Fish oil - contraindications for use

Fish oil - there are also contraindications to taking this unique remedy. Don't be surprised by this contraindications for taking fish oil mainly related to the peculiarity of the origin of this product. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the contraindications for taking this supplement, and manufacturers are often silent about the features of taking this supplement.

Fish oil - contraindications for use

Main contraindications

About the benefits fish oil a lot is known - it is a strong antioxidant, provides the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. However, there is fish oil and contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to take fish oil on an empty stomach;
  • fish and fish oil can cause allergies;
  • fish oil is contraindicated in hypotensive patients;
  • fish oil contains cholesterol and increases its content in the blood;
  • fish oil is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Fish fat It is not recommended to take on an empty stomach as some digestive problems such as diarrhea and intestinal cramps may occur. By the way, indigestion can be a symptom of an allergy. Fish oil has another remarkable property - it lowers blood pressure, so those who already have problems with low blood pressure should not use this product.

Despite the fact that in fish oil contains vitamins we need, it can significantly impair the absorption of vitamin E, and long-term use of this supplement can cause a deficiency of tocopherol. also slightly reduces blood clotting, which can cause increased bleeding during menstruation and the occurrence of bleeding from the nose.

Fish oil: take with caution

Application fish oil in diabetes, it should be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist, since scientists have not yet been able to accurately determine whether fish oil intake increases or lowers blood sugar levels. Strictly speaking, taking fish oil together with any drugs requires judgment with a specialist.

It is also worth remembering that fish fat contains a large amount of fat-soluble vitamin D, which can accumulate in the body and cause hypervitaminosis, which, by the way, is no less dangerous than vitamin deficiency. Also, with caution, fish oil should be used for those who have calcium in the body that exceeds the norm.

Apply with caution fish fat it is also necessary for those who suffer from hyperthyroidism - patients have increased thyroid function, and taking fish oil can only worsen the situation. If considered in general, then the reception for any serious illness and treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.