Labor resources as a socio-economic category. Labor resources and their composition

Labor resources as an economic category denote the able-bodied part of the entire population of the country, capable, due to intellectual and psychophysiological characteristics, of producing material goods or services. This includes all people employed in the economy, as well as those who are not employed in it, but are able to work.

Enterprise labor resources(staff)- this is the totality of all individuals who have a relationship with the enterprise as a legal entity regulated by a rental agreement.

The result of its activities and competitiveness depend on the quality of the enterprise’s labor resources. The concept of “enterprise labor resources” reflects its potential. It is characteristic that, unlike others, only this group can demand from employers changes in working conditions and pay, and also employees of the enterprise can voluntarily refuse to perform work and quit their jobs. at will. Therefore, the use of the enterprise’s labor resources should be as efficient and thoughtful as possible.

An enterprise's workforce has two key characteristics: structure and size.

The quantitative characteristics of these resources are determined by the list (quantity on a certain date according to documents), average (for a certain period) and turnout (those who showed up for work at a certain time) number.

The qualitative characteristics of personnel depend on the qualifications of employees and their compliance with their positions. It is much more difficult to evaluate than quantitative ones, since a unified understanding of the quality of labor today has not actually been developed.

The structure of labor resources is determined by the totality of separate groups of workers who are united according to a certain characteristic. There are industrial and non-industrial personnel.

Industrial and production resources enterprises participate in direct production (shop workers, plant management staff, scientific departments, etc.).

Non-industrial (non-productive) resources are engaged in servicing the production sector. This group includes workers engaged in the domestic and socio-cultural spheres (farms, medical, housing services, schools, etc.).

All employees of the enterprise are divided into a number of categories.

Managers manage the enterprise. The enterprise's top-level labor resources are directors and their deputies. The middle level is represented by the heads of shifts, workshops, and sections. The lower level is represented by foremen and foremen.

Specialists They are employed in workshops and plant management services, they are engaged in engineering training, technology development, production organization, etc. All specialists are divided into levels. Highest level represented by chief specialists, heads of departments, sectors and their deputies. Middle - economists, lawyers, engineers, etc. Lower level - junior specialists, work distributors, technicians, etc.

Workers directly involved in production. Depending on the nature of workers’ participation in production process they can be divided into main and auxiliary.

Employees engaged in production (draftsmen, accountants, clerks).

The structure can be considered and analyzed according to such criteria as professional structure (the ratio of professions and specialties), qualification (the ratio of workers of different qualification levels or degrees of professional preparedness), gender and age, by length of service (general or at a given enterprise), by level of education (secondary specialized), general secondary, incomplete secondary or primary).

Labor resources- this is the part of the population capable of working (in accordance with labor legislation).

They include:
  • working-age population of working age (men from 16 to 59 years inclusive, women from 16 to 54 years inclusive, minus disabled people);
  • working teenagers under 16 years of age and persons over working age.

The difference between labor resources and other types of enterprise resources is that each employee can refuse the conditions offered to him and demand changes in working conditions, and can finally resign from the enterprise of his own free will.

The concept of “personnel potential” of an enterprise should be distinguished from labor resources. Personnel potential of the enterprise- this is the most important integral characteristic of personnel, representing its maximum capabilities to achieve the goals of the enterprise and fulfill the tasks assigned to it.

Labor resources are the most important element of the productive forces

Labor resourcesessential element. Demographic factors act as a function of socio-economic development and have a great impact on economic growth. When assessing the impact of population dynamics, not only the total size and growth of the population, but also its age structure, industry employment, level of education and professional training, i.e. quality work force.

African countries maintain the highest rates of population growth Latin America(more than 1%), their share in the world population will accordingly increase. In 2004, the population of the 10 largest (by population) countries was (in million people): China - 1300, India -1070, USA - 290, Indonesia - 220, Brazil - 175, Pakistan - 148, Bangladesh - 143, Russia - 143, Japan - 127, Nigeria - 120.

The sectoral structure of employment of the population directly correlates with the structure of GDP production. Thus, the overwhelming majority of the population is employed in the service sector (60-70%), less - in industrial production (25-35%) and in agriculture (2-5%). In newly industrialized countries this ratio of employees by industry and economic sector is 45-55, 20-25 and 10-25%. In most, especially in the least developed, a significant part of the population is employed in agriculture - 30% or more, in industry - 15%, in the service sector - 35-45%.

The quality of labor resources significantly influences the rate and quality of economic growth. The productive potential of the workforce, in addition to the psychological and physical qualities of workers, includes a number of parameters that determine its suitability and ability for highly productive work. This is the level of general and special education, accumulated and passed on from generation to generation production experience and norms of cultural behavior. It is clear that the productive potential of a country’s labor resources is largely determined by the socio-economic policy of the state.

Analysis of the availability, movement and use of labor resources

Let's consider the influence of labor resources on the volume of output. All other things being equal, the greater the number of workers and the higher the volume of production will be.

The main objectives of labor force analysis are:

  • consideration of indicators of the size of the workforce, its movement, composition, structure and qualification level of workers, use of working time, labor intensity of products, as well as determining the impact of changes in the number of workers on the volume of output;
  • studying labor productivity indicators, their dynamics, determining the influence of individual factors on changes in labor productivity, calculating the impact of changes in labor productivity on the volume of output, identifying reserves for increasing labor productivity.

Sources of information for analyzing labor resources are f. .No. 5 of the annual report "Appendix to the balance sheet", statistical reporting f. No. 1-t, "Report on the number, wages and movement of workers", staffing schedules, time sheet data, etc.

The term “labor resources” was first used by academician S.G. Strumilin in the 20s of the twentieth century. In 1954, the International Conference of Labor Statisticians adopted the definition of “total labor force”.

Labor resources in today's understanding are the working-age part of the population, which, having physical and intellectual capabilities, is capable of producing material goods or providing services.

The physical and intellectual capabilities of the population depend, as is known, on age. In the early and mature period of life, they are formed and multiplied, and in old age they are lost.

From the point of view of attitudes towards work, the entire population is conventionally divided into three groups:

  • 1) pre-working age is the period of receiving general vocational education;
  • 2) worker;
  • 3) post-working (retirement age).

According to established statistical practice, labor resources consist of:

  • 1) from able-bodied citizens of working age working in the country’s economy
  • 2) citizens under working age
  • 3) citizens older than working age

Working age (working age) is the period during which a person is able to work without harm to his health. The labor force of people of working age does not include disabled people of groups I and II, as well as persons who retired on preferential terms.

Labor resources as a socio-economic category can be viewed from four perspectives:

  • - demographic;
  • - economic;
  • - sociological;
  • - static.

The demographic aspect reflects the dependence of labor resources on population reproduction and takes into account such adjustments (characteristics) as gender, age, place of residence, etc.

The economic aspect expresses economic relations regarding the formation, distribution and use of the working population in social production.

The social aspect reflects the formation and use of labor resources within a historically defined formation and under its influence.

The static aspect characterizes the working age of the population.

The structure of labor resources is multifaceted; it can be divided into two groups:

  • - quantitative characteristics;
  • - quality characteristics.

TO quantitative characteristics labor resources include the number, their composition by gender, age, social groups, place of residence, nationality and language, religion, employment by industry and sphere of the economy.

Quality - the educational level of labor resources, their professional and qualification structure, etc.

There are 3 types of labor resource needs of society:

  • 1. Production demand is equal to the available number of jobs in professions and specialties - the actual number of workers in these professions and specialties;
  • 2. Reproductive need is equal to the increase in the number of jobs - the increase in the labor force;
  • 3. Personal is equal to the total number of jobs in society - the working population.

When forming labor resources, 4 groups of the population are characterized:

  • 1. The independent population is that part of it that has independent income from work, property or pensions, scholarships;
  • 2. Dependent population are those persons who are supported by their families;
  • 3. The economically active population is the part of the population that has income from personal participation in the production of material and spiritual goods.

The economically active population group consists of 2 categories:

  • a) The employed population are persons who:
    • Work according to employment contract;
    • Are engaged entrepreneurial activity;
    • Provide themselves with work;
    • Employed in auxiliary industries;
    • Work under contract agreements;
    • They are taking a full-time training course.
  • b) The unemployed population are persons who:
    • They have no job or income;
    • Looking for a job;
    • Ready to get to work;
    • Registered with the employment service.
    • 4. The economically passive population is that part of the population. Which is supported by the family and society, and is not part of the workforce.

The following types of employment are distinguished:

  • 1. Productive (in industrial production); agriculture.
  • 2. Socially useful (on military service, full-time study, caring for sick relatives, in the family household);
  • 3. Full-time employment (for paid work);
  • 4. Rational employment (productive, socially useful);
  • 5. Effective (100% employment, which ensures full use economically active population).

Economic resources are represented by 3 factors of production:

  • 1) Earth;
  • 2) Capital (means of labor + object of labor);
  • 3) Labor (people + time).

The use of labor resources is a type of activity aimed at:

  • a) increasing the level of employment of the working population in public production, collective and private sectors of the economy;
  • b) its distribution by sectors and spheres of the national economy and throughout the territory of the country;
  • c) the efficiency of using workers in the sphere of material production and in the non-production sphere.

Which, in terms of physical development, acquired education, professional and qualification level, is capable of engaging in socially useful activities.

Labor resources are that part of the population that has physical development and intellectual (mental) abilities necessary for work. The labor force includes both employed and potential workers.

The concept of “labor resources” was formulated in one of his articles by academician S. G. Strumilin in 1922. In foreign literature, this concept corresponds to the term “human resources”.

Labor resources are a category that occupies an intermediate position between the economic categories of “population” and “total labor force”. In quantitative terms, the labor force includes the entire working-age population employed, regardless of age, in the spheres of the public economy and individual labor activity. They also include persons of working age, potentially capable of participating in work, but employed in household and private farming, in off-the-job studies, and in military service.

In the structure of labor resources, from the standpoint of their participation in social production, two parts are distinguished: active (functioning) and passive (potential).

The size of the labor force depends on the officially established age limits - the upper and lower levels of working age, the share of able-bodied people among the working-age population, and the number of people beyond working age participating in public labor. Age limits are established in each country by current legislation.

IN modern conditions the main sources of replenishment of labor resources are: young people entering working age; military personnel released from the armed forces due to a reduction in the size of the army; forced migrants from the Baltic countries, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia. Quantitative changes in the number of labor resources are characterized by such indicators as absolute growth, growth rates and growth rates.

Absolute growth is determined at the beginning and end of the period under review. Typically this is a year or longer period of time.

The growth rate is calculated as the ratio of the absolute number of labor resources at the end of a given period to their value at the beginning of the period.

Quantitative assessment of trends in the state and use of labor resources allows us to take into account and determine areas for increasing their efficiency.

Labor resources have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics, which are measured by absolute and relative indicators, namely: - average and average annual number of employees; - staff turnover rate; - the share of employees with higher and secondary specialized education in their total number; - average length of service for certain categories of employees; - the share of workers of certain categories in their total number.

Average headcount employees for the year is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months and dividing the resulting amount by 12. The average number of employees per month is calculated by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month and dividing the resulting amount by the number of days.

The average annual number of workers is determined by dividing the time worked (person/hour, person/day) by farm workers for the year by the annual working time fund. One of the main qualitative indicators of labor resources is their gender and age structure. The literature uses slightly different approaches to identifying age groups. Thus, the most frequently used qualification is: labor resources of working age, as well as younger and older than working age. Statistical collections often use a two-group classification: those of working age and those older than working age. Sometimes a more detailed scale is used, for example, a ten-level scale: 16-19 years, 20-24 years, 25-29 years, 30-34 years. 35-39 years old. 40-44 years old, 45-49 years old, 50-54 years old, 55-59 years old, 60-70 years old.

The number of labor resources can be increased due to the natural increase in the population of working age, reducing the proportion of disabled people among people of working age, and revising the age limits of working capacity.

Reproduction of labor resources

The objective need to study the reproduction of labor resources is caused by a number of reasons. Labor resources are important factor production, rational use which provides not only an increase in the level of production and its economic efficiency, but also the qualitative development of the entire social system.

Reproduction of labor resources is a process of constant and continuous renewal of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the economically active population.

Effective regulation of the processes of reproduction of labor resources will ensure the achievement of stable economic growth.

The relevance of the study of this process is due to the high degree of theoretical and practical significance of the problem of reproduction and optimal use of labor resources for the dynamic development of the country in the conditions of economic modernization

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See what “Labor Resources” is in other dictionaries:

    LABOR RESOURCES- LABOR RESOURCES, part of us. countries with the necessary physical development, mental abilities and knowledge to work in people. x ve. Number T.r. characterizes the potential mass of living labor, or the supply of labor power available to society... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    See Labor Resources Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Part of the population of a country or region that has the necessary educational level, physical development and health status to work in the national economy. On average, approximately 45% of the world's population is classified as economically active... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Economically active, able-bodied population, part of the population that has the physical and spiritual abilities to participate in labor activities Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed.,... ... Economic dictionary

    The concept of domestic economic science, close in meaning to the economically active population. Includes the working age population (men 16-59 years old, women 16-54 years old) with the necessary physical development, knowledge and practical... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    labor resources- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics: energy in general EN human resources... Technical Translator's Guide

    labor resources- Part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development, knowledge and practical experience to work in the national economy. Syn.: labor... Dictionary of Geography

    LABOR RESOURCES- economically active, able-bodied population, part of the population with physical and spiritual abilities to participate in labor activities... Legal encyclopedia

    Part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development, knowledge and practical experience to work in the national economy. In T. r. include both employed and potential workers. Socialist state, in... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Labor resources in the Russian economy. Retrospective, Malyshev M.. The book shows a retrospective of the transformation of the social and labor sphere and the mechanisms of reproduction of labor resources. A retrospective analysis of the features of the influence is carried out...


The concepts of “labor resources” and “employee labor potential”

Labor resources countries are the working-age part of the population that has the physical and intellectual capabilities to produce material goods and services. Labor resources include citizens, both employed in the economy and not employed, but capable of working

The working-age population of working age plays a leading role in the labor force. Working population - This is a set of persons, mainly of working age, who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in labor activities. In practice, a distinction is made between general and professional working capacity. General ability to work presupposes that a person has physical, psychophysical, and age characteristics that determine the ability to work and do not require special training. Professional work ability is the ability to perform a specific type of work, acquired through special training.

Currently in Russia, in accordance with labor legislation, the lower limit of working age is considered to be 16 years, and the upper limit, determined by the right to receive a pension, is 54 years for women and 59 years for men. For some types of professional activities associated with high psychophysiological stress on the human body, the pension limit is lower by 5-10 years. This applies to industries with unfavorable, difficult and harmful working conditions (for example, coal mining, metal smelting, etc.). In many developed countries, the upper limit of working age is 64 years. In Russia, the increase upper limit limited by the low average life expectancy of men - up to 59 years. However, many of the “preferential pensioners” continue to work for same place or at another job and therefore remain in the labor force. Non-working pensioners are excluded from their composition.

The composition of labor resources is presented in Fig. 1.1.

Economically active population - This is the part of the population that provides the labor supply for the production of goods and services. The economically active population includes employed and unemployed.

The term "unemployment" first appeared in the Encyclopædia Britannica in 1911, then was used in a 1915 report by the US Department of Labor. Currently, unemployment exists in all countries of the world in different volumes, forms, and duration.

Unemployment - This is a socio-economic phenomenon in which part of the labor force (economically active population) is not engaged in the production of goods and services. It acts as forced unemployment, arising as a result of a constant imbalance between the supply of labor and the demand for it, both in the integrated labor market and in its various segments.

Fig.1. 1. Composition of labor resources

The recognized unemployed (having the status of unemployed and the right to benefits) in Russia include: able-bodied (i.e., not disabled people of groups I and II) persons of working age (women from 15 to 54, men from 15 to 59 years old) who do not have a job (gainful occupation), registered with the employment service as job seekers and ready start it, but the employment service cannot find them a suitable job within 10 days after initial registration.

Economically inactive population - This is the population that is not part of the economically active population and includes the following categories:

Persons receiving old-age pensions and on preferential terms, as well as receiving survivors' pensions when they reach retirement age;

Persons receiving disability pensions (I, II, III groups);

Persons involved in maintaining household, caring for children, sick relatives, etc.;

Persons who are desperate to find work, i.e. who stopped searching for her;

Persons who do not need to work, regardless of source of income.

Features characterizing the composition and structure of labor resources are presented in Fig. 1.2.

Rice. 1.2. Signs characterizing the composition and structure of labor resources

Employee labor potential- this is a set of physical and intellectual qualities of a person that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in work, the ability to achieve significant results under certain conditions, as well as improve in the labor process. It should be borne in mind that the labor potential of an individual is part of his individual, human potential, broader and more comprehensive, the scope and depth of which is influenced by various factors, such as abilities, upbringing, environment and etc.

The labor potential of an employee is not a constant value; it can change both upward and downward. During the course of work, an employee’s abilities increase as new knowledge and skills accumulate and working conditions improve. They may also decrease with tougher work hours, deteriorating health, etc.

The employee’s labor potential includes:

Psychophysiological potential - a person’s creative abilities and inclinations, his state of health, performance, endurance, type nervous system and so on.;

Qualification potential - the volume, depth and versatility of general and special knowledge, labor skills and abilities that determine the employee’s ability to work of a certain content and complexity, working time resources that determine the time of employment during the year;

Personal potential - level of civil society
knowledge and social maturity, degree of mastery of work
com standards of attitude towards work, value orientations, interests, needs in the world of work.

The labor potential of an employee depends on the degree of mutual agreement in the development of psychophysiological, qualification and personal potentials.

Management of an employee’s labor potential in an organization should be carried out on the following principles:

· compliance of labor potential with the nature, volume and complexity of the labor functions and types of work performed;

· effective use of labor potential;

· creating conditions for the professional and qualification development of personnel, career growth and expanding the skills of the organization’s employees.