The best drugs for raising immunity in adults

Let's start with a video with Elena Malysheva:

Remember? According to Elena Malysheva, our immunity is strengthened by:

  • Kiss
  • Sun and Vitamin D

1. At the heart of everything is a healthy lifestyle

Good for people with strong protection against their harmful bacteria. Let's find the best drug for ourselves, let's stay healthy, vigorous!

I would like to remind you: without hardening, proper lifestyle, physical activity, not a single bactericide will help.

Therefore, we begin to harden, eat right, sleep at least 7 hours a day, get saturated with vitamins and microelements.

When you buy drugs or vitamins, pay attention to the content. Well, if there is zinc, selenium, lithium. A good substance based on echinacea, which is called "Immunal". It helps to remove inflammation, stimulates a protective reaction of the body.

What drugs will help lessen the pain? Of course with vitamins A, C and E, which are directly involved in the functioning of the immune system.

And the safest and most effective are natural ingredients. I will give one example. One of my friends always suffered from sore throats. It took a sip of cool water to make the neck inflame again. Her husband always ate onions and garlic and didn't know what a sore throat was and what a cold was. My friend also tried to eat these products, but she became so addicted to them that she would not sit down at the table without a slice of onion or garlic. As she says, she did not even notice how she got rid of the sore throat. Doesn't hurt - that's all!

2. Better preparations for raising immunity in adults

2.1 Galavit and polyoxidonium

Recently, new compounds that increase immunity have appeared. This "Galavit" and, experts highly appreciated their protective properties. According to them, they can help with late cancer and even AIDS, however, they are too expensive.

Some doctors argue that the disease also improves immunity, especially if a person recovers without the use of pills, with the help of herbal infusions, compresses, inhalations.

Of course, with serious diseases it is difficult to escape with herbs, more serious medicines will be required, which only a doctor can prescribe.

2.2 Magic Echinacea

There are tinctures that raise immunity, for example, all the same echinacea. She is capable of:

- recover,

- purify the blood

- heal wounds, stop inflammation.

It is useful after the use of antibiotics, chemotherapy.

True, it also has contraindications.

Echinacea should not be drunk by cancer patients, with tuberculosis, AIDS, autoimmune diseases, as well as pregnant women, breastfeeding.

2.3 Magnelis and vitamins Merz

I can also advise:

"Magnelis"- Eliminates magnesium deficiency.

"Vitamin Merz" which will also help improve health.

The doctor may recommend immunostimulating drugs. There are quite a few of them, so only a doctor can decide which one is best for you.

3. What does herpes warn about?

rashes herpes they say that health is weakened. If a person has good health, then this virus sits quietly in the nerve nodes of the back. It is impossible to recover from an insidious disease, you can only learn to live peacefully with it.

This virus is not as harmless as it seems. What happened to me in connection with this sore, you can read.

Many tried to overcome it with folk remedies. Zelenka and toothpaste can be dried, but it is impossible to cure. This virus is also dangerous because it can be spread all over the body with your hands.

For herpes, you can use medicines such as

  • acyclovir,
  • tromantadine,
  • zovirax.

"Acyclovir" acting on the virus, does not affect healthy cells.

Antiviral action "Tromantadina" occurs by slowing down the reaction of herpes viruses. So that herpes does not pester, it is worth strengthening the immune system.4. Homeopathic advice

You have sudden fatigue, poor sleep, frequent colds, drowsiness, which means that the immune system has weakened. Be sure to buy homeopathic medicines at the pharmacy that allow you to normalize the work of the defenses.

Homeopathic remedies have a gradual, sparing effect that gives a long-term, lasting result.

Bactericides that stimulate the immune system are prepared from natural substances. They will help to improve the functioning of the immune system without harming other systems. They have other positive qualities:

  • no side effects;
  • they are harmless;
  • they can be used for children, people who have contraindications to taking chemicals;
  • smooth recovery of health.

Before taking medications, try drinking natural tinctures.

For example, there is eleutherococcus extract- a very powerful tool. It is drunk 20-30 drops 3 times daily before meals, preferably before lunch, as it invigorates well. The course is 25 days.

A good healing effect is given by ginseng tincture, ingestion of which is carried out before meals, 30 drops, 2 times daily. The course is 25 days.

Schisandra chinensis tincture 30 drops 2 times daily half an hour before meals. Helps to increase efficiency, resistance to viruses. Rhodiola rosea tincture. Take 2 times daily, 10 drops half an hour before a meal.

For these tinctures there is a general rule: it is better to drink before lunch, diluted in 100 ml of water. Read the instructions for contraindications.

5. Immune sera

Donor serum preparations are made from the blood of animals or a donor, for example, tetanus toxoid is obtained from the blood of immunized horses. Serum is administered only by a doctor for the prevention or treatment of measles, viral hepatitis, botulism and other diseases.

6. Basic measures to increase the body's resistance

We examined various drugs that give the body immunity, but without other components, it is impossible to increase the body's defenses.

They are known to all, these are:

  • - Proper nutrition
  • – hardening
  • - Taking vitamin supplements
  • - Don't give in to stress
  • - Purification of slags.

Our ancestors knew that maintaining immunity prolongs youth and life, so they used these simple, highly effective remedies.

I will give you a recipe for some decoctions. Take 2 tbsp. l. dried string, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, let stand for one hour, take a decoction during the day. Drink several days in a row, then take the same break.

Don't forget the cranberry juice. Mash a handful of cranberries with a spoon, fill with plain water, do not boil, then drink.

In parting, I want to say that there are a lot of funds. Try herbal formulas first, they really help.

Today you have learned the best drugs for raising immunity in adults. Invite your friends to read the article, let them take care of their health too. My simple tips will help strengthen disease resistance, become younger, healthier.

7. P.S. with Inspector Varnike and the story "Varnike and the spineless husband"

At the end of the article, according to tradition, we are engaged in the activation of cerebral circulation. Why are we meeting with my childhood friend Inspector Varnike.

Today we have a difficult task from the story:

Please send your versions of answers in the form of comments to the article. The correct answer will be published next Wednesday 07 September 2016.

Sincerely, blog author Alexey Frolov