Why does the puppy crawl on its butt? The dog rides on its butt: causes and treatment. Inflammation of the anal glands

Very often, when pet owners come to the clinic, they ask the question: “Why does my pet “ride on its butt”?

There are several reasons why this happens. This happens with helminthic infestation, with inflammation of the mucous membrane, in long-haired animals due to tangled hair, and is also possible with clogged and inflamed paraanal glands. They need to be cleaned regularly.

The dog's paraanal glands are located on both sides of the anus on the underside. The substance secreted by the paraanal glands is thick and very unpleasant smell. Dogs have almost lost the ability to control the emptying of these bags on their own.

These inflammations are caused both by the characteristics of the body of a particular animal, and by such reasons as too thick secretion of the glands or too a soft chair, as a result of which the glands and ducts can become clogged and inflamed. This disease is usually chronic. Therefore, the glands should be cleaned 3-4 times a year.

Stagnation of the secretion and its further accumulation lead to an increase in the size of the anal sacs, thinning of its epithelial lining and, finally, to rupture. The resulting inflammatory reaction can lead to the formation of ulcers on the skin covering the bag and the formation of a fistula or fistula.

Symptoms of the disease are different, it can be either “riding on the butt” or pain during defecation, “hunting” for one’s own tail, in addition to these phenomena, changes in behavior may be observed such as aggressiveness towards anyone who touches back of the body.

The owner of the animal can try to cleanse the paraanal glands on his own; this should be done as follows:
Inject with Vaseline in gloves forefinger into the rectum, then use your index finger and thumb to feel the gland at an angle at 5 or 7 o’clock. The gland is felt as a pear-shaped formation of varying density; with gradually intensifying massaging movements you squeeze out the secretion, and repeat the same on the other side.
Keep in mind that the secretion is very smelly, and it is not advisable to get it on your home furniture.
After cleaning, it is advisable to insert anti-inflammatory suppositories for 2 - 3 days.

But dogs often do not allow their owners to do this. There have been cases where animal owners cleaned the glands during acute inflammation and the anal gland, filled with pus, burst in their hands.

In our clinics, a similar procedure costs only 350 rubles.

In case of very frequent relapses, as well as in the formation of fistulas, it is advisable to carry out surgical removal anal sacs.

There are several reasons why a dog “rides on its butt”: helminthic infestation or inflammation of the mucous membrane. Long-haired pets suffer from matted fur. But there's another one bad reason– clogging and inflammation of the paraanal glands.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs

What are paraanal glands? They are located below on both sides of the anus. The substance they secrete is thick and has a very unpleasant odor.

The causes of the disease may be either the composition of the substance is too thick, or loose stool, clogging the exits of the gland canals. This disease is chronic, so visits to the veterinarian should be at least three to four times a year.

A neglected disease can lead to dire consequences. Stagnation of secretions and their accumulation causes an enlargement of the anal sacs and their subsequent rupture. A further inflammatory reaction manifests itself in the form of ulcers, fistulas and even fistulas.

One of the symptoms of the disease is “riding on the butt.” Other signs include painful defecation, running in circles after one's tail, and displaying aggression towards someone who touches the back of the body.


The owner of the animal can cleanse the glands himself, but it is still advisable to visit a doctor. There have been cases when an inflamed purulent sac burst in the owner’s hands. The veterinarian will carry out the procedure itself more competently and without unnecessary risks, otherwise he will provide immediate assistance to your pet.

Worm infestation in dogs

Let's look at the symptoms of this disease. The first is poor mobility and growth of young animals, bloated belly. The whites of the eyes are bluish, the fur is tousled. While the appetite increases, the dogs lose weight, vomiting and diarrhea are observed.

They secrete poisons that cause convulsions and paresis. Their larvae wander throughout the body and can damage the lungs, which leads to their inflammation.

Sometimes dog owners experience their pet rolling around on its butt. What could be the cause of this phenomenon, and what measures should be taken?


Dogs have what are called paranal glands or anal sacs. They are responsible for scent marking and are sometimes used in self-defense. It allows you to mark territory and identify each other when meeting. But most domestic dogs have lost the ability to empty these glands on their own (normally this should happen during defecation). If this does not happen, the anal sacs become clogged and cause discomfort to the pet. When the secretion clogs the glands, the dog experiences discomfort due to inflammatory processes, this interferes with bowel movements and even normal movement. Pets try to get rid of unpleasant discomfort by rolling on the ground so that excess secretion is released from the hole. Sometimes dogs may bite their tail or lick their anal area in hopes of getting rid of these unpleasant sensations.

What to do?

In order to alleviate the pet's condition, the owner should pay attention to cleaning the anal glands. Of course, this activity is not pleasant (since the secretion secreted by these glands has a strong bad smell), but it is necessary for the health of the pet. Due to severe blockage of the anal sacs, many diseases occur. Therefore, in order to protect your dog from diseases, you need to take the procedure of cleaning the paranal glands seriously. There are two ways to empty them.

  1. Independent. It is necessary to press the napkin to the anus and squeeze both sides anal area. A secretion with an unpleasant odor should come out of the hole. Cleaning of the paranal glands is usually carried out before bathing the pet.
  2. IN veterinary clinic. If your dog has severe enough inflammation, it is better to consult a veterinarian. He will be able to carry out the procedure correctly without causing discomfort to the pet. In addition, if the owner does not have experience in cleaning anal sacs, he may not be able to do everything painlessly and quickly.
Cleaning the paranal glands - important procedure to maintain the dog's health and improve its well-being. Lack of necessary actions by the owner can lead to the development of various diseases!

Why does a dog ride on its butt? The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. We'll look at them now. Of course, a dog running across the floor may seem funny. But when you see something like this, you shouldn’t laugh. You should take your pet to the veterinarian. This behavior of the dog may be a sign or symptom of pain.

Original hygiene

Why does a dog ride on its butt? The reasons can be very different. The most harmless is the desire for cleanliness. But to confirm such a phenomenon, other possible - more serious - reasons must be excluded.

But in order for a dog to decide to clean its butt on the carpet, there must be some reason. In principle, nature has arranged it in such a way that after defecation, animals remain clean or take care of themselves using their tongue. If the fur near the anus is dirty, and you also see obvious signs irritation, then perhaps the cause of the “ride” was diarrhea. In this way, the dog cleans itself without wanting to do it with its tongue.


Why does a dog ride on its butt and whine? Because she had itching due to the blockage of the anal glands.

These organs are responsible for secretion. It is necessary to mark territory.

A secretion is collected in the glands, which is released at the will of the dog and little by little. If you frighten a dog, a sharp release of it may occur, as a result of which the “aroma” will be felt by everyone who is nearby. The secret has a semi-liquid consistency. With stress, poor nutrition, colds, and pathologies, the liquid can change its density. The glands work more actively if the secretion has become liquid. If, on the contrary, it has become thick, the animal cannot empty the sinuses on its own (this is a tunnel outward from the gland). In either of these two cases, sooner or later, a blockage will occur. Of course, the work of the glands does not stop, but plugs form in the outlet openings. As a result, the secretion begins to put pressure on the sinuses (more precisely, on their walls). That's why the dog rides on its butt.

At the same time, due to pressure on the walls of the sinuses, the dog develops itching. Since animals cannot scratch this area with their paws, they simply sit on the floor and paddle with their front paws, while raising their hind paws. As a result, they eliminate itching and calm down. But, unfortunately, this measure is temporary; it does not solve the main problem. Note that representatives of small breeds are most prone to blockage of the paraanal glands.

How to treat?

We found out why the dog rides on its butt. How can I help her? Treatment is needed. Fortunately, no complicated procedures are required. Needs some basic cleaning. Veterinarian physically squeezes out plugs from glandular tunnels. But after a while you will have to clean the sinuses again if they become clogged. If this happens often, then you need to look for the reason.

If we talk about dogs that are prone to blockages, then cleaning is necessary once every three to four months. If traffic jams form more often, it means that this is already a symptom of some kind of pathology. What happens if you don't clean the clogged glands? Initially, the animal will ride on the floor with its butt. Then, after a while, it will damage delicate tissues. The resulting scratches will, of course, contain harmful microflora. Bacteria will then begin to actively multiply in a warm and humid environment. Afterwards, the animal develops a disease - paraproctitis. What kind of disease is this? Inflammation of the sinuses. The itching already familiar to the animal turns into pain. In the future, depending on the complexity of the situation, constipation may occur, purulent inflammation And so on.

If the infection spreads and goes “higher,” then it is impossible to predict the consequences. The occurrence of sepsis and peritonitis cannot be ruled out. Therefore, if you notice that your pet is on the floor and is engaged in “riding,” then do not hesitate, take your pet to the doctor.

Other reasons

We figured out why the dog rides on its butt. The reasons for this phenomenon are in any case related to either pain. Such inconvenience in the animal can be caused by bones that the dog ate (they could damage the intestines), indigestion, colitis and other pathologies.

Pain and itching are caused by primary irritation of the mucous membrane. For example, when the body is dehydrated, when hard, dry feces damage the intestines and anus during defecation. Initially, the dog may be cheerful and playful, but later it begins to be bothered by pain, it refuses food, and whines. An obvious sign is hard feces that are stuck in anus. To help the animal, veterinarians prescribe oil suppositories and a diet that should be followed until the mucous membranes are completely healed.

The inability to empty the intestines is another reason why a dog rides on its butt, but there are no worms. Obstruction may be caused by swelling, (very dangerous condition), flatulence or foreign object.


Now you know why a dog rides on its butt. The reasons, as you may have noticed, can be very serious. In any case, you should definitely show your pet to a veterinarian.