What time is the new moon at different times. Growing (young) moon

In life, often, despite all the efforts made, things do not go as well as planned. In difficult situations, people begin to blame themselves, the lack of financial investments, poor specialists, but do not attach any importance to the fact that any undertakings should be planned only when the moon is growing.

Moon phases

In ancient times, the moon was the only correct guideline in solving important issues. The whole life of the ancestors was arranged according to the cycle of the heavenly body. Depending on which or decreasing, they hunted, cultivated the land, performed rituals.

The lunar month is 29 or 30 days. During this time, the natural satellite of our planet goes through four phases, each of which lasts a little more than seven Earth days and corresponds to a certain element of nature. The mood of a person and his behavior, success in undertakings and successful completion of business, the growth of plants and getting rid of ailments depends on which moon is in the sky today.

The cycle begins with a new moon. The element of the phase is earth. At this time, a person experiences an energy crisis, he is not capable of active actions and heavy physical exertion. Beginnings are not recommended. This period is a time for rest and relaxation, planning business.

The second phase is the waxing moon. Its element is water. This is the time for the implementation of plans, new discoveries and achievements. The body is full of energy, its possibilities for work are endless. When the moon rises, a person becomes strong, active and emotional. This is a good time to improve your health.

Next comes the full moon phase. Here the element is air. The accumulated forces are quite enough to bring the work started to completion. Energy overwhelms a person, and in order to avoid conflicts, it is better to channel it into an active channel, for example, go in for sports. In this phase of the lunar cycle, you can sit on a diet, carry out cleansing procedures.

The fourth phase is the waning moon. Its element is fire. Vitality and energy are not enough to plan and implement new projects. For any undertaking, this time is considered wasted. It makes more sense to finish the job. But in this phase, a person gains spiritual strength, becomes wiser.

How to determine when the moon is rising: folk signs

Our ancestors did not have a special calendar. They could not find out every day which moon is growing or, on the contrary, waning. But even without the help of a calendar, you can always look at the sky and determine the phase of the cycle. To do this, it is enough to attach a pencil, stick or finger to the silhouette of an incomplete night luminary. If the result is the letter "P", then this means that the moon is growing.

If it is not possible to attach a stick to the silhouette, and the letter "C" appears in the sky - this is a decreasing phase.

What is the use of the lunar calendar?

This question is interesting enough. The lunar and earth months have different lengths and never coincide. In order to always be able to control the phases of the cycle and use them in your own affairs, a special calendar is being developed. When compiling it, it is important to take into account not only the phases of the moon, but also in what sign of the zodiac it is on a particular day. At the same time, every day has its own symbolism - this is the most ancient information about the calendar that came down from ancestors. All days are divided into good and bad. This information should be taken into account when planning certain cases. The lunar calendar is used in business, gardening, fishing, hair cutting and important purchases.

For convenience, the calendar indicates both the earth day and the lunar day, which corresponds to it. This way of writing helps you plan your events for the whole month. This is very important, for example, for a gardener.

Having information about when the waxing moon will be in March, he can safely plan the planting of plants that stretch upward.

What to do on the waxing moon?

It has long been noticed that the same work is better at different times. For example, when the moon is rising, the time is favorable for starting new businesses, launching projects, investing money, opening and depositing, looking for a job, planting seeds and transplanting plants, as well as cutting hair. At this time, it is good to make acquaintances, make appointments, and establish a personal life.

The influence of the moon on humans

Financial depends on the location of the natural satellite of the Earth in the sky, and the time when the moon grows has a beneficial effect not only on the material side of a person's life, but also on his physical and psycho-emotional state. During the period of the new moon, vitality is still not enough to start active actions. But every day, energy gradually accumulates in the body, a person begins to feel a surge of vivacity, he has a desire to work, to achieve his goals.

During the growth of the moon, emotional stress is at a minimum, which affects mood. Relationships developed during this period are developing well. Men and women see each other as only the best traits.

A special energy surge occurs in a person at a time when the growth phase of the celestial body coincides with the growing moon in March, simultaneously with an increasing solar day, gives a surge of active vitality.

By rationally spending your energy as the moon grows, you can avoid psycho-emotional overload and easily bring all the things started during this period to the end.

The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth. It is the second brightest object in the earth's sky after the Sun, as well as the fifth largest natural satellite in the solar system.

What is the lunar cycle?

This is the period of time during which the moon makes one complete revolution around the Earth. The lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 solar days.

What is a waning and waning moon?

If you closely follow the firmament, you can notice that the moon is not illuminated on the new moon, and then its size gradually "increases" from a narrow crescent to a whole circle, this is the waxing moon. After the onset of the full moon, the area of \u200b\u200bthe illuminated surface of the moon gradually decreases, this is a waning moon.

How to tell if the moon is coming or going?

Try holding a vertical stick to the moon. Did you get a letter like P? This means that the Moon "grows" or arrives. If the sickle looks like the letter C, then the Moon is "aging" or decreasing.

Why does the moon shine?

It doesn't actually glow, it just reflects sunlight.

What phases stand out in the lunar cycle?

The side of the Moon illuminated by the Sun is facing the observer at a new angle each time, this explains the change in lunar phases. The shadow of the Earth does not affect the change of the lunar phases, except for the moments of the eclipse of the moon in the full moon phase, which occur twice a year.

New moon

In the new moon phase, the consecrated part of the moon is invisible, because visually the Moon is aligned with the point of the Sun. In the form of a narrow sickle, which will gradually increase, it can be seen after a day.

First quarter

When the Moon moves along its orbit in the first quarter of the lunar cycle, the distance of the Moon from the Sun, visible to the observer, begins. Seven days after the new moon, the distance between the Moon and the Sun becomes equal to the distance between the Earth and the Sun. At this moment, a quarter of the lunar disk is visualized.

Full moon

The distance between the Moon and the Sun continues to increase in the second quarter of the lunar cycle, and the Moon reaches the point of its orbit farthest from the Sun. The moment of the full moon phase comes.

Third quarter

The reverse motion of the Moon relative to the Sun begins in the third quarter of the lunar cycle, starting to approach it. The moon, decreasing, again decreases to a quarter of the disk.

New moon

The lunar cycle ends with the Moon returning to a position between the Earth and the Sun. The consecrated part of the Moon ceases to be completely visible to the observer. The new moon completing the cycle marks the beginning of a new lunar month.

What is a terminator?

This is the line that separates the dark and light sides of the moon. This definition applies to all satellites, not just the moon.

Waning Moon (third phase)

The third phase of the Moon is the period of realization of the accumulated energy and obtaining the results of the work done. The main thing is to spend energy carefully and thoughtfully, otherwise you can fall into a depressed state, ruin relationships with loved ones or colleagues.

Business.The third phase is a favorable time for solving complex and important tasks, completing cases started in previous periods and analyzing the work done. On these days, you can plan a serious conversation with your superiors, a change of place of work. This time is not suitable for signing contracts - the deals will be unsuccessful. It is better to limit communication with suspicious and unfamiliar people - there is a possibility of becoming a victim of deception. It is good to do household chores: wash, clean. During this period, it is recommended to distribute debts, to fulfill earlier promises. It is better to devote the last days of the phase to rest with your family, communication with friends.

Haircut and hair care.A haircut on the waning moon will keep your hair healthy, but slow down its growth. During this period, it is good to cut the bangs, as well as cut those who do not like to change their hairstyles often. You can experiment with hair color - the paint will wash off quickly.

Beauty, personal care. The third phase is a good time to visit a beauty salon. Treatment procedures will help maintain a healthy appearance and prolong youth.

Health.Intense physical activity will give good results.

Food. There are no restrictions on food these days - you can eat any food.

The moon affects the activity, ability to work and the general condition of the human body. The page provides information on the phase of the moon today and describes its impact on daily life. The lunar horoscope will help you plan for the day those things that require a minimum of effort, cost and will be successful.

On a new moon, the moon is not visible, the lunar energy is absent. On this day, it is good to plan things, solve small current issues, rest, cleanse the body, but you should not start new projects, perform large-scale tasks and grandiose housework, change your occupation, carry out major operations with money, get a haircut, give the body intense physical activity ...

During the growing moon, its illumination and human energy grows. These days it is auspicious to start new business, sign contracts, invest money, do housework, meet new people, get a haircut, play sports, cleanse the body, but you should not perform routine tasks, depilate and cleanse your face.

On a full moon, the moon is fully illuminated, and lunar energy reaches its peak. On this day, it is good to do small one-day tasks and creative tasks, housework, get a haircut, cleanse the body, but it is not recommended to start and continue large-scale projects, change jobs, carry out transactions with money, and travel.

During the waning moon, its illumination and human energy decrease. On these days, it is recommended to solve important issues, complete cases, summarize the work done, change the type of activity, do minor chores, get a haircut, give the body moderate physical activity, travel, but it is undesirable to start new business, sign contracts.

All bodies in our world closely interact with each other, and the larger their size, the closer they are to each other, the stronger their mutual influence is. Therefore, the Moon affects the ebb and flow of the sea, the growth rate of plants, the behavior of animals and the mood of people. Many people prefer to plan certain events in their lives, focusing on what the moon is at the moment: growing or waning. This can be determined using a special lunar calendar.

What is the lunar calendar and how to use it

The moon makes a complete revolution around the Earth in 28 days, this period is called the lunar month. It begins at a time when the moon is practically invisible in the sky. The visual increase of the visible part of the Moon occurs within 2 weeks, it is said that during this period the Moon "grows". The growing Moon increases in size day by day, when at night in the sky we see its full disk, the full moon will come. After that, the visible part of the moon's disk decreases again, and it becomes decreasing.

All these changes are reflected in a special lunar calendar. The lunar month consists of 28 lunar days and is divided into 4 phases. In phases I and II, the moon is considered growing or young, in the rest - waning.

The growing moon and its influence

If the Moon is growing, then the time has come for renewal and creation. Many people believe that new projects will be successful if they begin to implement them precisely on the new moon. Movement, growth, change - all this is the growing moon. Having learned from the lunar calendar what date the waxing moon will be, you can open a new business or start an existing business. On the growing moon, new acquaintances become successful: people are more willing to make contact, and the business ties established during this period become stronger. Romantic meetings are also productive: women are less critical of men, and the latter see only good sides in the chosen ones.

Human health is also influenced by the growing moon: at this time, the body is tuned to consumption, not limitation. During this period, any procedures aimed at restoring and strengthening health are favorable: vitamins are better absorbed, and medicines bring more benefits. The body is able to work with full dedication, so it is easier to endure increased physical activity or intense mental activity. However, it is also undesirable to strain excessively and waste strength, since immunity is weaker at this time, and the ailments that have arisen are more difficult to bear.

Determining whether the moon is waxing or waning will help you find out its phase, how things are with the ebb and flow, and where the moon is now in relation to the Earth and the Sun. It's also helpful to know where the moon rises and sets in different phases, in case you want to see it on a specific night. There are several ways to determine if the moon is waxing or waning, and although there are some nuances in geographic location, the principle remains the same.

Learn the names of the phases. The moon revolves around the earth, so we see its illuminated surface from different angles. The moon does not emit any radiation, but rather reflects sunlight. When the Moon changes from new to full and back to new, it goes through several phases, recognizable by its semicircle and crescent shape, formed by its own shadow. Moon phases:

  • New moon
  • Young moon
  • First quarter
  • Arriving moon
  • Full moon
  • Waning moon
  • Last quarter
  • Old moon
  • New moon

Phase value. The moon travels the same path around the earth every month, so the phases are repeated monthly. The phases exist because from our perspective on Earth we observe different degrees of illumination of the Moon as it rotates around us. Remember that half of the Moon is always illuminated by the Sun: and it depends only on our changing point of view on Earth which phase we see.

    • On a new moon, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun and therefore, from our point of view, it is not illuminated at all. At this time, the illuminated side of the Moon is completely turned towards the Sun, and we see the side that is entirely in shadow.
  • During the first quarter, we see half of the illuminated and half of the shaded side of the moon. The same applies to the last quarter, except that we now see them in reverse.
  • When the Moon is shown in full, we see its lighted side, while the darkened side is turned towards space.
  • After the full moon, the Moon continues its journey back to its original position between the Earth and the Sun, which corresponds to the phase of the new moon.
  • A complete revolution around the Earth takes the Moon a little over 27 days. However, a full lunar month (from new moon to new moon) is 29.5 days, which is how long it takes for the Moon to return to its position between the Sun and Earth.

Find out why the moon is waxing and waning. From new moon to full moon, we see that the illuminated part of the moon is growing and this is called the growing phase (growth is called growth or increase). Then, from full moon to new moon, we see a diminishing portion of the illuminated side of the month and this is called waning, which means a decrease in strength or intensity.

  • Lunar phases always look the same, however the month itself can appear in different places and positions in the sky, but you can always tell the phase if you know what to look at.

Remember that the Moon comes and goes from right to left. During the period of increasing and decreasing, different parts of the moon are illuminated. In the northern hemisphere, the illuminated portion of the moon will rise from right to left and then decrease from left to right.

  • During the arrival, the Moon is illuminated on the right, and during the decrease, on the left.
  • Extend your right hand and thumb with your palm toward the sky. Bend your thumb and forefinger slightly to create an inverted C. If the moon fits into this curve (i.e. C), it is a waxing moon (young). If you do the same with your left hand and the moon fits into “C,” then it wanes (waning moon).

Memorize D, O, C. Since the moon always follows the same lighting pattern, you can use the shape of the letters D, O, and C to define a waxing or waning moon. In the first quarter, the month resembles the letter D. When full, it is shaped like the letter O. The last quarter looks like the letter C.

  • Reverse C-shaped crescent - waxing moon.
  • The half or D-shaped moon is the waxing moon.
  • The half or protruding moon in the shape of a reverse D is a waning moon.
  • The C-shaped crescent moon is the waning moon.

Find out when the month is rising and falling. The moon does not always rise and set at the same time, it changes depending on the lunar phase. This means you can use the rising and setting times to determine if the moon is waxing or waning.

  • You cannot see the young moon because it is not illuminated by the sun and because it rises and sets at the same time as the sun.
  • When the waxing moon passes into the first quarter, it will rise in the morning, peak at dusk, and set around midnight.
  • The full moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise.
  • On the last quarter, the moon rises at midnight and sets in the morning.

Examine how much of the moon is illuminated during the waxing and waning periods. Unlike the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere, the moon is illuminated from left to right, the month becomes full, and then decreases from left to right.

  • The moon, illuminated on the left, is growing, on the right, it is waning.
  • Extend your right hand and thumb with your palm toward the sky. Bend your thumb and forefinger slightly to create an inverted C. If the moon fits into this curve (i.e. C), it is a waning moon. If you do the same with your left hand and the moon fits into the “C,” then it is a waxing moon.

Remember C, O, D. The moon goes through the same phases in the southern hemisphere, but the shapes of the letters that represent the waxing and waning moon are located in a different direction.

  • The C-shaped crescent moon is the waxing moon.
  • The half or protruding moon in a reverse D shape is the waxing moon.
  • The O-shaped moon is the full moon.
  • The half or D-shaped crescent moon is the waning moon.
  • The inverse C-shaped crescent is the waning moon.

Find out when the moon is rising and setting. Although in the southern hemisphere, unlike in the northern, the moon is illuminated in a different direction, it sets and rises at the same time.

  • In the first quarter, the moon rises in the morning and sets around midnight.
  • The full moon rises and sets as the sun sets and rises.
  • In the last quarter, the moon rises at midnight and sets in the morning.