What program is needed for PDF files. How to open a PDF file

For convenience, we will distinguish four types of programs: viewers (for reading and annotating), editors (for editing text and other content), managers (for splitting, compressing and other manipulations with files) and converters (for converting PDF to other formats).

Most applications can be classified into several types at once.

  • Type: viewer, editor, converter, manager.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux.

Very intuitive and convenient program with an impressive number of features. When you launch Sejda PDF, you will immediately see all the tools grouped by category. Select the one you need, drag the required file into the program window and start manipulating. Most things in this app can be done in a few seconds, even if you are using it for the first time.

What you can do in Sejda PDF:

  • edit text, add images and shapes;
  • convert PDF to Excel, JPG (and vice versa), Word (and vice versa);
  • combine and separate files into pages, compress their size;
  • protect documents with a password;
  • add watermarks;
  • discolor documents;
  • trim page area;
  • sign documents.

The free version of the program has limitations. For example, files should not be more than 200 pages and not exceed 50 MB in size. In addition, you cannot perform more than three operations with documents during the day. Price full version Sejda PDF is $5.25 per month.

  • Type: manager, converter, editor.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, .

PDFsam cannot boast of a polished, user-friendly interface. In addition, the program does not allow you to convert PDF and edit the contents of documents for free. But it does have several useful managerial functions that are available to everyone without payment or any restrictions.

What you can do in PDFsam:

  • combine PDF in several modes (glue in parts or mix page by page);
  • split PDF by pages, bookmarks (in places with specified words) and size into separate documents;
  • rotate pages (if some of them were scanned upside down);
  • extract pages with specified numbers;
  • convert Excel, Word, PowerPoint formats to PDF;
  • convert PDF to Excel, Word and PowerPoint formats ($10);
  • edit text and other file content ($30).

  • Type
  • Platforms: Windows.

A very functional program with a classic interface in the style of Microsoft office applications. PDF-XChange Editor is not very beginner friendly. To master all the features of the program, you need to spend some time. Fortunately, all internal descriptions and tips are translated into Russian.

What you can do in PDF-XChange Editor:

  • add annotations and highlight text;
  • edit text and other content;
  • recognize text using OCR;
  • extract pages from documents;
  • encrypt documents (paid);
  • convert PDF to Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats and vice versa (paid);
  • compress files (paid);
  • sort pages in any order (paid).

These are not all the functions that you can find in PDF-XChange Editor. The program is available in several versions with different amounts opportunities. The cost of paid versions starts at $43.5.

  • Type: viewer, manager, converter, editor.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS.

A popular universal program for working with PDF from the company. The free version is a very convenient document viewer; other functions are available by subscription starting at 149 rubles per month.

What you can do in Adobe Acrobat Reader:

  • view documents, highlight and comment on text, search for words and phrases;
  • sign documents (paid);
  • edit text and other content (paid);
  • combine documents into one file (paid);
  • compress files (paid);
  • convert PDF to Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats (paid);
  • Convert images in JPG, JPEG, TIF and BMP formats to PDF (paid).

All these features and more are available in desktop versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Mobile versions the programs only allow you to view and annotate documents, and also - after subscribing - convert them into different formats.

  • Type: viewer, converter.
  • Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS.

Fast and convenient PDF reader with different viewing modes. Ideal for users who want a simple document reader without a lot of extra features. The program is available on all major platforms.

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a special universal electronic document format developed and patented by Adobe Systems Corporation. Created for compact presentation, storing important printed documents in in electronic format, as well as for opening and printing them on PCs running on different operating systems. Literally translated, PDF means “ portable document format" In PDF format, you can save information in any form and it will be displayed the same everywhere.

Today, a format with a similar resolution can be called most popular to present various printed products.

How to open pdf format

Having an idea of ​​how and how to open files in PDF format, users can work without any problems and view a lot of interesting and useful information.

Among most popular universal utilities for quickly opening documents presented in pdf resolution, you can Mark:

  1. Adobe (Acrobat) Reader.
  2. PDF Viewer.
  3. STDU Viewer.
  4. Foxit Reader.

Each of the above programs has its own functionality, capabilities, and a set of useful options and will help the user open PDF on any personal computer, laptop, running Windows, or other OS. Moreover, regardless of the OS or PC version, documents will be opened in the form in which they were originally created.

We use Adobe (Acrobat) Reader

Adobe (Acrobat) Reader – universal free an application that is designed for convenient work with PDF. Using this utility, users can open, view, edit, copy, comment, review, and perform other operations with any documents.

The program has quite low system requirements and at the same time is able to open all existing modifications of the PDF format, allowing PC users to work with files through different forms.

Among main functions This utility can be noted:

By installing Adobe Reader on your PC, users 3D viewing available contents of the document. It is possible to play various audio and video files, the function of opening e-books, and the option to enlarge the necessary elements in the text. The program has an intuitive, user-friendly interface.

If this utility is already installed on your PC, when you open a document in PDF format, it will be activated automatically. The required file will immediately be opened in Adobe (Acrobat) Reader.

Using additional services Adobe (Acrobat) Reader, you can create, convert PDF, and also export them in Word, Excel.

PDF Viewer

PDF-Viewer – easy to use, convenient, safe program for working with PDF. Spreads on free basis. Utility intended for viewing, converting, reading, editing, printing, any PDF.

Using PDF-Viewer, users can make various manipulations with the contents of the documents. Using this utility, you can quickly convert files into other formats(PNG, TIFF. BMR).

After opening the software, you need to select, mark and open required document A. Information about this document will be displayed near the file window, which can be called advantage of this program.

After opening, the document appears on the screen in a readable form. The program has an intuitive, simple, user-friendly interface, big choice settings, additional options. The main advantage of the free utility is that it works quickly not only on any OS, but also on weak PCs.

How to use STDU Viewer

STDU Viewer universal, very comfortable free utility for working, viewing, editing electronic documentation. The program is convenient, understandable, simple interface, a large number of useful options (scaling, conversion, display modes), simple remedies navigation, allowing you to quickly and comfortably work and view the contents of selected files.

Using STDU Viewer you can add bookmarks while reading, marking the necessary fragments of text, turn pages at 90 degrees, view pages in spreads or one at a time. The program can display several pages on the PC screen simultaneously and support hyperlinks. Implements Fast passage between the pages. When working with electronic documentation, you can change the resolution of the current page without changing the others.

To get started, launch the installed utility. In the menu select " File/Open"or right-click on a free field:

Going to Settings, you can tick the necessary items for convenient work with the electronic document.

After pressing the " Open", the document opens in readable form.

Open the document using Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader is a fairly popular, lightweight, fast utility for reading, viewing, working PDF, various types electronic documentation. Disadvantage programs can be called English-speaking interface. At the same time, thanks to the convenient, intuitive menu, understanding the capabilities of the utility will not be difficult. If necessary, for more convenient work you can additionally download and install Russifier, which will completely translate all menu items.

The program is distributed free of charge. It works without problems even on weak PCs, does not require installation, and is independent of the configuration and version of Windows OS. Foxit Reader respects the security and privacy of users and never connects to the Internet without confirmation.

To open the desired file, launch the program on the computer. In the window that appears, select the desired menu item and confirm the action “ OK».

We find the desired document, open it (“ File/Open"), after which the document is displayed in a readable form.

The .PDF format appeared in 1993, and was developed by Adobe Systems. Explanation of the abbreviation in the extension name - Portable Document Format.

Program for opening PDF files

The standard option for those cases when you need to open a PDF file and view its contents. This program was created by the same company that developed the .PDF format, and is undoubtedly the most popular “reader”. We also convert Pdf using this program. Free software (a paid subscription to the Pro version will allow you to create and edit files with the PDF extension).

What are PDF files used for?

Most often, files with this extension are product manuals, e-books, flyers, job applications, scanned documents and brochures.

The reason for the popularity of this format is that PDF files do not depend on the programs in which they were created, nor on any specific operating system or hardware. They will look the same from any device.

Despite the fact that viewing PDF documents and books on the desktop platform does not cause difficulties, many users still have the question of how to open a PDF file.

In this guide I will list several programs for viewing pdf - perhaps the best on this moment. If you need an ereader for your phone, please contact.

PDF viewers participating in the review:

Adobe Reader is the most famous program for reading PDF

Developer: Adobe Systems Incorporated
Terms of distribution: freeware

It’s not a fact that the inventors of any document format can write an ideal program for opening pdf. And even knowing all the “secrets” doesn’t help. We hasten to dissuade you: in the case of Adobe Reader - the most famous program for working with PDF - this is not so.

Don't know how to open a pdf file? Adobe Reader is the first thing that comes to mind

In the current version, the program is distributed under number 8. When downloading the distribution, do not confuse it with Adobe Acrobat (without the “Reader” prefix), which, in addition to viewing, includes tools for editing PDF. Although it is difficult to confuse, since the second packet is close to 0.5GB in size. Adobe Reader takes up 22 MB, the current version is 8.1.2 and is available at the above address. On this page you need to select a language and operating system, for which you are downloading the program. This once again confirms the “universality” of the PDF format.

The first thing that catches your eye when opening such a viewer program is the interface. Just like other Adobe products, it is very stylish and, more importantly, thoughtful. And from version to version there is a movement in better side. How does this convenience manifest itself? The fact is that when opening a document you don’t have to search for a particular button for a long time. The most common actions are performed with one or two mouse clicks. Sidebars and tools were mainly “inherited” from previous versions of Reader (then with the “Acrobat” prefix).

Reader has more settings than other viewers, which is understandable: who, if not Adobe, knows the “secrets” of the PDF format. However, many options, such as 2D and 3D settings, are no longer needed. These technologies are still rarely used in PDF files. Another conditional group of settings is the ability to display a document on the screen. These are: font smoothing, headset settings, output control (!) to different monitors.

An important advantage of the Adobe Reader package is that it is free. The disadvantage is that it works slowly on an average computer. The most important parameter here is the processor frequency, since during viewing it is subject to the greatest load. And, since the document may be replete with high-resolution images, it is not a fact that you will be able to fully use the program.

The slow performance of Adobe Reader lies not only in incorrect setting program, but also in the presence of additional functions. By default, all plug-ins are activated. They cannot be disabled using standard methods, so you will have to resort to the help of a special tweaker program PDF SpeedUp, which will be discussed further.

Sumatra PDF - pdf reader for Windows

Developer: Krzystof Kowalczuk (www.blog.kowalczuk.info)
License: freeware
Short description: program for viewing pdf files

There are not many programs for viewing pdf documents for the Windows platform. First of all, Acrobat Reader specializes in this. Unfortunately, from version to version the program does not become more compact, but acquires additional functions that only reduce viewing speed.

Sumatra PDF is a viewer for users who value conciseness. First of all, let's pay attention to the size of Sumatra PDF - less than a megabyte. Secondly, there are no plugins and no need, since everything for viewing PDF is already there. Sumatra PDF also does not have settings. Therefore, Sumatra does not support font smoothing technology and other conveniences.

Sumatra PDF - compact pdf reader for PC

Foxit Reader - cross-platform pdf reader

Developer: Foxit Software Company
Terms of distribution: freeware

To view and print PDF files, Adobe Reader is more than enough. But if the speed of the program is important to you, install its most famous alternative - Foxit Reader. Then you will have to agree with both the modest functionality of the program and its interface - not as stylish as in Adobe’s Reader.

Foxit Reader - program for viewing PDF files

Page speed in Foxit Reader is characterized by amazingly fast page opening. No need to wait for the next page to appear for several seconds. If in Adobe Reader “sluggishness” manifests itself when scrolling pages and opening thumbnails, but here this is not observed. Foxit Reader does not support plugins; there is enough functionality without it.

Observing the development of the program, one could notice its gradual improvement compared to previous versions. Basically, the interface has changed: it has become more convenient, in this regard it has even become somewhat closer to Reader (compare at least the panels in one and another reader). Like a browser, the tab system is organized, which is convenient when viewing several documents in one window. However, this is not some kind of innovation, but the very standard for a program of this kind.

There are fewer settings in Foxit Reader than in Reader, but the most important ones are still present. For owners of LCD monitors, there is a very useful option “Display text optimized for LCD screen”, which eliminates fonts from unpleasant roughness.

About the shortcomings. It has been noticed that sometimes when minimizing/maximizing the Foxit Reader window, the toolbar gets confused and spreads to almost half the window. The program has to be restarted. Also, sometimes there are problems with highlighting text in a document: text lines are distorted, the page needs to be refreshed unscheduled.

Initially, the program has an English interface; it can be Russified via the Internet.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that Foxit Reader is also available on Android, among other pdf viewers.

What else can you use to read PDF: Drumlin PDF Reader/Publisher, STDU Viewer).

STDU Viewer - convenient viewing of pdf files

The STDU Viewer is convenient for working with documents and all kinds of book formats. According to the description, the program is suitable for reading PDF files, as well as DjVu, XPS, multi-page TIFF and various graphic formats.

STDU Viewer is one of the easiest programs for opening pdf files

Of course, STDU Viewer has all the basic functions that a viewer must have when reading pdf. First of all, it is worth mentioning changing the text size, rotating the document page, changing the brightness and background of the pages, fast printing document or selected fragments.

If your document has a text layer, you can open the PDF file, select the text, copy it to the clipboard, or export it to another text format.

Two editions of the PDF viewer are available on the STDU Viewer developer website: standard and portable. The second is convenient if you do not want to install the program and/or use it on a flash drive. In this case, the viewer settings will be stored in the folder with the STDU Viewer program.


Developer: activePDF, Inc.
Terms of distribution: freeware

To make your document with graphs, images and tables more likely to be opened on another computer, it is logical to save it as a PDF. Fortunately, there are countless programs that have the ability to export to PDF: almost any publishing system, office suite (including OpenOffice, but with the exception of Microsoft Office).

You don’t have to save the result in PDF, but simply convert the desired document (like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) into this format. One such converter is PrimoPDF. Small size, freeware and... 300 supported formats that can be converted to PDF.

To run the program, make sure you have the .NET Framework library, which can be downloaded from www.microsoft.com.

There is a paid alternative to PrimoPDF from the same developer - NitroPDF. Unlike its free “brother,” NitroPDF allows you to edit PDF and save back - from PDF to DOC, RTF, etc. The Internet version of PrimoPDF (www.online.primopdf.com) deserves special attention. Exporting files via the web interface is incredibly simple: select the desired file on your computer through the form, enter your e-mail and click the “Create PDF” button. Wait for the result, download. You can find out about the file extensions that the service supports in the right column of the site.

PDF SpeedUp program for accelerated opening of PDF files

Developer: AcroPDF Systems Inc.
Terms of distribution: freeware

“Tweaks” (options) can be listed for a long time. The main “usefulness” of the program is disabling plugins. Surprisingly, in most cases, if you leave the bare minimum set of plugins active, you won’t notice the loss when viewing documents. Among other things, in PDF SpeedUp you can deactivate the update function, which for some reason all Adobe products suffer from latest versions. With one click, unnecessary buttons are removed from the Reader toolbar and integration with browsers is disabled. You can do a little, but optimize the speed of Reader over the Internet. If an error occurs due to the PDF SpeedUp settings in Reader, it is easy to restore the previous “snapshot” of the settings.

That's all that the developers have put into the size of this tweaker program. In principle, everything would be fine if it weren’t for the inconsistent settings and the “makeshift” interface. In this case, as an option, we can recommend another program with a similar name (Adobe Reader Speed-Up). It practically duplicates the PDF SpeedUp settings, but many readers may find it more convenient than the first.

Addition. What about the Internet?

It's no secret that on the Internet you can save files of one format in another through the web interface. What are the advantages? You download the original PDF file, and the output immediately receives the result in the selected format. Everything happens very quickly, but, of course, a lot depends on the connection speed. The processor load is on the server, not on your computer, and there is no need to install software (except for the browser itself, in which everything is done). There are more than one or two such online services, here are examples and, in one line, characteristics of sites:

www.zamzar.com (well thought out organization, visibility)

www.freepdfconvert.com - it is possible to send the result by E-mail, you can specify the URL as the source

The PDF format is used to store electronic documents. Initially, only a program from Adobe itself was used to open PDF files. But over time, many solutions from third-party developers have appeared. These apps vary in their availability (free and paid) and additional features. Agree, it’s convenient when, in addition to reading, there is the ability to edit the original content of a PDF file or recognize text from a picture.

Therefore, there are a large number of different programs for reading pdf. For some, a simple viewing function is enough. Others need to change the source text of a document, add a comment to this text, convert a Word file to PDF, and much more.

When it comes to viewing PDFs, most programs are very similar. But there are exceptions here too. For example, some have an auto-scroll feature, while others do not. Below is a list of the most popular free programs to view PDF.

The most famous program for viewing PDF files is Adobe Reader. And this is no coincidence, since Adobe is the developer of the format itself.

This product has a pleasant appearance and standard functions for viewing PDF. Adobe Reader is a free app, but some features, such as text editing and recognition, are only available if you purchase a paid subscription.

This is undoubtedly a disadvantage for those who need these functions, but do not want to spend their money.

STDU Viewer

STDU Weaver positions itself as a universal combiner for viewing many different formats of electronic documents. The program is able to “digest” Djvu, TIFF, XPS and much more. The number of supported formats also includes PDF. It is convenient when one program is enough to view a variety of files.

You can also note the presence of a portable version of STDU Viewer, which does not need to be installed. Otherwise, this product does not stand out among other PDF viewers.

Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader is almost an analogue of Adobe Reader, with the exception of some differences. For example, the program has the ability to enable automatic scrolling of document pages, which allows you to read a PDF without touching the mouse or keyboard.

The program is also capable of opening not only PDF, but also Word, Excel, TIFF and other file formats. Open files You can then save it as PDF.

At the same time, the disadvantage of this application is the inability to edit the source PDF text.

PDF XChange Viewer

PDF XChange Viewer is probably the most the best program from those presented in this article. It is completely free and allows you to edit the original PDF content. PDF XChange Viewer is also able to recognize text in an image. Using this feature, you can convert books and other paper text into digital format.

Otherwise, the application meets all standards of software solutions for reading PDF files.

Sumatra PDF

Sumatra PDF is the simplest program on the list. But that doesn't mean she's bad. In terms of viewing PDF files, it is not inferior to others, and its simplicity appearance Perfect for those users who have just begun to get acquainted with working on a computer.

Solid Converter PDF

Solid Converter PDF is a program for converting PDF to Word, Excel and other electronic document formats. The application allows you to preview the document before converting. The disadvantages of Solid Converter PDF include a shareware license: you can use it for free only during the trial period. Then you need to either buy it or reinstall it.