Not enough testosterone in women. Low testosterone in women - causes and symptoms of low values, diagnosis and methods of normalization. How to increase testosterone in girls and women who are pregnant without hormones

The hormonal background changes greatly at this time, and this is reflected in all the life support systems of a woman. Many people think that female hormones are present in the female body, and male hormones in men, but this is far from the case. And with the approach of menopause, not only the female hormone estrogen, but also testosterone in women with menopause also begins to change its level. To understand medical terms, let's talk about the essence of hormones in general.

Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced in certain organs of the body: in the hypothalamus, in the pituitary gland, in the parathyroid gland, in the pancreas, in the genitals. These substances allow the whole body to function normally, to restore disruption for various reasons.

Each organ has its own type of hormone, and they unmistakably recognize each other when these signaling substances command different processes to occur in all body systems, moving from their places of production through the bloodstream to their destinations.

What are the functions of hormones?

  • cause the body or parts of it to grow, other hormones inhibit growth;
  • affect emotions;
  • stimulate or inhibit physiological cell death, which occurs throughout life;
  • enhance or reduce immunity;
  • control the metabolism in the body;
  • prepare the body for sexual intercourse, for movement, for physical effort;
  • prepare the body for global changes - for puberty, childbirth, menopause;
  • control reproductive cycles;
  • give a feeling of hunger and satiety;
  • cause sexual desire;
  • affect the production and levels of other hormones.

testosterone and women

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone, produced in the testes of men, in the female ovaries, and also in the adrenal cortex in both sexes. In the body of a man, this substance is responsible for the signs characteristic of the stronger sex, but for women, testosterone is very important in their health, although the level of this hormone in the weaker sex is four times lower than in men. In the female body, its greatest amount is present in the early morning, and its level also rises during ovulation and in the last trimester of pregnancy. And, despite the fact that this substance belongs to androgens, but in the body of women it plays a big role and affects many processes:

  • helps to develop follicles (repositories of eggs) in the ovaries. Increased testosterone levels during ovulation make a woman feel sexual desire;
  • the male hormone is of great importance for the growth and proper formation of bones in accordance with the sex of a person during adolescence; testosterone in a woman in menopause maintains the strength of the bone structure. Disruption of its balance can lead to a disease such as osteoporosis;
  • this androgen helps to form the muscles of the body in accordance with gender, even if the lady is hard at the gym and eats a lot of protein foods to build muscle. In this regard, female bodybuilders are forced to use steroids to increase muscle mass;
  • in the fatty layer of the body, the formation, storage and mutual exchange of many hormones involved in the process of human reproduction take place, including testosterone is converted into estrogen, the female hormone. In the case when there is a lack of male hormone, abdominal obesity occurs - an excessive increase in fat at the waist, which is very difficult to get rid of, no matter if you are a man or a lady;
  • androgenic hormone also helps to get rid of unconscious anxiety, fear and depression. Research scientists have proven that women with high levels of testosterone show higher rates in the thought process and memory than women who have a lower level of this hormone. But with its large volumes, a woman can become masculine in character, aggressive, self-confident, overly persistent in achieving her own, striving for dominance in relationships, for career growth. She becomes prone to chemical and gambling addiction, while women with low testosterone do not have such manifestations.

Risk Factors for Low Testosterone in Women

Normal androgen levels are very important for the health and well-being of the fair sex.

Hormone norms for women from 18 years of age and childbearing age: 0.31 - 3.78 nmol / l. In postmenopause, the content of 0.42 - 4.51 nmol / l is considered normal. It is important to remember that the amount directly depends on the state of the human body.

But for various reasons, its number may decrease, and we will get acquainted with them.

External factors affecting the decrease in the hormone

  • strict diets, raw food diet, consumption of only plant foods, starvation;
  • excess carbohydrate foods in the diet;
  • food with an excess of trace elements Mg, Zn;
  • a side effect of medications (contraceptives, antifungals, antispasmodics, immune suppressants, antiulcers);
  • medicinal herbs such as mint, black cohosh, licorice officinalis, dwarf palm;
  • lack of physical activity or excessive exercise;
  • completeness;
  • strong shocks;
  • alcoholism;
  • lack of solar procedures;
  • lack of sexual activity.

Internal causes

  1. genetic problems;
  2. disruption of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  3. endocrine problems;
  4. autoimmune abnormalities;
  5. malfunction of the adrenal glands;
  6. ovarian tumors;
  7. menopause.

Medical research has discovered an interesting fact that the state of health does not depend on the amount of androgen, but on how sensitive its receptors are. Although the female body has less testosterone, the sensitivity of its receptors is much more pronounced than in the male body, and the lack of androgen is compensated by estrogen.

Symptoms of low testosterone for women with menopause

There are many signs of low androgen in the female body, and almost all of them are present in the symptoms of menopause, when sexual function begins to fade:

  • interest in sex disappears, since testosterone is responsible for sexual arousal;
  • body weight increases; androgen keeps the balance of muscle and adipose tissue in balance, and the muscles weaken and atrophy during menopause, but the fat layer begins to grow. The figure becomes not feminine, the body is flabby;
  • cholesterol accumulates in the vessels, its conversion into useful forms stops, because there is not enough estrogen for this. Testosterone, instead of being useful, begins to do harm: it forms a deposit of cholesterol accumulations in the blood vessels, and the blood becomes thicker, the capillaries decrease in diameter and become fragile. As a result, pressure rises, hot flashes come, pain in the head, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the risk of stroke;
  • hair can thin both on the head and on the whole body, due to the renewal of the hairline;
  • the skin becomes dry, flaky, wrinkles begin, as testosterone affects the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic. Moreover, the skin needs sebaceous glands for its youth, and for their work, progesterone is needed, which is synthesized in them during the reaction of androgen with estrogen;
  • the rapid onset of fatigue during physical activity, the lack of a substance leads to weakness and drowsiness. The thought process is reduced, memory worsens;
  • when hormonal insufficiency occurs, mental breakdowns and depressions begin for no reason. Stress leads to a decrease in the male hormone, and this then leads to causeless stress. It turns out a vicious circle;
  • sleep disturbances, especially in premenopause, when the hormone either falls or rises. If an androgen release occurs in the evening, there will be no good rest at night. This hormone excites the nervous system, there may be nightmares;
  • decrease in bone strength. Estradiol protects bone tissue from calcium leaching, and testosterone helps in the production of building material for the skeleton. With a lack of hormones, the backbone becomes fragile;
  • a small amount of androgen, female hormone and progesterone lead to a lack of lubrication during intercourse, and as a result, sex for a woman becomes excruciating due to pain.

Consequences of low androgen

A decrease in the level of male substance leads to diseases such as:

  • endometriosis (change in the epithelium of the uterus);
  • breast cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • osteoporosis.

How to increase the level of the male hormone?

If symptoms arise, a woman should go to the doctor, and she will be prescribed a set of therapeutic measures:

  • hormone replacement therapy - drugs such as Omnadren, Paritet, Testosterone propionate;
  • treatment with herbal infusions;
  • rational healthy nutrition; foods that contain Zn - seafood, chicken meat, nuts; fruits and vegetables, fatty fish, olive oil, avocados;
  • physical education, physical activity;
  • elimination of stress, rest enough and on time;
  • exclusion of bad habits, sweet soda, fast food products.

Only after passing the tests can a correct diagnosis be made so as not to confuse the signs of a lack of a male hormone with indicators of other diseases.

Hormone analysis

To find out the level of testosterone in the blood, a woman takes blood from a vein. You need to pass the analysis on a certain day of the menstrual cycle, at the appointed time, on an empty stomach, excluding the day before that smoking, alcohol and sex. Without preparation, hormonal levels will be incorrect.

Causes of high androgen in women

Despite the fact that testosterone is extremely important for the body of the fair sex, its excess leads to worse results than a shortage. Increased testosterone is caused by a number of reasons:

  • diabetes mellitus with high insulin;
  • the level of estrogen above progesterone causes a surge in the male hormone;
  • lack of movement, physical activity, which are caused by high insulin to lower testosterone;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands, in which all hormones go out of the norm;
  • A high level of the hormone leptin prevents the body from burning fat. Leptin is designed to regulate appetite and control testosterone production. An increase in leptin leads to an increase in androgen in the blood;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • chemical additives in food;
  • genetic disorders;
  • Obesity: Fat increases androgen levels.

Signs of high testosterone

  1. weight is quickly gained, and the woman cannot lose weight;
  2. male-type hair thinning, mustache;
  3. acne, oily skin and hair;
  4. emotional breakdowns, frequent mood swings, anxiety;
  5. imbalance of other hormones identified by tests;
  6. sleep disturbed.

Consequences of high testosterone

An increase in the norm of this phenomenon leads to serious consequences, therefore, a woman should not be left without attention.

The following health problems may occur:

  • ovarian disease;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • diabetes mellitus in old age;
  • in childbearing age, this phenomenon can lead to infertility or miscarriages.

Treatment for elevated androgen

Before you are prescribed treatment forms, you need to determine what reason led to the increase in this hormone, and treat accordingly:

  1. With high insulin, you need to exercise intensively, reduce carbohydrate intake, take T3 hormone to speed up metabolism, Metmorphine, GLP-1 and other forms, biological supplements Berberine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Mg, Cr.
  2. With an imbalance of female hormones, a mixture of female hormonal components, dietary supplements, vitamin B12, 5-MTHF, DIM, milk thistle grass, medical sulfur, vegetable progesterone should be taken in menopause.
  3. In case of adrenal gland disease, it is prescribed to increase the consumption of sea salt, get rid of stress through meditation and walks in nature, drink less coffee, alcohol, and reduce the use of medicinal stimulants (amphetamine). You also need 8 hours of sleep at night, without a quiet hour, do not eat up at night, dietary supplements - adaptogens and adrenal hormones, vitamins B6 and C, melatonin for falling asleep.
  4. With excess leptin, the following treatment is used - clinical nutrition and dosed starvation, a decrease in carbohydrates in the diet, including fruits, increased physical activity, drugs Byetta, Victoza, Bydureon, Vitamin D3, Zn, Leucine.

The most important decision is to find exactly the reason why testosterone for women is high or low. And in this case, the treatment will not take much time, normalizing this hormone in the body.

If you experience some of the symptoms described above, you should contact a specialist so that you can be prescribed qualified treatment. You should not self-medicate: without an in-depth examination, you will not understand the cause of failures in hormonal health. Even some doctors believe that the amount of testosterone in menopause does not play a big role, like a lack of female hormones. But the union of androgen with estradiol and progesterone has a huge impact on the entire body of a woman. Visit the doctor in time, follow his recommendations and be healthy!

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As you know, for the body of the fairer sex, a sufficient content of the male sex hormone is very important, since low testosterone in women can lead to many internal and external changes of a negative nature.

The essence of the problem

This hormone is produced by the adrenal cortex and the ovaries. A small amount of this hormone is produced in the placenta and skin. Regulates the production of hormones by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In general, testosterone in women is responsible for:

  • the size, position and function of the reproductive system;
  • function of the ovaries for the production of eggs;
  • physical attraction;
  • skeleton formation;
  • density of bone tissue;
  • muscle volume and mass;
  • adipose tissue;
  • the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • condition of the skin;
  • exchange of nitrogen and phosphorus;
  • an increase in the chemical compound and the process of protein breakdown;
  • the likelihood of cardiovascular pathologies, including atherosclerosis;
  • anabolic effect;
  • synthesis of lipoproteins in the liver;
  • digestibility of minerals and water by the body;
  • regulation of blood sugar levels;
  • resistance to stress;
  • the body's ability to resist prolonged performance of any work without a noticeable decrease in performance;
  • cognitive functions.

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In medicine, the normal level of testosterone in the male body is considered to be about 300-1000 units. As for the female body, in this case, only from 15 to 80 conventional units should be considered the norm. If the level of androgen in a woman is elevated, then this can make her like a man and lead to infertility, a low level of the hormone also does not promise anything positive.

Many women understand that a decrease in androgen in the body indicates aging. For every woman, a normal androgen level is very important, since it is testosterone that provides a rejuvenating effect, the skin becomes more elastic, a woman gains strength and energy, improves mood and increases the body's resistance to stressful situations.

When examining blood to detect testosterone levels, one should take into account the fact that it can fluctuate significantly throughout the entire menstrual cycle and very strongly during the period of bearing a child. The level of this androgen will be affected by stress, depression, fatigue and sexual arousal.

The level of androgen in a woman after menopause is greatly reduced. In any case, every woman will begin to think about how to increase the testosterone content in the body.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

Experts identify the following causes of low testosterone levels in the female body:

  • external factors: disturbed regimen and quality of nutrition; consumption of a significant amount of carbohydrates; food containing large amounts of magnesium and zinc; taking certain medications, such as hormonal drugs, contraceptives, anticonvulsants, immunosuppressants, etc.; some medicinal plants, such as mint, licorice or dwarf palm; reduced physical activity; excess body weight; stressful state; excessive alcohol consumption; infrequent exposure to the sun; low sexual activity;
  • internal causes: heredity; diseases of the pituitary or hypothalamus; some autoimmune pathologies; diseases of the adrenal glands; formations in the ovaries; natural aging process.

In the case of a decrease in the level of testosterone in the body, women note the appearance of the following signs:

  • fat folds in the lower abdomen, on the arms, as well as in the cervical region;
  • dryness and thinning of the skin;
  • fragility, section and hair loss;
  • decrease or complete absence of physical attraction;
  • weakened vocal cords, altered timbre and voice power;
  • feeling of apathy and increased fatigue;
  • tearfulness and irritability;
  • fragility of bone tissue;
  • infertility;
  • excessive sweating;
  • bad sleep;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • cognitive decline.

The reduced level of this androgen leads to a decrease in the lubrication secreted by the vagina, due to which sexual intercourse causes a feeling of discomfort, which leads to the avoidance of sexual life. Everyone knows that a decrease in testosterone levels can provoke the development of a number of pathological conditions:

  • a gynecological disease in which endometrial cells grow outside this layer;
  • mammary cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • bone disease, which is characterized by their increased fragility.

How to fix everything?

The reduced level of this androgen is far from being a sentence. You can increase it with the help of complex treatment, which will use hormone replacement therapy, as well as normalized nutrition and physical activity. You can increase testosterone levels if you eliminate stress factors and bad habits, as well as normalize rest. Symptoms characteristic of low testosterone levels may be signs of completely different pathological conditions. Therefore, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and try to decipher the results of the research yourself. You need to see a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify the true causes of a decrease in testosterone in a woman's body.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that a low level of androgen is not always detected due to the fact that the body began to produce it in a smaller amount, but only because it began to transform into estrogen very quickly. And there are natural ways to reduce this transformation, which will increase the level of required androgen in the female body.

The easiest way in this case is to saturate the body with zinc through consumed foods. To do this, you need to include nuts, seeds, poultry and seafood in your diet. However, the highest concentration of zinc in the liver of animals and various birds.

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Very well increase the level of testosterone in the fairer sex vegetable fats and oils. Therefore, when dressing salads, it is recommended to use corn or olive oil. Vegetable oils should be used wherever possible.

In conclusion, it should be added that a woman, being a wife and mother, should be more sensitive to her health. Do not neglect your health and ignore the symptoms that indicate a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo appropriate examinations to exclude pathological conditions. Only a specialist will be able to determine the exact clinical picture and prescribe the appropriate course of therapy.

It is found only in the blood of men. However, it is not. It is also found in the female body. Deviation from the norm of testosterone in women entails negative consequences, including for childbearing function. The reasons for the decrease and increase in the level of the hormone are different. We'll talk more about this later.

Most people believe that testosterone is only found in the blood of men.

Normal testosterone levels in women

The concentration of the hormone in the blood of women varies depending on external and internal influences. The level varies depending on the time of day (in the morning the level is higher, in the evening - lower), age and phase of the menstruation cycle.

During pregnancy, the hormonal level increases and by the third trimester its value becomes 3-4 times higher than normal.

Testosterone can be both in a protein-bound state and in a free state. The bound hormone is not metabolized and forms a pool (reserve). Its minimum concentration is observed in girls before puberty (0.05-1.8 pg / ml), the maximum - in the pubertal period (4.1 pg / ml). The amount of free testosterone in women is about 2%.

When calculating the level of hormones, both values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken into account, since changes in the level and ratio of bound and unbound testosterone make it possible to make a correct diagnosis.

Testosterone in a woman's body: functions

A change in the level of the hormone in question indicates the presence of a serious pathology in the body of a woman

What is testosterone in women responsible for? For the implementation of what functions of the female body is it needed?

The considered hormone of the androgenic group is produced by the adrenal glands, ovaries. Smaller amounts are produced by the placenta and skin. The concentration of the hormone changes due to the work of the pituitary and hypothalamus systems. Testosterone in the female body is necessary for the following functions:

  1. The formation of an egg in the ovaries.
  2. Proper functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Increase in muscle mass.
  4. Formation of sufficient bone density.
  5. Regulation of the amount of adipose tissue and the work of the sebaceous glands.
  6. The development of sexual desire.
  7. Regulation of the metabolism of proteins, phosphorus, nitrogen, lipoproteins.
  8. Reducing the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
  9. Endurance.
  10. Stress resistance.
  11. Correct water exchange.
  12. Blood sugar control.

How does testosterone abnormality manifest in women?

A change in the level of the hormone in question indicates the presence of a serious pathology in the woman's body. Fluctuations in testosterone concentration are expressed by various symptoms, in the presence of which you should immediately visit a doctor and donate blood for hormones.

Excess hormone: causes, symptoms

Normally, concentration increases after physical work. A pathological excess of testosterone in women threatens to disrupt the formation of the egg. This pathology is called: "Hyperandrogenism". By origin, the disease is divided into ovarian and adrenal. The causes of pathology can be the following:

  • neoplasm in the ovaries;
  • ovulatory phase of the cycle;
  • adrenal hyperplasia;
  • malnutrition;
  • heredity;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking medications.

All of the above conditions, with the exception of pregnancy, require testing and treatment.

Pathological excess of testosterone in women threatens to disrupt the formation of the egg

Diagnosing hyperandrogenism is easy. The symptoms are as follows:

  1. Increased secretion of sebum.
  2. The appearance of acne.
  3. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Male body type.
  5. The appearance of hair on the face, chest.
  6. Roughening of the voice.
  7. Increased aggressiveness.
  8. Enlargement of the clitoris.
  9. Increasing motor activity.

Prolonged hyperandrogenism leads to impaired ovarian function and threatens infertility.

Low testosterone in women: causes, symptoms

This pathology can provoke serious diseases: diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, inflammation of the endometrium, breast tumors, heart and vascular diseases.

The causes of low testosterone in women can be both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external).

The causes of low testosterone in women can be both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external)

Endogenous causes include:

  • diseases of the adrenal glands, hypothalamus or pituitary gland;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • heredity;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • age changes.

Exogenous causes include the following:

  • eating foods high in magnesium or zinc;
  • unbalanced or malnutrition;
  • consumption of carbohydrates in large quantities;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking medications (eg, contraceptives, antifungals, anticonvulsants);
  • weight gain;
  • high or low physical activity;
  • insufficient sunbathing;
  • insufficient sexual activity.

If a woman has low testosterone, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Brittle hair, nails, dry skin.
  2. Obesity in the abdomen, neck and arms.
  3. Decreased voice power.
  4. Depression.
  5. Lack of sexual desire.
  6. Irritability, tearfulness.
  7. Decreased bone density.
  8. Infertility.
  9. Tachycardia.
  10. Sweating.
  11. Slimming.
  12. Sleep disturbance.
  13. Decreased memory, attention

Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after passing tests

Treatment can be medical and with the help of folk methods. Drug therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor after passing the tests. Self-administration of hormonal drugs can lead to serious consequences. Hormone therapy involves the appointment of drugs (for example, Yarina, Digitalis).

If the cause of the change in the level of the hormone lies in the tumor, then the question of its prompt removal is considered.

To reduce the concentration of the hormone, you should adjust the diet. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be balanced, but you cannot limit yourself in food. The diet should include vegetables, meat, seafood. Exercise will help reduce the concentration of androgenic hormone. Phytotherapy will also help in solving this problem: vitex, licorice root, black cohosh. These herbs bring hormonal balance back to normal.

To reduce the concentration of the hormone, you should adjust the diet

With a low hormonal level, eating chicken meat, nuts, olives and fish is recommended. These products contain a lot of zinc, which is necessary to get rid of the disease. Products must be of natural origin, they must not contain hormones.

Weight loss can also help increase testosterone levels in women. If there is no effect from the above measures, this indicates the need to prescribe testosterone-containing drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe such hormone therapy.

For successful treatment, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

In the human body, the formation, development and functioning of the reproductive system is determined by a special class of substances - sex steroids. These hormones are produced in the gonads (testes in men, ovaries in women). A small amount of sex steroids is also secreted by the adrenal cortex.

Estrogens and progestogens are responsible for the presence of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, sexual desire, and fertility in women, and androgens in men. All these hormones are present in the blood of every person in some quantity. Sex differences are observed at the level of the ratio between estrogens and androgens.

Normally, in women, only the minimum level of androgens is determined in the blood.

Androgens in healthy women

Androgens in the female body are produced under the action of tropic hormones of the pituitary gland. In this central endocrine gland, 2 main factors acting in this direction are synthesized - luteinizing and adrenocorticotropic hormones (LH and ACTH).

In a healthy woman of reproductive age, androgens (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone) and prohormones (androstenedione, dihydroepiandrosterone / DHEA /, dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate / DHEA-S /) are determined in the blood. Prohormones have their muscularizing effect only after activation, that is, after conversion into testosterone.

Almost 100% of DHEA enters the blood from the cells of the adrenal reticular layer. A slight secretion of this hormone is also observed in ovarian theca cells.

Active testosterone in women is produced:

  • in the ovaries (25%);
  • in the adrenal glands (25%);
  • in adipose tissue (50%).

Adipose tissue cells do not synthesize androgens. But it is in the subcutaneous fat that the conversion of prohormones into testosterone occurs. With obesity or underweight, this process can be disrupted. Moreover, the balance sometimes shifts towards a lack of hormones, and sometimes towards hyperandrogenism.

In a woman of reproductive age, about 300 mcg of testosterone is produced in the body every day. This number can be considered insignificant compared to men. In the representatives of the stronger sex, on average, testosterone is produced daily 20 times more.

With age, androgen production in women decreases. Unlike estrogen, this decrease is not dramatic. Hormone production drops by several percent every year after the age of 30. At the age of 45, women have only half the concentration of androgens in their blood compared to twenty-year-olds.

Androgens in women normally play several roles. These hormones can be converted into estrogens (in the ovaries and adipose tissue). By itself, testosterone affects the nervous and reproductive systems, muscle tissue, the psychological sphere, and metabolism in women.

The action of androgens:

  • enhance the growth of skeletal muscles;
  • contribute to the mineralization of bone tissue;
  • reduce the risk of anemia;
  • activate the nervous system;
  • improve logical thinking;
  • increase libido;
  • eliminate depression.

Women with low levels of male sex steroids are more likely to be dissatisfied with their well-being, have personality problems and get little pleasure in their sex life. In postmenopausal women, these patients are at higher risk of osteoporosis and fractures, anemia, and severe depression.

Androgen imbalance

Excessive production of testosterone and its precursors leads to the appearance of male characteristics in women. If an increased concentration of androgens is observed during fetal development, then the girl is born with abnormally developed external genitalia. Such a newborn has an enlarged clitoris, and the large labia are fused. Externally, the genital organs resemble the male in structure. Sometimes an examination is required to clarify the sex of the child.

In girls, excess testosterone can cause early maturation in a heterogeneous pattern. These children enter puberty early. They have signs of the opposite sex (a characteristic physique, excessive hair growth on the face and body, a decrease in the timbre of the voice).

In adult women, hyperandrogenism provokes:

  • redistribution of adipose tissue;
  • hypotrophy of the mammary glands;
  • hirsutism (hair growth in androgen-dependent zones);
  • baldness;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility;
  • miscarriage;
  • dyslipidemia.

Quite often, the manifestations of elevated testosterone levels are subtle. Women consider excessive hair growth and problematic skin to be just a cosmetic problem.

If a girl has a low level of androgens before puberty, then her physical development may be somewhat delayed. Such children grow slowly, have insufficient weight and muscle strength.

Lack of testosterone in women of reproductive age leads to:

  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • deterioration in the quality of life;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • chronic fatigue.

In postmenopausal women, these patients are at higher risk of osteoporosis and fractures, anemia, and severe depression.

The main causes of hyperandrogenism (increased)

Tumor processes, congenital anomalies, fermentopathy, and obesity can lead to an excess of testosterone in the female body.

The main reasons for the increase in hormone levels:

  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • adrenal adenomas (androsteroma);
  • tumors of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries;
  • increase in LH;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • obesity.

With congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex in a woman, the synthesis of steroids is impaired. The body is experiencing a clear lack of vital glucocorticoids (primarily cortisol). Because of this, ACTH synthesis is activated in the pituitary gland. This tropic hormone increases the synthesis of testosterone and its precursors in the cortex.

Polycystic ovary syndrome occurs due to congenital insulin resistance. Most often, this pathology manifests itself in women with overweight, hypertension, high cholesterol, impaired glucose tolerance. Excess testosterone in this case is produced in the ovaries.

Malignant and benign tumors of endocrine tissues are sometimes the cause of hyperandrogenism. Neoplasms can be localized in the adrenal glands, ovaries, hypothalamic-pituitary region.

LH imbalance leads to an increase in testosterone levels in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (after ovulation).

Itsenko-Cushing's disease is characterized by stable hypersecretion of ACTH and glucocorticosteroids. In patients, there is a redistribution of fatty tissue, striae, hypertension, steroid diabetes. Excess testosterone in this case appears due to excessive activity of the reticular zone of the adrenal cortex.

With hypothyroidism, total testosterone in women often remains normal, but the concentration of its biologically active form increases. This is due to a decrease in the production of a special carrier protein (sex-binding globulin) in the liver.

Causes of hypoandrogenism (lowered)

Testosterone deficiency in women can go undiagnosed for a long time. Reduced levels of testosterone and its precursors are found in:

  • ovarian pathology (ovarian exhaustion, etc.);
  • severe chronic diseases (heart failure, kidney failure, etc.);
  • endocrinopathies (panhypopituatrism, secondary hypogonadism, adrenal insufficiency, etc.);
  • treatment with certain drugs.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of testosterone levels in women is carried out by endocrinologists and gynecologists.

The survey includes:

  • collection of information about complaints, heredity, etc.;
  • general inspection;
  • gynecological examination;
  • blood and urine tests for testosterone and its metabolites;
  • study of the level of other hormones: gonadotropins, ACTH, thyrotropin, cortisol, estrogen;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • Ultrasound of the adrenal glands.

It is known that the most accurate analysis for the detection of hyperandrogenism is the study of free testosterone. This indicator shows the concentration of the active hormone, and not its bound form.

Everyone knows that testosterone is considered a male hormone and its high level provides the stronger sex with such qualities as strength, endurance, elastic muscle mass, sex drive, male-type hairline. But testosterone is also present in the female body and plays an equally important role, although it is contained in lower concentrations.

In a healthy male body, testosterone is contained in a concentration of approximately 300-1000 conventional units, and in the female body only 15-80 conventional units are considered the norm. If, with a high level of the hormone, a woman becomes masculine, up to infertility, then a low level of testosterone in women also does not bode well.

Women know that a decrease in the concentration of the hormone in the body is a symptom of aging and for this reason they are very zealous about testosterone tests. This is really close to the truth, low testosterone in women causes a lot of both internal and external negative changes.

For the female body, a sufficient level of testosterone is very important, as it gives a very powerful anti-aging effect, makes the skin dense and elastic, gives strength and energy, improves mood and increases stress resistance.

When determining the level of the hormone in women, one should take into account the factors that the concentration of testosterone, in addition to small daily fluctuations, will change significantly during the menstrual cycle and very strongly during pregnancy. The content of the hormone in the female body will be influenced by factors such as stress, depression, fatigue, sexual arousal.

Significantly reduced testosterone levels in women after menopause. All these facts sooner or later make you wonder what are the ways to increase testosterone in women.

The disadvantage of diagnosing is that the decrease in the concentration of the hormone occurs in the body very smoothly and gradually, the process can last for months and years, so it will be difficult to notice the changes that are happening to you, but you can try to do it.

Low testosterone levels in women, which can be diagnosed without testing and which may be a reason to see a doctor, may have the following symptoms:

  • First of all, you should pay attention to whether subcutaneous fat has appeared on your body, which was not there before, especially in the lower abdomen, on the neck and arms. It is in these areas of the body that low testosterone provokes the formation of body fat in women.
  • The following equally important symptoms concern your skin. Do you need more and more moisturizer to achieve firmness and elasticity? Does your skin feel dry and thin to the touch? These signs can also often be symptoms of low testosterone in the body.
  • Almost all the same changes as with the skin can occur with your hair - hair loss, fragility, finesse, brittleness. Has an elastic thick braid gone somewhere or a recalcitrant thick mop of iridescent strong hair? The same testosterone is responsible for the hairline on our body, so be attentive to these changes.
  • Testosterone, as you know, is the ancestor of sex androgenic hormones, so a change, and especially a decrease in its concentration, cannot but affect your sex life. If sexual desire has become a rare event in your life, sexual intercourse does not bring that pleasure as before, on the contrary, it even causes irritability and fatigue - something is wrong with the sex hormones, the regulator of which in the body of men and women is all the same testosterone.

  • Chronic fatigue and high fatigue is a general epidemic of our turbulent times, but what if you don’t feel like a cheerful, energetic, strong woman even after a long rest? Fitness membership expires, where you never went, and you haven't been to your favorite pool all winter? Apparently, something is wrong with the level of testosterone, since it is he who is responsible for vigor, muscle strength and energy in our body.
  • Irritability and stress, sometimes turning into prolonged depression, poison your life, nothing makes you happy, loss of motivation, spirit of competition and rivalry? Favorite work and chores around the house no longer give the same pleasure as it used to be, favorite culinary recipes are abandoned, home flowers wilted without care? And here, perhaps, it was not without a violation of the hormonal level, because it is the hormones in our body that stimulate the feeling of pleasure, joy, happiness, satisfaction. And not the last role here is played by the same testosterone.

There are other symptoms that may be characteristic signs of low testosterone in the body, but it is rather difficult to determine them at home.

Such symptoms, for example, include a decrease in the density of the bone skeleton. For this case, indirectly, this can be assumed by the fragility, dryness and brittleness of the nails or osteoporosis beginning to develop.

If in the listed list of symptoms you have noted three or more items for yourself, then in this case you should still contact a specialist to check the level of hormones in the body. Fortunately, low testosterone does not pose a health risk to the female body, so the doctor may not prescribe any medication for you.

But don't worry about it, there are effective natural ways to raise the level of testosterone in the female body, and they are certainly more pleasant and safer than ingesting synthetic hormones. Another disadvantage of increasing testosterone in women with medications is the possibility of an overdose.

We raise testosterone

A decrease in the overall level of testosterone in the female body does not always mean that this hormone has become less produced, since it can very quickly turn into the female hormone estrogen. Therefore, there are some natural ways to reduce this transformation and increase testosterone in a woman.

This task (slowing down the conversion of testosterone to estrogens) is most effectively performed by zinc, which you can try to enrich the body with the food we eat. Foods that abound in zinc are well-known and affordable nuts and seeds, seafood and poultry meat. But most of all zinc is found in the liver of various animals and birds.

Oils and vegetable fats perform well the function of increasing testosterone in women. It would be best to season salads with corn and olive oil and add vegetable oil wherever possible, for example, pour plenty of porridge, cheese. In the absence of corn and olive oil, sunflower oil, especially unrefined oil, will do just fine. Healthy fats are found in many varieties of white fish and poultry.

As a characteristic symptom of a low level of testosterone in the body, the formed fat deposits on the body are formed, but the opposite is also true - as soon as we begin to get rid of subcutaneous fat, the level of testosterone in the body will immediately become higher. But no low-calorie diets! Getting rid of excess fat should occur exclusively in the process of increasing the level of activity and sports, combining this with a healthy diet.