Measures for the prevention of labor discipline at the enterprise. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas

Starts with a definition of a term "work discipline".

No work process can be effective if employees and employers do not comply with their obligations. Regardless of the purpose of labor activity, its achievement is possible only if labor discipline is observed (hereinafter referred to as TD). Besides, maintenance of TD is necessary:

  • to educate the need for the proper performance of their duties;
  • for the most efficient use of working time;
  • to ensure the proper level of labor protection.

It is possible to consider TD in several aspects:

  • the principle of labor law;
  • institute of labor law;
  • component of labor relations.

If we talk about principles, then TD is obligation of employees and employers to comply with the terms of the employment contract.

Acting as an institution of law, the TD combines the norms of the organization's routine and assessment of the behavior of employees in the process.

As part of an employment relationship, the level of compliance by the participants of the legal relations of the concluded agreement. In this case, we are talking about the level of TD, which can be measured.

Exists multiple approaches to the assessment of TD. According to one of them, the level of TD is assessed as high, medium or low.

High observed if all participants in labor relations, with rare exceptions, strictly comply with the requirements specified in the legislation and labor regulations.

The level of discipline of the team, where some of the employees systematically commit violations, is assessed as average.

If violations of the rules of the organization's routine are massive, then the level is assessed as short.

The disadvantage of the classification is that only negative deviations from the prescribed norms are taken into account. There is a different approach to classification: to take into account both violations and positive aspects in the work. With this method, the classification next:

  1. High level of TD have employees who ideally comply with all the norms and regulations of the labor schedule, helping the management to work to improve the level of the organization's TD.
  2. Average characteristic of those who do not allow violations, but at the same time do nothing beyond their duties.
  3. Employees with low level- persons committing violations.

There is also a more detailed classification - on a five-point scale. With this assessment, the minimum is 1, the average is 3, the maximum is 5. This approach allows you to measure the level most objectively.

Calculation example

For example, let's simulate a situation. There is a company that employs 20 workers. The administration faces the task of measuring the level of TD. The administration considers it important the following aspects of employee behavior:

  • activity regarding violations of the routine;
  • efficient use of working time.

Let's make a table.

Violations Use of working time (PW)
1. Severely deviant behavior Two or more (for the reporting period) Absence from the workplace for three hours or more, absenteeism is allowed
2. Deviant One Absence from work for less than three hours is allowed
3. Lawful No violations No RV loss
4. Active No violations, active Over-fulfillment of the plan by 10-20% (due to the saving of RV)
5. Very active Demonstrates labor heroism Over-fulfillment of the plan - more than 20% (due to the saving of RV)

Thanks to the table, the necessary qualities of employees can be assessed by putting down points. Having collected data on all employees of the enterprise, we will fill in the table and get the initial parameters for calculating the values ​​of TD.

Now let's calculate the level of discipline in relation to the number of violations - you need to consistently multiply the values ​​from the "violations" column by the corresponding marks. The results obtained must be added, then divided by 20 - the number of employees in the organization.

D \u003d (2 * 1 + 5 * 2 + 11 * 3 + 2 * 4 + 5 * 0) / 20 \u003d 2.65

We will carry out similar calculations for time losses, only the values ​​must be taken from the right column.

D \u003d (2 * 1 + 6 * 2 + 7 * 3 + 4 * 4 + 1 * 5) / 20 \u003d 2.8

Values ​​of TD levels for each of the qualities of employees are obtained. To assess the discipline of the organization as a whole, it remains to calculate their arithmetic mean.

D \u003d (2.8 + 2.65) / 2 \u003d 2.725

Calculations have shown that the level of labor discipline at the enterprise is slightly below average.

For example, calculations are given for the total two qualities of employees. In practice, any number of indicators can be used. For example, management can evaluate the amount of defective products in production or the ability of employees to economically use raw materials and materials. In this case, the table will have more columns, and the calculations will take a little longer, but otherwise no changes are required.

The criteria by which employees are evaluated can also be developed independently. There are no strict rules, but if you wish, you can focus on the norms of the law: article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for example, lists examples of manifestations of labor heroism and activity.

The main duties of employees, including obligations to comply with the TD, are indicated in article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; obligations of employers - in article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The employee is obliged:

  • comply with the working hours;
  • protect the property of the enterprise;
  • follow the rules of labor protection;
  • follow the instructions of the management accurately and without delay;
  • not violate the general rules of conduct, etc.

The employer is obliged:

  • supply employees with the necessary equipment, documentation;
  • ensure labor safety;
  • pay employees for work in proportion to its value;
  • pay for work in full and on time, etc.

The management of the enterprise to improve the level of discipline may introduce new rules in the internal labor regulations, issue local regulations. The specific list of measures depends on what kind of discipline problems are relevant for the organization.

For example, if employees are regularly late, it is advisable to introduce an electronic badge system for closer control. With high staff turnover, it is necessary to take measures to form a stable team. This requires a revision of the personnel policy of the enterprise (for example, tightening the requirements for applicants). If industrial injuries have become more frequent, it is logical to consider options for tougher penalties for violations of industrial safety.

The effectiveness of measures to strengthen the TD in the general case depends on the ability of managers to identify the problem and select relevant measures.

Allocate the following ways increasing the motivation of employees to comply with the schedule: persuasion, encouragement, coercion.

persuasion method is the provision of moral and psychological impact on employees.

Reward method This is a reward for employees for conscientious performance of their duties. An approximate list of possible incentives is fixed in article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Coercion method- these are the measures applied to persons violating the TD. Detailed information on such measures is contained in articles 192-195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Major violations

Violation of the TD (or disciplinary offense) is non-performance or improper performance of duties by an employee.

Among the most common violations are absenteeism absence of an employee from the workplace without a good reason.

Refusal to attend refresher courses is regarded as a disciplinary offense if the training is necessary for the compliance of the employee with his job function.

If The duties of the employee include the control of material assets, then disagreement to sign an agreement on full liability is a violation.

It should be emphasized that failure to comply with the requirements of the employer is considered as a disciplinary offense only if the requirements do not contradict the norms of the law and the employment contract.

The actions of employees not related to labor activity cannot be considered a violation of the TD.

If the list of incentives enshrined in legislation is exemplary, then the list of possible penalties enshrined in Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is exhaustive. In other words, organizations cannot independently develop and apply in practice types of penalties that are not specified in the legislation.

Dismissal - most severe penalty. As such, it appears in Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, specific cases where management has the right to dismiss an employee are listed in Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Dismissal is the only type of penalty recorded in the employee's work book. Other types of penalties - remark and reprimand.

Additional information is provided below.

A special place in strengthening labor discipline is acquired by the ability to correctly use incentives to work and realize the economic interests of workers. It is impossible to strengthen labor discipline, to increase the activity of people, without showing attention to their living conditions, to personal interests. Material interest is closely connected with the social and production activities of people. It is an incentive to work. Feature modern system incentive is that the remuneration of workers directly depends not only on the results of their individual work, but also on the overall results of the work of all the personnel of the enterprise.

Conscious discipline arises on the basis of understanding by the personnel of the enterprise of unity of purpose, which is based on a sense of mutual responsibility of employees for the performance of the work entrusted to them. Nevertheless, in our society cases of violation of labor, production and technological discipline are not uncommon. The economy still suffers from the loss of working time due to tardiness, absenteeism, drunkenness and other violations of discipline.

To maintain and strengthen labor discipline, methods of persuasion and coercion are combined. Belief- the main direction of activity in the regulation of social relations, it is associated with the widespread use of educational measures and incentives for work. Compulsion- a method of influencing violators of labor discipline. Here apply measures of social and disciplinary influence. Discipline is provided, first of all, by the conscious attitude of workers to work and encouragement for conscientious work.

The following incentive measures are envisaged: gratitude, issuance of an award, awarding a valuable gift, awarding a certificate of honor. Other incentives may be provided, which are applied by the administration jointly or in agreement with the trade union committee of the enterprise, institution, organization.

To unscrupulous, undisciplined employees, the legislation provides for the possibility and necessity of applying measures of disciplinary and social influence.

The educational role can be played by councils of primary subdivisions, councils of foremen, councils of employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

In production teams working on a single basis, along with payment according to end result, an atmosphere of intolerance towards violators of labor discipline is objectively created. In the collectives of these brigades, the mutual exactingness of workers to each other is increasing, combined with mutual assistance and support. Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere at the enterprise and in the subdivision, everyone’s confidence that his opinion is valued by the manager and staff, turns into the desire of employees to participate in production management, in the growth of consciousness and discipline, in increasing self-discipline. If the measures of persuasion do not have the proper effect on the employee, measures of coercion and disciplinary action can be used against him: bringing to administrative and material liability on the basis of existing legal norms, as well as the application of economic sanctions for violation of labor discipline. The administration of an enterprise, institution, organization may apply disciplinary sanctions: reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand. In the charters of enterprises and regulations on subdivisions, other disciplinary sanctions may also be provided for certain categories of workers and employees.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the offense committed and the circumstances under which it was committed. It is also recommended to take into account the behavior of the employee in the period preceding the violation of discipline.

IN modern conditions the main factor in maintaining high labor discipline at the enterprise may be the education of employees of a sense of moral and material responsibility for the success of the work of departments and all personnel as a whole. Where the heads of enterprises and their departments show concern for the personnel, combining this with high demands, supported by measures of moral and material influence on people, good labor results should also be expected.

A large role in strengthening labor discipline belongs to the heads of grass-roots structural units - foremen and foremen, heads of groups, sectors, departments, etc., who are most closely related to the work and life of workers, directly affect production activities and the condition of workers.

To solve the problems of strengthening labor discipline, such a form of social partnership as a collective agreement is used, which is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations between employees and the employer. The content of the collective agreement may include mutual obligations of the employer and employees on issues of remuneration, monetary remuneration, benefits, compensations, conditions and labor protection, benefits for trainees on the job, taking into account the fulfillment of the indicators specified in the agreement. Non-compliance and non-fulfilment of such indicators, naturally, should affect the material conditions of violators of discipline.

Daily work to maintain and strengthen labor discipline is a constant concern of the administration. The whole situation at the enterprise should contribute to the observance of labor discipline and thereby contribute to the successful solution of the tasks facing it.

Many organizations neglect elementary safety requirements, do not comply with technological production standards, put up with low labor and performance discipline, lose sight of the fact that strengthening discipline and law and order is the most important basis for ensuring public safety, accelerating the socio-economic development of the country, improving people's lives. After analyzing the literature, I believe that such a fragmentation of discipline is important for the organization of labor in each specific case. From an economic and legal point of view, such a division (and consolidation in the code) of discipline into labor and production (and even more so technological) is inexpedient and illogical. Firstly, all types of production discipline are enshrined in local regulations that determine the labor schedule of employees, that is, the implementation of production discipline is subject to the established labor schedule. And, secondly, neither in the Labor Code, nor in other normative acts, there is a separate type of responsibility for violation of production discipline. That is, production discipline is included in the content of the concept of labor discipline.

In legal terms, labor discipline at an enterprise is a set of organizational and legal measures that ensure the order of labor activity and reflect the exacting measures for each employee.

Labor discipline can also be outside the organization, for example, a senior railway employee, while outside his office, must observe certain forms of behavior, this also applies to prosecutors and other law enforcement officials. Any joint work requires organization, and this requires the establishment of rules, and therefore it is clear that without labor discipline, the labor process a large number employee is not possible. It consists not only in the timely appearance / departure from work, but it is necessary to observe technological discipline, technical rules and certain organizational rules, all this together adds up to a certain order that must be observed by all participants in the work. The question of labor discipline in our country has always been one of the most difficult to resolve. Despite the fact that under the USSR there were quite strict measures, when there was a period that criminal liability was provided for being late for 20 minutes.

Analyzing the situation in the republic as a whole regarding the deterioration of labor discipline, I believe that the main reason for this situation should be recognized as irresponsibility, negligence, drunkenness, self-interest, individualism, and maximizing the consumption of material goods.

In order to strengthen public security and discipline, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, republican and local government bodies and other state bodies and organizations need to:

1.1 . carry out inspections of social, domestic and cultural facilities everywhere, regardless of the form of ownership, and make the necessary decisions on the implementation of repair work and on the operation of buildings that are in an emergency and dilapidated state;

1.2. to organize in all collectives and at the place of residence of citizens training in actions in emergency situations;

1.3 . to include in the list of criteria for evaluating the work of managerial personnel at all levels indicators of the state of labor and performance discipline, ensuring safe work in the industries, regions, cities, districts and organizations headed by them;

1.4 . ensure the unconditional and immediate termination of contracts with employees for violations of health and safety regulations that result in injury or death. For causing property damage to the state, legal entities or individuals, drinking alcohol in work time or at the place of work, and with managers - for not ensuring proper labor discipline of subordinates, concealing the facts of violation of labor and performance discipline by them, or for not bringing the perpetrators to justice established by law;

1.5 . regularly analyze the practice of responding to citizens' appeals. Upon revealing the facts of bureaucracy and red tape, violation of the procedure for considering appeals, determined by law, immediately take measures of material and administrative impact on the guilty persons;

1.6. make the necessary decisions:

· on increasing the personal responsibility of managers for the production and sale of products that do not meet the requirements of standards, the failure to implement measures to comply with production discipline;

· on strengthening control over the quality of the developed design and estimate documentation, construction, repair and reconstruction of industrial and social facilities;

· on compensation for material damage caused as a result of violation of the law, failure to take appropriate measures to protect the life and health of people.

Ministries of Information, print and electronic media should

· systematically cover the organizational and educational work to improve labor and performance discipline, restore public order, prevent drunkenness and alcoholism, including among road users;

· Exclude propaganda of cruelty, violence and other immoral manifestations.

I also consider it necessary to highlight the following factors that contribute to low discipline in the enterprise:

Unfairness in remuneration and evaluation of the merits of employees;

Complex production and organizational structure;

Poor quality of job descriptions;

Unreasonable personnel selection system;

By influencing each of these factors, using the methods described in the last chapter, it is possible to significantly influence the labor discipline in the enterprise.

Low labor discipline is largely facilitated by the atmosphere of alienation, which has intensified in recent years at Belarusian enterprises, as well as the often unjustified gap in the incomes of the top layer of managers and the main part of the staff.

All of the factors listed above that affect the level of labor discipline, in their totality, reflect the current situation with labor discipline. In Belarus, this has already led to a decline in investment, income and living standards.

Socio-economic development of the country, increase in economic growth rates due to intensification production process, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress requires a decisive increase in the organization and order in production,

taking effective measures to strengthen labor discipline, conscientious attitude to work, reduce the loss of a worker

Lecture Search ⇐ Previous14151617181920212223Next ⇒ Methods of strengthening labor discipline have been developed by practice, and their application is strictly regulated by legal means. Legal regulation is the definition of the main duties of the employee and the employer in the labor process, the establishment of incentives for conscientious performance of labor duties and measures to influence violators of labor discipline. International Standards in the most minimal degree regulate the issues of labor regulations in the organization and do not affect labor discipline. One of the few international instruments relating to labor regulations is the ILO Recommendation No. 129 (1967) on relations in the enterprise.

Labor discipline

The assignment of the title "Hero of Belarus", honorary titles of the Republic of Belarus, awarding orders and medals is made by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Incentives are entered into the work book. Employees who successfully fulfill their labor duties are provided, first of all, with benefits and benefits in the field of socio-cultural and housing and consumer services.

Disciplinary responsibility of employees and its types. Features of special disciplinary responsibility.

In accordance with labor legislation, ensuring labor discipline, along with other methods, is also achieved using the method of coercion. IN necessary cases violators may be subject to disciplinary action.
Disciplinary responsibility is the application by the employer of disciplinary measures (penalty). She comes for committing a disciplinary offense.

Ways and methods of strengthening labor discipline

A disciplinary offense is an unlawful, guilty failure to perform or improper performance by an employee of his labor duties. The composition of a disciplinary offense includes four elements: subject, subjective side, object, objective side.


The subject of a disciplinary offense is an employee who is labor rights relationship with the employer. The subjective side is expressed in the psychological attitude of the employee to the committed misconduct.

Forms of guilt: intent (direct or indirect) or negligence. The object of a disciplinary offense is what the violator encroaches on.

The objects include the rights and obligations of the parties to the labor relationship, the interests of the employer, the state, the property of the employer, internal labor regulations, etc.

Ways to improve labor discipline

Regulatory documents The concept of labor discipline is disclosed and regulated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (the eighth section "Labor regulations and labor discipline"). When drawing up internal documents of the enterprise on labor discipline, one can also be guided by state standard GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems.

Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Legal Methods for Ensuring Labor Discipline Legislation provides for two methods for ensuring and improving labor discipline at an enterprise: encouragement and punishment.

Effective methods of ensuring labor discipline

To determine the state of the implementation of labor discipline at the enterprise, there is a special formula that calculates the coefficient of labor discipline by determining the number of violators from total number the average list of employees of the enterprise and by calculating the percentage of lost working time. In addition, the characteristics of the violators are also taken into account and the site or part of the production process is determined, where the largest number of cases of violation is noticed.
Based on the results of such an analysis, the head of the enterprise may issue an order on compliance with labor discipline. For example, if it is found that most of employees are regularly late to the beginning of the working day, the head of the enterprise can establish a procedure for monitoring the accounting of working time and appoint employees responsible for this.

34 labor discipline: the concept and methods of its strengthening


Non-compliance and non-fulfilment of such indicators, naturally, should affect the material conditions of violators of discipline. Everyday work to maintain and strengthen labor discipline is a constant concern of the administration Pugachev V.P.


Personnel management of the organization: Textbook. — M.: Aspect-Press, 2005. . The whole situation at the enterprise should contribute to the observance of labor discipline and thereby contribute to the successful solution of the tasks facing it.

Many organizations neglect elementary safety requirements, do not comply with technological production standards, put up with low labor and performance discipline, lose sight of the fact that strengthening discipline and law and order is the most important basis for ensuring public safety, accelerating the socio-economic development of the country, improving people's lives. .

Labor discipline at the enterprise and methods of ensuring it

This Recommendation invites organizations of workers and employers to create in enterprises a system of communication (social ties) between management and staff, which would contribute to the formation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust, which is beneficial both for the effective operation of enterprises and for meeting the aspirations and needs of workers. The Recommendation defines the amount of information that should be regularly brought to the attention of personnel in order to maintain an atmosphere of trust in the workplace, a favorable psychological climate. Labor discipline is regulated by Chapter 13 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 29 of July 26, 1999.

Methods for strengthening labor discipline

They include sections: General Provisions, Procedure for Hiring and Dismissing Employees, Obligations of Employees, Obligations of an Employer, Working Time and Its Use, Incentives for Success in Work, Responsibility for Violation of Labor Discipline. Local TRPs are established by the employer with the participation of trade unions on the basis of standard TRPs. The PWTR applies to all employees. For certain categories of workers, there are special regulatory legal acts - charters or regulations on discipline, approved by resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (for example, the Disciplinary Charter of Officials of the Customs Authorities of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on 07.05.2001 No. 243; Charter on the discipline of employees inland water transport of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 21, 1994 No. 267, (as amended

Legal regulation of labor discipline

Despite the fact that under the USSR there were quite strict measures, when there was a period that criminal liability was provided for being late for 20 minutes. Analyzing the situation in the republic as a whole regarding the deterioration of labor discipline, I believe that the main reason for this situation should be recognized as irresponsibility, negligence, drunkenness, self-interest, individualism, and maximizing the consumption of material goods. In order to strengthen public security and discipline, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, republican and local government bodies and other state bodies and organizations must: 1.1. carry out inspections of social, domestic and cultural facilities everywhere, regardless of the form of ownership, and make the necessary decisions on the implementation of repair work and on the operation of buildings that are in an emergency and dilapidated state; 1.2.

Legal means of strengthening labor discipline

Other incentives may be provided, which are applied by the administration jointly or in agreement with the trade union committee of the enterprise, institution, organization. To unscrupulous, undisciplined employees, the legislation provides for the possibility and necessity of applying measures of disciplinary and social influence.

The educational role can be played by councils of primary subdivisions, councils of foremen, councils of employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations. In production teams working on a single basis, along with payment according to the final result, an atmosphere of intolerance towards violators of labor discipline is objectively created.

In the collectives of these brigades, the mutual exactingness of workers to each other is increasing, combined with mutual assistance and support Directive No. 1 of March 11, 2004 On measures to strengthen public security and discipline ..

A special place in strengthening labor discipline is acquired by the ability to correctly use incentives to work and realize the economic interests of workers. It is impossible to strengthen labor discipline, to increase the activity of people, without showing attention to their living conditions, to personal interests. Material interest is closely connected with the social and production activities of people. It is an incentive to work. A characteristic feature of the modern incentive system is that the remuneration of employees directly depends not only on the results of their individual work, but also on the overall results of the work of all the personnel of the enterprise.

Conscious discipline arises on the basis of understanding by the personnel of the enterprise of unity of purpose, which is based on a sense of mutual responsibility of employees for the performance of the work entrusted to them. Nevertheless, in our society cases of violation of labor, production and technological discipline are not uncommon. The economy still suffers from the loss of working time due to tardiness, absenteeism, drunkenness and other violations of discipline.

To maintain and strengthen labor discipline, methods of persuasion and coercion are combined. Persuasion is the main activity in the regulation of social relations, it is associated with the widespread use of educational measures and incentives for work. Coercion is a method of influencing violators of labor discipline. Here apply measures of social and disciplinary influence. Discipline is provided, first of all, by the conscious attitude of workers to work and encouragement for conscientious work.

The following incentive measures are envisaged: gratitude, issuance of an award, awarding a valuable gift, awarding a certificate of honor. Other incentives may be provided, which are applied by the administration jointly or in agreement with the trade union committee of the enterprise, institution, organization. .

To unscrupulous, undisciplined employees, the legislation provides for the possibility and necessity of applying measures of disciplinary and social influence.

The educational role can be played by councils of primary subdivisions, councils of foremen, councils of employees of enterprises, institutions, and organizations.

In production teams working on a single basis, along with payment according to the final result, an atmosphere of intolerance towards violators of labor discipline is objectively created. In the collectives of these brigades, the mutual exactingness of workers to each other is increasing, combined with mutual assistance and support. Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere at the enterprise and in the subdivision, everyone’s confidence that his opinion is valued by the manager and staff, turns into the desire of employees to participate in production management, in the growth of consciousness and discipline, in increasing self-discipline. If the measures of persuasion do not have the proper effect on the employee, measures of coercion and disciplinary action can be used against him: bringing to administrative and material liability on the basis of existing legal norms, as well as the application of economic sanctions for violation of labor discipline. The administration of an enterprise, institution, organization may apply disciplinary sanctions: reprimand, reprimand, severe reprimand. In the charters of enterprises and regulations on subdivisions, other disciplinary sanctions may also be provided for certain categories of workers and employees.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the offense committed and the circumstances under which it was committed. It is also recommended to take into account the behavior of the employee in the period preceding the violation of discipline. .

In modern conditions, the main factor in maintaining high labor discipline at the enterprise can be the education of employees of a sense of moral and material responsibility for the success of the work of departments and all personnel as a whole. Where the heads of enterprises and their departments show concern for the personnel, combining this with high demands, supported by measures of moral and material influence on people, good labor results should also be expected.

A large role in strengthening labor discipline belongs to the heads of grass-roots structural units - foremen and foremen, heads of groups, sectors, departments, etc., who are most closely related to the work and life of workers, directly affect production activities and the condition of workers.

To solve the problems of strengthening labor discipline, such a form of social partnership as a collective agreement is used, which is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations between employees and the employer. The content of the collective agreement may include mutual obligations of the employer and employees on issues of remuneration, monetary remuneration, benefits, compensations, conditions and labor protection, benefits for trainees on the job, taking into account the fulfillment of the indicators specified in the agreement. Non-compliance and non-fulfilment of such indicators, naturally, should affect the material conditions of violators of discipline.

Daily work to maintain and strengthen labor discipline is a constant concern of the administration. The whole situation at the enterprise should contribute to the observance of labor discipline and thereby contribute to the successful solution of the tasks facing it.

Many organizations neglect elementary safety requirements, do not comply with technological production standards, put up with low labor and performance discipline, lose sight of the fact that strengthening discipline and law and order is the most important basis for ensuring public safety, accelerating the socio-economic development of the country, improving people's lives. After analyzing the literature, I believe that such a fragmentation of discipline is important for the organization of labor in each specific case. From an economic and legal point of view, such a division (and consolidation in the code) of discipline into labor and production (and even more so technological) is inexpedient and illogical. Firstly, all types of production discipline are enshrined in local regulations that determine the labor schedule of employees, that is, the implementation of production discipline is subject to the established labor schedule. And, secondly, neither in the Labor Code, nor in other normative acts, there is a separate type of responsibility for violation of production discipline. That is, production discipline is included in the content of the concept of labor discipline.

In legal terms, labor discipline at an enterprise is a set of organizational and legal measures that ensure the order of labor activity and reflect the exacting measures for each employee.

Labor discipline can also be outside the organization, for example, a senior railway employee, while outside his office, must observe certain forms of behavior, this also applies to prosecutors and other law enforcement officials. Any joint work requires organization, and this requires the establishment of rules, and therefore it is clear that without labor discipline the labor process of a large number of workers is impossible. It consists not only in the timely appearance / departure from work, but it is necessary to observe technological discipline, technical rules and certain organizational rules, all this together adds up to a certain order that must be observed by all participants in the work. The question of labor discipline in our country has always been one of the most difficult to resolve. Despite the fact that under the USSR there were quite strict measures, when there was a period that criminal liability was provided for being late for 20 minutes.

Analyzing the situation in the republic as a whole regarding the deterioration of labor discipline, I believe that the main reason for this situation should be recognized as irresponsibility, negligence, drunkenness, self-interest, individualism, and maximizing the consumption of material goods.

In order to strengthen public security and discipline, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, republican and local government bodies and other state bodies and organizations need to:

  • 1.1. carry out inspections of social, domestic and cultural facilities everywhere, regardless of the form of ownership, and make the necessary decisions on the implementation of repair work and on the operation of buildings that are in an emergency and dilapidated state;
  • 1.2. to organize in all collectives and at the place of residence of citizens training in actions in emergency situations;
  • 1.3. to include in the list of criteria for evaluating the work of managerial personnel at all levels indicators of the state of labor and performance discipline, ensuring safe work in the industries, regions, cities, districts and organizations headed by them;
  • 1.4. ensure the unconditional and immediate termination of contracts with employees for violations of health and safety regulations that result in injury or death. For causing property damage to the state, legal entities or individuals, drinking alcohol during working hours or at the place of work, and with managers - for not ensuring proper labor discipline of subordinates, concealing the facts of violation of labor and performance discipline by them, or for not bringing the perpetrators to justice established by law;
  • 1.5. regularly analyze the practice of responding to citizens' appeals. Upon revealing the facts of bureaucracy and red tape, violation of the procedure for considering appeals, determined by law, immediately take measures of material and administrative impact on the guilty persons;
  • 1.6. make the necessary decisions:

on increasing the personal responsibility of managers for the production and sale of products that do not meet the requirements of standards, the failure to implement measures to comply with production discipline;

on strengthening control over the quality of the developed design and estimate documentation, construction, repair and reconstruction of industrial and social facilities;

on compensation for material damage caused as a result of violation of the law, failure to take appropriate measures to protect the life and health of people.

Ministries of Information, print and electronic media should

systematically cover organizational and educational work to improve labor and performance discipline, restore public order, prevent drunkenness and alcoholism, including among road users;

exclude propaganda of cruelty, violence and other immoral manifestations. production equipment working hours

I also consider it necessary to highlight the following factors that contribute to low discipline in the enterprise:

Unfairness in remuneration and evaluation of the merits of employees;

Complex production and organizational structure;

Poor quality of job descriptions;

Unreasonable personnel selection system;

By influencing each of these factors, using the methods described in the last chapter, it is possible to significantly influence the labor discipline in the enterprise.

Low labor discipline is largely facilitated by the atmosphere of alienation, which has intensified in recent years at Belarusian enterprises, as well as the often unjustified gap in the incomes of the top layer of managers and the main part of the staff.

All of the factors listed above that affect the level of labor discipline, in their totality, reflect the current situation with labor discipline. In Belarus, this has already led to a decline in investment, income and living standards.

The socio-economic development of the country, the increase in the rate of economic growth due to the intensification of the production process, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress requires a decisive increase in the organization and order in production,

taking effective measures to strengthen labor discipline, a conscientious attitude to work, and reduce the loss of working time.

In connection with the elimination of unemployment, the huge influx of unskilled workers from the countryside, who lacked proletarian hardening, into industry and construction, and the high turnover of labor caused by this circumstance, strengthening labor discipline in production has become of particular relevance.

With the beginning of the course towards the industrialization of the country, a sharp increase in the scale and volume of industrial construction, the number of industrial workers increased significantly. According to the data of the State Planning Commission, during the first five-year plan the number of newly involved in the national economy (taking into account the loss) reached 12.5 million workers and employees.

502 Osherovich B., Utevsky B. Twenty years of the All-Union Institute of Legal Sciences. M.,

The composition of the new recruits to the working class was heterogeneous. There were also peasants associated with the countryside, former handicraftsmen, unemployed people who previously worked in factories and factories, street teenagers, housewives, children of workers and employees, but mainly for the period 1926-1937. 59% of new workers joined at the expense of the peasant population.

The new replenishment of the working class had a significant effect on the deterioration of labor discipline in industry.

Thus, despite the enormous growth in the size of the working class, the problem of its compliance with the requirements of "socialist industrialization" remained very acute. In the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of January 11, 1930, on the provision of qualified personnel for new enterprises, it was indicated that new factories should become a model of socialist organization and socialist labor discipline.

The resolution aimed to create a strong core of class-conscious workers with long production experience through transfer from other enterprises, as well as culturally and technically advanced working youth who had gone through the school of trade and education and mass professions. The Council of People's Commissars instructed the CNT, the Supreme Council of National Economy and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions to develop a whole system of measures, including contracting and the creation of housing conditions for workers. The resolution obligated to strictly plan labor indicators, to create educational complexes at enterprises for training personnel. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of February 14, 1930 provided for the expansion of all existing forms of training and retraining of skilled workers.

Particular attention was paid to the FZU schools, and the need for qualified construction workers for the five-year construction projects was emphasized. The Decree of the Central Committee of October 20, 1930 on the planned provision of production with a workforce assumed a set of measures to combat turnover, including the elimination of labor exchanges and registration of labor only at the place of residence. For the delay at the enterprises of specialists for other purposes, for the misuse of workers in scarce professions, for poaching workers and technical personnel, for violation of wage norms in collective agreements and excess labor, administrative liability was imposed.

At a meeting in the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on March 3, 1928, it was noted that “... the newly merged labor force turned out to be completely unsuitable for

lazy to factory conditions. It seemed to her that the limits existing at the factory were too narrow, she could not fit into those internal rules that are recognized as completely normal for the rest of the mass of factory workers. Thanks to this, we have a significant drop in labor discipline, and in some

places almost complete absence of such.

In 1929 N.K. Krupskaya appeared in the Pravda newspaper with an article "To Help New Workers", where she put forward the idea of ​​​​organizing "introductory courses" for newly entering workers. Introductory courses in production, according to N.K. Krupskaya, were supposed to become one of the ways for the workers to get to know their enterprise for the first time, to cultivate awareness of their closeness to production and interest in it. Soon introductory courses for beginners were widely distributed.

The resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of January 13, 1930 paid special attention to the training of specialists for metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemistry, transport and Agriculture. Branches of the Industrial Academy were organized locally, with their specialization by industry, a wide network of short-term courses was created and the possibility of distance learning for students was created. At the same time, the stake was placed on promotion: the creation of cadres from among the most prominent workers who showed themselves at production meetings, in trade union work, their systematic promotion from lower to middle and from middle to top command positions with simultaneous training. The need was pointed out more resolutely to nominate young specialists.

The detailed resolutions of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in July-September 1930 on the reorganization of higher educational institutions, technical schools and workers' faculties, designed to train proletarian cadres with a broad political outlook that meets the modern requirements of science and technology and the tasks of socialist reconstruction.

At the same time, it was planned to bring the education system in line with the new zoning of the country, to combine theoretical and practical training with the requirements of the economic construction of national regions and the unity of program and

methodological guidance based on a clear Marxist-Leninist worldview. The reform envisaged a transition from multi- to single-profile specialization of universities and technical schools and their transfer to the jurisdiction of the relevant people's commissariats.

So, on the basis of only the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, the Planning and Financial and Economic Institutes in Leningrad, the Transport and Economics Institute in Moscow, engineering and economic faculties in the Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Technological and other institutes were created.

Departments and organizations entered into contracts for the training of specialists. The budgets of departments included funds for the training of specialists. The size of student scholarships directly depended on the importance of the university for the industrialization of the country.

At each university, a special resolution provided for a workers' faculty. All preparatory courses were included in the system of workers' schools. They had to give at least 75% of the places for admission, and at least 90% of places for workers in industrial departments, and at least 70% of places for workers, collective farmers and poor peasants in other universities.

The system of training workers for mass professions was restructured. According to the decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of September 15, 1933, the period of study at the FZU was reduced from 2 years to 6 months in order to "pronounced professional training" and reduce the general one. 80% of the study time was now devoted to training directly "at the machine". While stating in the resolution the achievements of the state in the field of training skilled workers, the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars, however, noted as major shortcomings the fact that ""a significant part of those who graduate from schools of FZU are not fixed in production, but, bypassing production, go to workers' schools, technical schools and universities." It was decided to stop this practice and oblige everyone to work in production for at least 3 years after graduation his specialty.

Much attention was paid to improving the skills of women and involving them in production by restructuring the living conditions of life: the organization of public canteens and hostels, kindergartens, nurseries, laundries, closed distributors, freeing women from unproductive, stupefying labor in the household. In order to promote growth by a clear example

In the early years of the five-year plan, the state resorted to a fairly wide practice of inviting foreign workers to factories, providing them with a number of benefits and advantages.

At the same time, it should be noted that educational measures alone could not eliminate absenteeism and other losses of working time, since they largely depend on the organization of labor and production. One of the factors that seriously weakened the state of labor discipline at the beginning of the five-year plan was the huge turnover of the labor force. In 1928, 92.4% of workers left the industry (as a percentage of the average list composition), in 1929 - 115.2%, and in 1930 - 152.4% of workers.

The increasing turnover of the labor force caused enormous damage to the national economy, causing difficulties in the organization of production, and significantly weakened the state of labor discipline at industrial enterprises. This damage was expressed in various forms: labor productivity decreased, product quality deteriorated, labor and technological discipline fell, and the growth of the cultural and technical level of the working people slowed down.

Expanded industrial production required rational use labor resources. Meanwhile, as it was admitted at a meeting in the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on October 16, 1928, no one dealt with the problem of labor turnover.

Soon after the development of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks demanded "to take urgent measures to reduce the turnover of the labor force."

In enterprises and industries began to study the reasons for the increasing turnover of the workforce. Despite the diversity, the main reasons for the turnover of the labor force were shortcomings in the organization of labor and wages, in the living conditions of workers, in the organization of training and advanced training of workers, and in the organization of cultural and educational work at individual enterprises. Moreover, the influence of these reasons on the turnover of the labor force was manifested in their interconnection.

The subjective reasons for the turnover were due to the desire of some workers to find a place "warmer" and better paid. Such workers were called "flyers". “I’ll go and look for where the work is easier, and more money,” - this is the main commandment of the “flyer”. “What do I care about your plan, what do I care about your breakthrough!? Give me a ten a day or I'm out. The Five-Year Plan needs people,” some of them reasoned.

Increasing labor turnover constantly fueled the temporary and seasonal unemployment of those who were looking for a suitable job in accordance with the profession and health status or in a new place of residence. All of them hoped for the labor exchange, for its material and labor assistance in finding employment.

The tariff reform of 1927, carried out on an equalizing basis, brought the payment of simple and skilled labor closer together, oriented towards the time-based form of its payment. All this hindered the growth of labor productivity, deprived the workers of material incentives to improve their skills, led to a drop in discipline, and gave rise to a parasitic mood. Equalizing interpretations were for new workers who had recently come from the countryside a justification for striving for the highest possible wages at low labor productivity compared to regular workers. Often the ideas of "equality", "fairness" in wages became arguments with the help of which a part of the workers tried to justify their right to indiscipline.

Analysis of documents of party and state bodies of the 1930s. testifies that in the conditions of unfolding industrialization, the turnover of personnel has become a rather serious problem not only for workers, but also for engineering and technical personnel. Thus, on August 10, 1935, the Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On Party Work at Ferrous Metallurgy Enterprises” was adopted, which expressed concern about the instability of personnel at enterprises of this strategically important industry. The following data were cited: “229 engineers and technicians left the Voroshilov plant in 1934 and the first quarter of 1935; of those who arrived in two years at the plant. Kabakov 77 specialists, 60 people left; from those who arrived at the Makeevka plant named after. Kirov 168 specialists left 91 people ".

In general, the lack of specialists who would meet the requirements of industrialization was felt unusually acutely. The staff turnover of engineers was high. According to the decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of December 15, 1930, all transfers and transfers of specialists at enterprises were limited and could be carried out only by agreement between departments and only with the necessary guarantees and compensations.

In the documents of the CNT of the USSR, among the main reasons for the avalanche-like turnover of personnel, were indicated: poor accounting for the needs and surpluses of labor, inattention to the promotion of workers in the service, and the lack of professional selection of those entering enterprises 315 .

The leadership attached no less importance to the training of qualified cadres of the working class. The number of factory workers at the beginning of 1928 was only 2.7 million people, whose qualifications left much to be desired. Numerous industrialization projects required, first of all, construction workers, the main source of which was the village.

The state sought to subdue the spontaneous outflow of peasants from the countryside, give it an organized character and direct it to the needs of industrialization. On March 4, 1927, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution on organizational recruitment - to recruit workers in mass and group order for labor-intensive capital work on the basis of special agreements. At the same time, it was forbidden to attract workers from other localities through private intermediaries or special persons who did not receive the authority of the CNT, as well as summoning workers by letters and publications.

However, the mass exodus from the countryside, which began with the implementation of complete collectivization in the autumn of 1929, broke the organized withdrawal. The peasantry for the most part was opposed to collectivization, actively resisting it in the form of uprisings and riots, but more passively, which was expressed in the form of "escape from the village" and other uncontrollable processes that began to take place in the country. There were many peasants who abandoned their farms and went to construction sites and cities, not wanting to join collective farms. The "great exodus" from the village began. Many construction sites at that time resembled camps of nomadic gypsies.

During the years of the first two five-year plans, about 12 million people moved from the village to the city. History has not yet known migrations of this magnitude. The number of workers employed at construction sites and enterprises alone increased by 8 million people. The main flow of migrants fell on the initial

years of the first five-year plan. The scope of new buildings made it possible to absorb this flow and provided them with unskilled cheap, and sometimes almost gratuitous, labor, armed only with wheelbarrows and shovels.

On this basis, unemployment in the country was ended. As a result of the influx of new cadres, the social makeup of the working class was rapidly changing. The factory shops were filled for the most part by former villagers who did not know industrial production and did not have working skills. In order to get a better job, they wandered endlessly around the country, generating a huge turnover of personnel in enterprises. The most attractive for migrants were Moscow and Leningrad, where many villagers rushed. This led to the uncontrolled growth of these cities, the aggravation of housing, transport and other problems in them, conflicts between the townspeople and people from the village.

Fluidity became a real scourge of the new buildings of the first five-year plan and acquired fantastic proportions due to dissatisfaction with working conditions, unsettledness, low wages and other factors that could not be eliminated in a short time. Equalizing tendencies in wages were also not overcome. There was, for example, a strong opposition to piece work, which, on average, remained at the level of 50% in all branches of production.

I.V. Stalin called the average figure for the turnover of the labor force by enterprises 30-40% within a quarter or six months 316 .

According to statistical data, the greatest turnover was in the coal industry: in 1930, there were 3 times more workers who entered the mines and almost 3 times more people quit than the average for the year during the period of the first five-year plan. Similar figures were observed in all branches of heavy industry.

Life demanded a transition to technically justified labor rationing. If labor is organized on a scientific basis and everything necessary is available at the workplace, the most rational methods and methods of work, progressive norms are established, then there is no time for unnecessary walking, frequent “smoke breaks”, extraneous conversations. Therefore, the rational organization of labor, enshrined in technically sound standards, is the most important factor in strengthening labor discipline.

But for the development of millions of technically sound norms and their implementation in production, there were no trained personnel. sharpness

the question of personnel attracted the attention of party and trade union organizations. In a short time, a wide network of training complexes, courses, seminars, circles on the theory and practice of normalization work was created in the country. Komsomol members created brigades to assist in technical regulation. Specialists who know the specifics of this work were returned to production.

The consolidation of permanent personnel in the national economy of the country largely depended on well-organized and purposeful work in this direction by the administration of enterprises and public organizations.

Often, the so-called "public barrier" was used for such purposes. This form of work was characteristic of many factories and plants 317 .

This form was effectively used at the Kolomna transport engineering plant. Here, public barriers to combat the turnover of labor were selected from the best shock workers at workshop meetings of workers. Each worker who filed a resignation application was summoned by the “barrier” for a conversation, clarified the true reasons for submitting the application and expressed his opinion about the validity of the arguments that prompted the worker to submit the application.

As practice has shown, after such conversations, it turned out that the reasons for dismissal were not only the pursuit of a “long ruble”, but also malfunctions in the organization of production, which could be easily eliminated by internal means 319 .

A similar measure, only under the name "working barrier", was used at Moscow enterprises by the Dynamo, Elektrostal factories, the Dubrovinsky factory and other enterprises. And at the Krasny Oktyabr plant (Stalingrad), a worker could leave the plant only if the general meeting of the shop found a reason for dismissal respect-

Of course, from a legal point of view, this initiative was illegal and had no legal justification, but as a temporary, emergency form of public influence on the "flyers", it played a role in stabilizing the situation with personnel.

To solve the problem of reducing labor turnover during the years of the first five-year plans, a massive propaganda campaign was carried out.

stsky nature of the voluntary assignment of workers to enterprises up to a certain period. The facts of self-fixation of workers in production amazed contemporaries.

The director of the British engineering company Gartel, who traveled all over the Soviet Union, saw in this patriotic movement the best features of the Soviet working class. He wrote that “Enthusiasm is never born out of slavery. If Soviet power had depended on forced labor for the implementation of the five-year plan, it would have disintegrated the next day.

At the same time, the process of securing workers in industrial enterprises reflected a contradictory picture of that time. On the one hand, it was one of the indicators of the increased political consciousness and enthusiasm of the workers, and on the other hand, there were often cases when the administration industrial enterprises used this form of production activity of workers as a monopoly-dominant one, not carrying out adequate measures of an organizational, technical and economic nature to secure personnel.

Government legislative measures have played a major role in reducing labor turnover in industry.

Quite drastic measures were taken to strengthen discipline in production. The internal regulations at enterprises were revised. "Labor front deserters" and "flyers" were deprived of the opportunity to get a job referral for 6 months. In September 1932, labor books were again introduced, reflecting all the movements of an employee in production, which became the object of careful study by personnel departments.

The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of November 15, 1932 provided for absenteeism: immediate dismissal, deprivation of food cards, eviction from occupied housing, and in 1933 - exclusion from a housing cooperative. All the levers of economic and ideological and political influence were directed to the fight against truants. If in metallurgy in 1928 there were 5.8 absenteeism per worker per year, then in 1933 it was 0.58. The Decree of December 4, 1932, gave the enterprises the right to decide for themselves who should be punished, aiming them at "cleansing production teams" and "improving the situation." On December 27, 1932, a law on passportization was adopted. Passportization provided for registration at the place of residence, which secured the advantage of a city dweller, gave him the right to a food card, and ensured the right to housing. Moscow, Leningrad and other large industrial centers became cities with a limited residence permit, which had a preferential supply. During 1933, 27 million passports were issued in the country. Hundreds of thousands of people were detained for violation of the passport regime.

However, labor turnover in manufacturing was not over. It has decreased, but not disappeared, remaining one of the most painful problems for many enterprises, especially those with difficult working conditions. Natives of the village, despite all the obstacles and the lack of passports, rushed to the cities in order to avoid the fate of the collective farm, using for this training in the FZU, switching to work in the MTS, serving in the army, organizational recruitment. For many enterprises, the problem of attracting new workers rested on the ability to provide housing for workers. But housing did not solve the problem of fluidity.

For many, work in production served only as an intermediate step for further advancement. Work in factories and factories, hard, monotonous, exhausting, was not attractive to the younger generations, who sought to choose a different career for themselves. Many dreamed of applying their activity in non-productive areas: in party and social activities, in the army, in sports, etc. Most of the issues related to the organization of labor should have been discussed in collective agreements.

An important place in this system of measures was given to the improvement of material remuneration for conscientious and skilled labor.

Since 1931, a new tariff reform began in industry, the main task of which was to increase the level of wages in the leading industries, at the leading enterprises and for the leading professions at each enterprise. The practice of using piecework wages has expanded. A positive role was played by legislative acts on material incentives for continuous work experience, on improving working and living conditions 522 .

The most common form of work was aimed at educating and training newly arrived workers, at strengthening their organization and discipline - the patronage of cadre workers over young people who had recently entered the plant. was born the new kind socialist competition for the best industrial training and education of new replenishment of the working class. Such competition arose first as intra-factory, and then became inter-factory.

The best cadre workers and mentors structured their work with newcomers in such a way that the best skills of peasant labor, such as diligence, practical judgment, attentiveness, and accuracy, were more quickly revealed in the conditions of industrial production and became the basis for the formation of a new attitude to work among the former peasants.

Comparison of legislative acts on labor discipline and the practice of their application during the first half of the 1930s. allows us to identify some general trends in the development of this institution.

Competence was clarified various bodies responsible for strengthening labor discipline. The rights of the administration were expanded. If, according to the original text of the Labor Code, dismissal for a systematic violation of labor discipline could follow only by the decision of the RSC, then from 1930 it was allowed by the unilateral order of the employer.

Public participation in maintaining labor discipline has become more active and versatile. The competence of production and comradely courts has expanded.

The system of measures to strengthen labor discipline included not only penalties, but also incentives, benefits and benefits. In particular, it was envisaged that workers and employees who had been flawlessly working for a long time at one enterprise should be provided with living space as a matter of priority. First of all, they were provided with vouchers to rest homes, etc.

Special benefits were provided for attracting engineering and technical workers to production.

The fight against such serious violations of labor discipline as absenteeism intensified. In the 1928-1929 business year, the number of absenteeism (in days) in the country's industry was 6.07, and even more in individual industries. In particular, in the coal industry, it reached 21.5 days per worker per year and brought huge material losses. In the first two years of the five-year plan alone, the country received less than 1.568 million rubles of production due to absenteeism (in prices of 1926-1927).

What were the reasons for absenteeism? In our opinion, one of the reasons is the decline in the role of the engineering and technical staff as organizers of production. For example, representatives of the Donbass, analyzing the reasons for the weakening of labor discipline, came to the conclusion that “the influence of the Shakhty process, which in many places resulted in the undermining of trust and credibility for the working masses of the technical leadership, on the one hand, and, on the other, the weakening of work and guidance from the administrative and technical staff.

It was extremely difficult to demand from the workers under these conditions the strictest production discipline, because the engineering and technical personnel were intimidated. In Nizhny Novgorod "... there is such an attitude - once an engineer, so a Shakhtin, and this concept applies indiscriminately to all engineering" .

The reasons for the unfriendly attitude towards the technical intelligentsia were ambiguous. Here we can note, first of all, the contrast in the financial situation of workers and engineering and technical workers, as well as the arrogance and rudeness of some specialists, their unwillingness to participate in public work.

However, to an even greater extent, “special eating” was caused by reasons of a different kind. First of all, this was due to the ignorance and lack of culture of the working masses. Accusations of "doing nothing" of specialists grew precisely because of a misunderstanding of the specifics and role of engineering and technical personnel in the production process.

The same source had leveling tendencies, intensified by nostalgia for the era of "war communism", the desire to equalize the living conditions of a worker and a qualified specialist, despite the qualitative differences between simple and complex labor. An important role in shaping the ideological background of "specialism" was played by the incessant preaching of the messianism of the working class. In an undeveloped consciousness, the Marxist idea of ​​the historical mission of the proletariat was simplified and vulgarized, acquiring the distinct outlines of materialized illusions of the absolute superiority, omnipotence and infallibility of the proletarians.

It is no coincidence that the resolution of the Motovilikha District Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Perm) stated that “in the era of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the worker

class ... is incomparably more valuable than a small group of specialists who came from a bourgeois environment, bribed by the Soviet government” 529 .

It was the vulgar class approach that gave rise to the desire of workers to replace professionals in such subtle areas as the management of production and the state.

At the beginning of 1931, the chairman of the Supreme Economic Council, G.K. Ordzhonikidze and other industry leaders managed to convince I.V. Stalin in the need to change the policy towards specialists and already in a number of speeches by I.V. Stalin, as well as the decisions of the VI Congress of Soviets (March 8-17, 1931), "special eating" was condemned. In the summer of 1931, party and government authorities adopted decisions of fundamental importance aimed at correcting and partially eliminating the phenomena of "special eating". After that, the Supreme Court of the RSFSR warned in a letter of instruction to local justice authorities that it would prosecute those prosecutors and judges who were convicted of baseless persecution of specialists 530 .

In his speech on June 23, 1931. Stalin condemned the persecution of specialists of the old school. The realization came that the persecution of them in the face of a shortage of qualified personnel only exacerbates the difficulties in production. At first, under the supervision of the OGPU, they began to return specialists to former places, then it was announced the "forgiveness" of a number of persons associated with "saboteurs" in view of their readiness to work for the benefit of socialism.

The next reason that caused absenteeism, in our opinion, was the insufficient level of mass-political work in labor collectives, although this work was carried out. For example, some efficiency in the fight against absenteeism was achieved with the help of factory large-circulation and wall printing, in which lists and portraits of truants were printed.

Just as widespread in the factories and factories of the country was such a form of combating absenteeism, as meetings of truants. At such meetings, not only facts of personal indiscipline were revealed, but also unused reserves of production, and low organization of labor and production at some enterprises.

For example, a worker in the tool shop of the Perm plant named after. Molotov Korotkov, speaking at a meeting of truants, said that “a lot of extra workers are put on night shifts, they don’t give work

to all, as a result of which wages are reduced, some workers do not feel an urgent need for their work and therefore take absenteeism. The practice of holding meetings was typical for many enterprises in the country.

At the same time, in the fight against absenteeism, some trade union and Komsomol organizations, in the absence of control, made obvious excesses and mistakes, reflecting the relapses of the “war communism” era.

In November 1931, the bureau of the Magnitogorsk City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, when discussing the issue of the state of discipline at the construction of the plant, noted that in a number of areas, in order to combat truants and violators of labor discipline, so-called "penal companies" were created. Guilty skilled workers, recorded in such "companies", were sent to auxiliary work.

A characteristic feature of social and administrative influence on the elimination of absenteeism and the strengthening of labor discipline took place in the framework of various campaigns, when the attention of the majority was concentrated on a certain direction. As a result, the number of absenteeism decreased, and after a while, they continued to grow. This indicates that the bulk of the workers have not yet developed stable skills of conscious industrial and labor discipline. If in 1930 there were 4.49 days of absenteeism per worker per year, then in 1932 there were already 5.96 days of absenteeism.

The reasons for absenteeism, in our opinion, were also affected by the high rates of extensive industrial growth and the associated massive influx of rural replenishment of the working class. The planned measures to improve the organization and stimulation of labor were often not carried out. The increase in absenteeism was also influenced by the low effectiveness of the activities of many public organizations aimed not at eliminating the root causes of absenteeism, but at the forms of their manifestation. Played my part and psychological factor liquidation in 1930 in the USSR of unemployment. The threat of being unemployed no longer weighed on the workers, and the expanding industrial production required more and more detachments to replenish the working class.

The fight against absenteeism in the line of legislation intensified. The change in the Labor Code gave the enterprise the right to dismiss an employee in the event of 3 absences from work (previously 6). On March 6, 1929, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR granted the right to the administration of state-owned enterprises the right to independently, without the sanction of the RSC, impose on violators all the penalties provided for in the penalty sheet. On July 5, 1929, the Council of People's Commissars increased the responsibility of the administration for the state of discipline and the production regime.

In 1929, the all-Union law basically settled the issue of disciplinary responsibility in the order of subordination.

Liability for damage to materials was indicated. On December 30, 1929, a decree was issued by the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the fundamentals of disciplinary legislation, as well as a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on comrades' courts, which provided for a significant expansion of their competence. If earlier they considered cases mainly about insults, now they consider cases of petty theft (up to 15 rubles). On February 20, 1931, a new decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars appeared on comrades' courts and their struggle against violations of labor discipline and remnants of the old way of life (drunkenness, mischief, hooliganism, etc.). Measures of influence were envisaged: a warning, public censure with publication in the factory press, a fine of not more than 10 rubles, initiation of the issue of dismissal, expulsion from the trade union. Comrades' courts were to be formed from the best shock workers.

In 1932-1934. charters were issued on the discipline of workers and employees of railway transport, communications workers, civil air fleet, utility power stations and networks, etc. Specialized charters provided for more severe penalties for violations of labor discipline than general internal regulations. Finally, the issues of maintaining labor discipline were within the competence of production and comradely courts.

In the context of a sharp increase in absenteeism, on November 15, 1932, a resolution was adopted by the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On dismissal for absenteeism without good reason." It stated the following “to establish that in the event of at least one day of non-attendance at work without good reason, the employee is subject to dismissal from the enterprise or institution, depriving him of the right to use the food and manufactured goods cards issued to him, as well as depriving him of the right to use the apartment provided to him in houses of this enterprise or institution.

The instruction of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR dated November 26, 1932 regulated the procedure for the application of this law. In addition, this instruction recommended the application of a number of unlawful provisions. In particular, if a worker fired for absenteeism did not hand over the supply books and the warrant for an apartment, then he should have been “brought to criminal responsibility.”

The instruction also clarified that for employees dismissed with the wording “malicious disruptors of production”, previous work at this enterprise should not be counted as work experience, and they were not accepted for another job within 6 months from the date of dismissal.

The application of harsh measures to truants had its effect, although the penalties were clearly not adequate to the degree of misconduct. Already on June 19, 1933, the Board of the People's Commissariat of Labor of the RSFSR stated that “truancy in the industry of the RSFSR after the law of November 15 decreased by 13-16 times (in the cotton and metal industries - 17 times, and in the confectionery - 18 times).

The decrease in absenteeism achieved in this way was of a short-term nature. A cardinal solution to the problem could be given by the scientific organization of labor, constantly improved taking into account production technology. The imperfection of labor legislation, the unsatisfactory organization of labor and production in industry, and the insufficiently conscious attitude towards work among a number of workers were the main reasons for absenteeism in industry.

Public organizations took an active part in the fight against absenteeism. Their forms and methods of work reflected the characteristic features social psychology epoch, first of all, the desire of the working class to quickly, in a variety of ways, often ignoring the individual, get rid of shortcomings in their environment and achieve their goals, which, ultimately, created favorable conditions for strengthening the administrative-command methods of leadership.

In the multifaceted work to strengthen labor discipline in industry, a large place was given to comrades' courts, which arose in the first months of Soviet power. By the beginning of the first five-year plan, comrades' courts had already accumulated a certain amount of experience, and the practice of their formation and functioning had developed. Comrades' courts were elected at general meetings of labor collectives, and the election of shock workers to them ensured the authority of the court. Cases in them were considered in open sessions during non-working hours.

During the meeting, the best comrades' courts examined all the evidence, attracting the active participation of those present. The presiding judge, the members of the court tried to ensure that any employee could ask questions and speak on the merits of the case. At the same time, the members of the court tried to determine the attitude of the speaker to the committed misconduct. This characterized the comrades' court as a public body expressing the opinion of the collective.

The Comrades' Court had the right to apply the following measures of influence in relation to persons who committed misconduct: a) a warning, b) public censure with publication in the press, c) a fine of not more than 10 rubles in favor of public organizations (Osoaviakhim, MOPR, "Friend of Children", etc. d) compensation for property damage if it did not exceed 50 rubles;

But the practice of applying punishments imposed by comrades' courts was much richer and more varied. A worker of the Kursk Machine-Building Plant “cursed one worker with indecent words. The comrades' court, in the presence of the workers of the factory, considered this case and issued a public reprimand to the worker, suggested that he, in the presence of the workers, apologize to this worker and read in the red corner a pamphlet on how not to swear. By the decision of the Comrades' Court of Garment Factory No. 8 (Moscow), the worker Ushakova was determined "to attend a comprehensive school without fail".

In November 1932, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR issued a resolution "On dismissal for absenteeism without good reason." This decision was fully consistent with the administrative-command methods of management and Stalin's position that "repressions in the field of socialist construction are a necessary element of the offensive."

This resolution significantly belittled the role of the public in strengthening labor discipline, in educating a conscious attitude to work. After the adoption of this decision, cases of absenteeism were withdrawn from the competence of comrades' courts.

In addition to the decree of November 15, 1932, other normative acts were adopted that strengthen the administrative and disciplinary responsibility of violators of labor discipline, and thereby narrow the possibilities for applying measures of public influence and the scope of activities of comrades' courts.

On May 30, 1936, the Commission of Soviet Control under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On Consideration of Workers' Complaints". Paragraph eight of this resolution proposed to stop the transfer of cases on the imposition of penalties for official misconduct on delinquent workers to public organizations. In this regard, the number of cases referred by the administration of enterprises for consideration by comrades' courts has noticeably decreased, and they have practically ceased to exist.

There was also a fight against unauthorized abandonment of work. Persons who terminated employment relations with an enterprise or institution of the socialized sector in one of the following cases were considered to have left work without permission:

  • a) without advance warning of this to the administration, without waiting for a replacement by another employee and before the end of the period agreed upon when hiring;
  • b) leaving work own will more than once within 12 months, even if the employment was for an indefinite period;
  • c) young specialists who left work before the end of the established period of working off.

All these persons, as well as some other violators of labor discipline (including truants) were recognized as malicious disruptors of production. When applying for work to the labor authorities, they were taken on a special account and were not sent to work in industry and transport for 6 months. For the first time, criminal liability was also introduced for malicious violation of labor


When considering the development of Soviet labor law in the years immediately preceding the start of the Second World War and the German attack on the Soviet Union, it is necessary to fully take into account the extremely tense situation of that time. In a very short period, it was necessary to ensure the maximum development of the national economy, to raise the economic and military potential of the country as high as possible.

All this led to a series special measures in the field of strengthening labor discipline, combating absenteeism, the most expedient consolidation and distribution of personnel of workers. The function of labor law, connected with ensuring the efficiency of social production, was especially developed, which, of course, did not exclude the implementation of its other functions, in particular, the protection of the labor rights of citizens.

An important role in the implementation of these measures was played by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 28, 1938 "On measures to streamline labor discipline, improve the practice of state social insurance and combat abuses in this matter."

The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 28, 1938 "On measures to streamline labor discipline, improve the practice of state social insurance and combat abuses in this matter" was also sustained in very harsh tones and provided for a whole range of measures to put things in order in production.

“The law requires the dismissal of a worker or employee who allowed absenteeism for an unexcused reason ... A worker or employee who allowed being late for work without good reason, or left early for lunch, or arrived late from lunch, or left the enterprise or institution ahead of time, or idle during working hours, is subject to punishment by the administration: a remark or a reprimand, or a reprimand with a warning about dismissal; transfer to another, lower paid job for up to three months or shift to a lower position. A worker or employee who has committed three such violations within one month or four violations within two months in a row is subject to dismissal as a truant, as a violator of the law on labor and labor discipline.

A significant innovation of this document was the introduction of personal responsibility for the heads of enterprises, institutions, workshops and departments for maintaining labor discipline among their subordinates “up to and including dismissal and prosecution” .

1940 was marked by the adoption of the highest government bodies a whole series of legal acts that significantly tightened production discipline and strengthened control over labor resources.

The main provisions of these and other regulations concerning the distribution of personnel and the strengthening of labor discipline were as follows: persons who graduated from vocational, railway schools, factory training schools had to work for four years in the direction of labor reserves at industrial enterprises , transport, etc.

The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 19, 1940 granted the right to the People's Commissars of the USSR to transfer specialists and skilled workers (within the framework of this system) to work in another locality without fail.

An increase in compensation was envisaged to cover the costs of moving; unauthorized leaving of work of workers and employees of state and cooperative enterprises and institutions, as well as unauthorized transfer from one enterprise to another. Leaving work became possible only with the permission of the director, and he was obliged to give permission to leave only in three cases:

  • 1) illness or disability of an employee;
  • 2) enrollment of an employee in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution;
  • 3) when an employee retires due to old age and wants to leave work.

The length of the working day was increased from 7 to 8 hours at enterprises with a seven-hour working day, from six to seven hours at enterprises with a six-hour working day (except for industries with harmful working conditions), from six to eight hours for employees of enterprises and institutions, from six up to eight hours - for persons who have reached the age of 16-17. At the same time, the list of industries that gave the right to a shorter working day was reduced, the length of the working week was increased, and the number of holidays was reduced.

In the field of wages, the legislation was aimed at tightening the norms of output in accordance with the results achieved by the leaders of production; streamlining labor rationing, in particular the introduction of technically sound norms instead of "experimental statistical" ones; on the widespread use of "piecework" and bonuses in various forms; to the use, where it is technically possible, of "chord" wages.

It was recognized that only work that results in products of adequate quality is payable, and for time workers and pieceworkers, only time spent in productive labor.

The 11th Plenum of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (April 1941) obliged all trade union organizations to resolutely fight against illegal wage supplements for work not done, which was qualified as embezzlement of public funds.

In the second half of the 1930s. the system of interest allowances and annual remuneration for length of service has become widespread, i.e. additional payment for long work experience in a particular profession or industry. This event was aimed at attracting and retaining permanent staff at work.

To characterize the legal regulation of wages in the pre-war years, such a moment as a high degree of centralization of the planning of wage funds, the centralization of tariff rates, salaries, and the wage system as a whole, which was also a manifestation of the general line associated with the pre-war situation, is also significant.

Issues of labor discipline were at the center of attention of Soviet labor legislation during the entire period under study. In order to streamline the accounting of workers and employees at enterprises and institutions, work books were introduced in 1938. This contributed to the fight against staff turnover, the establishment of advancement in work and the selection of workers with appropriate qualifications.

In 1938, the highest degree of distinction was established - the Hero of Socialist Labor. This title was awarded to individuals who, through their innovative activities, showed exceptional services to the state, contributed to the rise of the national economy, culture, and science.

The usual disciplinary measures were applied, including transfer to a lower paid job for up to three months or removal to a lower position. Model internal labor regulations did not specify dismissal as a punitive measure 35 . But p. "d" Art. 47 of the Labor Code (1922), which provided for the dismissal of an employee at the initiative of the administration for systematic violation of labor discipline, was not canceled and was practically applied.

The most acute issue was absenteeism. The central task was the eradication of absenteeism. The very concept of absenteeism has undergone changes. Instead of being absent from work without a good reason for “at least one day” (according to the legislation of the early 1930s), any violation without a good reason of working hours longer than 20 minutes was recognized as absenteeism. .

The Decree of December 28, 1938 provided for the application of a whole system of sanctions to truants: dismissal from work, eviction from living space if it was provided by the enterprise, a break in work experience, deprivation of the right to temporary disability benefits after six months of work in a new place.

Since these measures were not effective enough, the Decree of June 26, 1940 introduced judicial liability for absenteeism for no good reason: corrective labor for up to six months with deductions from wages up to 25%. The sanction for leaving work without permission was a prison sentence of two to four months.

The result was a reduction in labor turnover and a decrease in the number of violations of labor discipline. For example, according to the People's Commissariat for Medium Machine Building, the number of absenteeism from August to December 1940 decreased by 2.5 times. In Moscow, the number of absenteeism in January 1941 compared with August 1940 decreased by more than 4.5 times, and in the Moscow region - by 3.5 times.

In accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 28, 1938, workers and employees dismissed for violation of labor discipline or for committing a crime, as well as those who left work of their own free will, were deprived of the right to receive temporary benefits. incapacity for work before the expiration of six months of work in a new place. Women workers were entitled to maternity benefits only after they had worked at the enterprise for seven months. The length of maternity leave was cut almost in half, from 112 days to 63 days. The length of service for receiving a disability pension was increased, although supplements were introduced to these pensions for continuous work experience.

Of course, all these measures taken in the last pre-war years and months cannot be viewed in isolation from the then extremely dangerous situation for the country. Their explanation should also be sought in the need to accept emergency measures aimed at strengthening labor discipline, and in general the defense capability of the USSR.

In the 1930s there was a narrowing of the real boundaries of the Labor Code. Created in the early 1920s. and well adapted to the conditions of the NEP, labor legislation has actually lost its regulatory role. A number of norms quietly died, being formally preserved in the Labor Code (on collective agreements), others were canceled (on labor sessions of people's courts, etc.), others changed dramatically (for example, production standards).

According to S.A. Ivanov, “the decline in the significance of the Labor Code of 1922 occurred because it ceased to correspond to the socio-economic conditions that existed when it was adopted. NEP with its methods has been replaced administrative system management, which was characterized by the maximum centralization of political and economic power, command and order methods of managing socio-economic processes. All this affected not only the Code, but also the legal regulation of labor in general.

1941-1945 - a special period in the history of the Soviet state and society. The enormous strain of all the forces of the country during the years of the Great Patriotic War predetermined the development of labor resources and the economy as a whole. The need to resist the armed aggression of fascist Germany led to a significant increase in the Armed Forces of the USSR - up to 11 million people by the beginning of 1942.

An unusually complicated shortage of labor resources necessary to attract to military production forced the Soviet government in February 1942 to mobilize the urban, and then the rural population, to the labor front. As a result, in 1942 alone, about 3 million people were sent to various objects of the national economy.

Even earlier, labor legislation was seriously tightened. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 26, 1941, the working day was extended; by the Decree of December 26, 1941, a de facto ban on the transfer of workers from enterprise to enterprise was introduced. Thus, during the war years, acts on labor mobilization were widely used as a method of attracting labor 359 .

The policy towards rural workers was significantly tightened. In just 5 months (June-October) 1942, the people's courts of the RSFSR considered cases against 151 thousand collective farmers who did not work out the established norm of mandatory workdays, of which 117 thousand were sentenced to corrective labor labor on collective farms for up to 6 months from withholding from payment up to 25% of workdays in favor of agricultural artel. In addition, they also lost their personal plot.

The repressive measures for non-fulfillment of natural food service by collective farm households were significantly intensified. The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of November 24, 1942 prescribed the possibility of collecting arrears from the economy and the private yard by the district commissioner of the People's Commissariat of Procurement in an indisputable manner. If a peasant fell into the category of a debtor again, he was threatened with criminal liability in the form of corrective labor for up to 1 year, as well as imprisonment for up to 2 years with confiscation of property.

However, an analysis of archival sources indicates that the “struggle for discipline” on the ground began even earlier - in 1946. So, this year, trials began in the Smolensk region against collective farmers who did not work out a minimum of workdays. But repressive measures against collective farmers did not fundamentally change the situation. In 1947 - the first half of 1948, in almost all farms of the Smolensk region, the number of "evaders" continued to grow. In some areas, this figure ranged from 10% to 25%. However, after the intensification of repressive measures on the basis of the Decree of June 2, 1948, the party-state and law enforcement agencies (intelligence reports of the Smolensk Department of the MTB) noted a sharp decrease in the number of collective farmers who did not fulfill the minimum workdays. If at the beginning of 1948 3.9% of able-bodied collective farmers did not work out a minimum of workdays, then by the end of the year there were less than 2 of them.

%. In July-September 1948 alone, 214 people were convicted in the Smolensk region, of which 71 received a criminal sentence.

At the turn of the 1940-50s. the state has repeatedly attempted to increase the mandatory minimum workdays. In accordance with the draft resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 1948, it was envisaged to introduce the following norms: 150 workdays per year for adults and 60 for adolescents.

However, despite the perfected system of seizure of marketable products and the forced use of labor resources, agricultural production has not been able to provide sufficient food for the ever-increasing urban population either in the 1950s or in subsequent decades. Government bodies expressed concern that the labor costs of collective farmers for social production in many regions of the country were less than for work in private farming.

Deprived of material incentives, the multi-million army of working people could be mobilized into the national economy and attached to jobs exclusively by coercive measures. In this mechanism for the regulation of labor and employment, a significant place was given to the numerous state and party apparatus both in the center and in the localities.