Microwave oven influence on human health. Harm from microwaves: microwave radiation

Our topic today is “Microwave Harm.” From the point of view of many sources, it exists, and this harm is very great. There are followers of the theory about the dangers of microwaves and food heated under its rays, and there are individuals who prove the opposite and have absolutely opposite opinions. Manufacturers and some modern users of technology are confident in its safety, and they defend their point of view, but some scientific facts against microwave ovens also exist.

The site offers to find out whether the decision to classify microwave ovens as safe equipment is correct. Or maybe radiation can harm modern inhabitants of the planet? Feedback from users of the equipment, the structural properties of its mechanism, scientific research by scientists and knowledge about the molecular properties of liquid substances will help us solve the question “is a microwave harmful or beneficial?”

For those who have doubts about using a microwave oven, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​buying one for your home. We are also interested in the question: “Is microwaved food good or bad?” and we decided to thoroughly understand this.

Microwave health benefits and harms

Where did the microwave come from?

The World Wide Web and the media are teeming with everything, and whatever opinions of “experts” support theses about the dangers of technology. For example, regarding the origin and use of microwaves: some say that the Nazis invented them and used them as radars during military operations, others claim that the microwave was needed to heat food for soldiers, but was no longer used as soon as its harmful effects on the body were noticed.

In fact, he invented a miracle technique American engineer Peri Spencer in 1942, while studying radar mechanisms. But purely by chance I noticed the relationship between an electromagnetic wave and heat. It is believed that he received a burn during the test, but there are other options (a sandwich, a melted chocolate bar lying on the magnetron). But this is no longer important, the main thing is that it was this man who invented the household appliance, which was then improved for several decades.

The dangers of microwave ovens - myth or reality

Unfortunately, the human body is not able to sense fields of high intensity (tension). When staying close to operating devices, a person receives a certain dose of radiation on himself.

According to scientists who deal with issues of harm from household appliances, electromagnetic waves in a microwave oven cannot escape if the device is in working order, and also if you have just purchased it. It provides additional means of protection - a window with a mesh, a tightly closing lid, and the body is additionally treated with a special metal coating that prevents “leakage”. But, there are facts that the protection can be broken and radiation comes out.

How many years can you use a microwave without harm?

IN otherwise After serving for 2 years, a microwave oven can be harmful to your health if you are near the device. Since electromagnetic rays are able to penetrate inside your space due to the malfunction of some parts that have already worn out.

Is there any serious harm from microwaves? Scientific evidence

There is a misconception that food from the microwave is just as “dead” as when cooked. heat treatment on a gas stove. But this is just an assumption, scientific research suggests the reverse effect of microwaves is even more dangerous than it seems.

Studies that prove the harm of electromagnetic radiation have been carried out since the 30s by Russian scientists, then there was no trace of a microwave. But this does not negate its harmful effects on humans. . IN to the fullest such radiation acts on a growing organism, that is, an embryo. Since the properties of such fields have already been proven, this provided support for further study of modern technology.

Microwave ovens were banned from sale in 1976, and there are still opinions that refute the benefits of microwaved food and even reveal its harm. An example is the University of Vienna, where in 1989 they conducted research on the harm of microwave rays. It was found that when food is “heated” by rays, the atomic arrangement of amino acids necessary for growth in the human body radically changes. As a result, proteins are not preserved, but simply disappear.

That is, what life gives us - we don’t get proteins from food, but what exactly is absorbed with such food? Perhaps a certain proportion of radiation, which, in fact, is not visible or is simply “dead food”…. This has not yet been proven. It is only clear that frequent use of microwaves in everyday life does more harm than good.

Microwaves are harmful to health

well and diseases that follow us on our heels slowly but surely manifest themselves after 10-20 years of life. This includes oncology and neurological disorders and cardiovascular dysfunctions. According to medical experts, the eyes especially suffer, because there is no blood vessels, which are able to reduce radiation vibrations.

Why do we assert such facts? Research on this topic was carried out by scientists from the USA, Sweden, Russia, Vienna, some of these experimenters were then fired, simply because such beliefs and the fact that people knew about the “advantages” of miracle technology were not beneficial for microwave oven manufacturers.

Here's some more scientific evidence:

  1. Genetic engineering always conducts experiments with cells of living organisms after first weakening the surface layer of the cell itself. To do this, the cell is exposed to electromagnetic waves, that is, it is pre-irradiated. This weakens the cell membranes, which means you can examine the cell from the inside. We can conclude that the structure of the cell changes, and the body weakens, providing the opportunity for the penetration of various infections, fungi and other microbes. This gives us the right to claim that harm from microwaves exists, reducing immunity through the food we eat.
  2. Russian studies have confirmed that microwaved foods (meat, milk, vegetables and fruits) contain carcinogenic compounds in small quantities. Even after short-term irradiation they are found in food. Of course, a small amount of such elements cannot kill a person, but this is still the effect of carcinogens. As if in slow motion, it affects the immune system, causing the heart to stop earlier than fate intended.

Many will argue that mobile phones and computers are everywhere and you can no longer protect yourself from harmful effects. Yes, this is true, but nothing prevents you from using such equipment as little as possible.

A few tips to reduce harm if you can’t throw the microwave in the trash:

  • When turning it on, it is recommended to move 1.5 meters away from the operating microwave;
  • You should ventilate the room more often and try to heat food as rarely as possible at minimum power. EMR can negatively affect the functioning of the brain directly, the nervous system, cause leukemia and simply reduce immunity;
  • You need to heat in small portions so as not to provoke the growth of bacteria due to severe overheating from above and underheating from the inside.

Harm to human health from microwave ovens

Another thing is the taste of the resulting dishes; they say that they differ from those if the dish is cooked on the stove. This is due to rapid heating and usually the food is heated unevenly, and the liquid evaporates too quickly, causing overheating in some places. Therefore, it is recommended to heat the plate with food at a lower power, set a longer time, and stir the contents from time to time. These seemingly little things will prevent much more dangerous consequences. For example, the opinion that It is true that microbes develop in foods cooked in the microwave...

Heating it in the microwave can cause enormous harm. The fact is that heating from top to bottom can have harmful effects for food in places where it remains cold. Especially when it comes to microwave cooking rather than reheating.

Also, the average consumer does not always know that the meat he purchased may contain salmonella (a bacillus that dies only at 55 degrees of heat treatment). It is in these millimeters that bacteria multiply, this especially applies to raw meat products. This is why consumer reviews do not recommend cooking in a microwave oven, and the properties of the equipment itself confirm this.

So, it remains to conclude what harm there is from a microwave oven and whether the effects of a microwave oven on food are harmful. Microwave radiation is especially harmful if there are small children in the family, that is, growing organisms; it is dangerous for pregnant women. It is especially important to remember that after the warranty period has expired, such equipment must be mercilessly disposed of.

We advise you to avoid using microwave ovens, although they are very convenient. It’s possible to live without them, but it’s impossible to live without health. Replace them with gas stoves, mini ovens or infrared ovens; you can heat them up, defrost them and cook delicious food in them.

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Is a microwave oven dangerous to human health: truth or myth?

When microwave ovens first appeared, they were jokingly called a bachelor's appliance. If you follow this statement, then it is true for the first generation of kitchen appliances. However, nowadays, microwave ovens are equipped with a number of functions and unique features that deserve respect. It is very easy to control the device using a processor that works in accordance with the set parameters. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this technique in order to make sure what effect it has on the human body.

Physical performance characteristics

Over the course of several recent years, you can observe a certain boom in microwave ovens. The harm of a microwave oven is not a myth, but a strict reality, which has been proven by doctors and scientists. This opinion is supported by materials whose scientific evidence confirms Negative influence microwave on the human body. Many years of scientific research into radiation from microwave ovens have established the level of harmful effects on human health.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to the rules of technical security means or TSO. Protective measures will help reduce the power of the pathogenic influence of microwave radiation. If you do not have the opportunity to provide optimal protection when using a microwave to prepare food, you are guaranteed harmful effects on the body. It is very important to know the basics of TSO and apply them when working in a microwave oven.

If you remember basic course physics by school curriculum, it can be established that the heating effect is possible due to the operation of microwave radiation on food. You can eat this food or not, that's enough complex issue. The only thing that can be said is that such food is of no benefit to the human body. For example, if you cook baked apples in a microwave oven, they will not bring any benefit. Baked apples are exposed to electromagnetic radiation, which operates in a certain microwave range.

The radiation source of microwave ovens is a magnetron.

The microwave radiation frequency can be considered to be in the range of 2450 GHz. The electrical component of such radiation is the effect on the dipole molecule of substances. As for a dipole, it is a kind of molecule that has opposite charges at different ends. The electromagnetic field is capable of rotating this dipole one hundred and eighty degrees in one second at least 5.9 billion times. This speed is not a myth, so it causes friction of molecules, as well as subsequent heating.

Microwave radiation can penetrate to a depth of less than three centimeters; subsequent heating occurs through heat transfer from the outer layer to the inner one. The brightest dipole is considered to be a water molecule, so food that contains liquid heats up much faster. Molecule vegetable oil is not a dipole, so they should not be heated in a microwave oven.

The wavelength of microwave radiation is about twelve centimeters. Such waves are located between infrared and radio waves, so they have similar functions and properties.

Microwave danger

The human body is capable of being exposed to a wide variety of radiation, so a microwave oven is no exception. You can argue for a long time about whether such food is beneficial or not. Despite the enormous popularity of this kitchen appliance, harm from a microwave oven is not a fiction or a myth, so you should listen to the advice on TSO, and, if possible, refuse to work with this stove. During use, you need to monitor the status of the indicator.

If you do not have the opportunity to protect your body from harmful energy, you can use high-quality protection, the basics of TSO, to protect your own health.

First, you need to find out the risk that microwave oven radiation may pose. Many nutritionists, doctors and physicists are engaged in restless debate regarding food prepared in this way. Ordinary baked apples will not bring any benefit, since they are exposed to harmful microwave energy.

That is why every person should become familiar with the possible negative consequences for good health. The greatest harm to health from microwaves comes in the form of electromagnetic radiation that comes from the oven when it is running.

Negative for the human body side effect deformation may occur, as well as rearrangement and collapse of molecules, the formation of radiological compounds. In simple words, there is irreparable damage to the health and general condition of the human body, since non-existent compounds are formed that are affected by ultrahigh frequencies. In addition, you can observe the process of ionization of water, which transforms its structure.

According to some studies, such water is very harmful to the human body and all living things, as it becomes dead. For example, when watering a living plant with such water, it will simply die within a week!

This is why all products (even baked apples) that are heat-treated in the microwave become dead. According to this information, we can summarize briefly that food from the microwave has an adverse effect on the health and condition of the human body.

However, there is no precise evidence that can confirm this hypothesis. According to physicists, the wavelength is very short, so it cannot cause ionization, but only heating. If the door opens and the protection does not work, which turns off the magnetron, then the human body experiences the impact of the generator, which guarantees harm to health, as well as burns to internal organs, since the tissue is destroyed and experiences serious stress.

To protect yourself, protection must be on top level, so it’s important to stick to the TCO base. Do not forget that there are absorbing objects for these waves, and the human body is no exception.

Effect on the human body

According to studies of microwave rays, the moment they hit a surface, the tissue of the human body absorbs energy, which causes heating. As a result of thermoregulation, blood circulation increases. If the irradiation was general, then there is no possibility of instant heat removal.

Blood circulation has a cooling effect, so those tissues and organs that are depleted of blood vessels suffer the most. Basically, clouding occurs, as well as destruction of the lens of the eye. Such changes are irreversible.

The tissue that contains the greatest absorption capacity is a large number of liquids:

  • blood;
  • intestines;
  • gastric mucosa;
  • lens of the eye;
  • lymph.

As a result, the following happens:

  • the efficiency of the exchange and adaptation process decreases;
  • transforms thyroid, blood;
  • the mental sphere changes. Over the years, there have been cases where the use of microwaves causes depression and suicidal tendencies.

How long does it take for the first symptoms of a negative impact to appear? There is a version according to which all the signs accumulate for quite a long time.

They may not appear for many years. Then comes a critical moment when the indicator general condition loses ground and appears:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • apathy, stress;
  • heart pain;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue and much more.

So, if you do not follow all the rules of the TCO database, the consequences can be extremely sad and irreversible. It is difficult to answer the question of how long or years it takes for the first symptoms to appear, since it all depends on the microwave model, manufacturer, and the person’s condition.

Protection measures

According to TCO, the impact of a microwave depends on many nuances, most often these are:

  • wavelength;
  • duration of exposure;
  • use of specific protection;
  • types of rays;
  • intensity and distance from the source;
  • external and internal factors.

In accordance with TSO, you can defend yourself using several methods, namely individual and general. TCO measures:

  • change the direction of the rays;
  • reduce the duration of exposure;
  • remote control;
  • indicator status;
  • Protective shielding has been used for several years.

If it is not possible to follow TSO, you can guarantee that the condition will worsen in the future. TCO options are based on the functions of the furnace - reflection, as well as absorption capabilities. If no protective equipment is available, you must use special materials, capable of reflecting an adverse effect. Such materials include:

  • multilayer bags;
  • shungite;
  • metallized mesh;
  • workwear made of metallized fabric - an apron and potholder, a cape equipped with glasses and a hood.

If you use this method, then there is no reason to worry for many years.

Apples in the microwave

Everyone knows that baked fruits and vegetables are very nutritious and healthy, baked apples are no exception. Baked apples are the most popular and delicious dessert, which is prepared not only in the oven, but also in the microwave. However, few people think that fruits baked in the microwave can be harmful.

Baked apples contain many vitamins, useful substances, obtain a more delicate and juicy structure. Baked fruits are not harmful, so it is important to choose the cooking method. As it became known, baked apples in the microwave do not cause harm, since they do not ionize.

In simple words, baked apples are a very tasty, valuable food that can be cooked in a microwave oven without harm to health. If you do not follow the operating rules and neglect the indicator, you can harm your condition. Baked apples are very easy to prepare because the microwave reduces the cooking time. The indicator on the display is responsible for all other functions, so it is important to keep an eye on it.

It is important! If the indicator malfunctions, it cannot be repaired. The indicator is a special LED light bulb. That is why, thanks to the indicator, you can find out about the health of the device.

Answering the question whether microwave ovens are harmful - myth or reality, we can say for sure that this is not a myth. By following the suggested recommendations and operating rules, you will protect yourself from negative influences.

Many houses and apartments have microwave ovens, the users of which are not aware of possible harm these easy-to-use devices. At the same time, the media periodically discusses the question of whether microwave ovens are harmful to human health? Additionally, the results of studies are provided in which experts check whether microwave radiation is safe? They often disagree: some talk about its negative impact, while others note that cooking food in the microwave is even beneficial.

For example, the benefits of food prepared in these ovens are associated with the preservation of more vitamins. The results of one study prove that up to 70% of vegetables are destroyed during the cooking process. ascorbic acid, and electromagnetic radiation destroys no more than 15%.

Ambiguous opinions of scientists

Scientists from the USA note that using a microwave is even useful. Thanks to these devices, the number of stomach cancer cases in the states has decreased as people began to use less oil when cooking. In their opinion, food cooked in a microwave oven is similar to steamed food. The device almost does not destroy vitamins and minerals, since the cooking time is much shorter.

Other experts from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed the information that microwave cooking retains more useful substances in the composition of the food. Researchers from Spain do not agree with this, who claim that broccoli cooked in the oven lost up to 98% nutrients. They explained this by saying that water molecules are damaged under the influence of microwave waves, and food turns from healthy into dangerous.

Manufacturers of kitchen appliances claim that talk about the dangers of microwaves has no scientific evidence. Only facts sometimes indicate the opposite, if you delve into the details. For example, on the Internet you can find an experiment conducted by one schoolgirl. The girl heated water in the microwave and watered it daily. indoor flower, who died a week later. It is difficult to say whether this is true or fiction, since there is no scientific evidence.

Recently, WHO published information that a microwave oven operates using radiation that does not harm either humans or the food being prepared. At the same time, they made a reservation that the waves can be dangerous for people with cardiac stimulators, but they are not recommended to use even mobile phones.

Thus, it is impossible to make a clear verdict, and scientists continue to work to study the effects of microwave waves on people and food. Also try to follow the instructions and remember a few recommendations that we will give at the end of the material. To complete the picture, let’s look at the main factors that make people talk about the dangers of microwaves.

Microwave oven technology

There is such scientific term, like a torsion field. It is on the basis of the torsion component of radiation that Russian, French and other European doctors agree that due to the operation of microwave ovens, people may experience unpleasant symptoms:

  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

Theoretically, this is possible, but modern devices have reliable protective screens that block harmful human body radiation.

Are high microwave temperatures harmful?

Microwave ovens emit high-temperature frequencies, the impact of which on humans has a detrimental effect on the internal organs without blood vessels. For example, when the body heats up, the blood reduces the temperature, spreading heat throughout the body. In some internal organs there are no vessels, and heating can negatively affect them, disrupting their functioning. For example, under the influence of high-temperature frequencies, the lenses of the eyes are damaged, and the process is irreversible. As was said, microwave ovens have protection that delays radiation, so do not be afraid of such negative consequences.

Impact of waves on food

You've probably heard about the effects of microwaves on food, but we'll tell you whether it's a myth or reality. It actually changes at the molecular level when exposed to microwaves. Atoms lose or gain electrons, beginning to ionize and leading to a change in the structural composition of the products. Let's look at examples of specific food that is cooked in a microwave oven:

  • if you defrost or cook meat in the microwave, some carcinogens are formed in it;
  • milk and cereal also contain carcinogens;
  • defrosting fruits or vegetables in a microwave oven supplies them with galactosides and glucosides;
  • defrosting greens leads to the breakdown of nitrilosides and glucosides;
  • If you heat milk in the microwave, it converts amino acids into isomers (they harm the digestive system).

We've sorted out microwave food, but isn't it harmful to heat water? Of course, it also comes under a certain influence, but it does not have any unambiguous harm on the human body.

Why are microwave ovens and food prepared in them dangerous for humans?

The benefits and harms of a microwave oven largely depend on the frequency of preparation and consumption of food prepared in this device. Even more important is how often you stand near operating equipment. Some scientists believe that stoves are initially safe for health, but people only discover negative effects many years after using them regularly. There is no real scientific evidence for these claims, so it is impossible to say for sure whether this is true or fiction.

At the same time, there are results of a large-scale study conducted several years ago. It confirms that a change has occurred in the blood of people who constantly consume fruits and vegetables from the microwave: the composition of the blood has changed slightly. This largely concerns the hemoglobin content, which has decreased. In addition, microwave rays increase cholesterol levels, so it is better to avoid using the oven too often.

If you regularly cook and heat food in an oven, including for children, this can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Doctors do not even rule out gastritis and ulcers, explaining the situation by changes in the molecular structure of products. In their opinion, even melting cheese in the microwave, defrosting fish or meat, or heating pasta is harmful. Scientific evidence there are no arguments for these, so if you are used to it, continue to use the oven, but do not overuse it.

How to check if a microwave is safe?

Modern microwave ovens, according to manufacturers, are completely safe, and you can cook and heat any food and drinks in them. We will give a few simple ways, allowing you to check the harm of the microwave on people standing nearby. In general, devices have a certain protection that absorbs electromagnetic waves, and you can verify this like this:

  • Turn on the stove in the dark by placing a fluorescent light bulb near it. If it blinks or starts to glow, the device is releasing significant radiation. The damage from the microwave is obvious and it needs to be replaced urgently!
  • Check to see if the body, door, or handle of the device gets hot. If they are noticeably warm after cooking, this is a bad sign.
  • Turn off the oven and put it inside mobile phone. Try to call him - if you succeed, the equipment is equipped reliable protection. If the phone rings, the oven emits dangerous waves when operating.
  • Try boiling a cup of water in a microwave oven. If the water does not boil within a few minutes, the rays come out of it, causing bad influence on people in the room.

How to avoid harm from the microwave?

We have found out whether it is harmful to heat or cook food for adults and children in microwave ovens, but how to minimize their negative impact? You don’t have to give up using a device that you are already used to, but you just need to remember a few basic rules.

Do not stand in front of a working microwave or keep your hand on the door while waiting for the heating or cooking to finish. Of course, the protection should not release waves outward, but in any case, the further you are from the device, the safer.

Do not open the oven door while it is operating or turn it on without closing it. Most modern models have special protection that prevents this from happening, but older devices do not provide this. Do not place the device near a place where you are constantly present (eating, cooking). It is better to place the device in the far corner of the kitchen. Also, stay away from a running stove if you have a pacemaker in your body.

Try not to cook food in the microwave, but use it to reheat food. In general, initially these devices were created specifically for heating and defrosting food, and not for preparing ready-made dishes.

So is it possible to use a microwave?

We've found that while you may benefit from using a microwave, it can also cause harm. Scientific research carried out to debunk myths about negative impact easy-to-use devices. Undoubtedly, the device has design flaws, but if you use it measuredly 1-2 times a day to heat food from the refrigerator, you will not harm either yourself or your children. At the same time, you will significantly simplify your life, since the microwave oven is very convenient to use.

Video about the benefits and harms of microwave ovens for humans

The benefits and harms of a microwave oven lie in the microwaves it emits during operation. Electromagnetic waves are emitted by all objects that operate on mains voltage. Refrigerators and microwave ovens are considered the most powerful in terms of radiation.

Scientists have divided opinions regarding the dangers of microwave ovens.

The history of the microwave oven

The microwave was invented in 1946. An American scientist named Percy Spencer was working on ultra-high frequency radars. One day he was experimenting with a magnetron. After the experiment, I found a melted piece of chocolate in my pocket.

He repeated the experiment with food, placing a sandwich on the magnetron. The product has warmed up. In 1947, he patented his invention. Discovered beneficial features electromagnetic radiation. This is a quick way to heat up food.

The first microwave ovens were released in the same year. They did not go into mass production, but were used to defrost food in soldiers' canteens.

The first household stoves weighed 350 kg and reached a height of 1.8 meters. With a power of up to 3000 W, they operated on water cooling.

The first household microwave oven was produced in 1955 by the Tappan Company. The demand for such stoves was weak. In the USSR, microwave ovens began to be produced after 1980 by the companies ZIL and Elektropribor.

How does a microwave oven work?

Microwave ovens use the beneficial properties of the 2450 MHz wave, which is installed international standards. It does not interfere with the operation of other devices that operate using microwaves.

It is known from a physics course that electromagnetic waves tend to propagate at a speed of 300 thousand km/s. Based on the data, it can be calculated that the microwave wavelength is 12.25 cm. This will be the first refutation of the theory that waves from a microwave oven hit 1.5 km, irradiating everything in its path.

Now about the waves that affect the heating of food.

Food, be it pieces of meat or fish, contains dipole molecules. Food molecules have positive charge at one end, negative at the other. When an electric field acts on them, they line up strictly in the direction power lines fields. When the poles of an electric field change, dipole molecules change poles.

1 MHz – one million vibrations per second. That is, dipole molecules, like the electromagnetic field in a microwave oven, will change their poles so many times. When the microwave oven is turned on at a microwave frequency of 2450 MHz, the molecules endlessly change poles and rub against each other. Friction causes heating.

Is a microwave oven useful?

Microwave ovens have useful properties that give them huge advantages over gas stoves:

  • heat food quickly;
  • cook, defrost semi-finished products;
  • small sizes;
  • ease of use;
  • safety for children.

Interestingly, radiation of this frequency is used in the treatment of human diseases, helping:

  • heal wounds;
  • give an anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, microwaves do not have any radioactive effect on a person located near the device. Proponents of the idea that a microwave oven is not dangerous to health argue that the radiation created in it cannot escape due to the shell in which the oven is encased.

Scientists also have different opinions about the benefits and harms of heating food in the microwave.

Microwave food: benefit or harm

Before we talk about the dangers and health benefits of a microwave oven, about the properties of food cooked in it, it is necessary to understand how food is heated.

On a regular fire, food is heated from below. In the microwave it heats up on both sides. The movement of molecules becomes chaotic with prolonged heating.

With strong heating, vitamins are destroyed and proteins are denatured. Denaturation of proteins does not cause harm to the body: it is the purpose of heat treatment.

Some bacteria, for example Salmonella, which has highly survivable properties, are not killed by heating temperatures, which rarely reach 100 degrees.

Warming up in a microwave will only harm your health if the food is in plastic. When the temperature rises, the properties of plastic release into the atmosphere chemical substances may be harmful if ingested.

Is microwave oven harmful to human health?

The beneficial properties of a microwave oven have been listed earlier. But there are some signs that indicate the properties of the stove have a negative effect on the body.

Effect on blood composition

Electromagnetic waves affect the human body through cooking and eating food from the microwave. They change the composition of the blood:

  • reducing hemoglobin;
  • increasing the number of white blood cells;
  • changing the composition of “good” cholesterol with high density(HDL) to “harmful” low-density (LDL), which contributes to the formation of plaques in blood vessels.

Studies have proven the harmful effects of microwave radiation on milk mixtures heated in them. Electromagnetic vibrations change the composition of milk. L-proline acids are converted to d-isomers. The latter are toxic and destroy nervous system, poisonous to the kidneys.

Effect on protein

Radiation deforms the protein and changes its properties. Meat after cooking in a microwave oven contains carcinogens. Some dairy products and cereals also become rich in carcinogens when heated.

Microwave radiation denatures the protein. Leads to loss of solubility and hydrophilicity.

Weakening of the body

When heating food in the microwave, weakening occurs cell membrane pieces of food. Food easily becomes infected with viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. This can lead to the formation of rot, which is harmful to our body.

When exposed to humans, radiation suppresses the natural mechanism of cell repair, suppressing immune system. Therefore, you should not stay near operating microwave ovens for a long time.

The harm that a person receives from food from a microwave oven does not act instantly. It can accumulate in the body for up to fifteen years, and then manifest itself in various diseases.

The benefits and harms of a microwave oven according to scientists

Scientists have differing opinions about the benefits of eating from a microwave: some consider the data on the dangers of microwaves to be unproven, others are closely studying everything harmful properties furnace radiation. Thus, the Earthletter magazine provides scientific facts about the properties of microwaves that can cause harm, according to studies conducted in 1991:

  • deterioration in food quality;
  • conversion of amino acids and other compounds into carcinogenic and toxic substances;
  • reduction in the nutritional value of root vegetables.

Russian scientists also found that the nutritional value of food is reduced by 80%. According to scientists Russian Federation, heating food with a microwave and defrosting meat with its help leads to the following problems:

  • disruption of the blood composition and functioning of the human lymphatic system;
  • violation of the stability of cell membranes;
  • slowing down the flow of signals from nerves to the brain;
  • decay nerve cells, leading to loss of energy of the central and autonomic nervous system.

Researchers note that microwaved food has a low pH, which disrupts acid-base balance towards acidification of the internal environment of the body.

Is it possible to heat food in the microwave for a child?

Fast heating of food baby food not in the microwave can destroy all its useful and essential vitamins and microelements for the child. Infant formulas that are similar in composition to breast milk mothers, it’s better not to expose electromagnetic radiation, which destroys the structure of the mixture and destroys vitamins.

Reasonable precautions must be taken, bearing in mind that:

  • the final conclusion of scientists that microwave ovens cause cancer has not been made;
  • electromagnetic waves cause food molecules to rotate at high speed, so it is recommended to heat baby food correctly: do not turn it on at full power and heat it in short stages: heat, stir and heat again;
  • Using the microwave too frequently is not recommended.

How to test a microwave for radiation

There will be no benefit from microwave ovens if there are holes in the protective shell of the device, which will undoubtedly cause harmful burns.

Radiation escaping from under the device's shell can seriously burn the owner nearby. Therefore, those microwaves that last more than three years should be tested for radiation. And it’s better to say goodbye to microwave ovens older than 9 years.

Radiation testing steps (this can be done at home):

  1. Find a fluorescent lamp or neon bulb "NE-2". You can use special home tests.
  2. Turn off the lights everywhere. Conduct the test at night.
  3. Place a glass of water inside and turn it on for 2 minutes.
  4. During operation, move the light bulb along the body of the device at a distance of 5 centimeters above the surface.
  5. When radiation penetrates the body, the fluorescent dump will glow, while the neon dump will light up with a bright light.

Important! It is better to dispose of a microwave with radiation leakage.

How to use a microwave correctly

People don't think about how to use electrical appliances correctly. But their lives, as well as those of their households and neighbors, depend on this. Therefore, before using the microwave, it is useful to follow the safety rules:

  1. Read the instructions for using the microwave oven.
  2. Before turning on the purchased stove, place it on a level place.
  3. Connect to the network. Place only those dishes that are recommended in the instructions.
  4. Before leaving home, unplug the device.
  5. Term useful action microwaves: expensive ones will last from five to 10 years, cheap ones - up to 3 years.
  6. Clean the inside and outside of the microwave regularly, after unplugging it from the power supply.
  7. Wash warm water with liquid soap.
  8. Turn on only after natural drying.

Microwave dishes

Not all cookware is suitable for use in the microwave. Metal utensils do not allow waves to pass through, which can cause the oven to fail.

Dishes that are not suitable for the microwave oven:

  • Cast iron, copper, brass. Spark discharges generated when electric waves hit a metal surface will damage the inside of the microwave;
  • Porcelain or glass with a pattern. The paint contains metal impurities, so electromagnetic waves, touching the drawing, will create spark discharges, which can also damage the stove;
  • Crystal also contains particles of lead and silver, its surface is non-uniform, which can lead to the explosion of the dishes inside the microwave;
  • Plastic and cardboard. Waxed cardboard does not transmit electromagnetic waves;
  • Aluminum cookware.
  • porcelain without pattern;
  • earthenware, without design;
  • ceramic if covered with glaze.

How to choose a microwave for your home

When choosing a microwave for your home, you need to decide on the volume:

  • ovens up to 20 liters are suitable for defrosting and heating food;
  • from 20 to 25 liters - for a family of about 4 people: this oven has a grill function;
  • from 25 liters are suitable for large families.

The next guideline should be power:

  • less than 800 watts is suitable for heating food;
  • over 800 Watt to 1500 Watt – for grilling, cooking.

Microwave oven controls can be push-button, touch, or mechanical. Mechanical is the easiest way to control the furnace.

In addition to heating and defrosting food, a microwave may have various functions:

  • protection from children;
  • steam cleaning;
  • removal of odors;
  • keeping food warm.

The choice depends on the desires and requests of the future owner.


The benefits and harms of microwave ovens is a topic that causes controversy due to the lack of an official conclusion about the health hazards of the device. From the available information we can conclude that microwave ovens are relatively useful for quickly heating food. It has been proven that cooking certain foods in microwave ovens can cause harm to the body. Therefore, the choice to cook food in the microwave rests with consumers.

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Modern technologies make our life easier and more comfortable. Most people use microwaves. These devices will save time and effort when preparing food. Before purchasing a microwave oven, many people think about whether these devices are safe for human health. After all, there are rumors that microwaves negatively affect the condition of the products that people eat. The harm of microwave ovens has not been fully proven. Scientists' opinions are divided.

Some studies regarding the benefits of microwaves suggest that microwave ovens significantly reduce the number of diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract. This is explained by the fact that people do not need to add oil when heating and cooking food.

Food that is cooked in the microwave is similar in principle to food that is steamed. This method can be called safe for health.

Some experts believe that the microwave allows you to preserve the greatest amount of nutrients in products, which do not have time to be destroyed during the short cooking time. Research shows that cooking on a stove causes food to lose more than 60% of its nutrients. But using microwaves for cooking retains almost 75% of nutrients.

Microwave damage:

  • Food cooked in the microwave poses a danger to human life.
  • Foods cooked in the microwave are destroyed and undergo irreversible changes.
  • Microwave-cooked food contains microwave energy that is not present in conventionally cooked food.

The microwave oven and its effects on the human body are controversial. WHO assures that radiation from a microwave does not harm humans, and therefore it is safe to heat food in it. However, it is worth noting that intense microwave flow affects the operation of implanted cardiac stimulators. This is why people with pacemakers should avoid using microwaves and cell phones.

Harm of microwave ovens: myth or reality

Many people use microwaves, but still cannot decide the answer to the question: “Are microwaves harmful to health?” The press is full of articles that the influence of microwaves is so dangerous that it can lead to illness and even death. Readers may be frightened by “molecular rot”, “molecular rupture” and other scary terms. Some myths can be successfully debunked.

An insufficiently informed person may fall under the influence of myths, which all insist on the undeniable dangers of microwaves and the inadmissibility of eating food heated in a microwave.

Of course, you can cook in the microwave. Here everyone must determine for himself which of the arguments to believe. Before you make a purchase or get rid of a microwave, you should familiarize yourself with how it works.

Microwave device:

  • The furnace body contains a magnetron, which emits electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. The length is determined so that the microwave does not interfere with the operation of other devices in the room.
  • Electromagnetic radiation is produced not only by microwaves, but also by telephones, electric shavers, etc. But until now there has been no reliable information that there are victims from it.
  • The walls of the device are well insulated so as not to allow radiation to pass beyond its boundaries.

The conclusion may indicate that the device is quite safe for human use. But here it is worth clarifying one nuance - food should be cooked in a microwave whose service life has not expired. An old microwave model can be hazardous to human health. The instructions for them usually stated that you should not be at a distance of one and a half meters from her.

Scientific evidence of harm from microwave ovens

Many scientists look at the influence of microwaves differently. Some consider it safe for cooking and eating, others argue that food heated in it carries an increased danger. Evidence is important here, otherwise you can get confused in opinions.

The whole truth about the dangers of microwave ovens can be revealed after the structure of the microwave oven has been thoroughly studied.

The appliance is used to heat, defrost or cook food using microwaves. The waves move molecules, which heat the food. It has been scientifically proven that radiation does not penetrate products more than three centimeters.

Research by scientists about the dangers of microwaves:

  • Microwave exposure leads to the breakdown of food.
  • When food is heated, carcinogens appear that are dangerous to human health.
  • Food changes in composition, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The growth of cancer cells begins to progress if you constantly consume food cooked in a microwave oven.
  • Food cooked in the microwave has a negative impact on the digestive system, which leads to its decomposition.

In old Soviet research it is written that being near the device is extremely dangerous. Microwaved food has negative effects lymphatic system body, which leads to serious pathologies. However, modern scientists believe that it is safe to use a microwave today, since modern devices are reliably protected and will not release radiation outside.

Rules of use: is a microwave oven harmful?

Modern scientists are debunking myths about the dangers of microwaves. It has been proven that food heated in the microwave does not lose its beneficial properties, but retains them. For safe operation of the microwave, it is important to follow the instructions for its use and know how many years the microwave can be safely used.

An interesting fact is that carcinogens do not appear in foods if they are heated in the microwave. But how dangerous they are in food heated in oil is another question.

When heating food in the microwave, you can be sure that different coli and other microorganisms will die, since high-speed heating kills them. Microwaves also cannot cause molecules to break down. And you can be near modern devices, since the share of radiation is very small.

Rules for using the device:

  • The microwave must be installed correctly.
  • The ventilation of the device must not be obstructed.
  • There is no need to open the device during operation.
  • Do not use a microwave with damaged glass.

You only need to heat a small amount of food at a time. Do not heat food in metal containers. Reviews from doctors about the microwave are mixed. But many argue that food cooked in it is healthy, as it hardly loses its qualities.

How do microwaves affect humans?

Research has shown that microwaves change the structure of foods. People who consumed such products experienced changes in blood composition, increased cholesterol and decreased hemoglobin. When determining the harmfulness of a microwave oven, you only need to take into account real facts based on scientific evidence.

The microwave is dangerous because, under the influence of the waves, the body stops absorbing elements that are beneficial to it.

Numerous studies are currently being conducted on the effects electromagnetic waves on human health, but the results so far do not indicate direct harm. It has been proven that many vitamins are retained in foods when heated. When purchasing a microwave, it is important to know its pros and cons, why you should not open it during operation, etc.


  • When operating the microwave, move away to a safe distance.
  • Use only modern models from well-known and reliable manufacturers.

Modern analogues of microwave ovens are safe for human health. Even if a microwave is used every day, it does not pose any potential danger. Of course, you need to use the microwave correctly. Which microwave oven to choose depends on the individual requirements of the consumer.

What are the harms of a microwave oven (video)

Thermopot is very convenient to use, saves time and effort when preparing various dishes. In one of the episodes of the program, Elena Malysheva spoke about the dangers of microwave ovens. But whether it is harmful or not, it is still not possible to answer unequivocally. Therefore, before purchasing, it is important to study the opinions of experts and decide which one is more convincing.