Unusual pelargonium, or familiar geranium. Landing in the garden and care. Pelargonium Home Care Departure Growing Cultivation of Seed Crimping Transplanting Pelargonium Flower

Reading time: 13 minutes

Florist with experience in 12 years

The Pelargonium is often called geranium. Both plants relate to the Geranium family. Chewing or geranium - long-term garden culture represented by many types of herbs and shrubs. Pelargonium is grown as a houseplant. Unlike geranium having single flowers, it forms large inflorescences.

What is Pelargonia

Motherland Pelargonium - African Savannas. A thermal-loving culture easily tolerates air dryness. Plants of this kind have straight and sharpening branching stems. They have a slightly published leaves of a rounded shape, and palpheled or finger-disseated. Coloring of foliage of different types changes from light green to emerald. In some representatives of the genus, light sheet plates have dark drawings.

Umbrella Social Development Cultures consist of 20 five-point flowers. Their petals are painted in white, yellow and red color of all shades. Breeding varieties with terry flowers. Fruit - box with preserving cups.

Geranian description

Pelargonium is a source of valuable gerane oil. The flower highlights phytoncides that kill microbes. In cosmetology, room geranium extract is used as a component of masks for the skin of the face and hair. In folk medicine, Gerani oil is used against inflammation, stress, to improve blood circulation.

"Babushkina Kalachiki" - so called the most common (zonal) species of Pelargonium. Today there are about 75 thousand varieties and cultural hybrids. The species diversity is impressive shape of flowers and brightness of inflorescences:

  • Rose-Bud Zonal. Terry spectacular flowers are similar to roses. In inflorescence, they look like a miniature bouquet. A rare species is found in the collections of experienced flowerflowers.
  • Tulipe-Bud. Tulipated grade was obtained during the spontaneous plant mutation. Inflorescences look like a bouquet of unprase tulips.
  • Stellar Zonal. Due to the polarizing form, Pelargonium's petals was called "star". A varieties with terry flowers of various color are displayed.
  • Cactus. Flowers cactus-shaped pelargonium are large, with pointed needle petals. The inflorescence has a test "encountered" appearance.
  • Carnation. Inflorescences look like a miniature bouquet of carnations. The edges of petals gear.
  • Ivy-Leaved. The leaves of the ampel species look like ivy leaf plates. Copy stems can reach about 1 m length. Flowers more often terry. A voyage view is distinguished by dark leaves with a bright pattern resembling a web, and inflorescence of simple 5-club flowers.
  • REGAL PELARGONIUM. Each flower is up to 7 cm in diameter. Its contrasting shades highlighted in other colors of the streak, the motley spots, the specks are a distinctive feature of the species. Flowers can be with simple or terry petals.
  • Angel. Ampe view with lush green mass and small tender coloring flowers. Mid or edging of bright leisure more often barded (red).
  • UNIQUE. The form of "Unicums" combines several varieties with small petals of a multicolor palette. Leaves bizarrely dissected. There are varieties with corrugated foliage, which exudes an unusual smell. For example, the leaves of the Paton's Unique smell smell of fruit.

Varieties of pelargonium

How to care for pelargonia at home

The cultivation of Pelargonium at home is regular watering, lighting, competent feeding and the formation of the crown. When performing the basic rules of departure, the plant will never hurt, grow lush, rich in blooming.

Lighting and temperature regime

Room geranium needs a 12-hour light day. The more intense lighting, the richer is the color of its foliage and inflorescences. Culture does not tolerate strong shading. With a lack of lighting, shoots become elongated, bare, the leaves are minor, the flowering intensity is greatly reduced. In the period of a short light day, the flowers need to be shoved by phytolampa.
Pelargonium is a thermal-loving culture. Poor tolerate cold. In summer, the optimal temperature for the flower is 24-28 ° C. Pelargonium in winter in the apartment is in the rest stage, in order to bloom again in the summer. Since November, culture needs to provide a reduced temperature (12-16 ° C), constantly conducting the room, but not allowing drafts.

Conditions of growing pelargonium

Watering and moisturizing

Care for pelargonium at home provides for watering 2-3 times a week. The culture must be water when the upper room of the earth is 2 cm. Excess fluid causes the formation of rotting on the roots. In winter, moisturizing mode is reduced to 1 time in 7-10 days. If the flower pot is located near the central heating battery, it takes more often to water the plant.

Moisturizing Gerani

Room geranium can do without spraying, but perceives this procedure well. Flower irrigate can only be warm, rain or thawed water. Calcium contained in tap water, iron is left on the leaves ugly divorces. Harmful substances are clogged with a dust plate, making culture breathing difficult.

To improve the quality of tap water in a bucket with a liquid, 2 sores of peat are poured and left to settle for 2 days. Harmful impurities will fall on the bottom, chlorine will destroy. Before spraying or watering, water is neatly drained into another container. When draining is left in a bucket of 1/5 of the volume of the fluid, which is not suitable for watering and spraying.

Soil loan and fertilizer

Care for Pelargonia

Pelargonium is growing well in the weakness and neutral pH of 5.4-7.3. You need to periodically check the indicator using the Lacmus Indicator (the kit can be bought). Room geranium breathes roots, so the soil must be enriched with oxygen. For this, after irrigation, carefully, in order not to damage the root system, the ground is fried by a blade or fork to a depth of 2-3 cm.

In the process of increasing new shoots and formation of inflorescences (from March to August), a plant requires a lot of nutrients. In order for the bush to be lush, it is necessary every 2 weeks to make an integrated fertilizer for flowering plants into the soil.

Potassium should be the main element of the fantasics of culture. Nitrogen stimulates the extension of the green mass of the bush and inhibits flowering, therefore, there must be a minimum amount in comprehensive fertilizer. Excess nutrients in the soil are destroyed for the plant as well as their disadvantage. Prepare feeding needed according to instructions for use. The best purchased fertilizers for Pelargonium are:

  • "Zircon";
  • "Pure Sheet" for Pelargonium;
  • "ROYAL MIX";
  • "Garden Club".

Trimming and the formation of a bush

Competent care for pelargonium includes the annual trimming of the bush. The crown is formed in the fall, after flowering culture, or early spring before active growth. If this is not done, shoots will be very pulled out, take off the bottom. The stronger to cut the bush, the thicker will be Croon.

Pruning contributes to the formation of lateral shoots and building greens. Rightly circumcised culture longer blooms. The elite royal varieties of Pelargonium cut only in autumn, starting from the second year of the growing season. Spring trimming deprives them bloom.

How to trim the pelargonium

Paging the tops of the shoots - a reception that uses flower products during the active growth phase. It allows you to maintain the puff and beauty of the crown. With the tip of the tip of the escape with a pair of young leaves, the further growth of escape is stopped.

During spring-summer vegetation, the branches of the bush are periodically pinching, which go beyond the formed crown. The blurred blooms need to immediately cut off so that they do not pull the power.

The order of trimming of Pelargonium:

  1. A sharp, disinfected alcohol with scissors remove dried, faded leaves.
  2. Crop your naked and long stems at the bottom node.
  3. Cut on a third of the main branches.


Room geranium cannot be transplanted often, because the plant is experiencing severe stress. You need to proceed to transplant if the roots do not fit in the old pot and go into drainage holes. The second sign that the time has come to transplant bush - the plant is tugged shortly after irrigation.

The transplant is carried out no more than 1 time in 2 years. Pelargonium's care requires annual replacement of the top layer of the Earth in the pot on the new substrate. Transplant the flower over 4 years old 1 time in 3-4 years, because with age, the plant development slows down.

The process of transplanting Pelargonia

Large pot culture is not needed. In it, bedroom geranium is inhabit and blooms badly. To the composition of the soil room geranium is not demanding. At home, you can cook soil from the turf, peat, humid and sand (2: 1: 1: 1). To destroy pathogenic microbes, the soil is calcined in the oven for 10-15 minutes and allow it to cool.

The flower transplant is carried out like this:

  1. Abundant to pour a flower half an hour before the transplant.
  2. Walk boiling water a new pot.
  3. 1/3 capacity of the capacity to fill drainage (small stones, vermiculitis or clay)
  4. Pour the land by covering the drainage material by 3-4 cm.
  5. Gently pull the bush from the old pot.
  6. Shake the soil. If the roots firmly splured the earth, they do not need to separate them.
  7. View the root system. Dry, damaged, rotten, too long root crop.
  8. Pour sections of sections with a pushed activated carbon tablet for disinfection.
  9. Put a bush in the center of a pot and pour the earth to the edge of the container.
  10. Carefully stripped the ground in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stem.
  11. It is plentiful to pour and spray flower.

Fighting diseases and pests

Wrong care can lead to a disease of the room geranium or damage to pests. It is recommended to carefully examine the plant once a week. Knowing what dangers of Pelargonium lie, you can find a problem by external signs and eliminate it:

At home, the pelargonium is breeding seeds, cuttings and a divide of the bush. The first method does not guarantee the preservation of varietal signs of culture. It is believed that the plant grown from seeds is richly flowers - it forms up to 30 inflorescences for the season. When the bush trigger is carried out, cut off shoots are not thrown away, but used cuttings for breeding culture. An adult plant will determine the division of the bush.


Growing Pelargonium from Seeds

Growing Pelargonium at home from seeds is a troublesome business. First you need to buy or assemble the sowing material yourself. Seeds are in the fruits-boxes. The truncated inflorescence is gently cut off, relieve the fruits. After that, they need to hold on the fresh air (balcony, loggia) until the seed boxes are completely dry.

Next steps:

  1. Soak the seed material in the growth stimulator type of corneser for 2 hours.
  2. Fill a flat planting capacity of universal soil.
  3. Seed seeds into a moistened soil to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  4. Cover the capacity with a polyethylene film to create a special microclimate seedlings.
  5. Put the container in a well-lit place. Seed extension temperature - 24-27 ° C.
  6. Care of seedlings consists in systematic watering. The earth is better to water a can with small sieve to prevent the soil erosion. Water should be warm, resistant and soft.
  7. When the first first sheet appears, the seedlings are peeling and transplanted at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other.
  8. When the height is reached with a height of 10-15 cm, they are placed using the transshipment method into constant pots.


The flower cuttings are better in March. Cut by sharp disinfected scissors or a secateur. The cutlets should be with 2-3 interstices 5-10 cm long. Scrolls sprinkled with a crowded tablet of activated carbon. It will prevent Escape from Harrowing.

Shining Pelargonium

To form the roots of Chenkov, put shoots into the water or immediately put them in wet soil. The second option requires a more thorough care - constant soil moisturizing as the upper layer drying to 1 cm. When landing into the ground, the sprout is rooted without stress, gentle roots are not damaged when landing.

In order for the formation of roots in water to go faster, it is necessary to add a stimulator of the growth of the Kornin in the liquid. Saplings of Pelargonium do not need large pots, i.e. The root flower system is basic, is close to the surface of the soil.

The optimal diameter of the stalk pot is 9 cm. Pots can be plastic or ceramic. The first - kept moisture longer, when the water is re-fulfilled, the roots can be installed in them. Pots from burned clay passes air. The root system in them is less likely to shut down.

To disembark cuttings, use the same soil as when transplanting Pelargonium. When landing, the cuttings should be deepened in the ground so that the lower node is in the ground. From the place where the sheet used to be, the root formation will go.

The seedling needs to be covered with a plastic bottle, put on a well-lit side concern, systematically water and ventilate. On the inner surface of the bottle should not accumulate dew. Rooting will occur in 1.5-3 weeks.

Dividing bush

The result of the reproduction of Pelargonium dividing the bush

The easiest way to reproduction of Pelargonium at home is the division of the root. The procedure is better carried out at the next transplantation. The plant multiplied by dividing the rhizomes will bloom the next summer. Step-by-step instruction procedure:

  1. It is plentiful to pour a plant 2 hours before breeding.
  2. Remove the flower of a pot, gently pulling the stalks.
  3. Dock the root system from the soil.
  4. Put a bush in a pelvis with warm water so that the earth is behind the roots.
  5. Rinse the root system under warm running water.
  6. Remove firm, dry and damaged roots.
  7. Divide the rhizome knife into several parts. Each defense must have several strong shoots with growth kidney at the base.
  8. Process cuts powder Kornin.
  9. To shorten shoots up to 10 cm so that the plant does not spend extra force on the nutrition of long stems and branches.
  10. Sear the decenes in the prepared pots. Their root cerv should be slightly rewritten.
  11. It is good to pour the soil with an estate water.
  12. After 10 days, it is filtered by a plant with nitrogen-containing fertilizer to activate the green mass extension process.

Problems in the cultivation of Pelargonium at home

The cause of room geranium disease is always alone - incorrect care. Knowing that caused a painful state of culture, the owner of the plant can easily correct the situation:

  • Yellow leaves. The cause of the problem is the lack of wetting the bush or the root rotation. Transplanting plants and an increase in time between watering - ways to solve the problem.
  • Yellowing the edge of the leaf plate. Causes are lack of moisture, the plant is closely in a pot. A transplantation to a free container with a new soil will improve the state of the culture.
  • The plant does not bloom. The reason is non-compliance with the conditions of content. It is necessary to transfer the culture into a well-lit place, adjust the watering mode, feed the flower.
  • Poor grows. It is necessary to check the acidity of the soil. If the soil screamed, transplant the pelargonium. Flower feeding a nitrogen-containing fertilizer will improve its condition.


(PELARGONIUM) is directly related to the Geranium family. This genus unites about 350 species of various plants, which are grassy perennials, but shrubs and succulent plants are found.

In such a plant grown at home, there is one not quite ordinary property. So, his aroma can calm down and relax and relax, and other inhalation deteriorates to be worse. In room conditions there are only a few species, but the choice is quite rich.

Pelargonium has a fairly spectacular appearance. However, this is not all. It contains substances that are used in medicine and perfumery. Thus, the essential oil obtained from this plant is used in the creation of spirits and soap, as well as it is used in the composition of air purification of air from pathogenic bacteria and harmful impurities.


This plant is pretty lightless and for normal growth, he needs straight rays of the sun. Pelargonium is recommended to place near the windows of the southern orientation. However, it is quite normally growing and develops at the North Orientation window, but it is important that the light day is long enough. Otherwise, stretching stems. In summer, if possible, this plant is transferred to fresh air (on the balcony or on the street). The room in which the pelargonium is located regularly ventilate, as it reacts negatively to the stagnant air.

Temperature mode

In the summer, the plant needs a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. In winter, it is required to rearrange it in a rather cool place that provide normal flowering. In winter, the temperature in the room should not be more than 14 degrees.

How to water

In summer, watering is recommended, after 3 or 4 days after the top layer of the substrate. Check the condition of the soil, you can carry a pair of centimeters gently. In winter, it is necessary to water somewhat less, but at the same time you need to ensure that the earthen comes do not dry completely. If liquid will be stated in the soil in the soil, then this can provoke the appearance of root rot, which often leads to the death of the whole bush.

Spraying foliage

It grows normally and develops with low air humidity. It is not necessary to moisturize the foliage from the sprayer, but this can be done in the hot summer months.


The plant is fed 1 or 2 times, while the interval between the feeders is 2 weeks. Fertilizers are first introduced into the soil when after the transplant will be 2 months. The feeding is needed to improve flowering, so the fertilizers containing a large amount of phosphorus choose. It is not recommended to feed the organic fertilizers, because the pelargonium is absolutely absorbed.


Pruning should be carried out once a year, the stems with 2-4 nodes should remain. As a result, the bustice will be more lush, and bloom is abundant. You need to remove the yellowed or filled leaves in a timely manner. Climbing sheets can not, as in this case, torn edges can bend. To remove such leaves, it is recommended to use a very sharp knife, and the location of the cut is to be treated with chopped wood coal. After pruning the leaflet, the cutter must remain on the branch.

Features Transplant

Young rapties transplant 1 time per year, and adults as needed, for example, when the roots stop fit into the pot. At the bottom of the tank, do not forget to make a good drain layer. For the preparation of a suitable landforming with your own hands, you will need a turf, humid and leafy earth, sand and peat, which should be taken in equal shares.

Modify such a plant can be stalling and seeds.

When growing from seeds, very often plants lose the varietal signs, and it is worth remembering when choosing a method of reproduction. Low container need to fill the soil mixture cooked from sand, peat and turf, which should be taken in the same parts. Seeds are seeded in it. So that the seedlings seem as soon as possible, the container is put in place where the temperature is constantly holding at the level of 22 degrees. In such favorable conditions, the seedlings appear later after sowing. Seedlings are transplanted into separate little pots. And after the raptber is growing, they are transplanted into pots, the diameter of which is 9 centimeters. The first time the plant should bloom a year later with a little after sowing, but it is only with proper care.

For reproduction, the top cuttings are excellent. Their cutting and rooting is carried out in the last winter or summer weeks. The cut should be done at an angle slightly below the node, while at least 3 leaves should remain on the cutting tree, and better if there are 3-5 pieces. Leave the cuttings for several hours outdoors to dry out. Before it is planted, it is necessary to process the sections of the cut, using for this chopped wood coal and the root growth stimulant. In the container filled with landfill (sand, nervous land and peat in the same fractions), on the perimeter it is necessary to plant the prepared cuttings. To increase the magnificity, the cutting of the cutting is recommended to discharge. The container is placed in a well-lit place, but at the same time the light should be scattered. It is necessary to systematically moisturize the land from the sprayer. Full rooting will occur 15-20 days after landing. Fastened rapts are seated in separate containers. The pot for landing is chosen small, since otherwise bloom will be scarce. The plant will bloom 5-7 months after complete rooting.


Some species of pelargonium are poisonous. If you definitely do not know whether the appearance growing at your home is needed, then you need to be careful when working with such a plant. So, you must definitely wash your hands after working with it.

Diseases and pests

At Pelargonium can settle either.

In most cases, problems with the plant are associated with improper departure:

  1. No blossom - Pelargonium is sick, there are harmful insects on it or she wounded in a warm, well-lit room.
  2. Bottom leaves are faded, yellow and rot - Abundant watering. Reduce watering and carefully remove the affected leaves.
  3. On the surface of the foliage appear blooming - In the soil, water is often stared.
  4. The lower sheets become yellow and they dry the edges - Meful watering.
  5. Base of stem smokingly - Root rot (black leg).
  6. Gray Gnil - Because of too abundant irrigation.

Video Overview

Main species

This evergreen padded shrub is very branched, and he can reach 100 centimeters height. Green pubescent sheets are divided by 5-7 shares and possess a very pleasant aroma. The inflorescences in the form of an umbrella consist of a large number of pinkished flowers. Flowers during the whole summer period.

This plant is an evergreen semi-staple, whose height does not exceed 50 centimeters. On the surface of the stems and leaves there is a omission. Stems straight. Green, as if crumpled, leaflets are divided by 3-5 parts. Inflorescence has the shape of an umbrella. There are many seating flowers painted in a light pink with a purple tint color. Blossom is observed from the middle until the end of the summer period. It has scented foliage.

The foliage in this shrub does not fall, and he has rather short stems. Round-heart-shaped sheets in width can reach 5 centimeters. Their edges are slightly torn, and on the surface there are soft short hairs. The foliage is very fragrant and its smell is quite pleasant. Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. White-pink flowers are assembled at 8-10 pieces.

These shrubs in height reach 100 centimeters. On the surface of their fleshy skes is the downset. As a rule, a sheet plate is solid, but sometimes a little blade. The foliage is painted in green, and a brownish border passes around the edge. Flowers painted red and collected in multi-flowered inflorescences. Flowering lasts from the end of the spring and before the beginning of the autumn period.

The birthplace of such an evergreen shrub is South Africa. On its surface there is a omission. Long-ache wheels painted in green. The inflorescence in the form of an umbrella consists of a variety of purple-red flowers. Flowers plant from the end of the summer period and before the beginning of the autumn. There are varieties with terry foliage.

This is a strongesting evergreen shrub, which is height to reach 100 centimeters. Catailing-rounded leaflets can be both dissected and quilted. They can also be smooth or flooded. No more than 3 flowers are formed on the flowers, and they are painted white, and the available streaks are in reddish. Flower diameter is 3-4 centimeters. It blooms such a shrub from the middle of the spring and at the beginning of the summer period.

Such an evergreen shrub in height reaches 50 centimeters and is stronger. Dense leaflets in the shape of a heart growing in 2 rows have gentle, ribbon-wavy edges. The bloom is observed from the middle and until the very end of the summer period. On short flowers grow 2-3 flower. It has sprile leaves.

Such a shrub that is evergreen, height can reach 1.5 meters. It has fleshy stems. Cavigable rounded leaflets are painted in dark green. Inflorescences have an umbrella form. Short flowers. Flowers possess red color. The flowering time depends on the care, and can be observed during the summer, autumn, winter period or at the end of the spring.

This leaf fall plant is a succulent and has thick sharpening stems. Sheet plate is divided into a peristicular shape of a share, the length of which is 8 centimeters. They have a sipped color and can be both graded and without omens. Inflorescences are represented in the form of an umbrella. Floor length from 15 to 20 millimeters. Snow-white flowers grow 5 or 6 pieces, and in Zea, they have reddish small spots.

Evergreen strunkering shrub is pubescent and in height can reach 50 centimeters. On the sheet plate there is a bilateral omission, while on the front side there are rigid hairs, and on the wrong one - soft. The leaves are quite deeply separated and possessed by the edges. They are fragrant and have a pleasant aroma. Soldered blooming is represented in the form of an umbrella. A few pieces of pink flowers are growing on a flower-colored flower-colored vests.

This plant in height can reach 100 centimeters. The foliage in the form is similar to oak leaves, but the shares are not straight, but wavy. They are short-flower. The inflorescence has the shape of the umbrella, and it consists of a large number of flowers, as a rule, painted into a rich red color. If the plant is careful, then it will bloom from the end of the summer and until the middle of the autumn period.

This leafy shrub in height can reach 0.6-0.7 meters. Four-stranded straight shoots are painted in a pale green color sometimes with a grayish tint. On the surface of the cherry leaflets, having a heart shape, are slight hairs. Their width is usually equal to 5 centimeters. The edges of the leaf plate are brownish red. Floweries have 5 pinkish or cream petals, while 2 smaller petals are located below, and 3 more - top.

This evergreen shrub is ampel. Stems naked either have downwards. Green, shiny, fleshy leafs have a thyroid shape, smooth edges and are divided into 5 pieces. On their surfaces, it may be how to be the omission. Flowers are collected several pieces in inflorescences in the shape of an umbrella. They are pink, white or red color. Flowering lasts from the middle of the spring and until the end of the summer period.

Geranium or Pelargonium has long and firmly occupied many window sills as an unpretentious and beautiful plant. It can be grown at home and on the flower beds: the flower looks great anywhere. Before buying, it is recommended to read how to care for geranium at home.

Geran: General Information

His scientific name Geranium - Pelargonium - Translated from Greek means "stork" or "crane". This unusual name plant got due to fruit - long as a bird beak.

There are more than 400 species of geranium in the world, which can be found almost all over the world, about 40 species are found in Russia. It is noteworthy that in Germany, geranium is called "a stork nose", and in the USA and England - the chewing room.

This is a meadow annual or perennial plant growing up to 60 cm. The leaves are soft, covered with hairs, have palp-blade or finger-dissected forms. Large flowers have 5 properly located flowers, usually collected in inflorescences. May be terry and smooth, among shades there are white, red, purple and blue.

Among the most popular species Home geranium present:

In addition to the "clean" varieties there is a huge amount of hybrids, which can be raised by himself. Among the domestic species is often found by the name of Pelargonium. They relate to one Geranium family, but differ in appearance. Despite this, care for pelargonium at home, as well as geranium, almost the same.

How to care for geranium

Care at home for geranium, photos of which it is easy to find, brought fruit, you need observe the following conditions:

  1. Geranium feels perfectly at room temperature: in the summer it can fluctuate in the range of + 20-25 degrees, in winter should not fall below + 10-14 degrees. It is better to choose a place away from drafts.
  2. But to the light flower more capricious: the plant can even be left under the right sunlight, without fearing to harm, as the lack of light leads to the brand of leaves and flowers. The only thing that may be required is to turn the pot from time to time so that the plant is formed from all sides. In winter, the lack of light is filled with daylight lamps. If the light is not enough, the leaves will start rapidly pale.
  3. For geranium, the simplest purchase of universal soil is suitable. You can cook it and independently, mixing 1 pieces of turf and foliage, one and a half of the ground and half of the sand. At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to put drainage.
  4. The flower loves moisture and requires regular and frequent irrigation. At the same time, the water should not be stood in a pot or fall on the leaves. High humidity is also contraindicated. It is possible to use dilated water from under the tap, rain and melting will also be suitable. In winter, it is required to reduce the frequency of watering twice, as the plant is at rest.
  5. The transplant is required only if the pot has become small. It is not necessary to choose big pots: geranium does not relate to them and blooms plentifully only in "cramped". Optimal dimensions will be: height 12 cm, diameter - 12-15 cm.
  6. The plant is not demanding to lure and is content with standard mineral fertilizers. They are made from March to September twice a month. You can also use specialized fertilizers for Gerani.
  7. For the formation of a beautiful appearance, it is possible to roughly trim the upper and side branches, as well as remove dry leaves and flowers.
  8. Pelargonium reproduction occurs with cuttings at any time of the year.

Proper transplant

Geranium poor belongs to transplantAnd therefore it is better not to change the pots more often than 1-2 times a year. The following factors can be reasons:

  1. The roots were closely: you can check it, carefully pulling geranium from the pot;
  2. Because of excess moisture, the flower began to wither;
  3. Despite care, geranium does not develop and does not bloom;
  4. The roots were very painful.

Usually transplant the pelargonium in the spring, from February to AprilBut this is not fundamentally: you can even transplant the plant even in the winter, only the bush will be longer. It is also not recommended to touch the flowering plant: it also spends a lot of strength on bloom and will not be bad for a new home. Instead of transplantation, you can update the upper layer of the soil, swaying fresh as needed.

Some flowerflowers as an additional leaving every spring transplanted geranium into the street on the flowerbed, and the fall "take" him back. It helps to improve the plant itself, and at the same time split reproduction roots.

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the tools and process the pot with a chlorine solution if it has already been used earlier for another plant. This will avoid the transfer of the disease.
  2. Drainage is laid out on the bottom of the pot. These may be small stones or foam.
  3. Geranium watered so that the land is wet. Then you need to flip the pot and carefully get a plant from it, trying not to break and do not damage the roots. To separate the land from the pot, on the walls and the bottom can be slightly knocking.
  4. The roots are examined, and in the case of detection of rot or signs of the disease, carefully cut.
  5. The flower is lowered into the pot and fall asleep empty places of the earth, slightly watered, compact and sweep the soil.
  6. After transplanting, geranium is removed in a dark place for a week, then transferred to the reserved place. After 2 months, you can make feeding.

Similarly, the plant is transplanted from the street fall until frosts. If necessary, you can perform a gentle trimming. For this, all shoots are shortened, leaving about 20 cm. The slice should take place a few millimeters from the node. For the winter, geranium will not be able to give enough strong stems, and therefore in February-March the trimming will have to repeat.

Pelargonium can multiply by seeds and cuttings: the first option is suitable for new varieties, the second is for a new bush. Also, geranium can be multiplied to rhizomes, but waiting for it to have a certain experience.

Reproduction of seeds

From the beginning of March, it is possible to plant seeds of pelargonium from the beginning of March, pre-treated with the ground with a weak solution of mangalls to protect against disease. You can use purchased soil by adding to it sand and humus. Seeds are scattered over a loose surface and slightly sprinkle on top of the ground, then cover the tank with a film to create a greenhouse effect and remove for several days to heat. When the sprouts are fixed enough, they can be disassembled, after which the standard care begins.

Reproduction of cuttings

The best time for reproduction with cuttings - Spring. Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings with 3-4 leaves (it is better to cut it off from the tops) put in water and wait until the roots grow. After the pelargonium he dried and buried in the ground.

Alarm signals

If the appearance of Gerania suddenly changed to the worse, you need to pay attention:

  1. With a lack of moisture, the leaves dries greatly and yellow, with an excess - become sluggish and unnecessarily dim, gray rotting appears on the stems;
  2. If the leaves, especially the lower, began to be imposed, there is a lack of lighting;
  3. If the plant has ceased to bloom, this indicates an overlooking a large pot or lack of rest in winter.

Like any plant, geranium even after good care susceptible to attacks of pests and diseases.


Geranium is an unpretentious plant, with home care for which even beginner gardeners will be handled. It does not require special conditions for growing and frequent transplant, easily tolerates straight sunlight and drought. The only thing to remember is: geranium negatively relates to high humidity and systematic transfusions. In such conditions, it will begin to quickly stick and die.

Home geranium care

Pelargonium is a southern plant from the Geranium family, originally from India and South Africa. Pelargonium has a lot of similarities with geranium, which is why they are often confused, but at the same time two plants never cross each other. Pelargonium is a plant of southern and thermal-loving, she is picky by its northern "sister", does not have blue shades in flowers. Because of their differences from Gerani has its own features in care at home.


Check out the photo of Pelargonium, which even a beginner flower plant can grow, step by step by following our recommendations:

How to care for the flower?


Temperature optimum for Pelargonium during the actual growth and flowering period is held within + 20-25 degrees. In the period of rest - from October to February - the plant is kept at a temperature of an average of + 12-15 degrees during the day and not lower than +6 degrees at night. However, there are varieties that are more heat-loving.

Important. Lower temperature in winter is necessary for a good kidney bookmark and more lush flowering in the future.

The plant does not like strong drafts and strong temperature differences. Despite this, the air around Pelargonium should not be stamped, because the stagnation of air increases the humidity and increases the risk of the development of fungal infections.


Due to its origin, Pelargonium is a very light-affiliated flower, which is well tolerates direct sunlight. At the same time, a plant should be dialed in very hot days to avoid sunburn. The flower will feel good on the southern windows, but on the northern shades will drop the lower leaves, stretch in length in search of light and less bloom.

If there is no possibility to put a flower into a sunny place, you can use to eliminate the luminous luminescent lamps.


Pelargonium is enough drought-resistant flower, However, this means that it is possible to forget about watering. The optimal mode is once every two or three days. In hot and dry days, it is possible to increase the amount of watering to one per day, subject to drying up the top layer of the soil. Water to water better water temperature. Water must be fully moisturized by the soil layer, i.e. Watering not only the fastening zone, but also over the entire surface of the substrate.

Important. No need to overflow the plant, because during an excess of water begins to rot the stem and roots, and the plant will die even after transplantation.

The plant does not like wet air and does not need regular spraying. It is also better to keep it at a distance from those plants that need more frequent watering and air humidification.

Soil and fertilizer

The plant needs well-drained rich in organic compounds. The soil for Pelargonium can be purchased in the store or make the composition alone. To do this, in equal proportions, peat, garden land, the sand of medium grain and humus are mixed. It is important that at the bottom of the bowl with a flower was a good as a drainage from the ceramisit, finely broken bricks, etc.

The care of the pelargonium includes regular and quite frequent - once every 10-12 days. In the hot season, when irrigated, the weekly dose of feeding is divided into seven parts and bring each part with another irrigation. Any universal compositions for flowering indoor plants are suitable as a fertilizer.

During the rest, the feeders do not contribute.

Popular options for feeding serve:

  • "Bona Forte for decorative flowering plants" (Health Series).

    Contains a high percentage of potassium and low enough - nitrogen. It has calcium, magnesium, microelements and humic acid.

  • "Floral paradise for flowering indoor and garden plants."

    The composition has nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Additional substances - magnesium, six microelements (manganese, zinc, iron, copper, boron, molybdenum).

All feeders are used according to the instructions on the application located on the package or special liner. It is not necessary to increase the dose in the hope that it will accelerate the growth - the oversupply of micro and macro elements is no less harmful than their disadvantage.


Allows you to form the desired krona, Does not give the plant to grow into greens, and also allows you to rejuvenate and improve the bush. For different varieties, the crown formation differs, but in all cases the rule on the regularity of trimming is followed: you should not let the growth of the flower on samonek.

  • The slice of young branches make a sharp secret or a stationery knife under an acute angle, above the leaf node.
  • The location of the cut is sprinkled with crowded activated or charcoal, shallow ash.
  • Old branches and leaves are removed in autumn after flowering, eliminated or barred stems are removed.
  • No need to be afraid of severe trim up to 3-4 eyes - for the winter, the plant will accumulate strength and causes the missed.

Reference. Capital trimming is not held at the Royal Pelargonium.

Informative video about pruning Pelargonium:


The transplant is usually carried out before the start of flowering and active growth, Immediately after wintering, and combined with trimming up to 3-5 kidneys. It is carried out in order to transfer to a more spacious pot either when transferring young plants from time tank permanent. After transplanting, the plant does not fertilize for two weeks for acclimatization. Watering is very moderate, no more than once every three days, while drying the soil - every two days.

Read more about transplanting and landing Pelargonia.

We offer to watch a video about Transfer of Pelargonium:

Requirements for growing PELARGONIUM Grandiflorum

Royal Pelargonium is characterized by larger flowers in inflorescences and a large number of flowerons. For prolonged flowering, it requires certain conditions other than the conditions of the content of other representatives of the genus Pelargonium.

Watering and subordinate

  1. Watering of the Royal Pelargonium is carried out exceptionally accurate water of room temperature (about +22 degrees).
  2. The plant does not like overflows and quickly starts to heat up with the slightest moisture in the soil.
  3. Watering is recommended not through the top layer of the Earth, but through the pallet to avoid the sealing of the earth coma.
  4. For feeding, liquid organic compositions with high potassium content, low azot percentage and large number of trace elements are used.
  5. The feeder is carried out only during the flowering period, the plant does not fertilize in winter.

Possible problems

Due to the subtleties in the care, which are far from all flower products, there are blossom problems arise growth, outstanding green parts of the plant, etc.

Do not bloom

There are a lot of reasons.

The most basic ones:

  • oversupply nitrogen in soil and fertilizers;
  • overabundance of humidity in the air;
  • too dry air;
  • excessive watering;
  • lack of mineral substances;
  • extraction of a flower without a long rejuvenation;
  • incorrect content in winter.

Most often no blossom is caused by a complex of reasons. The plant, though unpretentiously in care, requires a certain proportion of attention. Otherwise, you can get either green bush or naked stem.

We offer to watch a video about why Pelargonia does not bloom:

Pests and diseases

  1. Blackleg Appears when weaving, overly dense soil, as well as when using contaminated soil. Save the plant is impossible, the only way out will be distinguished by still living shoots, and the stalk, root and land throw out.
  2. Sea Mold. Appears with excessive humidity. The affected leaves are removed, the plant is treated with antifungal agents and transferred to a drier place.
  3. Sometimes the plants are attacked bellenka and spider ticks. Chemicals are used to combat them, processed 2-3 times to complete the destruction of all eggs and larvae, which could survive after primary processing.
  • To combat the black leg, the land before planting the plant is treated with phytoosporin or a solution of potassium mangartage (3 g per 10 liters of water).
  • From gray molds, treatment with ronilane, risral, topsin m and other antifungal drugs in the concentration indicated on the package is helped.
  • From the web ticks and other pests help PhyTeerm, Aktellik, Sanmayt, etc.

More information about diseases and pests of Pelargonium can be found.

Pelargonium is widespread for their unpretentiousness and flowering. Essential oils allocated by them have a bactericidal effect, air indoors are heated, the psychological climate leads to harmony. Competent care will provide active and powerful flowering every year.

Video on the topic

We offer to watch a video about the correct care for Pelargonia:

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Did you know that at home can be grown geranium with flowers of different shades and even flavors?
Geranium's vaccination is an excellent chance to feel if not a breeder, then at least a flowerfish.
We follow only young and healthy pelargoniums. Ideal time for experiments with geranium - spring. As the basis, we take any strong pelargonium older than one year. Sut off the top of a strong stem and make a section of the "checkmark" in it somewhere on 2 cm. Insert there with a cut-out cutting, we try to adjust so that the sections of the stock and the lead are tightly in contact. We are interbilled with a piece of polyethylene or carefully fix the soft wool thread, the package is fallen from above. In a week, it will be clear whether our lead passed.
Let's try?
More useful techniques and tips for growing pelargonium - in our material.

Listen to an article

Landing and care for geranium

  • Bloom: Can bloom all year round.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight (southern window).
  • Temperature: During the season of vegetation - the usual room, during the rest period - 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: During the period of active growth, abundant, as the upper layer of the substrate is drying. In winter, watering is stopped.
  • Air humidity: Normal for residential premises.
  • Feeding: From the end of March to mid-November once every 2 weeks with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.
  • People's period: From the end of the autumn at the beginning of the spring.
  • Transfer: Infrequently, before the beginning of the season of vegetation, when the plant becomes cramped pot.
  • Pruning: Regularly autumn. The shoots shocked to segments with 6-7 leaves.
  • Pipher: Each escape over the fourth-fifth sheet.
  • Reproduction: Seed, vegetative (cuttings).
  • Pests: Flame, whiteflies, spider ticks.
  • Diseases: Black rot, Botritis, Rust, Spotted leaves, root rot, bacteriosis, viruses.

Read more about growing geraniums below

Pelargonium (Lat. Pelargonium) - the genus of the Geranium family of South Africa has up to 400 species and forms of annual and perennial plants. In Europe, representatives of this kind appeared at the end of the fifteenth or early sixteenth century. Relatives of pelargonium, or geranium blooming - geranium meadow and geranium ordinary. All types of Pelargonium, grown at home, are combined under the general name "Gerano room", and in this article we will tell you how to care for geranium and how to propagate geranium at home.

Home Geranium - Growing Features

Geranium - One of the most popular indoor plants, which does not require much effort for growing, nor the time. Nevertheless, there are a few features that felt a flower dress about home geranium will not prevent:

  • in winter, geranium loves cool temperature, but do not keep it indoors with a temperature below 10 ºC;
  • the flower geranium adores the sun, so the best place for a pot with geranium is a south window;
  • geranium can bloom all year round, for this she is needed only in sufficient food and light: do not forget that her homeland is South Africa;
  • to enhance the branchiness, geranium shoots need to be segged;
  • faded flowers need to be removed;
  • almost all types of geranium need regular trimming.

Home geranium care

How to care for geranium at home

Grow geranium at home is very simple. The soil for geranium is needed moderately fertile, so that there are more colors and less than greenery on the bush. It is important to ensure a good drainage layer of large clay in a potted pot. It is necessary to water geranium abundantly, as the soil drying, and in winter, watering geranium almost stop. In spraying, geranium does not need, as it prefers fresh dry air, so it would be nice to bear it in the summer to the balcony. The light, as already mentioned, should be bright, straight sun rays are welcome. And only in the most sultry days, geranium is slightly covered with the sun. Temperature In the summer, the plant will arrange any, but in the winter it is desirable that there were about 15 ºC in the room.

Fertilizer for Gerani

Fertilizing Geran you need every two weeks from the end of March to mid-November with liquid fertilizers. An excellent feed for geranium is the iodine solution: 1 drop of iodine is dissolved in 1 liter of water and gently shed 50ml on the walls of the pot. No longer needed not to burn roots. After such feeding, the room geranium blooms for a long time and abundantly. Do not use fresh organic as a fertilizer, geranium does not tolerate it.

Genuine Gerani Transplantation

Geranium does not like transplants, and not very much in them. Only when the roots begin to get out of the drain hole pot, you can subjected it to this test. A gerainian landing or transplant is carried out in early spring when the plant begins the growing season. The pot should choose only for a couple of centimeters in diameter more than the one in which it grows, otherwise, if the pot is big, you will get a lot of branched shoots, but there will be no blooming geranium.

In the photo: Growing Gerani in the pot

Pruning geranium

In the fall comes the trimming of geranium shoots. Leave the stem with 6-7 leaves. Remove shoots that are not growing from the root, but from sheet sinuses. If during the winter, the plant again rummaged, in the spring (at the end of February or beginning of March) it can be cut again, leaving only a few kidney on the stem. Sliced \u200b\u200btwigs can be used as cuttings for breeding. In the future, in order to improve the flowering and make geranium bushes, the shoots are plugged after 4-5 leaves. From December to January, it is not recommended to trim geranium at home.

Reproduction of home geranium

Geranium breeding seeds

Geranium reproduction in a seed way is not at all difficult. Purchased seeds spare and give a large number of seedlings. The use of seeds collected from its own geranium is unlikely to give an expected result, because with seed reproduction, hybrid varieties lose signs of the parent plant. Seize geranium seeds in loose wet soil (peat, sand and nervous land in the ratio of 1: 1: 2), sprinkle on top of the layer of the same soil or sand with a thickness of two and a half centimeters. Top sprinkled with water from the pulverizer. So that the seedlings are not sick with the "black leg", the substrate should pre-shed a pink solution of manganese. The landing needs to be covered with glass and regularly moisturize soil, while eliminating condensate. Temperature for germination of seeds - 18-22 ºC. When shoots appear, the glass is cleaned, the container is moved into a light place, but the temperature is reduced to 16-20 ºC. After 1.5-2 months, seedlings appear on 2-3 of the present leaflet, and they can be seeded in pots, and when 5-6 leaves appear, it is possible to make a breakdown to enhance the body.

Gerana reproduction

It is possible to stock over the cuttings all year round, but it is better to do it in the spring. Gerani cuttings should be 5-7 cm long and have 2-3 leaf. The fresh carved cutlets during the day are imported, then sprinkle the seat with crowded coal and planted in a small pot with loose soil. Sometimes the cuttings are rooted in coarse sand, which all the time should be slightly humid, but when watering water should not fall on the leaves and stems so that the plants do not start. It is not necessary to cover the cuttings. After the cuttings appear roots, they are transplanted into the ground for a permanent place. Optimal temperature for rooting cuttings 20-22 ºC.

Hranian diseases

Geranium diseases and pests

Geranium rarely sick, but if it happens, then, as a rule, the cause is incorrect care. Sometimes young geraniums will draw the leg (black rot). Such plants are not treated, they need to be destroyed, and the soil in which sore instances grew should be sterilized or replaced by a new one. It is necessary to ensure that the soil moisure does not occur - this is the cause of black, root and gray rot. Sometimes geranium is striking ticks, whiteflies or aphids. If you started ticks or waves on your geranium, rush leaves, especially thoroughly from the bottom, the infancy of the pharmaceutical chamomile or tobacco with green soap. After 2-3 hours, wash with the leaves this composition with water. From the whiteflock you will help you to get rid of the treatment of plants with drugs such as "bison", "confident", "Aktellik" and "Fufanon", and everyone is in turn, because it's not so easy to get rid of this pest.

Why yellow gerantes

The reasons for yellowing leaves in geranium may be several:

  • if the leaves are yellow and dried only the edges, it means that the plant lacks moisture;
  • if the yellowness of the leaves is accompanied by lethargy, then the reason is precisely in the excess of moisture;
  • yellowing geranium and loses the bottom leaves and from insufficient lighting;
  • check if a pot is cracked;
  • sometimes the cause of yellowing and falling leaves can be adaptation when changing the place or after geranium transplantation.

In the photo: Gerana turns yellow

Why not blooms geranium

Usually the reason why geranium does not bloom, is:

  • too low temperature or shortage of light. In such cases, it is necessary to ensure the boost of the plant with daylight lamps;
  • sometimes wine is too fertile soil, so try to buy a special substrate for geranium or make it yourself on a recipe from our article;
  • too spacious pot, stimulating the growth of the root system, but the braking flowering;
  • late trimming: geranium needs to be regularly "striking", then it will be thicker to branch and fluffle.
  • irregular feeding geranium.

Why geranium dries

If Geranian leaves dry only tips, it means that the plant lacks water. Another reason that geranium dries is a fungal disease rust: the leaves are first covered with red-brown spots, then begin to dry and fall. Spray geranium with a five percent solution of burglar fluid or twice process it with a phytoosporin with an interval of 7-10 days.

In the photo: Leaves of Gerani

Types and varieties of geranium room

Most often, geranium zone is used in domestic flower growing, or the Kalachik, as it is still called in the surprise. It is distinguished by dark concentric circles on the leaves, grows up to 30-60 cm in height, sometimes even to a meter, blooms with simple or terry bright flowers collected in spherical umbrella inflorescences of red, raspberry, white or pink colors.

Geranium plush, or thyroid

A ampel plant for suspended vases with brittle hanging shoots to a meter long and with car-shaped inflorescences of simple, semi-world and terry flowers with a wide color palette.

Royal, or english large-flowered geranium

She is also home, royal noble) is represented by many varieties, shapes and colors, sometimes with motley leaves, with simple and terry flowers. The height of the plant - up to half a meter, is distinguished by a dark spot or strips along the lower lodins on the lower petals.

In the photo: Gerana plush

Fragrant geraniums

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# Siren 04.01.2020 00:14 Reply

# Denisenko O. 04.01.2020 16:41 Reply