Signs about candles. Church candle. What are the signs and beliefs associated with the candle?

    And this is a sign: the one of the spouses who holds the candle higher will be the head of the house.

    In fact, a lot of different signs and beliefs are associated with a church candle. So, I want to highlight these:

    1) As a gift a candle:

    2) A candle that floated:

    3) Wedding candles:

    4) Candles on church holidays:

    5) Baptismal candles:

    6) Extinguished candle:

    7) Energy of a specific house:

  • Previously, many rituals and ceremonies were performed with church candles. I heard that church candles cannot be given as gifts; you need to buy them yourself. You cannot throw away the remains of an unburned candle; they must be taken to church. If a church candle goes out, it bad sign. If a candle crackles and burns with a black flame and smokes, it means there is a lot of negative energy. You cannot blow out the candles yourself; they must burn out on their own.

    If you can in Holy Week bring home a burning candle with Thursday fire, then whole year misfortunes will pass you by.

    Church candle goes out quickly - a bad omen, leading to death.

    A funny sign: if there is a large deposit on the candle, then the bride will come across a nosey one, and if you drop the candle, then a wedding will happen soon.

    Church candles are the subject of many ancient beliefs and signs. For example, it is believed that the way candles behave during a wedding can predict the future for the newlyweds. It is difficult to say whether this is actually so, but an incident that occurred during the wedding of one of my friends confirms the above.

    At the wedding, the bride's candle fell and went out - and this is a very unkind sign. At first, the friend was upset, but soon forgot about the omen, because her husband looked at her with loving eyes and, it seemed, did not notice anyone but her. But just about a year later, when the time for falling in love had passed, he began to cheat on her - and their short marriage ended in divorce.

    Church candles surprisingly answer a person’s questions through their behavior, that is, candles often fall or bend when a person is subject to sorrows or stress a large number of grave sins. In houses with poor energy, candles may cry or spin in one place, which usually causes mystical horror among owners. In this case, it is necessary to invite a priest to consecrate the premises.

    Church candles carry a special energy, because they are located in a temple where prayers are constantly taking place. When people come to church, they place candles in front of the icon with prayer. This helps a person find comfort and peace of mind. You can burn such candles at home simply to cleanse the space. They are also used in medicinal purposes, for this purpose they are treated with flame acupuncture points on the soles of the feet. There are many popular signs associated with church candles. It is believed that Special attention must be given to the combustion process: if the candle burns calmly and clearly, then this is happy life, and if it cracks, then there are a lot of problems in the family. Such candles must be extinguished with your fingers; under no circumstances should you blow them out, otherwise you will get into trouble.

    A candle purchased in a church is an object associated with a number of signs that appeared a long time ago, but also occur in modern times.

    If a candle is lit at home and burns without black soot or smoke, it means life will be good, without troubles. And if sparks begin to fly off from it during combustion, this indicates impending severe frosts.

    A sign that many unconditionally believe in- if a candle suddenly goes out next to a patient, this portends death. It is also believed that you should never blow on a candle in order to extinguish it. It must go out on its own, otherwise bad events will happen. And if it was extinguished accidentally, through negligence, it means that unexpected guests will come soon.

    Another popular superstition is that you should never put three candles on the table - this promises a major misfortune. A sign that has a connection with the wedding process - if a candle goes out in one of the young people’s hands, it means he life path will be short-lived.

    As you can see, there are a lot of signs, and everyone treats them differently.

    I heard that you can tell the coming weather by looking at a candle.

    So, if the candle flame turns blue or goes out for no apparent reason, expect cold or windy weather.

    Several factors can indicate the approach of wet weather: the candle is difficult to light, sparks fly from it, the wick curls into a snail.

    At the same time, these same phenomena are interpreted differently, without a hint of weather. So, extinguishing a candle, and with it a bluish flame, indicates that the soul of a deceased person is walking somewhere nearby, and this can also portend someone’s imminent death.

    And by the sparks from the candle, they say, you can find out how many days are left before the arrival of important news: the candle is knocked on the table until the first sparks, the number of strikes is the number of days of waiting.

    How can you not light a candle? It is believed that it is very bad to light three candles from the same torch, and it is also not recommended to light a candle from the hearth.

    If you see smoldering carbon deposits on the wick of a candle, expect imminent guests.

    I also heard that each day of the week corresponds to a certain color, and therefore the candles should be different colors, appropriate for a particular day.

    Church candle has many good properties, they carry only positive energy. A church candle cleanses space and a person’s aura. With the help of a church candle, you can diagnose the aura and chakras.

    You can use a church candle to cleanse your home, you can use it to check the energy of an apartment or house, or the front door.

    There is such a belief and sign that church candles should not be given.

    If a church candle crackles when burning, it means there is negative energy nearby in the house or on a person.

    Church candle can will calm down Oh, you need to light it and just look at the flame and all worries will go away.

    Church candles that are lit in holidays in the house, they will bring grace to its residents.

    Church wedding candles are lit by women in labor to make childbirth easier.

    And more facts and signs about the effect of a church candle.

    There are many signs and superstitions associated with church candles.

    It is believed that if a candle crackles and burns with black smoke, then the house has accumulated bad energy. It is also believed that you cannot extinguish a church candle yourself, it must go out on its own.

    It is up to everyone to believe or not in these signs, as they say to each according to faith.

In the old days there were many signs associated with candles.
For example, according to wedding signs, it was believed that whoever holds the candle higher at a wedding will be the head of the house, and whose candle is shorter will die earlier.
Candles that went out during the wedding meant the imminent death of one of the newlyweds.

"The Fortuneteller with a Candle", Fig. Orest Kiprensky
This is what Mikhail Zagoskin wrote about the wedding omen in his book “Evening on Khopra” (1834).
“Oh, that’s wrong! - not good! - all the noble ladies and hay girls whispered among themselves. And truly, there was something to be afraid of: the candle that the young woman was holding was burning with a clear and pure fire; but the one with whom the Falcon stood burned dimly, smoked like a funeral torch, and without any reason went out three times in a row.”

The extinguished candle became a sad omen at Pushkin’s wedding (see my post).

The family kept wedding candles all their lives. These candles were lit when the wife went into labor and when the child became seriously ill.

Rice. V. Jokes
Three lit candles were considered a bad omen.
“There are generally accepted superstitions, such as: 13 people at a table, or 3 lit candles in a room foretell a dead person.”- wrote Efim Dymman in “The Science of Life” (1856).

Enlightened people tried to find a philosophical explanation for this sign.
“Four candles illuminate your room: a careless servant takes one of them out. You remain for five, six minutes with three candles: I don’t know what can happen to you, but experienced people will fear for your fate...

I did not believe from experience the danger of sitting in a room with three lit candles, because in my office for the most part only two candles are burning. But I have no doubt that it is very scary to sit by the light of three candles; remember that in Tartarus there are three Parks, three judges, three furies and a three-headed Cerberus: it is obvious that the three candles are a symbol of this fatal trinity.

With three candles, three Parks threaten you with death, three judges with a terrible sentence, three-yawning Cerberus with a terrible bark, three Furies with terrible punishment: after this, judge for yourself, how can you not look after the servants, who so often have the imprudence to leave you in a room lit by three candles? - I.B. Salle “On Misconceptions and Prejudice”, 1836.

Rice. Rowena Morrill
Sometimes the “three candles” sign came true, according to the memoirs of Mikhail Glinka:
“My sister decided to play cards; my brother then placed a chair for me next to E.K. After playing for a while, my sister decided to print letters. There were two lit candles on the table, and for greater convenience, the sister lit another candle in a small candlestick. E.K. noticed to her sister that it is not good when three candles are burning on the table; Ignoring this warning, the sister continued typing and did not put out the third candle.

About two weeks before that, a friend of hers was visiting Sofya Petrovna; When she read cards for me, all the spades always came up, so she finally began to hide them from me.

The day after his meeting with his brother at his sister’s, he became worse, and on the third day he died from inflammation of the intestines, which turned into Antonov fire. The death of my brother struck and saddened me unspeakably...”

Rice. V. Tislenko
There were also people who liked to laugh at omens.
Osip Przeclawski, a 19th-century Polish journalist, recalled dinners with a minister who loved to joke with his friends:
“Turkul was an avowed opponent of superstition. When the Branitsky counts, Vladislav and Alexander, came to St. Petersburg on business in the forties, the minister often dined with them. The peculiarity of these dinners was that the table setting included everything that is considered a bad omen in the popular beliefs of different nationalities: thirteen people at the table, three candles, an overturned salt shaker, knives and forks folded in a cross. This amused everyone, and Turkul was the first to joke about the terrible symbolism, which, however, did not take away anyone’s appetite.”

Lighting candles during the day was also considered a bad omen - for the deceased.
Emperor Alexander I encountered this sign (see my post).

Candles also became a talisman against evil spirits. On January 16, in villages, a tallow candle was tied to the gate so that evil spirits would not sneak into the yard. They said that on the morning of January 17 they found the gate bitten and scratched.

Loud Candle
A strong amulet a Thursday passionate (loud) candle was considered, which “burned during three passions” - at matins on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the reading of the Gospel.
This candle was used to burn crosses on ceilings and doors, and kept them in the house as protection against evil spirits. The Thursday candle was lit during death and childbirth.

"Boy with a Candle", fig. M. Gubin (17th century)

I wrote about fortune telling by candlelight in a post
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Since ancient times, the candle flame has magical power. It cleanses the energy of people, connects them with other worlds. Through the fire of a candle lit in the church, we turn to God, asking him for help and peace for the souls of our deceased relatives and friends. But sometimes it happens that the candles go out at the moment of reading the prayer or simply fall to the floor. This begins to alarm and frighten us, because, according to folk superstitions, if a church candle falls, it does not bode well. In this article we invite you to figure out whether this is really the case. We will tell you what signs exist and what church ministers think about this.

A candle is a special symbol for every person. We light candles when we come to church, celebrating an important family event, wanting to protect the house from evil spirits and evil eyes.

That is why, when lit candles fall or go out, we begin to think that this is some kind of warning from above. There are several superstitions among people associated with such incidents:

  • If a candle falls at home, then this sign indicates that the family who lives in the house will be very worried. difficult period in relationships, as a result of which they may even get divorced. Conflicts can arise against the background of adultery and even without any reason at all.
  • If a candle falls in a church while you are praying for the health of a person, this means that your prayer is powerless, that the person you are worried about will become more ill and, most likely, will soon pass into another world.
  • If a candle for the repose falls, this indicates that the soul of the deceased person still cannot find refuge in the next world.
  • If you put a candle at the bed of a sick person in your home, and it goes out or falls, this can only mean one thing - you should prepare for his funeral, because in this way God warns you about the rapid death of a sick relative. In general, fire is a symbol of life. Try lighting a candle in church for the health of a person who is no longer alive. You will see for yourself that the candle will not burn, it will not even light up or will immediately go out as soon as you try to put it in the tetrapod.
  • If a candle goes out in the church at the time of the wedding ceremony of one of the spouses, this indicates that he will not live long. At the very least, his life will be much shorter than the lifespan of his significant other.
  • If a candle falls on an icon, it means that your soul is already too black with evil deeds or selfish thoughts. God does not want to accept and hear your prayers, because even while reading them, you remain an insincere person with an evil soul and a callous heart.
  • If a candle falls on the floor in a church during the funeral service for a deceased person, this means that soon another person in his family will die again. If you believe the laws of esotericism, this can happen if a witch is present at the farewell ceremony, who, reading a special spell, influences the energy of the candle specifically to eradicate the entire family line. This is very dangerous and scary, especially when a candle in the house falls for this reason.

To prevent possible consequences related to a falling church candle, you need to know what to do if a candle falls. You just need to pick it up from the floor, cross yourself three times, ask God for forgiveness, and light the candle again.

Fallen candle: what do the clergy think about this?

For church ministers, any signs and superstitions are a sin, because under every popular belief lies the devilish power inherent in the pagan faith, and not in the Christian Orthodox faith. If you turn to the priest to find out what a fallen candle lit in a church means, he will definitely give you one answer - there is nothing terrible about this incident. The only explanation for what happened in the eyes of the priest is the careless handling of the wax product by the man himself who came to pray.

There are also several other reasons that can explain the fall and extinguishing of a candle lit in a church or at home:

  1. You were accidentally pushed while you were praying and putting a candle in the tetrapod. This is the most banal human factor, which you should not pay any attention to at all. If after prayer you quarrel with the one who pushed you, this will only harm your karma and will not give any power to the prayer. React calmly to what happened and apologize to the person who caused your candle to fall. It is best at this moment to pray for his health too.
  2. If your candle falls after you put it in the tetrapod, this may indicate that you simply installed it incorrectly. To ensure that it holds tightly, simply melt its base over the flame of another candle, and then just try to place it in the tetrapod again. It is advisable, after you install the candle, not to leave it for some time. This is especially true on days when there are a lot of people in church. Unfortunately, there are cases when the candle is not allowed to burn out even for a few minutes, because others also need to put the candle in the tetrapod. It is better to follow this if you want to be heard by the Almighty.

Important! In general, while in church, do not allow anyone to touch your candles, lamps and notes. You cannot know exactly what energy people come to church with. They can only harm you and your prayer. In addition, you should not allow the person standing next to you, even if he is your relative, to light his candle from your flame. Let him set it on fire from the candles that are already in the tetrapod - there are enough of them there for the candle to light up, and it can be installed in the candlestick.

  1. If you light a candle for health loved one, and she ended up falling, don’t blame yourself for this. It's not your fault that he is so sick that nothing can help him. Just keep praying and believing for a speedy recovery for the person you love so much. The sincerity and strength of your faith can work a miracle.

But we would still like you to be extremely careful in church.

Despite the fact that the clergy do not believe in the existence of black magic, it cannot be taken away from our lives. And, unfortunately, it is in the church that sorcerers and witches perform their rituals.

You should remember and use a few tips below throughout your life:

  1. Never bring candles to church. They must be purchased from the church. If you want, you can bring candles home from church, but not vice versa.
  2. Do not buy candles for a stranger who has not yet entered the church. He can simply take your energy away from you in this way.
  3. Make sure that during prayer in front of the icon, when you hold a candle in your hands, no one stands behind your back. At this moment, you can read a prayer, and your ill-wisher can plot against you. It turns out that you yourself are asking God for your speedy death.
  4. Do not come close to those who are performing some religious rituals with a candle in church. How to recognize them:
  • if in the hands of the person praying the candle is located not vertically, but horizontally;
  • if someone deliberately broke a candle into 2 parts, and then set fire to each of them and placed them in a candlestick next to other candles;
  • if they deliberately try to light a candle from the wrong side;
  • if someone outsider (meaning a person who definitely does not serve in the church) collects the stubs of burnt-out candles in a tetrapod, puts them in a bag and takes them out of the temple;
  • if some person deliberately extinguishes other people's candles and takes them from the tetrapod.

In general, always think about why you are going to church. This hike must be conscious and targeted. If you want to pray, order a prayer service, buy an icon, just sit in solitude with yourself and think about your life, then you will not even pay attention to such little things as the falling of a candle. Do not attach importance to absurd accidents that, apart from negativity, bring nothing to our lives! Remember the law of attraction - only what we think and dream about happens to us!

Video: “If a candle fell”

A candle that goes out or falls is an omen of something bad. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what to do in such an unpleasant case and how to ward off trouble.

Church rituals are familiar to every person. It was customary to place candles in front of holy icons in ancient times. All services in biblical times were held by candlelight. During the period of persecution of Christians, it was this light that helped believers find their way.

Time has changed, but church tradition still alive. Usually, not a single visit to church is complete without this ritual. We light candles for health, for peace, to help both ourselves and loved ones in worldly life, as well as to honor the memory of the deceased. However, if your candle suddenly began to smoke, went out, or simply fell out of your hands, then it’s worth thinking about what the Higher Powers are rushing to warn you about.

If the candle fell

The clergy say that visible reasons There is no concern only if you dropped the candle through negligence. An accident or a small mistake does not depend on a person, so you should not focus on it. Just be careful next time and take your time.

It’s another matter when you have already lit a candle more than once and are sure that its fall was not accidental. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to one important detail: Why did you light the candle? If a well-fortified candle was placed for the health of your loved ones and relatives and for unknown reasons fell, this is a sign of their imminent illness. If a candle for repose falls, the soul of the deceased cannot find its place, it wanders and suffers. In this case, it is necessary to read prayers for the dead as much as possible, helping the deceased find the way.

Regardless of the reason for which the candle fell, it must be immediately picked up, asking the Lord for forgiveness. An extinguished candle should be re-lit and carefully returned to old place.

If the candle goes out

On this score, believers have a huge number of signs and beliefs. Although the church vetoed superstitions and various fables, numerous cases are known to people's memory unexplained events, the connecting link of which is the extinguished candle. Deny this fact or believe in it - it's up to you to decide. Just remember that church signs carry the perpetuated experience of our ancestors and to this day warn people against possible dangers.

A candle that goes out in a church is a bad sign. The candle flame acts as a mediator between the Lord and our thoughts addressed to Him. If it goes out, it means only one thing: the spiritual connection with the Creator was broken, He did not hear your requests and prayers. There can be many reasons for this. Perhaps you have angered the Almighty or crossed the line of what is permitted. It is necessary to immediately pray, take communion and confess what you have done.

An extinguished candle placed for the repose can warn that the deceased is offended by you. Read prayers, ask for forgiveness. Just do it sincerely and with love in your heart. But if a candle dedicated to a living person stops burning, expect trouble. This signifies trouble or health problems. Thus, the Higher powers warn you and give you a chance to prevent negative events.

The candle has gone out - turn to the Lord, ask for his mercy and thank him for this gesture full of love and compassion for you. If after this the candle flame burns evenly, it means your prayers have been answered. In any case, follow common sense, because anything could put out the candle: a draft, someone else’s breath or sudden movements of the hands. Don't panic or think negatively. Only your faith determines everything.

If the candle cracks

In the temple of God, the crackling of a candle is not such an exception to the rule. Much depends on the quality of the wax. However folk sign indicates an omen of trouble. If your candle begins to crack, this is a sign of problems or illness, which can only be overcome through faith. This means that you need to pray tirelessly, get rid of sins and worldly temptations, lead a righteous lifestyle and pray for forgiveness and speedy healing.

The clergy urge us not to attach importance to signs, but to preserve for ourselves only one true and genuine faith - in the Lord. There is an opinion that a falling and extinguished candle is a bad sign, but from the standpoint of Christianity this does not matter to anyone.