How to enter the Play Market: tips for new users. Why doesn't Google Play Market work (Google Play Market) server error, there is no connection and it says you need to log into your account

Let's find out the reasons for failures in the Google Play Market: it says there is no connection, you need to log into your account or there is a server error. TO bad work applications can be caused by the presence of various service problems, problems with the device selected for these purposes, and many other reasons. What to do if you cannot log into your account? In this article we will look at the main causes of failures and errors associated with Play Market and ways to resolve these problems.

Method 1: Reboot Android

Since the system freezes quite often on Android, it is necessary to reboot the device.

In addition, this will allow you to troubleshoot problems not only in operation Google Play, but also with bugs from other applications.

Method 2: Reset Google Play Market settings

The Play Market application on the tablet may not work due to large quantity unnecessary information Therefore, you should reset the settings by doing the following:

After these actions, it is recommended to reboot the device so that the system can quickly recognize the changes made.

Method 3. Uninstalling Google Play Market updates

As in the first method, you need to go to the settings menu, select the “Applications” or “Application Manager” section, in which click the “ Uninstall updates", which will lead to the starting state of the play market.

Method 4: Reset Google Play Services app settings

In order to achieve the functioning of the play market, it can be useful to reset the Google Play Services settings. To perform this operation, you must perform the following steps:

Method 5. Activating “Download Manager”

Problems with the Play Market may occur due to the disabling of this service application. In order to activate the “Download Manager”, you must first go to the settings menu of your device, then use a swipe to go to the “All” section, where you select the required item. When stopping the application, click the “Enable” button.

After the operations have been completed, you need to reboot the device and then check the correct operation of the Play Market.

Method 6. Deleting your Google account

When performing this action, you must keep in mind that when you delete your account, you may lose the necessary and important information. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should first synchronize the data, i.e., create a backup copy. For these purposes, go to the settings menu and then select the “Accounts” section in it, after opening which you need to select your account.

After completing the steps, the synchronization menu will be available, all you have to do is click on Mailbox.

After opening, you need to select the items that you need to synchronize. In most cases, users create backup copies of personal information and “Contacts” using the selected section. To save important information on your tablet or phone, you must press the “Options” button and select “ synchronize" After these steps, a backup copy of all applications will be created simultaneously.

After synchronization, you can safely delete your Google account. When you re-login to this account, the device will prompt you to restore the backup information.

After the account has been deleted and restored again, the operation of the applications should be normal. In the event that the performance of the play market is not carried out in to the fullest, then you should use the following method.

Method 7: Having incompatible applications

Operation Play Store or it may be disrupted or even blocked due to the presence of some applications that the user installed independently. Such applications exist in large numbers. Among these “pest” applications is the well-known Freedom, with which the user can make in-game purchases for free.

Method 8: Setting up the “hosts” file

If your device is equipped with the application " Freedom”, and in your opinion, it contributes to the failure of the play market, then you need to configure the “hosts” file.

To make the settings this file, you need to go to the settings menu, select the “Application Manager” - Installed section, and select “Freedom”. After opening the menu of this program, you should click on the “Stop” button, and then delete the application. The main thing is not to neglect the rules of the proposed operation, namely: first stop, then delete.

After the device reboots, you need to check the functioning of the play market. if no changes occur, use the following method.

Method 9. Reset Android settings

Despite the fact that resetting all existing settings is a rather radical action, it helps solve most problems not only in the operation of applications, but also in the entire system. By going to the Android settings menu, you need to select “Reset settings” in the “ Recovery and Reset».

Before performing a reset, it is recommended to double-check that the necessary information has been synchronized. Data stored on the memory card will remain untouched.

Method 10. Checking your Internet connection

Sometimes, it is a simple lack of connection to the Internet that causes application failures. After checking the connection, you should restart the router.

Method 11: Enable Google Accounts

Problems may occur due to disabled Google account. Activating the application " Google Accounts"occurs in a special section.

Method 12. Checking time and date

If there is a constant lack of connection, you should check that the time and date are set correctly.
If the Internet connection is connected, but the connection has still not been made, you need to repeat setting the time zone and time, synchronizing these parameters with the network by going to the menu section " Settings", where selecting "Network time zone" and " date and time", mark these parameters with a tick.

Some users are absent-minded. They periodically forget their passwords and logins. This situation often arises when buying used phones. When you try to connect, you need to enter a new Google account. As a result, many people ask the following question: “I can’t log into my Google account! What should I do?”

The concept of a Google account

A “Google” account is an account of a specific user on Google. It is created during registration on the relevant website. With its help, the user gets the opportunity to use mail, disk, social network Google+, YouTube video hosting, as well as other Google services. In addition, this account is required for users of tablets with Android OS installed.

This system is created by the above-mentioned corporation, therefore, to prevent theft, or taking into account the constant use of the gadget, the manufacturer links them to a specific Google account. It is the latter circumstance that most often causes people to be unable to log into their Google account.

The main reasons for the inability to log into your account

The first reason is user forgetfulness. There are those who create an account for a long time They don’t use it, so they conveniently forget the password. However, it is quite easy to restore. To do this, when registering, you need to indicate an e-mail or mobile number, where a message will be sent if you click on the “Forgot your password” link.

The same problem applies to people forgetting their login. Recovery occurs in a similar way. When registering, indicate your real full name, because when you restore your login, you will be asked for them, and if you entered fictitious data, you are unlikely to remember them. If you remember, you will receive a confirmation code (by email or phone), after which login to your account will be available.

If you receive a message that such a user is not registered in Google, then check all the data, including the backup e-mail, remember whether your phone number has changed, and if so, whether it is currently available.

Sometimes, when logging into your account through a browser, you may receive a message that your account is disabled. Cookies. You need to enable them. The order in which they are enabled is different for each browser. If this does not help, you need to clear your browser cache.

By following these simple instructions, you can save yourself from the question of what to do if you can’t log into your Google account.

If your account is blocked, it will take longer to restore it.

Login to your account from a mobile phone

To log into your Google account with mobile phone with the Android operating system preinstalled, you need to go to the phone settings, open “Accounts”, and then click on “Add account”. Some models offer to add accounts not only Google, but also others. Click on Google, after which a menu appears in which you enter your username and password. Here you can create a new or primary account if one has not yet been created.

If you enter the registration data correctly, you will log into your account, and this data will be used by your gadget.

This way, the answer to the question on the phone?" will be quickly found.

Login to your account after using the reset function

After the release of Android 5.1, gadgets based on it received a function that should help protect them from use in the event of theft or loss. The meaning of this function comes down to the fact that the gadget asks you to log into your Google account after using the reset function. If you remember all the details of your account, this is your phone, and not bought second-hand, then solving the problem is not difficult. Just enter your details and that's it.

For different models Gadgets have their own ways to bypass Google's protection. It is impossible to consider them all within the framework of one article. We will give some universal methods, but there is no guarantee that they will work on a specific model.

  1. We insert our SIM card into the locked gadget, call it, accept the call, click on “Add new call”. When dialing numbers, randomly click on the numbers, click on “Add a number to an existing account”, after which you should be prompted to add a “Google” account, enter this data, reboot, having previously saved the randomly dialed number in your account.
  2. Until the first click (the first 3 steps), we repeat the steps of the first method. When dialing numbers, press *#*#4636#*#*, as a result you should get to the extended settings menu, click “Back”, go to the settings menu, select “Backup and Restore” or “Restore and Reset”, disable the recovery functions , including data backup, restore factory settings (reset), after loading, enter your Google account.

Thus, if you cannot log into your Google account after resetting the settings, you need to try these two methods. If this does not help, try searching for instructions for your gadget yourself on the Internet. It may require the installation of third-party programs and Fastboot support.


Finding a solution to the problem “I can’t log into my Google account” is actually easy. In the article we described several effective ways. First try to remember your login and password, contact Google for help. If you can't unlock your phone after applying a factory reset, try applying various ways to restore access.

What to do if you can’t log in, log in Play account Market, Google Play Store? The main developer and creator of Android is the well-known company Google. Along with the numerous advantages of the program, sometimes it also contains errors. This article will discuss the problem with logging into Google Play and possible solutions to it.

In order to synchronize data, go to the store Google applications Play. To download applications or games for Android OS on your phone, smartphone or tablet, you also need to register in the Google Play Market and log in to your account.

First, you need to create a Google account in the Play Market; this can be done either from a laptop, tablet, or from a mobile phone or Android smartphone, for example from Samsung. If you already have a Google account, you will not need to register. For all Google services, such as Google Mail, Google Plus (+), Google Docs, YouTube, Google Adwords, account login is unified, that is, by creating an account in any of them, you can log in to others.

But sometimes difficulties may arise, problems with logging into your Google account. This is mainly due to the fact that users often forget their password and cannot recover it. Difficulties also arise when another person registered, and not the user himself personally.

For example, it often happens that girls do not know their login and password because the guy created it). The situation worsens sharply if that beautiful stranger breaks up with the guy), in general, cases are different. There are several ways out of the Play Market situation on Android. Firstly, you can try to recover your username and password through the password recovery system.

How to recover your account in the play store? To do this, you will need to enter your email address, you may need to provide a secret phrase, etc. If you can’t restore your account, there is an option to create an account in the play store again.

After that, you can change it in the settings. How to change an account in the play market on Android, how to add, change an account in the play market (google play market), we have already written in one of the previous articles. I couldn’t log into my account on my Samsung for quite a long time; perhaps there were some problems with the authorization server.

It doesn’t work, I can’t log in, I can’t log into my Google Play Market account, what should I do?

If you can’t get the Play Market to work, even though you’ve used every possible combination of login and password, Google’s password reset service can help. In order to reset your password and then restore it, you need to follow the link: or and fill in the required data.

If collecting the password does not help, try resetting your Android smartphone or tablet to factory settings via Hard Reset, Wipe. Logging in or creating an account on YouTube, a website, or an app can also help. If this does not help, try installing the Add Account application, which will allow you to add a new Google account to your Android system.

If that doesn't help, do the following:

  1. Go to “Settings/Applications/All”, for Google Play Store services, Google Services Framework and Google Play Services, click stop, delete data, delete updates, clear cache.
  2. Next, in the “Settings/Accounts/Google” menu, you need to remove all the checkboxes in the synchronization settings.
  3. Let's reboot.
  4. After the reboot, go to “Settings/Accounts/Google” and put everything back (if a synchronization error pops up, don’t pay attention to it).
  5. We reboot again.
  6. Let's check.

You can also try to log into your account using your application password. You can use this method only if you have previously enabled two-step verification in your Google account settings. To obtain your application password, follow the link and follow the instructions. You can also change the password in the settings.

To enter the Google Play Store, you can also use the pin code (PIN) received during registration from your mobile phone or smartphone. This authentication method is only available if you have specified your cell phone number in the settings. It can also be changed if necessary.

Creating a Google account, registering in the Play Market

How to create an account in the play market for android phones, smartphones, tablets? To register, you must follow the link Enter reliable and accurate data, so you will avoid many troubles in the future.

Once registration is complete, you must confirm your details with Google to complete account activation. To do this, you need to log in to the email address specified during registration and follow the link.

You can view the activation and confirmation status of your account in its settings. If, when registering in the play store, you indicated email address to Gmail, then you don't need to confirm or activate it. If you haven't received an email with confirmation details, check your Spam folder; the spam filter may have accidentally triggered.

How to delete a Google account if necessary? If you still need to delete your account, remember that you will no longer be able to use any of the Google services. If you do delete it, it will be quite difficult to restore it, but it is possible.

Account recovery in Google Play Market

In order to protect your Google Play Market account from hacking, you must follow some recommendations. First, use a unique and complex password. To do this, use letters, numbers and symbols at the same time; it must consist of at least 8 characters. Once you've come up with a password to log in to, write it down or save it in a password storage app on Android.

In your account settings, use an additional email address and indicate your mobile number to send data via SMS. If you use a secret question, you need to choose only those that you can definitely answer after a while. All this will help you recover your Google account password in the Play Store in the future and help you avoid many problems.

Additionally, to increase security, use the following recommendations when creating an account:

  • Conduct a full scan of your computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet for viruses and malware.
  • Check your account security by going to the appropriate settings item and following further instructions.
  • Keep your browser version up to date and operating system.
  • It is highly not advisable to use your Google account password on any other sites.
  • Never enter your account information on suspicious, dubious sites.
  • If you use any other computer, laptop, tablet or Android smartphone to log into your account, do not forget to log out of it and delete the entire cache. Never save your password information on other people's devices.
  • I recommend disabling the “Unknown Sources” feature, which allows you to download applications and games for Android not from the Google Play Store, in your account settings.

Some users often experience google android account synchronization errors. The account stops syncing due to the incorrect login and password being entered.

Possible errors in logging into your Google Play account and their solutions

When logging into your Google Play Store account, the following problems are possible:

  • “Login to the Play Store from your mobile device using this email address." If you try to install an application or game for Android on your laptop, computer, phone, smartphone or tablet that is not associated with a Google account, or other unsupported device, this error will appear.
  • "The username or password you entered is incorrect". Most problems with logging into the play market are related to this error. Quite often it is caused by so-called two-step authentication. Its purpose is to increase the protection of your data through the use of a two-step verification system. In addition to the username and password, a code is also used to log in, which the user receives in the form voice message or text (SMS, Email). You can enable or disable double authentication in your account settings at.
  • Problems with Internet connection (“No network connection”). It often happens that after updating the device to Android, some settings are lost, for example WiFi and the Internet stops working. That's why I can't connect to my account. Check your connection, try opening a website, social network, or viewing a file from the network.

If the article did not help solve the problem, you have comments or suggestions - write in the comments, we will sort it out.

All apps, music and games are mostly downloaded from the official Google service Play, which is constantly updated with new products from various developers from around the world. It turns out that the only source for downloading updates and applications is Google Play.

What should those users do if they can’t access the Play Market and write “no connection” or “connection error”? You can, for example, download files via your computer and then install them on your smartphone, or try to solve this problem!

In this article we will look at the main reasons why this error appears and how to eliminate them.

1. Check that the entered date and time are correct

One of the common reasons for incorrect operation or complete failure of Google Play is the incorrectly set time and date in the smartphone. Go to the settings and set them manually or synchronize via the Internet. Don't forget to specify your time zone in the settings.

2. Internet connection

Oddly enough, another common reason may be the banal lack of Internet on your smartphone. There could be several reasons:

  • You are in an area where there is no Internet access.
  • Your SIM card is not connected to the appropriate tariff or you do not have funds to connect to the network.
  • “Mobile networks” are not activated on the phone or the APN access points for Internet access are not configured correctly.
  • The router or modem, if it is in your home, does not work correctly.

If everything is fine with your router, the Internet is turned on on your smartphone, you are connected to a wireless access point or are within network coverage, then move on to the next point!

3. Reboot the device

Sometimes the reason can be eliminated only by rebooting the smartphone. Just restart it and check if the Play Market is working. This often happens when it's busy. random access memory phone, a large number at the same time open applications and running services, incorrect launch of the Market.

Another reason why it doesn’t go to the Play Market is updates! As a rule, updates for all programs and games are automatically downloaded on Android if this is set in the system parameters. You only need to uninstall the latest updates.

  1. Go to your phone's Settings and select the Applications tab.
  2. Next, in the general list, find Google Play and click on this tab.
  3. The screen will display complete information about the program. At the top of the screen, find the “Uninstall updates” option and click it.

If uninstalling updates does not help, you can try resetting all settings for a specific application, namely the Play Store.

  1. You, as in section 4 of this article, will need to go to “Settings” and click on the “Applications” tab.
  2. Find in the general list required application and click on it.
  3. Now click on the “Erase data” option. Once the operation is completed, click on “Clear cache”.

As practice shows, in most cases this method helps many users solve problems connecting to Google services.

6. Reset Google Play Services application settings

There is another service that is responsible for the correct operation of the Play Market.

  1. Go to “Settings”, select “Applications” as usual and find “Google Play Services” in the general list and click on it.
  2. Here, click the “Clear cache”, “Delete data” tabs and check the service’s functionality.

7. Activation of the Google Accounts service

Sometimes, for unknown reasons, the Google Accounts service is disabled on the smartphone, which causes problems various problems when synchronizing data, connecting to mail, Market. To fix this problem, go to your phone's settings and go to the Applications tab. Next, in the general list, find “Google Accounts”, click on it. Make sure it's turned on!

8. Activation of the “Download Manager”

As with Google Accounts, you will need to activate the download manager on the Android operating system. Go to the list of applications, select the required service and activate it.

9. Reset Android settings

None of the above methods help? In that case you need to do full reset settings of your smartphone! Please note that when you roll back to factory settings, all data will be deleted, both individual files and contact entries, messages and other information

Working with the hosts file

Another way that will help you solve the problem with Google Play is to check the hosts file. Just like in the operating room Windows system, in the Android system there is a separate file in which the settings are written network connections and restrictions. Use any file manager and go to the /system/etc/ directory. There, find the hosts file and open it. Remove all entries except localhost and standard IP address.

Additional solutions to the problem

View the general list of applications and games that are installed on your smartphone, be sure to check what rights are available to each of them. Some programs may have rights to block access to Google Play, for example, so that the system cannot check for a license if the application was downloaded and installed with a cache from third-party resources.

As you can see, if your phone does not access the Play Market and the screen says “no connection” or “connection error,” there could be dozens of reasons for this! Try to always create backup copies of the operating system and files stored on the phone and on the SD card, so that at any time you can do a full rollback to factory settings without losing important information!

If after reading the material you are still unable to solve the problem using any of the methods described, leave your question in the comments and we will try to help you with this issue!

An error with the system message “could not contact the Google servers, please try again later” often occurs when you try to either add a new Google account, or simply go to Google Play or Play Market.

The solution to most of these errors (for example, from the same “test”) is approximately the same, while the fact remains unchanged that the error lies in the device itself and is not related to Google servers.

What should I do if I couldn't contact the google server?

So, a little later we will look at the main methods that almost always help fix this error.

However, first it is necessary to mention the obvious, but at the same time important things:

  1. 1. Yes, it’s funny and unlikely, but there are still cases when a user tries to add an account that is not related to Google services: for example, “mail” or “yandex”.
  2. 2. Check if the Internet works at all: open your browser and go to any website.
  3. 3. Check that the set date and time are correct.

If no such obvious problems are observed, but the device persistently writes “could not contact Google servers, try again later,” then in most cases the culprit for errors with Google services is an application called “Freedom”.

There are two possible options:

  1. 1. If the application was installed and subsequently deleted, try installing it again and checking the functionality of Google Play (if this helped resolve the error, it means that the application was previously uninstalled incorrectly).
  2. 2. If the application is already installed, delete it. However, simple uninstallation will not help here: you need to completely clear your device of this “useful” application. For this:
  • A. Launch the application and click Stop in the pop-up menu.
  • B. Close it using either “Device Manager” or “Task Manager”.
  • B. To remove, use one of the “killer utilities” (“Clean Master” or “History Eraser”): run the program and remove everything related to “Freedom”;
  • D. Reboot the device and check its functionality again.

How else can I fix the “failed to contact Google servers” error?

  1. 1. Using the same application, clear the cache, but not only of the Google Play service, but comprehensively of the entire device. Perhaps this will help fix not only this error, but also prevent new ones from appearing.

  1. 2. As with the “RH-01” error, the reason that a smartphone or tablet with Android OS was unable to contact Google servers often lies in the absence or incorrect operation of the “Google Services Framework”: either enable this service or install it again.

In addition, check the “GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk” file: try updating it or deleting it, and then installing it again (but, accordingly, using third-party devices).

  1. 3. It is possible that “Two-Step Verification” is installed on your account. To check, you need to log in to “” on the official Google website, go to the “Authorization of applications and sites” section and check what parameters are set.

  1. 4. There may be a block in the “host” file (located in the /system/etc/ directory). Using an application (for example, “Root Explorer”) and using “root” rights, check what is specified in the file after the line “ localhost”: ideally, if you did not install anything yourself, there should be nothing after this line .
  1. 5. Remove in settings wireless network“Always active mobile transfer”: especially relevant for older versions of the operating system.

  1. 6. Before entering personal data into account in the upper right corner you can call up the context menu: here you will need to select “Login through the browser” or “Login in the browser” - accordingly, you will be redirected to the browser to enter data.
  2. 7. Reset the settings to factory defaults and use the “Initial Setup Wizard”.
  3. 8. As a last method, you can use third-party applications to create or add an account manually: for example, “Android /Add Account”.

Thus, possible solutions There are a lot of “failed to contact Google servers” errors. In any case, we strongly recommend that you delete the “Freedom” application and not use it in the future: sooner or later this application will “bring” various kinds of errors to your device. In addition, you should clear the device cache at least occasionally, since cached errors will make themselves felt.