Himenokalis landing and care. Care at home for hymenocallese. Nuances of care for hymenochalis and its cultivation

Himenokallis immediately attracts the attention of snow-white graceful flowers. In keeping at home the plant is rather unpretentious. If you create a correct microclimate, it will regularly delight the owner with blossom.

Where did the Himenokalles come from and what does he look like?

Hymenocalleis (Hymenocallis) - a genus of grassy evergreen or deciduous perennials included in the Amarylline Extensive Family (Amaryllidaceae). Currently, more than 60 of its representatives are known. The plant prefers a tropical or subtropical climate, most often found on the shores of rivers and lakes, sometimes "climbing" to a height of up to 2 km.

In 1812, the famous botanist Richard Anthony Salbury was allocated in a separate genus in 1812. He gave a flower name and brought seeds to Europe. Previously, hymenocallays treated pancritia. The scientist explained to his decision by the fact that their fruits have two seeds in each "nest."

Habitat - Africa, North and South America, India. Most of all species grows in Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela, Peru, Mexico, the southern states of the United States (Indiana, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Carolina). Literally from the Greek title is translated as a "beautiful film".

Due to the form of flowers, Himenokallis earned many poetic nicknames. He is called "Sacred Lilia Incas" "Bride's Basket", "Angel Pipes", "Peruvian Narcissus", "Spider Lily".

Like all amarylline, hymenocalleis - bulbous plant. The bulb has a form of almost the right ball, less often - eggs. The diameter of the adult bulb is about 10 cm, the roots are very thin. The upper part goes into a kind of coating shell that protects the base of the leaves collected into the outlet.

Bulbs and, to a lesser extent, leaves of poisonous. They contain specific alkaloids, so juice, hitting the skin or mucous membrane, can cause irritation, redness, rash, itching. This is especially dangerous for those who suffer from allergic reactions. When the juice in the stomach is inevitable, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

The leaves themselves are dense to the touch, remover, shiny. Length ranges from 50 to 100 cm, depending on the view. In plants with a clearly pronounced rest period, they appear in early April and walked at the end of August. The shade of the leaf plate varies from the bright green to the grayish-olive.

At home, Himenokalles is grown mainly due to very decorative and original elegant flowers, spreading a pleasant unobtrusive fragrance resembling vanilla. Impressions do not even spoil the fact that they do not differ in the variety of shades. Clean white-white or pale yellow tone looks very elegant, beautifully contrasting with bright foliage. Large stamens with yellow or saffron anthers are distinguished.

Based on the form of a long tube there is a core, similar to the open umbrella, framed by six very thin and long petals, strongly curved out. The crinic is six smaller inacted petals, they can be smooth or small tooths around the edges. The flower diameter is about 5 cm, although the petals are significantly longer - up to 20 cm.

The buds of the hymenocallese are revealed at the same time, up to minute. This moment is easy to miss - all action takes no more than 1-2 seconds. Each flower keeps long - just 2-3 days. The fragrance is the strongest in front of the dawn, he almost disappears to noon.

Video: Blossom of Himenokallis

The height of the color-generated in the middle of the rosette of the leaves is about 50 cm. Flowers (2-16 pieces) are collected in inflorescences in the form of an umbrella or sweaters. Even at home after flowering coming to spring or summer, seeds coated with pulp are formed. They are concluded in peculiar capsules.

Sometimes hymenocallas on sale occurs under the names of "Pancratzium" or "Isme". But from the point of view of nerds, these are three different clans included in one family. ISMEME can be distinguished by the presence of a pseudostebral, as the plant forms forming from the bases of dying leaves and is slightly nicknamed, on the petals of which are visible thin pale-green longitudinal strokes. Pancracium has significantly less leaf, they are very rigid and have an unusual bluish-gray shade.

Video: Exterior of Himenokallis

Types grown at home

In nature, hymenocallas, as a rule, grow in hard-to-reach areas, which prevents their study and adaptation for home flower growing. Most often on sale can be found:

  • Himenokallis is pleasant (Festalis), he is an early Isman. Leaf length - 30-40 cm, width - 10-15 cm. In the outlet of them 7-8. The bulb resembles a pear, the diameter of the widest part - 8-10 cm. Florals are greenish-gray, buds on it 8-12. The aroma is similar to the smell of lily. Perhaps the simultaneous appearance of two or three color seals. There is a natural variety of Festalis White, characterized by long blossom - from the middle of the spring until the middle of the summer.
  • Himenokallis Caribbean (Caribaea). The bulb is almost spherical. Sheet length - 60-90 cm, width - 6-8 cm. By the end it sharply sharply. The height of the flattened bloomer is 55-70 cm. Inflorescence in the form of a sweeper, in it 8-10 buds. Flowering falls on the winter, in optimal conditions can be repeated once again or two throughout the year. The plant does not have a pronounced rest period, therefore, it is particularly demanding about watering and lighting. Most common at home.
  • Himmenocalleis broadly (Latifolia). The height of the plant is 70-90 cm. The leaves are concave due to a strongly developed central vein. Length - 50-70 cm. The height of the bloomon is about 60 cm. Buds (8-12 pieces) literally fascinate it, the inflorescence is very dense. The edges of the petals are fringe.
  • Himenokallis coastal (Littoralis). List length - 70-75 cm. The bulb with a diameter of 8-10 cm is completely hidden under the ground. The leaves are covered with wide longitudinal grayish stripes. Flowers are very much reminded by daffodils, only with narrower petals. There is a breeding variety variegata with silver, pale yellow, lime or cream wide border on bright green leaves.
  • Himenokalles Narcissus (Amancaes). Endemic plant, in nature is found exclusively in Peru. Flowers most often yellow, but there are natural varieties that have snow-white or purple petals. The stamens are almost completely hidden, only anthers are visible. Some botany believes it to pancracisums.
  • Himenokallis lovely (Speciosa). Evergreen. The leaves in shape resemble a narrow ellipse up to 60 cm long. The flowerose is towers above the outlet about a third. In inflorescences 6-16 buds.
  • Himelacalles Calcalized (Cordifolia). Pretty atypical representative of the family. Heart-shaped leaves are located on long stiffs. Chassels are long, nicure, the inner crown is practically absent.

Himenokalleys, popular in flower water - Photo

Himenokallis Pleasant can simultaneously release 2-3 color wheels Himenokalis Festalis White - Natural Variety of Himenokalles Pleasant Himenokalles Caribbean Most often meets at home Distinctive features of the Hymenocallese broad-width - concave leaves if it were not for outer petals, the coastal hymenocalle flowers would be impossible to distinguish from daffodils
Himenokalles Coastal Variegata is appreciated by flowers for the pesting color of the leaves of Himenokalles Narcissus sharply stands out among the "Sorodii" because of the shade of the petals of Himenokallis, the beautiful does not drop

Video: Different types of room hymenocalleis

How to create a plant optimal conditions (table)

Himenokalles is rather unpretentious, but the microclimate familiar to the plant is radically different from the conditions of modern apartments. Therefore, for regular flowering, it needs to provide the desired temperature, humidity, proper lighting.

Factor Recommendations
LocationWindow window windows overlooking the east or west. The place in the depths of the room or the north window will not suit - there will be no flowering. In the summer you can rearrange the pot into the garden or on the balcony. Teach to new conditions the plant gradually.
LightingThe flower is light-chapin, but the straight sunshine does not like. From about 11:00 to 15:00 the pot must be dialed. When the day is reduced (less than 10 hours), on the contrary, it takes a lighting of special phytolampa or conventional fluorescent.
TemperatureIn the period of active vegetation - 18-22ºС. After the plant is swinging, it is lowered to 16-18ºСº. The "vacationers" of the bulbs contain at a temperature of 10-12ºС.
Air humidityThe essential role does not play, but regular spraying is well affected by the state of the plant, if the droplets do not fall on the flowers. In general, it is better to spray water not to Himenokallis himself, but next to him.

Transplant procedure and preparation for it

The bulbs of hymenocallas increase in size pretty slowly, so young copies are quite enough transplant times every two years, adults every 4-5 years. The procedure is carried out shortly before the end of the rest period (from mid-February to early March).

The pot choose a close, roughly three times than the bulb itself. It stimulates flowering. In spacious capacities, the plant spends a lot of strength to master the surrounding space. The height is at least 15 cm. It is advisable to purchase a ceramic pot - it is more stable.

The main requirements for the soil is lightness and nutrition. A special substrate for bulbous or amarylline substrate is on sale, but you can cook the soil yourself:

  • fertile rod, leaf land, humus, peat crumb, large river sand (4: 2: 2: 1: 1);
  • cherry, leaf land, sand (1: 3: 1);
  • ready ground for bulbous and small pieces of wood coal (4: 1).

Transplanting Himenokalles - simple procedure:

  1. On the bottom of the pot, pour a large claymzite with a layer with a thickness of 3-4 cm. From above - 10 cm of freshly prepared disinfected substrate mixed with small clay (3: 1).
  2. Make a well corresponding to the diameter of the bulbs. Moderately spare with a solution of suitable fertilizer or biostimulant (epin, zircon, corneser).
  3. Remove the hymenocalleis from the old pot. Shake the earth from the bulbs and inspect it. Dry and rotten areas with a sharp disinfected knife to clean up healthy tissues.
  4. Pour cuts with anger chalk, activated carbon, cinnamon. Iodine or green will also come up. Give "wounds" to dry 2-3 hours.
  5. Blind two-thirds of the bulbs in the soil, along the edges of the pot, sink fresh soil. Gently shake the pot so that it is uniformly distributed. Make sure that the neck towers over the surface of the soil.
  6. For 10-15 days, provide regular watering - the substrate must constantly be slightly humid. Even short-term drying of the soil can provoke the fracture of the forming roots.

Nuances of care for hymenochalis and its cultivation

The main difficulty in caring for hymenoculus is to adjust watering. And cutting, and excessive moisturizing is very harmful to the plant.


Himenokalles is a moisture-loving plant, in nature growing on the banks of rivers, lakes or in general on the swamps. In the next watering, it needs when the top layer of the soil after the previous one will dry. For the state of the soil you need to constantly monitor. Cutting leads to the fuses of the roots, the mooring - to the blowing of the bulbs. The deficiency of moisture is evidenced by revealing leaves, about its excess - yellowness.

The frequency of watering is determined on the basis of which temperature on the street. Hot summer substrate moisturize every day or every other day. In cloudy cool weather, the intervals increase to 2-3 days.

For watering and spraying, only soft water, heated to a temperature, is slightly above room. What flows from the crane is necessarily needed to boil, pass through the filter or upset at least a day. Neutralize the harmful compounds of calcium, chlorine and fluorine will help lemon acid or apple vinegar (several crystals or 2-3 drops by 10 liters).

Making fertilizers

During the period of active vegetation (after the appearance of the first sheet and before the end of flowering), the hymenocalleis is jealously feed, watering the complex mineral fertilizer for flowering indoor plants or a special means for amarylline. During the rest fertilizers, they also contribute, but not more than once a month.

Period of rest

The rest period comes when Himenokallis will reset buds, and the flowerpiece dries. He lasts for at least three months. If this type of leaves for the winter does not lose, enough for several degrees to lower the temperature, moving the pot closer to the window, and increase the intervals between watering up to 10-12 days, and between the feeders - up to the month.

Dry (exactly dry, and not slightly faded) leaves and blooms from the "bald" plants cut off as close as possible to the surface of the soil. Capacity with bulbs is transferred to a dry dark cool room. Watering and feeding stop. Closer to the end of winter, the pot is returned to the previous place and begin to moisten the substrate moderately. New leaves should appear in 20-30 days.

If the hymenocallas is grown in an open soil, the bulbs are digging for winter, purified from the ground and soaked for 2-3 hours in a saturated pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then they dry well at a temperature of 15-18ºС and before spring stored in cardboard boxes, falling asleep with sawdust, chips, sand or peat.

Video: Correct flower care

As a plant reacts to a flower error: why it does not bloom and not only - Table

An unequivocal signal indicating the incorrect actions during the cultivation of hymenochalis - the absence of flowering. Also, the care errors affect the leaf state.

Problem Most likely reasons
No flowering.The plant lacks light, either it is poured incorrectly. Another possible reason is not provided or a very short period of rest.
Fucking did not have time to dismiss buds.In the period of active vegetation, the flower is irregularly.
Dammed or blackened flowers.Indoors are too cold and / or damp.
Light spots of irregular shape on the leaves.Himenokallis got a burn, too long standing in direct sunshine.
Founding, gradually discoloring to translucent leaves.The soil in the pot often dries.
The yellowness propagating on the leaf is bottom up.The plant is poured too often and / or abundantly. If you do not adjust watering, the development of rotes is quite likely.

Communicated diseases and pests

The hymenocallas disease suffers relatively rarely, excluding the gray rot, and such a specific amarylline disease, like Stomporosis. Pests, despite poisonous juice, do not neglect the plant.

However, the risk of infection can be noticeably reduced, if not neglecting prevention:

  • placing newly acquired plants in quarantine;
  • immediate isolation of presumably sick or damaged instances;
  • using only disinfected pots, soil, tools;
  • free, without crowding, placing flowers on the windowsill and regular ventilating room;
  • the creation of optimal microclimate plants and compliance with the care recommendations.

Table: Diseases and pests, often amazing hymenocalleis

Disease or pestExternal manifestationsMeasures of struggle
Gray GnilCovered with a layer of gray short "pile" leaves, flowers and buds. Then it turns into dark "wet" stains, gradually tightened by mold.
  1. In the early stages - spray times in 5-7 days with the infusion of wood ash with the addition of the impellent chalk (20 g / l) and the copper moss (1 ml / l) or by any fungicides (burglar liquid, Xom, Sort).
  2. If it did not help - to immediately transplant with a complete replacement of the soil, sterilization of the pot, the removal of all the injured tissues, disinfection of bulbs in the solution of alin-b, maxim and the addition of glyocladine, tripides.
  3. In particularly severe cases, the plant cannot be saved.
Stomporosis (Red Burn)Covered with raspberry strokes leaves and buds, indulged stains of the same color on the bulbs. Gradually damaged places are tightened with a black crust.
  1. Remove the bulbs from the pot, cut all the amazed fabrics, to soak in a solution of topaz or an abiga peak in a solution, fall again.
  2. Within 2-3 weeks alternate for watering ordinary water and phytosporin solution, Maxim.
AnthracnoseOval brick blues with yellow border on the leaves. Over time, their surface cracks, holes appear instead.1. To make a plant with warm shower, transplant, cutting off all the contaminated leaves and replacing the soil.
2. Three times and intervals of 7-10 days to handle Fundazole, prejacious, ordn.
Thin, almost imperceptible threads, swelling leaves, buds, flakes of bulbs. Gradually discolored leaf plate.
  1. Lind the plant with a quartz lamp for 2-3 minutes, paying special attention to the wrong sheet.
  2. Apply a soap foam, after an hour to wash off.
  3. It is plentiful to pour a flower, placing a tight plastic bag for 2-3 days. To enhance the effect - put a tank with a finely chopped onion, garlic, turbidar.
  4. If it did not help - to handle insolent, phytodeterm, Apollo (minimum 3-4 procedures, changing drugs).
Blesley raised on the wrong leaves, small lumps, similar to dirty wool, at their base and on the scales of the bulbs.
  1. Wipe the leaves with ethyl alcohol or infusion of garlic.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, wash the plant under the shower.
  3. Process flower and soil with a solution of rubber, actara, confident. Repeat the procedure for another 2-3 times with an interval of 12-15 days.
Rounded gray-brown growths on the leaves. Gradually, they "swell", the fabrics around them blush or yellow.
  1. Remove from the plants of visible pests, applying alcohol on Panciri, vinegar, kerosene, turpentine (have to wait 2-3 hours).
  2. Treat Flower with phosbecide, metaphos (3-4 times with an interval of 5-7 days).
  3. Over the next 2-3 months, point to the places where the most pests were most, wood-based wood-based drugs or self-made emulsion.
Accumulating on buds, flowers, young insects insects. Small beige points on the plant - dead fabrics.
  1. Wipe the plant with a wet sponge or cut the most injured parts.
  2. Daily 3-4 times spray with influences sharply smelling herbs, onions, garlic, tobacco crumbs.
  3. If it did not help, to treat into-virus, Calypso, Taipen, Mospilan (2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days).

Photo Gallery: Typical for Himmenocallese Diseases and Pest

On the site of dark spots as the anthrand appears holes. The web mite does not like ultraviolet and high humidity, so the regular spraying and irradiation of the quartz lamp - the effective prevention of the torchy cherler is easy to identify, but it is quite difficult to get rid of the panels protected by a solid shell, so not all can be done. Insecticides of the TLA - one of the most "universal" pests, it does not stop the poisonous Juice of Himenokalis

How to multiply flower?

The daughter-in-law of Himenokallis forms quite reluctant. Therefore, at home, the plant most often determine seeds or division. In the first case, flowering can be expected after 6 years, in the second - after 3-4 years.

Decision of Lukovitsa

The easiest way to get a new hymenocalles:

  1. When transplanting plants, ask the land. If she is found in her daughter bulbs, immediately drop them into a wet substrate, previously examined. It often happens that they are already amazed by pathogenic fungi and / or pests.
  2. If there is no seating material, you will have to share an adult bulb. It is acutely sharpened by the discedent knife, cut it in half or by quarter. On each piece should be preserved part of the Donets and neck.
  3. Push the cuts with an impellent chalk, activated carbon, colloidal gray, cinnamon. Give them to dry for 2-3 hours.
  4. For 10-15 days, place parts of the bulbs in wet sand, moss-sphagnum or small sawdust so that they give roots. The temperature is required about 25 ° C and bright diffused light, the lower heating is desirable. As you dry, moisturize the substrate with a solution of the stimulator of the root formation.
  5. Pere out the rooted plants into the usual soil for them. Further maintenance standard. The first 2-3 months should be careful with watering.

At home, the plant most often determine seeds or division


The Seeds of Himenokallis demonstrate a bad germination, so this method is not particularly popular. It is necessary to plant them immediately after collecting.

  1. Fill the small cups with a mixture of sand and peat (1: 1). Lightly moisten the soil.
  2. Square seeds, blocking them by 6-8 cm. Provide a temperature of 23-25ºС, watering as the upper layer of the substrate drying. Sleep the containers to create a greenhouse effect, no need.
  3. Shoot appear unevenly. The process takes from 20 to 60 days, sometimes generally stretched for 3-4 months. Young hymenoculms provide bright scattered light and regular watering. They need to be especially carefully protected from direct sunlight.
  4. At the end of the spring, transplant the plants into the substrate for adult hymenochalles, take care, as usual.

Greate hymenocalleis at home can be even novice flower. To achieve annual flowering from it, you need to pre-explore the rules of the agricultural engineering and regularly pay a plant time. But the appearance and aroma of exotic "lilies" pays for every effort.

Lukovitsa himenokalles Early (isman early) In the spring can be found in many stores that have seed sales departments and other landing material. Several species of this surprising long-term bulbous plant from tropical and subtropical America and the Antilles are recently grown in the suburbs. In the summer of Ismemin, early can be grown in the open soil. Himenokalles Narcissocellane (isman basketsid) may be on the site only warm summer other species - himenokalles beautiful and himenokalles Caribbean - Grow only as indoor culture. Recently, hybrids of hymenocallers with painted flowers appeared on sale. Attracts the attention and variety of "Variegata" with a very decorative coloring leaves. Careful, all these plants, like many blooming bulbous, belong to poisonous.

Himenokallis Early Sold By the name "Isman Early"

Himenokalles early, or pleasant ( Hymenocallis Festalis) It is precisely the species that has been in a wide sale for several years. It is necessary to look for it called "Early Ismene". Sometimes it is a bulbous plant called "Peruvian White Narcissus", "Angel Pipes" or "Lilia Spider". The form of flowers with six long narrow curved petals itself is unusual. On a flower, a height of about 70 cm holds from three to five large white fragrant flowers with orange anthers. Partially hit the stamens form a crown resembling the crown of daffodils. Large mature bulbs produced two or three bloomrs. First, all buds are hidden under a common shell. When it breaks, it becomes clear that there is not one on the coloring, but several buds. I heard that each of them is revealed in just 1 - 2 minutes. Moreover, at the same time, the day with a postponement in a few days. How many times we were going to check this information, and every time something did not make up! From June to August, flowering time comes. For the period of rest, the entire ground part dies.

Other types of hymenocalleis

Himenokallis Narcissocet ( H. Narsissiflora.), he, is the basin-shaped basket ( ISMENE CALATHIRA.), You can grow in a flower pot, which in the summer you get into the ground in the flower bed. Since June, 5 - 6 fragrant flowers is revealed on high bloomon (up to 1 meter). The rest period begins in October and continues on February. At this time, the bulbs need air temperature +10 - 15? P. At the end of February, pots are transferred to the illuminated place (with an air temperature not higher than +18? C). At the same time, a new planting material is planted in flower pots. At the end of winter, there is still little light, so without additional backlighting in too warm the Himenokallis room is very dragging. During the growth and flowering period, the soil is constantly moisturized and make a feeder every two weeks. The pot with Himenokallis is better to hold in the house before the occurrence of heat. In the summer it is put in the garden or on the balcony.

Himenokallis Beautiful and Himenokallis Caribbean as indoor plants

Himenokallis is beautiful ( H. Speciosa.) Growing on the Antille Islands. His leaves do not dry out all year round. Get the bulbs are harder than the Gimenokalles of the Caribbean. Most often, they are brought from foreign trips. Himenokallis is a beautiful - leader in the number of flowers. In June - August, it blooms from 10 to 15 snow-white fragrant flowers with a strong smell of vanilla. The warm and bright room is well suited for the content of this species, in it he can bloom twice per year. During growth and flowering, hymenocalleis is abundantly watered and fed with complex fertilizers. After the end of flowering, the plant is resting. Watering is reduced, but do not stop so that there is no heat drying and the full loss of leaves. It is grown in bulk in bulk tanks.

Himenokallis Caribbean ( H. Caribaea.) Call "Caribbean Lilia". It is worth growing all year round as a houseplant. Since the end of summer on a flower view, a height of about 50 - 60 cm blooms amazing flowers with a sweet scent. Their form resembles a fantastic spider. Flowers petals have snow-white, yellowish or dark orange anthers. Before the offensive of winter, Himenokalles blooms again. It happens that it blooms three times a year. This species needs regular irrigation and good lighting. When planting a bulb should be completely recessed into the ground.

How to care for Himenokalles (Ismemon) in the house?

Himenochalles during the growing season is demanding of light, warmth and moisture. A bulb with a diameter of at least 10 cm need a bulk container with good drainage. They transplanted it once at 3-4 years in soil from 2 parts of the clay and turf, 1 part of the humus, 1 part of the peat and 1 part of coarse sand.

Himenochalles spread up to daughter bulbs, better during the spring transplant to a new capacity. Young plants bloom at 2nd - 3 year. Occasionally for planting material, the mature bulb is divided into 4 parts. It is possible to grow a plant and from seeds, which are sown shortly after collecting. Sowing kept in the warm room. Behind the seedlings are care for both ordinary room plants. For the fifth year of their life comes first flowering.

The period of rest in all types of hymenocallas is different. Those that in winter preserve the leaves with green, are resting at air temperature +14 - 17? P. Watering at this time limit. Aids whose winter remains only a bulb, is needed a cooler and dry content at air temperature about +10 - 12? P.

All summer on the plot

A flower garden with fertile and well-haired soil should be located in a sunny place. The bulbs are planted in May. The distance between them is not less than 30 cm. Theses are left piled by a centimeter soil layer. Their growth begins at the air temperature about +13? P. For the time of spring frosts, the place where the bulbs are planted, insulate. From June, you can expect the start of flowering, which lasts 2 - 3 weeks. All this time is needed regular watering and feeding. Closer to autumn leaves begin to fade. Since that time, watering is completely stopped. In early September, the bulbs dig up. In warm and dry autumn, they can be left in the ground to the first frost. After the digs, they cleanse from the residues of dried leaves and the flowers, inspect whether they are rot. Disinfect. Then they give dry in the room at the air temperature about +15? C, put in boxes with wood chips, sawdust, dry sand or peat and store until spring in dry cool (+10 - 15? C) place. People must last at least 2 months.

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Himenokallis is a herbaceous evergreen perennial with beautiful elegant flowers. This bulbous plant is called angelic pipes, a bride basket, Sphere Lily, Peruvian daffodil or early Ismona.

Plant Description

Himenokallis stands out in a separate genus within the Amarillix family. More than 60 varieties are divided into habitat area groups. Plant prefers the tropics and subtropics of both Americas, Africa and India. This amazing flower is found on the elevation along the rivers or lakes, sometimes closer to 2.5 km.

The root system is represented by an egg-shaped or spherical bulb with thin threads of the roots. The diameter of the adult bulb is able to reach 10 cm. The upper part of it is often elongated and has a solid experiencing. It also covers the root foliage, assembled into the outlet. Moon-shaped leaves, dense, are located in the same plane and reach a length of 50 to 100 cm. The leaf shade ranges from bright green to gray-green. The pasture of green shoots begins in April, and they fade by the end of August, although evergreen varieties are found.

Flowers have a very unusual decorative shape. On the long tube there is a core in the form of a revealed umbrella, it is framed by very narrow and long petals. In total there are six bend outwards of petals, the maximum length of which reaches 20 cm. The central whine consists of six intoxicated petals, smooth or gears along the edges. The funnel with the stirs for stamens is in diameter 5 cm.

At the ends of the stamens are large oval anthers of orange or yellow colors. Flowers are assembled into large umbrella or buggy inflorescences in an amount from 2 to 16 pieces. Thick meaty bloom rises from the middle of a sheet outlet at a height of about 50 cm. The flowering is completed by the formation of oval, coated with the flesh, seeds.

Varieties and bright representatives

It dwells in dry forests of Caribbean subtropics. This evergreen variety reaches a height of 35-45 cm. The pear-like bulb in diameter is 7.5-10 cm. Within one season, the plant produces 7-8 leaves. Foliage is black, oval or lanceal. The sheet size varies from 25 to 40 cm, with a width of 8-13 cm.

On gray-green blooming, a height of 30-40 cm gradually blooms from 7 to 12 colors. Each of them is fixed on a short flowering. A snow-white flower has a shape of a revealed umbrella with long petals. The central tube is 7-9 cm long, and thin petals reach 9-11 cm. Flowers have a saturated lily aroma.

It lives in Jamaica and the Caribbean Islands. This evergreen perennial does not have such a pronounced neck at the end of the bulbs. The size of the lancing leaves in length is 30-60 cm, and in width - 5-7 cm. The tops of the leaves are rounded and have a pointed end. Sheet plates are tightly sitting on the base of the stem. A wide meaty blooming, up to 60 cm long, ends with a buggy inflorescence of 8-10 buds. Flowers every year throughout the winter.

Distributed on the sandy territories of Cuba and Jamaica. This is a herbaceous high plant with elongated, slightly oblong leaves. A concave central vein is visible on the sheet plate. The length of the leaves ranges from 45 to 70 cm. The stem can reach 60 cm or more. Flowers are tightly sitting in inflorescences on a long flower tube (8-12 cm). The crown of the flower has a narrow funnel form up to 35 mm in diameter, its edges are whole and wavy. Long petals are issued to 9-14 cm umbrella.

Prefers swampy forests Peru, Brazil or Mexico. The base of the plant hide the leaves, length up to 75 cm. In the center there is a bloomer, richly covered with white large flowers. The edges of the crown smooth, thorough, the length of narrow petals is 12 cm with a width of 5 mm.

As a room plant, the variety variety of this variety is often used. It is distinguished by the motley coloring of the leaves, their edges have a yellowish or cream kaym.

Methods of breeding

Himenokalles can be multiplied by seeds or bulbs. Seeds germinate badly. They are planted into sandy-peat moisturized substrates. Germination takes from 3 weeks to 2 months. Young plants provide good lighting and regular watering, the soil should not dispel. In hot weather, seedlings protect from the midday sun so that the leaves do not get a burn.

A more convenient way to propagate the hymenocalleis is the division of the bulbs. At the age of 3-4 years, babies with their escapes begin to form near the main bulb. The plant is very careful and separated small bulbs. They are immediately transplanted to the ground so as not to overcover.

Features of cultivation

Himenokallis needs to provide a sunny place or minor shading. For lilies, the soil mixture of equal parts of peat, sand, turf and deciduous humidity are prepared. You should take care of good drainage. Young perennials transplanted every 2 years, and adult plants - every 4 years. The transplant is produced during peace, giving preference to small pots. Close container stimulates active flowering.

The plant needs regular watering, on drought it immediately responds to dried leaves. In the period of active growth, it is recommended to spray the leaves and stems of the hymenochallis, but it is impossible to moisturize the buds. 3-4 times a month during flowering and vegetation. It needs a complex mineral feeding. During the rest of the fertilizer, they contribute no more than once every month. The plant does not tolerate organic fertilizers in the form of manure or deciduous humus.

After active flowering and fading of buds, the spider lily needs the period of rest. Some varieties at this time are discharged by foliage. The pot is transferred to a dark place with air temperature + 10 ... + 12 ° C for a period of at least 3 months. Watering the soil should be very rare. After this time, the pot is exposed to the light and begin to water more often, young shoots and the cycle appears during the month repeated.

Plants that are grown in the garden do not withstand frosts of a moderate climate, so in the fall of the bulbs are digging and stored in a cool place before spring.

Distinguishing plant

Perhaps the disease is gray rot and red burn. In this case, the affected parts of the bulbs are cut and sprinkled with ashes, it is possible to carry out the processing of Fundazole. When the brown spots appear on the leaves, they suspect an anthracnose contamination. All the injured vegetation is cut and burned.

Most of the problems of hymenocallese are caused by excessive humidification and insufficient air access, so watering reduce, more often loose land and increase the distance between plants in the garden.


Himenokallis is very beautiful as a single plant and in group landing. It can be grown as a room plant and, if possible, to endure for the summer to the garden, where it will get the necessary sun rays and crept.

The flower bed looks good in the foreground, among the stony masonments or in the mountaineering. You can use for the scenery of small reservoirs.

False judgments are often found on the Internet, based on which Ismene, Pankracium and Himenokalles are the same plants. This does not correspond to the truth, as they are different plants of one family.

Confusion in the systematics can be explained by the fact that rod Hymenocallis Until now, weakly studied because of the most interesting types of its species grow in weakly available places.

In Europe, Himenokallis was brought two centuries ago.

Planting flowers

The landing of the hymenocallese can be performed both in the open ground and in the pots.

In pots

Growing this plant in a pot must occur in compliance with the rest period. In the fall, it is necessary to gradually cut watering.

After falling leaves, the plant must be moved to a dark dry place for about 3 months. Temperature mode must be maintained in the interval from 10 to 12 ° C. Watering at this time do not produce.

Awaken a plant in mid-February. After that, it should be taken to the light and start very careful watering. Before the appearance of the first leaves, it is usually not more than one month.

In primer

Before planting bulbs in their ground need to germinate. This will have a positive effect on the growth of plants.

For the extension of the bulbs they are transferred to the container of small size, fall asleep with peat and wet sawdust. Be sure to warn the stagnation of water to protect the hymenocallese from the attenuation of the bulbs.

Temperature for sprinkling bulbs must be kept at level from 10 to 15 ° C. Looking out Himenokallis in open ground preferably in the first decade of May.

The bulbs are placed in soil in such a way that there are at least 5 centimeters of soil over them. The first leaves appear after 3 or 4 weeks. These plants are poorly tolerance.

Himenokallis is a very capricious plant. It is poorly tolerated freezing. The soil should be a light composition for him, the plant requires good solar lighting.

With an insufficient amount of water, it refuses to bloom, the convergence can cause dipping bulbs, and therefore the death of the plant.

It is impossible to water under the root of Himenokallis, so they usually make special grooves that are located at a distance of several centimeters from the plant.

When landing hymenocallese you need give preference to mineral fertilizersrather than manure or humus. Brushing soils have a destructive effect on the plant. Over the growing season, fertilizes plants not more than 4 times.

Fertilizers must be comprehensive.

Care rules

Himenokallis so required to light: When placing a plant in the apartment, it should not be set near the windows of the northern side.

In the summer, Himenokallis is better located in the garden until September.

When landing it, avoid places with direct lighting.

But in the cold period of the year it is necessary to maintain comfortable conditions with the help of daylight lamps.


During the growing season, the temperature of the hymenochalis is suitable 19-21 ° C., after the end of flowering it needs to be reduced to 15-17 ° C.. Bulbs are stored at temperatures 9-11 ° C..


In the growing season, abundantly water the hymenocalleis with softly estimated water, so that only the top layer of the soil swept between the irrigation.

Putting the plants will lead to negative consequences: with a lack of moisture, the leaves lose their elasticity and begin to fade. After the end of flowering, watering is usually limited.

Soil and transplant

Young plants require a transplant approximately every 1-2 years, adults are transplanted as needed.

The change of "housing" of the hymenocalleis only spend during the rest.

When choosing the dishes, remember that this plant, oddly enough, is better blooming in close pots.

The soil for hymenocallese needs to choose loose and nutritious. Be sure to make drainage, in the form of simple holes, at the bottom of the pot.

Before boarding, do not forget to inspect the bulbs, disubmitting places carefully remove, cut the cuts with charcoal.


In the growing season and during flowering, feed the hymenocalleis no more than once a week.

During rest, the frequency of feeding must be reduced to 1 time per month.


Himenokalles breeding with babies - Small bulbs that appear around a large bulb, after reaching 4 years of age.

The plant blooms almost to the very end of autumn. Switching the bulbs at the moment when the leaves begin to freeze.

Cool, dry and well-ventilated premises will ensure the safety of the bulbs.

Indicators that will help recognize errors in growing

Care errors can be determined by factors:

  • on the pale green color of the leaves, the drooping flowers can be judged by insufficient watering;
  • flowers begin to gradually black - this is a faithful sign that the plant is cold and (or) raw;
  • the flowers are pale, and on the leaves, brownish-yellow stains appear - a sign of excess sunlight;
  • all leaves begin to fade very quickly, and the bottom is just yellow - it means too raw;
  • himenokallis does not want to bloom - perhaps a period of rest resting or a place for it is chosen with insufficient lighting.

Diseases of Himenokalis

With ancosis The affected leaves are covered with dark spots, and on their tips sometimes appear brownish sweels.

Create comfortable conditions for the development of the disease Excessive humidity and high temperature.

To combat this disease, it is necessary to take the following actions:

  • remove and burn patients with leaves;
  • treat the plant by systemic fungicide (foundazole);
  • reduce watering;
  • regularly ventilated the room.

In Staganospore The bulbs are covered with red spots, thanks to which this disease is sometimes called a red burn.

Spots at the beginning of small sizes, but they quickly cover the entire bulb, and after and leaves. The bulb looks as if she was covered in boiling water.

To combat Staganosorpa in the early stages of the disease, treat the plant with a solution with a solution of Fundazole, per liter of water, if the hymenocalleis is struck strongly, then dear it with a sour creamy mixture of 100 g of chalk, 5 g of copper sulfate and 10g adhesive OP-7.

As you can see, with proper care and such an exotic plant, like Himenokallis, can comfortably feel in our latitudes.

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Himenokallis represents a beautiful indoor plant, for which it is easy to care for home. It is grown not only indoors, but also in the country's country outdoors. The exotic plant loves light and water, so such conditions must be ensured. A pleasant smell and unusual look will decorate any home.

Description of Himenokallis

Hymenocalles (Engl Hymenocallis) is a decorative plant from the amarylline family. It was brought to Europe countries about 200 years ago from Latin America and the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Rod includes more than 50 varieties of plants that are divided into groups depending on the field of their growth.

A distinctive feature of the hymenocallese from other representatives of the Amarillic family is an unusual form of leaves and numerous white flowers. The leaves of the lenufactured (sword-shaped) form, have an acute tip and grow up to 50-100 cm long. Color is ambiguous: taking into account the age of the plant and its place of growth ranges from bright shades to gray-green.

The hymenocallery flower is located on a long tube. It resembles a star or spider with long limbs, because 6 narrow-core cups surround the white core. Their main color is white, but the base is green; The average length is 20 cm. Inside there is a funnel with stamens, at the ends of which are long orange-yellow anthers. In one infloretia, 2-16 such flowers were collected.

Interesting! It is because of the forms of the sewers of Himenokallis most often called Angelic Pipes, but there are other names in the people: Peruvian Narcissus and Bride's basket. Flowers appear alternately for several weeks in the middle of the summer and frustrate a pleasant vanilla smell.

From the color socket grows a thin lightless blurlon with a height of 50 to 80 cm. At the end of blossoms, oval fruits of green with thick pulp appear on it. Inside them are large seeds.

Types and varieties

Of all the 50 varieties of hymenocallas, the most popular are:

Himenokalles Caribbean. Brought from Jamaica and Caribbean Islands. Flowers in the autumn-winter period for 4 months. Long leaves (up to 60 cm), large flowers.

Himenokallis Early. Right from Peru. Different with relatively short narrow leaves. Flowers from April to July.

Himenokalles beautiful, or nice - evergreen appearance. Grows in the dry terrain of the Caribbean Islands. It has a pronounced lily smell.

Himenokallis broadly insional - A typical representative of the Amarillic family. Distribution area - Cuba and Jamaica.

Himenokalles Cordifolia Differs from all described species. The leaves grow on long cutters and have a heart-shaped.

Himenokalles coastal. Growing on Forest Mars of Latin (Peru, Brazil) and North America (Mexico). Thanks to the bright colors, this species is most often chosen as a room plant.
Conditions and care

Himenokallis is an unpretentious indoor plant, so does not require special care. The main thing is to observe watering mode and ensure proper lighting.

Conditions and care required by hymenocalla

Lighting and location

Care at home for hymenocallas should begin with the right light. Flowing and growing depends on this, because the plant loves bright, abundant light. It can be left under the right rays of the Sun, without fearing to harm. The most convenient location is the windowsill on the south side of the room. In a dark place, on the north side, the flowers will never appear. In the summer, the pot with hymenochalis exhibit a balcony or another place in the fresh air.

For varieties, the bloom of which falls on the winter period, it is necessary to provide artificial lighting. The lighting should not be permanent: for the normal development of hymenocallas, you need a 10-hour day. So Himenokallis ceases to test the lack of sunlight.

Air temperature and humidity

In the summer, during flowering, you need to maintain a temperature of from 18 to 20 degrees. After the end of the growing season, the temperature regime is changing to a cooler: within 15-16 degrees. First of all, it concerns evergreen species. You need to move the pot close to the window and block with a film getting warm air from the room. It must be done if there is no additional lighting: if there is a phytolamp in lowering the temperature there is no need.

The plant does not need spraying, but it can be periodically flushed with warm water to get rid of dust and dirt. It is allowed to water only leaves, and the flowers need to be protected from droplets.

The bulbs that are used for planting are removed from the ground and stored in a cool place. The temperature does not exceed 12 degrees, and the humidity should be extremely low. Because of this, peeling flakes appear on the bulWhis.

Soil and pots

To grow hymenoculis, we need a loose soil with a minor acid content (pH 5.0 - 6.0). Natural components and nutrients must be present in them. Specialists in flower growing recommend doing such a land mixture:

  • cherry land (1/5),
  • sheet Land (3/5)
  • coarse-grained river sand (1/5).

The substrate can be made up from other components:

surney land (1/4), leaf (1/4), humus (1/4), peat (1/8) and coarse river sand (1/8).

For landing of hymenocallese also use ready-made land blends. Suitable soil for bulbous plants. This is a universal, well-drained substrate, water in which is not stuffed. For the prevention of putrefactive bacteria and mold fungi, it is desirable to add charcoal in such a soil, having previously grinding it.

Because Himenokalles has a powerful root system, its underground organs grow quickly. In order not to stance the plant, you need a spacious pot. The optimal option is a pot on 4 liters. If the problem with stagnation of water is not solved, the ceramzite is placed on its bottom - natural material from clay or clay slate. It protects the roots from the stagnation of moisture and at the same time accumulates the liquid, preventing it from rapid evaporation.

Landing, transplant

When landing, the bulb is lowered into the ground not completely: 1/3 of its length is left in the air. It is not recommended to transplant hymenocalleis, it is hard enough to adapt to a new pot or place. Do it no more than 1 time in 3-4 years as necessary and only in the autumn-winter period, when Himenokallis is at rest.

Transplant scheme Next:

  • pour water and give the soil so much;
  • gently remove the plant from the pot, not a hitch root system;
  • with a bulWhi to flush the earth and trim rotten apparent roots or other parts;
  • separate sections spray activated coal.

When choosing a new capacitance, its dimensions are taken into account: it must be more than the previous one.


The only thing that difficulties may arise during the cultivation of the hymenocallese is watering. In the wild form, the plant is found in hard-to-reach places on marshy and coastal territories, so it always has access to water. Similar watering mode must be created at home.

During flowering (summer period), Himenokalles watered abundantly so that the soil was constantly moistened. In this case, it is impossible to allow stagid liquid. This may cause the penetration of bulbs. The drying of the Earth also adversely affects the hymenocallas: the growth intensity is reduced, the leaves are worn and begin to fade.

In the period of rest (in winter), watering needs to be reduced. If the plant will not have enough moisture, its leaves will become sluggish, fragile, will not hold onto a vertical position.

Important! For irrigation, the resistant water is used with a temperature of 20 ° C to 25 ° C. It is necessary to water if the top layer of the Earth is already reduced. Do it regularly in moderate volumes.


Himenokallis feed during flowering and intensive growth. In winter, this is not necessary. Purchased liquid fertilizers for bulbous or other decorative plants are suitable. Feed 1 time in 2-3 weeks, following instructions on the packaging of the nutrient.

When choosing fertilizer, you need to pay attention to its composition. It should not contain nitrogen. This chemical element increases green (vegetative) mass and negatively affects the formation of flowers. In addition, nitrogen can cause raw eggs.


Himenokalleis multiplies in two ways: the division of subsidiaries or seeds. The second option is long and not comfortable. Seeds germinate slowly, and for their landing need a well-moisturized earthy mixture with a sand and peat content. The first sprouts emerge not: at best, a few weeks later, but this process can delay for several months.

Sprouted seedlings should receive a lot of light and a sufficient amount of water. They can not be left for a long time under the sunny rays, so that burns do not appear on the leaves.

Most often, the hymenocalleis is multiplied by the bulbs kids who appear in the plants of the 3-4-hundred-taking age. They are neatly separated from the maternal bulbs and planted into a new pot. More is more convenient to do it during a transplant.

Diseases, pests arising

What diseases are Himenokalles amaze?

Gray Gnil The bulbous part is one of the most common. It appears due to excess moisture and constant stagnation of water in the roots. To avoid this, you need to carefully explore the bulb during a transplant and get rid of the fallen parts on time. If the areas of rotting covers half the organ and more, then the escape is no longer cured.

Anthracnose - Another disease that occurs due to improper care. High temperature and increased humidity provokes the appearance on the leaves of the points and stains of brown or black. To cure a plant, you need to cut off the sick leaves and bring the conditions to normal. For the prevention of fungi, which affect predominantly weak plants, flower is treated with fungicides.

Stomporosis, or Red Burn - Infectious disease caused by Stagonospora Curtisii mushrooms. External manifestation - Red-orange spots and narrow stripes. Quickly spreads, so even the bulbs amaze. Factors influence the appearance of the disease: temperature fluctuations, injuries during transplantation, abundant irrigation.