Dream of a girl entering a monastery. What does a Monastery mean in a dream in the Family Dream Book? Why do you dream about the Monastery according to the dream book?

For a girl to see a monastery in a dream, it foretells that others will doubt her virtue and honesty. Most often, this dream foreshadows your dissatisfaction with your situation. It is possible that you are experiencing vague irritation from the people around you.

Dream about a destroyed monastery- seems to doom your plans to failure.

Enter the monastery- to a possible illness.

Collection of dream books

Monastery- internal spiritual surrender. May mean withdrawing from the world.

Monastery- most often this is a sign of your dissatisfaction with your position; perhaps you feel vaguely irritated by the people around you; dream about a destroyed monastery- dooms your plans to failure; if you dream that you are in a monastery- this means a possible illness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Monastery- well-being.

Ukrainian dream book

Monastery in a dream- portends well-being.

I will dream about the monastery- maybe trouble will come to the house.

Esoteric dream book

Monastery- to be in it rest, tranquility.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Monastery see- peace, peace; Quiet days are ahead.

Dream book of a gypsy

Monastery- sanctuary, temporary safety.

If you dream that you are in an abbey- this means that you are safe and you should not worry, although this security may be temporary.

Modern universal dream book

Monastery- a symbol of unity in the spirit of people developing along the spiritual path. Would you like to unite with other people on the path of spiritual improvement, so as not to be alone?

What are you doing in the monastery in your dream? How do you feel being in a monastery?- is it a serene and calm place where you feel safe?

If you are studying in a monastery- the dream symbolizes the selflessness of the spirit. Do you want to devote your life to a spiritual search, to connect the physical and metaphysical aspects of life?

If in real life you are a monk- the dream should be correlated with the path you have chosen in life.

Everything in the monastery is strictly and regulated, but no one wants to escape from there- do you feel safe? When you know that all the people around you have the same path. In real life, do you need to unite with like-minded people?

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Monastery see- portends to the one who saw this dream that he should repent of his sins and change his behavior.

Chinese dream book

Entering the monastery courtyard- a noble offspring will be born.

Classic books in the monastery premises- the patient must recover.

Moving to a convent- portends illness.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See that you are in a monastery- to death.

English dream book

The monastery you saw in your dream- a sign of future peace, tranquility and serenity.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Convent - may symbolize your desire to get in touch with the feminine divine aspect of your own soul. This is a refuge from worldly life. Be simple and modest in your everyday life. It may also indicate a desire to hide from oneself. Try to understand that you can be in an inner place of peace and remain at peace.

Monastery- this image may say that it is time for you to retire into spiritual seclusion and leave the world.

Women's dream book

Seeking refuge in a monastery in a dream- means that there will be no room for worries and worries in your future.

If, upon entering the monastery building, you meet a priest- your fate, on the contrary, will be restless and exciting.

If you see a destroyed monastery in a dream- your plans will fail.

Go to a monastery in a dream- to a probable illness.

Often a monastery in a dream- symbolizes dissatisfaction with one’s position in life, as well as vague irritation due to the people around him.

See the monastery- portends to the one who saw this dream that he should repent of his sins and change his behavior.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Monastery see- peace, silence; female- have love hidden in the heart; enter it- joy and peace in old age.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you voluntarily imprisoned yourself in a nunnery, practically losing contact with your family and friends, and indeed with the rest of the world- it means that love for the person who caused it has not died in your soul.

Find yourself in a monastery in a dream- portends a cloudless future and complete prosperity with a change of residence and a new job.

If you see yourself in the monastery courtyard- this is for an unclouded rest during next vacation. Find yourself inside the monastery- portends a calm and prosperous old age. Live in a dark and cramped monastery cell- to gain a rich admirer.

Talking in a dream with the abbess of the monastery, for a young girl- portends a serious test of her feelings for her lover. Pleasant and courteous abbess of the monastery- speaks of an upcoming journey that will give you a lot of new impressions. Have a conversation with the abbot of a monastery in a dream- your position may be shaken as a result of upcoming unpleasant events.

Seeing a monastery abbot in a dream- means the exact fulfillment of everything planned for the coming day.

Meet sister nuns at the monastery- means that material difficulties can be easily overcome if you act carefully and consult with friends.

If in a dream you leave the monastery, returning to worldly joys- this means that in real life you will not fulfill your promise, which will undermine your own reputation as an obligatory partner in business affairs.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Modern combined dream book

Monastery in a dream- a sign of dissatisfaction with your current environment. Soon you will be looking for people closer to you in spirit.

If a young woman dreams of a monastery- this means that her life will be virtuous, since she will be cleansed of sorrows.

New family dream book

A dream in which you sought refuge in a monastery- means that there is no place for worries and worries in your future. But if you meet a priest in the monastery building, you will face all sorts of worries and emotional worries.

If a girl dreamed of a monastery- someone may doubt her virtue and honesty.
Often similar dream means dissatisfaction with your position and vague irritation from the people around you.

Dream about a destroyed monastery- dooms your plans to failure.

Dream book for a bitch

Monastery- peace and serenity awaits in the future.

Enter the monastery- dissatisfaction with your social position will make you work more actively in the hope of taking a higher and more prestigious place.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you admire a beautiful monastery-You are a real righteous woman. It’s just not clear whether you should be proud of this? Or can you sometimes allow yourself to relax a little?

Dream book of lovers

If a girl dreams that she is in a monastery- this means that others will doubt her honesty and nobility. Such a dream also means that you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs. Perhaps you will experience
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream interpretation monastery

Monastery in real life – Holy place, in which a person can both relax spiritually and gain strength. If you need peace of mind and tranquility, this is exactly the place to go.

Why do you dream about a monastery? Does such night vision mean that you are confused in yourself and you need help from higher powers?

Turn to God

Interpreters believe that after a dream about a monastery, the dreamer will meet like-minded people. You will meet people who are close in spirit, friendship will not be built on material interests, it will be an exclusively spiritual union.

How did you enter the monastery?

Before entering the holy place, did you climb the high steps for a long time? The path of a sleeping person to self-knowledge will be difficult and lengthy. But if he does not deviate from the intended path, he will definitely achieve his goal. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer is following the right path and is being guided by higher powers.

True, if you meet an abbot on the way, then, on the contrary, you will follow the wrong path, which, although it will be easy, will not bring you the desired result.

Monastery according to interpreters

If you dream about holy places

People have had holy places from time immemorial; it is not surprising that many dream interpreters examine this symbol in detail. Each dream book brings its own unique interpretation; the dreamer only has to choose the most suitable one for him.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What does he think? this dream book, a monastery in a dream into which the abbot is blocking your path is a positive sign. It means that you were on the verge of disaster, but circumstances developed in such a way that you were able to protect yourself from adversity. It is possible that this was influenced by other people who, consciously or not, managed to turn trouble away from you.

What could a destroyed monastery mean in a dream? Your plans may be disrupted and you will not achieve what you want. After such a vision, you should think about whether you have chosen the right path.

A nunnery in which a girl sees herself in a dream promises her illness. Such a dream is especially dangerous for those ladies who Lately don't feel the best in the best possible way. Don’t start the disease, don’t rely on chance, it’s better to turn to a highly qualified medical care. Any disease can be treated at an early stage.

When you talked to someone in the abbey, you will have an unpleasant conversation with your friends. They will judge you for what you did earlier and expose your sin to others.

Assyrian dream book

I dreamed of a holy monastery

Why do you dream about a monastery? A person who has had such a dream needs solitude. You should think about your life, but do it without any influence from outsiders.

In addition, a dream about a holy place may indicate that a person, for certain reasons, does not want to participate in public life, wants to retire, to escape from the people around him.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

This dream book examines different dream plots about a holy place:

  • just seeing him means a calm and measured life in the future;
  • convent - you have secret feelings for a certain person, you are afraid to admit them;
  • live in it - you will have a calm and joyful old age.

Miller's Dream Book

Come in a night vision to the monastery for consolation and peace of mind- your future life will be simple and easy. No worries or worries are expected. True, if you met a priest on the way, then Miller views such a dream completely differently. The dreamer will try to get rid of oppressive thoughts and minor troubles, occupying himself with everyday worries.

To be in a dream in a holy place

A young girl who sees herself in a monastery in a dream will face public opinion that will not be in her favor. Those around her will begin to doubt her honesty. After such a vision, you should behave extremely carefully, weighing your every step and action.

Often a monastery is dreamed of by those people who are dissatisfied with their situation and the people around them. Stop communicating with those who are unpleasant to you, start small.

If you get into the building itself, you may become ill.

Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

According to this dream book, a monastery in a dream is a versatile symbol:

  • to a woman he promises secret, unrequited feelings;
  • tells a man that a change of place of residence or work will be very successful;
  • being in the middle of the abbey courtyard - you will have a wonderful and fun time on vacation;
  • living in a small cell - for a woman, a dream promises the appearance of a lover who will be a fairly wealthy person.

What else does a dream about a monastery promise?

When in a dream you leave the walls of the monastery and return to worldly life, then in reality you risk not fulfilling the promises you made earlier.

Have you ever been in the company of monks? For women, a dream promises gossip that will interfere with her personal life, and can quarrel with your loved one. For men, a similar dream threatens the emergence of obstacles in the work sphere.

Monks who are intoxicated promise the dreamer material well-being and success in any undertaking.

To be among the nuns who are engaged in daily work - you will be able to achieve everything thanks to your perseverance and work.

Why does a woman dream about the Monastery (according to Natalia Stepanova’s dream book)

Monastery - “Bring it under the monastery” - bring it to a critical situation - this is the meaning of what this dream means. Monastery - Seeking refuge in a monastery in a dream means that there will be no room for worries and worries in your future. If, upon entering the monastery building, you meet a priest, your fate, on the contrary, will be restless and exciting.

According to the dream book, if you see a destroyed monastery, your plans will fail. Going to a monastery in a dream means a possible illness. Often a monastery in a dream symbolizes dissatisfaction with one’s position in life, as well as vague irritation with the people around you. Monastery - Seeing in a dream foreshadows the one who saw this dream, so that he would repent of his sins and change his behavior.

To dream about a Monastery, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

Monastery - A symbol of escape from the real world, a container of ideals, spiritual introspection. Being in a monastery means peace, protection. Monastery - Prosperity. Monastery - A monastery in a dream heralds well-being. If you dream of a monastery, trouble may come to your house. Monastery – You enter the monastery courtyard. - A noble offspring will be born. Classic books in the monastery premises. - The patient must recover. You move to a convent. - Foreshadows illness.

I had a dream about the Monastery - Poverty. Monastery - to a serious illness. Your karma has matured - get ready for troubles and difficulties. 12th house of the horoscope and the Sun. Monastery - restrictions; desire to develop your spiritual life. Seeking refuge in a monastery means dissatisfaction with one’s situation; irritation from surrounding people; a destroyed monastery is a failure.

Why do you dream of a Monastery in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Monastery - To dream that you are seeking refuge in a monastery means that there is no place for worries and worries in your future, unless you meet a priest upon entering the monastery building. In this case, you will often and in vain have to seek consolation in various worries and emotional worries. For a young girl, seeing a monastery portends others doubting her virtue and honesty. Most often, this soybean foreshadows your dissatisfaction with your situation. It is possible that you are experiencing vague irritation from the people around you. A dream about a destroyed monastery seems to doom your plans to failure. Entering a monastery means possible illness.

Monastery - Women's - have love hidden in the heart; see - peace, silence; enrolling in it means joy and peace in old age. Monastery - There will be rest and tranquility in it. Monastery - Dreaming in a dream - peace, silence - feminine - having love hidden in the heart - entering into it - joy and peace in old age. Monastery – Dreams about a monastery may indicate a need for more time in solitude and reflection, or even a need to search spiritual growth. In other cases, seeing an abbey or monastery can symbolize isolation from normal course life.

Why do you dream about the Monastery (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Monastery (Catholic monastery) - You saw in a dream that catholic monk a dream does not let you into the abbey, it says that some kind of defeat awaited you, but a favorable combination of circumstances, a sudden turn in the course of events, someone’s action saved you from this defeat. You dream of a destroyed abbey, the doors are broken, the bell is thrown down - in reality, be prepared for the fact that your plans will be disrupted and your hopes will not come true.

If a girl or young woman sees herself in a dream within the walls of an abbey, in reality she may be waiting for dangerous disease; If the girl already feels unwell, then she should not let the development of the disease take its course, she should consult a doctor. If a young woman had a dream that she was talking to someone in the abbey, she will have a difficult conversation with friends; friends will point out to her an unseemly act that she had the imprudence to commit; her friends will confront her and judge her, but this judgment will not be too severe; true friends are always ready to forgive.

Monastery in a dream - You see a monastery - dissatisfaction with your situation encourages you to try to somehow change your fate; everything around you seems filled with bustle; the aspirations of the people around you seem petty and selfish; you will seek solitude, and in solitude you will find rest. A young woman dreams of a monastery - this woman will give reason to her loved ones to doubt her virtue.

You are like a novice in a monastery - the dream suggests that you have come to terms with the circumstances that have arisen too quickly; if you showed persistence, you would definitely achieve success; perhaps fate will give you another chance. It’s as if you are hiding in a monastery from your pursuers - all your worries are behind you. You dream of a destroyed monastery - you have had failures in the past, there will be failures in the future; you will have to rely solely on your own strength.

Meet the Monastery in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

I dreamed about the Monastery in a dream - change environment(if seen from the outside). If a young woman dreams of a monastery, then soon caring for someone will force her to put her personal interests aside. If you see yourself in a monastery or enter a monastery, it means well-being. To be present at a service in a nunnery is to have love hidden in your heart.

Entering a monastery symbolizes peace in old age. Monastery - A carefree, quiet life awaits you. Imagine that you are walking inside the monastery walls, looking at the beautiful, well-groomed flower beds, and admiring the monastery buildings.

This image may say that it is time for you to retire into spiritual retreat and leave the world. musical instruments symbolism depends on certain instruments.

The piano can mean "keys to life."

The flute can remind you of nature, freedom and childish purity that lies within you and me.

Drums can indicate primal, primitive instincts.

The organ is a homonym for the male organ or other organs contained in the body.

The harp can remind of heavenly harmony and angels.

Harmony - a wandering minstrel - indicates a pleasant pastime with friends and contentment with life.

Bagpipes are a symbol of camaraderie.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Monastery

A dream in which you sought refuge in a monastery means that there is no place for worries and worries in your future. But if you meet a priest in the monastery building, you will face all sorts of worries and emotional worries.

If a girl dreams of a monastery, someone may doubt her virtue and honesty.

Often such a dream means dissatisfaction with your position and vague irritation from the people around you.

A dream about a destroyed monastery dooms your plans to failure.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Monastery in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about the Monastery in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Monastery mean?

For some, a monastery is a refuge where you can take a break from the bustle of the world, but for others it is imprisonment and isolation from the world. But there are also enough people who consider entering a monastery their calling. One way or another, the monastic way of life imposes certain prohibitions and restrictions on a person, which sometimes prove difficult to withstand even for deeply religious people.

If you dreamed that you were going to a monastery, then this is a sign that you are no longer able to fight your problems and are ready to give up. If you just see a monastery, then such a dream may be a harbinger of illness. A destroyed monastery in a dream promises problems and misfortunes in reality: And building a monastery means doing something pleasing to God in life, this is how this dream in which the Monastery is dreamed is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Most often, a monastery is a symbol of your unconscious dissatisfaction with your surroundings. A destroyed monastery building means failure in the implementation of plans. Being in a monastery means illness. For a girl, the monastery doubts others about her virtue and honesty, this means a dream that you had, for more details why you dream about the Monastery, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream of a Monastery:

A sign of departure from the real world, a container of ideals, spiritual introspection. Being in a monastery means peace, protection. Voluntarily imprisoning yourself in a monastery means you have given up the love of a person, having become disillusioned with his moral qualities. Finding yourself inside a monastery means a calm and prosperous old age. Convent - you love a person who is unaware of your feelings

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about the Monastery in a dream?

A dream in which she sees a monastery tells a young woman: she is leading a righteous life

Modern dream book

Why do you dream of a Monastery according to the dream book?

A dream in which you sought refuge in a monastery means that there is no place for worries and worries in your future. But, if you meet a priest in the monastery building, you will face all sorts of worries and emotional worries. If a girl dreams of a monastery, someone may doubt her virtue and honesty. Often such a dream means dissatisfaction with your position and vague irritation from the people around you. A dream about a destroyed monastery dooms your plans to failure.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Cell - Seeing someone in a monastic cell in a monastery means repentance.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Cell - Seeing a cell in a monastery and a lonely monk in it means loneliness in old age.

Spring Dream Interpreter

A cell in a monastery means a lonely old age.