How to brew dry rose hips. How to brew dried rose hips and how to drink it. Fresh rose hips

Rosehip Tea is a unique multivitamin complex that will appeal to everyone, from small to large. But how much benefit remains in the drink directly depends on the correct brewing. The wrong approach will neutralize the benefits and destroy all available vitamins. Today we will talk about how to brew rose hips correctly. Such knowledge will help to prepare excellent tea with a lot of taste and benefits.

Rosehip tea in a thermos

This is the easiest and most common way to brew rose hips. It requires a minimum of time and a small set of tools and ingredients. Such a drink will maximize all the benefits of the berries.

You can brew both dried and fresh berries in a similar way. The only subtlety is that dry berries can be brewed both as a whole and in chopped form without losing their taste and benefits. Whereas fresh rose hips must be chopped so that they give off useful vitamins and aroma. In addition, many people add plant roots, leaves or other fruits and berries to tea. This approach adds benefits and makes the taste of the drink richer and more unusual.

So, in order to brew delicious rosehip tea in a thermos, the following proportions must be observed: for 1 liter of water, you need 100 grams. rose hips. This is an ideal combination, depending on the desired volumes, the proportion should be increased.

Cooking algorithm.

  1. First of all, you should prepare the fruits. Rinse them thoroughly. Grind fresh berries in any convenient way. This can be a blender (do not grind the berries into porridge, you just need to chop them) or a regular knife. Dry fruits can also be slightly crushed. From this, the infusion will become more saturated, and the fruits will give more benefits to the drink.
  2. Pour the prepared raw materials into a clean and dry thermos.
  3. Boil water and cool slightly. To preserve vitamins and at the same time get delicious tea, you should pour the fruits with water, the temperature of which is about 90 degrees. That is, very hot, but not boiling water.
  4. We underfill the water in the thermos by about 5 centimeters to the edge.
  5. The tea should be infused for about 7-8 hours. Ideal if you prepare the infusion in the evening and put it on until the morning. Aromatic and healthy rosehip tea will be ready in the morning.

After the tea is infused, honey or sugar can be added to it, if desired. The drink can be drunk both hot and chilled. Many people add rosehip syrup, which is sold in pharmacies, for sweetness. Then you get a mega healthy and super tasty tea. If the fruits were chopped, then it is better to strain so as not to spoil the experience.

How to brew rose hips without a thermos

You can prepare a tasty and healthy drink not only in a thermos. In addition, many still prefer the broth, although it contains fewer vitamins, since it takes longer to heat.

Simple tea recipe

This is the simplest recipe that allows you to prepare an equally tasty and healthy drink much faster. At the same time, you can quickly prepare a small portion for one person, in case the rest of the household refuse to drink rosehip tea.

  • Pour one tablespoon of berries with hot, but not boiling water. In this case, you should not use crushed fruits, as the villi inside them can spoil the impression.
  • Close the selected container with a lid and put it to warm in a water bath. Enough 15 minutes for the berries to give the benefits of tea and brew.
  • Cool the broth to room temperature, this will take 30-40 minutes. Then strain and squeeze the berries so that they add the last benefit to the drink.
  • If there is not enough liquid, then add boiled water to the broth to a volume of 200 ml.

It is better not to store such tea, but to drink it immediately after preparation or during the day. If the taste is too intense, you can soften it by adding a spoonful of honey to the already cooled tea.

We brew rosehip root

Not only fruits are used to prepare a healthy infusion. The roots are in no way inferior to the berries of this magical plant.

  • Chop the rosehip root.
  • Then take 1 teaspoon of raw materials and pour in 400 ml. water.
  • Put on low heat and, without bringing to an active boil, brew the root for 15 minutes.

Such a decoction is best used as directed by a doctor and in limited quantities. For example, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tea is drunk chilled and in small portions. In case of kidney diseases, 3 tablespoons of crushed roots in a glass of water are required, the infusion is drunk several times during the day.

Rosehip tea "Assorted"

This drink is obtained as a multivitamin and contains several components at once. Rosehip is useful for humans in all their representations. Therefore, during the summer, you can prepare not only berries, but also leaves, flowers and roots. We wrote above how to brew the roots and in what cases to use them. It remains to talk about leaves and petals.


  • rose hips -15–20 pcs .;
  • flowers - 5 pcs.;
  • leaves 2-3 pcs.

We rinse the raw materials and put them in a jar or thermos. Fill with hot, but not boiling water and leave to brew for 40-60 minutes. Strain the resulting drink, add honey to taste.

This tea will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. It will be a great start to the day and will take pride of place at your morning meal. If necessary, you can add other ingredients to the drink, for example, lemon, mint, cinnamon, and other spices. You can diversify tea with anything, the main thing is to know how to brew rose hips correctly so as not to lose the benefits of the drink.

Finally, we will give you some tips and advice on how to consume the prepared tea. We will also answer some popular questions.

  • Rosehip tea is a medicinal product, so you shouldn't use it all the time. The ideal option would be monthly courses with a similar break. This will strengthen the immune system and not oversaturate the body with vitamins.
  • One of the popular questions: is it possible to brew rose hips again. Many try to get the most out of the fruit and practice re-brewing until the fruit stops staining the tea. This approach is completely inappropriate. Re-brewing is only permissible if the fruits were brewed whole for the first time and on condition that some fresh ones were added. It is pointless to refill the crushed ones with boiling water, they have already given all the benefits.
  • You can brew not only fruits and roots, but also leaves and even twigs. This infusion is useful for diseases of the gallbladder and dissolves certain types of kidney stones.

Everyone knows how healthy rose hips are, rich in vitamins. Only if it is improperly stored, prepared or consumed, all the valuable substances contained in it can be easily destroyed. Making rosehip tea is also of great importance. If the cooking process is violated, the storehouse of vitamins may simply evaporate, the taste will not bring pleasure either. Often, tea is brewed in a thermos, but how to brew rose hips without a thermos?

Rose hips ripen at the end of summer. By this time, they accumulate a large amount of trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Rosehips are famous for their huge content of vitamin C. It contains more of it than lemons. Depending on the type of plant, the content varies from 6 to 18%. What else is the brewed rosehip so valued for? It contains many multivitamins E, P, K, A, group B. There are trace elements in fruits: magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, molybdenum, iron, chromium, potassium, manganese. And many more organic acids, sugar, pectins, tannins and essential oils.

This amount of nutrients was not left without attention. Therefore, in modern medicine, rosehip syrup is used to strengthen the immune system, dried fruits can be purchased at a phyto-pharmacy to prepare an infusion or decoction on their own. The use of this plant is most effective:

  • to relieve inflammation;
  • to achieve a diuretic effect;
  • to improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to reduce pressure;
  • to stimulate kidney function;
  • with colds;
  • with anemia.

Preparing delicious tea

A delicious drink, it can be prepared from whole fresh fruits or a small amount of dried berries. They can be added to green or black tea when brewing. There will not be many vitamins in tea, but a certain proportion remains. Rosehip is added to tea not for health, but most likely to give ordinary tea a special shade.

How to make a rosehip decoction

For cooking, they are thrown into boiling water. It takes about 15 minutes to cook the broth. Then the drink should be infused. This will take at least three hours. Then the broth is thoroughly filtered. You can drink the drink without sugar, but you can add sugar or another sweetener to improve the taste. This method of preparation cannot be called sparing with respect to vitamins, but the broth is most often prepared to enjoy the taste of rose hips.

The broth can be prepared from fresh fruits, but they need to be prepared. The fruits are thoroughly washed, the villi and seeds that are inside are removed. The villi can irritate the throat. Dried rose hips must be washed so that dirt does not get into the broth, which can remain during drying.

Rosehip root decoction

Not everyone knows that rosehip roots can also be used to prepare a medicinal decoction. For 500 ml of water, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped roots. You need to cook the broth for 15 minutes. Then insist as much.

Preparation of a complex rosehip-based broth

Some connoisseurs of herbal teas use a complex scheme to prepare a healthy brew. It includes several stages of preparation.

  • Seven rose hips need to be boiled over low heat for an hour.
  • The resulting broth needs to be poured over the other seven rose hips, poured into a thermos. They do this in the evening, and in the morning the infusion is filtered, they drink it during the day.
  • Berries from a thermos should not be thrown away, you need to boil them over low heat, pour the resulting broth again into seven berries in a thermos. The cycle is repeated several times or indefinitely.

Boiled fruits are useful for normalizing salt metabolism and removing kidney stones. For this, seeds are removed from the fruits, they are crushed, filled with a glass of boiling water, the mixture is infused for 40 minutes.

Cooking rosehip infusion

In the rosehip infusion, you can store more vitamins than in the broth. You do not need to cook the fruit. The berries are washed, the villi are removed, kneaded, cut into pieces. Dry fruits are simply washed. They are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and left to infuse for a period of four hours to a day. They drink, filtering the drink.

Rosehip infusion in a thermos

How to do it right is very easy. It is enough to pour a tablespoon of wild rose into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water. To get a richer infusion, you can take more berries. It is best to brew the drink in the evening, then during the night it will have time to brew, and in the morning you can already drink it. A drink prepared in this way turns out to be something in between an infusion and a decoction. It is useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. You should not abuse such tea, it has choleretic properties.

Rosehip drink to strengthen the immune system

To get a drink rich in vitamins that can strengthen the immune system, you can use a water bath. Pour two tablespoons of chopped rose hips with two glasses of hot water. Then for 15 minutes you need to boil the mixture in a water bath. The broth is cooled and filtered.

Rosehip flower infusion

Rosehip flower petals are also very useful. They can be dried and fresh. They can be brewed like regular tea for about 30 minutes. Petal tea can be added to classic tea, used as a standalone drink. An infusion of flowers is useful in diseases of the gallbladder.

How to make a rosehip drink for a child

Rosehip infusion is very useful for a growing child's body. But often children refuse to drink such tea. How to brew rose hips without a thermos, so that the drink is enjoyable, and all the vitamins in it are preserved as much as possible? You need to take rose hips, boiling water, dried fruits and sugar. The fruits need to be washed, chopped a little, boiled with boiling water, add sugar, a spoonful of dried apricots, raisins, figs. You need to insist such a drink for about seven hours under a closed lid.

Both the broth and the infusion must be used correctly. All prepared drinks must be thoroughly filtered through several layers of gauze so that the hairs that are contained inside the fruit can be harmful.

To improve your health, you need 100 ml for one month up to three times a day. After that, a break of at least two weeks is required. Then the course must be repeated. Do not overuse the drink, remember that 15 rose hips contain a daily dose of vitamin C.

How to choose and store rose hips

When purchasing rose hips, you need to pay attention to their color. They should be reddish brown or orange in color. The berries should be free of mold and stains. If the fruits are too dark, they are overdried, the benefits from them will be minimal. After purchasing, you need to place the berries in a clean glass jar or cloth bag; you need to store the fruits in a dark place.

Everyone knows the taste of the rosehip drink, but not everyone likes it. This is annoying, but understandable: as a child, we were offered to drink it very often, sometimes instead of sweet soda. Adults knew what they were doing: rosehip decoction perfectly quenches thirst, tones up and strengthens the body. And the parents also knew how to brew a rosehip for drinking deliciously so that little fussy people would not refuse it. Now, realizing all the advantages of this healthy drink, nothing prevents you from brewing rose hips for drinking for all family members, from small to large. We are ready to explain all the subtleties of this process.

Are you surprised? But this is really so: it is necessary to brew the rose hips correctly, for whatever purpose you are not preparing the broth. For an infant, for weight loss, just for pleasure and quenching thirst ... Only a properly brewed rosehip will turn out delicious and truly healthy. It is not difficult to cook it on your own, but, even despite its universal usefulness, drinking rose hips is not worth everyone in a row. Be sure to consider this before brewing a rosehip for drinking and offering it to your loved ones.

Rosehip decoction: composition, benefits and contraindications
Rosehip, or wild rose, is a common cultivated plant, unpretentious and tenacious. Thorny rosehip bushes are close relatives of elegant roses on long straight stems, but they are valued not so much for the beauty of flowering as for their fruits. Rosehip berries are brightly colored in shades of red, from carrot to deep burgundy. This indicates a high content of carotene in them, that is, the provitamin vitamin A, which strengthens the immune forces of the human body and performs antioxidant functions in the metabolism.

Rosehip in folk medicine and modern herbal remedies is used for:

  • detoxification of the body;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • activation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • compensation for vitamin deficiency.
Not only beta-carotene in rose hips fights free radicals and pathogens, but also vitamin C, which is 10 times more in wild rose berries than in black currants and 50 (!) Times more than in fresh lemon. As you know, ascorbic acid is very sensitive to heat and quickly degrades during cooking. That is why you need to brew the rosehip for drinking correctly in order to preserve its properties. Then other vitamins (P, PP, K, E, group B), organic acids, flavonoids, essential oils and fruit sugars will bring maximum benefit. And pectins and tannins will ensure the assimilation of vitamins and microelements, form a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory protection.

How to choose a rosehip for brewing?
Like any source of biologically active substances, rose hips are not equally useful at different times of the year, at different stages of maturation and ripened in different areas. When properly processed, all the benefits of fresh raw materials are retained and concentrated in dried fruits. Before you buy rosehip berries, ask about their origin:

  1. The farther south the rosehip is harvested, the more vitamin C it contains. For comparison, berries grown in central Russia contain 1-1.5% ascorbic acid, and in Kazakhstan - already 4-5%. In case of a lack of vitamin C, it is worth looking for Begger's rose hips on sale, containing from 10 to 20% ascorbic acid.
  2. Rosehip bushes with yellow flowers produce fruits that are richer in tannins, that is, more tart in taste than pink blossoms. But a decoction of these berries more strongly promotes hematopoiesis and is preferable for anemia.
  3. The most effective is considered to be a rose hip harvested from August to October, that is, fully ripe, but not affected by frost. It is important that after picking the berries are not kept fresh, but dried within the first 12-24 hours.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, rose hips cannot be dried in the sun - ultraviolet light destroys vitamins. Buy only those berries that are dried in special industrial ovens with regular stirring.
Do not hesitate to ask all these questions on the market - conscientious sellers know a lot about natural products and will willingly tell you which rosehip to choose. In most cases, dried May Rosehip berries are sold, containing medium, that is, the optimal amount of vitamins, tannins and essential oils.

How to brew rose hips in a thermos correctly?
The healing properties of dried rose hips are easily transformed into a decoction. But do not forget that water is the most powerful natural solvent, and it is important not to disturb the proportions, after which the concentration of nutrients in the drink will be disturbed. The temperature of the decoction is also important. Therefore, remember these rules:

  1. Proportion 1:10. Simply put, for every 100 grams of dry berries, take 1 liter of water, no more and no less. To taste, you can dilute the ready-made rosehip broth for drinking with water in a glass or decanter, but you need to cook it only in this ratio.
  2. Water temperature. To extract useful substances from dry berries, the water must be hot enough, but not boiling, so as not to destroy chemical compounds. This is easy to observe if you first boil the water, and then remove from heat and pour the berries in a thermos or other thick-walled container.
  3. The condition of the berries. Rosehips are often crushed or cut before brewing - this is a mistake, the broth must be prepared from whole berries. First, with this approach, nutrients are gradually transferred into the water, better preserved. Secondly, a decoction of crushed berries will be filled with hairs and fine bristles under the skin.
Be sure to sort out the berries before brewing the rose hips, even if they were perfectly whole at the time of purchase. Do not use blackened, overdried berries with traces of mold and / or internal decay to prepare the broth.

How to prepare a delicious rosehip drinkable decoction?
The universal usefulness of rosehip decoction makes it indispensable in a variety of situations: for baby food, during pregnancy, as part of a medicinal diet and weight loss. You can use one brewing recipe or vary it:
It is interesting to know that in ancient times, rosehip broth was used to dye fabrics in red and orange colors. This information illustrates how concentrated this drink is. Therefore, you should not abuse it, so that the benefit does not turn into harm. In particular, only 15 rose hips (and a decoction of them) contain a daily dose of vitamin C for an average-weight adult; more is simply not needed. And those who suffer from high acidity of the stomach and / or gastritis should use rose hips with extreme caution. The same applies to patients with liver disease. Everyone else should at least occasionally brew rosehips for drinking. With its help, it is not only easy to preserve health, but also delicious!

Rosehip has beneficial qualities that contribute to the healing and toning of our body. It is the berries of this plant that are widespread, but in the modern world, people have learned to prepare even roots, petals and seeds. It is very important not to lose those original, useful components during the preparation of the infusion or broth. Therefore, you need to know all the secrets of brewing rose hips.

Useful properties of rose hips

Rosehip is a real treasure of useful components for our body. This plant contains a large amount of vitamins (C, A, K, P, E, B). Also, it contains trace elements that perform a number of important functions in the system of the human body.

Due to such a rich content of vital components, rose hips are used as a tonic. In the cold season, a decoction of these berries is effective for the prevention of colds. If you are concerned about problems with the intestines or kidneys, then rose hips will become your irreplaceable friends for cleansing the body of toxins.

The fact that rose hips have a large number of medicinal properties has been proven for many years. When compared with other plants, these berries will break all records for the content of nutrients. Rosehip can be used both as a prophylactic agent and as a remedy.

Brewing fresh rose hips

We can brew fresh rose hips only during its flowering period. However, even with such a short period, we can get the most from these fruits. With fresh fruits, you need to be careful and follow the instructions clearly. Since they are in this form are more delicate and lose their beneficial substances faster. But if you learn how to properly prepare the broth, then you will get a drink from all the healing components. Let's get down to business:

  1. The first step is to rinse the berries well, preferably with warm water.
  2. We open and remove the outer hairs that irritate the mucous membrane and can cause discomfort in the throat.
  3. After receiving clean and peeled seeds, we begin to knead them with a fork.
  4. After receiving a homogeneous mass, pour it into glassware and fill it with water, the temperature of which should not exceed 60 degrees.
  5. We leave the resulting solution to infuse. It is advisable to withstand 40 minutes, more is possible, but not less. To make it more pleasant to drink the infusion, you must strain it.
  6. Again we take the rosehip berries and fill it with water in the following ratio: 1 tsp = 0.5 l. water. We boil for 40 minutes.
  7. Cool the broth to an acceptable temperature and mix it with the ready-made infusion. You can add a little honey according to your taste preferences.

In one of the points it was indicated that during the preparation of the infusion, the water should not exceed 60 degrees. Such designations were chosen for a reason. The fact is that if the temperature is higher, vitamins will begin to break down, and, accordingly, a drink made from rosehip berries will become useless.

We brew dried rose hips

We brew dry rosehips much more often. In principle, the cooking method itself does not differ from the principle with fresh berries. However, there are also some nuances here. So, we are preparing dried rose hips:

  1. We wash the berries with lukewarm water. If in the variant with fresh fruits we used warm water, then lower temperatures are used here.
  2. There is no need to peel the berries from the hairs, we immediately start chopping. You can use the technique: starting with an ordinary blender and ending with a coffee maker.
  3. We should get a flour-like mixture, which must be poured into a thermos, filled with water and infused for an hour.
  4. Now we boil 1 tsp. mixture in 0.5 l. water. Pass the broth through a sieve and mix with the infusion.

If you do not have the opportunity to grind the fruits, then you can use whole berries. But then you must understand that the cooking process will take longer. It has already been repeated more than once that you need to take glassware in cooking. This factor is due to the fact that all useful properties are reduced in the metal.

The easiest way to make a drink from dry whole berries: pour water over the fruits and leave for no more than 12 hours. In order not to keep track of time, you can simply leave the drink infused overnight. This option is also more economical, since the berries can be reused. The same berries can be used no more than four times, otherwise then they already lose their vitamins, minerals and other useful components.

All of the above recipes are for preventive purposes. If you want to use rose hips for a specific disease, then you need to take prescriptions exclusively from your doctor. Because in dealing with different diseases, recipes and proportions always change.

Preparation of infusion

The advantage of infusion is that the fruits retain more vitamins and minerals. In this case, the rosehip does not need to be boiled, but insisted. Fresh berries need to be washed, chopped to a mushy state and do not forget to remove the villi. If you are dealing with dry fruits, then you just need to rinse them.

Pour the berries not with boiling water, but with warm water. This is done in order to preserve as many useful properties as possible. Water must be used with a temperature of no more than 60 degrees, and in all cases of preparation. You need to insist at least four hours, but not more than a day. After the elapsed time, the infusion must be passed through a sieve or gauze, and then drunk. Depending on your taste preferences, you can add a spoonful of honey, but not sugar.

Decoction preparation

It is the rosehip broth that people cook most often. And all because you do not need to wait for certain hours, but get a healing drink in a short time. But this method also has its negative sides, for example, one of them is the fact that during boiling some of the vitamins lose their beneficial properties.

Rosehips should be thrown into boiling water for no more than 15 minutes. Leave the resulting broth for at least three hours. To obtain a more effective result, the container with the drink must be wrapped with something warm. So, you will save heat for a longer time. Do not forget to pass the drink through a sieve or cheesecloth. You can add honey or a little sugar if you don't like the original taste.

If you are dealing with fresh berries, then first you need to rinse them in lukewarm water and clean them of lint. Since the villi have a negative effect on the condition of the mucous membrane, they cause itching and discomfort in the throat. Sometimes even a cough appears.

Rosehip is a useful plant, this is already clear from all of the above. But not many people find its taste acceptable. Very often, children do not like to drink such a healing drink, without taking into account all the positive aspects. For a long time, adults have been looking for the very way to force a child to drink a decoction. Through trial and error, the following recipe came up:

  • We take dry berries and rinse them.
  • Grind everything to get a whole mass.
  • Pour everything into a thermos and add any dried fruits to your taste.
  • Pour boiling water over everything and leave for about eight hours.

As a result, you get a whole cocktail with healing properties. Such a drink is a joy for children, and for adults there are fewer problems. Moreover, this method of preparation does not in any way affect the quality of the product, that is, all the nutrients remain in place.

It was repeated more than once that it was necessary to remove the villi. But no matter how hard you try, you can't remove all of them. That is why it is so important not to forget to pass the infusion and decoction of berries through a sieve or cheesecloth. For preventive purposes, such a drink is consumed for a month, after which a break is made for a couple of weeks and the circle is repeated. You need to use a ready-made broth or infusion no more than three times a day, and preferably before meals.

Pregnant women need to be careful with this product. 15 medium berries contain a daily dose of vitamin C, so you need to follow the rate of drinking. Doctors recommend using an infusion of dried fruits. Before you start using rose hips, it is best to consult your doctor. Since each girl's pregnancy takes place in the individual conditions of the body. Rosehip drink is especially recommended for pregnant women in the cold season to replace drugs harmful to the body, to protect themselves from colds and other infections.

At the beginning of the article, it was said that you can brew not only berries, but also, for example, the root. The recipe for the rosehip root is as follows:

  • Grind the root and take a tablespoon of the mixture.
  • Cook for twenty minutes in 0.5 liter water.
  • We insist no more than 15 minutes in a closed container and, if possible, wrapped in something warm.
  • We pass through a sieve or cheesecloth and enjoy the wonderful taste.

Rosehip can help overweight people. This is an effective remedy only if the person is obese. Berries contain many substances that have a positive effect on our metabolism. In order for the body to begin to cleanse itself of toxins, and the metabolism to accelerate, use one of the above recipes and drink a decoction or infusion for two weeks, three times a day. The course of admission for weight loss should not exceed four weeks.

So, there are two ways to cook rose hips: decoction and infusion. Depending on your taste preferences, you can add honey or dried fruit. Each recipe has its own nuances, but in general they have one formula: wash - grind - insist or boil - drink. If the drink is used to cure a certain disease, then the prescription must be taken from a doctor.

Video: we are treated with rose hips

In nature, you can find a cure for almost every disease - a medicinal plant. One of them is the rose hip. A decoction made from parts of the named plant is recommended by folk healers for various diseases. There are contraindications, but there are not so many of them. This is why many people call rose hips "friendly." This plant brings significantly more benefits than harm. So, how to prepare a decoction from dried flowers, seeds and other medicinal raw materials? Before answering this question, it is worth understanding the beneficial properties of the plant, indications and contraindications for use.

Rosehip properties

Rosehip is a source of nutrients. First, the medicinal plant is rich in vitamin C. It is necessary for many redox processes in the body. Secondly, the plant contains valuable trace elements. This is both iron and copper. Thanks to the first trace element, hemoglobin is formed, and thanks to the second, erythrocytes ripen.

“How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips; the use of herbal medicines ”is a useful topic. All people should familiarize themselves with it. All remedies (decoctions, infusions, tinctures) from rose hips include a huge number of different substances and have the following beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • fortifying;
  • antimicrobial;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-atherosclerotic.

Useful parts of rose hips

From rose hips, you can get many means: a decoction, alcohol tincture, oil, etc. The simplest medicine to prepare is a decoction. To make it, you can use rosehip leaves. They are harvested on dry and clear warm days and then dried. After that, the leaves are sorted out, cleaned of impurities, crushed into small pieces and fried in the oven on a baking sheet.

The broth can also be prepared from them, it is customary to harvest them in late autumn or early spring. Rosehip roots are thoroughly washed, crushed and dried. The dried particles are allowed to lightly fry. Thanks to this, the drink becomes original, stronger.

Many people ask how to prepare from dried fruits. This remedy turns out to be the most delicious and useful. The fruits are harvested in September or October, carefully sorted out, removing debris and spoiled particles, and dried in the oven. Burning must not be allowed, because an improperly cooked product will not give the expected result. In addition, a decoction of burnt fruits will taste bitter.

Indications for use

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips, will this drink be useful? Answering this question, it is worth noting that a medicinal plant can strengthen the body and contribute to a speedy recovery. That is why decoctions and traditional healers recommend using for various diseases, injuries, wounds:

  • with the flu;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • female diseases, etc.

Rosehip can also be used by absolutely healthy people. It is especially useful to drink medicines made from this plant in the autumn-winter period. Rosehip enhances the body's resistance to infectious diseases, improves performance.

Contraindications for use

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips? Can't do harm with this drink? Rosehip, like any drug, has contraindications. These include:

  • a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • acute gastritis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • other serious gastrointestinal ailments.

Heart dysfunction is also a contraindication. It is especially not recommended to drink decoctions and infusions for those people who have a tendency to form blood clots in the vessels. The reason why it is worth giving up on rose hips is the high content of vitamin K (it increases blood clotting).

Before preparing a rich decoction of dried rose hips, leaves, roots, flowers, it is worth considering that allergy is another contraindication. Some people have an individual intolerance to rose hips. With such a problem, after taking funds from a medicinal plant, redness and rashes appear on the skin. People complain of itching. After the manifestation of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to refuse.

Rosehip decoction

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips? There are two ways. People choosing the first option do the following:

  • dried cynarrodia (1 tablespoon) is poured into a glass with boiling water;
  • the mixture is infused for 10 hours;
  • then boil it for about 10 minutes;
  • the finished medicine is passed through cheesecloth.

Adults can drink half a glass twice a day (before meals). Children are allowed to give 0.25 glasses every day. To enhance the taste of the product, you can add a little honey.

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips? Here's the second recipe:

  • take 1 tablespoon of cynarrodia;
  • pour boiling water (1 glass is required);
  • insist during the day;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • insist again for a couple of hours.

Before use, filter the broth through cheesecloth. They drink the drug before meals, half a glass three times a day.

Making a decoction from the leaves

Making a decoction of rosehip leaves is quite simple. You just need to do the following:

  • take 1 tablespoon of dried and chopped rosehip leaves;
  • pour water (1 glass);
  • put on the stove and boil for 1 minute;
  • insist for an hour.

The finished broth, prepared from rosehip leaves, is filtered through cheesecloth folded in several layers before use. They drink the drug 0.5 cups three times a day (after breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Making a decoction from the roots

The drug can be prepared from rosehip roots. This requires:

  • take 2 tablespoons of chopped roots;
  • pour into a small enamel pot;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • put on the stove, turning on a small fire;
  • keep in a boil for a quarter of an hour;
  • remove from the stove, wrap in a thick cloth and let it brew.

After cooling, the product must be filtered through cheesecloth. You can take a decoction from the roots four times a day for 0.5 cups. Treatment should be carried out throughout the week. After a 7-day course, a break of 2 weeks is required. Then it is recommended to continue the treatment.

Making a decoction from seeds

How to prepare a decoction of dried rose hips is not the only question that interests people who decide to try a medicinal plant. Many people ask traditional healers about how to make a decoction based on rosehip seeds. The recipe is quite simple:

  • scoop up the seeds with a teaspoon;
  • pour water (1 glass is required);
  • put on the stove and keep boiling for 10 minutes;
  • insist 2 hours.

The broth prepared according to the above recipe also needs to be filtered through cheesecloth. It is necessary to drink the drug in a warm form three times a day, 0.25 cups each (before eating food).

Making a decoction of rosehip flowers

A miraculous drink is also obtained from rosehip flowers. The recipe is as follows:

  • take 3 tablespoons of dried medicinal raw materials (fresh rosehip flowers are also suitable);
  • brew in the same way as regular tea;
  • insist half an hour.

The healers are advised to consume the prepared medicine 0.5 cups three times a day (after meals). The broth can be drunk instead of tea. To do this, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. It is allowed to add sweets to your liking (for example, jam).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the rosehip was very much appreciated several centuries ago. Under Ivan the Terrible, any wealth could be given for this miraculous medicinal plant. Nowadays, rose hips are widely used in folk medicine. "How to properly prepare a rosehip decoction from dried fruits?" - a question that many people ask, because this drink is very useful. It helps with colds. It also has a positive effect on the nervous system, reduces bleeding, promotes healing of bone and soft tissues and the restoration of the body.