Competitions for the anniversary of Fanta. We play forfeits: interesting tasks for a fun company

Fanta's game is a game that can be played at any age. It is interesting for both children and adults, and mixed companies. different ages. Fanta can be played on New Year, and for a birthday, and just in the company to have fun.

The name of the game "Fanta" comes from the German "Pfand" - pledge, mortgage.

There are several types of games:

Fanta with a host. Each player pledges one personal item. It can be a piece of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name, or any valuable thing that is a pity to part with. For example, mobile phone or watch. Players put things in a common bag or box. The host turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?”. The host assigns a task to each phantom. The person who owns the object must fulfill it. Moreover, the host also has to redeem his deposit. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Fanta with cards. Each player writes his wish on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected and mixed. You can also prepare a deck of phantoms in advance - cardboard cards with tasks for the players. Further, either the players, without looking, draw out their tasks to the phantoms, or the leader shuffles the cards and distributes them to the players. Participants in the game must remember that they themselves may come across their own task. Therefore, it is better not to think of something that you yourself do not dare to do.

Fanta with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever the match goes out, he will fulfill the general desire of the players. This version of the game is not suitable for children. Matches are not toys for children!

Tasks for playing forfeits for children and for any company:

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or the neighbor on the left (possible options: in one minute, with your eyes closed, holding a pencil in your mouth).
  2. Draw a portrait of a birthday boy or Santa Claus by holding a felt-tip pen between your palms.
  3. Depict some hero of fairy tales: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  4. Depict any animal: a lion, a pig, a hedgehog, a cat, a monkey, etc.
  5. Depict any bird: a crow, a swallow, a rooster or a chicken, etc.
  6. picture famous person or a movie hero: Marilyn Monroe, Rinat Litvinov, Jackie Chan, Spider-Man, Terminator.
  7. Draw a cartoon character: Shrek, Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson.
  8. Pantomime an alarm clock, perfume, ice cream.
  9. Pantomime a New Year's cracker.
  10. mime sparkler which does not want to light up.
  11. Show without words a request to screw in a light bulb.
  12. Depict a mirror (go around all the guests, and everyone looks at you, and you must portray him).
  13. Kiss everyone.
  14. Confess your love to someone present without words.
  15. Draw 7 different emotions on your face.
  16. Tell a poem.
  17. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  18. Write a poem about a birthday.
  19. The birthday boy pronounces any word, and you must quickly come up with a rhyme for him.
  20. Sing a song (you can complicate the task - make you sing under the table or with matches in your teeth).
  21. Sing a song about a little Christmas tree upper lip to the nose of a spoon or pencil.
  22. Sing a verse of a children's song (for example, about a grasshopper), replacing all the nouns of the text with words derived from the name of the birthday man or the neighbor on the left.
  23. Perform the melody of the song "Two Merry Geese", smacking your lips - "sending kisses" to the birthday man or neighbor on the right.
  24. Play with your finger on the lip the motive of the song "Let them run awkwardly ...".
  25. Answer "yes" to any question asked by each of the players in the group.
  26. Come up with a congratulation so that all words begin with "P" and "G" (any letters).
  27. Dance the dance of little ducklings (options are possible: swan lake, lezginka, gypsy).
  28. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two back.
  29. Pretend to be an airplane and run around the room with a "whhhh" sound.
  30. Walk on all fours around the room, food "I'm a moon rover alone, beep, beep ..."
  31. Say 7 times in different ways "Oh, how beautiful (beautiful) I am!", Looking in the mirror, and not laughing.
  32. Name for each player 2 qualities for which you like him.
  33. Compliment the neighbor on the left and pass this task around.
  34. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  35. Salute with your right hand and at the same time extend left hand forward with the palm clenched into a fist and raised up thumb. Say at the same time: “Wo! Birthday!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
  36. Spoon feed the player on the right (all players can do so).
  37. Tell us about your favorite toy.
  38. Tell a joke.
  39. Draw a symbol for the coming year.
  40. Imagine yourself as an astrologer and predict what awaits each of the guests next year.
Sample tasks for fanta.

Fun tasks for playing forfeits for a youth company or a company of close friends:

At home

  1. Move the ruble with your nose so that it falls off the table into the substituted glass.
  2. Make a paper medal for each player. The name of the medals must correspond to the truth (for incomparable taste, for honesty, etc.)
  3. Make a plan of the apartment, providing all the rooms or other objects with comic captions.
  4. Drink all the alcohol that is poured into the glasses at the moment.
  5. Show without words what you do at work.
  6. Say a Caucasian toast.
  7. Turn into a foreigner for 15 minutes and say a toast in some foreign language.
  8. Go to your neighbors and bring a kilogram of salt or a bucket of water from them.
  9. Depict the scene "You must marry me" with a neighbor on the left.
  10. Drink a glass of champagne hands-free.
  11. Have a drink with a neighbor on the right "to brotherhood".
  12. Extinguish the lit candle with a cry (you can’t blow it).
  13. Put on flippers (felt boots) and dance the dance of little ducklings.
  14. Stick your head out the open window and shout loudly, "I can see Japan!!" or "People, I love you!"

1. Sing a song.
2. Dance a funny dance.
3. Make guests laugh.
4. Unwrap and eat the candy using cutlery.
5. Tell a joke.

1. To make it more fun,
Sing us a song soon!
We make a promise
What do we sing to you.

2. Your finest hour has come!
Please dance for us
Incendiary and brave
Tango sultry ... with a mop!

3. Charge everyone with positive,
Something to make you laugh
For us to have fun
To laugh heartily!

4. This is a sleight of hand task.
Dare, praise and honor to you!
Knife and fork candy
Manage and deploy, and eat!

5. Amuse honest people:
Tell us a joke
To laugh until you drop.
Remember more - we will be glad!

1. Open champagne.
2. Get a tea bag into a mug.
3. Prepare a sandwich.
4. Eat a banana without using your hands.
5. Take a photo of the guests.

1. Surprise you
I got a fan simple:
For us without delay
Open the champagne!

2. Here is a test for accuracy!
(The hall held its breath.)
Drop this tea bag
So that he gets into the mug!

3. Fant is simple: from different products
Make a sandwich (light snack)
To make it look great
And it tasted great!

4. Try to entertain us a little,
Have fun with friends and girlfriends
And eat a banana without a fork, without a spoon,
No knife, no hands.

5. You got such a phantom:
Take a picture of all guests.
But with one simple nuance -
To make it funnier!

A wonderful path was passed by the hero of the day,
You can talk about it in a book.
Come up with a title for the memoir
that he could write.

Not a difficult phantom, you should know
About this, do not go to a fortuneteller,
And now name five things,
Required for fishing

Now you must show
How flexible are you?
Your phantom - to dance with a chair
Funny and erotic.

Maybe this role is for you.
A bit out of the ordinary
Your phantom - sing a ditty now
Of course, it's better

Your phantom at first glance is quite simple,
But it will arouse general interest -
Let us know the hero of the day growth,
And also guess its weight.

You are lucky, you got a simple phantom -
You must stand on your right foot,
And holding the left leg with your hand,
Raise a toast in honor of our hero of the day.

You must drink without a trace
For the birthday girl a glass
Build all the ladies in order
And dance the cancan together

Your phantom is to become a conductor for a while,
Organize all guests quickly,
So that, by order of the hero of the day, in chorus
Drinking all the songs to perform.

Your phantom: in the art of achievement
Show your guests to everyone
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Poem to tell!

As a sign of friendship and mutual respect
To your neighbor or neighbour,
Pour wine and loudly with expression
Read everything on the label.

Your phantom is successful, let's say in secret -
Organize model show,
And comment on the show at the same time,
And recruit fashion models from the guests.

You need to compose
From fruits on the table "He and she",
Add your own explanations to it
And to announce to whom it is dedicated.

Should you applause
For the hero of the day, in her honor
Invent a fax from the President
In her name and read.

Such a duty, except for you,
Can't be done by anyone else.
Your phantom - on behalf of the guests now
To the hostess of the celebration say "Thank you"

Fanta is an old game that has been played for several centuries. Therefore, many of us know how to play forfeits. We will only recall the main points.

Rules of the game

The number of participants is from 5 to 25. Each player gives the leader an object, after which he writes a task on a piece of paper. Papers with tasks are collected and shuffled. Next, the host, without looking, should draw out a “phantom” (someone’s object), and then a note. The owner of the "fantas" must complete the task that is written on the piece of paper. Don't forget that you can get to own wish. This circumstance should somewhat "cool" too excited heads.

Questions in forfeits can be very different. In the century before last, the game of forfeits in verse was popular. Now it comes down to ensuring that the "phantom" utters a patter rhyme as quickly as possible. For a youth company, they can be erotic (depending on the proximity of the company). For chaste people, for example, there may be such tasks - to drink a bottle of beer for a while, to play a pantomime.

This, in a nutshell, is the essence of the game of forfeits. The rules are simple, and whether it will be funny, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

Task examples

  1. Without words, show what you are always busy with at work.
  2. Draw someone's portrait in a minute.
  3. Make a toast in an incomprehensible language.
  4. Facial expressions depict at least 10 emotions.
  5. Talk about elephants for at least 1 minute without stopping.
  6. Walk on your knees across the room.
  7. Fake a yawn until one of the guests yawns.
  8. Eat garlic (at least 2 cloves).
  9. With a ladle and a saucepan, run out into the street and yell loudly: “I want cabbage soup !!!” At the same time, hit the pan with a ladle.
  10. Come up with such a congratulation for the birthday man so that each word begins with one letter.

Do you want to drop all modesty and finally throw logs into your fireplace of love?

Then you definitely need this game!

This is an erotic game for married and permanent couples. With her, your LOVE will flare up in an incredible way.
This is a truly EXCLUSIVE game! With her, "smoldering" LOVE will simply flare up from the heat, and the bedroom will turn into a "den of debauchery", or a "paradise cloud", if someone likes it that way. The chance that one of the two will not only be bored, but even think about cheating, with this game is guaranteed to be zero.

Fanta's game is divided into several groups:

  • For singles or "new acquaintances"- "Shura-mura", "Pepper", "Coffee break", "Tete-a-tete", "Coffee in bed" and "Resort romance"
  • For permanent couples- "Bomb from boredom", "Oil to the fire", "Absinthe", "Sweet couple", "Beaujolais", Caramel paradise, etc.
  • For "fun company"- "Shake", "Cocktail", "Bottle", "Tusa", "Party" - for corporate parties

This game "Absinthe" I ordered from the official site, direct link.

Bright cardboard box with magnetic closure.

Inside the box is a catalog of poses, rules of the game, an advertising brochure, a mask and 4 decks of cards.

Catalog- Thick glossy pages with very colorful and clear pictures. I can’t show it, the rules don’t allow it, but you can look at it on the official website.

Mask- Made of black fleece, very soft. The smell went away after the 2nd wash.

Cards- 4 decks of 50 cards, each deck different color. The white deck is considered the easiest, and the red deck is considered the most difficult.

In general, my husband boils for anything, except for a hunger strike ... But some cards from this game made him hysterical.

White cards.

Tasks are "simple" for warming up, most of the tasks are on the topic of romantic dates, trips somewhere and plans. You can do it not only at home.

And this is something that is unacceptable for us. Well, how? How did such strange tasks get into these white and fluffy ones?

Yellow fans.

Tasks, sensations and many role-playing games. Cards let your imagination run wild. game form. Role-playing games this is certainly not easy, but if you discard the constraint and enter the role, then everything will go like clockwork. This is difficult for my husband, but I think in five years he will take the initiative into his own hands.

And these again do not suit us.

pink cards.

I like them more than the rest. The tasks are well chosen for a married couple, if we hadn’t come to this ourselves (or hadn’t thought of it), then it was these forfeits that pushed us to do this.

But it's not without absurdity

Red fans. The most "Burning".

To them and to some pink phantoms, a catalog of poses comes to the rescue. My husband and I have not yet reached these cards, we just like the "action" tasks more. And we are unlikely to ever be ready for this.

A couple of really weird jobs.

When we play , then we immediately sort through all the cards and remove the unsuitable ones for us. I was already thinking about throwing out the extra ones, but then I decided to leave it - what if cockroaches roam in my head? kidding

Nobody changed their rules. , choose the ones you need and draw one at a time, yes please, draw one or two cards a day from action tasks, even better

In fact cool assignments , I like that 50% of the phantom must be completed the next day or a week later, this does not allow the relationship to "stagnate". After all, if earlier just going to the cinema on weekends pleased you with "going out", now with the task of taking tickets for the last row and remembering your youth, it is simply impossible not to be in anticipation of the film. This is an extreme, which is not enough in a long relationship.

And 20% of jobs are done outside the home, which also does not allow to lie in bed. Tasks mostly with a romantic touch - a meeting in a cafe, hotel, park, etc. Also 10-15 tasks for massages, breakfast in bed and cute pranks.

Of course, we are all different in taste and color, we rejected the red deck and 25 cards in total from the rest of the forfeits. Perhaps you will like all the forfeits.

Fanta game is a game that can be played at any age. It is interesting for children, adults, and mixed companies of different ages. You can play forfeit for the New Year, and for your birthday, and just in a company to have fun.

The name of the game "Fanta" comes from the German "Pfand" - pledge, mortgage.

There are several types of games:

Fanta with a host. Each player pledges one personal item. It can be a piece of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name, or any valuable thing that is a pity to part with. For example, a mobile phone or a watch. Players put things in a common bag or box.

The host turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?”. The host assigns a task to each phantom. The person who owns the object must fulfill it. Moreover, the host also has to redeem his deposit. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Fanta with cards. Each player writes his wish on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected and mixed. You can also prepare a deck of phantoms in advance - cardboard cards with tasks for the players. Further, either the players, without looking, draw out their tasks to the phantoms, or the leader shuffles the cards and distributes them to the players. Participants in the game must remember that they themselves may come across their own task. Therefore, it is better not to think of something that you yourself do not dare to do.

Fanta with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever the match goes out, he will fulfill the general desire of the players. This version of the game is not suitable for children. Matches are not toys for children!

Tasks for playing forfeits for children and for any company:

  1. Draw a portrait of yourself or the neighbor on the left (possible options: in one minute, with your eyes closed, holding a pencil in your mouth).
  2. Draw a portrait of a birthday boy or Santa Claus by holding a felt-tip pen between your palms.
  3. Depict some hero of fairy tales: Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Kolobok, etc.
  4. Depict any animal: a lion, a pig, a hedgehog, a cat, a monkey, etc.
  5. Depict any bird: a crow, a swallow, a rooster or a chicken, etc.
  6. Depict a famous person or movie character: Marilyn Monroe, Rinata Litvinova, Jackie Chan, Spider-Man, Terminator.
  7. Draw a cartoon character: Shrek, Cheburashka, Pinocchio, Homer Simpson.
  8. Pantomime an alarm clock, perfume, ice cream.
  9. Pantomime a New Year's cracker.
  10. Pantomime a sparkler that doesn't want to light up.
  11. Show without words a request to screw in a light bulb.
  12. Depict a mirror (go around all the guests, and everyone looks at you, and you must portray him).
  13. Kiss everyone.
  14. Confess your love to someone present without words.
  15. Draw 7 different emotions on your face.
  16. Tell a poem.
  17. Read the poem as if you were falling asleep.
  18. Write a poem about a birthday.
  19. The birthday boy pronounces any word, and you must quickly come up with a rhyme for him.
  20. Sing a song (you can complicate the task - make you sing under the table or with matches in your mouth).
  21. Sing a song about a small Christmas tree, pressing a spoon or pencil with your upper lip to your nose.
  22. Sing a verse of a children's song (for example, about a grasshopper), replacing all the nouns of the text with words derived from the name of the birthday man or the neighbor on the left.
  23. Perform the melody of the song "Two Merry Geese", smacking your lips - "sending kisses" to the birthday man or neighbor on the right.
  24. Play with your finger on the lip the motive of the song "Let them run awkwardly ...".
  25. Answer "yes" to any question asked by each of the players in the group.
  26. Come up with a congratulation so that all words begin with "P" and "G" (any letters).
  27. Dance the dance of little ducklings (options are possible: swan lake, lezginka, gypsy).
  28. Walk around the room, taking three steps forward and two back.
  29. Pretend to be an airplane and run around the room with a "whhhh" sound.
  30. Walk on all fours around the room, food "I'm a moon rover alone, beep, beep ..."
  31. Say 7 times in different ways "Oh, how beautiful (beautiful) I am!", Looking in the mirror, and not laughing.
  32. Name for each player 2 qualities for which you like him.
  33. Compliment the neighbor on the left and pass this task around.
  34. Yawn until you make someone else yawn.
  35. Salute with your right hand and at the same time extend your left hand forward with the palm clenched into a fist and the thumb raised up. Say at the same time: “Wo! Birthday!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
  36. Spoon feed the player on the right (all players can do so).
  37. Tell us about your favorite toy.
  38. Tell a joke.
  39. Draw a symbol for the coming year.
  40. Imagine yourself as an astrologer or a fortune teller and predict what awaits each of the guests next year.

If forfeit game options for children are too boring for your company and you want thrills, then take a look