Candide, Antifungol, Kanizon, Lotrimin, Candidol, Fungitsip.

Now diseases of a fungal nature are common. Such an infection will not be very dangerous, but it will cause a lot of inconvenience.

Otomycosis is a fungal disease characterized by the multiplication of mold or yeast in the ear canals, middle ear cavities. In general, several diseases are distinguished, the cause of which is a fungus.

  • external fungal otitis media;
  • fungal myringitis;
  • middle fungal otitis media;
  • otitis media after surgery.

Outer ear inflammation is most common.

The reasons leading to the occurrence of otomycosis

As with any other disease, otomycosis there are certain factors, which is the probability of its occurrence. These circumstances include the following:

  • Improper ear hygiene. It is believed that cotton swabs are the most convenient way to clean the ears. But this is not the case. With this method of hygiene, there is a risk of trauma to the passages, as a result of which a fungus develops at the site of the wound.
  • Ear injury;
  • Foreign body ingress;
  • Swimming in unknown and untested water sources;
  • Frequent use of earbuds that fit snugly into the passage;
  • Disruption of the normal microflora balance due to long-term use of antibacterial drugs, glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics
  • Using hearing aids;
  • Diabetes;
  • Insufficient functioning of the immune system. This can occur due to the presence of a disease that causes a strong weakening of the body, or hypovitaminosis.
  • Constant stay in an atmosphere of high humidity.

Mostly with otomycosis, one ear is affected, but sometimes possible bilateral infection.

How does otomycosis manifest?

The disease does not manifest itself immediately. Symptoms usually worsen gradually, reaching a peak after 3-5 days.

The most common symptoms of ear fungus are:

With otomycosis, not all of the above symptoms may be observed. The main ones are itching and congestion... An increase in these sensations leads to the urge to scratch and clear the ear canal. As a result, it is further traumatized and the fungus penetrates deeper into the skin, which leads to an additional deterioration in well-being and a more vivid manifestation of symptoms.

The appearance of a sore ear can be seen in the following photo.

Diagnosis of otomycosis

The diagnosis of otomycosis, first of all, is made on the basis of an objective examination of the patient. Visually, a decrease in the volume of the ear canal will be detected, due to its edema and inflammatory infiltration. Also, the doctor can detect redness of the ear skin.

To identify the nature of the pathogen, an analysis of scraping from the surface of the auricle is used. If this is not enough, then a PCR test is prescribed to determine the fungus.

How to treat?

Treatment of otomycosis is by no means simple. Fungus in the ear, its symptoms and treatment are closely related. The more pronounced the symptoms, the more seriously you need to take the therapy. Prescribing drugs should be based on the results of a study of the pathogen, its sensitivity to various drugs.

The doctor begins ear treatment and treatment in your office. The following manipulations will be performed:

For home treatment, the patient is prescribed drugs of both local and general action. The most convenient form for topical application is drops. With regards to clotrimazole, it prescribed as a 1% solution.

Medicines for treating the fungus can also be in the form of an ointment. You can also use clotrimazole at a concentration of 1%.

Of the systemic drugs, it is advisable to use nystatin or diflucan. With perforation of the tympanic membrane, the use of drops is prohibited, therefore, treatment is carried out only with general antifungal drugs.

Increasing the body's resistance plays an important role. The appointment of adaptogens and vitamins will be an effective addition to the treatment of otomycosis. Used such means as Eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass.

It is important to remember that during treatment in the ears liquid must not enter... Strong heating of the body should also be avoided. Wet and warm conditions only promote the growth of the fungus. Therefore, when visiting baths, baths or saunas, the affected ear should be covered with a cotton swab.

Children suffer from otomycosis in about the same way as adults. The symptoms are almost the same. The short auditory tube is conducive to her frequent inflammatory diseases. Proximity to the nasopharynx only increases the likelihood of developing otitis media. In the absence of timely treatment, the addition of the fungus will not be long in coming. Children can also use the drug clotrimazole in the form of drops.

What folk remedies can be used

Treatment by grandmother's methods should in no way replace the doctor's prescription. They can only complement it.

The first thing to do before using any product is to wash the ear canal. You can use hydrogen peroxide for this. You need to put a few drops in your ear and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

What folk remedies can be used after cleansing:

  • In equal proportions mix warm water, vinegar, alcohol and peroxide. The resulting solution is instilled into the ear and held for about 60 seconds. It is recommended to use the mixture 2-3 times a day for a week.
  • Treatment with onion juice will be effective. It is necessary to instill 5 drops in the ear at night.
  • Squeeze the garlic into olive oil. Lubricate the ear canals with the resulting mixture for a week.

How to avoid the appearance of fungus?

Personal hygiene - the main method of prevention of otomycosis. Timely cleaning of the auricles will not create conditions for the development of infection.

Reduced immunity can also contribute to the appearance of fungus and the development of otomycosis. Compliance with sleep and rest, regular walks will help keep the body in good shape.

Timely treatment of inflammatory ear diseases will not disturb the normal microflora.

Fungus in the ear, symptoms, treatment should be known to everyone, since with all the insignificance of this disease, the consequences can be very serious. In no case should you neglect your own health.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), every fifth person on our planet suffers from a fungal disease. More often, patients with fungal infections (mycosis) of the skin of the feet and hands, as well as onychomycosis (damage to the nail plates) are registered. Consider the drug Clotrimazole for the treatment of fungus, which has been used with success since 1969.

In pharmacies, this medication is available as an ointment, cream, and vaginal tablets. Despite its "longevity", the drug is still popular among dermatologists for the treatment of superficial dermatomycosis. This is due to the effectiveness of funds, a variety of forms and affordable prices (source no. 2). But few people know that Clotrimazole drops also exist. What kind of tool it is, consider its instructions for use.

For external use, Clotrimazole solution in the form of a clear, colorless liquid is available in dropper bottles of 15 ml. The active ingredient is of the same name - clotrimazole. In drops, its concentration is 1% (per 10 ml - 100 mg of the substance). The vials are sold in cardboard boxes with instructions for use inside.

One of the manufacturers: MEDANA PHARMA, Joint Stock Company (Poland).


Clotrimazole, as an imidazole derivative, exhibits a broad spectrum of antifungal activity:

  • dermatophytes;
  • Candida;
  • moldy;
  • acts antibacterial to pathogens of erythrasma, staphylococcus, streptococcus.

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows:

  • when it is used, the synthesis of ergosterol in the fungal cell is inhibited;
  • the functional activity of peroxidases is suppressed, which helps to facilitate the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the fungal cell (to the level of toxicity with regular use of the drug);
  • the permeability of its shell for substances is disturbed;
  • this leads to its destruction.

When applied to the skin, the main component of the drug penetrates into the skin layers and accumulates there, only slightly absorbed into the bloodstream.


The instruction describes that Clotrimazole drops are recommended for use in the presence of the following diseases:

  • fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin, which are caused by pathogens sensitive to clotrimazole;
  • candidal stomatitis;
  • multi-colored lichen;
  • erythrasma;

Application rules

Clotrimazole drops for nails, when they are affected by a fungus, will have to be used for a long time, with daily use. Until the affected nail plate is replaced with a healthy one. The course of treatment will require several packs of medication. Its release price is more affordable than varnish.

For the treatment of fungus in the oral cavity, the drug is applied 2-2 times a day to the mucous membrane and tongue. Treatment lasting from a week to two. The procedure should be carried out after eating and not drinking water for some time (source no. 3).

Intravaginally (into the vagina), 100-500 mg (10-50 ml solution) are injected in 1 procedure for 1-6 days.

Application technique

To achieve maximum effect, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Wash the skin in the areas of application thoroughly with soap and dry.
  2. Disinfect nails in a solution of potassium permanganate or soda.
  3. Treat a nail that has a fungal infection with an individual manicure set.
  4. Remove keratinized particles every time.
  5. It is important to apply Clotrimazole regularly, at least 2 or 3 times a day, 10-15 drops.
  6. After the procedure, you need to wait 20 minutes until the solution is completely dry or rub the liquid into the cuticle and skin area near the nail.
  7. If the patient has dermatomycosis, it is important to apply the drug after each hygiene procedure.

The duration of therapy is:

  • dermatomycosis - up to 1 month;
  • erythrasma - from 2 to 4 weeks;
  • with pityriasis versicolor - from 7 to 21 days.


  • allergic reactions to clotrimazole;
  • the first 3 months of pregnancy (in high doses, the substance is detrimental to the fetus).


  1. If you experience allergic reactions to other antifungal drugs, you should use Clotrimazole with caution.
  2. If irritation is observed during the procedure, the course of treatment with the drug should be discontinued.
  3. It is forbidden to drip Clotrimazole liquid into the eyes. In case of accidental contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water.
  4. Not suitable for indoor use.
  5. During therapy, you should wear the most comfortable clothes and shoes made from natural fabrics.
  6. If there is no result during treatment for a long time, then additional research is needed to clarify the diagnosis or determine another cause of the disease.
  7. It is important to continue therapy to the end, even if the symptoms disappear completely. Compliance with this rule contributes to the absence of recurrence of the disease.
  8. For women who are sexually active, it is recommended to treat and partner.


With the correct use of the drug, an overdose does not occur. If the liquid was accidentally swallowed, then nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abnormal liver function occur. First aid for this condition is gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy.

Side effects

Only local reactions: allergies, itching, burning, skin redness. When these symptoms appear, therapy with Clotrimazole solution should be discontinued.

Drug interactions

Clotrimazole is not very effective when used simultaneously with amphotericin B and nystatin.

Use during lactation

Despite the fact that Clotrimazole solution is not prohibited for use during breastfeeding, you should consult a pediatrician before using it. In any case, it is forbidden to apply liquid to the breast and nipple area. It is better to refuse breastfeeding during the period of drug treatment.

Influence on reaction rate

It doesn't.

Use in pediatrics

Clinical studies have not been conducted for this category of patients.

Storage and dispensing from pharmacies

You can buy Clotrimazole solution in a pharmacy without providing a prescription from a doctor.


  1. Clotrimazole (Clotrimazole)
  2. V.M. Leshchenko. Modern antimycotics in dermatology. Consilium Medicum. 2004; 03: 186-191
  3. Zh.V. Stepanova. Candidiasis of mucous membranes and smooth skin. Consilium Medicum. 2001; 04: 173-176

An infectious disease caused by the active growth of fungal pathogenic agents and affecting the external auditory canal is called otomycosis. Treatment and preparations of otomycosis should be prescribed in a timely manner to avoid an increase in the inflammatory process. A disease means the presence of a fungus in the ear. The causative agent of the pathology is saprophytes - mold, yeast-like fungi, as well as trichophytons.

Treatment regimen

The treatment regimen for fungus in the ears includes taking several groups of medications aimed at eliminating the root cause and symptoms of the disease.

Otomycosis therapy includes:

  1. Thorough cleansing of the affected areas and preparation of the skin for further therapeutic procedures.
  2. Treatment of the focus of inflammation with local antifungal drugs (ear drops, ointments or creams).
  3. Taking systemic drugs of general action (medicine in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions).
  4. Correction of the diet aimed at increasing the body's defenses, as well as adherence to sleep and rest.

Complex treatment requires a phased implementation of therapeutic and preventive procedures. The use of topical and systemic antifungal agents involves preliminary cleansing of the ear from mycelium and dirt.

It is worth noting that the therapy of the disease begins after the elimination of its root cause. So, often otomycosis develops as a result of prolonged use of antibacterial or hormonal drugs. In these cases, it is enough to stop taking them in order to reduce the inflammatory process in the ears.

If the ear fungus is caused by vitamin deficiency or other factors affecting the state of the immune system, the patient may be prescribed complexes of vitamins and minerals, and sometimes even immunomodulatory agents.

Main stages

The consistent implementation of therapeutic procedures allows you to more effectively fight the causative agent of the disease. In addition, it is important to observe the dosage of medications and adhere to the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Antiseptic treatment

First of all, the area of \u200b\u200bthe external auditory canal, auricle and the inner part of the ears should be treated with antiseptic agents (potassium permanganate solution, boric acid, hydrogen peroxide).

With 3% hydrogen peroxide, accumulated mycelium and excess dirt on the ear can be removed. Its cleansing is done with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic solution. The procedure is carried out daily at least 2 times a day. For the purpose of disinfection, a few drops of salicylic acid are instilled into the ear. It helps to neutralize the fungal pathogenic agent.

A solution of potassium permanganate, used at least 1 time per day, also effectively disinfects the skin.

Skin treatment with topical cream

The next step in the complex treatment after cleansing the skin from the waste products of fungi is the application of a local cream or ointment. Modern antifungal medicines have a wide spectrum of action.

Their active substances contribute to:

  • slowing down the growth of fungal spores;
  • reducing pain;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process;
  • disinfection of the skin;
  • elimination of itching.

Local therapy is always prescribed, regardless of the course of the disease. So, an antifungal cream will be an indispensable medicine for both a mild form of otomycosis, and in the case of the development of an aggravated form of pathology.

The cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected area (the area of \u200b\u200bthe auricle and external auditory canal), and then evenly distributed over the skin. The remedy begins to act almost immediately after its application.

Systemic therapy

In parallel with local procedures, the patient is often prescribed systemic drugs. Their goal is to eliminate the fungal pathogen at the cellular level.

They are prescribed according to the testimony of the attending physician, for example, with an aggravated course of the disease. In each specific case, the specialist writes a prescription according to which the patient must undergo a course of treatment for otomycosis using antifungal tablets, capsules or suspension. It is highly undesirable to skip taking or change the dosage of the drug.

Broad-spectrum tablets have the following effect:

  • fungicidal (destroy the pathogen);
  • fungistatic (prevent further fungal growth);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antihistamine action (eliminate itching);
  • antimicrobial.

All therapeutic procedures must be combined with a special diet, including the intake of a large number of cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Hygiene measures to prevent infection are also an important part of treatment.

Effective drugs

If a fungus is found in the ears, then its treatment includes drugs prescribed to the patient in accordance with the root cause, the type of pathogen, and also the type of pathology. So, if the external auditory canal is damaged by molds, some drugs can be used, while other drugs are suitable for eliminating yeast-like agents or trichophytons.

Special drops in the ears help to treat the external type of otomycosis. They should be prescribed by the attending physician after determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to the main components of the drug.

The most effective drops are from the fungus in the ears:

  1. Candibiotic.
  2. Naftifin.
  3. Nitrofungin.
  4. Clotrimazole.
  5. Dexamethasone.

The treatment regimen with these agents is as follows: no more than 6 times a day, 2 drops every 2 hours.

The active components that make up their composition are aimed at the destruction of mold and yeast-like fungi, as well as dermatophytes. The funds reduce the inflammatory process and have antibacterial, antihistamine and antiallergic effects.

If the patient is worried about unbearable itching, drops of cresyl acetate may be prescribed. The course of taking this drug is 3 weeks of daily use.

It is important to remember that ear drops are highly undesirable to use in case of damage to the eardrum.

Creams and ointments

Antifungal creams, ointments, aerosols and sprays are applied after topical treatment of the affected area. The components of these drugs perfectly disinfect and cleanse the skin.

Effective topical remedies for ear fungus include:

  • Clotrimazole.
  • Amphotericin.
  • Nitrofungin.
  • Miramistin.
  • Fungifen.
  • Multifungin.
  • Kanesten.

Miramistin is available in the form of a spray. Washing the ear with this tool helps to cleanse the skin of mycelium, waste products of fungal agents, as well as reduce the inflammatory process.

The last three drugs are classified as innovative drugs with a wide spectrum of action. Their components have proven to be effective against any pathogen of fungal infection.

In the case of an aggravated course of otomycosis in humans, systemic drugs of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. Antifungal pills are used for ear infections with particularly pathogenic fungi. In this case, local remedies are powerless against infection.

  1. Itraconazole.
  2. Ketoconazole.
  3. Pimafucin.
  4. Flucostat.

Systemic agents are highly effective against various pathogens. Their action is aimed at destroying the fungus, suppressing its growth, reducing inflammation, itching and redness.

Oral preparations are potent, therefore they have a number of contraindications and possible consequences.

That is why probiotics and vitamin-mineral complexes should be used in parallel with their use. They will normalize the intestinal microflora and increase the body's defenses.

The key to successful recovery from otomycosis in humans is compliance with hygiene standards, a special diet and the use of antifungal drugs.