Aerospace forces technique. Aerospace Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The command staff of the Aerospace Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was appointed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin No. 394 dated August 1, 2015:

  • Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces - Colonel General Viktor Bondarev;
  • Chief of the General Staff - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces - Lieutenant General Pavel Kurachenko;
  • Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces - Lieutenant General Sergey Dronov;
  • Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces - Commander of the Air Force Lieutenant-General Andrey Yudin;
  • Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces - Commander of the Air and Missile Defense Forces, Lieutenant-General Viktor Gumenny:
  • Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces - Commander of the Space Forces Lieutenant-General Alexander Golovko.

MOSCOW, November 29, 2017 Colonel-General Sergey Surovikin, who led the Russian grouping of troops in Syria, was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation

A new Air Force and Air Defense Army is being created in the Pacific Fleet, December 18, 2017
In 2018, the naval aviation and air defense forces of the Pacific Fleet will be united as part of a powerful army with headquarters in Kamchatka. The new operational formation will include at least two divisions - aviation and air defense forces. He was instructed to control the air situation in Kamchatka, Chukotka and in the Arctic region. According to experts, the formation of an air force and air defense army in the neighborhood of Alaska indicates an increase in the strike potential of the Pacific Fleet.
As Izvestia was told in the Ministry of Defense, the formation of the Air Force and Air Defense Army will begin in 2018. It will include aviation units, anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering troops. The zone of responsibility of the future operational formation extends from the Northern Kuriles to the Arctic Wrangel Island.
Such transformations are taking place in other fleets as well. In December 2015, the 45th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Northern Fleet was formed. As Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at the time, this was done to strengthen airspace control in the Arctic.
Simultaneously with the formation of the Pacific Army of the Air Force and Air Defense, the structure of aviation forces is changing. Instead of the amorphous and poorly managed air bases created after the not entirely successful reform of 2008, regiments and divisions are being recreated. The composition of the mixed air regiments, along with squadrons of anti-submarine and transport aircraft, fighters, reconnaissance aircraft and missile carriers, will include units of unmanned aerial vehicles.
The basis of the grouping of the new army will be the 317th mixed aviation regiment stationed in Yelizovo near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and the 53rd air defense division based there. The air regiment has a squadron of anti-submarine aircraft with upgraded Il-38N Novella. High-altitude MiG-31 interceptors are also based in Yelizovo. There are also squadrons of helicopters and drones in Kamchatka. The military department does not exclude that some air units will be replenished in the future new technology and receive regimental status.
As part of the 53rd Air Defense Division - radio engineering and anti-aircraft missile regiments. As well as radar posts, aviation commandant's offices, aviation guidance points located in Kamchatka, Chukotka, Wrangel Island and other regions of the Russian northeast.
The aviation and air defense forces assembled under a single command will be able to quickly track threats in their area of ​​responsibility and effectively counter them. The task of the group is to rule out a sudden air attack, to instantly stop any attempts to test the strength of Russian borders. The Air Force and Air Defense Army will operate in a single control loop with the main forces of the Pacific Fleet and the entire Eastern Military District.
As military expert Alexei Leonkov told Izvestiya, the creation of such formations in the Pacific direction is very timely.
- This region has recently become "hot". US military activity here has increased many times under the pretext of the North Korean missile threat, Alexey Leonkov explained. - In the region of Chukotka and Kamchatka, we directly border on Alaska, where large US air and naval bases have been built. The United States has six aircraft carriers in the Pacific.
According to the expert, the formation of the Air Force and Air Defense armies can be regarded as an asymmetric response to the activity of US military aviation.
- The concentration of reconnaissance and strike capabilities of naval aviation and air defense forces under a single command is a significant deterrent for any aggressive encroachments, - Alexey Leonkov noted.
It is expected that at the second stage of the structural reform, another Air Force and Air Defense Army will appear in the Pacific Fleet with subordinate units stationed in Primorye. Its area of ​​responsibility will include Sakhalin, the Kuriles, the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Near the Pacific borders of Russia, from time to time, large US aircraft carrier formations appear with incomprehensible intentions.

Need for correction!?

Type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which began to carry out the assigned tasks from August 1, 2015. The VKS of the Russian Armed Forces are a new branch of the Armed Forces, formed as a result of the unification of the Air Force (VVS) and the Aerospace Defense Forces (VVKO) of the Russian Federation.
The general leadership of the aerospace defense of Russia is carried out by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the direct control is carried out by the High Command of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

The main headquarters of the Aerospace Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be located in the building of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, located in the Arbat area, on Znamenka Street in Moscow.

On the basis of the command and control bodies of the Aerospace Defense Forces and the Air Force of the Russian Armed Forces, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces and the Main Headquarters of the Aerospace Forces were formed, and the formations, formations and military units of the Air Force and the Aerospace Defense Forces were transformed into three types of troops of the Aerospace Forces: Air Force, Space Forces, Air Force and Anti-Missile Defense Forces .

6th Leningrad Red Banner Army of the VKS, military unit 09436 (ZVO, Voronezh)
operational association of the air forces of the Russian Federation. Formed on December 1, 2009 on the basis of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army. The army headquarters is in the city of Voronezh.

105th mixed aviation division (Voronezh):

47th separate mixed aviation regiment (Voronezh): 23 units. Su-34, 4 units. An-30.

159th Fighter Aviation Tallinn Red Banner Regiment, military unit 52906 (Petrozavodsk, Besovets): 11 units. Su-27, 6 units Su-27P, 3 units. Su-27UB, 1 unit Su-27UBP, 5 units. Su-30M2, 10 units Su-35(50-59) + 12 units Su-35 (2017)(61-64, 67, 68, 21-24, 03, 05).

98th separate mixed aviation regiment, military unit 13690 (Murmansk region, Monchegorsk): 24 units. Su-24M(MR), 8 units. Mi-24, 16 units MiG-31BM.

790th Fighter Order of Kutuzov III degree aviation regiment, military unit 32926 (Tver region, Khotilovo): 3 units. MiG-31D3, 16 units MiG-31BM, 3 units. Su-27, 5 units Su-27P, 1 unit Su-27UB, 2 units. Su-27UBP.

14th Guards Leningrad Red Banner Order of Suvorov III degree Fighter Aviation Regiment, military unit 23243 (Kursk Region, Khalino): 26 units. MiG-29SMT, 4 units. MiG-29UBM, 12 units Su-30SM(71-82)

33rd separate mixed aviation regiment (St. Petersburg, Vyborgsky district, Levashovo): 2 units. An-26, 2 units An-12BK, 1 unit Il-22, An-30, An-72, Tu-134, Mi-8.

549th Air Base of Army Aviation, military unit 12633 (St. Petersburg, Pushkin): 6 units Mi-8.

Air group of the 549th Aviation Bureau of Army Aviation, military unit 12633-2 (Leningrad region, Vyborg district, Glebychevo settlement, Pribylovo airfield): 10 units. Mi-24PN, 6 units Mi-35M, 16 units Mi-8.

Air group of the 549th Aviation Bureau of Army Aviation, military unit 12633 (Leningrad region, Vyborg district, Levashovo settlement, Levashovo airfield):

922nd Airbase, military unit 26934 (St. Petersburg, Pushkin): 8 units Mi-8.

378th Army Aviation Base, military unit 41687 (Smolensk region, Vyazma): 16 units Mi-24P, 11 units. Mi-8, 2 units. Mi-8PP, 3 units. Mi-8MTPR-1.

15th Army Aviation Brigade, military unit 44440 (Pskov region, Ostrov): 12 units Mi-28N, 16 units Mi-8, 10 units. Mi-24P, 6 units. Mi-35, 4 units. Mi-26, 12 units Ka-52.

8th Special Purpose Aviation Division.commander Sergey Movchan 23/02/2017 800th Red Banner Aviation Base (2nd category), military unit 42829 (Moscow Region, Shchelkovsky District, Chkalovsky Settlement): 12 units. Mi-8, Il-76, 5 units. An-12, 5 units An-24/26, 8 units An-72, 3 units. An-140-100.

1080th mixed aviation base, military unit 49719 (Leningrad region, Priozersky district, Gromovo settlement): 3 units Mi-8, 3 units. An-24/26, 4 units. An-30/32, 4 units. An-72.

Airbase (Republic of Belarus): Formation during 2016 with the placement of the Su-27.

83rd separate communications regiment, military unit 54164 (Moscow region, Kubinka).

565 Support Center (Voronezh).

15th aviation technical warehouse, military unit 53963 (St. Petersburg).

143rd aviation technical warehouse, military unit 83557 (Pskov region, Porkhov).

99th commandant's office for security and maintenance, military unit 23709 (St. Petersburg).

2nd Red Banner Air Defense Division, military unit 10953 (St. Petersburg, Krasnoselsky district, Khvoyny settlement):

1488th Red Banner Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, military unit 03216 (Zelenogorsk, St. Petersburg): 4 S-300PS air defense divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

500th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Leningrad Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment, military unit 90450 (Leningrad region, Lomonosovsky district, Gostilitsy village): 2 S-300PM air defense battalions, 2 S-400 battalions, 96K6 ZRPK battery " Pantsir-S1" . The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

1544th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 55584 (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, settlement Vaskelovo-1, actually Pskov region, settlement Vladimirsky camp): 1 division of the 9K37M1 Buk air defense system and 2 divisions of the S-300V air defense system. The 9K37M1 Buk SAM division consists of a 9S470M1 command post, a 9S18M1 Kupol-M1 detection and target designation station, a communications platoon and three anti-aircraft missile batteries with two 9A310M1 self-propelled launchers and one 9A39 launcher-loader in each, as well as technical support and maintenance units .
The S-300V air defense division consists of a 9S457 command post, a 9S15M Obzor-3 radar, a 9S19M2 Ginger radar and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which includes one 9S32 multichannel missile guidance station, two 9A82 launchers, one launcher-loader 9A84, four launchers 9A83 and two launchers 9A85.

1489th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Rechitsko-Brandenburg Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment, military unit 28036 (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Vaganovo village): 2 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

1490th Guards Anti-Aircraft Rocket Kiev-Lodz Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment, military unit 28037 (Leningrad region, Tosnensky district, Ulyanovka town): 4 S-300PS air defense divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

334th Red Banner Radio Engineering Regiment, military unit 96848 (Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk).

333rd radio engineering regiment, military unit 17646 (St. Petersburg, Krasnoselsky district, Khvoyny settlement).

32nd air defense division, military unit 40963 (Tver region, Rzhev):

42nd Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Putilov-Kirov Order of Lenin Regiment, military unit 45813 (Novgorod region, Valdai district, Izhitsa village): 1 S-300PS division. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

108th anti-aircraft missile regiment Tula, military unit 51025 (Voronezh region, Voronezh, Shilovo village): 1 S-300PS division. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

335th Red Banner Radio Engineering Regiment, military unit 18401 (Yaroslavl).

336th radio engineering regiment, military unit 03013 (Orel).

337th radio engineering regiment, military unit 51952 (Tver region, Rzhev).

4th Red Banner Army of the VKS, military unit 40911 (Southern Military District, Rostov-on-Don)
operational association of the air forces of the Russian Federation. Formed on December 1, 2009 by the merger of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army and the 5th Air Force and Air Defense Army. The army headquarters is located in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

1st Guards Stalingrad Svir Mixed Aviation Division, military unit 40491 (Krasnodar Territory, Krymsk):

31st Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, military unit 75391 (Rostov region, Millerovo): 30 units. MiG-29, 8 units. Su-30SM.

3rd Guards Fighter Aviation Rostov-Don Red Banner Regiment, military unit 75386 (Krasnodar Territory, Krymsk): 8 units. Su-27P, 10 units Su-27SM, 1 unit Su-27UP, 4 units. Su-30M2, 12 units Mi-8.

559th bomber aviation regiment, military unit 75392 (Rostov region, Morozovsk): 36 units. Su-34.

368th Assault Aviation Regiment, military unit 44936 (Stavropol Territory, Budennovsk): 23 units. Su-25SM.

535th separate mixed aviation regiment, military unit 41497 (Rostov-on-Don): 7 units. An-12BK, 6 units. An-26, 2 units IL-20M.

- 4th mixed aviation division, Marinovka (Volgograd region).

960th Assault Aviation Regiment, military unit 75387 (Krasnodar Territory, Primorsko-Akhtarsk): 8 units. Su-25SM, 16 units Su-25

11th separate Red Banner Vitebsk mixed aviation regiment, military unit 77978 (Volgograd region, Marinovka): 36 units. Su-24M (MR).

27th mixed aviation division (Ukraine, Republic of Crimea, Belbek):

37th mixed aviation regiment (Crimea, Guards): 12 units. Su-24M, 12 units Su-25SM.

38th Fighter Aviation Regiment, military unit 80159 (Crimea, Belbek): 4 units. Su-30M2, 12 units Su-27SM, 1 unit Su-27, 12 units Su-27P, 2 units. Su-27UP.

39th helicopter regiment, military unit 46453 (Crimea, Dzhankoy): 12 units. Mi-35, 16 units Ka-52, Mi-26.

55th Separate Sevastopol Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class Helicopter Regiment, military unit 35666 (Krasnodar Territory, Korenovsky District, Korenovsk): 10 units Mi-35, 13 units. Mi-28N, 17 units. Mi-8AMTSh, 12 unit Ka-52
16th Army Aviation Brigade (Zernograd, Rostov Region): 6 units Mi-8AMTSh, 8 units. Mi-26, 14 units. Mi-28N, 3 units. Mi-8 MTPR-1.

487th separate helicopter regiment, military unit 12910 (Stavropol Territory, Budennovsk): 11 units Mi-35, 15 units. Mi-28N, units Mi-8MTV-5, 2 units. Mi-26.

214th Communications Control Center, military unit 65246 (Novocherkassk).

Support Center (Rostov-on-Don).

5307th warehouse RAV, military unit 97802 (Rostov-on-Don).

51st Air Defense Division, military unit 42352 (Rostov-on-Don):

1537th Red Banner Kuban Cossack Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, military unit 26345 (Novorossiysk): 1 S-300PS battalion, 2 S-400 battalions, ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" battery. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.
Battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" includes a battery control center and 6 units. BM 96K6.

1536th Anti-Aircraft Missile Order of the Red Star, Don Cossack Regiment, military unit 48514 (Rostov-on-Don): 3 divisions of S-300PM air defense systems. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

1721st anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 11754 (Krasnodar Territory, Sochi): 2 divisions of the 9K37M1 Buk air defense system. The 9K37M1 Buk SAM division consists of a 9S470M1 command post, a 9S18M1 Kupol-M1 detection and target designation station, a communications platoon and three anti-aircraft missile batteries with two 9A310M1 self-propelled launchers and one 9A39 launcher-loader in each, as well as technical support and maintenance units .

339th radio engineering regiment, military unit 03007 (Astrakhan region, Tinaki settlement).

338th radio engineering regiment, military unit 40213 (Rostov-on-Don).

31st Air Defense Division (Ukraine, Crimea, Sevastopol):

12th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 85702 (Sevastopol): 2 S-300PM air defense divisions. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.
3 units ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1".

18th anti-aircraft missile regiment (Feodosia): 2 divisions of S-300PM air defense systems. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

3rd Radio Engineering Regiment (Sevastopol).

14th Smolensk Red Banner Army of the VKS, military unit 71592 (Central Military District, Yekaterinburg)
operational association of the air forces of the Russian Federation. Formed on December 1, 2009 on the basis of the 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army in Novosibirsk. In October 2010, the Army Directorate is located in the city of Yekaterinburg.

48th Air Base of Army Aviation, military unit 45123 (Kamensk-Uralsky): 16 units Mi-8, 16 units. Mi-24P, 2 units. Mi-26.

Air Group 48 Army Aviation Base. Separate rescue unit, military unit 45123-2 (Uprun): 16 units. Mi-8, 4 units. Mi-26.

6980th Guards Orsha Red Banner Order of Suvorov Aviation Base, military unit 69806 (Chelyabinsk, Shagol): 24 units Su-24M, 12 units Su-24MR.

2nd Air Group of the 6980th Aviation Base, military unit 69806-2 (Perm, Bolshoe Savino): 24 units. MiG-31 (D3/BS). 390th Separate Transport Aviation Regiment, 69806-4 (Yekaterinburg, Koltsovo): 5 units Mi-8, 2 units. An-12, 4 units. An-140-100.

Separate helicopter detachment (Svedlovsk region, Nizhny Tagil-39): Mi-8.

3rd air group of the 6980th aviation base, military unit 69806-3 (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kansk): 24 units. MiG-31BM.

999th air base (Rostov-on-Don, actually the Kyrgyz Republic, Chui region, Kant): 5 units Su-25SM, 2 units. Mi-8, 2 units. An-24/26, 1 unit An-30/32, Orlan-10 and Outpost UAVs.

562nd Army Aviation Base (2 ranks), military unit 12739 (Tolmachevo): 16 units Mi-24P, 16 units Mi-8AMTSh.

Aviation logistics base, military unit 13849 (Omsk).

76th air defense division, military unit 34244 (Samara):

511th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Smolensk Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, three times Orders of Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment, military unit 40218 (Engels): 2 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

185th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 92851 (Ekaterinburg, Berezovsky): 2 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

568th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 28042 (Samara): 3 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

340th radio engineering regiment, military unit 40278 (Samara region, Krasnoyarsk district, Mirny town).

41st Air Defense Division, military unit 29286 (Novosibirsk):

590th Lvov anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 35730 (Novosibirsk): 1 S-300PS battalion, 2 S-400 battalions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.

1534th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 25512 (Irkutsk region, Angarsk): 3 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

388th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, military unit 97646 (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Achinsk): 3 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

170thanti-aircraft missile regiment, 41st Air Defense Division of the 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Central Military District. The 170th missile regiment was formed in Khakassia by order of the Minister of Defense of Russia dated October 1, 2015 (the regiment’s department is Sapogov, Ust-Abansky district, near Abakan), took up combat duty on July 1, 2016, and, according to open sources, had includes two divisions of S-300PS air defense systems

341st radio engineering regiment, military unit 58133 (Ob).

11th Red Banner Army of the VKS, military unit 10253 (VVO, Khabarovsk)
operational association of the air forces of the Russian Federation. Formed on December 1, 2009 on the basis of the 11th Air Force and Air Defense Army. The army headquarters is in Khabarovsk.

303rd Mixed Aviation Division (Khurba):

22nd Fighter Khalkhingol Red Banner Aviation Regiment (Primorsky Territory, Central Corner): 3 units. MiG-31 BM, 9 units. MiG-31 (D3/BS), 14 units Su-35C, 4 units. Su-30M2, 15 units Su-27SM.

23rd Tallinn Fighter Aviation Regiment (Komsomolsk, Dzemgi): 26 units. Su-35C, 4 units. Su-30SM, 2 units. Su-30M2.

277th Mlavsky Red Banner Bomber Aviation Regiment (Khurba): 46 units. Su-24M (M2), 24 units Su-34,

799th Separate Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment (Primorsky Territory, Varfolomeevka): 24 units. Su-24MR.

257th separate mixed aviation regiment (Khabarovsk): 12 units. An-12, An-26.

18th Guards Assault Red Banner Aviation Regiment (Chernigovka): 24 units. Su-25SM and 6 units. Su-25UB.

H mixed aviation division (Trans-Baikal Territory, Chita district, Domna settlement):

120th Aviation Regiment, military unit 63559 (Zabaikalsky Krai, Chita district, Domna settlement): 24 units. Su-30SM.

112th Separate Helicopter Regiment(Cheryomushki air base, Chita):, 16 units. Mi-24P, 9 units. Mi-8, 7 units. Mi-8AMTSh.

266th Assault Aviation Regiment (Step airfield in the Olovyanninsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory): Formed until 2018.

575th Army Aviation Base (2 ranks), military unit 13984 (Chernigovka): 16 units Mi-24P, 20 units Ka-52, 16 units Mi-8AMTSh.

573rd Army Aviation Base (2 ranks), military unit 42838 (Khabarovsk Territory, Khabarovsk District, Bolshoi Aerodrome Settlement): 16 units Mi-24, 15 units. Mi-8AMTSh, 6 units. Mi-26, 12 units Ka-52.

Air group of the 573rd airbase, military unit 42838-2 (Khabarovsk, Garovka): 2 units. Mi-26, 6 units Mi-8.

101st Separate Helicopter Detachment (Iturup Island, Burevestnik): Mi-8AMTSh.

aviation commandant's office, military unit 74131 (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sokol).

93rd Air Defense Division, military unit 03103 (Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok):

1533rd Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the Red Banner, military unit 40083 (Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok): 1 S-300PS division, 2 S-400 divisions, battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1". The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.
Battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" includes a battery control center and 6 units. BM 96K6.

589th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 83266 (Nakhodka): 1 S-300PS battalion, 2 S-400 battalions, 96K6 Pantsir-S1 ZRPK battery. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.
Battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" includes a battery control center and 6 units. BM 96K6.

344th radio engineering regiment, military unit 30986 (Artem).

25th Red Banner Komsomol Air Defense Division (Khabarovsk Territory, Komsomolsk):

1529th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, military unit 16802 (Khabarovsk): 3 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

1530th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 31458 (Khabarovsk Territory, Lian): 5 S-300PS divisions. The S-300PS division includes 3 SAM batteries, each of which consists of three self-propelled launchers on the MAZ-543M chassis and one 5N63S vehicle (illumination and guidance radar), consisting of combined F1S RPN cabins and F2K combat control on one MAZ-543M chassis. The launchers are divided into one main 5P85S with an F3S launch preparation and control cabin and a 5S18 autonomous power supply system, and two additional 5P85D equipped with only one 5S19 autonomous power supply system.

1724th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 22459 (Birobidzhan): 2 S-300V divisions. The S-300V air defense division consists of a 9S457 command post, a 9S15M Obzor-3 radar, a 9S19M2 Ginger radar and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which includes one 9S32 multichannel missile guidance station, two 9A82 launchers, one launcher-loader 9A84, four launchers 9A83 and two launchers 9A85.

343rd radio engineering regiment, military unit 30593 (Khabarovsk).

39th radio engineering regiment, military unit 21527 (Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Khomutovo village).

26th Air Defense Division, military unit 55345 (Chita):

1723rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, military unit 26292 (Jida): 2 divisions of the 9K37M1 Buk air defense system. The 9K37M1 Buk SAM division consists of a 9S470M1 command post, a 9S18M1 Kupol-M1 detection and target designation station, a communications platoon and three anti-aircraft missile batteries with two 9A310M1 self-propelled launchers and one 9A39 launcher-loader in each, as well as technical support and maintenance units .

342nd radio engineering regiment, military unit 75313 (Chita).

Long-Range Aviation Command, military unit 44402 (Moscow)
an association of the Russian Air Force under the control of the Central High Command of the Air Force, formed on the basis of the 37th Air Army. The Long-Range Aviation is armed with Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers, as well as Tu-22M3 long-range bombers. The office is located in Moscow.

6950th Guards Donbas Red Banner Aviation Base (1st category), military unit 06987 (Saratov Region, Engels): 16 units Tu-160, 18 units. Tu-95MS.

Guards aviation group of separate basing tanker aircraft, military unit 06987-B (Ryazan, Dyagilevo): 19 units. IL-78.

Air group 6950-f of the air base, military unit 06987-A (Kaluga region, Kirovsky district, Shaikovka village): 30 units. Tu-22M3.

Guards naval missile-carrying Kiev Red Banner Order of Suvorov, second degree, air group of the 6950th air base, military unit 06987-E (Murmansk region, Olenegorsk-8): 20 units. Tu-22M3.

6952nd Sevastopol-Berlinskaya Red Banner Aviation Base (1st category), military unit 62266 (Amur Region, Seryshevsky District, Ukrainka village):

Air group of the 6952nd airbase, military unit 62266-V (Irkutsk region, Usolsky district, Sredny settlement): 34 units. Tu-22M3, 2 units. An-12, 4 units. An-30, 1 unit An-26.
Alternate base airfield (Republic of Sakha - Yakutia, Bulunsky ulus, settlement Tiksi).

Command of the Military Transport Aviation, military unit 25969 (Moscow)
operational-strategic association of the Russian Air Force, military transport aviation Armed Forces Russia. Formed on December 1, 2009 on the basis of the 61st Air Army of the Supreme High Command. The command office is located in the city of Moscow.

12th Mginskaya Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Division (Tver Region, Tver):

334th Berlin Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Pskov region, Pskov district, Kresty village): 27 units. IL-76MD.

566th Solnechnogorsk Red Banner Order of Kutuzov, 3rd Class, Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Bryansk Region, Sescha Settlement): 9 units. An-124, 4 units. IL-76MD.

8th Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Tver region, Tver): 17 units. Il-76MD, 5 units An-22, 1 unit An-26, 1 unit An-12BK.

144th airborne early warning aircraft regiment (Ivanovo): 3 units. A-50U, 15 units. A-50, 8 units. Mi-8, 1 unit IL-78.

463rd separate communications battalion of the Military Transport Aviation, military unit 93810 (Moscow region, Chkalovsky settlement).

18th Guards Military Transport Aviation Red Banner Taganrog Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Division (VTAD) [in Orenburg] (11/`17)
The 18th military transport aviation division included the 117th military transport aviation regiment (Orenburg; the regiment was reorganized from an electronic warfare regiment into a military transport regiment in 1994), the 708th military transport aviation regiment (Taganrog-Central ; in Soviet and post-Soviet times it was a separate regiment of the military aviation aviation) and the 235th military transport aviation regiment, which is being restored in Ulyanovsk, which will first receive a squadron of Il-76MD aircraft, and then should be equipped with new military transport aircraft Il-76MD-90A.

117th Berlin Order of Kutuzov III degree military transport aviation regiment (Orenburg): 16 units. IL-76MD, 3 units. An-12PPS.
9 units Il-76MD235th 01/12/17

708th Guards Kerch Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Rostov Region, Taganrog): 25 units. Il-76MD, 1 unit An-12BK.

235th military transport aviation regiment (Ulyanovsk)9+1 units Il-76MD

105 -I separate mixed aviation squadron, Omsk (Northern) , military unit 77126.(Omsk region) An-26, Mi-8

Air Force Command (Moscow)

17th separate transport aviation squadron (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

929th State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense named after V.P. Chkalov, military unit 15650 (Astrakhan region, Akhtubinsk): 1 unit T-50-2 PAK FA, 1 unit Su-27, 1 unit Su-27UP, 1 unit Su-27UB, 1 unit Su-27SM, 1 unit Su-27SM3, 2 units MiG-29SMT, 1 unit MiG-29UBM, 2 units. MiG-31BM, 4 units. Su-24M, 2 units Su-25SM3, 3 units. Su-34, 6 units Su-35, 2 units Su-30SM, 1 unit Yak-130, 1 unit An-124, 1 unit An-72, 1 unit An-26KPA, 1 unit IL-76MD, 3 units. AN-12BK, 1 unit An-12PPS.

3rd aviation squadron of the 929th GLITs (Moscow region, Shchelkovo, Chkalovsky airfield): 4 units. IL-80, 2 units IL-82.

4th State Red Banner Order of Lenin Center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel named after Chkalov of the Air Force of the Russian Federation, military unit 62632-V (Lipetsk): 4 units Su-30SM, 5 units. Su-27, 5 units Su-27SM, 6 units Su-27UB, 2 units. MiG-29SMT, 1 unit MiG-29UBM, 6 units. MiG-29UB, 6 units. Su-24M, 4 units. Su-24M2, 2 units Su-24MR, 1 unit Su-24MP, 4 units. Su-35, 7 units Su-34, 6 units Su-25, 2 units Su-25SM, 6 units. Su-25UB.

Air group 4th GTsPAPiPVI, military unit 62632-K (Tambov).

Sevastopol Red Banner Order of Suvorov III degree research and instructor mixed air group (Lipetsk).

Aviation Technician Storage Department (Lipetsk): 93 units. MiG-29, 55 units MiG-27, 266 units MiG-23.

Guards Kerch Red Banner Aviation Squadron GTsPAPiPVI, military unit 62632-L (Nizhny Novgorod region, Kulebaksky district, Savasleika village): 5 units. MiG-31, 10 units. MiG-31BM.

Guards Proskurovsky Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Center for Displaying Aviation Equipment named after Air Marshal I.N. Kozhedub, military unit 62632-I (Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Kubinka village): 20 units. MiG-29, 5 units. MiG-29UB, 5 units. Su-27, 6 units Su-27P, 5 units. Su-27UP, 4 units. An-30.

43rd Guards Oryol Center for Combat Employment and Retraining of Long-Range Aviation Flight Personnel, military unit 62632-B (Ryazan): 3 units Tu-22M3.

344th center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel, military unit 62632-d (Tver, Torzhok): 16 units Mi-24PN, 8 units. Mi-26, 12 units Mi-8, 8 units. Ka-50, 12 units Mi-28, 4 units. Mi-35.

92nd Special Purpose Instructor and Research Helicopter Squadron, military unit 62632-E (Moscow Region, Klin-5): 18 units. Mi-8, 2 units. Mi-8AMTSh.

Air group of the 344th PPI, military unit 62632-A (Tver region, Torzhok).

610th Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Flight Personnel of Military Transport Aviation named after Air Marshal N.S. Skripko, military unit 62632-G (Ivanovo): 2 units IL-76M, 3 units. IL-76MD.

Aerobatic team "Berkuts" (Vladimir region, Suzdal region): 5 units Mi-28.

Center for Combat Training and Combat Use of the Air Force, military unit 28004 (Astrakhan region, Ashuluk): 28 units MiG-29, 2 units An-26.

2nd Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Tver).

30th Central Order of the Red Star Research Institute named after Chkalov of the Air Force of the Russian Federation (Schelkovo, Moscow Region).

Research Center for the Operation and Repair of Aviation Equipment (Moscow region, Lyubertsy).

Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "VVA" named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh):

Krasnodar branch of VUNTS VVS "VVA" named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Krasnodar).

Syzran branch of VUNTS VVS "VVA" named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Syzran).

Flight Training Center VUNTS VVS (Voronezh).

357th Air Force Training Center, military unit 30616-15 (Belgorod).

116th training center for combat use (Ashuluk).

221st Training Air Base (Shagol): 1 unit An-72, 7 units An-26, 1 unit Mi-8.

209th training aviation base, military unit 32921 (Voronezh region, Borisoglebsk): 44 units Yak-130, 15 units Su-25.

200th Air Training Base (Armavir): 30 units Yak-130, 20 units MiG-29, 2 units An-26.

272nd Aviation Training Polotsk Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Base (Krasnodar Territory, Maykop): L-39.

219th training aviation base (Tambov region, Michurinsk): L-39.

339th training aviation base, military unit 21965 (Saratov, settlement Sokolovy): 25 units Ansat (Ansat-U), 20 units Mi-8, 26 units Ka-226.

195th training air base (Krasnodar Territory, Kushchevskaya): 3 units Su-27, 1 unit Su-27SK, 1 unit Su-27P, 6 units. Su-27UBK, 18 units MiG-29SMT, 2 units. Su-25.

205th training aviation base, military unit 78474 (Balashov, Saratov region): 7 units An-26.

217th training aviation base, military unit 06807 (Rtishchevo, Saratov region).

192nd Guards Training Aviation Base, military unit 28153 (Krasnodar Territory, Tikhoretsk).

213th training aviation base, military unit 55624 (Kotelnikovo, Volgograd region).

1st Air Defense Army PRO (Moscow)

4th air defense division, military unit 52096 (Moscow region, Leninsky district, village Petrovskoe):

549th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 61991 (Moscow region, Ilyinskoye): 1 S-300PM division, 2 S-400 divisions, ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" battery. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.
Battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" includes a battery control center and 6 units. BM 96K6.

629th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 51857 (Moscow region, Schelkovsky district, Kablukovo village): 3 divisions of S-300PM air defense systems. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

606th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the Red Banner, military unit 61996 (Moscow Region, Elektrostal): 1 S-300PM SAM division, 2 S-400 SAM divisions, 96K6 Pantsir-S1 ZRPK battery. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.
Battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" includes a battery control center and 6 units. BM 96K6.

614th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Vienna Red Banner Orders of Kutuzov and Alexander Nevsky Regiment, military unit 92574 (Moscow region, Domodedovo district, village of Pestovo): 3 divisions of S-300PM air defense systems. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

799th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 62843 (Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk): 3 divisionsS-300PM air defense systems. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

9th radio engineering regiment, military unit 51858 (Moscow region, village of Torbeevo, Stupinsky district).

5th air defense division, military unit 52116 (Moscow region, Dolgoprudny):

584th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, military unit 62845 (Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, Maryino village): 2 S-300PM air defense divisions. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

210th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 51890 (Dmitrovsky district, village of Dubrovka): 1 S-300PM air defense division, 2 S-400 air defense divisions, 96K6 Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system battery. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.
Battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" includes a battery control center and 6 units. BM 96K6.

93rd Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, military unit 51916 (Moscow region, Odintsovo district, village of Funkovo): 1 S-300PM air defense battalion, 2 S-400 battalions, 96K6 Pantsir-S1 ZRPK battery. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.
The S-400 air defense division consists of a 55K6E command post with a 91N6E detection radar, a 96L6E all-altitude radar on a 40V6M universal tower and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85TE2 launchers, a 92N2E multifunctional control radar, a charging vehicle and a transport vehicle.
Battery ZRPK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" includes a battery control center and 6 units. BM 96K6.

612th anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 92925 (Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, actually the village of Glagolevo): 3 S-300PM air defense divisions. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

722nd anti-aircraft missile regiment, military unit 86611 (Klin): 2 S-300PM air defense divisions. The S-300PM air defense division consists of a 5N63S command post with a 30N6E illumination and guidance radar (RPN), a 76N6 low-altitude detector (NVO) and 2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, each of which consists of 4 5P85SE launchers on a MAZ-547 self-propelled chassis, a 22T6E charging machine and transport vehicle 5T58E.

25th radio engineering regiment, military unit 86655 (Moscow region, Ruza district, Nesterovo village).

9th anti-missile defense division, military unit 75555 (Moscow region, town of Sofrino):

900th command post of the missile defense system, military unit 20007 (Moscow region, town of Sofrino).

102nd separate anti-missile center, military unit 48701 (Zhuklino, Aleksandrovsky district Vladimir region): 12 launchers of the A-135 missile defense system.

50th anti-missile complex, military unit 51085 (Moscow region, Royal district, Oboldino village): 12 launchers of the A-135 missile defense system.

15th anti-missile complex, military unit 51087 (Moscow region, Solntsevsky district, Vnukovo village): 12 launchers of the A-135 missile defense system.

49th anti-missile complex, military unit 51084 (Moscow region, Sofrino town): 12 launchers of the A-135 missile defense system.

16th anti-missile complex, military unit 51086 (Moscow region, Leninsky district, Razvilka village): 16 launchers of the A-135 missile defense system.

89th anti-missile complex, military unit 51089 (Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, Korostovo village): 16 launchers of the A-135 missile defense system.

572nd separate radio engineering unit, military unit 03863 (Moscow region, Chekhov district, Chernetskoye village): Radar 5N20 "Don-2N".

164th information processing point, military unit 52361 (Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, Akulovo village): command and computer center 5K80 with the Elbrus computer system.

482nd separate radio engineering unit, military unit 03523 (Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, Aleshino village): Radar 5N20 "Don-2N".

34th communications regiment, military unit 12517 (Moscow region, Klin).

1876th technical base, military unit 02014 (Naro-Fominsk, Poryadino).

15th Army of the Aerospace Special Forces (Moscow)

Main missile attack warning center, military unit 26302 (Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk).

487th communication and information transmission center, military unit 13626 (Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk).

Eastern command post of missile attack warning means, military unit 20117 (Khabarovsk Territory, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, actually Komsomolsk-on-Amur district, Pivan-1 settlement).

Western Command Post of Missile Attack Warning Equipment, military unit 22251 (Moscow Region, Serpukhov).

1383rd reserve command post of the missile attack warning system, military unit 17204 (Moscow region, Lukhovitsy).

514th command post of the missile attack warning system, military unit 12556 (Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk).

Separate radio engineering unit RO-1, military unit 16605 (Murmansk region, Olenegorsk): Radar Dnepr.

Separate radio engineering unit OS-2, military unit 16601 (Republic of Kazakhstan, Balkhash district, town Gulshad): Radar Dnepr.

Separate radio engineering unit RO-30, military unit 96876 (Komi Republic, Pechora): Radar Daryal.

474th separate radio engineering unit, military unit 03522 (Republic of Belarus, Baranovichi, Kletsk-2, Gantsevichi village): Radar Volga.

Separate radio engineering unit (Komsomolsk): Radar Duga-2.

Separate radio engineering unit (Sofrino): Radar Don-2N.

571st separate radio engineering unit, military unit 73845 (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Lekhtusi village): Radar Voronezh-DM.

818th separate radio engineering unit, military unit 41003 (Krasnodar Territory, Armavir): Radar Voronezh-DM.

Separate radio engineering unit (Sevastopol, Cossack): Radar Dnepr.

Separate radio engineering unit, military unit 84686 (Barnaul, Koyuhi village): Radar Voronezh-DM.

Separate radio engineering unit, military unit 84194 (Orenburg region, Novoorsky district, Kumak village): Radar Voronezh-DM.

Separate radio engineering unit, military unit 84197 (Komi, Vorkuta): Radar Voronezh-DM.

Separate radio engineering unit, military unit 29982 (Primorsky Territory, Nakhodka).

916th separate radio engineering unit, military unit 03340 (Moscow region, Serpukhov).

Separate radio engineering unit, military unit 42988 (Kaliningrad region, Pioneer): Radar Voronezh-DM.

36th separate radio engineering unit, military unit 11125 (Irkutsk region, Usolye-Sibirskoye): Radar Voronezh-DM.

Separate radio engineering unit (Olenegorsk): Radar Voronezh-VP.

Separate radio engineering unit (Pechora): Radar Voronezh-VP.

590th separate radio engineering unit for over-the-horizon detection of air targets, military unit 84680 (Mordovia, Kovylkino): Radar 29B6 "Container".

26th measuring point, military unit 92626 (Kaliningrad region, Pionersky).

Main space intelligence center, military unit 61437 (Moscow region, Noginsky district, Dubrovo village).

145th Space Control Center, military unit 28289 (Moscow region, Noginsky district, Dubrovo village).

1109th space tracking and control station, military unit 52168 (Republic of Tajikistan, Nurek): optical-electronic complex "Window".

space tracking and control station, military unit 20096 (Stavropol Territory, Zelenchuksky district, station Storozhevaya):
radio-optical complex for recognition of space objects "Krona".
radio-technical complex for monitoring emitting spacecraft "Moment".
radar complex for detecting and tracking low-orbit spacecraft "Krona-N".
stationary quantum-optical stations "Sazhen-S" and "Sazhen-T".

1060th ooue (Primorsky Territory, Spassk-Dalny): opto-electronic complex "Window-S".

INAP, military unit 41646 (Moscow region, Noginsk district, Dubrovo village).

Office for the introduction of new systems and complexes of the Space Forces, military unit 73570 (Moscow region, Krasnogorsk-5).

54th communication center, military unit 74129 (Moscow).

Construction and quartering department, military unit 58122 (Moscow).

28th arsenal, military unit 14272 (Tambov region, Znamenka town).

1786th central base of measuring equipment, military unit 74143 (Moscow region, Shchelkovo).

153rd Main Testing Center of the Order of the October Revolution and the Red Banner of Labor named after G.S. Titov, military unit 32103 (Moscow region, Kraznoznamensk):
2 units Optical reconnaissance satellite 14F137 "Persona" (Cosmos-2486 and Cosmos-2506),
1 unit Radar reconnaissance spacecraft 14F133 "Kondor" (Cosmos-2487).
RTR system "Liana" - two radar reconnaissance satellites 14F139 "Pion-NKS" (plan) and two electronic reconnaissance satellites 14F145 "Lotos-S" (Cosmos-2502) and 14F138 "Lotos" (Cosmos-2455).
Multifunctional space system for relaying and electronic intelligence "Luch" K", spacecraft "Yenisei-A1".
27 units Spacecraft "Uragan-M" and 2 units. "Uragan-K" - satellites of the GLONASS navigation system.
12 units KA 17F13 "Strela-3" - communication satellites.
1 unit KA 14F136 "Harpoon" - repeater satellites.
4 units 14F112 KA "MERIDIAN" - communication satellites.
3 units 17F15M KA "Raduga-1M" - repeater satellites.

testing center, military unit 94077 (Amur region, Svobodny).

794th central communication center, military unit 57337 (Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk).

48th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 34122 (Kaluga region, Maloyaroslavets).

6th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 14086 (Kamchatka Territory, Elizovsky district, Vulkanny village).

46th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 14058 (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yeniseisk).

76th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 14108 (St. Petersburg, Krasnoe Selo).

31st separate command and measurement complex, military unit 14129 (Republic of Buryatia, Zaigraevsky district, Nizhnie Taltsy village).

14th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 26178 (Moscow region, Shchelkovo).

15th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 14038 (Primorsky Territory, Oktyabrsky district, pos. Galenki).

20th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 59946 (Khabarovsk Territory, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Solnechny village).

18th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 97692 (Komi Republic, Vorkuta-4, Oktyabrsky village).

9th military school for junior specialists, military unit 15689 (Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk).

1373rd test center (information, telemetry and navigation support for the management of space complexes, space systems), military unit 73736 (Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk).

testing center, military unit 08317 (Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk).

863rd test center (testing and use of communication and navigation spacecraft), military unit 57237 (Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk).

17th separate command and measurement complex, military unit 77981 (Republic of Sakha Yakutia, Yakutsk).

7th ONIP, military unit 85906 (Altai Territory, Barnaul).

81st operational and technical commandant's office, military unit 59947 (Moscow region, Krasnoznamensk).

43rd separate scientific and testing station, military unit 25522 (Kamchatsky Krai, Ust-Kamchatsky district, Klyuchi).

32nd Trial Order of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution of the Red Star Directorate, military unit 11284 (Republic of Kazakhstan, Baikonur).

Federal State Institution "Department of contractual work for the provision of services in the field of space activities", military unit 42099 (Moscow).

1st State Test Red Banner Order of the Red Banner of Labor Cosmodrome (Arkhangelsk Region, Mirny):

98th communication center, military unit 32175 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

16th separate engineering test unit, military unit 14056 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

17th separate engineering test unit, military unit 63551 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

2nd separate engineering test unit, military unit 30107 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

229th separate engineering test unit, military unit 14003 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

29th separate engineering test unit, military unit 13973 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

8th separate engineering test unit, military unit 01349 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

83rd separate engineering test unit, military unit 25922 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

Separate repair base, military unit 57334 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

3rd measuring point, military unit 12403 (Arkhangelsk region, Naryan-Mar).

8th scientific and measuring point, military unit 40919 (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk):

201st center for testing and use of space assets, military unit 75106 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

833rd Center for Testing and Application of Space Equipment, military unit 75117 (Arkhangelsk Region, Mirny).

3rd test department, military unit 07378 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

205th test center, military unit 85907 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

260th test center, military unit 85487 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

549th military hospital, military unit 42680 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

18th veterinary-epidemiological detachment, military unit 01080 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

37th separate airfield maintenance battalion, military unit 34185 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

478th separate technical railway battalion, military unit 42643 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

40th separate security battalion, military unit 42651 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

75th separate operational and technical battalion, military unit 42670 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

Automobile battalion, military unit 47077 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

Courier-postal service, military unit 78112 (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny).

Educational institutions of the HQS

Military Academy of Aerospace Defense. Marshal Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver region, Tver-22).

Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (St. Petersburg):

150th Support Regiment educational process, military unit 39985 (Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, Lekhtusi village).

Yaroslavl branch of the VKA PVO (Yaroslavl).

Training center for anti-aircraft missile troops (Leningrad region, Gatchina).

42nd Training Center for Combat Training of Anti-Aircraft Missile Forces, military unit 01644 (Astrakhan region, Kharabalinsky district, Tambovka-1 village): 2 training divisions of S-300 air defense systems.

Training Center for Air Force ZRV Settlements, military unit 06533 (Kosterevo-1, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region).

Training Center for Air Force RTV Crews, military unit 30790 (Kosterevo-1, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region).

183rd training center (Plesetsk).

Aerospace Forces successfully tested a short-range missile defense system

MOSCOW, June 21, 2016. Air and missile defense troops of the Russian Aerospace Forces have successfully tested a short-range anti-missile missile defense system, the launch took place at the Sary-Shagan training ground in Kazakhstan, the press service of the Ministry of Defense reported.

The purpose of the launch was to confirm the tactical and technical characteristics of the anti-missiles in service with the Aerospace Forces, the department noted.

The commander of the missile defense and air defense forces, deputy commander-in-chief of the airborne forces, Lieutenant-General Viktor Gumenny, who arrived at the training ground to control the preparation and conduct of the test launch, said that "the anti-missile system of the missile defense system successfully completed the task during the tests, hitting the conditional target at the set time."

Moscow. April 8, 2017. Aerial space forces(VKS) of the Russian Federation will soon adopt the promising S-500 anti-aircraft missile system, Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Hero of Russia, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev told reporters on Saturday.

"Every year we receive five sets of S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, new radar stations (radar stations) - these rates suit us, further development, we are not standing still with the industry, the latest S-500 complex is being developed at an accelerated pace, and in the near future it will go into service with the air defense forces," he said.

As the head of the Zhukov Military Academy of Aerospace Defense, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Lyaporov, said earlier, the training of specialists for work on the S-500 complexes began for the first time in the Russian Armed Forces.

Russian sword shield

The aerospace forces will protect Russia from a sudden enemy attack and create conditions for inflicting unacceptable damage on him in a retaliatory strike.

A new type of troops - Aerospace Forces (VKS) - was created in a timely manner and fully complies with the current military-political situation in the world.

The events in Ukraine and Syria have shown that the United States and its allies have chosen the Russian Federation as a primary target, which is the organizing core of resistance to the plans of the West and a powerful resource base. The VKS troops were created taking into account different views and accumulated experience (including foreign) in the construction and use of forces operating in the aerospace sphere.

First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General Pavel Kurachenko believes that "Russia today is the only global force that is capable and ready to counteract ... the military and political plans" of the West. He stated this at the scientific and technical conference "Aerospace as a sphere of protection of the planet Earth." According to him, "information warfare measures, economic sanctions and demonstration of military superiority" are used to achieve the goals.

However, understanding general situation, opponents continue to doubt the advisability of creating a videoconferencing system. In their opinion, the previously existing structures successfully solved their tasks and ensured the security of the country. Periodically, in one form or another, the question arises: what required the creation of a new type of troops?

Reasons for the creation of the videoconferencing

The collapse of Russia using various, including military means, is the main and long-standing goal of the West. It is clear to everyone that the use of nuclear weapons would be a disaster both for the victim of aggression and for the aggressor himself. Therefore, today and in the future, in the armed struggle against Russia, first of all, existing and promising conventional means of aerospace attack will be used, and gaining dominance in the aerospace sphere by them will become the main task with the outbreak of hostilities.

The United States and its NATO allies consider the AFCS as the main means, and air and space as the main "field" of confrontation with the Russian Federation. This is an indisputable conclusion from an analysis of trends in the development of means of armed struggle, methods of their use, as well as the results of wars and military conflicts in the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Reasons for the creation of the videoconferencing

The first and main reason for the creation of the Aerospace Forces is the unswerving desire of the United States to achieve military superiority over Russia in the aerospace sphere. It is precisely for this that the concept of a lightning-fast global strike using hypersonic weapons was developed, the main provisions of which are being gradually implemented today.

US hypersonic cruise missile successfully tested

The US Air Force successfully tested the X-51A Waverider hypersonic cruise missile, reports

Tests of a rocket capable of reaching speeds five times the speed of sound took place on May 1 over the Pacific Ocean. The X-51A Waverider was launched from a B-52H Stratofortress from Edwards Air Force Base in California. The hypersonic missile was launched at an altitude of 15.2 thousand meters and rose to 18.2 thousand meters. The flight time of the rocket was 370 seconds. During them, the X-51A Waverider reached a speed of Mach 5.1 (6.1 thousand kilometers per hour) and covered a distance of 426 kilometers. After that, the hypersonic missile destroyed itself.

The main stake is "on gaining dominance in the air and space, conducting massive aerospace operations at the very beginning of the war with strikes against strategic and vital targets throughout the depths of the country," he said. Deputy Defense Ministry Arkady Bakhin.

At the same time, "the degree of threats themselves to Russia in the aerospace sphere will steadily increase."

Viktor Baranets, a military observer for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, also supports his opinion. He believes that "America continues to militarize space and builds up its efforts here," despite the fact that today we have "some people responsible for air space, and others for outer space."

Another important reason for the creation of the Aerospace Forces is the steady implementation of US plans to deploy American missile defense elements in Europe directly at the borders of Russia. President of the Academy of Geopolitical Sciences Konstantin Sivkov believes that today a European region is actually being created as part of the US global missile defense system.

Diagram of the missile defense system in Europe

The third reason, closely intertwined with the above, is the buildup of NATO forces in Europe and the growth of a direct military threat to Russia. This is the transfer of American military equipment and its deployment on a rotational basis in the Baltic States, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and other European countries, the creation of bloc rapid reaction forces, forcing alliance partners to increase their defense budget, etc. and so on.

Thus, the creation of the Aerospace Forces is an adequate response to the complex of military-political threats to Russia from the United States and NATO. This is implemented by integrating all forces and means to effectively repel an aerospace attack by a potential enemy. Taking into account the existing threats, the Aerospace Forces are called upon to solve the problems of deterring and neutralizing American plans in the aerospace sphere.

Based on the experience of past years, it can be argued that the actions of national air defense systems determine the course and outcome of armed struggle. Thus, the strong air defense of Vietnam, whose military and economic potential was noticeably inferior to the aggressor, became main reason US refusal to continue the war. And, on the contrary, the weakness of the air defense systems of Iraq, Libya and Yugoslavia led to their defeat, and the latter disappeared altogether as a state.

In addition, other factors contribute to the use of SVKN groupings and the enemy’s aerospace attack on Russia. According to Kurachenko, this is the presence of large groups of foreign AFKN near the borders of the Russian Federation and its proximity to the centers of instability; large length of borders and area of ​​the country; the presence of an enclave - the Kaliningrad region, the remoteness and inaccessibility of Primorye, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Chukotka; the presence of potentially dangerous for the population - in case of their destruction - objects. These and other factors determine the preference for an aerospace attack over ground combat operations. These same factors simultaneously complicate the solution of aerospace defense tasks.

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that over time the desire of the West to "build" Russia is only growing, and the means for this, primarily military, are being improved. In the interests of preserving the country, our actions must be directed to strengthening the army and navy in every possible way. As the emperor once said Alexander III Peacemaker (1845-1894), "we have only two true allies, our army and navy." The current situation is quite consistent with these prophetic words.

Structure and tasks of the HQS

General Command of the Aerospace Forces

Air Force

space troops

Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces

On August 1, 2015, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Aerospace Forces began to carry out their tasks. Aerospace Forces include defensive and offensive components, which, according to Kurachenko, "is both a sword and a shield of Russia in the aerospace sphere."

According to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief, the combat strength of the Aerospace Forces includes three types of troops - the Air Force, the Air Defense and Missile Defense Forces, as well as the Space Forces. In addition, the Aerospace Forces includes units and subunits of electronic warfare, communications, radio engineering, automated control, engineering, metrology, etc. They are united into a single type of troops by appropriate command and control structures.

Video conferencing systems are designed to solve the following main tasks.

The first and foremost of these is to ensure effective cover for strategic nuclear forces (SNF) in cooperation with other branches and arms of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is they who, in a retaliatory strike, must inflict unacceptable damage on the aggressor and force him to abandon further military operations. Simultaneously with this task, the Aerospace Forces solve the tasks of controlling aerospace and timely opening the beginning of an attack; repelling an attack by the enemy's AFKN and protecting the most important objects, political and economic regions of the country and groupings of troops from his attacks; inflicting damage on enemy targets and troops; ensuring the launch of spacecraft and their control in flight.

Why shield and sword?

The effective solution by the forces and means of the Aerospace Forces of their tasks will contribute to the prevention of aggression. Otherwise, as the experience of wars of the 20th and early 21st centuries has shown, the war will be lost without a modern aerospace defense. But the same experience also shows that, using only passive defense, regardless of its effectiveness, the defenders should not count on a positive outcome of the war in principle.

The victim's lack of aggression, even in the presence of a sufficiently strong anti-aircraft defense, of the ability to strike at the enemy unequivocally leads to defeat. It is a matter of time, which confirms the tragic fate of the previously mentioned Iraq, Libya and Yugoslavia. That is why the Russian Aerospace Forces have strike aircraft capable of inflicting powerful and high-precision strikes on enemy targets.

A convincing demonstration of this was the actions of our aviation in Syria.

Thus, the Aerospace Forces of Russia is a shield for covering it from enemy attacks and a sword for delivering retaliatory strikes.

The main directions of the construction and development of the VCS in terms of the aerospace defense system are: the creation of advanced air defense systems - missile defense and their integration into a single control system; re-equipment of troops with promising models of weapons and military equipment; improvement of reconnaissance and information systems for warning of missile attacks and control of outer space, as well as their integration into a single system of reconnaissance and warning of aerospace attacks; increase in the size and quality characteristics of the domestic orbital constellation, which in last years conducted more efficiently.

Concerning the currently most important problem of building up groupings of troops and forces in strategic directions, it should be noted that its solution should go in three main directions: the creation of groupings equipped with modern weapons and military equipment, increasing the quantitative and qualitative composition of existing groupings, ensuring strategic mobility aviation and air defense forces.

In general, the implementation of the planned activities by 2021 will enable the aerospace defense system to fulfill its tasks. The capabilities of the reconnaissance and warning system will provide timely warning of an aerospace attack in order to ensure decision-making for response actions, including using strategic nuclear forces. Missile defense capabilities will be substantially increased. Guaranteed anti-aircraft missile cover will be provided for the most important military and state facilities, primarily objects of strategic nuclear forces and the highest levels of government and the Armed Forces.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the implementation of the planned plans for the construction of the aerospace defense system is impossible without a clear, high-quality and well-coordinated work of all military command and control bodies, research organizations and enterprises of the military-industrial complex. A significant role in this direction and in this process is assigned to the WEC on the problems of aerospace defense.

Work on the creation of the aerospace defense system should be carried out with a general focus, providing for the creation and development of information and fire weapons with the obligatory interface with the means of the fire control system. I am convinced that the plans to create an effective aerospace defense system will be successfully implemented, which will ensure the security of our state.

It should be noted the following. Since August 1, 2015, the Aerospace Forces have participated in all activities conducted under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the Minister of Defense, in the Center-2015 exercises, joint live-fire exercises within the Combat Commonwealth-2015 air defense system. At present, our air group is successfully fulfilling its assigned tasks in Syria.

March 24, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the Space Forces of the Russian Federation. They were created in accordance with Decree No. 337 of March 24, 2001 of the President of Russia "On ensuring the construction and development of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, improving their structure." And by the decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2001.

Help: Space Forces- a separate branch of the armed forces of the Russian Federation responsible for the defense of Russia in space. October 4 is Space Forces Day. The holiday is timed to the day of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, which opened the annals of astronautics, including military. The first parts (institutions) for space purposes were formed in 1955, when a decision was made by the Government of the USSR to build a research site, which later became the world-famous Baikonur cosmodrome. Until 1981, responsibility for the creation, development and use of space assets was assigned to the Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR. In 1981, it was decided to withdraw the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) from the Strategic Missile Forces and subordinate it directly to the General Staff. In 1986, GUKOS was transformed into the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities (UNKS). In 1992, the UNCS was transformed into a military branch of central subordination - the Military Space Forces (VKS), which included the Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny cosmodromes (in 1996), as well as the Main Center for Testing and Control of Spacecraft (SC) of the military and civil appointment named after German Titov. In 1997, the VKS became part of the Strategic Missile Forces. Taking into account the growing role of space assets in the system of military and national security of Russia, in 2001 the top political leadership of the country decided to create, on the basis of formations, formations and units of launch and RKO, an independent branch of the military - the Space Forces - based on the formations and launch units allocated from the Strategic Missile Forces.

The main tasks of the HQS:

Timely warning of the top military-political leadership of the country about the beginning of a nuclear missile attack;

Creation, deployment and management of orbital constellations of spacecraft for military, dual and socio-economic purposes;

Control of the developed near-Earth space, constant reconnaissance of the territories of a potential enemy with the help of satellites;

Anti-missile defense of Moscow, the destruction of attacking enemy ballistic missiles.

The composition of the troops:

Rocket and space defense,

State test cosmodromes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny,

G. S. Titov Main Test Center for Testing and Control of Space Facilities,

Office for the introduction of cash settlement services,

Military educational institutions and support units.

The number is more than 100 thousand people.

VKS armament:

Species reconnaissance satellites (opto-electronic and radar reconnaissance),

Electronic control (radio and electronic intelligence),

Communications and a global satellite navigation system for troops, in total in the orbital grouping, approximately 100 vehicles,

The launch of satellites into a given orbit is provided by launch vehicles of light ("Start 1", "Cosmos 3M", "Cyclone 2", "Cyclone 3", "Rokot"), medium ("Soyuz U", "Soyuz 2", "Molniya M ") and heavy ("Proton K", "Proton M") classes,

Means of the ground-based automated spacecraft control complex (NACU KA): command and measurement systems "Taman Baza", "Pheasant", radar station "Kama", quantum optical system"Sazhen T", ground receiving and recording station "Nauka M 04",

Detection systems, radar stations "DON 2N", "Daryal", "Volga", "Voronezh M", radio-optical complex for recognition of space objects "KRONA", Optoelectronic complex "OKNO".

PRO Moscow A-135 - anti-missile defense system of the city of Moscow. Designed to "repel a limited nuclear strike on the Russian capital and the central industrial region." Radar "Don-2N" near Moscow, near the village of Sofrino. 68 missiles 53Т6 ("Gazelle"), designed for interception in the atmosphere, are located in five positional areas. Command post - the city of Solnechnogorsk.

The objects of the Space Forces are located throughout Russia and beyond its borders. Abroad, they are deployed in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.

It is not the first day that the news has been spreading in the media that the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces has been appointed and General Surovikin S.V. will become it. He will take this post instead of General Viktor Bondarev. The Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces received a new distribution and will work in the Federation Council. The former commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces will work with the committee in the field of defense and security and is currently preparing to take on a new position. The new appointment of the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces and the reshuffle in the leadership were not unambiguously perceived by everyone.

How military personnel in the VKS reacted to the appointment

The military personnel of the Aerospace Forces reacted especially negatively to this appointment. Although the dismissal of Bondarev, the commander of the VKS, is also due to the fact that his leadership has distinguished itself by an increased number of air accidents. But unlike his predecessor, Sergei Surovikin never had anything to do with the air force, he most During his military career, he commanded motorized rifle formations, and in recent years he led the work of a detachment in Syria. According to the pilots, entrusting the command of the Aerospace Forces to a person who had no experience at the helm of an aircraft is an extremely reckless decision.

Major General of the Air Force Alexander Tsialko also took this news without much enthusiasm. In his opinion, the commander-in-chief of the VKS should be a professional in his field. With such assignments, it often happens that the commander has to be taught basic knowledge first. It will be difficult for him to delve into the documents, the organization of work and simply understand the life of the pilots. The command of such troops is trained in specialized military educational institutions.

It is because of the incompetence of the leadership that there are cases of death of pilots on duty. The VKS commander must listen to his deputies in order to avoid mistakes in leadership. Tsialko believes that Surovikin will not always do this. Therefore, problems cannot be avoided.

It's no secret that pilots dislike infantry. This is not due to great pride, but due to the fact that you need to understand the flying business. Pilots have their own special language for orders. Thanks to this, the generals put all the necessary tasks to their subordinates. For this reason alone, the new GK VKS may have problems with interaction and management.

What is known about the new boss

Commander-in-Chief of the VKS S.V. Surovikin went through a difficult military path. His biography has difficult moments. The new head of the VKS is 50 years old, he is a regular professional military man who graduated from the military combined arms command school located in Omsk. Sergei Vladimirovich began his service back in the days of Soviet army. Immediately after graduation, he was sent to serve in Afghanistan. He served during the war on the territory of Tajikistan, as well as in the North Caucasus. In 2002 he became a graduate of the military academy at the General Staff.

In the period 2002-2004, he headed the 34th motorized rifle division stationed in Yekaterinburg. Then he served in the 42nd division during the period of hostilities during the military conflict in the Republic of Chechnya. There he held mainly command positions and took part in the work of the headquarters. Since October 2013, he has led military formations as part of the Air Defense Forces. Since 2017 led the work Russian troops in Syria. He has military awards, was awarded orders such as "for courage" and "for courage".

In the 1990s, in Tajikistan, at the risk of his life, he delivered military equipment and personnel to ensure the elimination of the serious consequences of a natural disaster in the affected regions of this country. Many of the general's colleagues speak of him as an experienced and professional military man.

But not everything is so smooth in the biography of the future commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces. There was a moment in his life when he was taken into custody after his death. civilians. This happened in 1991, when he was still the captain of the Toman division. By order of the State Emergency Committee, he was to participate in restoring order in troubled Moscow. On August 21, at night, he was ordered to break through the barricades of civilians set up near the Garden Ring. He led the BMP column. As a result of the collision, three picketers were killed.

After this tragedy, he was forced to spend seven months in Matrosskaya Tishina, but, later, the charges were dropped, and the rank was raised to major, with the light hand of Boris Yeltsin.

Another case occurred with Sergei Surovikin in 2004. His subordinate wrote a report to the prosecutor's office about beating him by his commander, because of the wrong vote in the elections, and a month later his subordinate shot himself. But in both cases, the fault of the division commander was not proven.

Creation of military police

Sergei Vladimirovich Surovikin stood at the origins of the creation of the structure of the military police, it was he who opened this structure. The authority of this unit includes the activities of the FSB and military counterintelligence. The military police not only carry out patrol tasks, but also carry out operational activities. The servicemen of these units are also required to monitor the maintenance of the Guardhouse.

Creating this structure S.V. Surovikin was supposed to become its head, but due to the fact that a long-standing conviction surfaced, for which he received 1 year probation, his candidacy was removed from consideration.

He received a criminal record as a result of a case where he was found guilty of trafficking in firearms. Later it turned out that he was set up, the conviction was canceled, but such an incident was not forgotten in the prosecutor's office. The chief military prosecutor of the Russian Federation opposed his candidacy and in 2011, in his letter to the Minister of Defense, he expressed his position. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, in order to avoid conflict, sent Surovikin to the post of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Military District.

Last appointment

Information that Surovikin will be appointed commander-in-chief of the VKS troops has been discussed among the military for a long time. It is believed that he received such an appointment after his excellent work carried out in the Syrian conflict. Despite the fact that he is a typical land commander, he managed to organize the work of aviation, air defense systems, space troops and motorized rifle formations.

Two other candidates were considered for this position:

  1. Lieutenant General Igor Mokushev;
  2. representative of the Space Forces Alexander Golovko.

S.V. Surovikin was not considered with particular seriousness among the possible candidates. Both candidates went through their military career and were associated with activities in the field of rocket and air forces, but the choice was made on this issue for other reasons.

The pilots did not want to see the candidacy of Alexander Golovko. Since at the time of the creation of the Aerospace Forces, the rocket and space forces very actively began to master the budget allocated to the entire structure. For this reason, Golovko, as a representative of the rocket and space forces, was not the most the best option. Therefore, the choice not in his favor only pleased the representatives of the Air Force.

General Sergei Surovikin was chosen due to the fact that he has a wealth of combined arms experience. In such a position, a representative of one type of troops will experience difficulties. The example of his predecessor, Viktor Bondarev, is illustrative. There is an opinion that the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General Viktor Bondarev, is leaving precisely because of the plane crash that happened in 2016 in Sochi. This tragedy influenced the decision not in his favor.

For Surovikin, the news of the appointment also came as a surprise, but he has good experience in command different types troops and acts as a good manager. Therefore, despite all the complexity, there is hope that he will perfectly understand this issue, as he always did. Due to the fact that the Aerospace Forces is becoming a real inter-arms structure, it includes not only the Air Force troops, but also the Air Defense Forces and the Space and Rocket Forces. This is a structure that acts in the interests of all troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The military experience of General Surovikin in commanding a combined arms military district, which includes such military formations as a fleet, air defense systems and other various types of troops, has great importance to work in this position.

The general got good experience in Syria, where he had to manage various systems and organize work on their interaction. Examples of the appointment of commanders from other military structures have already been in the history of Russia. There was a case of the appointment to the most important post of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, who has nothing to do with the army. But, despite this fact, he was able to get in the know and even began a large-scale military reform.

Therefore, it was logical to make such a decision, to appoint the commander of the Aerospace Forces, by decision of the commander-in-chief, combined arms general, Sergei Vladimirovich Surovikin, because his experience in the interaction of various troops will provide efficient work in the position held.

MPA-78 The light jacket perfectly protects against blowing, thanks to the stitched lining, a detachable hood and a windproof strip. On the right and left shelves there are patch pockets fastened with textile fasteners. There are also front side welt pockets with a zipper. The sleeves are adjustable in width with a tape and plastic stalemate (Velcro). Along the shoulder line there are false shoulder straps fastened with buttons. On the left side of the jacket lining is a horizontal pocket with a zipper. The demi-season jacket of the Ministry of Defense perfectly protects against blowing thanks to a stitched lining, a detachable hood and a wind-shelter placket. On the right and left shelves there are patch pockets fastened with textile fasteners. Appearance. Jacket with a straight silhouette on a warm stitched lining, with a central onboard zipper, with an external windproof placket, with a drawstring along the waist line. Before with a stitched yoke passing to the back, with upper welt pockets with flaps fastened with textile fasteners, side welt pockets fastened with a zipper. Two-seam set-in sleeves with stitched cuffs on an elastic band and plastic patches (velcro) on the bottom to adjust the width. Along the shoulder line there are shoulder straps with false shoulder straps fastened with buttons. Stand collar. The hood is fastened with a three-piece zipper. The hood is adjustable with an elastic cord and drawstrings. On the left side of the jacket lining is a horizontal pocket with a zipper. Features Cold protection Rain and wind protection Custom cut Materials Rip-stop membrane

Cap military space forces Russian Federation officer with horseback of blue color, blue band and blue piping. The cap is completed with a cockade, an emblem on the tulle and a metallic filigree cord. The height of the crown is 7 cm. The cap is produced within 3-5 working days.

The jacket is designed as a winter everyday uniform, equipped with seven pockets for various purposes and a wide fur collar to protect the face from the wind. The jacket is not a protective uniform of the Air Force. Weight -1900gr. The jacket is on sale without chevrons and without Velcro (contact tape). Color: blue. Material: blended fabric.

The suit is designed for pilots and technicians of civil and small aviation, it is not a protective uniform for the Air Force. The suit is completed with a jacket mod. 1162 and trousers mod. 1163. Suits sold without chevrons. Color: blue. Material: twill.

Overalls for men are designed for pilots and technicians of civil and small aviation. The jumpsuit fits well. The wear life of the product is increased due to high-quality domestic materials, constructive solutions and many years of experience of specialists. The product is designed in accordance with GOST 12.4.100-80. Overalls with a central fastener for a two-way zipper; internal windproof valve; shoulder pads; in area armpits ventilation holes are placed, inside the ventilation holes are closed with a mesh in the color of the fabric. The width of the overalls along the waist line is adjusted with the help of an elastic band (elastic band) on a contact tape (Velcro). In the side seams there are cuts on the "lightning"; at the bottom of the trousers of the overalls there are "zippers" for wearing over shoes. Pockets for various purposes: patch pockets with slanted entrances with zippers on the shelves, on the left sleeve - a patch pocket with a zipper with a flap fastened with a contact tape (Velcro); a pocket for fountain pens with three compartments is adjusted on it, lower patch pockets with “zippers”, on the right back half of the overalls there is a pocket for tools, fastened with a button; which is adjusted to the amplification detail. To fix the tools, a cord is provided, which is fixed to the pocket through the grommet and the holder with a half ring. On the right shelf - the mating part of the contact tape (soft) for placing a flight chevron, on the left shelf - the mating part of the contact tape (soft) for placing a standard nominal chevron, a belt loop for a badge. Back with vertical pleats for freedom of movement. The sleeves are set-in, one-sutural, adjustable at the bottom with a strap on a contact tape (Velcro). Above the pocket on the left sleeve, the mating part of the contact tape (soft) is adjusted to accommodate the chevron.

Casual suit of military personnel of the RF Ministry of Defense. Men's jacket: fastens at the waist with a zipper, long sleeves, unlined. Turn-down collar with a stand and fixing the corners with buttons. The pockets are fastened with a contact tape. Below are welt pockets "frame", fastened with a zipper. The inner pocket for documents is fastened with a button. Trousers with a stitched belt fastened with a button. Color: Blue, green, black. Size: 88-132 Size: 84-100 Height: 158-200 Fabric: Rip-stop Accessories: Reinforced Color: blue, green, black. Material: rip-stop.

The staff suit consists of trousers and a tunic with long sleeves made of semi-woolen fabric.

Man's suit "Aviation technician" mod. 1168/1169 (blended fabric) The suit is designed as an everyday uniform for civil and small aviation, it is not a protective uniform for the Air Force. Under the sleeves and in the folds of the back of the jacket there are ventilation elements made of mesh. The model is equipped with ten pockets for various purposes. Weight -1100 gr. Suits on sale without chevrons.

The MPA-35 suit is designed for comfortable work of employees of the Ministry of Defense in hot weather. Consists of trousers and a jacket with long sleeves. On the sleeves there are reinforcing pads in the elbow area. The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in size. SPECIFICATIONS For hot weather Statutory fit For office work MATERIALS Gabardine (100% polyethylene)

The suit is designed for civil and small aviation. The suit fits well. The period of wear of the product is increased due to high-quality domestic materials, design solutions and many years of experience of specialists. The use of duplicating materials ensures shape retention during operation, protects sections from stretching and gives collars resistance to creasing. The product is designed in accordance with state standards. 1171 Jacket Short men's jacket, unlined, with a central zipper, with an internal windproof valve. The width of the jacket on the bottom is adjusted with the help of an elastic band (elastic band) in the side inserts on the belt, it also additionally protects against the penetration of wind into the underwear space due to a snug fit. At the bottom of the armhole there are ventilation holes made of mesh in the color of the fabric. Pockets for various purposes: patch pockets with slanted zippered entrances, on the wrong side of the left shelf there is an internal pocket for documents, on the left sleeve there is a patch pocket with a zipper with a flap fastened with a contact tape; it has a pocket for fountain pens with three compartments. On the right shelf - the mating part of the contact tape (soft) for placing a flight chevron, on the left shelf - the mating part of the contact tape (soft) for placing a standard nominal chevron, a belt loop for a badge. Yoke back with vertical pleats for freedom of movement. The width of the sleeves is adjusted by means of an elastic band (elastic band) inserted into the cuffs. On the left sleeve there is a contact tape for wearing insignia. 1172 Trousers The width of the trousers at the waist is regulated by side inserts with elastic band and belt loops. Pockets for various purposes: on the front halves of the trousers - patch pockets with an inclined entrance with "zippers", lower patch pockets with "zippers" with two entrances; on the right back half there is a pocket for tools, fastened with a button, which is tuned to the reinforcement detail; at the bottom of the trousers on the side seams, patch pockets with zippers are stitched. To fix the tools, a cord is provided, with loops at the beginning and end, which is fixed in the pocket through the grommet. A holder with a half ring is adjusted above the pocket. On the bottom of the trousers there are zippers for wearing over shoes.

Skirt uniform m. 7122 Color: blue, green, black. Material: rip-stop. The dimensions of the skirts and women's trousers. Size growth of waist of the waist of the hips of the hips 40 152.158 60.2 84 164.170 57.8 176 55.4 42 152.158 64.4 88 164.170 62 59.6 44 152.158 68.6 92 164,170 66.2 176 63, 8 46 152.158 72.8 96 164.170 70.4 176 68 48 48 152.158 77 100 164,170 74.6 176 72.2 50 152.158 81.2 104 164.170 78.8 76.4 52 152,158 85.4 108 164,170 83 176 80,, 6 54 152.158 89.6 112 164.170 87.2 176 84.8 56 152.158 93.8 116 164,170 91.4 176 89 58 152.158 98 120 164.170 95.6 176 93.2 60 152,158 102.2 124 164.170 99.8 176 176 176 176 176 97.4 62 152.158 106.4 128 164.170 104 176 101.6

Short leather jacket "PILOT" Demi-season jacket made of genuine leather. The bottom of the sleeves and the belt of the jacket are treated with a knitted non-combustible fabric. The jacket has a combined lining made of natural materials with light insulation. Internal pockets fasten with a zipper. On the left side is a pocket for the radio battery. Brown color. Material: genuine leather.

Pilotka blue with 2 blue piping.

The Air Force office uniform, a short-sleeved suit for the summer period of wearing, does not differ structurally from the combined arms one. This office uniform includes a zip-up jacket with Velcro flaps on the breast pockets and trousers. The material of this military office uniform is a blue RipStop fabric, which has a composition of 70/30 and a density of 220g. The jacket and trousers are equipped with pockets and sealing elastic bands. All these elements allow you to quickly take off and put on the office uniform of military personnel, make it durable and convenient during operation. On our site you can buy high-quality office uniforms at the best price and get qualified advice. Color blue Main features: office uniform of the Air Force Velcro on the tunic rip-stop fabric CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUIT Material: rip-stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Jacket/pants pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: summer version Additionally: Air Force statutory office uniform Additionally, you can purchase:

The Air Force office uniform is designed for everyday wear, therefore it is sewn from a reliable, strong and light blue rip-stop fabric. The composition of the fabric is 70/30 (70% synthetic fabrics and 30% natural), density - no more than 220 g per sq / m. The fabric of this office uniform is breathable and allows the body to breathe, this allows military personnel to wear an office uniform for a long time without harm to health. The side pockets on the jacket are fastened with a zipper, the trousers and the jacket are equipped with a sealing elastic band. Velcro fasteners on the sleeves and chest pockets allow for quick donning of badge badges. color blue Main features: Air Force office suit Velcro on the tunic rip-stop fabric CHARACTERISTICS SUIT CHARACTERISTICS Material: rip-stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Jacket/trouser pockets: yes/yes Seasonality: winter version Additionally: Air Force statutory office uniform Additionally, you can purchase:

Flight suit "Avia" mod. 1162/1163 (rip-stop) The suit is designed for pilots and technicians of civil and small aviation, it is not a protective uniform for the Air Force. The suit is completed with a jacket mod. 1162 and trousers mod. 1163. Weight -1500 gr. Color: blue. Material: mixed rip-stop.

Officer's cap of the Military Space Forces of the Russian Federation with a blue top, a blue band and a blue piping. The cap is completed with a cockade, an emblem on the tulle and a metallic filigree cord. The height of the crown is 8-10 cm. The cap is produced within 3-5 working days.